Living room design in a country house (95 photos). Modern living room design ideas in a private house Living room in a one-story house

Arranging a living room is both an interesting and responsible process. The interior of a living room in a private house should be unique, beautiful, relaxing and original. How to bring all this to life and be satisfied with the result? Dekorin knows the answer to this question! Just look at these ideas and photos, how beautiful your living room can be!

Stylish and cozy interior of a living room with a fireplace in a private house

Often the living room is called the "heart of the house", and this is quite true, because it is in this room that we relax and meet guests. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to the interior design of the living room in a private house in order to create comfort and warmth.

A beautiful decor and a piece of warmth in the house can be a fireplace installed in the hall. It should be borne in mind that the living room where the fireplace is planned to be installed must be at least 25 square meters. m. The floors must be strong enough, because installing a fireplace is a laborious and complex process. By the way, it is not necessary to install a real fireplace, because if you wish, you can become the owner of an electric model and do without cleaning the stove. Whatever view you choose, it is important to create a living room project correctly and successfully fit the fireplace into its interior.

As for the style, the classic is most suitable for a private house. With it, you can emphasize vintage moments, wooden furniture and rustic coziness. However, if you wish, you can also make an ultramodern living room interior with a fireplace in a high-tech private house. What suits your temperament and lifestyle more?

Opposite the fireplace, it makes sense to put a cozy sofa or chair in order to sit in front of this miracle on cold winter evenings and read books. This beauty is wonderfully complemented by a coffee or coffee table, figurines and family photos.

The interior of the living-dining room in a private house: modern ideas and photos

Every time we meet guests, we treat them with something. Whether it's an ordinary tea party or a chic feast, you need a table and other furniture for comfortable seating. Few people can afford a separate dining room, but, fortunately, today there are many alternatives (for example, combining a living room and a dining room).

It is not so difficult to create the interior of a living-dining room in a private house, but first you need to make sure that such a decision is appropriate. So, if you have a spacious living room, then allocating space for the dining room will not be difficult. To create a dining area with a large table, you need as many free square meters as there are seats planned.

No partitions are required between the living room and dining room, however, if desired, you can separate them with a low chest of drawers or shelving. Another way to divide a room into zones is to use different wall, floor, and ceiling finishes. The option looks beautiful when the dining area is highlighted with bright and juicy shades that stimulate the appetite. However, in order to maintain harmony in the interior, it is recommended to use all items in the same style or to zone the space with light partitions.

When choosing furniture, it should be borne in mind that it should overlap in all areas. Particular attention should be paid to the table and chairs (it is better to buy them as a set). Also, if desired, you can install a buffet in the dining area, showcase for dishes or sideboard.

Living room interior in a private house with stairs: design ideas with photos

The interior design of a living room in a private house with a staircase to the second floor involves many design options. The decision to install a staircase in the living room can be associated not only with the limited space in the hall, but also with the ability to profitably transform the room.

In order for the staircase to harmoniously fit into the interior of the living room, certain rules should be followed. So, it is necessary to observe the general style of the room and stairs. It is important to consider the design of both the first and second floors.

You should also wisely approach the choice of the location of the stairs. The design itself should not be too large and take up a lot of space in the central room of the house. It will be very convenient to store things on shelves or in a closet under the stairs, or to allocate a separate area for this next to it. Thus, you will functionally use all the available space.

Interior of a classic living room in a private house

Living room in a classic style will always look elegant and sophisticated. The main principles of the classics are proportionality, symmetry and quality materials. So, the chaotic arrangement of furniture is clearly not suitable for a classic interior. That is why furniture is often bought in duplicate: two sconces, two floor lamps, two armchairs, etc. The photo below clearly shows how symmetry is applied in practice in the classic interior design of the living room.

Corner sofas are often installed in classic living rooms, as this furniture allows you to zone the space and draws a certain boundary between the kitchen area and the seating area. Usually 1 luxurious ceiling lamp is installed in such rooms, however, modern ideas call for the use of several chandeliers, because modern halls are multifunctional and, in addition to the sofa area, they also have a kitchen and a dining room.

The classic interior requires a lot of free space. In such a room, it is worth using light shades, such as beige, chocolate or white. So, white is more suitable for a small living room, while beige tones will brighten up the larger rooms in your home. Of course, there should be some color accents, like lilac, purple or lavender shades. Turquoise and blue colors also fit perfectly into the classic interior (for example, you can highlight the sofa in the living room in this color, and leave the rest of the interior of the classic living room in a private house in monochrome).

The interior of the living room-bedroom in a private house: modern ideas

The living room and bedroom are usually combined with a lack of square meters in the house. As a rule, such invariable attributes of home rest as a sofa, a bed, as well as other items necessary for a modern person are placed in the living room-bedroom. In the interior design of the living room bedroom in a private house, it is not recommended to use bulky pieces of furniture: it is better to keep everything in a modest and restrained style, such as minimalism, in order to make good use of the available space.

For wall decoration, you should not choose wallpaper with a large pattern: it is better to give preference to plain wallpaper, as well as decorate the wall with paintings and photographs. It is good if the room is decorated with bright decorative elements, such as pillows, figurines and vases. The living room, which is combined with the bedroom, should not be a walk-through, because in it you not only receive guests, but also relax after a hard day.

A reasonable solution would be to divide the room into zones. So, in one zone you can receive guests, and in the other zone you can place a bedroom. There are many ways to delimit space: drywall, frosted glass, shelving, a light screen, as well as decorative curtains. In a small room, it is best to use a rack without a back wall, because it will serve as a functional piece of furniture on which you can place books and other household trifles.

The interior of the kitchen-living room in a private house: the best ideas

To date, the kitchen with the living room is often combined together. By combining the kitchen and living area, you can achieve a visual expansion of the space, as well as getting a bright room.

Thinking through the interior of the kitchen-living room in a private house is not an easy task. After all, as a result, everyone wants to get a convenient, comfortable and easy-to-clean room that looks not only attractive, but also harmonious and balanced.

Often the kitchen area is positioned so that it occupies one of the walls of the room, while installing an island or peninsula that will delimit the room into zones. An equally convenient option for the location of the kitchen is to install it in the corner of the room. In this case, it is best to install the kitchen set in an L-shaped way. If your living room has a staircase, it would be wise to use the space near it for the arrangement of the kitchen segment. However, it is worth taking care that there is sufficient lighting in this area (especially in the working area of ​​​​the kitchen space).

Owners of a small living room in a private house should not worry, because each room can be designed so that it seems spacious and bright.

There are many tricks to visually expand the space. Color plays a decisive role in the perception of the size of the space of the room, therefore, in a small living room, beige, sand and all shades of white should become the dominant colors. However, bright acid accents in small doses (for example, sofa cushions, rugs, curtains, etc.) will not interfere. It is also worth considering that a large drawing always reduces the interior, while a small one increases it.

Starting to furnish a small room, you should not clutter it up too much. Modern furniture developers offer many transformer designs that can be removed and laid out at any time as needed. So, in a small living room, it’s good to provide a single table that will serve as both writing and dining, and a sofa that turns into a bed. Remember: the more free space in a small room, the better. It doesn't hurt to get some elegant folding chairs and place them behind the closed fronts of built-in wardrobes, and take them out as needed. As for the decor in the interior of a small living room in a private house, it should be kept to a minimum. A couple of favorite paintings will perfectly complement the interior of your living room.

As a conclusion, we can say that the size of the room is the main thing. You just need to create your own unique style, with the help of advice from Dekorin, and your living room will be transformed.

Living room interior in a private house: fresh ideas and 35 photos updated: May 31, 2017 by: Oksana Krutsenko

For many people, buying or building a private home becomes a major milestone in life. But for the arrangement of life in a new house, you have to make a lot of effort. It’s worth starting with the creation of a stylish and comfortable living room, in which it will be not only pleasant to spend evenings with the whole family, but also to receive guests, arrange theme parties or just cozy gatherings with the closest ones.

The living room of a private house is a special place that requires increased attention even at the stage of creating a design project. The overall impression that the room will make, as well as the well-being of everyone who will be in it, depends on how well the style, color, finishing materials, furniture and decor are chosen in it.

Living room in your home - room for imagination

The living room in a private house differs from the classic room in a high-rise building not only in its size, but also in its special mood.

A private house is, as a rule, close to nature and remote from people, so the huge panoramic windows of the living room will show a magnificent view of a blooming garden in spring and a snowy meadow in winter. This view can be considered part of the decor of the room, so you don’t need to decorate the room additionally.

ADVICE! Several windows or panoramic windows in a private house are not only a luxury, but also a necessity: a sufficient amount of sunlight will create a special atmosphere of a cozy family nest in the room.

Since the living room in a private house stands out for its impressive size, it needs to be allocated a semantic center, which will become the basis of the entire interior design. In some rooms, a fireplace plays the role of such a center, in others - a large and comfortable sofa, a home theater or an impressive piano.

All other details of the interior seem to be strung on a string of beads tied to such a semantic center. It is important not to lose it and keep it just as significant even after filling the living room with furniture and other things.

The most important part of creating a stylish image of the living room is the correct distribution of functional areas. Since the owners of a private house do not experience a lack of free space, the combination of a living room and a dining room or a living room and a kitchen is not very relevant. That is why the living room should remain exactly the living room - an ideal place for family holidays, relaxing reading books in a comfortable armchair, playing music with your favorite instrument, calm and cozy relaxation.

Finding the perfect style

The guarantee of getting the perfect living room in the end result will be the choice of the most suitable style. As a rule, the style of this room is a harmonious continuation of the general style direction of the whole house.

Among the most relevant in such conditions are:

Living room decoration: naturalness is a priority

In general, the choice of decoration for the living room is largely determined by the chosen style direction, but the general recommendations of designers will always work. So, modern interiors gravitate towards naturalness, that is, the use of natural materials: wood, stone, cork, natural fibers of cotton, rattan or bamboo, leather.

Such a desire is connected not only with the desire of a person to become closer to nature, but also with the accumulated fatigue from everything unreal, from unnaturalness in everything.

ADVICE! The combination of natural and modern materials within one room creates an interior that is unique in its texture, which will be attractive to everyone. Therefore, designers are advised not to abandon fashionable novelties if they are able to harmoniously fit into the style of the room.

For finishing the floor, a floorboard, natural parquet or stone is usually used. This floor is comfortable to use, easy to clean and pleasant to look at. The natural colors of the surface make it an ideal background for carpets and furniture, so you don’t have to worry about the perfect combination of complex shades.

The walls in the living room of a private house are practically an artistic canvas on which you can paint pictures of various directions. Laconic painting or decorative plaster gives rise to a simple and sophisticated image of a strict living room. Wood paneling, stonework, or themed wallpaper are more complex and demanding backdrops that are room decor in their own right.

The ceiling in the living room can be simple or complex, depending on how the rest of the surfaces are decorated. A complex floor and walls should be balanced with the most simple ceiling: the leveled surface is painted in a neutral color (white, beige, milky) and becomes an ideal backdrop for complex fixtures.

If the design of the room allows complex shapes, then the ceiling surface can be decorated with natural or decorative beams, decorated with complex plasterboard structures, complicated by the use of a stretch fabric.

We create a harmonious image

The logical conclusion to creating a stylish image of a living room in a private house is the right choice of furniture and decor for such a spacious and complex room. A large area of ​​​​the room requires increased attention and accuracy when choosing every detail.

ADVICE! Don't forget about technology. A large TV and high-quality audio system are indispensable components of a comfortable modern living room.

The final point in a stylish living room should be high-quality and thoughtful lighting. Naturally, one ceiling chandelier will not be enough to illuminate a large area, so for each part of the room you need to use an individual light source - effective and efficient.

Lamps from one collection will look harmonious: such a set will add unity and community to the room. For a spacious living room, you will need at least two ceiling chandeliers, spotlights around the perimeter of the room, a floor lamp for reading, table lamps or sconces to create a cozy atmosphere.

The living room in a private house is its heart, the most important room in terms of functional and semantic meaning. A good choice of style, finish, furniture and decor for the living room guarantees comfort to all households and guests. A pleasant pastime in a cozy common room, warm family evenings, friendly gatherings over a cup of tea, themed parties and celebrations - all this will be much more interesting if it is comfortable and pleasant to be in the living room.

Fashion trends next year, according to designers, will be the use of simplicity, environmental friendliness, discreet luxury and comfort. Since the main purpose of the apartment is the convenience and safety of the residents living in it, massive furniture, artificial textures, and pretentious splendor of decor elements are becoming a thing of the past. It is better to get rid of all this, but you should not save on household appliances, as they are designed to make our life easier.

Natural stone (marble, onyx, granite, agate) or its high-quality imitation, stone carving in various manifestations are actively used. The hit of the season is complex geometric prints on marble.

The second most popular in the ranking of building materials will be metal, which is used not only in plumbing fixtures, but also in furniture, its edging, and panels. Glossy metallic sheen will make the interior sophisticated and fashionable. For lovers of cold shades, designers recommend using chrome and silver, which perfectly reflect white light. Suitable for high-tech, Scandinavian, minimalist styles.

To add coziness and warmth to the room, copper, brass, and gilding are more suitable. Perfectly fit into a classic interior.

The much-loved cork does not give up its positions in 2017, and its manifestations are appropriate everywhere - the facade of furniture cabinets, wall decoration. The wood, which in modern design is used in its natural form, without large layers of varnish and paint, does not lose its relevance.

Basic rules for creating the perfect interior

But where do you get ideas for inspiration if the task is to come up with a design, what is called from scratch? Best of all, various styles, trends and non-standard solutions are demonstrated by photos of living rooms in a country house.

Some of them were created by experienced designers, others exclusively through the efforts of enthusiastic owners. However, we must not forget a few important rules that will help in further work:

Therefore, it is desirable that the room has many large windows. If for some reason this is not possible, then you should think about additional light sources. The best hint of the ideal interior, taking into account these simple rules, will be given by photos of various living rooms in a private house.

Zoning features

If the room is large enough, then it is appropriate to divide it into separate zones. This will make the room more comfortable for everyone who is in it and even decorate it in their own way. The living room can be divided into:

  • dining room;
  • Recreation area;
  • Zone for entertainment.

In practice, this is quite easy to implement. For example, a recreation area is unthinkable without a soft corner, a cozy sofa, deep armchairs. All pieces of furniture must be placed around the semantic center of the room.

The dining area will be marked by a large dining table with chairs arranged around, a cupboard with glass doors or a tall cabinet with shelves. And a place for entertainment can be represented by library shelves, a musical instrument, as well as other similar elements. How to competently beat each of the zones, photos of various living rooms will show.
In this case, it is not at all necessary to use stationary partitions, shelving or furniture. Zoning can be done with the help of color, curtains, lighting.

Interior by type of building

Thinking through the design of all rooms, including the living room, we must not forget about the materials used to build the building itself. After all, the design of the premises in a wooden or stone house can differ significantly.

In the first case, wooden beam walls are the most worthy and stylish decoration. There is no need to decorate them with wallpaper or plaster. This environmentally friendly natural material is able to effortlessly create a homely cozy atmosphere, which is perfectly demonstrated by the photos.


If the building has two or more floors, then the highlight of a non-standard interior can be a staircase design. Of course, a living room with a staircase already looks unusual in itself, you just need to correctly emphasize or, on the contrary, veil the entrance to the second floor.

The initial location of the stairs plays a big role in the arrangement of furniture, zoning of the room and other nuances. Much depends on the material from which the spans are made, their architectural style, and decorative details. The photos will show how best to beat this element of the interior of the living room of a private house.

The living room sets the tone

By tradition, a country house is used either for recreation or for permanent residence. Therefore, its design should be stylish, comfortable, aesthetic. Of course, first you need to take care of the living room, which is the unofficial hallmark of a residential building. It is this room that sets the tone for the stylistic direction of the entire house, which means it shapes the daily mood of the residents.

It is enough to look at the photo to understand how different emotions this or that living room design in a private house can cause. Depending on personal priorities, financial capabilities and many other factors, the interior of living rooms can be kept in a completely non-standard or vice versa classic style. But there are some areas that modern owners prefer most often.

Choose a style

The Provence style creates a particularly cozy romantic atmosphere in the living room. It is best suited for the design of rooms in a wooden house, as the hallmark of this direction is the effect of antiquity.

The living room in a country house, made in a rustic or country style, looks great. Moreover, seemingly insignificant details can make it, for example, English or Swiss.
The first option provides for a fireplace and a huge soft sofa, it is appropriate to decorate the walls with tapestries and other textile decor. As for the Swiss country, it looks a little rough and uncouth, uses voluminous wood details, light-colored textiles, handicraft elements.

How to use retro style for decorating living rooms is best shown in the photo. But it is worth noting that all such interiors attract with the brightness of the colors used. Within the same room, pink, green, orange, blue coexist perfectly. But the leader, of course, is red and all its shades. The retro style is complemented by cute floor lamps, furniture with high legs, intricate sconces on the walls, and a lot of decorative elements.

The classic style in the interior is always relevant. The correct forms and combinations never bother, it is moderately luxurious, discreet. A classic living room in a country house is always a place where you can have a good time.

Modern design

The listed and some other classical directions are preferred by adults and even the elderly. Young people prone to experiments more often choose modern styles that differ in their own specifics and character:

Of course, it is impossible to list a huge variety of stylistic trends that can be used in the design of living rooms. But when creating exclusive interiors, it is important to remember that this room should be ideally combined with all other rooms, and not stand out from a given theme. Even if each of them has its own idea, all together they should form a single whole.

The most relevant styles of fashionable interior in 2018 will be:

  • high tech;
  • Scandinavian;
  • French;
  • minimalism;
  • Cuban (Mexican);
  • bohemian (eclectic, boho);
  • retro.

Classics in the design of the living room 2018

The classic style is usually chosen by older people with refined taste. It is characterized by natural materials, discreet tones and antique decor elements.

In such a living room, a fireplace, columns, a ceiling with stucco, forged twisted cornices would be appropriate. You should not save on wallpaper - they should be of high quality, strict in style and color scheme. The status of the owners will be emphasized by furniture made of natural wood: a table, a chest of drawers, a bureau (a small table with drawers.

The word "minimalism" speaks for itself - there should not be anything superfluous in the living room. Connoisseurs of this style do not accept catchy colors and neglect decorative elements.


The combination of different styles, creative mess, bright colors - all this is about "eclecticism". However, those who decide on a bold experiment need to have a delicate taste and the ability to correctly combine the incongruous so that the hall does not look comical. What an unusually decorated room looks like can be seen in the photo of the living room in a private house - words cannot describe it.

Country - for connoisseurs of comfort, high-tech - for business and active

Country style is familiar to us from old American films. In such a living room it is warm, cozy and rather modest. There are no flashy shades and artsy decorative elements. Wood, stone, textiles give the room a special, romantic atmosphere.

The design of a living room in a private house does not have to create comfort. For modern, fashionable, business people, a high-tech style is more suitable, which is somewhat reminiscent of a familiar office. Contrasting colors, straight lines, modern furniture and appliances, with no decorative elements.

Modern materials are chosen for decoration in modern style: wood, glass, iron and others. There are natural motifs on the walls, it is possible to use photo wallpapers with views of the forest or river. The floor and ceiling can be asymmetrical, but it is better to choose furniture with smooth lines.

Provence style living room - beautiful and unusual design

Fashionable living room interior 2018

The main principle of the design of living rooms in 2018 will be minimalism. The style with a minimum of furniture and accessories is characterized by elegance and at the same time discreet chic.
All that is required for the successful filling of the living room is furniture of an extremely simple form, preferably in the Scandinavian style, comfortable upholstered furniture. Stylish accents that give the room coziness will be a small round table and a couple of paintings.

Do not overload the space with complex decor elements and bright colors. The most fashionable wall colors in 2018 are white, milky, light coffee, lemon. Materials such as light unpainted wood, cork, stone tub are perfectly combined with this color scheme.

The snow-white image of the living room is an actual interior for any style

White remains a favorite color choice for finishing and furnishing modern living rooms. Regardless of which stylistic direction the family room design belongs to, its image will remain in trend for a long time. If snow-white surfaces do not bother you, because there are no small children and pets in the house that can turn a white sofa into an unrecognizable interior object, a bright living room will be the highlight of your private household.

In a living room with snow-white finishes and furnishings, color accents are needed. Often the use of wood tones in flooring is not enough to dilute a monochromatic color palette.
As bright accents, it is easiest to use wall decor, carpeting or window textiles. Such colorful interior elements are easy to replace if you get bored with the accent colors. As a result, you get a new image of the room by changing just a couple of details - against a snow-white background, even soft accents look impressive and attractive.

Little things that make you feel at home

It is necessary to say a few words about those details that contribute to the creation of especially comfortable conditions in the living rooms. If the size of the room allows, then one of its main decorations can be a large table that can easily accommodate households and guests.

For greater comfort, it is necessary to consider the use of textile decor. After all, it is the finishing touch, smoothing out individual elements and uniting them. Curtains on windows, doorways, along the perimeter of the room must fully comply with the given style, be practical and beautiful.

If desired, in the living room you can equip a corner that will tell about the family, its values, traditions. It can be:

  • A photo;
  • Pictures drawn by children;
  • crafts;
  • Other attributes that matter.

Paintings, various panels and other similar decorations will be useful in the interior of the living room. If the stylistic idea allows, then you can use appropriate decorative elements, ranging from sofa cushions to wrought iron details.
But in fact, it does not matter at all how the interior of the living room is decorated. The main thing is that households always feel the love of loved ones and feel comfortable, calm and confident.

Living room combined with kitchen

More and more supporters of breadth and comfort are appearing, which is why studio apartments that do not have a clear distinction between functional areas are gaining such popularity. The main thing is more air and less unnecessary furniture. For separation, light glass partitions can be used.

As for the color scheme, the trend is classic black and white, all shades of gray, blue, blue, marsala, emerald, terracotta, pink.

The choice of design largely depends on the layout of the living room in a country house. Now living rooms combined with a kitchen have become quite popular. Thanks to this, the room visually expands, becomes more spacious and bright. In addition, it allows the owners to embody the most daring design ideas.

What will help separate the living room from the kitchen:

  • decorative partition;
  • fireplace;
  • arch;
  • large aquarium;
  • floor and ceiling of different levels;
  • different finishing materials.

Most often, the kitchen area is separated using a multi-level ceiling, mounting illuminated panels at a lower level. In the hall, you can only get by with a stretch ceiling.

It is better to make the floor in the kitchen a little higher than in the main room and cover it with a material that is easy to clean. The choice of flooring for the living room is very wide: from laminate and parquet to carpet.

If paint or wall panels are suitable for wall decoration in the eating area, then wallpaper is used in the room. And decorate the walls with decorative plaster and natural stone.

Recreation, work and creativity zone

Zoning of the living room in a private house is carried out without taking into account the kitchen, when it is already separated by a wall and a door. The hall will be finished with recreation and work areas. In the first place they put a sofa, armchairs, a coffee table, a TV.

In the second - a computer desk, office equipment, shelves and racks. For those who like to draw or play music, you can highlight your creative corner, where there will be musical instruments or an easel.

The main thing to remember is that when decorating a living room in a private house, every detail is important. Choose your style, decide on the necessary functional areas, finishing materials, furniture and, of course, decor elements. Let your living room be unique!

Interior decoration

Furniture and equipment

In the living room of the house you can not do without comfortable furniture, which will comfortably accommodate at least a family. The sofa is an ordinary resident of the hall. In order to invite guests, it is convenient to use transforming furniture, for example, all kinds of sofas that can be laid out or vice versa reported with poufs. There are wonderful options for tables, from coffee tables to dining tables.

Furniture for storing things - cabinets, sideboards, shelves, should not take up too much space. They value functionality and ergonomics. However, "exhibits" that are especially valuable as decor may be an exception: for example, massive antique furniture. Armchairs and chairs are a great help for receiving guests, but you should not oversaturate the living room with them. Although, again, it all depends on the vision and desire of the owners of the house.

A roomy corner sofa is often the only piece of furniture to organize a seating area in a modern living room. The range of corner modification sofas is incredibly large, even the most demanding homeowner will be able to choose his own option. Often the central piece of upholstered furniture is complemented by small poufs or armchairs. A coffee table or a pair of low coasters is installed in the center.

For a room with a large area, you can opt for semicircular sofa models that look luxurious and can accommodate a considerable number of guests. Of course, for an ensemble with similar modifications of sofas, a round coffee table is needed, which will act as a focal point in this layout in the form of a well.

In modern living rooms, you can often find as a central island not a table-stand, but a large pouf, which can perform several functions at once, depending on the situation. From the point of view of practicality, it is better to choose leather upholstery (natural or artificial) for the upholstery of such an island-pouffe, but textile decoration made of fabrics that are easy to care for will look organically in the interior of the living room of a private house.

Upholstered furniture with leather upholstery will always be relevant. Due to its practicality and attractive appearance, the richness of the color palette and the options for decorating modern models, leather upholstery made from natural or artificial materials also attracts our compatriots as the basis for decorating a soft zone.

Soft furnishings with leather upholstery always bring some brutality to the image of the room. If your living room is connected to a music workshop or study, then luxurious and roomy sofas with dark leather upholstery will more than organically fit into the design of the room.

Storage systems, tables and more

In modern living room design projects, you will not find bulky storage systems that occupy an entire wall. As a rule, in the home theater area there are modest, small cabinets with smooth facades. Sometimes closed storage systems alternate with open shelves to create a lighter and more harmonious image of the living room segment. Often open shelves are equipped with built-in lighting.

In some modern living rooms, low chests of drawers with many compartments - drawers are used as storage systems. Often, such a shallow item is a hanging cabinet, which is attached to the wall and does not have legs, unlike a chest of drawers.

In a living room that combines the functions of a library, it would be most logical to place built-in bookcases with open shelves.

Such structures will allow you to create the maximum number of storage systems at a minimum cost of the usable living area. Open shelves will allow not only to demonstrate the spines of books, but also to create an image of a rack that will not feel solid, despite the large size.

From the technology that has firmly entered our lives, TVs and sound systems most often “live” in the living room. Significant space savings are achieved by the modern solution of hanging a plasma TV on a wall or embedding it in furniture.

Living room interior with a small area

Not all people have large country houses. For small areas (16, 18, 20 sq.m) there are some living room design tricks. The main thing is to visually expand the space using every free meter.

To do this, use:

  • glossy ceilings - raise the height of the room;
  • furniture-transformers;
  • spotlights - they scatter light. This is important because the small living rooms are missing two windows;
  • light-colored walls and ceilings.

Beautifully furnishing a hall in a private house is a responsible and interesting task. Of course, every owner wants to make a stylish renovation in the living room, which will delight the eye for several more years, without losing its relevance and practicality. It is worth remembering that the living room is a room in which all family members, guests, friends gather, which means that the interior should be warm and cozy. At the same time, the furniture in the living room should always be practical and multifunctional, so that at the right time you can accommodate guests, drink tea, and relax. Read more about all the nuances of creating an interior in the living room of a private house with your own hands - below in the article.

Currently, the living room can be decorated in a variety of styles, which allows you to choose the direction for the interior of the hall according to your wallet and desire. Environmentally friendly materials are becoming increasingly popular: paints, wallpapers, furniture, accessories - all this must be chosen carefully, carefully studying the composition and characteristics. Building materials that are not harmful to health look stylish and modern, and are absolutely safe even for children.

The most popular areas for a living room in a private house are:

  • Minimalism;
  • Modern;
  • Country;
  • Classic style.

We will discuss each of them in more detail below. Modern style is very popular nowadays due to its practicality. Multifunctional furniture, trendy tables and sofas that can be laid out and rested at any time are its distinguishing features. The color of the furniture should be calm and natural, for example, chocolate, beige, white, gray. The walls are usually decorated in light shades: white, gray, beige. Decor in this style is almost completely absent.

This style of interior is spacious, there are no unnecessary elements, the emphasis is on airiness and simplicity. You can add bright accents in the form of paintings, vases, unusual furniture of a strange shape or color.

More information about arranging a living room in modern style can be found in the material:

One of the varieties of Art Nouveau is the so-called Scandinavian style. Here, too, the emphasis is on simplicity and a harmonious combination of interior elements, the living room should be bright, bright accents should also be present, but it’s better not to get carried away with the decor. A room decorated in this style should be light, so white curtains are the best fit. Large windows and parquet floors allow you to literally plunge into the pure image of the Scandinavian countries, which is what makes this design style so popular.

You can even combine several styles into one, for example, install modern appliances, and choose upholstered furniture in a classic style. Do not forget about the harmony of the elements, you need to add curtains in neutral colors that will be combined with the furniture. You can take a table and shelves in a modern style, spread a fluffy carpet, decorate the walls in an abstract design using paint or wallpaper with a large chaotic pattern. In general, fantasy is not limited here, the main thing is not to overload the interior with various accessories.

The interior of the hall in a private house in the village - what the designer will advise

In the village you are as close to nature as possible, this is exactly what can be reflected in. Natural stone and wood are the best materials for decorating a hall in a private house in the countryside.

You can equip the living room in different ways:

  • Install wooden beams on the ceiling or zone the room with their help.
  • In a private house, it is easy to install a real wood-burning fireplace, and finish the walls around with natural stone.
  • A fireplace mantel can be made of wood, which will go well with masonry.
  • Parquet made of light wood tones, as well as fluffy light carpets, are a great solution for a rustic living room.

Various wood beams are perfect for interior decoration in a private house, you can play with different types of wood and get an original design. Beautiful accessories for the fireplace will add zest to the interior. On the fireplace shelf, you can install family photos, a beautiful old clock, which will add coziness and warmth to the room.

A beautiful view from the window is easy to profitably beat. A large window can be left without curtains, and furniture and decoration can be chosen in neutral shades, such as pistachio, gray, beige. The main thing is that the rest of the interior elements do not distract from the contemplation of nature.

How to equip a hall in a private house: photo

You can highlight the main tips for decorating a living room in a private house.


  1. You should choose the interior based on your budget and the size of the room.
  2. If the room is large and spacious, then you can use the Art Nouveau style, as well as minimalism.
  3. Classic style is appropriate everywhere and always.
  4. Do not forget about fireplaces, they are easier to install in a private house, they will add warmth and comfort to the living room.
  5. It is better to decorate the walls in neutral shades so as not to overload the atmosphere.
  6. Furniture should be practical and multifunctional.
  7. Wood is an excellent solution for a private house, natural materials will perfectly fit into the interior.
  8. Modern living rooms are characterized by spaciousness, so it is better to put personal items in cabinets and drawers.

Beautiful living rooms in the house (video)

We can summarize and say that creating an interior is an exciting, but painstaking business. Natural materials and warm shades are the best suited for a private home, you should pay attention to each element in order to end up with a practical and that will remain relevant for many years to come.

Hall design in a private house (photo)

A responsible process is the arrangement of the main room in the house, because a multifunctional load should not interfere with originality and be correlated with the general appearance of the building and site. In the modern world, the concept of luxury design includes its perfection for a particular owner, the ability to create a comfortable living room interior in a private house that meets the lifestyle. It can be different, simple or provocative, rude or elegant, elegant or brutal, but making it memorable is not so difficult. You can look for inspiration among the photos, at the same time getting acquainted with the most famous solutions and the latest innovations.

Actual Options

Modern design options for the main room are quite diverse:

  • Minimalism. Feel freedom from everything superfluous - colors, shapes, decor elements. Leave the essentials to enjoy the spacious living room of your private home. Such interiors contribute to rest from the urban rhythm, but can become boring with some monotony, which is sometimes noticeable even in the photo. An obvious plus for the expansion of space for those owners, the size of the living rooms is more modest than 30 square meters. m.
  • Modern. Contrasting combinations of natural tones, such as soft cream and chocolate, perhaps a monochrome range. Black and white options use an accent wall. Glass, shiny surfaces, designer modern furniture enhance the showiness.
  • Loft. Unplastered walls, wooden ceiling beams, accentuated industrialism are adapted by designers for maximum comfort from the feeling of a private home. Interesting wall panels with an unusual relief for bricks or clinker of unusual colors for an accent wall.

Many of these styles make it possible to turn not only furniture into art objects, but also hobbies, hobbies of owners: travel collections, books, car models, non-standard prints, gallery lighting. But they are not able to bring as much warmth to the interior of the living room of a country house as styles that were not born in the urban period.

Made for each other

There are interior solutions that will use the entire space of the house and around it for a single whole. Muted shades of nature, clean lines, eco-friendly materials create such different, as can be seen from the photo, but natural styles:

  • Scandinavian. Something close and understandable, simple and concise interior is diluted with bright accents on an extremely light background. Large windows let in plenty of light to enjoy the view. All used finishing materials contribute to harmony, special purity.
  • Country. The degree of integration knows no limits. This can only be a hint: fireplace cladding, or coarse ceiling beams, finishing wall surfaces with boards. The alternation of wood of different species and tones brings comfort. It is enhanced by decor in the form of expressive chandeliers, metal objects, leather furniture, stonework.
  • Rustic. Some private houses are simply created for use in the living room interior of the main characteristic elements - log walls, timber. Simple racks, wooden chests, open shelves made of boards, interesting accessories made of stumps and branches will enhance the effect.

Classic - different and fashionable

The opportunity to design the interior of the living room in such a time-tested, but no less relevant direction, is more appropriate than ever in a private house than a standard apartment. Modern materials and more moderate, although recognizable decor, furniture adapted to current needs, somewhat facilitated classicism. Adding innovative items no longer seems out of place. This is an ideal choice for connoisseurs of the past, but not ready to give up the achievements of the present.

Called neoclassical, the style is recognizable by furniture, decor, features:

  • massive sofas with chic upholstery;
  • armchairs with "ears";
  • luxurious chandeliers;
  • stucco looks worthy dosed;
  • arches, columns, steps;
  • mirrors;
  • moldings, sometimes highlighted in contrast.

But all this classic splendor looks especially good when the living room in a private house is deservedly considered large:

  • spacious from 30-36 sq. m;
  • ceiling height from 3 m;
  • has large windows, preferably high.

The right light range with good lighting adds space. This does not work in the opposite direction: too modest volumes of the hall are not welcome.

Only color can add softness, sophistication: a palette of warm, natural shades. Among them, lately, designers have distinguished a combination of light with gray-brown, olive. The introduction of accents into the general background such as purple, dark blue, purple, gold, silver, wine, turquoise should be moderate and limited to 2-3 matching tones.

Textiles, upholstery, curtains - everything is precisely calibrated and can produce a stunning effect. Wall decoration is preferable with a combination of plaster, wallpaper, which is also capable of expressiveness - linkrust, frescoes. The strict lines of the floor and ceiling, their expressiveness, emphasize the splendor of the main room.

The magic of wood

The tree in the interior of any country house will always be in place: it is used for rooms of any size, influencing color perception.

May be different:

  • A somewhat old-fashioned design in the form of carved railings, beams, bars, furniture will add comfort and warmth in any weather.
  • But modern styles also make extensive use of wood - bleached for chic and elegance. A light wood living room will always look festive. Modern furniture and new lighting solutions will make the interior memorable.
  • Designers love expressive ideas - do not be afraid to add stone, glass, metal to emphasize the influence and picturesqueness of the main room at the fusion of contrasts.
  • The tree is able to set the geometry of the entire space and not let the surfaces look monotonous.
  • Wooden accessories will enhance expressiveness without clashing. For example, an impressive shelf for the TV zone of the living room in the form of a beam looks quite harmoniously on a wooden surface made of lining.

Wood is an eco-friendly material, the most conceptual for a private house as an opportunity to merge with nature. It is quite acceptable to use imitations, partial (like replacing parquet with laminate) or complete (linoleum). But then you will not get important characteristics that some owners will appreciate - the opportunity to enjoy the special texture of wood, its smell and the feeling that the house is as environmentally friendly as possible. This feeling is not possible to experience in the apartment.


The fireplace in the living room of the house is not only for comfort, heating, it is also a certain indicator of the fashionability of the interior, its decoration. It becomes a central reference point: a soft zone in the form of a G or P-configuration is located near it. Then the TV zone does not attract attention, hiding behind special screens.

Fireplaces for living room interiors, close to classic or retro, look like significant, noticeable elements. Help:

  • various portals;
  • products made of ceramics, porcelain on it and nearby;
  • a large mirror in a beautiful baguette;
  • stucco and cladding.

Or the fireplace modestly merges with the wall: one armchair is located, making this place a personal corner. A wood-burning fireplace cannot be allowed in an apartment - this is a definite plus. Original island fireplaces look stylish, but the design calls for a large living room in the house.

Enclosed types of fireplaces or even electric versions can help avoid some of the problems when installing and decorating a fireplace area, as many types are designed to be included in the project at the construction stage.

Significant influence in this area is focused on the firewood, related accessories, forged grating. For rustic, authentic styles, the presence of characteristic signs of the hearth is desirable - wooden beams, natural stone for the fireplace area.

You can't forbid living comfortably

When the rhythm of life is high, the design of the living room in the house must necessarily help restore the balance of strength, emotional and physical. Nothing can give you the opportunity to relax like the latest pieces of furniture.

International annual exhibitions, fresh photos of design projects suggest replacing the standard favorite chair with an advanced version:

  • Chaise lounge - suggest a modern laconic style. Anatomical forms - in special honor.
  • An armchair with a footrest is an adapted variation. With wood, leather upholstery, suede - for a special New York style.
  • Large floor cushions are a recognizable symbol of free from convention design, a bright and noticeable accent for owners who feel young and active.

The location of soft surfaces should not interfere with communication - sofas, chairs are not placed on the walls, but use the center of the living room with its impressive size.

Furniture groups have long ceased to look stereotyped in new collections. More and more consumers are appreciating modularity or the rounded shape of a large sofa to enjoy conversations and home theater viewing. If the area allows, it is permissible to allocate a lounge area with an open layout, using a podium and a special finish made of nubuck, fur, carpet.

Final touches

Sometimes iconic decor items, interesting objects can add a little more to the overall impression of the result.

Interesting solutions and trends:

  • Shutters - for different styles. With swivel slats like blinds - the most functional (by the way, colored) or in a rustic spirit, specially aged.
  • Russian estate. Quite without pretensions to authenticity, decor items will bring a special charm to a suitable interior. Decorative plates on the wall of the dining room, fireplace area, cozy curtains, tapestry elements, birch bark products.
  • Textiles are designed to give tactile pleasure, and not just to please the eye, because a country house is impossible without decorative pillows, blankets.
  • Floor lamps on a high, refined leg; spots on the bar - add individual lighting in the evening.
  • To diversify a rectangular, square room - add round, oval objects: coffee tables, poufs, pillows.

The basic rule for the living room is the provided storage systems. They will help the right things be at hand without cluttering or distracting from the created design. Low cabinets and chests of drawers will divide the space if zoning is necessary, and if guests arrive, they will quickly remove the excess, which is important when there are small children in the house. Among the many solutions, it is not difficult to find one that, reflecting all needs, will allow you to create the most beautiful living room.