Dialogue in English conversation. Dialogues in English - samples and colloquialisms

In the “Exercises” section, we offer you short situation tasks to reinforce grammatical structures in speaking. Today we'll figure it out Passive Voice.
To use Passive Voice correctly, students need enough practice in a safe environment (gap filling, choosing the correct variant, correct the mistakes) and in speaking. Students do not often use Passive Voice in their speech, but it is necessary for formal situations, letters, and exams.

Famous people: Past Simple Passive

The goal is to make sentences using the Past Simple passive voice and guess what famous invention or discovery we are talking about.
Prepare the names of the most famous inventions, discoveries, masterpieces in various industries. Ask the student to continue this list.
For example, Don Quixote, psychoanalysis, Mona Lisa, television, Swan Lake, gravity. the telephone, Star Wars, evolution.
Student assignment – Make the sentences for the following words but don’t say the word itself. Let the teacher (other students) guess what thing you are talking about.
Student: It was discovered by Marie Curie.
Teacher (student B): Radioactivity!
Then the students (or student and teacher) switch roles.

Burglary: Present Perfect Passive

The goal is to describe the result of an action using the passive voice.
Student assignment:
You are a police officer who should make a report
of what he sees: “All the drawers have been opened.”

If a student has a small vocabulary, then it is better to give reference words.
Verbs to use:
to smash to break to turn upside down to stain

You can add item names to the list.
A variation of this task is a description of the city.
Student assignment - Imagine that you returned to your city after many years and local government made some changes to the city.
Example, A new shopping mall has been built in the city centre. All the factories have been demolished.

You can find a picture of a developing metropolis. Or one picture small town and the same city 20 years later.

Green worries: Present Continuous Passive

Levels – pre-intermediate – upper-intermediate

Student assignment – You are at the conference on environmental issues. Report about the problems using Present Continuous Passive.
Example: The climate is being affected because…

To help the student come up with ideas, you can create a collage of several pictures. The higher the student’s level, the more detailed the report should be.
You can use social problems: Problems in the city (pollution, traffic jams, beggars), Agriculture.

Selling a package holiday: Future Simple passive

Levels – pre-intermediate – intermediate

The goal is to organize a monologue or dialogue with using Future Simple passive voice.
Student assignment - You have a luxury package that you want to sell to a tourist.
For example, Our package holiday is in Hawaii. You will be met at the airport by our representative and taken to your hotel.

If the student is weak, you can give supporting sentences:

  • You will be met
  • You will be taken
  • Your meals will be prepared
  • You are invited

Give yourself time to prepare and set a time limit. It is advisable that the student present the tour to you for at least 1-2 minutes. The teacher can play along with a difficult client.

Said around the world: Present and Past Simple Passive

Levels – pre-intermediate – upper-intermediate

The goal is to use proverbs to demonstrate the use of the passive voice in different contexts and organize additional conversational practice.

Student assignment –
Read the provers. What do you think they mean? Do you agree?
Example: Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Student: I think that it means that big projects aren’t finished quickly. They take a lot of time and you need to be patient.

List of possible provers:

  • He who was bitten by a snake avoids tall grass (Chinese)
  • Silence was never written down (Italian)
  • Stars are not seen by sunshine (Spanish)
  • Skillful sailors weren’t made by smooth seas (Ethiopian)
  • The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
  • Great trees are envied by the wind (Japanese)

Hello friends! For many, the topic of active and passive voice in English is complex and incomprehensible. Some people encounter problems in forming the passive form, others do not know how to translate such sentences. If you know how to form PassiveVoice, learn to recognize and understand such sentences, these skills will make your speech more varied and richer, and your language competencies will become one step closer to proficiency at the level of a native English speaker.

What is passive voice?

In English, voice indicates whether the subject action is performed on its own by the active/active voice, or whether the action is performed on it by the passive/passive voice.

So there are two collaterals:

  1. Active Voice - Active
  2. Passive Voice - Passive

Passive voice in English table

Active voice in English table

  • Active Voice: They usually visit their granny.— They usually visit their granny.
  • Passive Voice: Their granny is usually visited.— Their grandmother is often visited.
  • Active Voice: They are visiting their granny now.— Now they are visiting their grandmother.
  • Passive Voice: Their granny is being visited now.— Their grandmother is being visited now.
  • Active Voice: They have just visited their granny— They just visited their granny.
  • Passive Voice: Their granny has just been visited. — Their granny just visited.

Remember, 3 uses of the passive voice in English

  1. When we don't know who performed the action. For example: The bank was robbed (we don’t know who did it).
  2. When it is not important to us who performed the action, but the action itself is important. For example: This house will be built next year (it doesn’t matter to us who does it, it’s important to us that it will be built).
  3. When we don't want to say who exactly did it (if something bad happened and we don't want to blame anyone). For example: The holiday is ruined (we don’t want to say who ruined it).

Table with tense forms of the passive voice

Time Education When to use Example
Present Continuous am/is/are being ed) action occurs at the moment of speech Their plan is being considered by the members of the committee.

Their plan is reviewed by committee members.

Past Continuous was/were being+ III form of the verb (or regular verb with ending - ed) the action was in progress at a certain point in the past While we were having lunch, the room was being cleaned .

While we were having lunch, the room was being cleaned.

Future Continuous
Past Perfect had been+ III form of the verb (or regular verb with the ending - ed) past action preceding another past action When her parents arrived, the problem had already has been solved .

When her parents arrived, the problem had already been solved.

Future Perfect will have been+ III form of the verb (or regular verb with the ending - ed) an action that will be completed before a certain point in the future This document will have been sent by 6 o'clock.

This document will be sent by six o'clock.

Present/Past/Future Perfect Continuous This form does not exist in the passive voice

Exercises with answers

Exercise 1. Open the brackets using verbs in the Present Simple Passive.

  1. The postbox (to empty) every day.
  2. The stamps (to postmark) at the post office.
  3. The letters (to sort) into the different towns.
  4. The mail (to load) into the train.
  5. The mailbags (to unload) after their journey.
  6. The bags (to take) to the post office.
  7. The letters (to sort) into the different streets.
  8. The letters (to deliver).

Exercise 2. Open the brackets to choose the required form of the verb.

  1. At the station they will (meet, be met) by a man from the travel bureau.
  2. She will (meet, be met) them in the hall upstairs.
  3. The porter will (bring, be brought) your luggage to your room.
  4. Your luggage will (bring, be brought) up in the lift.
  5. You may (leave, be left) your hat and coat in the cloakroom downstairs.
  6. They can (leave, be left) the key with the clerk downstairs.
  7. From the station they will (take, be taken) straight to the hotel.
  8. Tomorrow he will (take, be taken) them to the Russian Museum.

Exercise 3. Open the brackets using verbs in Active Voice or Passive Voice.

  1. Nobody (to see) him yesterday.
  2. The telegram (to receive) tomorrow.
  3. He (to give) me this book next week.
  4. The answer to this question can (to find) in the encyclopedia.
  5. We (to show) the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation tomorrow.
  6. You can (to find) interesting information about the life in the USA in this book.
  7. Budapest (to divide) by the Danube into two parts: Buda and Pest.
  8. Yuri Dolgoruki (to found) Moscow in 1147.
  9. Moscow University (to found) by Lomonosov.
  10. We (to call) Zhukovski the father of Russian aviation.

1. Put the verb in the past passive form.

  1. Jack... (examine) by the doctor. (Jack was examined by the doctor.)
  2. The teapot... (break) last week. (The kettle was broken last week.)
  3. The letters... (hand) to Doctor Loyds. (The letters were handed to Dr. Loyds.)
  4. The girl... (frighten) by homeless dogs. (The girl was scared by stray dogs.)
  5. This novel... (not translate). (This novel has not been translated.)
  6. We... (not invite) to Andrew’s party. (We weren't invited to Andrew's party.)

2. Change the sentences in the active voice to the passive voice.

For example: We sent for the doctor. (We sent for the doctor.) - The doctor was sent for. (The doctor was sent for.)

  1. The earthquake ruined a lot of villages. (The earthquake destroyed many villages.)
  2. Mother was cooking fantastic dinner. (Mom was preparing a fantastic dinner.)
  3. Somebody had their car stolen. (Someone stole their car.)
  4. The secretary was typing the documents. (The secretary was typing documents.)
  5. Sam had already painted the self-portrait. (Sam has already painted a self-portrait.)
  6. Kirsty bought these cushions in China. (Kersty bought these pillows in China.)

3. Write two sentences in the passive voice.

For example: We told her the news. (We told her the news.) – She was told the news. (They told her the news.), The news was told to her. (The news was told to her.)

  1. They gave me an Italian book. (They gave me an Italian book.)
  2. He was showing us his new house. (He showed us his new house.)
  3. The waiter had served him a beef steak. (The waiter served him a beef steak.)
  4. President promised people his prosperity. (The President promised prosperity to his people.)
  5. Ross had taught Mary English grammar. (Mr. Ross taught Mary English grammar.)

4. Compose interrogative sentences, starting with the suggested words.

  1. Megan had been advised to wear contact lenses. (Megan was advised to wear contact lenses.) Why...? What...?
  2. The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell. (The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell.) Who ... by? When...?
  3. The dogs were being trained by a policeman. (The dogs were trained by a policeman.) Where...? How many dogs...?
  4. French textbooks had been packed for the library. (French textbooks were packed for the library.) What kind of books...?


  1. was examined
  2. was broken
  3. were handed
  4. was frightened
  5. wasn't translated
  6. were not invited
  1. A lot of villages were ruined by the earthquake.
  2. Fantastic dinner was being cooked.
  3. Their car had been stolen.
  4. The documents were being typed by the secretary.
  5. The self-portrait had already been painted.
  6. These cushions were bought by Kirsty in China.
  1. I was given an Italian book. An Italian book was given to me.
  2. We were being shown the new house. The new house was being shown to us.
  3. He had been served a beef steak. A beef steak had been served to him.
  4. Prosperity was promised by president. The people were promised prosperity.
  5. Mary had been taught English grammar by Mr. Ross. English grammar had been taught to Mary by Mr. Ross.

Entry-level exercises are an introduction to a grammatical topic that needs to be practiced. If we want to navigate well in the passive voice, then we start with the simplest thing - by constructing passive constructions.

So, open the brackets and form a passive construction in the time indicated next to it. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The dog (to give) some food in ten munutes. Future Indefinite

2. This picture always (to admire). Present Indefinite

3. The letters (to type) now. Present Continuous

4. The children (to allow) to go for a walk. Present Perfect

5. His leg (to hurt) in an accident. Past Indefinite

6. The museum (to open) in September. Future Indefinite

7. These men (to arrest) yesterday. Past Indefinite

8. This exercise (to do) very carefully. Present Continuous

9. He (to appoint) a new manager of the firm. Present Perfect

10. Furniture (to made) from wood and plastic. Present Indefinite

11. The news (to announce) tomorrow morning. Future Indefinite

12. The box (not to open) for the last hundred years. Present Perfect

13. The article still (to translate). Present Continuous

14. A new metro line (to construct) in our town next year. Future Indefinite

15. The excursion (to organize) well. Present Perfect

16. His granny (to take) to hospital last Saturday. Past Indefinite

17. The Tower of London formerly (to use) as a prison. Past Indefinite

18. A new rule (to explain) now. Present Continuous

19. Her book (to publish) next month. Future Indefinite

20. Two of my dinner plates (to break). Present Perfect

21. These newspapers and journals (to sell) everywhere. Present Indefinite.

22. The short story (to read) aloud now. Present Continuous

23. A big battle (to fight) here 200 years ago. Past Indefinite

24. She (to meet) at the station tomorrow morning? Future Indefinite

25. You (to invite) to lunch tomorrow. Present Perfect

26. This play (to forget) in a few years’ time. Future Indefinite

27. The patient (to operate on) at this moment. Present Continuous

28. The bridge (to built) last year. Past Indefinite

29. My brother never (to beat) at tennis. Present Perfect

30. English (to speak) all over the world. Present Indefinite

31. Trees and flowers (to plant) in the park now. Present Continuous

32. Any questions (to ask) about me? Past Indefinite

33. Your report (to discuss) in two hours. Future Indefinite.

34. The children (to punish) for something they didn’t do. Past Indefinite

35. Milk (to use) for making butter and cheese. Present Indefinite

36. The floor (to wash) in the ckassroom now. Present Continuous

37. His lectures (to listen to) with great interest. Future Indefinite

38. You (to want) to help lay the table. Present Indefinite

39. A pupil always (to praise) when he works hard. Present Indefinite

40. The stolen car (to find) in another town. Present Perfect

I'll open the brackets, form the shapes passive voice at the appropriate time and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The dog will be given some food in ten minutes. = In ten minutes the dog will be given food.

2. These pictures are always admired. = This painting is always admired.

3. The letters are being typed now. = The letters are being printed now.

4. The children have been allowed to go for a walk. = The children were allowed to go for a walk.

5. His leg was hurt in an accident. = His leg was injured

6. The museum will be opened in September. = The museum will open in September.

7. These men were arrested yesterday. = Yesterday these people were arrested.

8. This exercise is very carefully being done. = This exercise is now being performed very carefully.

9. He has been appointed a new manager of the firm. = He was appointed the new manager of this company.

10. Furniture is made from wood and plastic. = Furniture is made of wood and plastic.

11. The news will be announced tomorrow morning. = This news will be announced tomorrow morning.

12. The box hasn’t been opened for the last hundred years. = This box has not been opened for the last hundred years.

13. The article is still being translated. = The article is still being translated.

14. A new metro line will be constructed in our town next year. = Next year a new metro line will be built in our city.

15. The excursion has been well organized. = The excursion was well organized.

16. His granny was taken to hospital last Saturday. = Last Sunday his grandmother was admitted to the hospital.

17. The Tower of London was formerly used as a prison. = The Tower of London used to be used as a prison.

18. A new rule is being explained now. = Now they are explaining the new rule.

19. Her book will be published next month. = Her book will be published next month.

20. Two of my dinner plates have been broken. = Two of my dinner plates broke.

21. These newspapers and journals are sold everywhere. = These newspapers and magazines are sold everywhere.

22. The short story is being read aloud now. = Now they are reading this story aloud.

23. A big battle was fought here 200 years ago.

24. Will she be met at the station tomorrow morning? = Will she be met at the station tomorrow morning?

25. You have been invited to lunch tomorrow. = You have been invited to dinner, which will take place tomorrow.

26. This play will be forgotten in a few years’ time. = In a few years this play will be forgotten.

27. The patient is being operated on at this moment. = This patient is currently undergoing surgery.

28. The bridge was built last year. = The bridge was built last year.

29. My brother has never been beaten at tennis. = My brother has never been beaten in tennis.

30. English is spoken all over the world. = English is spoken all over the world.

31. Trees and flowers are being planted in the park now. = Now trees and flowers are being planted in the park.

32. Were any questions asked about me? = Have you asked any questions about me?

33. Your report will be discussed in two hours. = In two hours they will discuss your report.

34. The children were punished for something they didn’t do. = The children were punished for something they did not do.

35. Milk are used for making butter and cheese. = Milk is used to make butter and cheese.

36. The floor is being washed in the classroom now. = The floor in the classroom is being washed now.

37. His lectures will be listened to with great interest. = His lectures will be listened to with great interest.

38. You are wanted to help lay the table. = They want help setting the table.

39. A pupil are always praised when he works hard. = A student is always praised when he works hard.

40. The stolen car has been found in another town. = The stolen car was found in another city.



I told - I was told

She brought - She was brought

We asked - We were asked

We answered - We were answered

He forgot - He was forgotten

He remembered - He was remembered

We invited - We were invited

Ex 2.

They'll tell me I'll be told I'll be told

They answered us. They answered us. They answered us.

We were sent We are sent We will be sent

He was helped. He is being helped. He will be helped.

1. My question (to answer) yesterday.

2. Hockey (to play) in winter.

3. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn.

4. Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London.

5. His new book (to finish) next year.

6. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets.

7. St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703.

8. Bread (to eat) every day.

9. The letter (to receive) yesterday.

10. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week.

Ex. 4 Translate the highlighted verbs into English:

    A lot of houses (built) in Moscow.

    When (was written) this letter?

    Many places of interest (visited) by tourists.

    When (was translated) this article?

Ex. 5 Replace the active voice with the passive voice.

    Many people attended this lecture.

    He will leave the ticket on the table.

    People speak English in many countries.

    An actor killed President Abraham Lincoln.

    They grow bananas in Africa.

    Chemists purify water in different ways.

    Irene's husband brought her some beautiful shells from the south.

    The explorers gave the newspaper reporters a long interview.

    Mr. Wilson will teach you English.

    The doctor ordered me a month"s rest from studying.

    Tom gave Nick a book for his birthday.

    Our mother tells us stories every evening.

    Lydia will show you a new book of pictures.

    A boy showed her the way.

    They will send us a box of fruit.

    Five or six small children followed them.

Ex. 7 Put the highlighted verbs inPassiveVoice

1. She took a long time to write the composition, but at last she wrote it.

2. Don't put the cup there: somebody will break it.

3. Why weren't you at the birthday party? - They didn't invite me.

4. We met many difficulties, but all the same we finished the work in time.

5. We shall leave you behind if you are not quick.


1. The room was cleaned and aired. 3. Who were these letters written by? 5. She showed me the picture which had been painted by her husband. 6. I shall not be allowed to go there. 10. Betty was met at the station. 11. The girl was not allowed to go to the concert. 13. The chicken was eaten with appetite.

Ex 9.Expandbrackets, usingVerbsVPassive Voice.

1. The rule explained by the teacher at the last lesson (to undertand) by all of us.

2. The poem was so beautiful that it (to learn) by everyone.

3. I hope the invitation (to accept) by everyone.

4. The letter (to post) in half an hour.

5. It seems to me that music (to hear) from the next room.

6. At the last competition the first prize (to win) by our team.

7. The question (to settle) as soon as they arrived.

8. Your report must (to divide) into two chapters.


    Much attention (is devoted /devotes) to the development of this science.

    The architect (was built / built) many beautiful bridges in town.

    They (study/are studied) the properties of this material.

    He (influenced / was influenced) by his friends.

    He (reconstructed/was reconstructed) an old church in our town.

    He (was caught/caught) by police yesterday.

    The manager (gave/was given) an interesting work by the President.

    A beautiful cathedral (built/was built) in our town in the 11th century.

Ex. eleven.Expandbrackets, usingVerbsVActiveorPassive Voice.

1. Nobody (to see) him yesterday.

2. The telegram (to receive) tomorrow.

3. He (to give) me this book next week.

4. The answer to this question can (to find) in the encyclopedia.

5. We (to show) the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation.

Present Simple Passive.

1. I always praise my friends.

2. I am always praised at home.

3. Every Saturday dad shows grandpa my grades.

4. Every Saturday my grades are shown to my dad.

5. We often remember you.

6. We are often remembered in the village.

7. They give me juice every morning.

8. Every morning I give the cat milk.

9. Every day he tells us something interesting.

10. They tell him something interesting every day.

11. I often send letters to friends.

12. I am often sent to the south.

13. I am often invited to the cinema.

Ex. 13.

1. I advised my friend to join the sports section.

2. I was advised to join the sports section.

3. I showed the doctor my teeth.

4. I was shown to the doctor.

5. I gave my dog ​​a piece of sugar.

6. They gave me soup for lunch.

7. Yesterday I asked the teacher to help me.

8. Yesterday I was asked to help a classmate.

9. Last summer I taught my sister to swim.

10. Last summer I was taught to swim.

11. Yesterday we were asked a lot of questions in class.

12 I answered all the questions.

Ex. 14.

1. They will buy new skates tomorrow.

2. Misha will ask me to help him.

3. Misha will be asked to tell about his journey.

6. Tomorrow I will bring a new film.

7. Tomorrow they will bring a new film.

8. My friend will help me with math.

9. My friend will get help with his German.

10. I'll buy some ice cream.



Ex1. Translate into English using verbs inPastSimpleActiveorPastSimplePassive.

I showed - I was shown

We sent - We were sent

He helped - He was helped

He advised - He was advised

We corrected - We were corrected

He cured - He was cured

He called - He was called

Ex 2.

They'll show me I'll be shown I'll be shown

She was brought in. She was being brought in. She was being brought in.

We were asked We are asked We will be asked

Ex 3. Open the brackets using verbs in the Present, Past or Future Simple Passive.

1. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday.

2. I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday.

3. Many houses (to build) in our town every year.

4. This work (to do) tomorrow.

5. This text (to translate) at the last lesson.

6. These trees (to plant) last autumn.

7. Many interesting games always (to play) at our PT lessons.

8. This bone (to give) to my dog ​​tomorrow.

9. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday.

10. Lost time never (to find) again.

11. Rome (not to build) in a day.

Ex. 4. Translate the highlighted verbs into English:

1. English (spoken) in many countries of the world.

2. The student (ask) many questions by the teacher now.

3. The film (shown) when we entered the hall.

4. The device (has been tested) by last month.

Ex. 5. Replace the active voice with the passive voice.

1. Computers process information.

2. The teacher gave the student a lot of work.

3. They invented photography in the 1840s.

4. The French government gave the Statue of Liberty to the American people.

5. They have sent for the doctor.

6. They show films at the cinema.

7. She will deliver a lecture tomorrow.

8. Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928.

9. The Chinese invented paper.

1. In summer the boys often drive the horses to the fields.

2. Ivan Susanin led the Poles into the thickest part of the forest.

3. The waves carried the boat away.

4. We shall do the translation in the evening.

5. They water the flowers regularly.

6. You promised me these books long ago.

7. Bessie’s father gave her a complete set of Walter Scott’s works.

9. The boys will paint the roof of the house.

10. Tom Sawyer whitewashed the fence.

    Her daughters gave her three beautiful dishes as a birthday present.

Ex. 7. Put the highlighted verbs inPassiveVoice, making the necessary changes to the proposals.

1. I spent all my money on books last month.

2. I don't think we shall do all this work today: there is too much of it.

3. It "s a very funny thing that when I start doing this, somebody always stops me.

4. Don't leave these sweets on the table: somebody will eat them.

5. The elephant broke the branch of the tree.

6. The bees attacked the bear when it tried to take their honey.

Ex. 8. Pass the following sentences toActiveVoice.

1. It was so dark, that the houses could not be seen. 2. The boy was punished for misbehaving. 3. By three o'clock everything had been prepared. 4. The dictation was written without mistakes. 5. Whom was the poem written by? 6. Her dress was washed and ironed. 7. I was not blamed for the mistakes. 8 . This house was built last year. 9. This article will be translated at the lesson on Tuesday 10. When will this book be returned to the library?

Ex 9.Expandbrackets, usingVerbsVPassive Voice.

1. Soon he (to send) to a sanatorium.

2. The book (to discuss) at the next conference.

3. The composition must (to hand) in on Wednesday.

4. Yesterday he (to tell) to prepare a speech.

5. The article (to publish) last week, if I am not mistaken.

6. The lectures (to attend) by all of us.

7. A taxi (to call) fifteen minutes ago, so we are expecting it any moment.

8. The young man (to introduce) to me only a couple of hours ago, but it seems to me that I’ve known him for years.

Ex. 10. Choose active or passive verbs.

1. Canals (link/are linked) many rivers in Great Britain.

2. The book (consists/is consisted) of 4 parts.

3. William the Conqueror (defeated/was defeated) King of England and (built/was built) an abbey near the place of battle.

4. The first Olympic games (held/were held) in Greece in 777 B.C.

5. At the station they will (meet, be met) by a man from the travel bureau.

6. She will (meet, be met) them in the hall upstairs.

7. The porter will (bring, be brought) your luggage to your room.

8. Your luggage will (bring, be brought) up in the lift.

Ex. eleven.Expandbrackets, usingVerbsVActiveorPassive Voice.

1. You can (to find) interesting information about the life in the USA in this book.

2. Budapest (to divide) by the Danube into two parts: Buda and Pest.

3. Yuri Dolgoruki (to found) Moscow in 1147.

4. Moscow University (to found) by Lomonosov.

5. We (to call) Zhukovski the father of Russian aviation.

Ex. 12. Translate into English using verbs in Present Simple Active orPresent Simple Passive

1. My sister often gets help at school.

2. I sometimes forget to take my diary.

3. He writes a lot of letters.

4. A. Christie’s books are read with interest.

5. Dogs love bones.

6. Dogs are loved in many families.

7. When does your family drink tea?

8. Where are old letters stored?

9. Why are these rules always forgotten?

10. Why do you always forget these rules?

11. Where do your friends live?

12. Where do they buy bread?

13. When are questions asked?

Ex. 13.

1. The teacher gave me a good grade.

2. At home they praised me.

3. These letters were brought in the morning.

4. My briefcase was bought last year.

5. These nuts were eaten yesterday.

6. Where did you buy this book?

7. Where did you buy this book?

8. When did you cook lunch?

9. When did the cup break?

10. When did you break the cup?

11. What did they promise him?

12. When was the car repaired?

13. When was the error corrected?

Ex. 14.

1. Tickets will be delivered tomorrow.

2. The dictation will be written next Tuesday.

3. Mom will be asked not to worry.

4. Mom will be given a cup of coffee.

5. Mom will thank the doctor.

6. The telegram will be sent immediately.

7. The carpet will be hung on the wall.

8. The books will be put on the shelf.

9. When will the letter be sent?

10. When will the test work be checked?

11. How will this work be done?