Houses made of logs. Technical specifications for useful facts about rounded logs "LesProfil"

Rounded log used to build houses. The structures are characterized by increased strength and durability in operation. The houses are externally similar to round timber log houses, built by highly qualified craftsmen using special methods.

Characteristics and scope of application of rounded logs

The Lestorg company has been operating in the production of wood products for 15 years. Thanks to our accumulated experience, we are able to select excellent raw materials for the production of lumber. To produce rounded logs, we use high-quality sawn raw materials, selected using special methods. Finished products have the same diameter and ideal surface.

The logs are given a special profile depending on the scope of application of the products. Special recesses (bowls) allow logs to be stacked tightly on top of one another without the formation of cracks. Thanks to the correct geometry of the products, a uniform diameter along the entire length, and the presence of special recesses, rounded logs can be easily stacked, forming even walls.

Construction of houses from rounded logs takes much less time compared to the construction of log houses. The structures are durable and resistant to negative external environments.

Advantages of purchasing rounded logs from Lestorg

The Lestorg company offers buy quality rounded logs in Moscow at the best possible price.

We take care of factors such as:

    correct shape geometry finished products;

    uniformity and quality of source materials;

    high technology of woodworking processes;

    compliance with the conditions of warehousing and storage of lumber;

    special methods of packaging and delivery of logs that prevent deformation of products;

    execution of orders in strict accordance with customer requirements;

    competitive prices;

    providing bonuses for regular customers;

    long-term relationships with customers on a mutually beneficial basis.

The Lestorg company delivers wood products to any region of Moscow and the region. We can buy rounded logs at the best possible price to build aesthetic house with ideal quality indicators.

All photos from the article

Often, most of our compatriots get rid of the trees cut down on the site or the construction timber remaining after the construction of the log house, simply using them for firewood. This is certainly fast, but not entirely rational. The specialists of our site analyzed what can be made from a log with your own hands. We have collected some of the results of these studies in this article.

Practical and inexpensive garden paths

Of course, paving slabs are beautiful and reliable, but the price is quality material quite high, plus it is not suitable for every landscape. In addition, it should be taken into account that although the installation instructions are not very complicated, without the proper experience and dexterity, it is very problematic to lay the tiles efficiently.

If you are lucky enough to live next to a planting or forest, it is quite possible to arrange original garden paths from cuts of fallen trees and thick branches.

Moreover, the cost of such a nature trail will be several times lower than that of industrial options.

  • Theoretically, any wood can be used here. The whole question is how long such flooring will last. After all, the denser and harder the array, the longer it will last in the ground. Ideally, it is better to use water-resistant species, which, according to their characteristics, are initially less afraid of mold, fungus and biological pests. Decent option Larch, aspen or acacia are considered.
  • In this case, it is better to take wood different diameters Thus, it will be much easier to fill the voids between the cuts. It is advisable to remove the bark immediately, since it is porous and quickly absorbs moisture, as a result of which the saw cuts begin to deteriorate.
  • The cut thickness is at least 100 - 150 mm. Of course, you can cut more, but in this case you will need to make a deep pit. Plus, the longer the logs, the more wood will be needed.

Advice: having decided on the size of the cut, you should immediately make a template with which it will be convenient to cut identical segments.
The easiest way is to saw off the standard and nail a bar to it on top, in the form of a corner.

  • Having marked the place for the path, you should build a pit. Standard width garden path 50 - 70 cm. But if this path leads to a toilet or other popular place, then it should be at least 1 m, so that two adults pass each other.
  • The depth of the pit is 100 mm greater than the bottom cut of the log. On clay or sandy soils, you can leave 50 mm; for marshy places and peat bogs, the pit can reach 200 mm from the bottom of the log.
  • Some people prefer to bet wooden formwork from a board 40 mm thick. This is more impressive and it is easier to install such a track, but it will cost more.
  • The wooden surface of the path should rise slightly above the ground so that it does not silt and dries faster after the rain. As a rule, 30 – 50 mm is sufficient.

Important: all wood material must be treated with impregnations.
There are many options.
Of the most affordable, can be treated with a solution copper sulfate, and when the wood dries, further impregnate it with waste machine oil.

  • Some recommend laying waterproofing made of polyethylene or roofing felt at the bottom of the pit, but we do not support this point of view, since moisture will not be able to penetrate into the ground. On hard clay soils It is enough to simply compact the bottom of the pit well. If you are afraid that growth will emerge from below, cover the pit with geotextiles.
  • Next comes simple but routine work. You need to make a drainage pad from crushed stone, gravel or sand and gravel. Compact it and you can lay the prepared cuts, the tighter the better. The space between the cuts is immediately filled with sand.
  • After laying the path, you need to water it generously and leave it for a couple of days. so that the sand is compacted. Next, the resulting voids are filled with sand.

Making furniture and swings

Paths are not all that can be made from logs. If you have artistic taste, imagination and basic carpentry skills, you won’t have to spend money on garden furniture or a children’s swing. In addition, there are a lot fun crafts made of logs, some of which are shown in the photo.

Garden furniture made of logs

Not counting crafts, which for the most part have only artistic value, decorating the area, garden furniture it's quite practical and useful thing. Of course, products made from rounded logs look much more attractive and are much easier to work with. After all, this material has clearly fixed dimensions.

Tip: To make most types of furniture you will need to spread the log lengthwise.
Theoretically, this can be done hand hacksaw, but in practice, you can’t do without an electric or chainsaw.

Such log products attract with their simplicity. Already at the first glance at the photo, a man fluently wielding a chainsaw general outline will understand how to make a table or bench.

As a rule, for the horizontal surfaces of the bench, one or several trunks spread lengthwise are used. The legs are installed folded and fastened with dowels, screws or big nails logs.

The video in this article shows the practical side of the issue. But for furniture, competent surface treatment. The use of copper sulfate as an antiseptic for wood is not entirely justified here, since after treatment the wood loses its natural color. If you do not take special primers, then as an economical option you can use a solution of potassium permanganate.

After potassium permanganate, the array will darken a little and the structure will stand out. As a rule, any transparent or translucent varnish for exterior woodwork is used as a finishing layer. It should be noted that experienced summer residents do not recommend digging in such furniture, so you will always have the opportunity to move it or turn it over to dry.

Tip: the type of wood also plays an important role here.
It is better to take hardwood.
But if you still decide to make furniture from solid coniferous wood, then it must first be deresined.
Suitable for this water solution acetone 25% or acetone mixed with caustic soda 5:1.

Building a swing

A balancing type swing made of logs can be made stationary or portable. To make a stationary structure, a pair of logs are dug into the ground and a strong crossbar is made between them.

To mount the board or log on which the kids will actually swing, it is better to purchase special metal loops. Their price is low, and such swings will work for many years.

There are baby rocking chairs that are even simpler. Since we are talking about what you can make from a log with your own hands, we should not forget how our ancestors made such swings.

The design is ridiculously simple. A straight board or thinner log was rigidly attached to a round piece of log of acceptable diameter. The swing worked due to the spherical shape of the support.

It is somewhat more difficult to make a pendulum structure. Ideally, you will need 5 - 7 straight logs with a diameter of at least 100 mm. Each support here is made from two crossed trunks dug into the ground.

Carrier horizontal beam, on which the swing itself is attached, is mounted on top. In some massive structures, 2 additional beams are installed to laterally strengthen the supports, as shown in the photo.

In this case, the supports must be dug into the ground to a depth of 50 - 70 cm. Taking into account this immersion, the length of the supports is taken to be at least 3.5 m. Underground part logs are impregnated with an antiseptic, processed and wrapped with a waterproofing film. Some people recommend filling them with concrete, but often well-compacted gravel or clay is sufficient.

If the top beam is attached from below or in the center between the rafters load-bearing supports, then the entire burden will fall on anchor bolts. It is much safer to make supports in the form of a disproportionate letter “X”. Then the horizontal supporting beam fits perfectly into the upper sector and is securely fixed with anchors.

THAT " Cozy House» 001/2012

1 area of ​​use

1. These technical specifications apply to rounded logs for the walls of low-rise buildings, manufactured at the Cozy House LLC enterprise.

2. Technical requirements

1. A batch of rounded log products produced for one facility must consist of logs coniferous species(fur tree, pine tree).

2. For the manufacture of products, logs of natural moisture (humidity is not standardized) harvested from growing trees must be used. The use of logs from dead trees (dried before felling) is not allowed.

3. Finished products must meet the requirements given in Table 1.

Table 1.

Wood defect

Norm for limiting wood defects for the production of rounded logs

1. Bitches and stepson:

a) all varieties, with the exception of tobacco knots


b) tobacco

Allowed with a diameter of no more than 5 cm.

2. Fungal infections:

a) heart rot and hollow

Not allowed

b) external rotten rot

Not allowed

c) sapwood mushroom stains (blue and colored sapwood stains)

Allowed, the depth of radial penetration is not ¼ of the diameter

3. Wormhole

Allowed in a batch on parts in an amount of no more than 5% of the total volume shallow up to 5 holes on average per 1 m of part length

4. Cracks:

b) lateral from shrinkage

Allowed, without restrictions

c) end ones from shrinkage

Allowed, without restrictions

5. Curvature:

a) simple

Allowed with the ratio of the deflection at the point of greatest curvature to the length of the part not exceeding 1.0%

b) difficult

Allowed in the amount of half the normal curvature

6. Mechanical damage (notch, sawn, chip, flake, tears)

No more than 1 damage to a part in a batch is allowed, in an amount of no more than 5% of the total volume of the house kit, with a depth of no more than 1/2 of the diameter, a length of no more than 2% of the length of the part, an arc length of no more than ½ of the diameter

4. It is not advisable to deviate the diameter of the product by more than 2 mm from the nominal diameter specified in the specification. Control measurements of the diameter should be made using calipers for each product along its entire length.

5. It is not advisable to deviate the longitudinal dimensions of the product by more than ±20 mm from the values ​​​​specified in the specification. Control measurements must be made for each product along its entire length. Control is carried out using templates made of half-logs of the appropriate diameter with an axial mark.

6. Curvature of products with a deflection of more than 1% of the length of the product is not desirable. Measurement of the curvature deflection is carried out using a cord and a ruler on the surface of the product, along the entire circumference of the product

7. It is not desirable to violate the longitudinal geometry of the product (screw). The ribs of the thermal lock must lie in the same plane. Control measurements are made on each product. In this case, the product is laid on a flat horizontal surface thermal lock facing downwards. After this, using a ruler, measure the gaps between the ribs of the thermal lock and the surface on which the product lies.

8. The width of the thermal lock must not deviate by more than 3 mm. Control measurements should be made using a ruler for each product along the entire length of the thermal lock.

9. It is not advisable for the depth of the thermal lock to deviate by more than 3 mm along the entire length of the product. Control measurements are made using: slats and rulers for each product; control measurements along the entire length of each cup on each product.

10.Cracks are allowed on the front surface of the rounded log, formed during the process of storing and assembling the elements of the wall set.

11. The radius of the circle of the treated surface of the cups should be 1.5-2mm greater than the radius of the rounded log. The treated surface of the cups must have a strictly cylindrical shape. Control is carried out using a template made from a half-log of the appropriate diameter. The surface of the template should fit tightly to the surface of the cup. Deviation of the depth of the bowl by more than 5 mm is not allowed.

12. The axes of the cups should intersect with the longitudinal axis of the log at an angle of 90 degrees. Deviation of the axis of the cups by more than 1 degree is not allowed. A T-shaped template and a protractor are used for control. The template is made from a piece of half-log and slats connected at an angle of 90 degrees. Control measurements must be taken of each cup on each product.

13. Each product must be labeled according to the specification.

3. Safety and environmental requirements.

1. During manufacturing, transportation and loading and unloading operations, the requirements of these Specifications and SNiP 2001 are observed.

2. In the production of rounded logs, the requirements are met fire safety according to GOST 12.1.004.
3. Disposal of logs is waste-free and does not harm the environment.
4. When assessing environmental safety timber, the provisions of STO BDP-3-94 should be taken into account.

4. Acceptance rules

1. Finished products must be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer for compliance with the requirements of these technical conditions, as well as the requirements specified in the contract for the manufacture (supply) of products. Products are accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be a quantity of timber of the same section, documented in one shipping document. The batch volume is determined by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.
2. Acceptance of timber is carried out according to the indicators given in paragraphs. 1-13 of section 2 “Technical requirements”. These indicators are acceptable. Control is carried out in the following order:
- check each log in the samples for compliance with the requirements of these technical specifications;
- the batch is accepted if the number of defective logs in the sample does not exceed 5%.
3. Upon acceptance, the following should be carried out:
- visual inspection;
- instrumental measurement;
- quality assessment machining;
- recording of operational control data and control test results.

Cutting down trees and removing stumps can be a more enjoyable experience if you know exactly what to do next with the logs and roots. Old trees are a nuisance in the garden, occupy a certain area, do not bring the aroma of flowers and green foliage, do not provide shade, and therefore we do not hesitate to get rid of them. Most often, when we cut down a dry tree at the roots, we send it to the stove or grill for firewood. But you shouldn’t rush with this decision, because there is always material for ignition and fuel, but for decorating a dacha area it is quite expensive. We suggest that you use logs obtained from cutting down trees for decorative purposes.

Today we have collected some information and thematic photographs, and put it all into an article that will tell you how to use logs in the country for certain benefits, for decoration, practicality, and even saving money.

The use of logs in the country

A log is essentially a tree trunk that you remove from your yard for whatever reason. You shouldn’t immediately pick up a chainsaw and work on the cut all day, spend a little time on the following: original ideas for a summer residence, and you won’t regret it.

flower bed

We are used to building flower beds from stone, plaster, even car tires or plastic bottles, who considers it more acceptable and practical for summer cottage. But today we want to add large logs from old trees to the arsenal of materials that are suitable for making flower beds.

Let's say you cut down an old tree that has dried out a long time ago. It is its trunk that will perfectly serve as the main shape of a flower bed, which can be made in just a couple of hours. It is enough to use a chisel and a hammer, a chainsaw and your own imagination, and an original creation appears on the site, for which you did not pay a penny. All that remains is to choose color scheme plants, and even the varieties of flowers themselves that will be placed in such a flowerbed.

Simple country furniture

In the photo below simple furniture from a log of wood, but it is not easy to make. As you can see, a fairly large log with a serious cross-sectional diameter is used for production. Firstly, it is difficult to find such a tree in the countryside, and secondly, if you decide to make country furniture with your own hands, this will require a lot of free time and professional tool.

The log is partially processed with an axe, then a chainsaw or electric saw is used, which creates the basic shape. Afterwards, careful and careful work with a chisel and grinding. Naturally, it will take a lot of effort, but as a result you have every chance of getting furniture that will easily last for decades.


You can build anything from a log, and now we offer you an extraordinary decor country well. Naturally, for this you will need a special rounded log, and not made from old wood. But you can also use the material available at the dacha for similar decor. It seems to us that if you take the trunks and thick branches of trees in the bark, the picture will turn out to be much more natural and harmonious.

Country paths made from saw cuts

We devoted enough time to country paths, paid attention to similar masterpieces, but in this article we decided to remind of their existence, because country paths made from sawn wood are very interesting.

To construct such paths, it will be necessary to use high-quality material, free from defects and damage by insects, since strength and reliability are the main factors in choosing materials for flooring.

Having arranged a high-quality sand path base, you can lay saw cuts of different diameters and shapes, and decorate the finished project with stones and plants. Just do not forget that paving with this material will require special protection, for example, even impregnation with drying oil or other wood preservatives.

Crafts for the playground

In the recent past we talked about crafts like wooden horses for a summer residence, which can become not only an object for children to play, but also an original decor for the landscape. Today we present another version of a wooden horse, which, by the way, is made entirely of logs.

You can choose the trunk of any tree for such a product, mark and cut it correctly, clear it of bark and install it on the site, creating the necessary shape. Afterwards, painting the sculpture in bright colors and light decor.

Stylish garden furniture

Elena 01/11/2017

It would seem like an ordinary tree, but it turns out that so many beautiful and original things can be made from it. My dad, a jack of all trades, made figurines from wood, they still decorate the dacha. And children really like them. It turns out, not only with figurines made of wood can be refined appearance dachas. I took a couple of crafts into my collection, I especially liked the swing, we will turn the idea into reality.

Dasha 03/11/2017

Wood is a fairly versatile material; if you know and process wood correctly, it can last for quite a long time. We have a lot of wooden buildings at our dacha, they look very beautiful. I built wooden gazebo, it costs well and is reliable. I also equipped the well with wood. The material lends itself quite well to changes.

Eleeea 08/28/2017

Will it grow in open sun? Doesn't grow under trees. or preferably half tuck?

Territory of the House 08/28/2017

It grows in the full sun, and also in a flowerpot (where the soil dries out instantly), and it feels good. Of course you need to water it during time. I also planted it in openwork shade, it also grows well, even better than in a flower pot. The pots are a bit cramped and hot for her. In general, it is not a whimsical plant, it grows on its own, I only water it in hot weather, along with everyone else.

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Where the land is rich in forests, construction of housing from logs has been practiced since ancient times. Wooden architecture was especially developed in Finland, Sweden and Russia, where everyone could afford (despite the high consumption of wood) a log house. IN modern world wooden houses made from rounded logs feel like a living connection with our ancestors, a reminder of the centuries-old traditions of wooden house construction. The classic Russian log house, without losing its advantages, thanks to modern technologies acquired new qualities and took its rightful place among other types of wooden houses.

The natural energy of wood has attracted people since time immemorial. Source

Production technology

Rounded is a log from which mechanically The top layer of wood has been removed. As a result of processing, a product with a constant diameter is obtained; Some types of logs are supplied with a profile. To achieve the desired properties, the workpiece goes through several stages:

    Sorting. On initial stage sawn raw materials (spruce and pine logs) are selected by diameter.

    Primary processing. The log is processed in a rounding machine, where the top layer is cut off and the diameter is equalized (the spread should not reach 4 mm). The remaining internal part has a denser structure, is less deformed and allows you to abandon wall decoration in the future.

    Drying. After secondary sorting, the workpieces are sent for natural or forced (accelerated) drying. The workpieces, aligned in length and diameter, are dried evenly; this reduces internal stresses and minimizes the risk of deformation.

Rounding machine at work Source

    Cutting the expansion groove. A groove (longitudinal recess) is sawed at the location of shrinkage cracks. This preventive measure makes the shrinkage of the house uniform and reduces the number and depth of surface cracks. The groove is made, as a rule, at the request of the customer.

    Uncover. Logs are usually produced in standard lengths. If a house kit is ordered, the logs are cut to the dimensions specified in the project and then marked. Seats (bowls) are also cut out on the logs, which can be transverse or diagonal. The preparation of the bowls is a significant advantage of the house kit - they make the docking high-quality and quick.

    Preparing the grooves. Longitudinal grooves are cut along the junctions of the logs and are intended for laying thermal insulation.

    Trimming (leveling). The ends of the logs, as the most vulnerable places, need leveling, the purpose of which is to reduce the number of cracks during shrinkage.

Warehousing with security natural ventilation Source

    Wood protection. The log is treated with a water-based antiseptic. The product allows you to protect the material from rot without clogging the pores and allowing it to dry.

    Usage. The manufacturer is often involved in packaging, transporting and unloading the logs. During the construction period, which takes 4-6 months, it is necessary to properly store the material, protecting it from dampness.

About standards and pricing

United regulations There are no regulations regulating the production of rounded logs, but there are GOSTs that determine the parameters of products. Typically, self-respecting companies have their own standards for quality, sizes and tolerances. On average, a 1st grade product has the following characteristics:

    Wood type. Pine and spruce are used, less often - more expensive fir, cedar and larch.

    Length. The range is from 3 to 6.5 m, with gradations of 0.5 m.

    Deviation from length. From 3 to 10 cm.

    Diameter. From 14 to 24 cm.

    Branch height. No more than 2 cm.

    Rot and wormhole not allowed.

High-quality raw materials awaiting processing Source

The price of rounded logs for a house depends on the size and grade of the product,

wood used and processing. In addition, the price of a house kit is determined by other factors:

    Technological processing. At the customer's request, holes for the dowel are drilled and grooves are milled for installing window and door units.

    Protection. Antiseptic and fire retardant are applied.

    Package. May include pallets, regular or shrink film.

    Delivery. Depends on region and distance.

Video description

Today we will discuss houses made of rounded logs. How much will a turnkey house like this cost? We analyze the stages of building a house from OCB and the cost of a turnkey house in this video:

Types of rounded logs

Logs can be classified according to different parameters:

    By processing method. The log is processed on a rounding machine, which allows obtaining precise dimensions. Chopped logs are a product of handicraft and the enthusiasm of fans of the ethno-style “a la Russe”. Connoisseurs of naturalness give the log the desired shape using a hand plane.

House box made of rounded logs Source

    By type of wood. The most popular and cheapest (due to the rapid restoration of the forest) is pine, especially its Karelian and Arkhangelsk varieties. In order of increasing cost, it is followed by spruce, cedar and larch. Deciduous species close the list, since oak is too expensive, and the rest (aspen, linden) are soft wood, more suitable for interior decoration.

    By type of drying. The most common log is natural moisture log, since drying the material requires organizing an additional technical process, which increases the cost of the product. Improved material - dried log (thermal log) has a moisture content of 18-20%.

    By type of groove. The profile (groove, longitudinal cut) can be lunar (semicircular) or Finnish (with a complicated tongue-and-groove design). The latter has a wide thermal lock and simplifies assembly. Thanks to the longitudinal support grooves, logs with a Finnish profile are stacked more accurately and do not require constant monitoring with a plumb line or level. There is also no need for additional fixation with nails (as protection against displacement).

Finnish groove and compensation cut Source

    By groove location. The groove can be cut along the log, diagonally (for some designs) or across (in the landing bowl).

    By size. The market offers material with standard sizes lengths from 1 to 6 m, diameter 160-320 mm, working height 139-272 mm.

Working height of round log. This value is always less than the diameter by the depth of the groove. Since the logs are stacked on top of each other to the depth of the groove, the working height can be used to determine how many crowns (rows of logs) will be needed to reach the wall height specified by calculations.
On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of houses made of ocylinds from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Thermal log

For buildings made of wood, the problem of ensuring the durability of the structure comes first. This is achieved by following technology, including, among other things, waiting for shrinkage. Lumber with high (natural) humidity will take up to two years to reach its final condition. And nothing can be done about it - windows and doors can be installed no earlier than the shrinkage of the walls reaches 20-30 cm.

The use of thermowood makes the building especially durable Source

To the delight of impatient customers, the concept of producing thermally modified wood (TMW) was developed. By new technology the log is subjected to high-temperature drying without air access, resulting in a residual moisture content of 4.8–5%. Features of the technology include:

    Drying. The process takes place at an operating temperature of 125-190 °C, without the use of chemical additives. The resulting wood has minimal moisture, which makes it impossible for rot to occur. Despite the high temperature conditions, coniferous wood does not lose its aroma.

    Color change. By changing the temperature and exposure time, you can obtain wood of different shades, from golden to deep dark. The color change affects 1-2 cm of the outer layer, which means that the surface of the walls will not be hopelessly damaged by light scratches.

Video description

About the installation of a house made of rounded logs in the following video:

    Changing wood characteristics. The material decreases thermal conductivity and hygroscopicity, but increases strength (which reduces cracking). House kits made from TMD can be stored for a long time without changing their properties.

A log made from TMD has improved characteristics that determine:

    Peculiarities OprocessingAnd. No protection against rot is needed, but external walls will require protection from solar ultraviolet radiation - waxing.

    Construction Features. The installation of the roof, the installation of windows and doors, and the laying of utilities begin immediately after the construction of the house frame. The day when the family celebrates housewarming will come much faster.

The material that gives the house longevity has one noticeable drawback - its high price.

House made of rounded logs with a swimming pool: the walls are protected with impregnation and colored oil Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building houses from rounded logs. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

House for permanent use: choosing the diameter of the log

The choice of the diameter of a rounded log for future housing depends on its location and method of operation. Obviously, a house intended for seasonal use (as a summer cottage) and a house where the family will live all year round, you need walls of different thicknesses. The choice is determined in the following way:

    Diameter 160-180 mm. Such logs are used to build bathhouses, outbuildings and dachas in regions with short, mild winters.

    Diameter 200-220 mm. The material is used for the construction of dachas, gazebos, guest houses and other structures common to private plots in areas with a temperate continental climate (similar to the European part of Russia).

    Diameter 240-260 mm. Suitable for building houses permanent residence(with additional insulation), large-area buildings (from 250 m2) in regions with a continental climate (similar to West Siberian).

    Diameter 280-320 mm. Used in the construction of houses with year-round accommodation, two-story, large area, with insulation or an attic in areas with long frosty winters.

A house made of large diameter logs is ideal for places with harsh winters Source

Features of rounded logs

Builders value this material for its unpretentiousness and ease of use, especially noting:

    Correct geometric dimensions . Perhaps the main advantage over chopped logs with their variable diameter.

    Precision and ease of assembly. Possible thanks to the use quality equipment, cutting identical grooves in logs.

    Build speed. The prepared house kit is assembled by a team of 4 people in 1-3 weeks.

    Year-round assembly. Log cottages are assembled in any weather.

    Saving. Finishing a house made of rounded logs is extremely rare; finishing costs can be excluded from the estimate, limiting ourselves to sanding and varnishing.

    Sustainability. High-quality processed wood is resistant to bioagents, solar ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage and weather vagaries.

A win-win combination natural wood and forged parts Source

Strengths and weaknesses of a house made of rounded logs

The beneficial qualities of natural wood preserved by rounded logs have a positive effect on operational characteristics country house. The advantages of such a building include:

    Durability. Your home will last 60-80 years without any problems (but with careful care).

    Price. A log house will be a more budget-friendly option than one built from laminated veneer lumber or profiled timber.

    Physics at home. A log cottage has high sound and heat insulation characteristics. The thermal insulation of a 20 cm thick log wall is equivalent to a 71 cm thick brick wall.

    Vapor and air permeability of walls. Wood extracts excess water from the air and releases it, thereby regulating the microclimate in the house. Up to 30% of the internal air volume is filtered through the walls per day.

Video description

ABOUT log house with an external chimney in the following video:

    Environmental friendliness. Logs that have been treated with certified impregnations and varnishes are not harmful to health.

    Aesthetics. The natural texture of wooden walls will rarely leave anyone indifferent.

    Manifold. Finished projects(not to mention individual ones) amaze with the variety of external design and interior.

Wooden houses made of rounded logs have their disadvantages, Negative influence which can always be minimized:

    Shrinkage. Shrinkage (a property characteristic of any wooden structure) of one floor does not exceed 5-8 mm per meter of height (for a log of natural humidity - 10-15%).

Screw jacks of vertical supports compensate for changes in wall height during shrinkage Source

    Quality. If logs are processed incorrectly, rot or swelling of the wood (due to dampness) may occur.

    Price. A rounded log costs 2 times more than a log with natural moisture. The material is almost impossible to buy linear meters, only as a set of parts.

    Crevices. The harsh reality of all wood materials. Cracking can be reduced somewhat by proper manufacturing treatment.

    Flammability. But not the ease of ignition when treated with a fire retardant.

    Care. Wooden walls require periodic maintenance: impregnation, painting, sealing cracks, caulking.

Video description

About construction errors log house in the following video:

Subtleties of design: log house styles

Rounded logs are a proven way to implement a variety of architectural solutions. Interesting projects appear thanks to the use of high-quality technological material, easy to process and install. Today, outside the city you can find not only classic cottage-huts in traditional style, but also original houses in a variety of styles.

Turnkey construction of houses from rounded logs increasingly appears to be a profitable investment. Construction organizations with their own design bureau offer design and construction country cottage in various styles, among which the most popular are:

    Classic log house. The house, in national traditions, occupies one of the leading places among houses built from rounded logs. The decoration of such a building is high porch with balusters, carved frames and a massive door.

Timber house in modern style Source

    European style. A classic of European house building, the chalet style, finds its admirers far from the Alps. Customers are attracted by the monumentality of the design, the elegance of the finish and the large veranda (often on the second floor).

    Scandinavian style. Northern winter is famous not only for its cold, but also for its short daylight hours. Large glass area (including panoramic windows) is dictated by sun deficiency. Traditionally, the windows and doors of Scandinavian housing are decorated with dark trim; The roof is preferably gable or flat. On modern houses Solar panels are common.

Logs are used for premium houses highest quality with a diameter of 320 mm, the decoration is often a gable roof with an attic located underneath. This project allows you to expand the total area of ​​the house by placing an additional bedroom, a children’s playroom in the attic, Personal Area or a billiard room.

Houses made of rounded logs on a turnkey basis are often ordered together with small architectural forms- high-quality baths, romantic gazebos and guest houses. The joint architectural ensemble transforms the garden area, giving it integrity.

Timber house with a chalet-style barbecue area Source

How to choose the right project

When choosing a project from among ready-made ones, it is useful to first think through the requirements for your future home. Ready-made houses made from rounded logs are designed, as a rule, for operation in a certain climatic zone. Among other parameters, the appearance (and price) of the house is influenced by:

    Area and location of the site. If the area is small, you should think about a two-story project (spacious cottage will take too much usable area). The choice of location for a terrace or balcony often depends on the road passing nearby.

    Soil and level groundwater . They influence the choice of foundation.

    Method of operation. The house in which you and your family will live permanently will require the use of more massive logs (with a diameter of 240 mm).

    Family members and pets. For everyone, you need to provide a personal place - some in the bedroom, and some in the yard.

Second light in the interior timber house Source

    Automobile(often cars). It is necessary to provide not only convenient garage or a parking space, but also carefully consider the entrance.

    Environment style. If you do not want to destroy the harmony of the cottage community (and relationships with neighbors), take a closer look at the style of the neighboring areas.

An individual project for a house made of rounded logs, the price of which is formed from several other parameters, allows the customer to influence many things:

    Reduce the cost of your home. This can be achieved by reducing the number of corridors and combining some rooms (the kitchen-dining room or kitchen-living room option is often chosen). When designing, some rooms are made into walk-through rooms, and a study is arranged on the balcony.

    Reduce heat loss at home. Savings are achieved by eliminating complex shape houses and roofs, and minimal use ledges, balconies and bay windows.

    Reduce costs. Correct external orientation of the house (to the cardinal points and wind rose) will help reduce heating and air conditioning costs.

House made of rounded logs with extensions Source

    Provide for expansion. Sooner or later, an addition to the family will require an increase in living space. It would be good if the possibility of arranging an extension or an attic would be taken into account.

    Fireplace. It's better to add it while drafting. It is quite difficult (and much more expensive) to do this in an already built log house.

    Ladder. If there is one, take care of it good lighting(for safety). A window in the right place can save you from a lot of trouble.

Projects and prices of houses made of rounded logs

There are many companies on the market offering their services for the construction of log houses. When choosing construction company It would be useful to focus on the duration of her work in this field, customer reviews and her own feelings. Many organizations have their own production, which allows them to offer attractive prices to customers.

Log house in high-tech style Source

Companies that care about their reputation treat customers with care, providing advice and providing guarantees for materials and work. Houses made of rounded logs, the designs and prices of which are as close as possible to the wishes of clients, attract attention and are in high demand. average price for the construction of a turnkey country house from rounded logs (in the Moscow region) ranges from:

Houses up to 100 m2: 1.2-1.8 million rubles.

Area from 100 to 200 m2: 1.8-2.3 million rubles.

From 200 to 300 m2: 2.1-3.85 million rubles.


A growing number of fans of buildings made of rounded logs are turning such structures into a sought-after type of real estate. Improved technology for harvesting wood and processing logs has made adjustments to the construction process. Log cottages are elegant, warm and durable.