Esoterics - free video training for beginners. First lesson

  • Certified specialist of the Moscow Academy of State and Municipal Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Certified specialist in Ericksonian hypnosis, certified by the Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology
  • Specialist in systemic constellations, certified by the Center for Modern Systemic Constellations
  • Presenter of the Magic Theater. Practitioner of body-oriented therapy. Reiki Master.
  • Teacher of tarot training programs at the Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology

My favorite joke: “When science, puffing and sweating, finally climbs to its peak, it will see esotericism peacefully resting there.”

By my first education, I am a philologist, a teacher of Russian language and literature. Secondly, a psychologist. And the exploration of the country called Esoterics was a “step-by-step” type. That is, gradually and corrosively, with each step testing the reality of the subtle plane. With a strict stalker named Internal Analyst.

I always needed to know exactly: how “does it work”? Why "does it work"?

And most importantly, how to apply this in healing practice?

When I had an NLP trainer, experiments in the field of NLP and hypnosis behind me, I was convinced: the founding fathers, while working on the methodology, “threw out the baby with the bathwater,” that is, energy!
Now the concept of the energy-informational field is returning to practical psychology and therapy, through systemic constellations.
Work with the energy information field, both diagnostic by reading information and healing, is carried out by many traditions, ancient and modern. These are tarot and other mantic systems; systemic constellations, family and free spiritual; shamanic practices, Magic Theater and others modern techniques practical psychotherapy.

A working case in my practice: systemic arrangements; NLP technologies, analytical psychology, Gestalt therapy; tarot as a system of predictions and field practice; Ericksonian hypnotherapy as a favorite methodological approach.
Hypnosis has a difficult path to psychotherapy, which is now partly repeated by systemic constellations and other field practices. Once upon a time, in the 19th century, hypnosis passed through the haze of mystery to scientific approach. And they went their separate ways different sides two components of hypnosis: influence by words and “magnetism”. The influence of energy was then called magnetism, but they could not clearly and scientifically explain what it is?

Everything new is well forgotten old. And the formula “word + energy” today is working formula field practitioner.

What I like most about my job is helping people become a “self-made man.” As we grow up, we stop looking for support and authority outside of ourselves. We find it within ourselves.

Esoterics for beginners: where to start. "Nowadays, many people take the path of self-improvement (receive several higher education, read scientific journals or engage in active sports). Such ways to find and change yourself are popular and traditional. But there are other ways of spiritual and physical development, such as esotericism. What is esotericism Esotericism separately as a science is not recognized by society. This word carries a very abstract concept: mystical knowledge about human essence and the Universe, stored and protected by peoples since ancient times. As a rule, a narrow and closed circle of people had the opportunity to possess this knowledge. For example, esoteric knowledge includes the knowledge of Freemasons, Shaolin monks, and knights of the Teutonic Order. So what does this concept include? Practical esotericism is aimed at the implementation of two basic principles: knowledge of the surrounding World, knowledge of oneself and one’s capabilities. Based on the theory that the World in which we live has not been studied by us even by a quarter and that there are parallel Universes and space-time portals, the Worlds of the living and the dead, we can safely move into the field of extrasensory perception, magic and witchcraft. This, of course, is a huge amount of work on yourself and your own consciousness. Expanding the boundaries determined by public opinion is hard work in the direction of the unknown and mystical. Of course, magic and witchcraft are not the only path of esotericism. There is a much broader concept. But beginners should delve into the basics. Where to start studying esotericism For a beginner practitioner of esoteric art, the main thing is to study and master basic concepts such as “mantras”, “meditation”, “consciousness” and “aura”. Aura - in the Christian world there is a more understandable word - soul. The difference is in the breadth of understanding of this word. If the soul is a spiritual-emotional unit that remains after death, then the aura is also endowed with color, charge and the integrity of the protective field. Esotericism teaches its followers to protect their biofield from flows negative energy and also maintain a good mood and accumulate “internal energy.” Consciousness is the ability to think and interact with the surrounding World by means of understanding oneself. Esotericism teaches you to find an objective point in a situation, to solve problems with the help of questions addressed to yourself. Through understanding oneself comes understanding of the Universe. Mantras are again “prayers” in a narrower sense. In the broad sense, it is a combination of sounds and intonation that allow you to get away from thoughts as much as possible, “connect with Higher powers” ​​or immerse yourself in meditation. Meditation is a deep withdrawal into oneself, the liberation of consciousness from the captivity of thoughts of the external world. Connection with space and antiquity. Of course, master it practical esotericism- the matter is long and difficult. Books on esotericism for beginners A correctly selected book will certainly facilitate the path of learning and entering the as yet unknown reserves of one’s own body. Here is a list that is worth taking note: Vadim Zeland “Reality Transurfing”. Ron Hubbard, The Dynamics of Existence. Barbara Ann Brennan "Hands of Light" Carlos Castaneda - all works. Florinda Donner "The Witch's Dream" Simoron and Simoron "Burlan-Do". Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, The Hidden Powers of Man. Velimudr "The Basics of the Secret Teachings of the Slavs." Richard Peach "Astral Projection". Robert Bruce, How to Read Auras. It's never too late to start studying yourself and your abilities. In ancient times they said “The road of self-knowledge leads to God.” Esotericism as a path of personality development - great option for those who are looking for answers."

Modern people rarely think about the fact that there are other ways to relax and immerse themselves in relaxation other than bad habits. Meanwhile, everyone needs to find harmony with themselves and the world around them. One of the excellent options to know yourself and your essence is esotericism. Many people have a negative attitude towards it, associating it with religion, sectarianism and other similar hobbies. However, having figured out what esotericism really means, many may change their attitude not only towards it, but also towards themselves.

Basics of esotericism

Esotericism is not recognized as a science in the world community. It rather refers to the theory about the hidden and mystical purpose of man, about the processes that occur in the depths of consciousness and depend on the Universe. One way or another, esotericism has great value for those who study it. Even if you don’t do it seriously and don’t go into detail, you can forever change your attitude towards the world around you and yourself.

Practical esotericism has several main directions:

  1. Knowing yourself. This process has always interested people. There are no limits to perfection, and esotericism once again confirms this. Those who decide to take the path of enlightenment must first learn to free themselves from the framework that has been created by the mind and various cultural prejudices. For this purpose, various breathing exercises, meditation techniques, etc. Of course, no one will be able to break out of their usual boundaries the first time. But with training you can learn a lot.
  2. Knowing your abilities. In this direction, esotericism as a practice presupposes awareness of the skills that every person possesses from birth. For example, this includes techniques of levitation, telepathy, telekinesis, and healing. A separate esoteric teaching is responsible for each of these skills.
  3. Knowledge of the surrounding world. The third direction studies the techniques and ways of influencing a person on everything that is around him. For example, with the help of esotericism you can learn to achieve success in business and in your own feelings. This also includes parapsychology, magic, various studies of the origin of energy, the astral plane, etc. Prominent representatives of the third direction are today's popular magicians, sorcerers and psychics, who almost daily prove the existence of parallel worlds and their intersection with our world.

Of course, such a division of areas of esotericism is only formal. In fact, it includes a huge number of different teachings, the knowledge of which will require a single year of life. However, only by beginning to comprehend its secrets can you look at your life and the world around you differently.

How to learn esotericism?

Those who decide to study this science need to concentrate their attention on understanding the basic concepts that prevail in most scientific articles and exercises. For example, you need to know what aura, consciousness, meditation and mantras are. There is no rush to learn this difficult science. The main thing is thoughtful comprehension and comprehension. Literature will help make such a difficult task easier. Over the years of studying and comprehending the secrets human existence, has truly accumulated best literature, corresponding to such topics as esotericism. Here is a sample list you can take note of:

Having such rich food for thought and having consumed it completely, everyone will understand for themselves in which direction to move next. Esotericism is just a term for those beginning to study it. The main thing is not to stray from the intended path, and then this science will reveal the secrets of not only the surrounding world, but also the inner one.

Esoterics for beginners- the concept is quite strange. But, since there are thousands of such queries in search engines, this means the article may be useful. What is esotericism in simple terms? Where to start studying? What then? Risks, benefits and prospects. Let's figure it out together.

1. What is esotericism for beginners?

Esoterics- this is the doctrine of the hidden facets of the world not recognized by science.

Relying on science is a thankless task - we know that. Not so long ago, scientists insisted that the earth is flat, mercury is useful, stones do not fall from the sky, telephones are useless, aircrafts heavier than air are impossible, etc. We've already waited for recognition quantum physics part of science. But it has absorbed a good half of the esoteric sections. It turns out that esotericism is not mysticism, but a science whose time has not yet fully come.

What could this mean for us? Either we recognize it and consider ourselves to be among the intellectual avant-garde, or we reject and continue to defend the old foundations, holding on to the end flat earth. There is a third option - suitable for most - just not think about it.

2. What does esotericism refer to?

Anything can be classified as esoteric. But, for clarity, we can talk about such areas as:

  • (exploration of other worlds inside and outside the human mind, dreams, astral projection, the influence of psychotropics and meditation, trances, hypnosis)
  • working with energy (chakras, thin bodies, energy flows, acupuncture, remote influence, treatment and harm without direct contact, objects of power)
  • control of consciousness (self-change, awareness, NLP, psychotechnics)
  • control of the world (work with flows, rituals, intention, pendulums, etc.)
  • extraction of information (all types of fortune telling, communication with entities and the subconscious, clairvoyance and psychometry, dowsing)
  • body work (yoga, tensegrity, gygong)
  • social sphere ( applied psychology, stalking)

3. The benefits of esotericism.

Having become hooked on the topic of esotericism, a person is often completely absorbed by it. He changes radically, his habits, environment and life itself change. The person begins to think. Reflections about the unknown and unknowable become background for him and he grows intellectually. They're leaving bad habits. The esotericist ceases to understand why he drank and smoked before (for example). But more importantly, he stops harming the world around him. He stops broadcasting negativity to the people around him and begins to see much more positive things in his life. This positivity is evident in everything. He begins to appreciate and love his life. This alone is worth a lot.

More generally speaking, a person interested in the topic of esotericism stops destroying and begins to create. And this creation of a new world brings him pleasure.

4. Harm of esotericism.

Once a person starts thinking, he becomes harmful to the system. Why, for example, does the government need a subject who refuses to go kill or die when ordered? What does the system care whether a person values ​​his or someone else’s life? The example is rough but fair.

This is where the main danger lies. A person is crammed into the framework of society. And when these frameworks begin to collapse, society will not understand it. Everyone has seen the movie "The Matrix"? Cars don't need it free man. And in life there are the same invisible, for the time being, forces that are ready to forcibly return a person back to the capsule.

If you're just reading esoteric literature- you are safe. But if you start thinking, it will turn on defense mechanism, which “brings you back to reality.”

I understand that I described the danger very figuratively. But there is no point in talking about it more specifically, because everything happens differently in everyone’s life. Just remember that if you leave the flock, the evil shepherd will come and try to drive you back with a stick.

5. Where to start studying esotericism?

There are only a few basic rules for beginners in this matter:

  • train perfection
  • train mindfulness
  • listen to the world

Everything else is my advice:

  • start with changing your thinking (for example, with the book “Reality Transurfing” by V. Zeland)
  • strengthen your energy (there are a lot of practices)
  • gain clarity of thought (meditate)
  • don't get stuck in theory
  • don't believe everything you find out
  • read
  • communicate

Always remember - esotericism is not what it seems!

If over time you decide that you understand what esotericism is and begin to consider yourself an expert, you will become another warrior in the horde of pseudo-philosophers and pseudo-magicians, you will settle on some all-esoteric forum and there you will raise your sense of self-importance at the expense of others. It will take all your clarity of thought, energy and time. This is difficult to avoid. Almost everyone goes through this. It is important to remember in time that movement is life. It is important to understand when you stop moving, give yourself a boost and leave without saying goodbye. Then you will continue your journey into the unknown.

What associations do you have when you mention esotericism? Surely something mystical, unusual, and sometimes even fictitious. However, you still visited our resource and are reading this material, which means that esotericism is really interesting to you. Let's try to figure out what it is, what is the correct name for esotericism, and whether it is possible to master it on your own.

Defining the concepts of esotericism

What is esotericism? IN scientific world It is customary to say that this is a doctrine that studies those phenomena that have not been recognized by traditional science. But if you dig deeper, this definition seems somewhat ridiculous and absurd. Why? Take, for example, an expression about traditional science: can previously recognized methods of treatment with opium or mercury, or the assertion that the Sun revolves around the earth, be considered traditional? Of course not.

On the other hand, the postulates of esotericism do not change not only over the years - they are static over the centuries. Scientific schools and leaders change, new laws of physics are discovered, which nip the old ones in the bud, and esotericism continues to stand on the same “eternal” truths. Esotericism is, of course, a science that studies those areas that “material” (and not traditional) science has not yet reached.

While scientists paid tribute to fashion by joining some scientific school, defending one point of view or another, discoveries were made in esotericism, which later became the basis for quantum physics or string theory. It’s strange, in “mystical teachings” they spoke about the versatility of the Universe several centuries ago, but modern physicists only recently began to talk about it. As you can see, esotericism is simply those laws that science cannot prove through experimental traditional methods. Without a doubt, esotericism is a very powerful science that has gone far ahead.

What esotericism conceals: where to start

Now let's talk about what esotericists do. Their practice for ordinary person– something incredible and beyond the realm of fantasy. Within the framework of esoteric teachings, people learn to change the state of consciousness, work with energy, learn to control their consciousness, direct the energy of the Universe the way they need it, work with information channels to determine the future. By the way, psychology to some extent also belongs to esotericism - the social direction of the science of human consciousness.

The benefits of esotericism

"Why do I need it?" – perhaps a similar question has already flashed through your head. Esotericism, at least its basic principles and beginnings, will be useful to everyone without exception. After mastering basic concepts, a person learns not just to absorb information and go with the flow, he will learn to think, recognize the signals that the Universe gives him, and will be able to manage not only his own physical body, but also consciousness.

By comprehending the truths of esotericism, absolutely all the principles of life change. A person who understands how the Universe works, how the energy of the people around him interacts with his consciousness, looks at the world completely differently, he creates his own environment. Studying esotericism does not mean at all that you will be cut off from the outside world. On the contrary, you will learn to interact with him much better.

Starting to study esotericism on your own is not easy. Initially, you need to understand that you will have to really work hard: it is difficult in one fell swoop to abandon the foundations of society in which the character of almost each of us was formed. Therefore, for best result from teaching esoteric art, we recommend you whole line educational lectures, courses and programs under the guidance of masters, those who have already achieved certain success in one or another branch of esotericism.

You can start by studying magical traditions. Magical science is the fastest path to spiritual development. We offer convenient distance learning. The distance learning program is designed in such a way that you can even learn the basic tenets of esotericism remotely. Additionally, you can always get advice from experts who can help you solve your current problems in a completely different way and with minimal effort.

There is a lot to talk about. You can deny it, you can be skeptical. But you just have to try it once – and your opinion about esotericism will change once and for all. Learn to create the world around you today!