Movements for morning exercises. How to do morning exercises? A set of exercises for every day at home

A set of exercises for morning exercises is recommended to be performed daily. Naturally, there can be no coercion here, but later you will understand why this is vital.

Modern lifestyle and the need for movement

Today, many devote too little of their lives to their physical activity. A modern person spends every day sitting, lying down, or in various combinations of these two positions. As a rule, this is due to the peculiarities of their work or hobby.

For example, a sound engineer is forced to spend the entire working day in a chair. The writer most of the time sits at a laptop. And there is no need to talk about the employees of numerous offices. It seems to be nothing terrible, but let's see what a sedentary lifestyle leads to:

  • prostatitis in men.
  • Hemorrhoids in both men and women.
  • Problems with the spine, back pain, pinched nerves and a lot of discomfort in life with active movements.
  • Stroke of the brain.
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system, pressure surges, hypertension. The list goes on.

The heart ceases to function normally, after it the vital volume of the lungs decreases, the brain gradually loses its former functional sharpness, and the muscles lose their strength and accuracy of movements. The body ages faster. Physical activity is a kind of panacea.

Note that not all physical activity is useful and not every day. There is work that is considered difficult - this is the work of loaders, when you need to carry and move something for the whole shift. Here, the human body is already wearing out, which also leads to premature aging.

And there is healing physical activity - this is morning exercises, amateur sports (gym, football, tennis and everything else that is done for one's own pleasure).

The least you can do for your health is exercise.

The benefits of morning exercises and why you need to do it in the morning

Good news:

  1. A charge of vivacity and an opportunity for the whole organism to effectively “wake up” every day.
  2. Preparing the body for working mode after sleep.
  3. Acceleration of blood throughout the body, prevention of its stagnation, aeration of the lungs.
  4. Maintain body flexibility.
  5. Slight maintenance of muscle tone (it all depends on the degree of difficulty of charging).

Most people wake up in the morning. They get up and pour themselves coffee every day, using caffeine to raise blood pressure in the body. This is stress for our body. Therefore, it is often said that excessive consumption of coffee can lead to unpleasant consequences. In addition, having become accustomed to coffee, a person needs a stronger stimulus and begins to use energy drinks. Goodbye heart!

Charging for every day raises the pressure much more effectively, and in a gentle mode.

Actually, this is why the exercises are known as the morning exercises complex, because they are done almost immediately after sleep. However, you should know that hard training after waking up is not recommended, since the body is still “sleepy”, and the metabolic processes in it are too slow.

Charging complexes

Frequency of training

So, such an easy set of physical exercises should be done every day after waking up in the morning. It is not recommended to do exercises after eating, with muscle strain. If you play sports, you can do without exercise, as your regular workouts replace it, maintaining good muscle condition.

Since the level of training for different people is different, we will divide the complex of physical exercises into 2 complexes: for beginners and for people with little training. Let's call them the first and second levels, respectively.

Any set of morning exercises begins with a warm-up, this applies to both levels.

Warm up

The warm-up will consist in bringing the joints and tendons into working condition:

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly rotate your head 10 times in one direction and 10 times in the other.
  2. Then we tilt our head to the right and left, forward and backward 2-3 times, pull the muscles.
  3. We make circular movements with the shoulders, in the same way - 10 times in both directions. Then we make 2-3 stretching movements up, down, back and forth.
  4. Now we rotate with outstretched arms in both directions at the same time. 10 times.
  5. Next, do the same with the bend of the elbows. We twist our hands in a way that is more convenient.
  6. We knead the brushes - we make circular movements.
  7. We rest our hands on the sides, make circular movements with the pelvis 10 times in each direction.
  8. We rest our hand against the wall and make 10 rotational movements in each direction with the leg bent at the knee. We try to increase the radius of the circle with each stroke.
  9. We raise the leg so that the distance from the toe to the floor is about 10 cm. We draw a circle on the floor with the toe extended to the floor due to movement in the knee.
  10. Then we do the same, but with the help of the ankle, and the leg is motionless at the knee.

That's it, the workout is over. In time, it can take 3-5 minutes.

First level charging

First-level morning exercises are suitable for people of older age groups and people with poor physical fitness:

  1. We bend forward, trying to reach the floor with outstretched legs with our hands. This is a back workout.
  2. We raise the legs bent at the knees up, simulating a step with a high knee raise - training the front muscles of the legs and the press.
  3. We overwhelm the heels back, remaining in one place - training the back muscles of the legs and buttocks.
  4. We take the leg to the side and back - training the lateral muscles of the legs.
  5. We swing the leg back and forth, trying to swing the leg a greater distance each time.
  6. Lie down on a fitness mat. Hands behind the head, we lift the legs bent at the knees alternately: right-left, right-left. This is a workout for the abdominal muscles.
  7. We wrap our hands around our knees, pressing them to our chest, and try to ride on a spine bent in an arc. Try to roll on the sides of your spine - there are muscles. Of course, it is better not to ride on the vertebral bodies themselves.
  8. Roll over on your stomach, rest your hands on the floor and, pressing your pelvis to the floor, straighten your arms. Your body will rise up, look at the ceiling, tilting your head back as much as possible. This is a stretch after working with the press.
  9. Tear off the pelvis from the floor and lift it to the ceiling, the angle between the body and legs in the pelvic area will become straight (in the prone position it is equal to 180 degrees). In this case, the core muscles are trained.

Each exercise associated with swings or other movement should be done 10 times for each part of the body.

Charging completed. Charging time is 10-15 minutes.

Second level charging

This option will give vivacity and warm on a cold winter morning:

  1. The first exercise - as in the previous version.
  2. Squat with arms raised forward - 10-15 times.
  3. Push-ups from the floor in a free style - 10-15 times.
  4. Bending the torso from a prone position - 10 times.
  5. Raising the legs from a prone position on the press - 10 times.
  6. Bridge - 20-30 seconds.
  7. Plank - 60 seconds.
  8. Running in place - 20-30 seconds.
  9. Jumping on toes - 20-30 seconds.
  10. Restoration of breathing.

Then you need to go to the shower. Who is tempered - it is very good to douse yourself with cold water. The rest will suffice the usual warm shower.

Over time, you will notice that you no longer need coffee in the morning. By the way, you can come up with your own set of exercises for morning exercises.

If you are too lazy to do exercises daily, do it every other day or 5 times a week. But it is better to develop a stable and strong habit of waking up with thoughts of exercising.

There are many different complexes, for example, in the practice of yoga (“5 Tibetans” and so on), which are also well suited for morning exercises. Some people just need to warm up in the morning, others do stretching after warming up. Someone does 50 push-ups as soon as they fall off the bed and onto the floor. Everyone has their own approach.

It is best to do exercises in the fresh air in combination with a run. Or just go to the gym three times a week. It's a good alternative, but it won't help you wake up in the morning. Therefore, no one canceled the charge!

It helps not only to control your weight, but also to take care of your health and good spirits, which is much more important than the fight against extra pounds. In order for it to be useful, it is worth approaching it systematically. It is difficult to single out the best complex of morning exercises, because everyone chooses exercises for themselves, so further we will consider several successful options.

no coffee

Most people are skeptical about physical activity and even more so about morning exercises. To get out of the inhibited morning state, coffee or a contrast shower are used. But these are just stimulants that do not awaken the body, but only temporarily dull drowsiness and fatigue.

And they give a simply amazing effect - they awaken the whole body, tone the muscles and charge a person with energy for the whole day. A cold shower or a cup of coffee only affects the functioning of the brain and nervous system, and in order to fully wake up, you need to use your muscles and joints. A good morning exercise copes with this task and gives a person a great mood and vigor for the whole day.

The benefits of morning exercise

Before we look at the best complex, let's find out what else is useful for morning activity.

The most important thing that morning physical education can give is the improvement of the body. But this is possible only with a systematic approach, which involves not only regular performance, but also the gradual complication of exercises. Immediately after charging, you can feel how the body "blooms": the mood rises, and the brain and nerve cells begin full-fledged work. All this eventually leads to new successes and the conquest of the desired heights.

Charging Rules

Like everything else, morning physical education has its own laws and rules, adhering to which, you can guarantee yourself a quality result. Otherwise, even simple morning activity can lead to negative consequences. Let's find out what you need to do to get a good morning exercise:

  1. Immediately after waking up, you can not overload the body with heavy exercises - this can adversely affect the work of the heart.
  2. It is recommended to start the exercises right in bed. It can be: sipping, bending the arms and legs, turning the torso and other simple actions.
  3. Getting out of bed, you should not immediately start exercising, first you need to give the brain and nerve cells a couple of minutes to wake up. During this time, you can wash. Now you can proceed to the main set of exercises.
  4. It is necessary to pay special attention to breathing, because it saturates the cells with oxygen and increases the overall tone of the body.
  5. You should not overwork, since the main goal of charging is to wake up, and not to pump up a pile of muscles. If the body gives signals of overwork, be sure to listen to it.

The best exercises for morning exercises

Maximum stimulation of the body is achieved only when performing well-chosen exercises. As you probably know, there are many methods and types of morning exercise. As in any other sport, there are fundamental exercises that are included in any well-designed system. Let's take a look at them:

  1. Neck area. This is where standard tilts, turns and head rotations come to the rescue, which improve blood flow to the brain and awaken the whole body.
  2. Hands. It is recommended to start warming up the joints with the rotation of fists or hands closed in a “lock”. Then comes the rotation of the forearms and finally the fully extended arms.
  3. Frame. We continue to remember the school curriculum. Standing up with legs spread shoulder-width apart, you need to perform smooth and measured tilts of the body forward, touching the floor with your fingers, and ideally with your palms. Then, placing your hands on your belt, you need to rotate the pelvis. It remains only to make side slopes. To do this, one hand remains on the lower back, and the second stretches in the direction of the slope.
  4. Legs. You can start with warming leg swings. At the same time, you should not bring them to a critical height. For each leg, 10-15 swings will be enough. The next step is leg raises to the side. After that, circular rotations of the knee joints are made. And finally, squats. There is no need to try to squeeze all the strength out of ourselves, because we are doing exercises.

As you can see, the complex is not at all complicated. It is suitable for everyone and allows you to feel a surge of strength after the first lesson. But a good mood in the morning helps a person achieve success throughout the day.

In addition to the general rules, there are also specialized techniques that are designed for a narrower circle of people: separately for men, women, children, for those who want to lose weight or with an emphasis on a particular problem area, for the disabled, etc. Next, we will take a closer look complexes for women and men, as well as for weight loss.

Exercises for women

Women's exercises are slightly different from men's, both in terms of the level of load and the principle of exercise. So, let's look at the most successful exercises that the best morning exercises for women should include:

  • walking in place with the maximum rise of the knees;
  • cross your fingers and put them on one knee, you need to slightly stretch the second leg forward and perform backbends;
  • lean back and, throwing your hands behind your back, reach your heels with your fingers, then lean forward - and so on in a circle;
  • feet shoulder width apart. One hand rests on the back of the head, and the second on the belt. The torso is tilted towards the second hand;
  • putting your hands on your belt, perform head rotations;
  • rotation of the arms in the elbow, and then in the shoulder joint;
  • squats;
  • leaning against the wall, alternately raise your knees to your chest;
  • lie on a flat surface and, bending your knee, pull it with your hands to your chest. In this position, raise the body;
  • and finally - light exercises for the abdominal muscles.

All exercises are performed several times on each side (if their essence suggests it).

The best morning exercises for the stronger sex

The differences between women's morning exercises and men's can be expressed in the table:

As you can see, there are differences between the female and male approach, but they are not so significant. The best one may include the same elements as a warm-up as the women's, but the emphasis is more on strength performance. In order not to repeat ourselves, we note only those exercises that are included only in the male complex:

  1. As an option for a good, but not intrusive cardio load, the so-called “shadow boxing” using small dumbbells is considered. Moreover, it is advisable not to limit yourself to blows, but also to perform various rotations of the arms and twisting of the body.
  2. Although we are talking about charging, and not about a full-fledged workout, a few push-ups and pull-ups will not harm a man at all. Especially if you perform them under control and try to stretch at peak points.

The rest of the exercises are similar to women's, only the number of repetitions needs to be increased.

The best morning exercise for weight loss

Many are concerned about the problem of excess weight. For such people, there are special methods of morning exercises that allow not only to effectively awaken the body, but also to get rid of annoying excess weight.

The difference of this complex is that it involves an increased load. Therefore, before performing such exercises, you need to let the body wake up with the help of the exercises described in the first complex. It is also recommended to drink a glass of water before starting work.

The complex of morning physical education for weight loss includes the following steps:

  1. Warm up. It can consist of jumps, swings of arms and legs, torso tilts, rotations of the pelvis. A light short run, including on a treadmill, is well suited as a warm-up.
  2. Hand work. To do this, you need small dumbbells. All kinds of bending, lifting and swinging are done with them. Next, you can do various push-ups that activate the pectoral girdle muscles.
  3. And finally, it will be useful to do a set of squats. The main thing is not to rush and follow the technique.

As you can see, exercise for weight loss is not much more complicated than simple exercise (especially for men), however, it is more effective. But we repeat once again - you should not turn morning physical education into a massive pumping of the whole body in order to burn fat. This must be done at a different time.

For weight loss, the regularity of physical education is much more important than its duration. Therefore, if you want to lose extra pounds, try to do at least a little exercise every day.

Now in a nutshell about other types and options for charging.

Accelerated complex

A good morning workout can be quick. This is very important, because a modern person constantly does not have enough time. There is, for example, a 10-minute complex, which, being short, allows the body to wake up normally and recharge with energy. It includes a non-aggressive study of all joints and major muscle groups.


In addition to the standard types of morning physical education, there is also an amazing Chinese technique called qigong. According to practicing trainers, it allows not only to fill the body with vigor, but also to slow down the aging process, as well as heal annoying diseases. The technique is based on receiving healing positive energy.

Children's exercise

Separately, a children's version is singled out. This complex in various manifestations is found in school curricula. It stimulates the healthy physical development of the child, without overloading the young body, and most importantly - it is designed as a kind of game, which allows you to interest even the most restless kids.


The best morning exercise can be different for each person. We have analyzed only the basic principles that are considered the most universal and effective. As you can see, many of the principles of morning exercises are familiar to each of us from childhood. So there are no barriers to health and good spirits! The main thing is not to forget that charging is needed to wake up and it does not tolerate overload!

Good morning, subscribers of the "healthy blog". Today I want to talk about the benefits of morning exercises. In this article, I will reveal to you the question of why you need morning exercises. We will talk about its importance for the health of the body. In addition, I will teach you how to properly perform morning exercises, give you important recommendations.

It is worth noting that today, despite the propaganda and fashion for , there are practically no specific programs for performing morning physical exercises. Moreover, in many forums dedicated to healthy lifestyles, morning exercises are assessed rather skeptically. In this article, I will focus on a set of physical exercises for both adults and children. We will consider with you some of the practical and theoretical aspects related to the classes in the morning.

What is morning exercise

Morning exercises include a simple set of general physical exercises, which is performed in the morning after waking up. Its purpose is to increase vitality and prepare the body for the upcoming physical exertion. After all, in the morning it is important for our body to get involved in work activities as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Some confuse morning exercises with gymnastics or a warm-up before morning sports training. The phrase "morning exercise" speaks for itself. Morning exercise is a charge (filling) of the body with energy after a period of rest. And as I said, charging does not require any special exercises. It includes only general physical exercises.

As for morning exercises, this is a completely different concept, not related to morning exercises. Morning gymnastics, and gymnastics in general, includes a set of special gymnastic exercises for stretching and development. Such a complex is best performed outdoors before or after a morning run or at any other time.

And in order to include the body in the working activity, to properly and normally establish its functioning at the initial stage after waking up, it is necessary to perform a complex of general physical exercises daily. That is, when you wake up, you should not go to the bathroom and not to the kitchen for cooking and do morning exercises. At the same time, perform it so that it benefits and does not harm the cardiovascular system.

By the way, before you begin to perform a set of general physical exercises after waking up, I will give you some important recommendations that will help you improve your well-being after sleep. But more on that below. Now let's talk about the importance of morning exercise.

The value of morning exercises for human health

It is worth stating the fact that many people underestimate the importance of doing morning physical exercises. Analysis of my research shows that the implementation of a set of physical exercises after waking up is not the norm for most people. But in vain, many neglect morning exercises. And now I'll tell you why.

Morning exercise is useful in many ways. Few people know that it performs several important functions. Firstly, morning exercises help you wake up faster and set your body in the right order. When performing elementary exercises, blood flow and lymph flow increase. This makes it possible to quickly recover and get involved in work activities. Charging increases tone, gives a feeling of lightness and removes lethargy after bed rest.

Secondly, morning exercises have a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs and systems, as well as on the body as a whole. The fact is that the regular performance of general physical exercises after waking up primarily has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Daily morning exercise saves your heart 10 bpm. And imagine how many beats per minute are saved per day, and how many per week, per month! If you do morning exercises every day, then in a year your heart will save millions of beats per minute. But a prerequisite for this: constancy. And only in a year or two you will be able to bring the cardiovascular system to a state in which the heart will work in an "economical" mode, which will prolong your life.

In general, daily morning exercises improve the body's immune system, strengthen its resistance to.

And finally, morning exercises perform a preventive function. It is useful for the prevention of diseases associated with the joints and spine. With the help of exercises performed after waking up, you develop the correct posture, knead muscle fibers, and normalize the respiratory and nervous systems.

Morning exercise after makes it possible to maintain the body in working condition, normalize health and gain vigor. To perform the exercises as efficiently as possible, you should start charging in a calm state.

Nine facts about morning exercise

  1. Daily morning exercises help save 10 beats / minute of the heart.
  2. Morning exercise improves in the body, which in general has a beneficial effect, both on the general condition and weight loss. Regular charging helps .
  3. Over 90% of people who exercise in the morning improve their results . They achieve better sports results.
  4. Doing physical exercises, a person receives a charge of vivacity and energy.
  5. Some people find that exercising in the morning helps them regulate their appetite throughout the day.
  6. Very important note! By exercising, we become more disciplined.
  7. Studies have shown that physical activity stimulates .
  8. As a result of classes, the physiological processes in the body will work better, which will lead to an overall improvement in well-being.
  9. Just try to do exercises in the morning, and you will see how great it is.

In general, with daily morning physical exercises, you will receive all the bonuses that I told you about above. But if in addition you listen to my recommendations below, the effect will be much greater. So, what can I advise you when organizing morning exercises.

  1. Do morning exercises in the morning hours. After sleep, a person is not ready for the loads that await him during the day. At night, the movement of blood in the vessels slows down, the rhythm of the heartbeat decreases. Such lethargy also affects the nervous system, reducing the speed of reaction and mental activity. That is why it is important to perform a set of simple general physical exercises after waking up. Personally, I recommend doing it this way. After you have opened your eyes, do not get out of bed abruptly. But you don’t need to throw a blanket over yourself to hide from the sunlight.
  2. After awakening, you must immediately implement the correct psychological attitude. Do not think that you want to sleep. Mentally tune your brain that you need to act, you need to complete tasks and achieve the goals that you have set for yourself. This way, it will be easier for you to get out of bed.
  3. I recommend that you start exercising while you are still in bed. This will increase the overall effect . These exercises are not difficult. By the way, professional athletes also use this technique before preparing for competitions. After all, it is important to go to the start cheerful, active, filled with vital energy. So, remove the blanket from yourself so that it does not bother you. Lie on your back, put your hands along the body. Alternately pull your legs towards you, bending them at the knee joints. First one leg, then the other. After that, you can bend both legs at the same time. I recommend doing the exercise "bike". Then, stretch well. Stretch your body like a string.
  4. If you still find it difficult to get up after doing these simple exercises, then try the following. Sit on the edge of the bed with your feet on the floor. Tilt your head to the left, then to the right. Down then up. You can also add circular movements of the head. Such exercises increase blood flow to the brain, which contributes to faster awakening. Oxygen from the blood activates the brain.
  5. After getting out of bed, I recommend that you take a short walk around the apartment. First, open the window to the ventilation mode, go to the restroom. And make your bed. Such "primary" elementary movements will prepare the body well for more significant loads. Now you can start doing morning exercises.
  6. Again, exercise is best done with an open window. When warm, the window can be opened completely. If you have a spacious balcony, this will serve as a plus! At low temperatures outside, it is better to open the window to the ventilation mode.
  7. Physical exercises can be performed in underwear. But you can also wear home track. I recommend doing exercises with a naked torso. In this case, due to exposure to fresh cool air, you will still . In no case do not create a draft. And don't stand on the bare floor with bare feet. If you are barefoot, it is better to stand on the carpet. If you do not have a carpet, and the floor is tiled or laminated and not insulated, then do morning exercises in socks or house slippers.
  8. Remember that morning exercises are a short procedure. It lasts 3-5 minutes. Exhausting yourself with any special exercises is not worth it. The purpose of morning exercises is to activate the work of the body, and not to improve the body!
  9. If you are a frequenter of morning physical exercises, in this case it is not forbidden to increase its duration to 15-20 minutes by including special exercises in its list. For example, squats and. You can perform a number of gymnastic exercises.
  10. Exercises are performed in a clear sequence, starting with the head, ending with the ankle.
  11. At the end of the morning exercises, you can start water procedures or go for a morning run. Personally, after performing all the above manipulations (ventilating the bedroom, making the bed, toilet, physical exercise) I go outside and 7-9 km at an easy pace or going to . Only after the morning sports part do I carry out hygiene and hardening procedures. By the way, such a daily routine postpones the first meal (breakfast). It is very important. You can not immediately stuff yourself with food after waking up. To digest food, the body does a complex job, while spending a huge amount of energy. The body must wake up before it can start digesting food. Breakfast should be at least an hour and a half after waking up. Those who do not observe this time then feel tired.

Who is recommended to do morning exercises, and are there any medical restrictions

The complex of physical exercises given by me in this article is ideal for both very young schoolchildren and the elderly, both for men and women. There are absolutely no restrictions for doing morning exercises. On the contrary, you will gain many of the advantages outlined above. Every person on earth should do physical exercises in the morning!

Morning exercises are suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. The exercises included in the complexes of such charging are very simple, useful and effective. Have no medical restrictions. On the contrary, the set of exercises outlined by me is recommended in health resorts and hospitals.

The only point that I would like to voice is that it is most pleasant to do morning exercises with family members. With adults, of course, you can study the following set of physical exercises. But for the smallest, morning exercises may look like this (watch the video). By the way, the video has very nice music, and if you do exercises with your kids, you can turn on this video in the morning.

Morning exercises: a set of physical exercises

So, armed, remembering the saying: “How you start the day, so you will spend it,” you decided to do physical exercises in the morning. So, I suggest that you do the following simple set of exercises daily after waking up. They must be performed in the same order as they are presented.


  1. We improve blood flow and lymph flow to the head. We increase the supply of oxygen to the brain. We do prevention of diseases of the cervical spine.
  • Tilts of the head to the left, to the right, forward, backward.

Slopes are carried out in turn. First one way, then the other, then forward, then back. Do this exercise slowly, slowly. While tilting your head at the lowest point, hold it for a few more seconds. Number of repetitions 4.

  • Turning the head to the left and to the right.

Turns are slow. First one way, then the other. You can add a chin raise to this exercise: turning your head to the side, you seem to be trying to raise your chin up. Number of repetitions 4.

  • Circular movements of the head to the left, then to the right.

The exercise is also performed slowly with a maximum range of motion. Try to stretch the muscles of the neck and cervical vertebrae. The number of repetitions is 4-6.

  1. Stretch the shoulder girdle. We do prevention .
  • Circular movements of the shoulder girdle forward - backward.

Legs shoulder width apart. We put our hands on our shoulders (left hand to the left shoulder, right hand to the right shoulder). Slowly with the maximum amplitude of movements, we perform circular movements with our hands forward, then back. The number of repetitions is 4-6.

  • Circular movements in the elbow joints to the inside, then to the outside.

Legs shoulder width apart. The arms are bent at the elbows in front of you. Do rotations in the elbow joints, first to the inside, then to the outside. The number of repetitions is 4-6.

  • Jerks with arms to the sides with a turn of the body to the left and right sides.

Legs shoulder width apart. The arms are bent at the elbows in front of you. Do jerks in the shoulder girdle for two counts, then turning the body in the pelvic area to the side, straighten your arms and do jerks in this position for two more counts. Thus, in one direction, the exercise will be performed in four counts. For one repetition, the exercise will be considered to be performed in both directions. The number of repetitions is 4-6.

  • Hand jerks up and down.

Legs shoulder width apart. One arm is straightened up, the other down. The posture is straight, the chin is raised. After making jerks with your hands for two counts, change their position on the contrary and do more jerks for two counts. This will count as one repetition. Changing the position of the hands, they should not bend. Always stay straight. The number of repetitions is 4-6.

  1. We knead the main part of the body. We prevent , straighten your posture. We improve the work of the heart.
  • Tilts of the body to the left and to the right.

Legs shoulder width apart. One arm is extended up. Another on the belt. The back is straight, the head looks straight. We make a tilt for two counts in the direction opposite to the outstretched arm. Then, changing hands, we make inclinations to the other side. Important: the outstretched arm should always remain straight, not bent. The fingers of the outstretched hand are also straightened. The number of repetitions is 4-6.

  • Circular movements of the torso to the left, then to the right side.

Legs shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. We perform circular movements of the pelvis to the left, then to the right side. The exercise is performed with maximum amplitude, slowly. We make good bends. The number of repetitions is 4-6.

  • Tilts to the left leg, then to the right.

Legs slightly wider than shoulders. The body is tilted at an angle of 90 degrees. The arms are outstretched to the side. Take turns touching your feet with your fingertips. The legs are straight (do not bend at the knees). Right hand to left leg. Left hand to right foot (cross to cross). If it is difficult to perform the exercise without bending your legs, then you can not touch your toes with your fingers. However, reach out to them as much as possible. Feel how the back muscles are stretched, the spine “crunches”. For each leg, do 4-5 slopes.

  1. Stretch the lower body. Disease prevention , prevention of ankle injuries.
  • Circular movements in the knee joints to the left, then to the right side.

Legs together, slightly bent at the knees. Hands are placed on top of the knees. Circular movements are performed slightly crouching with a maximum range of motion. Do 4-6 reps on each side.

  • Circular movements of the ankle.

Legs shoulder width apart. Put one foot on the toe and begin to make circular movements in one direction, then the other. After that, change legs.

  • Squats.

Legs shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. When squatting, the heels do not come off the floor, the arms are straightened forward in front of you. After lifting, the hands are again placed on the belt. Do the exercise slowly, without jerking. Number of repetitions: 4-6. If you have venous-vascular diseases or diseases of the knee joints, it is better to skip this exercise. Take the stairs more often, do not use the elevator.

  • Walking around the house on the outside of the foot and on the inside of the foot. This exercise is a good prevention and treatment of flat feet.

The charge of energy that morning exercises give the body allows you to quickly and effectively bring the body into working condition.

I also advise you to include the plank exercise, walking on your knees and elbows in the morning exercises. This will greatly strengthen your spine and joints. With age, they will thank you very much, and will not cause you discomfort.

As I already said, for more “advanced healthy lifestyles”, after completing the set of exercises I have outlined, you can include special flexibility exercises in the morning exercises.

Remember that if you exclude morning exercises from , then the restoration of the body and bringing it back to normal can take several hours. In other words, without physical exercise, you will experience lethargy, drowsiness and apathy for the entire first half of the working day.

Morning exercises are an elementary simple set of exercises. By breakfast, you will not only feel cheerful, but will also be able to boast of a good mood.

Yes, and don't sleep much. While you are sleeping, someone has already achieved their goal! And yours will remain in your dreams.

Hello lovely ladies! A friend told me the following story the other day:

An uncle came to visit them, who still has a Soviet temper (you know, there are such "communists", as my mother calls them). He is an adherent of a healthy lifestyle, which characterizes him only on the positive side. So, my friend's uncle does morning exercises every morning. Of course, this is a good habit. But, he makes it under the Soviet radio recording, in which a peppy male voice commands in which direction to turn and how to intensively wave his arms.

In our family, the attitude to the warm-up in the morning has always been, in my opinion, not deservedly indifferent. And after meeting such an ardent fan of hers, I seriously thought about revising my morning schedule. Only now, under the marches of the Soviet radio, this is still too much.

Today I invite you to consider morning exercises, which were dictated by a peppy male voice, and find out how it is useful. I propose to perform all these classes to modern dynamic music that you personally like.

Why do you need to exercise in the morning

Reference: Morning exercises are a single set of exercises that helps you get a huge boost of energy for the whole day. It helps to tone the body, relieve lethargy and drowsiness. Supports physical health, increases efficiency and helps to tune in to positive.

Warming up increases the flow of blood and lymph, helps the metabolism to activate, eliminates congestion in the body that forms during sleep.

It must be regular. Classes must be performed every day and at the same time. Regularity increases the flexibility of the body and promotes weight loss.

Physical activity helps to increase intellectual abilities. Therefore, exercising in the morning will help you to cope more successfully with things at work every day.

What will you need? Sports light clothing and light sports shoes. To perform the exercises lying down, you will need a mat.

Do not include heavy loads in the complex. It is better if they are simple, but activating all muscle groups.

The warm-up will be more effective if it is carried out on the street, in the fresh air.

Now let's summarize all of the above. Charging needs to be done! And you will be positive all day long! And as they say: "Health is in order - thanks to the exercise!"

A set of exercises

Let's go directly to the complex of classes. It is worth recalling that they should be done to rhythmic music that you like, observing the sequence of execution. Music is better to choose in advance. The duration of the musical sequence for the warm-up is approximately 10-15 minutes.

Starting position, standing, legs apart at shoulder level, you can make a dance spring to the beat of the music.

Warm up (1 minute)

  • Slowly walking around the room with calm breathing.
  • Walking in place.

Activating the neck

  • Head tilt left and right (6 times).
  • Now back and forth (6 times).
  • Slow rotation (10 times).

For arm and shoulder muscles

  • We rotate the shoulders simultaneously and alternately, while the arms are lowered (6 times each).
  • Alternately rotate with outstretched arms (10 times).
  • Alternate sharp swings of the hands (10 times).
  • We bend our arms at the elbows at shoulder level, then sharply unbend and take them back. We return to the starting position (6 times).
  • We take the bent arms back several times, after which we take the straight arms once (6 times).
  • We spread our arms to the side and rotate with our hands, sometimes clenched into a fist, sometimes with unclenched palms. Alternately and simultaneously (10 times).

Activate the muscles of the torso

  • Smooth forward bends with fingertips touching the floor (7 times).
  • Pelvic rotation. Right first. Then to the left. At the same time, we keep our hands on the belt (10 times).
  • We raise the right hand on the belt, raise the left hand above the head and lean to the right side. Then we change hands and the side of the slope (6 times).
  • Raise your hands and close in the castle. Tilts right-left, back-forward (6 times).
  • Arms are straight, parallel to the floor. Rotate the torso to the right and left (6 times).

Wake up leg muscles

  • Alternate swings of the legs back and forth (10 times, each leg).
  • Squats without lifting your heels off the floor (10 times).
  • Alternate leg swings to the sides. Left-right (6 times).

Stretching exercises

  • Sitting on the floor with straightened legs, try to reach your toes with your fingers (10 times).
  • Lying on the floor, with legs bent at the knees, turn your knees left and right. Knees should touch the floor (6 times in each direction).
  • Lying on your side, swing your leg up. First with one foot, then turn and swing with the other foot. (10 times).

We strengthen the press

  • From a prone position, lift the torso up. With straightened arms, reach for your toes. Lie down on the floor again (10 times).

Boost your mood (5-7 minutes)

  • Slow running in place.
  • We dance randomly to the beat of the music.

Congratulations, you've made it. Let's move on to water!


I took this set of exercises from a Soviet radio recording that the hero of my story listened to. But after looking at the information about the exercises for morning exercises, I came to the conclusion that little has changed since then. In some sources, two or three more are added, in others a couple of exercises are less. And this means that for many generations they have been doing this warm-up in the morning.

A huge number of specialists: athletes, coaches, doctors, teachers, psychologists, have confirmed the effectiveness of these trainings. Also, this complex is not divided by gender and age. That is, it is universal.

Well, thanks to my friend, or rather her relative. He gave us a wonderful gift. And my uncle changed his march for classes, now he does exercises in the morning not to the sounds of a march, but to modern music. And now I start every morning with a warm-up. And I can say with confidence that she raises the mood great:

Well, if you still have nostalgia for the Soviet past, this video is for you:

On this, dear women, I say goodbye to you. I really hope that you took a lot of useful things from this article. Don't forget to tell your friends and subscribe to blog news. Health and beauty to you. See you soon!

Many argue about which exercise is useful: morning or evening? Proponents of morning exercises are "larks", supporters of evening exercises are "owls", but what about those who are ready to exercise at any time of the day?

In fact, both morning and evening exercises have their pros and cons.

About morning exercise

Regarding the definition of the term charger, then in the specialized literature on physical culture we will see that this is a complex of movements (exercises) that a person performs after sleeping on an empty stomach.


  • reduce appetite for the rest of the day (study by UK scientists);
  • injury risk lower in the morning (study by the University of Toronto, Canada);
  • it is easier to burn fat in the morning (studies by scientists from the USA have shown that it is enough to exercise 20 minutes instead of 40 minutes in the morning to start burning fat, since in the morning our body is tuned to consume energy, and not to accumulate it).


  • requires additional concentration (in the morning, blood circulation is slowed down due to its density, in addition, after sleep, our lungs are narrowed, as a result of which nervous activity is also reduced due to a decrease in oxygen flow, in other words, our body continues to sleep in the morning). The solution to the problem is to warm up with a subsequent increase in load.

About evening exercises

Since the term “charging” still defines a morning complex of simple exercises, we call evening exercises conventionally. It would be more accurate to say about the evening workout.


  • speed up the metabolism (by the evening the metabolism slows down, which is why it is harmful to eat a lot at night);
  • burn fat during sleep (muscles consume energy for their recovery within a few hours after training, so fat will be consumed to replenish energy at night).


  • can cause insomnia. Indeed, a very intense evening exercise shortly before bedtime will cause insomnia. The solution is to exercise 2-3 hours before the intended sleep;
  • can awaken a brutal appetite for the night. This problem is solved by reducing physical activity or reducing the time of classes.

Thus, the advantages of both morning exercises and evening exercises are obvious, and the disadvantages are removable.


It is necessary to determine what we want to get from morning exercises:

  1. improve blood circulation and speed up metabolism;
  2. invigorate the body to start the day in a good mood, that is, increase the production of endorphins;
  3. improve muscle tone and make the figure slim;
  4. improve concentration, to be collected all day.

Stage one.

This includes washing, morning prayers. Often Orthodox Christians are interested in how to organize their morning, namely, in what order exercises and prayers should follow: pray, and then do exercises, or first exercises, and then a prayer rule. What is better - immediately after waking up, cheer up with a warm-up, wash your face and start the “sweet conversation”, which St. Theophan the Recluse calls prayer? Or vice versa - to "charge" the spirit, and only then the body?

The answer to this question can be found in the Orthodox prayer book before the morning prayers:

“Awakening from sleep, before any other work, stand reverently…”

So, having done the necessary for the body, ideally, you should do it. Indeed, can we focus on prayer and inner peace of mind if we do a series of physical exercises before that? Of course, there may be exceptions to this issue, but still, they will be exceptions.

Stage two. Actually charging (warm-up)

Physical education teacher Anna Sh. about exercises:“Exercises for charging should be done before breakfast after sleep. The load in this case should be moderate and cover the main skeletal muscles. In the same way, we warm up before training or physical labor. Morning exercises are performed daily for 5-10 minutes. The person after it remains not tired and even rested. General developmental movements, starting from the head and ending with toes and heels.

So, we always start charging exercises from the head: turning the head to the right and left, then tilting the head back and forth, slowly rotating the head in a circle.

Then we move on to the shoulders: we make rotational movements first with the right shoulder joint, after the left, then both at the same time.

After the shoulders comes the turn of the arms:

  • circular motion with a straightened arm from the shoulder joint, first with the right, then with the left, then with both simultaneously from top to bottom;
  • alternating arm swings up and down;
  • movements with arms bent at the elbows at chest level back, followed by straightening the arms to the sides;
  • movements with straightened arms at chest level to the left and right in the form of scissors;
  • rotation of the elbow joints with bent arms at chest level inward and outward;
  • rotation of the brushes in and out;
  • raising straightened arms up while lifting on toes.

After the arms, we move on to the torso:

  • torso down (legs shoulder-width apart, fingertips should touch the floor, knees remain straight);
  • rotation of the pelvis from left to right and from right to left, hands on the belt;
  • torso tilts left-right (when tilting to the left, the left hand is on the belt, the right is straightened and follows the body; when tilted to the right, the right hand is on the belt, the left is straightened and follows the body).

Now you need to stretch your legs:

  • squats;
  • lifting up on toes, lowering down on heels (while legs are together);
  • rotation of the feet in and out (the leg must be placed on the toe).

This concludes the morning exercises.


Separately, it is necessary to say about the plan for conducting general developmental training at home. If time permits and there is a need for training, then it can also be done in the morning. However, you need to take into account several features compared to charging.

Morning workout:

  • requires additional time for breakfast and its assimilation (working out on an empty stomach is bad, as energy will be overused over time).
  • creates an additional burden on the heart due to thick blood (during sleep, the body does not receive water, its total amount in the body decreases, which makes the blood thicker). To thin the blood, you need to drink 1-2 glasses of water 10-15 minutes before the start of exercise;

General developmental training exercises must begin with a warm-up. Next, you should do exercises for individual muscle groups.

Exercises for the abs:

  • from a prone position, we raise the legs brought together at an angle of 45 ° C upwards, while not lifting the lower back from the floor, several approaches 5-7 times;
  • from a prone position, we raise the torso to a full sitting position, while the legs are bent at the knees, but closed together; when lifting, we alternately turn the body to the right and left, several approaches 10-15 times;
  • from a prone position we raise our legs and, holding on weight, we make scissors, several approaches 5-7 times;

We do jumps in place on both legs, then alternately on the right and left.

Stretching exercises:

  • from a sitting position we spread our legs as wide as possible, and then we reach with both hands to the tips of the fingers, first of the right leg, then the left; after that we bring our legs together and reach out with our hands to the tips of our toes, several approaches;
  • from a sitting position, stretch the right leg to the side, directing the weight of the body to the left, bent at the knee; after that, we transfer the weight from the left leg to the right, while stretching the left leg, and bending the right at the knee, several approaches;
  • from a prone position with bent knees, closed close, we get the floor to the left of the body (the back and shoulder blades do not come off the surface and remain in a straight position), then to the right of the body, several approaches.

We do a light jog, after which we stretch our whole body up towards the sun.

Morning workout is over.


Recall that in this article we called the evening complex of general developmental exercises evening exercises, i.e. home workout.

Let's define our expectations from the evening exercise-training:

  1. speed up metabolism;
  2. bring the nervous system into balance;
  3. remove the fatigue of the working day;
  4. relieve tension from the spinal column and possibly relieve back pain;
  5. achieve physical relaxation of the main muscle groups;
  6. normalize the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Exercises should be done on an empty stomach. Charging-training must be completed 15-20 minutes before dinner. The total charging time should not exceed 20 minutes.

Back exercises:

  • We get on all fours. When inhaling, bend your back and look up. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. When exhaling, we arch our back, at the same time pulling in the stomach, we press the chin to the chest. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. Several approaches;
  • From a prone position, stretch the left arm up and the left leg down. Then we repeat the same for the right side. Several approaches;
  • From a prone position, bend the right leg while inhaling, the left leg is straight. With the right knee fully bent, we press the thigh to the body, we clasp the right knee with our hands. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. When returning to the starting position - exhale. Repeat the same for the left leg. Several approaches.

Exercises for the nervous system:

  • From a standing position (on the side of the chair), holding the back of the chair with your right hand, bend the left knee while inhaling and wrap it around the elbow joint with a half ring, after which we bend our head to the knee. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. As you exhale, lower your leg. Repeat for the right leg. After achieving success in balance, the exercise can be done without a chair, while the girth is performed with both hands;
  • From a standing position, focus on a certain point in the distance at eye level. Slowly begin to raise the left leg, pressing the heel to the inner surface of the right leg. Try to raise your leg as high as possible. Relax. Having found balance, we exhale (full) and raise our hands above our heads (while taking a slow breath). Relax and stand like this, the gaze is focused on one point. The time spent in the pose is 3-4 minutes. Repeat for the other leg.

Easy run.

Physical education teacher Anna Sh. about home workouts:“If exercises need to be done daily, then home training is enough to take no more than 40 minutes of your time 3-4 times a week. You just need to start, and over time, training will become a regular activity for you.

Charging exercises and home workouts will give you cheerfulness, healthy sleep and a good appetite, normal weight, high spirits and peace of mind.