Fortune telling by guy's name. What's in your name? Fortune telling by name

On Christmas Eve, the best time for fortune telling begins; it will last until Epiphany (January 19). It is believed that on these days all prohibitions are lifted, mysterious forces rush to the Earth, and girls begin to guess about fate, a successful marriage and future children.

If you are not yet married, then be sure to try one of these fortune tellings. What if it comes true?

1. Fortune telling from a book

No, this is not a fortune telling where you need to guess the page number. It works a little more interestingly.

What you need? A book, preferably fiction and about love.

What to do?

  • Open the book to a page equal to the number of your birthday. Write down the letter the page begins with.
  • Open the page equal to the day of your birth month and write down the first letter.
  • Open the page equal to your father's birth number and also write down the first letter on this page.

Did you get three letters? These are the initials of your future spouse's name.

2. With small pieces of paper

What you need? Paper, pen, bed, pillow.

What to do?

  • Tear the blank sheet into many small pieces of paper.
  • Write one on each scrap male name(there can be as many of them as you like, remember any names you like, or the names of all your friends).
  • Carefully fold the pieces of paper.
  • Place them under your pillow before going to bed.
  • When you wake up, take out one of the folded pieces of paper and you will see the name of your future husband.

3. With small pieces of paper and water

What you need? Container with water (basin), candle (cinder), shell walnut, plasticine and pieces of paper with names (see point 2).

What to do?

  • Attach pieces of paper with names with plasticine to the sides of the container with water from the inside.
  • Light the candle stub and place it in a nut shell.
  • Place the shell on the water in the center of the basin.
  • The candle shells should stop near one of the pieces of paper glued to the side. Then you will find out the name of your chosen one.

4. On apple peel

What you need? Apple, knife.

What to do?

  • Carefully remove the peel from the apple so that it does not tear and looks like a spiral.
  • Throw the peel over your left shoulder and then watch it fall. It is believed that in the position of the peel you can see the first letter of the name of the future husband.

5. With a frying pan

An interesting fortune telling in which you will need your mother's help. If you live separately, then go visit her one Christmas day.

What you need? Pan.

What to do?

  • Place a frying pan under your mother's bed (there is one subtlety - she shouldn't know about it).
  • Before you go to bed, say to yourself: “Betrothed, come and visit your mother-in-law for pancakes.” If a mother dreams that she is feeding some young man pancakes, then he will be her daughter’s fiancé.

6. Using wax

What you need? Candle and dish with water.

What to do?

  • Light the candle and let it melt a little.
  • Tilt the candle over the saucer and start dripping wax into the water.
  • After a few seconds, the wax will harden on the surface of the water in the form of one or more letters. This will be a hint to the name of the future husband.

By the way, such fortune telling is known in a different format. You ask a question that interests you, pour out the wax and see what happens. Usually the figure is the answer (an asterisk - good luck in work or study, many stripes - there will be many trips in the year, a flower - a happy meeting, etc.).

7. On the bulbs

What do you need? Several onions.

What to do?

  • Write on the bulbs the names of men who are not indifferent to you (or to whom you are not indifferent).
  • Place them in water. The bulb that sprouts first will mean your man of life.

8. Using a needle

And we will again need pieces of paper with men's names.

What else is needed? Needle or Golden ring, silk thread.

What to do?

  • Thread a 15 cm long thread through a ring or needle.
  • Big and index fingers hold the thread and bring the needle/ring to each piece of paper with a name on it. Freeze.
  • If over one of the names the ring begins to swing like a pendulum or spin around itself, then this is the name of your betrothed.

9. With lock and water

What do you need? A bowl of water, a lock with a key.

What to do?

  • Take the castle and hold it above the water.
  • Lock it with a key, saying: “Come, my betrothed, ask for a drink.” Whoever dreams will be the groom.

10. By shreds

This fortune telling will help you find out the appearance of your betrothed.

What you need? Scraps of fabric different color(white, black, red, brown), box.

What to do?

  • Place the scraps in a box.
  • Ask the question: “What color will my fiancée’s hair be?”
  • Pull out any scrap. White means light hair, black means dark hair, red means red hair, brown means light brown hair.

In the same way you can find out eye color and other signs.

11. Using a comb

What you need? Comb, pillow, bed.

What to do?

  • Before going to bed, comb your hair with a comb and place it under your pillow.
  • Say: “My betrothed, dream about me” and go to bed. In a dream you should see your future husband.

12. At the mirror

The most terrible and difficult fortune telling. At midnight, the fortuneteller should be alone in a dark room.

What you need? Two large mirrors, candles.

What to do?

  • Place one mirror opposite the other, place candles. A “corridor” should appear in the mirrors.
  • Concentrate, look in the mirror intently and motionlessly, peer carefully into the “corridor”. In the mirror you will see the face of your future husband.
  • Look at it and say the amulet spell: “Beware of this place!” After these words, the image of the man will disappear and everything will end.

13. By the name of the first person you meet

Be careful with this fortune telling: go out beautiful girl Going outside alone at night can be dangerous.

What to do?

Leave the house at midnight and ask the name of the first man you see. It is believed that the name of your betrothed will be the same.

Are you going to tell fortunes for Christmas time?

Fortune telling by name - find out everything about your friends

It is not necessary to have a gift to perform fortune telling by first name, last name and patronymic. Just find out the name of the person you are interested in and start doing fortune telling.

Fortune telling by name for relationships

Many different methods of divination have come down to us, which allow us to get answers to questions of interest and learn everything about any person. For such a ritual, arm yourself with the usual one, which consists of 36 cards.

You will need to know and full name the one on whom you will bewitch. Using this ritual, determine what awaits him and how he feels about you. Write down your first and last name on a piece of paper, then count the letters. Divide the entire deck into that many stacks.

Take the last pile and arrange it among the others. The pile where the last card went is taken and again laid out among others. Such manipulations are performed until two piles are obtained.

Remove one card from each at a time. The same images matter to you - two tens, two aces.


  • 6 - the individual has warm feelings for you, he likes to meet you, minor changes in life are possible in the future.
  • 7 - the individual has not yet decided on his attitude towards you, but wants to seriously discuss certain things.
  • 8 - the guy is sad, in the future he will go on a date, perhaps with you.
  • 9 - has warm, sincere feelings for you, loves you, and is ready for a serious step.
  • 10 - you complex nature, but this does not stop a person. He is interested in you and is not looking for anyone else.
  • Jack- drive a person crazy, make him jealous, this will not lead to anything good.
  • Lady- the individual has cold feelings towards you, a change in activity awaits him.
  • King- loves you, but his modesty will not allow you to take the first step.
  • Ace- the man does not have feelings for you, communicates with you for selfish reasons.

There are many different ones that help you find out the name of your future husband and see the image. Let's talk about the ritual that is carried out throughout the year.

Conducted in the dark. It is believed that doing the ritual during the day is useless, since the devil comes to say the cherished name. Conducted alone. On a small piece of paper write:

“A passerby will soon tell me the name of the betrothed-mummer.”

Fold the note and put it in your pocket. Then go to the courtyard and move away from front door for 300 steps. If you live in an apartment, steps count in the entrance. You can't talk to anyone.

Head in the direction you are drawn to. Stop. Now you will see a traveler coming towards you. Ask for any name. When you hear the answer, cross yourself, turn away and go home.

You cannot turn around or talk to a passerby. Before leaving the house, take off your pectoral cross and the “save and preserve” ring - they will scare away the devil, who will bring information.

Such divination is akin to the ancient art of numerology. With its help it is possible to learn a lot about anyone. First, practice on yourself, and then apply to others. Write your full first and last name on the sheet. Write down below numeric value each letter.

A, I, S, b, b - 1
I, B, K, R - 2
G, L, S, H, W - 3
M, D, T - 4
E, N, X - 5
U, V - 6
Z, O, Yu, C - 7
F, P, F - 8
SCH - 9

Add up all the numbers. When you get a two-digit value, add that too. The resulting number will tell you about inner world individual and character.

If you want to find out how a person feels about life in general, add up the consonants (and also bring the answer to a single digit). To find out what society thinks about this particular person, add up all the vowels, then proceed to interpretation.

  • 1 - authoritarianism, success, help, consistency.
  • 2 - appearance, harmony, tranquility.
  • 3 - interest, imagination, new ideas.
  • 4 - authoritarianism, practicality, leadership qualities.
  • 5 - extreme, recklessness, search for the unknown, danger.
  • 6 - seeks justice, warmth, desire to help.
  • 7 - capriciousness, unreliability, self-confidence.
  • 8 - courage, bravery, risk.
  • 9 - illusory, dreamy.

This method of divination is complex and time-consuming, but it will tell you about your inclinations and habits. Write your first name, last name and patronymic on the sheet. Under each letter, place a numerical value.

A - 1 P - 60
B - 2 R - 70
IN - 3 WITH - 80
G - 4 T - 90
D - 5 U - 100
E - 6 F - 200
AND - 7 X - 300
Z - 8 C - 400
AND - 9 H - 500
TO - 10 Sh - 600
L - 20 SCH - 700
M - 30 YU - 800
N - 40 I - 900
ABOUT - 50

Let's figure out how to work with the table. All numbers are from 1 to 50. The following interpretation is correct for numbers from 51 to 60, from 151 to 200. The maximum values ​​​​in the table are 1000. Anything greater than this refers to this last point. Add together the letters of the first name, last name, patronymic and separately all the numbers. When the letters of the first/last name/patronymic are added together, they are reduced to a single digit number. When everything is gone, they remain full.

  • 1 - cruelty, aggression, greed.
  • 2 - chaos.
  • 3 - religiosity.
  • 4 - absolute power.
  • 5 - harmony, justice.
  • 6 - hard work.
  • 7 - poverty, fraud.
  • 8 - greatness, wisdom.
  • 9 - generosity, honor.
  • 10 - inner beauty.
  • 11 - fraud, criminals.
  • 12 - atheism.
  • 13 - fight against ignorance.
  • 14 - sacrifice.
  • 15 - reluctance to see the obvious.
  • 16 - relationships, relatives.
  • 17 - pain.
  • 18 - strength of will.
  • 19 - spinelessness.
  • 20 - defeat.
  • 21 - love for the surrounding world.
  • 22 - genius, recognition.
  • 23 - punishment.
  • 24 - virtue.
  • 25 - receiving recognition.
  • 26 - spirituality.
  • 27 - desire for change.
  • 28 - success in relationships.
  • 29 - selfishness.
  • 30 - marriage of convenience.
  • 31 - thirst for justice.
  • 32 - loyalty.
  • 33 - beauty and splendor.
  • 34 - pain and suffering.
  • 35 - striving for ideals.
  • 36 - presence of talent.
  • 37 - indecision.
  • 38 - weakness.
  • 39 - poverty.
  • 40 - fear.
  • 41 - lack of success, sorrow.
  • 42 - path, hard work.
  • 43 - dishonesty.
  • 44 - energy, success in endeavors.
  • 45 - illness, isolation.
  • 46 - wealth.
  • 47 - longevity.
  • 48 - avoidance of responsibility.
  • 49 - fraud.
  • 50 - love of freedom.
  • 60 - desire for knowledge and ability.
  • 70 - religiosity, patriotism.
  • 80 - blind faith.
  • 90 - failures and mistakes.
  • 100 - active political activity.
  • 150 - philosophical attitude to life.
  • 200 - love of love, fatigue.
  • 250 - fortitude, sacrifice.
  • 300 - discord, rudeness.
  • 350 - religiosity.
  • 400 - betrayal, oppression.
  • 450 - independence.
  • 500 - danger.
  • 550 - peacefulness, kindness.
  • 600 - insight.
  • 650 - anger.
  • 700 - modesty, timidity.
  • 750 - love.
  • 800 - lack of intuition.
  • 850 - prosperity, freedom.
  • 900 - significant resources.
  • 950 - repentance.
  • 1000 - faith.

These detailed interpretations Various fortune telling by name will allow you to find out a lot of information about the individual.

Yulia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarot reader. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

You can look into the future and predict your relationship with a young man now. Fortune telling using your loved one’s full name or initials will help you with this. Imagine how easy it will be to make decisions, go on dates, knowing that years of happiness together await you. And if the future does not promise anything good, then even more so you need to tell your fortune for love. Find out in advance if the game is worth the candle.

What does the chosen one feel and think? Even in the most harmonious relationships, partners rarely trust each other with their sincere thoughts. But no one forbids you to tell your fortune about this. The magic of letters and symbols accompanies a person throughout his life. You can tell fortunes not only on Epiphany days after Christmas or on Ivan Kupala, but on any day.

Card spread in the name of a loved one

Fortune telling by name using cards reveals important facts. If you already have a special deck for fortune telling, use it. If not, then take new cards that no one has played with yet. Throughout the fortune telling, constantly repeat the name of the person for whom you will make the reading. The connection with a person's name is powerful. The name determines fate, position in society, decline or development love relationship. Imagine the image of your beloved, his usual behavior and constantly repeat his full name.

  1. Take a deck, shuffle the cards, without stopping to think about the object of fortune telling.
  2. Place the cards in piles, the number of which matches the number of letters in the guy's full name. For example, when fortune telling for Alexei there will be 7 stacks.
  3. Draw card after card, do not take them from the middle or end of the deck. Arrange everything in piles until the end. Movement - from left to right, on the seventh stack return to the first.
  4. Now take the rightmost stack and spell it out in the same way as you did with the first deck.
  5. Repeat this with all the piles until there are two piles of cards left on the table - the first letters of your lover's name.
  6. Now take the pile that contains the last card. Place it on the first one.
  7. So, you have a deck. Now, without disturbing the order, lay out the cards from it face up sequentially, in a row.
  8. If two identical cards appear one after the other, put them aside.
  9. Lay out the deck to the end. You can analyze the matching cards of this fortune telling. They will talk about the feelings of their lover.


Aces. You can hope for the love of this person.

Kings. You have similar characters, you always have something to talk about, relationships are possible.

Read also: 👢❤️ Fortune telling by menstruation: how to find out the future by cycle❤️

Ladies. He already has a lover, your chances are extremely small.

Jacks. He constantly thinks about you, although he may hide it.

Dozens. The guy shows up for you big interest, try to approach him first.

Nines. Weak but constant sympathy. Perhaps he will become a great friend to you.

Eights. Expect a one-on-one conversation.

Sevens. He will make an appointment, you can rejoice in your victory.

Sixes. Travel together, or while traveling he will write to you.

Nines - appear when the guy has a certain sympathy for you.

The magic of numbers

By names you can find out destinies without using cards. Numerological fortune telling for love is very common, but requires concentration and care when performed. You will need a pen and paper, as well as knowledge of your lover’s first and last name. Write down this information in block letters.

The essence of fortune telling is to find out which number corresponds to the character of your loved one and to understand whether the option for developing a relationship with this person is suitable for you. Each letter is assigned a number value. They need to be put together to get the answer. Both first and last names are counted.

Number 1 corresponds to the letters A, Y, I.

Write down 2 if the first and last names contain R, K, Ya, B.

Add 3 if there are letters G, L, S, Sh, Ch.

The number 4 corresponds to D, T, M.

Get 5 letters X, N, E.

Add 6 if there are letters B and U.

The number 7 has a letter meaning - O, Z, C, Yu.

8 points goes to F, F or P.

Add 9 if there is SCH.

All other letters have a value of 0.

Attention! Convert absolutely all letters into numbers, even if they (letters) are repeated. Let's look at it with an example. Ivanov Artem: Ivanov (1+6+1+5+7+6=26) Artem (1+2+4+5+4=16). The total of the first and last names is 42. This number must be simplified to a single digit: 42=4+2=6. So, as a result, the number 6 determines the character of a person. Read the meaning below.

To understand how this person appears to others, count ONLY the consonants. The vowels, which also need to be counted separately, will tell you about the guy’s goals. If the values ​​coincide, this is good, it means that what is in his mind is what he does in practice.

Read also: Magic fortune telling Lenormand for love, relationships


  1. Successful, self-confident, catches luck by the tail.
  2. He has a gentle character, often comes to the rescue, it’s good to have a heart-to-heart talk with him.
  3. Ready for new achievements, studies well.
  4. This is a practitioner who unites people around him into a team.
  5. Smart and risky person.
  6. Decent, sincere and kind.
  7. Capable of achieving anything he wants. Strong will.
  8. Ready to do anything to achieve a goal, uncompromising.
  9. This is a dreamer and romantic, perhaps writing poetry. Likes to fantasize.

Once again about fortune telling for love

We told you about the two most accurate fortune telling. Remember that you should not guess too often about love, because fate can understand your actions incorrectly and turn your future around. A lot depends on you. If you don't take the initiative, even the most promising relationships can reach a dead end.

To find love, engage in self-improvement, develop and learn new things. Only open and kind girls are attracted to good guys. Be attentive to yourself and those around you, and our fortune telling will help you slightly lift the veil of secrecy about the future and give you self-confidence.

Fortune telling about a loved one has interested girls at all times. After all, asking a person directly about his feelings is scary, so I want to find other ways to find out about it.

Playing cards will help you understand the feelings of another person

Fortune telling playing cards Ah, that will help sort this out. To do this, it is not necessary to turn to professional people. A girl can tell fortunes on her own at home.

Basic Rules

Any rituals require compliance special rules, fortune telling is no exception. To make the meaning of the cards as plausible as possible, you must adhere to the following:

  1. Any rituals related to a boyfriend or love should be performed late in the evening. The most best time is from 18:00 to 24:00. At this time, the most plausible predictions occur.
  2. Performing rituals on cards for a loved one is allowed on any day except Orthodox holidays and weekends.
  3. It doesn’t matter whether fortune telling is done in the name of a guy, desire or love, the fortuneteller must be completely alone during the ritual. Therefore, all windows and doors should be closed, and all distracting devices should be turned off.
  4. When performing rituals with cards, you should only use a fortune-telling deck. If there is none, then you can use a completely new regular deck. It is important that no one ever plays this deck.

For fortune telling, it is important to use a new deck of cards

If we take into account all these rules, then there is no doubt about the resulting prediction.

The simplest layout

These fortune tellings on cards in a person’s name can be carried out by any person. To perform this ritual, you need to mentally imagine your beloved. The ceremony is carried out in the guy's full name.

To carry out the ritual, you will need to prepare a deck of 36 cards. Mix it thoroughly and begin arranging it into as many piles as the number of letters the person’s name consists of. At the end, we take the packet where the last card was placed. We arrange it among the remaining piles. Thus, one pack of all cards should be formed.

We begin to turn over the cards one by one. If two cards of the same value come up (two aces, two kings, etc.), then we put them aside.

After this, we look at the menu of cards and think about their meaning when they match:

  1. Two aces. The man has mutual feelings.
  2. Two kings. He likes your character.
  3. Two ladies. There is a rival.
  4. Two jacks. Thinks about you often.
  5. Two tens. A person has sympathy, but he does not dare to take the first step.
  6. Two nines. There is interest.
  7. Two eights. They promise a conversation with your lover soon.
  8. Two sevens. Possibly a date.
  9. Two sixes. Traveling together.

Did you get two sixes? Congratulations on your journey together!

Fortune telling on cards by name can only be done once a day. Even if the situation is unsatisfactory, it is forbidden to repeat the ritual.

Double name layout

Fortune telling about a loved one can be done as follows. A deck is taken, mixed thoroughly and laid out in piles in accordance with the number of letters in the full name.

After all the cards have been laid out, the piles are turned over and the last card is looked at. If they are guessing on a person with blond hair, then the suit should be red, if with dark hair, then black. If there is a mismatch, the top card is removed until the desired suit is obtained.

After this, all the piles are stacked on top of each other without mixing. Next, you should remember the abbreviated name or pet name of your lover. We count how many letters there are in the word and begin a similar layout.

We take the first pile and turn over the fortune cards one after another. If two cards of equal value coincide, we put them aside. We do this with all the stacks.

  • six: two talk about marriage, four talk about devotion;
  • seven: a pair means a meeting, a four means a date;
  • eight: a couple promises a conversation, four - a squabble;
  • nine: a couple speaks of love, four - lifelong love;
  • ten: a pair denotes interest, four - prudence;
  • jack: a pair promises troubles, four - a lot of troubles;
  • lady: a couple gives hope, a four talks about gossip;
  • king: a couple predicts strong friendship, four - brotherhood;
  • ace: a pair denotes physical approach, four - passionate relationships.

Both layouts are suitable for people who do not have much experience in fortune telling. You can practice at least every day, because a person can treat a fortuneteller completely differently today and in a week.

There are also fortune telling for the betrothed without knowing the names. In this case, a jack or king is taken as a man. Don’t forget about the cards you get, sometimes their meaning plays a significant role. If you follow the alignment according to all the rules, you will be able to understand not only a person’s feelings, but also find answers to other exciting topics.

Fortune telling with jacks

On regular cards that have not previously been used in card games, you can cast a spell not only on one person, but also on four men at once. For such fortune telling on cards for love, you will need the most ordinary deck of thirty-six cards.

How to guess:

  1. Draw jacks from the deck. Name each of them by the name of the man you are telling fortunes about.
  2. Remember or write down the name-jack correspondence. Stir the valts.
  3. Place the jacks in a row so that you cannot see which jack is which (the shirt should be on top).
  4. Lay out the deck one card at a time under all the jacks, face down, that is, so that you can see their meaning.
  5. You received four stacks of cards of nine each, with one jack on top.
  6. In each pile, find all identical pairs of cards lying next to each other, that is, two adjacent cards that have same value(six-six, king-king).
  7. Place the pairs in a separate pile above the pile where you found them.
  8. Repeat steps six, seven, eight and nine two more times.
  9. Look and analyze the collected pairs.


  • Six-six - this person likes you, he would not mind meeting you in a more private setting.
  • Seven-seven - this man likes you, but you have a very different tempers, you have to be careful.
  • Eight-eight - he takes you seriously, very soon you will have to talk about it.
  • Nine-nine - here it is: sincere, true love.
  • Ten-ten - you have a lot in common, but you are not destined to be together.
  • Lady-lady - a man has another girl in mind, and if you want to be with this man, you should do something.
  • King-king - a man feels you as one of his own, feels jealous.
  • Ace-ace is that person with whom you will always feel good, but who will not always be comfortable with you.

Two dropped aces predict that the girl will always be comfortable with the mysterious man

Thus, from the cards you can easily determine how which guy treats you and whether you have a future together.

Fortune telling on an incomplete deck

You can tell fortunes about a guy using an incomplete deck. This fortune telling is truthful and quite accurate, it makes it possible to find out about your future. For fortune telling you will need new deck for thirty-six cards.

Choose one king from the deck to match your lover:

  • it is appropriate for an elderly person or a much older man to be baptized for you;
  • a spade would suit a recent acquaintance or stranger;
  • for a young guy or a guy much younger than you, a tambourine is suitable;
  • for a man who already has a soul mate (legal or illegal), a heart is suitable.

The king must remain in the deck. Shuffle it thoroughly. Start laying out the cards in a row, while saying:

“King of my heart! You sank into my soul and started a terrible fire. I’m suffering, answer me: how do you feel about me?”

Repeat this phrase until “your king” appears among the cards. If it appeared when reading the plot for the first time, then your chances of being together are thirty percent (or so). If it appeared during the second reading, then the man is not indifferent to you, and if everything goes well, you will be happy together.

If it appeared during the third reading or later, then you do not have a future together. This simple fortune telling for a guy allows you to find out about your future and whether there is one at all or not.

Fortune telling "N"

This specific name is explained by the fact that the cards are laid out exactly in the shape of the letter H, and the cards are numbered as the hand moves on the letter (the first card is upper left, the last card is lower right).

Choose one king to symbolize your boyfriend during the reading. The principle of choosing a king is the same as in the previous fortune telling:

If a man has a chosen one, he must take a card of the heart suit

After choosing a king, shuffle the deck and right hand move it towards you. Place the shifted part underneath. Remember what your loved one looks like, think about him. Start divining your feelings. Place the cards on the table in the shape of the letter H, saying:

“King, my king! Does Ali have feelings for me? Do you need me? Give me a sign, let me know. As for me, you are wasting away, I will dispel all your torment, all your boredom. If you don’t need me, then I’ll be someone else’s wife!”

If during the first reading the king does not appear in the layout, start reading again and again laying the cards on top of the first ones. As soon as you have met “your king”, pay attention to where he lies.

If the king’s position is one, seven or four, then it’s too early to count on the guy’s love: he hasn’t decided yet. Come and talk to him, maybe that’ll work out. If the king is in position two or three, then the young man sincerely loves you. If he appeared in position five or six, then forget about feelings: he doesn’t like you.

Every person would like to look into the future. How many mistakes could have been avoided if we knew how the story would develop. How much can be achieved by knowing the correct answer to the questions that fate poses to us. And sometimes I would just like to lift the veil of another person’s life, to understand what he really thinks and feels.

This opportunity opens up for us various fortune telling. There are hundreds of ways to shine a light on the future. Some rituals require the arrival of a specific day of the year, such as girl fortune telling on Ivan Kupala, or Christmas fortune telling. Other fortune-telling presupposes the arrival of a designated time of day; for example, you can find out the future by contacting otherworldly spirits only with the onset of midnight.

By the way, this fortune telling refers to dangerous magical rituals. These can also include fortune telling on mirrors. By using such practices, an inexperienced person can not only find out his future, but create huge troubles for himself. After all, when opening a portal to the otherworldly secret world, it is difficult to say how the ritual will end and what consequences may arise.

One of the most safe ways fortune telling, which will still help you find out at least small details of the future, and perhaps reveal vital facts, is fortune telling on cards. Fortune telling with playing cards involves predicting fate to a specific person. With its help, you can predict a certain course of events in the life of a mysterious person and avoid mistakes.

In order for the fortune-telling ritual to reveal events related to a certain person, you must mentally repeat his full name. Each of us has a strong energetic connection with own name. This fact can be confirmed to you by any psychic, esotericist, sorcerer or magician. Our name is fateful for us. It influences our character traits, position in society, and the development of love relationships. Thin threads of our name permeate our entire life and have a powerful invisible impact on it. It’s not for nothing that there is a proverb “how name the ship, so he will float.”

Fortune telling with playing cards does not require being related by blood to a person in order to find out his future. It is enough just to know his full name; under no circumstances should you use diminutive name or nickname.

Fortune telling for a guy

Knowing the full name of the guy you are interested in, using this fortune telling technique you can find out how he really feels about you and what feelings he has.

A new deck of playing cards is all you will need to perform this ritual. You can guess at any time of the day; there are no restrictions for this.

Before you start fortune telling, you need to fully concentrate on the person whose fate you want to know, imagine his image, and formulate questions to which you would like to receive answers. After that, take a deck of cards slowly and shuffle them thoroughly, continuing to think about the guy. Then arrange the cards into piles. The number of stacks should correspond to the number of letters in the guy's full name. For example, if your chosen one's name is Ivan, then you should end up with four piles.

The cards must be laid out in correct sequence. Take cards from the very top of the deck one at a time. There is no need to pull cards from the middle. Lay out four cards from left to right ( we're talking about about four cards, since the name Ivan is taken as a basis), place the next cards from left to right on top of the first ones. So you must lay out the entire deck, you should not have a single card left.

Then take the rightmost stack in your hand, in our case it corresponds to the letter “n” of our hidden name. Divide the cards from this pile among the other three. This must be done, as in the previous case, from left to right. You should end up with only two stacks of cards left. In our example, we need to lay out another stack.

Pick up the pile in which you placed the last card. Cover the remaining stack with it. So you again have a deck of cards. Do not shuffle the cards under any circumstances. Place the cards in one line on the table, turning them face up. When two identical cards match, set them aside. It is by these matching pairs that one can determine the fate and feelings of the mysterious guy.

Meaning of Matched Cards

Aces– the guy you have in mind loves you very much.

Kings– your characters and the young man are very similar, you have many common interests.

Ladies– the mysterious guy is in love with another girl.

Jacks- indicate that the thoughts of the mysterious person are addressed to you, he cannot stop thinking about you.

Dozens- they say that the guy is interested in you, of course, his feelings are not deep yet, but you definitely hooked him.

Nines- drop out when the guy has a certain sympathy for you.

Eights- foreshadow a quick conversation.

Sevens- You need to get ready for a date in the near future.

Sixes- they talk about some road, there is a high probability of traveling together.

Fortune telling by name

These fortune-telling techniques were also used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers in order to find out at least small details about their future marriage. Such fortune-telling was carried out on Malanka, or as it is now commonly called, on the Old New Year.

Young girls took turns running out of the house and asking the first man they met his name. It was believed that future husband will also be the owner of this name.

Another basic girl's name fortune telling using pieces of paper. You need to write as many names as possible on small pieces of paper, roll them up and mix them well. Pull out any piece of paper and read the written name.

This is how our grandmothers tried to find out who their future husband would be. These fortune telling by names can rather be called entertainment than magical rituals, and therefore the probability of a coincidence is quite small.

Numerological fortune telling for full name

Write down the first and last name of the person you are interested in on a piece of paper. Calculate how many points the first and last names correspond to separately.

The letters A and S get 1 point;

2 points – I B K R;

3 points – G L S Ch Sh;

4 points – M D T;

5 points – E N X;

6 points – U V;

7 points – Z O Yu Ts

8 points – F P F

9 points – Ш

All other letters are equal to "0".

For example, let’s find out the meaning of the name Petrov (8+5+4+2+7+6=32) Ivan (1+6+1+5=14). It is necessary to sum the meaning of the first and last names together (32+14=46). It is necessary to remain single digit number, so we add the numbers (4+6=10, 1+0=1). This is the first indicator that will help determine a person’s character.

The second number is the sum of all consonants; it will help determine how others see this person. The sum of vowels is an indicator of what a person strives for in his life and what he wants to become.

Meaning of numbers

  • success, luck, self-confidence.
  • sympathy, gentleness, sociability, sincerity.
  • entrepreneurship, curiosity.
  • practicality, straightforwardness, organizational skills.
  • penchant for extreme sports, erudition.
  • kindness and decency.
  • determination, self-control.
  • purposefulness, uncompromisingness.
  • daydreaming, fantasy.