February horoscope Sagittarius unfavorable days.

The last month of winter promises to be a hot time. Good luck awaits you in love affairs, it cannot be otherwise, because in February 2017 Venus, the planet of love, and Mars, the planet of passion, simultaneously pass through your house of love.

The Venus-Mars tandem predisposes to falling in love and opens up new dimensions in love. You are filled with passion and the spirit of adventure. In such conditions, love can come at any time, manifesting itself so strongly that the whole world around you is transformed. The stars are on your side, helping those who are lonely find love. If you already have a loved one next to you, the relationship will develop in a positive way. For some Sagittarius, the emphasis may be on topics related to children, their upbringing or pregnancy.

The lunar eclipse on February 11, 2017 affects the ninth house of Sagittarius - your house of travel and long-distance connections. Its impact gives you enthusiasm and a desire to take risks. Maybe you will go on a trip or decide to try yourself in some adventures, including love ones. Sagittarians are optimists by nature and are not averse to taking risks, but do not forget to evaluate the possible consequences. If love comes, take a deep breath, gather yourself and think about how far you can allow yourself to go.

The solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 occurs in the Sagittarius family sector. The influence of Neptune and Mercury is noticeably manifested, you can expect important news, or some family secret will be revealed to you. The stars advise you to find time to communicate with your family and provide them with all possible help. Pay special attention to issues related to real estate and major home purchases.

Sagittarius career and finance horoscope for February 2017

A great month to promote your talents, your own image, as well as the products and services you offer. In February 2017, Venus and Mars will support you not only in love, but also in work. The period may be ideal for implementing what you tried to start and promote earlier, but you didn’t succeed. Now you are luckier and can try again.

At work, representatives of the Sagittarius sign will be able to present themselves in the best light, demonstrate their professional skills, and make a good impression on management and the right people. Another area in which you can excel is communication and information. The whole month is perfect for studying, writing articles, finding business partners and clients, negotiations, presentations, etc.

In addition, planetary influences are favorable for artistic creativity and sports. You have an abundance of physical energy, which is useful in situations where significant effort and dynamism are required.

For finance, the first ten days of February 2017 will be a controversial time, when Mercury in the house of money in Sagittarius forms tense aspects with other planets. The next period promises to be much more generous.


The month does not foretell health problems. You are active and easy-going. To release excess energy, be physically active. If you haven't already, it would be a good idea to join a gym, pool, or dance class. This is the right time for cosmetic procedures, the results will please you.

Have fun and don't waste a minute of your free time!

February 2017 will not bring as many positive emotions, joyful meetings, new acquaintances and wonderful days to any of the zodiac signs as Sagittarius. Representatives of this sign will bask in feelings and amazing flirting. Loneliness does not threaten Sagittarius at all in February, because the stars will every now and then give them people as cheerful and positive as themselves. An accurate love horoscope for February 2017 will tell you what the last month of winter will give Sagittarius in their love life.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for February 2017

People born under the sign of Sagittarius, no less than other zodiac signs, expect that February 2017 will definitely be marked by the most long-awaited event in their lives. Representatives of the Sagittarius sign hesitated for a long time to take a serious step and tried in every possible way to postpone the wedding. The love horoscope guarantees that February is the most favorable period for making serious and fateful decisions in life. Sagittarius will find it difficult to accept that flirting and dating will have to be left in the past. After all, their other halves are not ready to share their love among three. But, as the family horoscope says, getting married during the first half of February will bring a long and happy family life.

The astrological forecast for February for Sagittarius who are in official relationships is no less full of tender feelings and will give lovers a wonderful opportunity to retire and enjoy each other. If work allows, representatives of this zodiac sign should definitely take a vacation in February and go closer to the sea or ocean. For those who cannot afford it, the stars recommend not to lose heart and keep the fire of feelings alive at home. Romantic dinners and weekends together will perfectly strengthen the union.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius woman for February 2017

Sagittarius girls don't look forward to any holiday as much as Valentine's Day. They place their greatest hopes on him. In February, Sagittarius girls and women give free rein to their own charm and delight men with stunning beauty. Representatives of the strong half of humanity will not be able to resist such pressure and will surround Sagittarius girls with pleasant attention.

Lonely Sagittarius dream of finally finding happiness in their personal lives and are in search every day. February 2017 will push their heads against their other half. The girls will be so keen on waiting for the prince that they will not initially notice that fateful meeting. In February, happiness will be so close that Sagittarius will not be able to miss it.

Married Sagittarius girls expect that the love horoscope for February will give them hope for strengthening the happiness of their couple. For a very long time, the couple completely devoted themselves to work that they had already forgotten how to properly support feelings and what real family happiness means. The love horoscope for February promises Sagittarius that the dark streak will soon end and the long-awaited favorable period will begin. Concepts such as passion, tenderness, care, support, love will again become a symbol of Sagittarius marriage. The couple will completely focus on each other and even move to a new stage of the relationship.

Love horoscope for a Sagittarius man for February 2017

Sagittarius men can take a breath and not worry, since for them the horoscope for February 2017 will bring only positive emotions from upcoming meetings and acquaintances. The stars recommend taking a closer look at your colleagues: it is likely that their soulmate will be found among them. For Sagittarius, an office romance can develop into much more and become the beginning of a long and strong marriage.

Sagittarius, your time has come! The strange combined influence of Mars and Venus, and in almost equal proportions, will provide the representatives of the sign with a very good life span. Horoscope for February 2019: Sagittarius received the smile of Fortune, and she literally carries him in her arms.


The stars say that in February many Sagittarius will awaken to extraordinary talents that will not only make them famous, but will also strengthen their financial foundation for many years. The horoscope recommends not to waste your talent on trifles, focus on the main brainchild, and you will certainly succeed, because the Yellow Pig is the real patron of all people of art.

At the end of the second decade, representatives of the sign must carefully monitor personal expenses, most of which can significantly empty the pockets and purses of Sagittarius. The gap in finances will quickly disappear, but the unpleasant aftertaste will remain!

Many Sagittarians will join the team of managers in February, they will probably be promoted, and even without much effort you will be able to take the desired position in the work team. In fact, behind the ease of a new appointment is your hard work and responsibility, which management appreciates as it deserves. Some Sagittarius will be flattered by such an appointment, but they will prefer to refuse the position, justifying the refusal by worrying about the safety of their nervous system. Many representatives of the sign voluntarily refuse promotion through the ranks, trying to remain in the shadow of their boss. Sagittarians feel more comfortable in the role of gray cardinals. But in neither the first nor the second case, Sagittarius will have to regret the decision made.

Sagittarius' material problems are successfully resolved, and representatives of the zodiac house actively enjoy life. But this carelessness can negatively affect the business reputation of Sagittarius. It is very likely that someone will interfere with your plans, make mistakes in the work entrusted to him, or deliberately deceive. It is you who will have to answer for what a stranger does. Therefore, carefully monitor everyone with whom you deal in February 2019, especially in its last ten days, although the possibility of becoming guilty without guilt will continue throughout the year.

At the end of winter, the patron of the year, Yellow Pig, will give Sagittarius a fateful meeting. Sagittarius will cross paths with a person, most likely it will be an “old” man, powerful and omnipotent, who will influence the entire future life of Sagittarius. In the bustle and whirlwind of everyday life, Sagittarius will not immediately consider how important this meeting is for them, but the very near future will show that this meeting was truly fateful.

Many Sagittarius will have to take vacation in February, although this is not the best time for this. The time when Sagittarius is so lucky rarely falls to their lot, and it is a pity to miss the opportunity to accomplish as many useful things as possible in all areas of life.

February is great for furnishing or transforming your own home. Many Sagittarius in February will strive to move to another city or even country, but this is now extremely undesirable for representatives of the sign.

But if you do have a vacation, try to spend it with friends or family. Don't neglect active recreation. Dance, have fun, listen to music, skate and ski, in general, do everything that brings you pleasure.


In Sagittarius's love relationships, everything goes without a hitch. They simply bathe in love and romance, and this, oddly enough, even applies to couples who have been in a relationship for a very long time. The reason for this is the behavior of Sagittarius. He radiates joy, prosperity and warmth, and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to resist his charm and the pressure of revived feelings.

Lonely Sagittarius will have to find a partner, the stars predict this possibility. Pay attention to the representatives of the zodiac houses Leo and Capricorn. Typically, such unions are considered not very successful by astrologers, but in February everything will work out exclusively in your favor!

Sagittarius Child

Sagittarians, especially small ones with their not yet fully developed psyche, have a very difficult time withstanding a large number of people, both in their own home and in foreign places. Sagittarius children in February 2019 will very often suffer due to their parents’ noisy parties or presence at public events. Each such event results in mild stress for the child. Remember this and try to step on your child’s sore spots less often.

A month characterized by its short duration, February will require Sagittarius to endure in 2017. Take sobriety, calmness and calculation into your arsenal - several significant astrological events rich in consequences will play out in the sky above us at once. To survive problematic moments, it is better to listen to the horoscope.

In the pre-dawn darkness of the 11th day of February in 2017, the Moon will disturb everyone. The first eclipse will occur at 3.40 (Moscow time) and will affect serious aspects of life. The tension in them will begin a week before the eclipse and will last at least another week after. Long trips and news from afar will come into focus. Beliefs and education will come to the fore. The Sagittarius horoscope for February 2017 calls for abandoning pivotal decisions in these areas. Don't change anything. Control your emotions and health. This period is best used for meditation. The main thing is don't panic.

The next period of turbulence in 2017 is associated with a solar eclipse in February. Invisible to us, circular, it will happen on the 26th. From about 18.00 (Moscow time) it will reach its maximum. Although, just like the lunar one, it will disturb a week before and a week after the event. Try to refrain from making changes. Reschedule decisions, plans, new projects, important transactions.

Love horoscope for February 2017 Sagittarius

Despite the violent behavior of the stars in the sky, everything will most likely be fine in Sagittarius’ personal relationships. The horoscope for Sagittarius for February 2017 is completely harmonious. He promises mutual understanding. Even the most notorious melancholic will not find reasons for sadness, although they themselves will have to look for a long time among Sagittarius. Initiative is on your side. You will easily be able to reach an agreement with your partner or move the relationship into closer contact.

This does not apply to fateful decisions: it is better to postpone the issue of marriage until May 2017. The placement of the planets in February is not conducive to formalizing your feelings. By the way, not only Sagittarius. But so do all signs.

Sagittarius' favorable days for love in February 2017: February 1, 2, 8, 9, 13-15, 20-23, 2017.

Financial horoscope for Sagittarius for February 2017

The monetary sphere in the long term directly depends on how prudent and balanced Sagittarius will be throughout February. It is generally better to postpone serious transactions, strategic negotiations, meetings and signings. Locking yourself in an office is unlikely to work, so when making decisions, leave a loophole in order to beat them in the future. None of them should be irrevocable. By burning bridges, you destroy the foundation of your well-being. The consequences of the final decisions will reverberate throughout 2017.

To all this, the horoscope for Sagittarius for February 2017 adds risky adventures. Offers with a criminal shadow, “scheme” operations, non-transparent transactions - this awaits Sagittarius in the second half of February 2017.

Favorable days for money in February 2017 for the Sagittarius sign: 1-4, 8-14, 20-23 February 2017.

Health horoscope for the sign Sagittarius for February 2017

Eclipses will affect your health. Sagittarius will simultaneously exhibit inertia and extreme overexcitation. February 2017 will bring instability to behavior. No need to be nervous. The psyche is cleansed of unnecessary and superficial things. The subconscious mind brings to mind everything that needs to be corrected. Listen to yourself - this is a good time to work on yourself.

The activity of the Moon will slow down the metabolism and reduce the body's immunity. Try not to overwork your digestion. Metabolism will worsen, which means it is better to abstain from unhealthy, exotic foods and bad habits. Eliminate alcohol from your life. Even medication intake needs to be more closely monitored. The best decision in February 2017 is fasting. Switching to a vegetarian diet will help Sagittarius withstand the violence of the luminaries.

Stressful days for Sagittarius in February 2017 will be: February 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28, 2017.

February 2017 for Sagittarius will be very memorable, interesting and very active in all respects. This month is characterized for you by the desire to increase material values, victories, as well as the search for comfort and the achievement of new goals.

However, in general, February will become completely restless and measured for Sagittarius. All positive processes will move very slowly, and some issues will not budge at all. Many Sagittarius will move along a thorny path to improve their material values. You can also expect conflict situations and scandalous revelations.

In order to improve the situation a little and stabilize it in February, you need to moderate your hot temper. You will have to work on yourself as much as possible and pay attention to those around you. You shouldn’t dream about great feats now; it’s best to put it all off until the next months.

However, although the month promises disappointing forecasts, in the second half the stars will head in a more positive direction. Thus, some failures and defeats will fade into the background, and will be replaced by calm and measured days, when you can devote your time entirely to your loved ones.

In addition, February is clearly on the side of your competitors in business and work. Therefore, you should not start new things in February, but it is better to closely monitor what you already have.

Family relationships and personal life of Sagittarius in February 2017

Astrologers say that Sagittarius is characterized by loyalty. It is people born under this sign who are passionate lovers and wonderful spouses and family men. Therefore, the family will smooth out all the failures and difficulties of this month. Try to educate your loved ones as much as possible. You can get everyone together and go out of town or just get together for evening gatherings.

For Sagittarius who have not yet found their soul mates, February will be very active in relationships.

For some, it will even be oversaturated with acquaintances and new relationships. However, with all this, only a few can reach a serious relationship.

For those couples who decide to quickly formalize their relationship, this month will provide a real test of strength.

But for family Sagittarius, February will be an excellent month for improving family relationships. For some they will move on to a higher level. Sagittarius will completely immerse themselves in family comfort and coziness. It will not be superfluous to spend time with children and pay attention to children's experiences and emotions.

Don’t forget about your parents, they may need your help, both financial and moral. Support and mutual understanding will help Sagittarius find some peace, because February will not be easy at all.

But do not despair - a series of different events will help you draw the right conclusions, which in the future will give very positive results.

As for business, we can say that the month promises to be very difficult.

If yesterday some things were resolved in the shortest possible time, then in February for the same successes you will need to exert maximum patience and diligence. On the way, Sagittarius will always have some obstacles, inconsistencies and even falls, which can throw them off balance and lead them to make wrong decisions.

You will have to try and restrain your temperament and unbridled ardor. A little calm and patience this month won't hurt. Don’t give up: determination and confidence will help you move a little forward and achieve some results, albeit small ones.

Now you should focus on establishing new contacts that will quickly be useful for stabilizing problems, namely:

  1. On your violent temperament, which is worth holding back.
  2. See not only your own opinion, but also those of others.
  3. Show your friendliness.

The beginning of the month is very unfavorable for obtaining loans and ill-considered expenses. But already in the second half of the month all financial difficulties will begin to be resolved. It is worth considering your investments carefully and try not to waste your finances on unnecessary things. A little restraint and Sagittarius will rise to the occasion again.

Sagittarius health in February 2017

For Sagittarius, February is very prosperous in terms of health. Some may experience minor colds, but in general everything is very optimistic.

However, moral shocks will not pass without a trace for some. Therefore, you need to take care of your nervous system. If possible, avoid all unpleasant situations at work and at home.

Do not abuse alcoholic beverages, drink teas with soothing herbs, and pay more attention to walks in the air. You can even take a short vacation and relax at some ski resort.