If the plums are all wormy…. How to treat plums in spring from pests and diseases: proper processing and spraying of plums Caring for plums in spring pest control

Fruits affected by pests cannot be eaten. How to remove worms from a plum and what is needed for this? How to process a plum from worms in fruits and when should it be done? Experienced gardeners know that pest control must be started in advance, and it is best to do this before the tree begins to bloom, that is in early spring. In specialized stores you can buy drugs designed to control pests. It is recommended to use a mixture of nitrogen fertilizers and karbofos. Saltpeter must be diluted according to the instructions, then add 75 grams of karbofos or 60 grams of benzophosphate to a bucket and spray the trees. Do not spare the solution. For spraying one tree, it is recommended to use a bucket of the drug. Be sure to process the near-stem circles. Repeated spraying can be done already during flowering or at the stage of fruit set.

There are many tricks to help prevent garden infestation. For example, experienced gardeners hang trap belts on trees. Plums damaged by worms fall into them. Such fruits must be destroyed in order to next year the situation has not worsened. It is also necessary to coat the trees with a mixture of slaked lime and clay over garden pitch. This helps prevent larvae from penetrating the bark. Old leaves in autumn are also recommended to be removed and burned. In near-stem circles of trees, you can plant bushes of wormwood. This plant has a very strong smell and repels pests. late autumn the ground around the drains must be dug up. It is advisable to water each tree with a special solution designed to kill larvae, since pests tend to penetrate deep into the soil, and the loan rises to the surface.

Birds play a special role in the fight against worms and other insects. They are the ones that kill the pests. To prevent the fruits from being infected, many gardeners put up birdhouses and attract birds to the site. different ways. If the plums are already infected with worms, unfortunately, it is already difficult to do something. You can try to peel the fruit and pour syrup. After a while, the worms will crawl to the surface and the syrup will need to be drained. If the fruits are needed for immediate consumption, it is better to sort them out and remove insects by hand, discard wormy specimens. Worms infect already ripe plums, they practically do not occur in unripe ones. That is why many gardeners pick greenish fruits, preventing them from ripening. Choosing fruit trees, it is worth remembering that some varieties are particularly susceptible to pest damage. It is better to choose hybrid seedlings, the conclusion of which breeders have worked on.

The animal world is organized according to a cruel principle: one eats the other.

Plants are also living beings, predators are rare among them. But they themselves are food for many vegetarian lovers.
Plum is adored not only by people and birds that do not harm it.

Gardeners know how frustrating it can be when plum pests destroy a crop grown with love.

To avoid this, heed the advice.

Characteristics of plum pests

Most plum-damaging insects stay close to their "dining room".

They hibernate on a tree or populate the soil under it, in the spring they immediately attack a garden pet. She sometimes has to suffer from several types of uninvited guests at once.

She is not able to feed everyone, ours is required with you urgent help. To cope with the invasion, it is necessary to “know by sight” the voracious aliens.


gall plum mite

The gall mite was named for its remarkable ability: it forms outgrowths - galls at the base of young shoots. This is the home of ticks, inside the galls there is a whole cluster of them.

Gall mites are serious plum pests. After overwintering in galls, they begin to feed, damaging young shoots.

They wake up early, + 15 ° for ticks is already a “working” temperature. They form new dwellings, these galls are clearly visible, they are distinguished by a bright, red-brown color.

By the summer, the galls “mask” - they acquire the color of the bark on which they formed. Ticks feed on the juice of shoots, young branches dry out and die.

In two or three seasons, the death of a tree is possible.

Fighting a tick is not easy, it is protected, hidden in its house. During the summer, several generations hatch, but they live and feed in the same gall.

But the biology of the pest provides for its relocation in the spring. The tick comes out of the overwintering places, finds living buds and takes root in them.

Two weeks, while he is busy "moving", the tick is open and vulnerable.

Red fruit mite

A very common pest. Slightly less than half a centimeter (0.4 mm) in size, the bright red female is very prolific.

Lives for a month, manages to lay a hundred of the same red eggs. It gradually turns brown.

Eight generations of mites per season severely deplete the tree. These plum pests do not spare her.

In summer, the eggs are visible on the lower plate of the leaf, they are located closer to the food. Eggs intended for wintering are prudently laid on shoots.

When there are a lot of them, the tree looks red after leaf fall.

Nature has provided for everything: the larvae hatch just before the plum blossoms. When the flowers open, the mite is already mature.

Leaves appear and immediately become food for the fruit mite. The leaves dry, the plums that have had time to start fall off or grow small, shriveled.

yellow plum sawfly

The insect is inconspicuous, yellow-brown, up to half a centimeter long. A harmless-looking small "fly" with transparent wings.

Do not be touched by this graceful insect, rejoicing that it is warmer. Already by the word "sawfly" it is clear that the drain from him is hard.

The pest does not saw the trunk, the larva eats the ovaries. The sawfly season begins before the opening of the plum buds.

This beautiful fly (each of them!) Will lay fifty eggs in the middle of the flowers. Maybe more - up to 60.

He cuts a bud and puts an egg in each. After a week and a half, slippery yellow-brown "tadpoles" - larvae - will come out of them.

The appetite of young sawflies is excellent: each larva is capable of destroying five fruits during its growth.

If you do not help the plum, it will not have enough fruit for this whole gluttonous company.

We help like this:

  • In our garden, we focus on biological products (entobacterin or lepitocide). We destroy the wintering larvae by the usual method: digging the surface layer of the garden spacing and especially the trunk circles. Digging - in late autumn. Then many plum pests of all stripes, settled for the winter next to the tree, will freeze.
  • Watch the buds pop up. Before flowering, sawflies sit on the branches and wait. Choose an overcast day, spread out your bedding, and shake the tree. Frightened sawflies will be trapped and easily destroyed. This is a mechanical way. Manual, but very effective work.
  • With severe damage, sometimes it is necessary to connect organophosphorus pesticides, these are: metaphos, karbofos, and other derivative groups. But this is an extreme measure. It acts effectively, decomposes into harmless components of the preparations relatively quickly. But there is toxicity, it is not in vain that insects die.
  • You can try to confuse the insects. Without waiting for the sawfly to take off, a little earlier, treat the plum with odorous infusions. Wormwood is suitable: wormwood has a pungent smell, it does not look like plum. Even easier: dilute the pharmacy coniferous concentrate that is used for baths and spray the plantings. Plum pests do not consider spruce food, they will be disoriented.

Black plum sawfly

The pest is similar to yellow, even the sizes of adult hymenoptera are the same - 5 mm.

But the wings are transparent - black, brown veins are clearly visible on them. The body is also black.

Only the female lays fewer eggs than the yellow sawflies - up to 30.

But even thirty plums stolen from the harvest by each successor of the family is a considerable amount.

The larvae are white with a green tinge or yellow. They feed on the pulp, get to the bone, affect it.

The plum is falling. At this point, the larva is plump and ready to pupate. It remains only to crawl into the ground and do it.
They fight against the black sawfly with the same methods that are listed for destruction - yellow.

Plum pollinated aphid

These aphids are "many-sided". They differ in appearance and function in the colonies they form.

Aphids, like other plum-damaging insects, time their appearance to the flowering of the tree.

Only the release of founding females occurs at the end of flowering. They are wingless and light green in color.

They settle in colonies from the bottom of the leaf, causing the leaves to curl down. Wingless founding aphids give birth to winged females and males several times during the warm season.

The harm of the aphid is great: it sucks the juice from the leaves and fruits, the tree withers. Aphids secrete a sweet liquid that ants love so much.

But this sweet environment is also favorable for the nutrition of pathogens of fungal diseases. They "eat up" the fruits that did not have time - aphids.

Processing plums against aphids will give a result if it is timely. It is necessary to start spraying early, before bud break.

From home remedies, the best improvised is used: an ash-soap solution. Ash is an alkali, it burns the loose covers of aphids, destroys it. Soap helps the home remedy stick to the branches.

More treatments are needed: one - after bud break, the second - after flowering. It is recommended to spray 15% karbofos, see the situation.

When the infestation is not strong, try to stop the pest without poisons.


  • Ash-soap solution. Pour the ash (kilogram) with a bucket of boiling water. Insist for two days, add 100 g of dissolved soap to the strained infusion. Top up to 10 liters and spray the plum as needed.
  • Infusion of marigolds. Marigolds are dried whole. To process plums, fill a bucket with marigold grass up to half. Pour boiling water to the top, leave to infuse - two days. Aphids cannot stand the pungent smell of this plant. Strained infusion with the addition of 50 g of soap (household) - effective remedy from plum aphids.
  • Laundry soap solution. A two-hundred-gram bar of laundry soap in a bucket of water will help organize an uncomfortable shower for aphids. She probably won't want to do it again. Grate the soap - then it will dissolve easier.
  • Peel of an orange. A kilogram of dried peels, filled with warm water, insist in warmth and darkness for three days. Waters take a bucket. The solution is ready for spraying.

Any of the means must be applied so that it “gets” the bottom of the sheet, where the harmful aphid is located.

The families of most other plum pests will not like these compounds either.

common plum codling moth

For all its "commonness", the pest is unusually voracious, which is also reflected in the name.

If you saw a drop of gum on the fruit of a plum, the codling moth caterpillar is probably hosting there.

The codling moth itself is a nondescript gray butterfly with a brown tint. It looks like a moth (home), but larger: the scope in summer with open wings reaches one and a half centimeters.

The awakening of butterflies is also focused on plum blossom.

Plum codling moth eggs are beige and milky, with a green tint. She puts them aside - at night, for each she chooses a “personal”, separate plum.

Occasionally, it can add a second and third egg there. Can populate fifty fruits. A few butterflies, and the harvest is no longer yours.

Eggs are laid on the shady side - the bottom. Butterfly years are stretched - up to two months. The period is determined by the climate of the region: below +14° the female stops laying.

A hatched off-white caterpillar examines the fruit, chooses an entry point. He does this in detail - he can crawl along the drain for several hours.

Having found a convenient place, he braids it with a cobweb, crawls under it. Gnawing through the peel, prudently does not eat it: having made his way inside, he closes the “door” with the peel.

Plum tries to heal the wound, releases gum. It is clear from this trail: there is an uninvited guest inside.

When feeding, the caterpillar changes color: it turns red. She makes her way to the place where the petiole is attached. If the plum fruit is unripe, it gnaws through the seed.

In ripe ones, it eats away the pulp near the stone, leaving excrement everywhere along the path of advancement.

The codling moth fattens like this for about a month, then it gnaws through the fastening of the peduncle. If there is a touching fruit nearby, the caterpillar will move there as well.

After the end of the feeding cycle, the caterpillar emerges and pupates. It is interesting that even in warm climate zones, some pupae fall into sleep for future overwintering.

The rest of the butterflies fly out - continue to breed. Plum pests know how to insure.

Knowing the biology of the pest makes it easier to plan measures for its destruction.

Control measures include methods:

  • Biological.
  • Attracting entomophagous insects. Sow plants in the garden that attract entomophages (buckwheat, phacelia, clover). Plant flowering shrubs. Entomophages - useful insects that destroy harmful ones, need nectar and these fruit pests themselves. Trichogramma, elasmus - these entomophages are specially bred, then gardens are populated with them. In addition to the ordinary trichogram, there is even a codling moth (yellow moth trichogram). She makes ovipositions directly into clutches of codling moth eggs. At the same time, it frees the garden from leaf rollers.
  • When using beneficial insects, remember that they are vulnerable to poisons, do not poison them with pesticides. During processing, entomophages die along with pests.
  • The old method is baits for female codling moths. Cans with fermented compote, beer, yeast ferments are hung in crowns. You can use kvass. Butterflies fly to the smell and drown. In the morning, the "catch" is removed, it is better to cover the banks. Traps open in the evening.
  • Night (or twilight) smoke with compounds toxic to the codling moth. Straw is mixed with the tops of tomatoes, potatoes, nightshade, wormwood - whatever is found at home. Lay out in heaps or rows. You can add manure. Task: to organize the smoldering of the mass. The smoke will be toxic to the codling moth and other insects. Plum pests will partially die, the rest will prefer to retire. Two hours of smoke is enough. It is advisable to periodically repeat the reception during the summer.
  • Chemical method. If you have chosen it, look for modern preparations, if possible, sparing plantings, useful fauna and you.

An effective scheme is:

  • With the beginning of the summer of the plum codling moth, plum processing begins immediately. It is not difficult to determine the days of departure of the first females. Put fermented compote or kvass in an open bowl in the garden. Wait for the catch. The first "butterfly in compote" is a signal to start processing.
  • Use drugs of the pyrethroid class. The group got its name from chamomile (feverfew). Paralyze insects. Their advantages:
    - Similarity in action with natural protective substances;
    - Selective toxicity or selectivity - hitting pests, sparing beneficial insects, fish;
    - Minimally toxic - valuable for the gardener himself;
    - Reliable adhesion;
    - Resistance to the light action of the sun;
    - Do not wash off with rain.

They showed themselves well in the gardens: permethrin, cypermethrin.

Neonicotinoids are another group of insecticides that eradicate pests with minimal inconvenience to the gardener. They are good:

  • Active action against pests;
  • selectivity;
  • profitability;
  • Neonicotinoids are not volatile;
  • Not dangerous to humans;
  • Stands last a long time.

They include: confidor, aktara, mospilan, calypso - these drugs are used in Russia.

Pyrethroids and neonicotinoids can be combined to enhance the effect.

  • Repeat the treatment after three weeks with a combination of other drugs. The hormonal (for insects) insecticide "Sonnet" disrupts the synthesis of the codling moth, it dies. Neonicotinoid "Bancol" gives a paralytic effect, the codling moth of any age dies. These drugs are compatible.
  • Do not neglect environmental methods, combine them with "chemistry". Spend and manual work described above.

wrinkled sapwood

A harmless-looking insect does a lot of harm to a tree. After overwintering under the bark, the larva pupates in spring until May.

Then the beetle flies out. Years stretched - one and a half months.

The beetle itself damages the vegetative plum: it gnaws out depressions along the trunk. Favorite places- closer to the kidneys and branching of the shoots.

Plum pests vary greatly. The female penetrates into the bark, makes a uterine passage up to 3 cm under it. This is the mating room.

On both sides of the gnawed passage, the female makes more recesses for the eggs. Eggs sometimes more than a hundred. Egg laying lasts three weeks. After that, the exhausted female dies, closing the hole in the uterine passage with her body.

A week later, the hatched white, brown-headed larvae are already drilling passages under the bark in all directions.

By July they pupate. Another two-week cycle and new beetles fly out. They feed and lay eggs.

The next generation of larvae, having gained mass, goes into wintering without pupating. In the spring the cycle will repeat itself.

In the fight against sapwood, take into account:

  • He will not settle on a healthy tree. Weak branches damaged by frost or improper care should be removed - prevention better than war with a pest.
  • Damaged branches are visible. Cut and burn these together with overwintering sapwood - before the beetles fly out.

During the summer season, use insecticides. Then the beetle will hide.

gypsy moth

Butterfly large - wingspan 8 cm. Light brown color, with an ornament. The caterpillars are also large - 7 cm.

Polyphagous: affect stone fruits, pome fruits, berry crops. Caterpillars "fluffy" - covered with hairs.

Butterfly ovipositions are record-breakingly prolific: a female can lay up to 600 eggs.

Places them everywhere: suitable places- stumps, fences, walls of outbuildings, tree trunks. They winter there.

Caterpillars hatch and eat leaves in spring, by summer they pupate right on the tree.

Due to hairiness, they "fly" - the wind carries them easily, for kilometers. The summer of butterflies is in the middle of summer. Then the cycle repeats.

You have to fight more manually. Egg clutches found are scraped off and burned.

Before plum blossoms, in the spring, you can treat the garden with insecticides, taking into account their toxicity.

Permethrin, its combination with mospilan, or other combinations of drugs from modern pyrethroid groups with neonicotinoids are suitable.

General rule: during the flowering period, insecticides are not used.

The caterpillars are harvested by hand, glue traps are placed on the stems.

Plum pachyderm

Polyphagous pest of the Hymenoptera family. A small fly half a centimeter long. Black color. Two pairs of transparent, black-veined wings.

It affects stone fruits, plum is mainly included in the diet of the pachyderm (hence the name).

Tolstopodka flies out after its flowering. She needs an ovary - eggs are laid there, in the very bone, while it is soft.

Harmfulness is great: one female - 40 eggs, the same number of damaged plums.

White legless larvae gnaw the bone completely. Plum falls along with the larva. The larva hibernates in the fallen fruit.

When it finishes feeding, it pupates. The color of the pupa is white, it will turn black before the emergence of the pachyderm.

The fight against the pachyderm begins with mechanical methods. Collect all fallen fruits and seeds on the ground.

Inspect the tree, remove damaged plums. Collected - burned.

General measures are also used: digging the garden (preferably double: in autumn and spring), traps with fermented liquid.

It is important to strengthen the plum, to observe agricultural technology.

from chemical and biological methods the same ones that are described for the codling moth are effective: plum pests are powerless against them.

rose leaf

A small butterfly of a brown inconspicuous color. It does not harm the plants itself, the offspring (caterpillars) are extremely voracious.

It affects plums and other stone fruits. Caterpillars eat everything: buds, fruits, leaves. Sometimes even young bark and upper layers of branches.

The leaves curl up during the invasion of the leaflet, which gave the name to the insect.

Butterfly years - from late spring almost to autumn. The whole season will have to track the pest, fight it.

Twisted leaves, folded inflorescences in lumps, ovaries in the web - signs of being on the plum leaflet.

Control is always based on the biology of the pest:

  • The leaf roller hibernates under the old bark in the egg phase. This fall, the bark is carefully scraped off and burned along with the collected leaves.
  • Supplement the autumn whitewashing of the boles with the spring one - until the summer of the leaflet. In the spring, whiten the skeletal branches as well.
  • During the growing season - collection and destruction of twisted leaves, hanging baits (kvass, compote), twilight smoke in the garden.

Preparations are better bacterial: bitoxibacillin, fitoverm. When harmless to humans, they infect and destroy the leaflet.

Folk methods - as against the codling moth. You can add to them an infusion of horseradish roots.

A kilogram of roots per bucket of water - insist two days. Boil, stand again for two days.

The resulting infusion is a concentrate, it will last for a long time. Take 120 g, dilute with a bucket of water, and you can spray the plum. For stickiness, add a little soap.

It will take several treatments (every 15 days approximately).

Whatever plum pests try to look into your garden, you can stop them.

Prevention is preferable, therefore, it is advisable to follow all the agricultural practices recommended above.

A well-maintained garden is easier to maintain. Help the trees in time - they will thank you with excellent juicy ones.

See you soon, dear readers!

Diseases and pests cause great damage to the plum crop ( rice. 15). They weaken the trees so much that they can lead to death from freezing even in a mild winter.

Plum pest and disease control calendar

  • Early spring period(before swelling of the kidneys). Slices are covered with garden pitch for better healing of wounds on the trunk bark and main branches, frost cracks, and burns. They cut and burn branches damaged by pests and diseases, dig up the soil under the crown of trees and in the aisles. Hanging birdhouses. Sprayed with 3% nitrofen (60% paste).
  • The period of swelling of the kidneys before the nomination of the buds. From adult trees, early in the morning, the plum sawfly is shaken onto the litter and destroyed. Sprayed with 3% Bordeaux liquid.
  • Promotion of buds before flowering. This phase coincides with the greatest activity of pests - aphid larvae, plum sawfly eggs in flower buds. Make a second shaking of the plum sawfly. Against leaf-eating pests use tobacco decoction or a mixture of infusions - garlic and mustard. When the buds and young leaves wither (moniliosis), the damaged shoots are cut out and burned.
  • Flowering period. During this period, chemical spraying is not used, since extraneous odors are not needed during pollination of flowers. Recommended flowering plant treat with a solution of honey (30 g per 10 liters of water) with the addition of a micronutrient tablet or one tablespoon mineral mixture with microfertilizers. The general condition of the tree improves with foliar application.
  • The period after flowering until the beginning of maturation. A month later, trunk circles are dug up against the sawfly, whose larvae go into the soil. Harvest and burn the dead plums, shake the trees to remove more affected fruit. When green aphids appear on the plum, they are sprayed with tobacco or mustard infusion. Chemical spraying is recommended with a mixture of preparations of 0.5% copper oxychloride and 0.4% cuprosan, 0.2% chlorophos.
  • fruit ripening period. Collection and destruction of affected fallen ovaries. To scare away birds, they hang blue, blue, red flags on each tree, hang lids from cans, onions, cut in half. (Birds can't stand its smell.)
    If necessary, repeat spraying or treat with 0.5% urea and 0.5% potassium salt.
  • After harvest (before the leaves fall). Remove all items to scare away birds. Harvest fruits hanging from trees, checking for broken limbs or damaged bark, pruning appropriately and treating wounds.
    Sprayed with garlic-mustard solution with the addition of ash broth, one tablet of micronutrient fertilizers and 50 g mineral fertilizers per 10 liters of solution.
  • Autumn-winter period. All weeds are carefully removed and water-charging watering is carried out. Stamps are cleaned of dead bark and bleached. Fallen leaves are raked and burned or composted. Trunk circles are dug up.
  • late autumn carry out whitewashing of boles, main branches from sunburn. Stamps and main branches are tied with spruce branches, roofing felt, roofing felt or white transparent film.

    Fighting mice in the garden

    To fight mice carry out preventive sanitary and hygienic measures: remove garbage, waste, straw, where mice arrange nests, destroy weeds.

    Various baits are used against mice (a little vegetable oil is added to the mixture for smell), which are wrapped in small bags and placed in mouse holes.

    Before processing trees, it is necessary to determine optimal time to carry it out. Spraying is usually done in spring or autumn. Consider the main features of each time.


    To protect plantings from gypsy moth, you need to spray twice:

    • before flowering;
    • after the completion of the flowering period. It is worth noting that you need to carefully choose how to process the plum after flowering in order to avoid the accumulation of toxic substances in the fruits.

    As you can see, how to process a plum in the spring depends on the purpose for which prevention is performed. However, you can use universal products that protect against several varieties of insects, viruses and pathogenic bacteria, as well as fungi at once.

    In addition, preventive actions in early spring involve whitewashing the lower part of the trunks with lime. This action will destroy the masonry of harmful insects.

    In some cases spring spraying delayed, as it involves several sequential treatments at certain time intervals. As a result, trees will need to be sprayed in early June. This is the only way to effectively protect plantings from a specific pest or pathogen.


    The key to success in the drug

    Dealt with processing times. Now you need to figure out how to treat the plum from diseases and pests in order to effectively protect the future crop. Moreover, the success of the entire event directly depends on how correctly the drug was chosen.

    From diseases

    In the event of the first symptoms of the disease, in order to effectively deal with the disease, you must first find out the type of disease. Most often, this stone fruit culture is affected by the following diseases:

    • marsupial disease. Very dangerous. If present, the fetus is covered white-gray bloom, which is the result of the vital activity of the fungus. In this case, the plant must be treated with Bordeaux liquid (3%). Spraying is carried out both in early spring and autumn;
    • perforated spotting. Symptoms: gum disease, ulcers on branches. To fight, you should use a solution of Bordeaux liquid (1%);
    • moniliosis. The disease affects the buds, fruit branches, fruits, flowers and leaves. When plum leaves appear, spray Bordeaux liquid (3%). Then, twice with an interval of 2 weeks, the trees are treated with a solution of Bordeaux mixture (1%).

    Remember that for maximum success, work must begin immediately when the first symptoms of the disease were detected.

    From pests

    Plums are most often attacked by the following types of insects:

    Spraying is mandatory at any time of the year if cobwebs or any other signs of pests on the trees were noticed on the branches of the plums.

    We follow the instructions

    An important point in the processing of plum trees is the preparation of a solution of the desired concentration. Particular care must be taken when breeding chemicals(for example, benzophosphate, karbofos, etc.). In this case, a deviation from the desired concentration can cause a chemical burn in the plant. It is important to strictly follow the requirements for preparing the solution specified in the instructions.

    Video "Planting and fertilizing plums"

    From this video you will learn how to properly feed and plant plums in the garden.
