Guessing what will be the future husband. How to find out the name of the future husband

Divination for a husband, like other types of divination, should be carried out in a calm mood. Attributes for divination and decks of cards feel the anxiety, fear or anger of a person, and can distort information. Divination takes a lot of internal strength, so you should start it only when you are physically healthy. It is not recommended to tell other people about the fortune telling until its results come true.

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    hand prediction

    The marriage line is responsible for the love sphere in the palm of your hand. It is located on the hill of Mercury, slightly below the base of the little finger. Often the marriage line is located on the very edge of the palm, and you can see it only by squeezing your fingers a little.

    Not everyone has this line. Her absence speaks of an emotionally cold nature that is indifferent to love. Sometimes it happens that this line is available to a person who is connected by family ties. This indicates a marriage of convenience.

    In some cases, marriage lines arise independently of official relations. If in a person's life was present true love, he wanted to create a family union, but this never happened - the imprint of the marriage line will still remain. Its characteristics:

    • A long and clear line - indicates a long relationship. Short - speaks of a fleeting connection.
    • Short lines extending downward from the marriage line indicate relationship problems. These difficulties will ultimately destroy the marriage.
    • The end of the marriage line, looking down, is a sign of dissatisfaction in a relationship. A person is disappointed in this partner, and a love affair is a source of constant problems and troubles.
    • The line of marriage crossing the line of the heart indicates widowhood. A person mourns or will mourn for a beloved who has gone into another world.
    • The line of marriage, reaching the line of the mind, is a sign of an unhealthy psychological atmosphere within the family. This may be the tyranny of one of the partners, domestic violence, alcoholism.
    • Branching at the end of the line indicates a high probability of divorce.
    • The fork present at the beginning of the line indicates a reunion with a former partner. Such a symbol usually appears in cases where a husband and wife divorce and then remarry.

    Tarot divination

    Divination by Tarot cards allows you to find out the features of the circumstances under which there will be a meeting, character traits of the future husband, the most likely scenario for the development of relations. For a session, it is preferable to use a full deck containing both high and Minor Arcana.

    For single women

    The following tarot divination is for single ladies only. The alignment allows you to find out what qualities the future spouse will have, and also gives an idea of ​​what kind of partner she needs and how the relationship will develop after the wedding. The layout is carried out according to the scheme:

    Cards are interpreted as follows:

    1. 1. What kind of man will suit the fortuneteller in the best way.
    2. 2. What character traits should this person have.
    3. 3. How expensive family values ​​are for the future chosen one.
    4. 4. His material wealth, whether the spouse will bring income home.
    5. 5. Economic inclinations.
    6. 6. The degree of decency, the risk of betrayal on his part.
    7. 7. General forecast for life together.

    Divination for those who are in a relationship

    This alignment is suitable for those women who are in a hopeless love affair. Fortune telling allows you to find out who they may currently be their future spouse, or how to meet him. Cards are laid out according to the scheme:

    Card interpretation:

    1. 1. The state of mind of a fortuneteller.
    2. 2. Peculiarities of relations with the future spouse now, who he is more like a fortune teller.
    3. 3. The field of activity, which is common to the fortuneteller and this person.
    4. 4. Features of his character and worldview.
    5. 5. What will be the impetus for the development of relations.
    6. 6. Will the connection with the current partner interfere with building a new relationship.
    7. 7. Card advice on whether to break the current connection for the sake of a new love.

    Universal layout

    The next version of fortune-telling is suitable for both single women and those who are in a relationship. Cards are laid out in the following way:

    Card meaning:

    1. 1. Features of the current state of mind of the fortune-teller.
    2. 2. Circumstances under which the meeting with the future spouse will take place.
    3. 3. When exactly will the acquaintance occur.
    4. 4. Features of the personality of the future husband.
    5. 5. Will this marriage bring happiness or become a difficult test.
    6. 6. What will be the life together.
    7. 7. Deck advice on the need for this relationship.

    General layout "New Union"

    This fortune-telling allows you to find out whether a new love affair will be happy, whether it will bring satisfaction to the fortuneteller. Cards are laid out according to the following scheme:

    Card interpretation:

    • How does a fortuneteller see herself in this union.
    • How does she see her new partner.
    • What helped them connect.
    • What binds this bond now.
    • Will the family life be happy.

    Divination in the name of the future spouse

    With the help of some fortune-telling, you can find out the name of the future spouse. Divination allows you to do this according to the table, book, notes, coffee grounds, as well as by the date of birth of the fortuneteller.

    Divination by the table

    To find out the name of the future chosen one, you need to close your eyes, relax and randomly select a number by pointing the mouse or finger into the table:

    Explanation of numbers from 1 to 25:

    • 1 - Rustam;
    • 2 - German;
    • 3 - Leonid;
    • 4 - Taras;
    • 5 - Rashid;
    • 6 - Vlas;
    • 7 - Azamat;
    • 8 - David;
    • 9 - Dementia;
    • 10 - Klim;
    • 11 - Robert;
    • 12 - Victor;
    • 13 - Abram;
    • 14 - Ignat;
    • 15 - Mark;
    • 16 - Athanasius;
    • 17 - Rodion;
    • 18 - Nikita;
    • 19 - Eric;
    • 20 - Albert;
    • 21 - Benjamin;
    • 22 - Prokhor;
    • 23 - Constantine;
    • 24 - Nikifor;
    • 25 - Bogdan.

    Numbers 26 to 50:

    • 26 - Myron;
    • 27 - Vasily;
    • 28 - Abdullah;
    • 29 - Kai;
    • 30 - Dmitry;
    • 31 - Alexander;
    • 32 - Vadim;
    • 33 - Nicholas;
    • 34 - Peter;
    • 35 - Sergey;
    • 36 - Cyril;
    • 37 - Daniel;
    • 38 - Andrey;
    • 39 - Egor;
    • 40 - Ilya;
    • 41 - Innocent;
    • 42 - Taras;
    • 43 - Tikhon;
    • 44 - Gregory;
    • 45 - Anatoly;
    • 46 - Gennady;
    • 47 - Timur;
    • 48 - Valery;
    • 49 - Philemon;
    • 50 - Azat.

    Numbers 51 to 75:

    • 51 - Edmund;
    • 52 - Igor;
    • 53 - Spartak;
    • 54 - Arseny;
    • 55 - Valentine;
    • 56 - Savely;
    • 57 - Arthur;
    • 58 - Maxim;
    • 59 - Vladimir;
    • 60 - Fedor;
    • 61 - Semyon;
    • 62 - Philip;
    • 63 - Bogdan;
    • 64 - Anton;
    • 65 - Moses;
    • 66 - Naum;
    • 67 - Denis;
    • 68 - Artem;
    • 69 - Joseph;
    • 70 - Matvey;
    • 71 - Arkady;
    • 72 - Nazar;
    • 73 - Amir;
    • 74 - Ilya;
    • 75 - Vitaly;

    Numbers 76 to 100:

    • 76 - Zakhar;
    • 77 - Yaroslav;
    • 78 - Andrey;
    • 79 - Makar;
    • 80 - Gleb;
    • 81 - Peter;
    • 82 - Ahmed;
    • 83 - Eugene;
    • 84 - Sergey;
    • 85 - Vyacheslav;
    • 86 - Ruslan;
    • 87 - Oleg;
    • 88 - Ibrahim;
    • 89 - Svyatoslav;
    • 90 - Stepan;
    • 91 - Marat;
    • 92 - Rinat;
    • 93 - Edward;
    • 94 - Roman;
    • 95 - Damir;
    • 96 - Alexander;
    • 97 - Yuri;
    • 98 - Ivan;
    • 99 - Ildar;
    • 100 - Michael.

    Based on the book

    Any book is suitable for divination, preferably love genre.It is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. Open the book on a page equal to the number of birth. Write down the letter with which this page begins.
    2. 2. Open the page, the number of which corresponds to the day of the month of birth, and also write down the first letter.
    3. 3. Then a page is opened, the number of which is equal to the birth number of the fortuneteller's father, and the final letter is written down.

    The result is three letters. They are the initials of the future spouse.

    By date of birth

    To find out the name of the future spouse by date of birth, you should:

    1. 1. Write down your date, month and year of birth.
    2. 2. Add up all the numbers.
    3. 3. If the number is two-digit, add it back up to one-digit.
    4. 4. In the list below, find the letter that will be capitalized in the name of the chosen one.

    Matching letters and numbers:

    1. 1. I; C, I;
    2. 2. B, P, R;
    3. 3. X, B, Y;
    4. 4. G, K, Z, E;
    5. 5. D, K, M, Yu;
    6. 6. C, L, E, A;
    7. 7. Ch, K, O;
    8. 8. N, T, F, W;
    9. 9. R, W, F.

    On paper

    Divination is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. A sheet of paper is divided into several small pieces of paper.
    2. 2. On each of the scraps, one male name should be indicated.
    3. 3. The papers are folded and placed under the pillow.
    4. 4. In the morning you need to get one of them.

    On this note, the name of the future spouse will be indicated.

    By coffee grounds

    1. 1. Put a candle and a saucer on the table.
    2. 2. The cup is half filled ground coffee and drink it in small sips.
    3. 3. When one thick remains, the saucer should be turned upside down onto the cup and lifted after 1-2 minutes.
    4. 4. In the divorces on the walls of the cup, the letters of the name of the future spouse will be drawn.

    Divination with a ring and a candle

    The ceremony is held in the evening. For the sacrament you will need:

    • ordinary smooth ring;
    • red wax candle
    • strong rope or thread;
    • a sheet of paper with the alphabet written on it.

    The ring is put on the candle (it should go down or catch on the candlestick). Then the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

    “My faithful wanders around the world, he doesn’t find the ring. He looks under his feet, he looks for the ring, but he tells me his name. What is your name, betrothed?”.

    When the candle burns out completely, the ring should be hung on a thread. An improvised pendulum is held over a sheet of paper. The deviation of the ring will indicate the letters that make up the name of the future husband.

    When the meeting will happen: fortune telling on playing cards

    For divination on playing cards new deck is used. First you need to lay out a blank card that symbolizes a fortuneteller. For women who tell fortunes about love, this is usually the queen of hearts. Then the cards are shuffled, and 12 cards are laid out around the form, one for each of the months. The first of the cards tells about the events of the month in which the fortune-telling is carried out, the second indicates the next month, etc. The countdown is not from the 1st to the 31st, but from the date of the fortune-telling. Each of the cards has its own meaning:

    • Jacks predict petty intrigues and flirting, the presence of frivolous fans.
    • Kings are messengers of the interest of wealthy men. But nothing can be said about the nature of these relations.
    • Aces of clubs, diamonds and spades indicate those people who claim the hand and heart of a fortuneteller.
    • Ace of Hearts - best sign. Its occurrence suggests that in the life of a fortune teller there is a person destined for her by fate. It is with him that true love awaits her.

    After the session, fortune-telling cards should be laid out in four rows (according to suits), in ascending order. This will allow the deck to be cleared of information, and it will give better predictions in the future.

    Divination by patches for hair color

    With the help of this divination, you can tell fortunes on the appearance of the chosen one. Divination will require pieces of fabric different color- white, black, orange and grey. You will also need a bag or box.

    The patches are folded into a bag. Then the question is uttered: "What color will my lover's hair be?". After that, any piece of tissue is pulled out:

    • white means blond;
    • black - dark-haired;
    • orange - red;
    • gray - fair-haired man.

    Divination by the calendar

    To carry out this divination, you will need new calendar. Most optimal time for divination according to the calendar - new year holidays. But if the New Year is far away, it is allowed to perform fortune-telling at other times.

    The fortuneteller should retire and concentrate on his desire to meet the chosen one. Then, with closed eyes, one of the sheets in the calendar is pulled out at random. A hint about a future meeting is given by the day of the week on the sheet:

    Day of the week Interpretation
    MondayThe witch is already familiar with her future chosen one. If not, then the meeting will happen very soon. At the same time, the fortuneteller will be able to immediately charm a man
    TuesdayIn the near future, relationships that would lead to marriage are not expected. If the fortune-teller is not married, but meets someone or lives in a civil marriage - most likely, the connection will break up on her initiative
    WednesdayAmong close people there is a person who values ​​\u200b\u200bthe fortuneteller very much. She should pay more attention to him - perhaps he is her destiny. In this case, a marriage proposal will not keep you waiting.
    ThursdayThe chances of marriage are quite high. This will not be the person from whom the fortuneteller could expect such a step. But the fortune-teller should not rush to conclusions - perhaps this person will eventually become loved and desired
    FridayThe marriage will take place very soon. Even if the fortuneteller is still alone, the acquaintance will happen in the next month
    SaturdayThe reason for loneliness lies in psychological characteristics the witch herself. Subconsciously, she avoids marriage. If you don't review your life values, you can stay alone for a long time
    SundayThere will be no marriage proposal this year. But on the way you will meet a person with whom the fortuneteller will be connected deep feelings. If you manage to discern kindred souls in each other, then life together will be long and filled with mutual understanding.

    Conspiracies to dream of a future spouse

    Prophetic dreams caused by a conspiracy should not always be taken literally. Example: a girl may dream famous actor. This may mean that her future husband will be a foreigner.

    On the plantain

    The girl should go to the crossroads where the plantain grows. Above it are the words:

    "Plantain, traveler's helper, have you seen my betrothed?"

    Then the charmed leaf should be torn off with the help of lips and silently go home. Plantain is placed under the pillow. At night, the future spouse will dream. You can't talk to anyone until the next day.

    On a poplar branch

    Fortune telling is held for three weeks in a row, on the night from Wednesday to Thursday.

    1. 1. From the beginning of the week, the fortuneteller should put on a new stocking.
    2. 2. On Wednesday evening, a thread is taken out of it and a poplar branch is tied with it.
    3. 3. The branch should be spoken and placed at the head.

    The text of the plot: "Poplar, poplar, show me the betrothed. If you don't show it, I won't untie it, I won't let it go free."

    Each time a new stocking and a new branch is taken. If it is not possible to get the thread out of the stocking, you should get a stocking with a bandage in the form of a ribbon or lace. If no one dreams for three nights, this means that the wedding is not yet to come.

    For a baked pie

    This fortune-telling will require efforts on the part of the fortune-teller. All day you can not drink, eat and talk. In the evening, the girl should bake a pie and speak it: “I’ve been silent all day, I want to see my betrothed. Pie, pie, tell me about your betrothed, bring it to the threshold.”

    Then the girl should eat a piece and go to bed. In a dream, she will see her future husband.

    Where will the meeting take place? Fortune telling on wax and sand

    Prepare in advance the sea either river sand, a wax candle and a new knife. In the morning, sand is poured onto a sheet of paper. A candle is lit and held several times over a burning flame, saying the words:

    "Golden sand, reveal the secret to me! Where will I meet my dear, where will I recognize him?"

    Then the sand is mixed with a knife. Not poured on him a large number of candle wax. When it dries, you can begin to decipher the prediction:

    • straight lines indicate familiarity in the work environment;
    • wavy - among friends;
    • large circles indicate that the fortuneteller is already familiar with her future spouse;
    • small circles indicate that there are mutual acquaintances between them, or that she is familiar with the fortuneteller's spouse in absentia;
    • images of animals or plants - acquaintance will occur in nature;
    • human silhouette - the meeting will take place through another person (acquaintance, relative, etc.).

    Meeting the second half according to the horoscope

    With the help of a horoscope, you can find out about the approximate time of marriage and which zodiac sign is best suited as a future spouse:

    Zodiac sign Features of character, behavior in relationships Which zodiac signs are best suited
    AriesAries often rush things. Impulsivity does not allow them to wait, so they marry and marry very early. They are often disappointed in their chosen one. Astrologers recommend that representatives of this sign take their time, weigh the pros and cons before getting married.Gemini, Leo, Aquarius
    TaurusThe approach of Taurus is distinguished by sobriety and prudence. This feature allows them to create strong and reliable families. Usually they meet their soul mate at the age of 25 to 30-35 years. If Taurus is confident in his choice, he can safely marryVirgo, Capricorn, Pisces
    TwinsThey love freedom, easily switching from one love affair to another. There can be a large number of novels in their life, as one partner of Gemini quickly gets bored. But often with the onset of personal maturity (after 30-35 years), the Gemini begin to think more seriously about the family and settle downAries, Leo, Libra
    CancerDream of a family with early years. Therefore, Cancers marry early enough. The likelihood of a subsequent divorce does not scare them, and this confidence is justified. IN adulthood Cancers can start a family again, or return after parting to their former partner.Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces
    a lionNoble Lions are picky in choosing a partner, monogamous in nature. Enough for a long time can live alone. As soon as the Lions manage to find a partner for a serious relationship, they stop looking. Leos can create families at any stage of life, but most often this does not happen at a young age.Aries, Sagittarius, Libra
    VirgoMost Virgos are careerists who put work and self-development first. Therefore, representatives of this sign are divided into two categories. Some Virgos marry and get married as soon as possible, and in the future they build a career without regard to the requirements of society to start a family. Others marry only after they manage to achieve serious career heights.Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn
    ScalesFamily is one of top priorities for Libra. But their indecision hinders the creation of a strong relationship. Therefore, Libra can be alone for a long time. Astrologers recommend that such people postpone the creation of a family and devote some time to self-knowledgeGemini, Leo, Aquarius
    ScorpionThey often go to extremes: they fall in love, then they cool down. Scorpios are looking for support and support in their beloved. This sign expects several marriages throughout life.Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces
    SagittariusGreat lovers of freedom, not tolerant of obligations. At the same time, it is very difficult for Sagittarius to find a person who would understand them. So they get married or get married very lateAries, Virgo, Leo
    CapricornDifficulties family life Capricorns don't care. Representatives of this sign, on the contrary, love to fight fate and become stronger through this. They marry at an early age and often for life.Taurus, Pisces, Scorpio
    AquariusPriorities for representatives of this sign are freedom and power. Aquarians do not like restrictions, and the family is perceived by them as a burden. But in addition to freedom, they also value stability. If they manage to find a partner with common values, marriage is concluded at any time.Aries, Libra, Sagittarius
    FishThey have a well-developed imagination, often withdraw into themselves. This is perceived by people as coldness, detachment. Therefore, Pisces create families in adulthoodCapricorn, Taurus, Virgo

    For divination to be true, it should not be done too often. If the results of the divination did not suit the fortuneteller, it is not recommended to start the next session earlier than in a month. Otherwise, you can get incorrect information or postpone a possible meeting with a future lover.

You can find out the name of the future husband with the help of ancient fortune-telling. There are many ways fortune-telling for a husband. We present you the most accurate and simple, which any woman can use. Before any such fortune-telling, it is important to form in your head the image of the person you would like to see next to you; this will help you tune in to the fortune-telling process itself.

Divination in the name of her husband according to the book

Take any book. It is advisable to choose fiction. If the book is about love, even better. Open the book to a page equal to your birthday. Write down the letter that the page starts with. Then open the page equal to the day of the month of birth and do the same. Next, open a page equal to your father's birth date and also write down the first letter on this page. So you have three letters. These letters will be the initials of the name of your future spouse.

How to find out the name of your husband with the help of your relatives

It is believed that a woman chooses a man who looks like her father as her husband. Psychologists say that this is true. Sometimes it comes to the ridiculous: the girl's husband becomes a man whose name is like her father. It happens that when choosing a life partner, a woman is driven by generic instincts. In this case, as a husband, she receives not only a person similar to her father, but also a name that is most often found in the paternal lineage.

So if you want to know the name of your future husband, then you need to find the most popular among your father's relatives male name. That will be the name of your chosen one.

How to find out your husband's name with wax

This ancient divination must be done late in the evening. You will need a candle and a dish of water. Light a candle and ask about what you want to know. Let the candle melt a little, and then tilt it over the saucer and start dripping wax into the water. After a couple of seconds or minutes, the wax will harden on the surface of the water in the form of one letter or several. This will give you the opportunity to find out the name of your future husband.

If you want to get reliable information, then you should not do it too often. Remember the saying: do not guess often - you will lose your life. One time is enough to see the future. If the future is in no hurry to reveal its secrets to you, then it means that the time has not yet come. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.09.2014 09:05

Epiphany divination considered one of the most accurate. Even our ancestors used this time to ...

Almost every woman dreams of successfully getting married. For some reason, this can't be done by...

Divination for the future husband.

What girl does not want to open the veil to the future and see at least with one eye what kind of betrothed fate has chosen for her? Since ancient times, women have been engaged in fortune-telling and most often they pursued the goal of learning something about their fiance.

The main issue was finding out the name of the betrothed. There are many beliefs and simple divination that answer this question

Like many centuries ago, girls today resort to various methods of divination. The best time to get an answer to an exciting question about a betrothed is the Christmas holidays. That is why the girls are looking forward to their offensive and are preparing various ways divination.

The easiest way to find out the name of your future husband is to ask a passerby on the street at midnight. According to the ancient Slavic divination, this is the name of the future spouse

The name of the betrothed can be found out with the help of fortune-telling

Girls do not stop at such ineffective fortune-telling, taking it more as a way to have fun during the winter holidays.

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are constantly trying more and more new types of fortune-telling. In addition, a variety of tests and methods are being created to help them, allowing you to find out as much information as possible about your betrothed.

Divination in the name of the future husband according to the table

Especially for this, tables have been developed that will help you find out the name of your future husband.

To believe or not the result of fortune-telling is the personal choice of each girl. Perhaps, having tried only to take some time and determine the name from the table, you will recognize one of the familiar men in it?

Here is the table itself:

To find out the name of the betrothed, you only need to, without hesitation and without peeping, poke your finger into the table with numbers. Next, see the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the number you specified:

1. Artyom
2. Arkady
3. Arseny
4. Arthur
5. Gregory
6. Gleb
7. German
8. George
9. Gennady
10. David
11. Daniel
12. Dmitry
13. Denis
14. Eugene
15. Igor
16. Ildar
17. Ilya
18. Cyril
19. Constantine
20. Leonid
21. Marat
22. Mark
23. Maxim
24. Oleg
25. Pavel
26. Peter
27. Rashid
28. Rinat
29. Robert
30. Romance
31. Ruslan
32. Rustam
33. Svyatoslav
34. Stanislav
35. Stepan
36. Azamat
37. Azat
38. Alexander
39. Alexey
40. Albert
41. Anatoly
42. Valery
43. Valentine
44. Vasily
45. Vadim
46. ​​Vladimir
47. Vladislav
48. Victor
49. Vitaly
50. Vyacheslav
51. Bogdan
52. Boris
53. Andrew
54. Anton
55. Egor
56. Zakhar
57. Ivan
58. Michael
59. Nazar
60. Nikita
61. Nicholas
62. Oleg
63. Paul
64. Peter
65. Rashid
66. Daniel
67. Dmitry
68. Denis
69. Eugene
70. Zakhar
71. Ivan
72. Igor
73. Ildar
74. Eldar
75. Emil
76. Edward
77. Yuri
78. Yaroslav
79. Jacob
80. Nicholas
81. Sergey
82. Semyon
83. Taras
84. Timothy
85. Philip
86. Fedor
87. Eric
88. Boris
89. Valery
90. Valentine
91. Vasily
92. Vadim
93. Sergey
94. Semyon
95. Ilya
96. Cyril
97. Constantine
98. Arseny
99. Arthur
100. Bogdan

How to see a future husband in a dream?

You can see your future spouse in a prophetic dream. It is only necessary to carry out the whole ritual correctly and try to form own installation for sleep. After all, without the necessary mood, your subconscious mind will be unable to reflect future events.

With a ring and a piece of wedding cake

  • One of the most reliable divination
  • For divination you need a ring
  • Put it on the ring finger of your left hand (like a wedding ring), and place a piece of cake from the wedding table under the pillow (you can wrap it in paper so that in the morning you won’t find the rest of the dough on the pillowcase instead of the cake)
  • Leave a pair of your favorite shoes by the bed in a "T" shape.
  • Go to bed and try to create conditions so that you do not have to jump out of bed until the morning. In a dream you will see your future husband

Divination for Saint Agnes Day

  • Fortune telling is carried out on the night of January 20-21. You will need some pins
  • Connect them together and pin them to the linen in which you will sleep (to pajamas, nightgown)
  • The dream will show what your future spouse will be like and, if you're lucky, you can hear his name

Fortune telling Friday

  • On the eve of Friday, getting ready for bed, take a comb and comb your hair
  • After that, place the comb under the pillow
  • Say the following words: "My betrothed, dream of me"
  • Go to bed. You will see your future spouse in a dream

A conspiracy to dream of a future husband

Our thoughts and reality that we live every second, and even scenes from the distant future can be projected in dreams

The scale of the universe is such that the present and the future are inseparable. Program future dream you can read the plot

To the cards

  • Take cards that were last played at least a year ago. Draw from the deck of kings. Put it under the pillow, saying the following words: “as the night falls on the earth, as the sun moves behind the mountains, so do you, my husband, appear in my dream, show your suit”

Waking up in the morning, without looking, draw the first card that comes across

  • King of Spades means rich but wayward groom
  • King of the Crosses judges a loving husband, with whom, however, the girl will shed many tears
  • King of Hearts means happy marriage
  • Tambourine King promises marriage with quarrels and omissions

If it is difficult for a girl to remember who she dreamed about, then the ritual can be repeated. But if the dream was unpleasant, then it is better to just forget about it.

For bread

  • If a girl wants to get a better look at her chosen one, then a piece of bread and a note under the pillow with the following text will help here: “I leave a piece of bread under the pillow for you, my betrothed, come, treat yourself, appear to me with your face”
  • The girl should lie down to sleep with her hair down


  • A girl can see the groom in a dream if she puts a deep plate filled with water under the bed.
  • On a plate, you should build something like a bridge from a wooden plank or ruler
  • Before going to bed, say the following words on a plate of water: “my betrothed and mummers, come to me, take me across the bridge”
  • The future groom will come to the rescue in a dream and help him cross the bridge

The conspiracy will help you see your husband in a dream

How to find out the name of the future husband by the hand?

Palmists reveal secrets future profession along the lines on the hand. A person will find out how long he will live and at what age he will meet his soul mate. But the lines on the hand will not tell the name of the future husband. However, the first letter of the name of the future spouse can still be recognized by the hand. But not along the lines.

  • Ask someone to make you a "nettle" in the area of ​​​​the forearm, as you did as a child: twist the skin in different directions(as if squeezing clothes)
  • Between the palms should be a distance of at least 10 cm
  • Looking at the skin of the forearm, you will see the formed folds, on which the symbols-letters will appear
  • If you're lucky, you might be able to see the letter. Your spouse's name will begin with this letter.

Fortune telling on tarot cards future husband, in the name, relationship, future

You can get information about your future spouse different ways. Among the most reliable is fortune-telling on cards. The prediction will be true if the girl concentrates and tunes in to receive an answer.

The family happiness of a woman, whatever one may say, depends entirely on what kind of man is next to her. Maps will help you find out more details about your future husband

For divination, you can use both Tarot cards and other ordinary cards. But the deck must be new or used solely for predictions.

Divination by Tarot cards

Divination should begin with shuffling the cards. Place a random card face down on the table. Continue placing six cards under it, stacking in three rows. The table should end up with a network of cards. They will tell you about your future life with your husband.

First card personifies you, your condition and mood to find a husband and find family happiness. Maybe it's all about marriage.
Second map will tell you when you meet your husband. She indicates exactly the time, perhaps some period of life, sometimes reveals the place
Third talks about the circumstances under which the meeting will take place and what it will be like. Thanks to this information, you will not miss your betrothed
Fourth describe the personality and sometimes even the appearance of the one who marries you
Fifth card talks about whether this person is destined by fate
sixth- how life will develop after the wedding, what will your family life be like in general
Seventh card will give advice on marriage and relationships with a future spouse

For future relationships

The following fortune-telling will tell about what your future with your beloved man will be:

Deciphering the meaning of the cards:

First the card speaks of your expectations from family life and from the person you are going to make your spouse
Second will tell what kind of husband will turn out young man whether he will meet your expectations and whether life with him will meet your ideas
Third card- this is his attitude towards you, and how it will change after marriage
Fourth- his relationship with your parents
By value fifth card judge his thriftiness, ability to earn money and be useful to his family
sixth the card will tell which of the chosen one will be the father
seventh- intimate relationships after marriage.
eighth states the probability of having a healthy child for this couple
Ninth card warn of bias specific person to betrayal
Last, tenth card give some advice about the guy and the relationship with him

It should be borne in mind that the cards show information about the man with whom you will have a long-term relationship, that is, with a real chosen one

If the card layout is contrary to reality, as it seems to you, then this means that your life partner has not yet met you

How do I know where I will meet when I meet my future husband?

From the video presented, you will learn how to understand that you have met your man.

Video: how to find and attract your man!

Simple fortune-telling on playing cards for a future husband

  • Fortune telling on the cards will tell you whether the sweetheart is interested in you or not. You can find out if there is anything to expect from a relationship or dating
  • Again, you will need a deck of cards that no one has gambled with. Slowly shuffling the deck, keep in mind the image of the person you need
  • Arrange the cards in piles according to the number of letters in the name, patronymic and surname of the person you are interested in
  • Then lay the cards face down. They need to be laid out as many as there are letters in the full name of the hidden person
  • There should be one continuous row. Then - all over again until there are as many stacks as there are literal values ​​​​in the name of your chosen one
  • Take the cards from the rightmost pile and arrange the cards from left to right. Repeat the same action until you choose cards, leaving only two piles on the table. Connect both stacks
  • Then lay out the cards face down, taking and placing one card on the table

Remaining last two cards in hand and show how your loved one treats you.

Aces - the intended person loves you
Kings - you are close in character with your lover
Ladies - a man is in love with another
Jacks - he thinks of you
Tens - he is interested in you
Nines - sympathy
Eights - soon you will talk
Sevens - a possible date soon
Sixes - perhaps a joint trip or road

Your future husband according to the horoscope

If you are interested in who your future husband will be according to the horoscope, then today there are many online tests on the Internet

You only need to enter your zodiac sign and the program will automatically determine who your future spouse will be according to the horoscope. Accordingly, you will be able to prepare for the meeting and arm yourself in advance with the information necessary for seduction.

Name of the future husband by date of birth

Fortune telling is intended exclusively for girls. Having made simple calculations, you can find out the name of the future second half (the representative of the stronger sex). Let the beloved be determined by fate, but what is his name, you can find out in advance

Numerology will tell you the date of the meeting with the chosen one

How to find out the name of the betrothed? There are many ways to help you find out the probable name of the betrothed.

  • Based on your date of birth you will determine the most name of your future husband. Sometimes it happens in life that a girl, having fallen in love, begins a life together with a completely stranger to her.
  • But for a harmonious relationship, it is not enough to focus only on the appearance of the chosen one. It should be the type of man that suits you. Here his habits are taken into account, and what idea he has about marriage and life in general. It is important to have mutual goals in a pair
  • To determine which man you will be happy with, and these methods are called upon: a calm homebody, an enterprising businessman or an avid traveler? Or maybe you will make a wonderful pair of romance to the roots of your hair and an artist to the marrow of your bones?

Video: How to calculate personal numbers of happiness?

Numerology will help determine the most suitable type of man for your mutually happy existence. If there is already a man next to you who claims to take a place in your heart, then you will find out whether your characters are compatible or not.

To know, when the fateful meeting with the future spouse occurs, simple calculations will help:

  • It is theoretically possible to calculate the exact date of the meeting. But in real life for such calculations, as many numbers as possible are needed: they do not show a specific date, but a likely interesting and important meeting. Is there anything more important for a girl than her own future husband?
  • Therefore, having determined the date that will become a turning point in life, you can take a step towards fate: it is on this day that such a step will be justified
  • Calculate the total date of birth. Write down the number that makes up your full name, patronymic and surname and full date of birth
  • To the result, add the numbers that brought you within two recent years the largest number of meetings, acquaintances, and also indicate the month in which meetings with the representatives of the stronger sex took place.

For example, Porokhova Elena Vladimirovna: the sum of all letters and numbers together is 7. For 11 months, the woman had interesting events and long journeys. The month in which wishes were fulfilled is July (seventh).
The result is the following:

  • 7+1+1+0+7=1+6=7. This means that the seventh number will be the day on which the meeting with the chosen one will take place.
  • In the same way, you can calculate and find out the estimated date of the wedding. But here you will also need the date of birth of the future spouse. Add the number of your man to your number (his name, surname, patronymic). To the resulting figure, add the date when you make the calculations. You will have the date of your lucky day

Prayer for future husband

If you have been dreaming of getting married for a long time, but loneliness does not want to let you out of its tenacious paws, then prayer will help you.

The text of the prayer for marriage to the Lord

Oh, all-good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on me loving You with all my soul and with all my heart, and on fulfilling Your holy will in everything. Govern yourself, O my God, my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Save me from pride and pride: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me. Idleness is contrary to You and gives rise to vices, give me a desire for industriousness and bless my labors. Since Your Law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then bring me, Holy Father, to this title sanctified by You, not to please my desire, but to fulfill Your purpose, for You Yourself said: it is not good for a man to be alone and, having created his wife as a helper, blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the earth. Hear my humble prayer, from the depths of a girl's heart sent to you; give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen

Another prayer for marriage Matrona

O blessed mother Matrono, now hear and receive us, sinners, praying to you, accustomed in all your life to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope for your intercession and help of those who come running, quick help and miraculous healing to all who give; and now your mercy to us, unworthy, restless in this many-fuss world and nowhere finding comfort and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses, will also be impoverished: heal our sicknesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, passionately fighting, help to carry your worldly Cross, endure all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, have strong hope and hope in God and unfeigned love for neighbors; help us, after departing from this life, reach the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, in the Trinity of glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen

Is it possible to feel the future husband?

When a woman finds her love, she will certainly feel it. She will feel protected and free. She will understand that excellent well-being and incredible lightness are associated with the appearance in her life of that person with whom the most will happen. an important event- wedding day

Video: divination on wax

You can find out who will become your husband with the help of ancient fortune-telling on the cards. Despite the simplicity of the alignment, this fortune-telling will tell about the character, financial condition and social status of your future soulmate.

For divination, you need a deck of 36 cards. In order for the cards to tell the truth, it is recommended to hold the deck in your hands for about five minutes. At this time, it is advisable to focus on your question. Mentally ask the cards about what interests you in your future personal life.

Then choose your card. If you are under 30, then you are a lady of diamonds. If more than 30 - you are a queen of hearts. If you are over 55, your card is the queen of clubs.

For divination, you need to use only sevens, eights, nines and tens. Set aside the rest of the cards.

Put your card in front of you, and spread the rest in two circles of eight cards each.

Next, take your ring and throw it in the middle of the first circle. The card on which it falls will tell about the man who will soon appear in your life. Set this card aside and throw the ring into the second round. The ring will fall on a card that tells about a person you will meet in the distant future.

Shuffle the two received cards without looking and place them face down next to your card: one above it, the other below it. Open cards. The one above you will mean a man who is destined for you by fate, he will always be with you. And the bottom card is a person who will not stay long in your life.

7 of hearts - a man who is self-confident. He likes to be the center of attention and is not in the mood for a serious relationship. He needs a woman like him: determined, ambitious, beautiful and smart. When the question of marriage arises, he will be confused, since it will be difficult for him to lose his freedom.

7 tambourine - a fickle man. He doesn't know what he wants from life. In order to conquer it, you will need cunning and patience.

7 clubs - a serious man having high position in society and financial stability. Will be serious about creating a family. With such a person, stability, a good financial situation and a strong family await you.

7 peak - a prudent, unprincipled and cunning person. If he realizes that a relationship with you is beneficial to him in some way, he will do everything to win you over.

8 worms - proud, proud and independent man. First of all, your feelings and trust in him will be important to him. He, too, will be faithful.

8 tambourine - a person unsuitable for real life, probably a romantic and idealist. Will always do things his own way. Not rich and will not seek financial growth. Lives for one day.

8 clubs - an indecisive man. It will be difficult for him to open his feelings to you, but in the future he can become an exemplary family man, a loving husband and a caring father.

8 peak - a man-intellectual, witty, sociable and interesting. Loves attention, but not ladies' man. I am savvy in connections. He has quite high requirements for women.

9 worms - a well-to-do man, not a workaholic. Rarely keeps his promises and forgets about everything. Sometimes he is lazy and does not fulfill his duties.

9 tambourine - a womanizer. This is a windy man in whom you can never be sure. But at the same time, you know how to beautifully look after and impress.

9 clubs - a hardworking and business man, calm, sociable, very wealthy. In a woman, he seeks, first of all, support and a like-minded person.

9 peak - a man who can find an approach to any woman, a kind of snake-tempter, in the network of which you can get into instantly. With him, a woman will always feel uncomfortable, since this type always gives rise to jealousy.

10 of hearts - ideal for starting a family. Educated, intelligent and educated man. Not too rich. But along with loving woman can achieve excellent results.

10 tambourines - an active and purposeful man. Wants to be the undisputed leader in relationships. Rich, but somewhat stingy.

10 clubs - a lucky man in life. Always gets his way, keeps promises and really looks at the world. A good option to create a family.

10 peak - a very narcissistic and selfish type. He likes to decide everything himself, the attitude towards the entire female sex is dismissive. It won't be easy to get along with him.

This fortune-telling on love cards will tell you about future relationships and give you the opportunity to assess your chances with one or another candidate for your heart. Useful article? Then be sure to put

Method number 1

Refer to folk divination. They draw information from the egregore of your people and therefore will be intuitive and close to you.

For you you will need a bowl with any cereal and different small items. Traditionally, this is a ring, a nail and a piece of bread. These little things will characterize your future husband.

  1. Wait for Christmas time (January 7-19).
  2. Light candles, get rid of unnecessary thoughts, remove animals and other sources of noise from the room.
  3. In a bowl with cereal, mix small items.
  4. Ask the question: “What will my betrothed be?”
  5. Scoop up a handful of grits until you come across one of the items. If this is a ring, the husband will be handsome, but narcissistic, if the bread is rich, and if you got a nail, he will be hardworking, but not very wealthy.

You can adapt divination for love to modern life. In addition to the listed items, you can put a few cents into the bowl to designate a foreigner, an asterisk from shoulder straps, which will symbolize a military man, a microcircuit to describe an employee mental labor and so on.

Method number 2

The following methods of predicting the future are associated with the psychic power of a person: clairvoyance, shamanic practices, spiritualism, deep meditation. We offer simple and reliable way- to see a prophetic dream.

  1. Select for prophetic dream waxing moon time.
  2. Prepare your bedroom for bed: it should not be too cold or hot, too noisy or, conversely, disturbingly quiet. The environment should be comfortable for you. This important condition For .
  3. Prepare yourself. Don't go to bed hungry or overeaten. Don't drink alcohol. Don't think about bad things. Your inner state should be calm, like the motionless expanse of a forest lake. A relaxing bath will help you calm your mind. essential oils- lavender, bergamot, mint oil.
  4. When you lie down in bed, first of all, calmly, without emotions, think about what kind of man you want to see next to you. Draw in your mind pictures of the perfect date, family morning, joint vacation. Imagine a happy yourself in ten, twenty years. Do not imagine a specific man, do not detail the image of the one who is next to you. Let it be blurry for now.
  5. Clearly, out loud, ask the question: “What will my future husband be like?”
  6. Go to sleep. In the morning, analyze the dream, giving Special attention the brightest episodes and memorable details of sleep. In them you will find the answer to your question.

Method number 3

Another way is to use divinatory tools: maps, oracles, tables or computer program for making a horoscope. It will be easiest for beginners to use the usual gypsy (it is also called a playing) deck of 36 cards and a joker.

  1. Place jacks, kings, and a joker under your pillow before bed.
  2. Ask the question: “What will my future husband be like?”
  3. In the morning, before getting out of bed, take out one card. If you hit a jack, the husband will be a young man, if the king is a mature one. A card of a heart suit means a loving and lucky man. The diamond card indicates a person with money. The card of the suit of clubs is a sign that the husband will be enterprising and hard-working. And the spade suit traditionally describes a “official person” - a military man, a policeman, an official.

If you get a joker, then either your husband will be an unusual person who does not fit into the patterns, or your future has not yet been determined. And here, before using, we recommend that you tell fortunes for the near future in other areas of life and find out what fateful choice you have to make. How you act also determines who will become your life partner.