Sodium phosphates (E339). Sodium phosphate Sodium phosphate disubstituted 12 water formula

Salts derived from sodium hydroxide and phosphoric acid are collectively called sodium phosphates. This nutritional supplement is completely synthetic and does not occur in nature in any form.

In food, it is most commonly used as an antioxidant and preservative, although it also has emulsifier and stabilizer properties. In addition, the substance also acts as an acidity regulator, as it affects the establishment and maintenance of a certain level of acidic environment in the product. It also has a moisture-retaining effect.

Having met the E339 code in the composition of the selected food, the buyer can determine for himself that the product has been treated with sodium phosphates, and decide whether it is worth buying and using it. According to international standards and norms, the substance belongs to food additives of a low degree of danger.

Methods for obtaining sodium phosphates in the laboratory

To date, there are several technologies for the extraction of sodium phosphates: using thermal phosphoric acid, superphosphate or acid obtained by the sulfuric acid method.

One of the methods involves carrying out a neutralization reaction of 25% phosphoric acid with a solution of soda ash. The resulting mixture is filtered, evaporated to a certain density and crystallized. If phosphoric acid has a saturation of more than 40%, the neutralization reaction is carried out at a temperature of 85-95 degrees Celsius.

Superphosphates are treated with sodium sulfate solution. The resulting substance is monosodium phosphate, which is filtered in an acidic solution from the insoluble residue and the released calcium sulfate, and then also evaporated or granulated in a spray dryer.

Chemical properties of a substance

The additive is in the form of a white powder in granules or crystals. It is not sensitive to thermal effects and is highly soluble in.

Substance E339 is used as a thickener, as it has the property of regulating the viscosity of the mixture, improving its texture. As a stabilizer, the E339 additive is involved in the formation of the consistency of the product, contributes to its improvement and preservation unchanged, protects food from burning during heat treatment. Also, sodium phosphates have found their use as emulsifiers, since one of their properties is the ability to create mixtures together with initially immiscible substances, for example, a mixture of oil and water.

Varieties of food additive

In the food industry, these types of sodium phosphates are commonly used;

  • sodium orthophosphate 1-substituted (E339i);
  • sodium orthophosphate 2-substituted (E339ii);
  • 3-substituted sodium orthophosphate (E399iii).

Their chemical formulas differ from each other, but the substances have a similar effect. Therefore, if you see one of these designations on the packaging of a product, you can be sure that sodium phosphates were used in it.

Application in production

The main purpose of the substance is to improve the properties of food products, therefore it is the food industry that is the main “consumer” of this component. It can be found in the compositions:

  • bakery and confectionery products;
  • dairy products and;
  • soft drinks;
  • dry soups, sauces, pastes, bouillon cubes and other instant products;
  • cheeses and;
  • meat and fish products;
  • dry baking powder and baking mixes;
  • biscuits and cakes.

Especially often it is found in sausages and sausages, meat and fish: the substance works as a moisture-retaining component, therefore, in this way it is possible to preserve products without loss of moisture and, accordingly, weight.

In addition, until the 1960s, it was widely used in the production of detergents and powders. However, due to the excess ingress of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds into water bodies, the quality of waste water, which further enters water pipes and is released into the natural environment, began to deteriorate significantly, which could harm the aquatic ecosystem. For this reason, restrictions and prohibitions on the use of the substance in such products began to appear, and today they are practically not used in the manufacture of powders and detergent products.

Sodium phosphates are also used in the pharmaceutical industry - they are added to laxatives, since the substance has the appropriate effect at a certain dosage.

Impact on the human body, possible harm from use

The laxative effect of the substance is known to both physicians and chemists. Products that contain it in their composition should be present in the human diet in a limited amount so as not to provoke a corresponding reaction of the digestive tract.

As for other possible dangers of the E339 food additive, these include the likelihood of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis. However, to date, the relationship between substance use and these disorders has not been officially confirmed.

The results of studies conducted on laboratory animals indicate that sodium phosphates contribute to impaired absorption in the body, washing it out of bone tissue and tooth enamel.

In some cases, detergents and powders containing E339 cause allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes and redness.

In children, the use of products with this component in the composition can cause nervous disorders: impaired concentration, aggression, anxiety, hyperactivity, motor anxiety. For them, the amount of food with the addition of E339 should be limited.

According to some unconfirmed reports, sodium phosphates have an oncogenic effect, that is, they can cause oncological diseases of the digestive tract. Other than a possible therapy for constipation, nothing is known to date about the benefits of the substance for human health.

While manufacturers are on the path to reduce the cost of food products, additives with the “E” code, including E339, will be indicated on the labels of a variety of foods. The component is used as an anti-caking agent, emulsifier, antioxidant and thickener: with its help, it improves the taste and texture characteristics of food, while it is a cheap and profitable ingredient for manufacturers.

Sodium phosphates are substances with an extremely low level of danger to humans, their use is permitted in Ukraine, Russia and the countries of the European Union. In addition to the threat of impaired calcium metabolism in the body, no other information about possible harm to health has yet been officially confirmed. Nevertheless, research on the effects of sodium phosphates on humans continues today.

Sodium phosphate disubstituted 12-water is colorless, transparent crystals, practically odorless. It is obtained by combining sodium and phosphorus with impurities of other chemical elements: lead, arsenic, fluorides.

This substance is non-flammable and highly soluble in water. Exposed to evaporation and weathering in the fresh air.

Main characteristics:

  • mass fraction of 12-water disubstituted sodium phosphate (Na2HPO4 * 12H2O) - not less than 100%
  • (P2O5) - not less than 19.8%
  • mass fraction of substances insoluble in water - no more than 0.005%
  • pH of the solution with a mass fraction of the drug 1% - 9.13%
  • lead (Pb) - no more than 4 microns / kg
  • arsenic (As) - no more than 0.04 microns / kg
  • fluorides (F) - no more than 10 microns/kg

Purpose, scope:

Sodium phosphate disubstituted 12-water is widely used in the food industry, in particular, in the production of dairy products. This substance plays the role of an anti-crystallizer in the production of condensed milk.

In the production of various processed cheeses, sodium phosphate disubstituted 12-water is also used as a thickener.

In the confectionery industry, it is used in the manufacture of jelly sweets, marmalade, halva, caramel, fruit and berry mixtures. Here it acts as an acidity regulator and a modified salt.

Storage, transportation and security measures:

Sodium phosphate disubstituted 12-water is safe for humans in small quantities. In large volumes, this substance causes tearfulness, swelling, damage to the skin and mucous membranes of all organs. Therefore, work with this chemical element should be in personal protective equipment, as well as follow all the rules of personal hygiene.

Work with sodium phosphate disubstituted 12-water is carried out in well-ventilated rooms with open air access.

Storage is carried out in sealed containers.

Transportation is carried out in accordance with all the rules for the transportation of chemicals.

Shelf life (warranty) - no more than 12 months from the date of manufacture.

Production of sodium phosphate disubstituted 12-water:

The production of this substance is carried out in various ways, which are well established at domestic chemical plants. Our company works directly with manufacturing plants and sells the substance in bulk at affordable prices.

sodium phosphate or sodium phosphate(English) sodium phosphate) is the common name for a series of sodium salts of phosphoric acids.

Sodium phosphates used in the pharmaceutical and food industries

Historically, each of the compounds of sodium phosphate has several names, both in Russian and in English. Below are some of these names and chemical formulas of the most common sodium phosphates in medicine and the food industry:

Sodium phosphates in medicine

Sodium salts of phosphoric acids in medicine are used as laxatives, as part of antacids, as well as to maintain the mineral balance and acid-base balance of the blood. In addition, they are often included in the composition of drugs as excipients.

The laxative effect of sodium phosphate is based on the increase and retention of fluid in the intestine due to osmotic processes. The accumulation of fluid in the colon leads to increased peristalsis and defecation.

Sodium phosphate compounds have contraindications, side effects and application features, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Sodium phosphate - food supplement

The composition and requirements for food additives - sodium salts of phosphoric acid are regulated by GOST R 52823-2007. Food additives. Sodium phosphates E339. General technical conditions". This GOST applies to the E339 sodium phosphate food additive, which is 1-substituted (i), 2-substituted (ii) and 3-substituted (iii) sodium salts of orthophosphoric acid (hereinafter referred to as food sodium monophosphates) and intended for use in the food industry . GOST subdivides all food additives E339 - sodium monophosphates into three types:
  • E339(i), 1-substituted sodium orthophosphate (sodium dihydrogen phosphate)
  • E339(ii), 2-substituted sodium orthophosphate (sodium hydrogen phosphate)
  • E339(iii), 3-substituted sodium orthophosphate (sodium phosphate).
Food additives E339(i), E339(ii) and E339(iii) are recommended for use as an acidity regulator, color stabilizer, consistency stabilizer, emulsifier, complexing agent, texturizer and water-retaining agent in the production of bakery and flour confectionery products, alcoholic beverages, meat products , fish, oil and fat, canning and dairy industries.

Sodium phosphate (colloquial, correct: sodium phosphate, orthophosphate, bone phosphate or Na 3 PO 4) is a white hygroscopic medium salt, thermally stable and melting without decomposition (at temperatures of 250 degrees and above). It dissolves in water, creating a highly alkaline environment.

Sodium phosphate is obtained by the action of alkali on (neutralization), during the dehydration of sodium hydroorthophosphates.

Used as emulsifiers and pH regulators, as well as anti-caking agents. Sodium phosphate is used by manufacturers. Triphosphate is especially often used, which can be up to 50% in powders. For (elimination of rigidity) dehydrotized substances are used, which form a complex with a number of metals (magnesium, calcium, barium, etc.). Sodium phosphate (technical, under the brand name "B") is used in the manufacture of glasses, paints, and in the enrichment of ores. But Na 2 HPO 4 .12H 2 O (food, under the brand name "A") is used mainly in the food industry as a baking powder. It improves the consistency of condensed milk, cheeses, sausages. Sodium phosphate is used for electrophoresis (electrolytic processes) and in photography (as a developer component).

Consider orthophosphates in more detail.

Sodium tripolyphosphate is produced under two markings: "A", "B". Packed only in special containers MKR-1, transported in equipped (special) mineral wagons. Shelf life without limitation.

Trisodium phosphate (sodium phosphate, trisubstituted) is used in the food, pulp and paper industries, in the energy sector, in the production of powders, cleaning pastes, dishwashing detergents, and as a surfactant in the production of cement. When drilling, it is included as a polymer additive. Trisodium phosphate perfectly degreases the surface of any equipment, so it is in demand for flushing. It looks like scales (crystals) with alkaline properties, non-flammable. It ranks second in terms of its effect on the human body.

Quite a logical question: "With such a wide use, does sodium phosphate harm our body?"

An antioxidant (on the labels it is listed as E-300 (and up to E-339) allows you to preserve color, avoid bitterness and protects against oxidation. It can be either a natural compound (vitamin E, ascorbic acid familiar to everyone), or chemically synthesized, not found in nature Added to emulsions containing oils (e.g. mayonnaise, ketchup) In addition to its emulsifier and stabilizer properties, Na 3 PO 4 is a water-retaining agent, complexing agent, stabilizer For example, in large-volume baking (bakery, bakery) is extremely important high dough rise, and with a porous and light structure.Here, between and a salt of phosphoric acid, it just gives the desired effect in the end.Modification E-450 (SAPP, sodium pyrophosphate) is especially popular.This baking powder allows for excellent dough rise (maximum in comparison with analogues), remaining even after baking. Added to muffins, cakes, gingerbread, pizza, cakes. Recommended for obtaining almost any o dough (frozen yeast, whipped, crumbly shortbread).

The buffer properties of E-450, as well as the ability to bind calcium, are used in dairies. Pyrophosphates have a specific effect on casein - it opens, swells and acts as an emulsifier, which is convenient when preparing puddings, imitation dairy products, and desserts. Condensed milk, obtained by extracting water, also does not do without the salt-stabilizer DSP (disubstituted sodium phosphate).

In the meat industry, thanks to the emulsifiers we are discussing, they significantly increase the overall yield of products while stabilizing the consistency and improving the color.

The use of products containing sodium phosphates (or prepared with their use) is best limited, since the rapid binding of calcium leads to a deficiency of the latter in the body. In addition, this substance is part of laxatives, so an excessive amount of sausage can disrupt the digestive tract.