Fortune telling by numbers: a working method. Fortune telling with numbers is a fun activity with true results.

Every girl sooner or later thinks about children. Unfortunately, today science is not able to determine in advance how many children and what gender of the baby a potential mother will give birth to. This question has become something of a sacred secret, a riddle that reeks of wonder and the unknown. However, our ancestors knew a wonderful way to reveal any secret: fortune telling.

Exist various fortune telling to find out the number of children and even their gender

There are a lot of ways to carry out fortune telling on children, without even turning to fortune tellers! The main methods used truthful fortune telling for the number of children, you need to know it by heart.

Fortune telling with thread and needle

One of the most popular methods of telling fortunes for children at home. In this fortune telling, you will need the help of a friend, since fortune telling in this way on your own is not recommended.

Fortune telling order:

  1. Take a white or red silk thread, no more than ten to twelve centimeters long.
  2. Thread the needle and ask your friend to gently lift the thread above your palm so that the needle is motionless.
  3. Wait until the needle begins to vibrate on its own.
  4. Count the number of vibrations, and also pay attention to their shape.

IMPORTANT: the needle should not touch the palm, as touching may give the wrong result.

Decoding fortune telling is quite simple. The number of children there will be is indicated by the number of vibrations, and their gender is indicated by the shape of the vibrations. If the needle oscillated left and right, there would be a boy, if during the oscillations it described a circle, it would be a girl.

Fortune telling by date of birth

Numerology is one of the oldest sciences in human history, and therefore many fortune tellings are associated with numbers. There are several numerological methods to determine how many babies and what gender you will have. Let's look at two of them.

First way

To determine your number, you need to find the sum of all the numbers of your date of birth and add to the resulting number the number of children your parents have (that is, the number of brothers and sisters + you).

Let's look at an example. Let's say your date of birth is 03/12/1997, you have two sisters and step-brother on the paternal side. Thus, your number is: 1+2+0+3+1+9+9+7=41=4+1=5 (by date) and 2+1+1= 4 (by the number of children in the family). Result: 5+4=9.

  1. 1 – Women with this number are destined to become mothers of many children. Work is unlikely to bring them happiness, but family affairs will go like clockwork. Most likely number of children: five.
  2. 2 – This number shows that you will not be able to have many children. After the birth of your first baby, which is easy, you are unlikely to be able to conceive and carry a second one. If you want to have a second child, you will have to contact artificial methods fertilization and preservation of the fetus. Most likely number of children: one.
  3. 3 – Three involves the development of two situational scenarios. First: the birth of an only child at a fairly late age. Second: infertility of you or your chosen one. The decision to adopt a child from orphanage will not bring you happiness, you will experience difficulties in family life. Most likely number of children: zero.
  4. 4 – You will become the mother of a boy and a girl, between whom there will be an age difference of about five to six years. Most likely number of children: two.
  5. 5 – Your number promises you to be the mother of twins or even triplets, most likely girls. Most likely number of children: three.
  6. 6 – You are destined to be a mother of three. Two of them will be born before the age of thirty, but the third one will appear only at the age of forty. Most likely number of children: three.
  7. 7 – You are not destined to have children. This will become a burden for you and your loved ones. Enjoy your solitude. Most likely number of children: zero.
  8. 8 – The birth of the first two will be easy, but you will not be able to give birth to the third. Most likely number of children: two.
  9. 9 – You are unlikely to be able to give birth to children on your own. However, using artificial insemination will help you easily get pregnant, carry to term and give birth to a healthy boy. Most likely number of children: zero.

Did you see the number 9? Most likely, you will not be able to give birth on your own and artificial insemination will help you

Second way

The result of fortune telling depends not only on your “childbearing” number, but also on the “childbearing” number of the potential father of your babies. Therefore, for fortune telling, you need to use two dates - your date of birth and the date of birth of your partner.

Let's give an example of calculating the “childbearing” number. Let's say your date of birth: 12/10/1985, and your partner's: 01/15/1984. Thus, your “childbearing” number: 1+0+1+2+1+9+8+5=27=9, and your partner’s: 1+5+0+1+1+9+8+4=29 =11=1+1=2.


  • if your “fertile” number is significantly higher than your partner’s, your first-born will be a boy;
  • if your “fertile” number is significantly less than your partner’s, your first-born will be a girl;
  • if the “childbearing” numbers differ by no more than two, then it is almost impossible to determine the gender of the first-born, since there is a high chance of error;
  • if these numbers are the same, then your couple will not be able to have a child together.

Fortune telling by stones

If you're wondering, "How many children will I have, or will I ever have children?", you can ask the rocks. The features of fortune telling on stones are outlined below. This method is not similar to fortune telling by date of birth.

This fortune telling is quite simple and does not require much time. For fortune telling you will need a container of water, ten stones and a marker. Write numbers from zero to nine on the rocks with a marker and soak them in water. Try to arrange the stones on the bottom so that they do not overlap each other.

Over time, the water will erase the numbers from all the stones except one. The remaining number is the number of heirs you will have.

Card reading

Fortune telling with cards is one of the oldest methods of fortune telling. To get a prediction, use a deck of Tarot cards.

One of the oldest methods of fortune telling is Tarot cards.

Take the deck in your hands and ask your question as clearly as possible (the Universe loves specifics!), for example: “How many children will I have, full name?” You can ask either out loud or to yourself.

Then take three cards from the deck and start reading them from right to left (you can find the meaning of each card both in the deck itself and on the Internet).

  1. The first card is your past.
  2. The second card is your chances of having a baby, what you are doing right or wrong for this today.
  3. The third card is a direct answer to your question.

Fortune telling by hand

For adherents of palmistry, this section tells how to tell fortunes based on the number of children by hand.

  1. Expand right hand palm up and look closely at the lines under the little finger. The number of lines indicates the number of children you have expectant mother. If the line is long, a boy will be born, if the line is short, a girl will be born.
  2. The severity, clarity and thickness of the line indicate the health of the child. The clearer the line, the luckier the child will be with health. If the lines are poorly defined and have breaks, the child will be weak and prone to illness.

As you know, the lines on the hand can change throughout life as much as a person’s fate. By making fundamental changes in your life, you can change the fate of your descendants, so for accuracy it is worth carrying out such fortune-telling once or twice every five years.

Fortune telling with matches

Fortune telling is quite simple, but it only allows you to find out the gender of the firstborn. To carry it out you will need matches and a bowl of water.

Fortune telling plan:

  1. Fill the container with water.
  2. Light one match and let it burn completely.
  3. Place the burnt match in water.
  4. If the match remains floating on the surface, there will be a girl; if it drowns, there will be a boy.
  5. Please note: if the match does not burn completely the first time, you should not repeat the fortune telling. The Universe is not ready to give an answer right now.

Coin fortune telling

For fortune telling, you will need a handful of coins of the same denomination.

  1. Take them in your palms and ask out loud: “How many children will I have?”
  2. Toss the coins and count the ones that land on heads.
  3. Their number is exactly the number of children you will have (it is worth keeping in mind that we're talking about not only about natural children, but also about adopted ones).
  4. To find out the gender of your future children, leave only those coins that came up heads and, again taking them in your palms, ask: “What gender will my children be?”
  5. Flip the coins.
  6. The number of girls is indicated by coins that land on heads, and the number of boys - on heads.

This method is not able to tell about the future of children, their health, character, but it is quite accurate.

This is the most enjoyable fortune telling.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is considered the most enjoyable

To begin with, you should prepare strong coffee to taste (but under no circumstances add milk or cream). While brewing coffee, mentally ask yourself questions like: “Will there be children?”, “How many will there be?”, “What gender?” and so on.

  1. Sip your coffee slowly while continuing to ask the same questions. It's important not to be distracted from your thoughts, so choose a time when no one is home and turn off your phone.
  2. When there are one or two sips left to the bottom of the cup, shake the coffee clockwise and invert the cup. Wait a few minutes (1-3) before inverting the cup.
  3. After turning, look carefully for traces of coffee.
  4. The number of round spots, the number of boys you will have.
  5. The number of oval marks indicates the number of girls.


Many girls are interested in knowing how many children they will have, their gender, whether the children will be healthy, and what awaits them in the future. Looking into the future is sometimes simply necessary.

In the article, we looked at common methods of fortune telling for children, including: fortune telling on cards, stones, coins, using a thread and a needle, by date of birth.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with such petty fortune-telling: they cannot harm the child in any way. However, you should not get carried away with this and try to find out the fate of the child, as this can only change it not for the better.

Since ancient times, people have been very attracted to magic. On the one hand, she is scary. After all, you never know what effect this or that spell may have. On the other hand, magic and miracles attract with their mystery and the chance for desires to come true.

Belief in magic still exists today. People want to know what awaits them in the future, whether their dream will come true, and to get an answer to this or that question as quickly as possible. You can tell fortunes together with professionals: witches, sorcerers or psychics, or at home. By using the second option, you will save a sufficient amount of money, and you will be confident in the honesty of the result.

One of the most effective and widespread methods of fortune telling is the magic of numbers. It is no coincidence that we are born in a certain month of a certain date and year. All data that is assigned to us from birth carries its own meaning. It can tell a lot about its owner. By numbers you can find out a person’s character, traits, predict the future and answer many questions that concern you.

The style of writing numbers says a lot

Did you know that you can tell a lot about a person not only by their handwriting, but also by the way they write numbers? It turns out that everyone writes numbers differently. Some display numbers with “squiggles”, others use a printed form, small or large indentation, tilt to the left or right, and much more speaks about a particular quality of a person.

If you want to find out more about a guy or girl, you need to do some kind of fortune telling. To do this, you just need a pen and a sheet of paper, preferably in a box. Ask him or her to write down a series of numbers; if the person is at a loss, you can simply write down your phone number. What can you learn from what is written?

Handwriting slant

To the right: this speaks of the humility and calmness of a person who needs care and a reliable “shoulder” nearby.

To the left: writing numbers this way indicates a person’s inability to stand up for himself. He is afraid of responsibility and everyone's attention.

Directly: this is what a persistent, self-confident person writes, but at the same time even cruel in some ways.

Digit size

Large: such a person will be rather disorganized and absent-minded. You should not trust him with your money, since he does not know how to manage and dispose of it.

Small: such writing speaks of the instability of a person’s position in society. He cannot find himself, he is lost in his abilities.

Writing Features

Branching to the left: such a person can look quite aggressive. He always accepts the opposite point of view and always defends it.

Branching to the right: this writing indicates the stability of a person. He often achieves success and always goes “forward.”

The future is in numbers

One of the most basic reasons why people resort to magic is the desire to know the future. Of course, everyone wants to quickly understand what will happen next? In order to read the future by numbers, you need to take paper and pen.

What needs to be done?

You need to cut the paper into 9 pieces. On each of them we write the number 1 - 9. Then you need to place them in a hat, in a box or in another place where you can easily get them out. Mix the leaves and ask a question. A prerequisite for any fortune telling is absolute faith in what you are doing.

You can’t even entertain the thought that something might not work out. Yes, you will attract negative energy and the prediction will be wrong. You need to make a wish (necessarily a correct one). We think only about what you wished, no extraneous thoughts. Then, without looking, we pull out one piece of paper, the number of which will be the answer to your desire.

Meaning of numbers

  1. If there is this number on the piece of paper that you pulled out, then you can rest assured that your wish will certainly come true.
  2. Number 2 does not give a definite answer. This means that there is a chance that the dream will come true, but for this you need to work hard.
  3. This figure is evidence that in the future your wish will come true. You need to be patient and wait a little.
  4. Number 4 can be a little disappointing. The wish you made is unlikely to come true in the near future.
  5. When you pull out this number, you will be pleasantly surprised. After all, your problem will be resolved in the shortest possible time.
  6. With this number, you can be absolutely sure that your dream will come true.
  7. On the way to fulfilling your dream, you will encounter a number of difficulties. But don't worry, you'll get through them quickly enough.
  8. This figure is very misleading. You will quickly follow the path of fulfilling your dream, but in the end, it is unlikely to come true.
  9. You should not lose hope of making your dream come true, but this will require a lot of strength and patience.

“Loves, loves not” on numbers

There are many different types of fortune telling that girls in love resort to. I really want to know the truth, does he truly love and do they have a future together? One of simple ways to find out this is the magic of numbers.

What is needed for this ritual?

In order to find out what feelings a young man has for you, you will need a checkered piece of paper and a pen. When sitting down for this fortune-telling, you must carefully imagine the image of your beloved in front of you. Facial features, smile, eyes - everything you remember will be useful to you.

Now write the numbers in any order from 1 to 100. They should be written so as to form a kind of square. In this case, it does not matter how many digits there will be in a row, but how many in a column. The only rule is that you need to end such a square with the date of fortune telling. The next step numbers will be crossed out. You need to remove those that are repeated or add up to 10. When all the numbers are crossed out, we count how many are left untouched.


1. Your future will be wonderful, but without your lover.

2. Your union will be long and strong.

3. You should be wary that your boyfriend has a woman on his side.

4. A man plans to spend his whole life with you.

5. You may not have become the one for him yet, but you have definitely crossed the friendship stage.

6. Your lover will not be able to reciprocate your feelings. His heart is occupied by another lady.

7. You can be sure that a man is not indifferent to you. Perhaps he is jealous of your opponent.

8. Within a month, he will definitely show feelings for you.

9. Unfortunately, you don't have a future together. Soon you will part.

10. Soon he will let you know about himself.

11. Wait for an invitation to a date.

12. A not very pleasant conversation awaits you soon. Perhaps it will become fateful for you.

13. In the future, a wedding celebration with your lover awaits you.

14. You can be sure that your boyfriend has the same feelings for you as you do.

15. Your betrothed really wants to see you.

16. Don't be upset, but your lover doesn't have any feelings for you.

Answer to the question

Very often we are tormented by some problems. We want to solve them as quickly as possible, to find answers to all questions. How can you do this to calm yourself down? Numbers will be your best assistant, but in combination with letters. This method will help you find out whether success awaits you in solving the problem or not. An important condition It will be that you need to ask the question very specifically. For example: Will I get married this year? You can’t ask like this: When will I get married? Who will I marry?

What is needed for fortune telling?

First, you need to think carefully about your question. Set it correctly right away, otherwise the second time the result will be false. Next, we write down the Russian alphabet, while excluding all vowels from it in this way: B-1, V-2, G-3, D-4, Zh-5, Z-6, J-7, etc. When This will be finished, let's move on to the 2nd stage. We write down the question and number each consonant letter. If they match, then the number will correspond to the first value. For example: Which one? K-1, K-1, Y-2…

Next, we multiply the resulting values ​​with the number of the letter in the alphabet, and then divide the resulting number (the sum of the total values) by the number 7. The remainder of the solution will correspond to the serial number of the day of the week, which should be assigned a number from 0 to 6 as follows: Sunday-0, Monday- 1, etc.

Result value

0. If the result is 0, namely Sunday, then this is a favorable result. You can be sure that all your endeavors will be successful, and your problems will disappear in an instant.

1. Monday is not an easy day, so you will need to work hard to achieve results.

2. Tuesday means that the issue will not be resolved in your favor. The answer is no.

3. Wednesday is a good day. You can get what you want and more. Surprises await you.

4. The meaning of Thursday directs the solution to the issue in a positive direction. You are going in the right direction.

5. Friday is a day of relaxation. You can let things take their course. Fate will not let you down.

6. Saturday will be favorable for achieving results.

Everyone wants to know the future, but it is worth remembering that even such an innocent fortune-telling can have its consequences. For a favorable outcome, it is worth remembering a few rules:

  • Always think about your desire, do not allow bad thoughts into your head. This can interfere with the correctness of fortune telling and introduce negative energy.
  • You should not guess more than 2 times a month. Firstly, the result will otherwise be distorted. Secondly, it will take away your energy.
  • Perform all fortune telling strictly according to the instructions and you will succeed!

Use magic only in the most urgent cases. Believe in your strength and intuition. And your heart will never let you down.

Useful articles

Numbers surround people everywhere, so it is believed that with their help the forces of the universe communicate with humanity. In various occult teachings, the symbolism of numbers is given great value. One of the applied areas of this is fortune telling and predicting the future. We will talk about this in the article.

Pythagorean tradition

One of the first to pay close attention to magical meaning numbers, was ancient Greek philosopher and the scientist Pythagoras. He believed that numbers are the basis, the beginning of existence, and therefore those who know their meaning also know the secrets of nature and their own soul. The meanings that Pythagoras gave became the basis for what we call “the magic of numbers.” Fortune telling is only one possibility of using the enormous occult potential of numbers. In addition, numbers allow you to carry out various influences, as well as describe the internal qualities and nature of any phenomenon, situation, object or person.

Pythagorean meaning of numbers

To understand numerology, the magic of numbers and similar things in line with the Pythagorean tradition, you need to give the basic meanings of each of the numbers from one to ten.

1 is the monad, the source of everything. 2 is the opposite and the key to balance. 3 contains creation, and 4 contains foundation, reason, stability and order. 5 is dynamics. 6 - logic and love. 7 hides luck, health and spirituality. 8 - embodiment of the result, the result. 9 - comprehension, wisdom, experience, and 10 - return to the source, to 1.

To, for example, calculate your number, it is proposed to add all the numbers of your date of birth until you get a clear result. This will be the number that describes the basis of your being. They do the same with all things and phenomena in the world.

Numbers and feng shui

Fortune telling and other manipulations with numbers are also known in the Chinese Feng Shui system. In general, within the framework of this tradition, the first nine numbers are considered as the main ones. They are interpreted as follows: 1 - individuality. 2 - dualism of yin and yang. 3 - dynamics and development. 4 - peace. 5 - changeability. 6 - harmony. 7 - mysticism. 8 - abundance. 9 - completion.

Numbers and tarot

Numbers play a significant role in what is known today as tarot reading. The magic of numbers is captured in this tradition primarily in the symbolism of the minor arcana from Ace to Ten. In the most ancient decks, these cards were drawn simply and schematically, placing the required number of objects representing the suits - wands, cups, pentacles and swords. Subsequently, based on the interpretations given to them, they began to draw scenes illustrating these arcana. However, it must be said that here the author of each deck shows a significant degree of individuality, expressing his own views. Therefore, there is no general meaning for the minor arcana.

Most often, however, decks use Pythagorean or similar interpretations. The main area in which tarot cards are used today is fortune telling. The magic of numbers, expressed through various manipulations with the arcana, also takes place. To tell fortunes with cards, you need to make one of the layouts, of which there are a huge variety. The drawn cards are then interpreted based on their own meanings, drawn combinations, and symbolic positions in the spread.

Fortune telling "hundred"

The sphere of personal relationships is one of the main ones in which the magic of numbers is used. There have probably always been, and there are a huge number of them. Among numerological techniques, we can offer such a technique as “hundred”. Its action algorithm is as follows:

  1. Riddled special person, and then a series of numbers from 1 to 100 are written on a piece of paper. The zeros are omitted. The first line can consist of any number of digits. And all the rest must be equal to the first. When all the numbers are written, at the end you must add the date when the fortune telling is carried out.
  2. Now you need to cross out sequentially all the numbers next to each other that add up to ten (3 and 7, 4 and 6, and so on) or are the same (1 and 1, 3 and 3).
  3. When the numbers are crossed out, the remaining ones will need to be rewritten in the same order and crossed out again. This must be done until there is no number left that cannot be crossed out. The answer to the question is hidden in it.

Although it is not exactly number magic, fortune telling using the “hundred” is still popular, especially among girls. Their results are calculated according to the scheme proposed below.

1 - loves.

2 - jealous.

3, 12, 21 - indifferent.

4, 13 - feels sympathy.

5, 14, 23 - draws attention.

6, 15, 24 - does not experience anything.

7, 16, 25 - communication awaits you.

8, 17, 26 - strives for relationships.

9, 18, 27 - romance awaits ahead.

Simple fortune telling by numbers

In general, number magic, fortune telling and the like are quite complex matters that require lengthy study and honing of skills. There is, however, a simple method of fortune telling that you can do yourself at home without any preparation. True, the results it gives are very vague and generalized.

The idea is that ten cards are made from cardboard, which are numbered sequentially from 1 to 10. Then they are put into a bag or shuffled like regular cards. During fortune telling, you need to ask a question, for example, about what awaits you at work in the next two weeks, and then pull out one of the cards at random. This is the answer to your question. It can be interpreted using the proposed Pythagorean scheme or intuitively. Experience will teach you over time to identify more exact value each number.

In this article:

Also in Ancient Greece philosophers said that the beginning and essence of all things and events in the world are hidden in numbers. Since then it has appeared a large number of in various ways Finding out your own future involves fortune telling with cards, coffee grounds, runes, and many other ways, but people continue to guess with numbers even today.

With the help of knowledge about numbers, with the help of the science of numerology, we can find out not only our own future, but also get answers to a variety of questions about life and the universe.

The truthfulness of fortune telling

There are many different methods of fortune telling, but to obtain truthful information in any of them, a person must follow a number of mandatory rules. First of all, you need to remember that fortune telling with numbers is not entertainment or a way to have fun.

This magic ritual, a sacrament that must be treated with all seriousness and responsibility. This is the only way you can expect to get the right results.

With the help of such fortune-telling, you will not only be able to lift the veil over the future, but also get answers to your questions, receive advice and instructions that will make your life much easier and easily solve any problems. If you sincerely believe that fortune telling with numbers has power, that it is truly capable of giving truthful answers, then you will indeed receive the correct information.

Numbers and people

Using numbers you can get a wide variety of information, including about a person’s character. People have believed for centuries that with the help of numbers you can better know and understand your neighbor, his emotional experiences, as well as foresee his actions and deeds, predict illnesses and maintain health for many years.

Each person writes numbers differently. Some write numbers next to each other, others leave noticeable spaces between them. Some people write numbers in printed format, while others provide them with additional graphic elements. It's also worth noting that the way you write numbers can be very different from writing letters, and this can also be used to get to know a person better.

For example, if a person tilts the numbers when writing in left side, this may indicate uncertainty in own strength and even about the inability to stand up for oneself. A tilt to the right speaks of submissiveness of character, kindness and gentleness, romance and the ability to do stupid things for the sake of a high goal. Vertical writing often indicates a person’s strong character, speaks of energy and even some cruelty and callousness.

Experienced numerologists can distinguish various sizes writing numbers, bending in individual numbers and much more to create an accurate description of a person, and the most amazing thing is that these characteristics are almost 100% true.

Numerology is one of the most interesting areas that can provide answers to almost all problematic questions.

Numbers and fortune telling

Such a powerful energy source as numbers simply could not help but acquire special methods of fortune telling for the future. There are various methods of fortune telling that use numbers: for the future, for relationships, for a person’s love, and much more.

Fortune telling for the future

This is a simple method of fortune telling, for which you only need a piece of paper, a pen and your faith. To find out your near future, you will need to use integers from 1 to 9. With the help of this fortune telling you can find out about your own prospects for the next month.

Be that as it may, even in simple fortune telling The wording of the question is of great importance; the more accurately you formulate the question you want to answer, the more accurate and truthful this answer will be.

Divide a piece of paper into nine small pieces, and write a number from 1 to 9 on each of them. Place all these pieces in a small box or hat. Then focus on the question, say it several times to yourself and once out loud, and then pull one piece of paper out of the box. The number on the sheet is the answer to your question.
The meaning of numbers in fortune telling:

  • 1 – yes, what was planned is real.
  • 2- most likely, you will get the opportunity to implement your plans.
  • 3 – good prospects, but you will need to make an effort.
  • 4 – stability or stagnation, depending on the issue.
  • 5 – an unexpected turn that can lead to unexpected results.
  • 6 – business will progress smoothly, and you will achieve what you want.
  • 7 – difficulties will arise on your way that you can cope with.
  • 8 – fast development situations and a possible unsatisfactory ending.
  • 9 – the speedy completion of your plans, you will need a lot of effort to implement.

Numbers and figures are an integral part of our lives. There is a version that the Universe speaks to us with the help of numbers. The symbolism of numbers plays a big role for followers of various occult teachings. Numbers are also used to predict the future. Now there are many methods of fortune telling, ranging from fortune telling with runes and ending with fortune telling on coffee grounds. But fortune telling with numbers is relevant and popular even today.

There are many different ways of fortune telling. For example, determining the intended number using three tables, fortune telling by alphabet, Bashkir fortune telling.

The easiest way to tell fortunes is to make cards or simply write numbers from one to ten on pieces of paper. Then you need to mix them well so that it is not clear which number is which. For fortune telling, you need to clearly formulate a question, for example, what awaits you at the university in the next ten days. Afterwards you need to select any card. Explanations to it must be sought in the Pythagorean meanings of numbers. After some time, you yourself will be able to understand what each of the numbers means.

Interpretation of Pythagorean numbers:

Rituals are very often used to find out how other people feel about you. An excellent way is the so-called hundred. The instructions are:

The remaining number will help the fortuneteller understand how the person he is thinking about treats him. The decoding of fortune telling in numbers is as follows:

  • 1 - loves very much.
  • 2 - jealous of others.
  • 3, 12, 21 - he (she) is indifferent to you.
  • 4, 13 - sympathizes with you.
  • 5, 14, 23 - shows interest in you.
  • 6, 15, 24 - does not feel anything towards you, does not think about you.
  • 7, 16, 25 - soon you will talk often.
  • 8, 17, 26 - thinking about dating.
  • 9, 18, 27 - you will have a whirlwind romance.

This digital fortune telling is very simple and is suitable even for beginners. Write numbers from one to nine on different pieces of paper on a piece of paper. Put them, for example, in a hat or vase. Think about your question very carefully. Visualize it as best you can. The question should be about what you have already started doing, not just what you plan to do. Say this question, preferably not mentally, but loudly. Then take out the piece of paper with the number. This will be your answer. Read what your number means:

By the way a person writes numbers, you can learn a lot about his personality, character and attitude to life. This way you can understand what is in a person’s heart, what he is worried about now and what he is worried about:

If you used a daisy to tell fortunes as a child, then this method will be familiar to you. Think about the “love of your life” or just a cute guy/girl. On a checkered piece of paper, draw a beautiful symmetrical heart with your left hand. You need to cross out entire cells, four at a time. After this, count the uncrossed whole cells. According to this figure calculate the relationship of the object of your sympathy to you:

Remove vowels from the alphabet and designate all letters with numbers (B-1, B-2, G-3, D-4). Formulate and type a question on the computer or simply transfer the question onto paper. Remove all vowels. Under the letters put the numbers that represent them (from the alphabet without vowels). Next, multiply all the numbers together. Divide this number by 7. Look at the remainder. It depends on on what day did they guess:

You can guess in this way only once a day. There is no need to repeat the question, unless the answer is “you don’t have to guess today.”

The power of numbers can be used to benefit a person. It is quite possible to discover the secrets of the present and future thanks to this knowledge. But at the same time we must remember that our life is in our hands and much depends on us.

Attention, TODAY only!