The girl died afterwards. Girl dies after meeting with 'beautiful stranger'

(The day after this publication, its author died, and this post received 200,000 likes on Facebook)

Young Australian Holly Butcher, at the age of 26, learned that she had very little time left to live. The diagnosis was a progressive form of cancer, from which the girl burned out in just a year. Everything she dreamed of and hoped for collapsed in an instant.

Realizing that death could occur at any time, she wrote on her Facebook page Farewell letter, which is for the shortest possible time received over 200 thousand likes. In it, she shared her thoughts about her life and what she never found.

Here are some excerpts from this post.

Some life advice from Holly

It's a little strange to understand and accept the fact that you are mortal at 26 years old. At only 26. Death is one of those things we try not to think about. Day after day passes, and it seems to us that it will always be like this. But one day something happens that you are not prepared for. Not at all ready.

About old age, which can be so desirable

I was always sure that someday I would grow old. That one day my skin will become flabby, gray hair will appear, and extra centimeters will appear on my waist. And all these changes will be associated with my family - caring for a loved one, our children.

I imagined that I would have many babies. That I would sing lullabies to them, not get enough sleep, get tired... Now I understand: I wanted and want this so much that the very thought of that family (the family that I will never have!) causes me incredible pain.

That's life. So fragile, precious, unpredictable... Every day is a priceless gift, not a given.

Now I'm 27. I don't want to die. I love life. I am immensely happy in it and every moment I am ready to thank my loved ones for this happiness. But alas, nothing else depends on me.

About the fear of death

I am writing this letter not because I am scared. While we are alive, we do not realize what death is and how close it is. And I like it. Except when for some reason we feel like talking about it, we pretend that death doesn't exist. That it won't happen to any of us. It's such a taboo. They don't talk about him. This is difficult for me too. Too hard. Too... unclear.

About problems that don't really mean anything

I wish people would stop worrying so much about their problems. Against the backdrop of death, these problems stressful situations seem like mere trifles. Just trust me. All of us - both me very soon and you (perhaps in many, many years) - will face the same fate. We will all disappear.

IN recent months I've had a lot of time to think about it. Most often, these thoughts came to me at night, and I could properly analyze them in silence. So here it is.

Every time you feel like stressing over little things, complaining about your life, just think about those who are faced with a real problem. The one that cannot be overcome. The one you can't escape from. The one that crosses out everything.

Remember me. And remember that your problems are a mere trifle. They, unlike death, can be overcome. Remember this.

Yes, life's difficulties can be annoying. But at least try not to pour out your negativity on other people. You are alive, and this is already happiness. You can go outside and breathe Fresh air. You can see how blue the sky is and how green the trees are. You can, but very soon I won’t be able to anymore. What a score. Really lucky.

About how much we don't appreciate

Perhaps today you were stuck in traffic or didn't get enough sleep because your beautiful children woke you up all night. Or maybe your hairdresser made a mistake and cut your hair shorter than you asked...

Lord, stop thinking about it!

I swear you'll completely forget about these things when it's your turn! All this is nonsense if you look at life as a whole.

I look at my body, how it melts before my eyes, and I can’t do anything about it... All I would like is not ideal forms, but another birthday or Christmas spent with my family. Or one more day (just a day!) alone with your loved one...

Sometimes I hear people complain that the work they do at the gym is too difficult or the exercises they do are too hard. Ha! Be grateful that you can do them at all! Work or workouts seem like such mundane, boring things. As long as your body allows you to do them at all.

About a healthy lifestyle that is not what it seems

I tried to lead healthy image life. I guess you could even call it my passion. But all this has now become unimportant. Appreciate your health and your own working body, even if it is not the ideal size. Take care of it, love it - simply because it doesn't let you down, and it's wonderful. Pamper him with exercise and healthy food. But don't get too hung up on it.

Good health is not only about the physical body. Try to find mental, emotional and spiritual happiness.

Then you will understand how unimportant the “ideal body” that the media and social networks impose on us is. Remove any account from your feed that makes you doubt the beauty of your body. It doesn’t matter whose account it is – someone else’s or a friend’s. Be ruthless in the fight for your own happiness.

And also be grateful for every day when nothing hurts. Say thank you even for those days when you don't feel very well due to the flu, a sore back or, for example, a sprained ankle. Yes, it is unpleasant, but it does not threaten your life and will pass soon.

Stop complaining, people! And support each other more.

About how important support is

Give, give, give. It's true: you will feel happier if you help someone. It's a pity that I didn't do this more often...

Since I got sick, I have met a lot of incredibly helpful, generous and good people. I heard a lot from them kind words. I received a ton of support from family, friends and even strangers. This is much more than I can give in return. I will never forget this and will remain grateful to these people until the end.

About how much love is more important than things

You know, it would be very strange: having money, start spending it at the end, before death. At this time, I don’t really want to go to the store and buy, for example, a new dress (although I really loved shopping before). Dresses have lost their meaning. In the end, you realize absolutely clearly: it’s stupid to spend money on new clothes or other things.

Instead of a dress, cosmetics, jewelry, buy something nice for your friend. Something that would bring him joy. Treat your friends to lunch. Prepare something for them yourself. Buy them something cute indoor plant, massage subscription, give a beautiful candle. It doesn't matter what it is. The only important thing is that this gift communicates to your friend: “I love and appreciate you.”

About how important time is

Learn to value other people's time. Even if you tend to be late, well, just get into the habit of preparing to leave the house in advance. Appreciate that another person is willing to give you an hour or half an hour just to talk to you. Don't make him wait by staring at his phone. This will earn you respect.

Feel like a part of nature.

Feel this moment, enjoy it, and don’t try to capture it with your smartphone’s camera. It’s stupid to live life through a smartphone screen, it’s stupid to waste time looking for the perfect shot! Just enjoy this moment. Sami! Don't try to catch it for someone else.

Yes, that's a rhetorical question. The time you spend on makeup and hair every day – is it really worth it? I never understood this about women.

Talk to your friends. Not by phone. How are they really doing? Travel if you want. Don't travel if you don't want to. Work to live, but don't live to work... Say no to what you don't want.

Stop thinking about what others will think about you and your life. Yes, they may have different ideas about what is necessary and correct. But you may wish to live the most ordinary, but full of happiness life - and you will be absolutely right!

Tell your loved ones that you love them as often as possible. And love them sincerely, with all your heart.

If something is making you feel unhappy, whether it's work or your personal life... Just buckle down and change it! None of us knows how much time he has. You can't waste this precious time suffering. Yes, I know, this is often repeated. But it's true!

In any case, this is just advice from a young girl. You can follow it or not - I don't insist.

What everyone can do right now to make the world a better place

And one last thing. If possible, do a good deed for humanity (and me) - become a blood donor. By doing this you will save someone's life, and at the same time you will feel better yourself. Every blood donation can save three lives! This is a huge contribution that is available to everyone.

Donated blood (and I have already lost count of transfusions) gave me the opportunity to live another year. A year for which I will always be grateful because I spent it here on Earth with my family and friends. It was the most wonderful year of my life. Thank you.

And see you later,

We see death every day, and for some reason each of us thinks that it will happen not to him, but to someone else. This is especially true for young people. Looking at them, it seems that old age is a myth, let alone “death,” but life proves the opposite. Everyone “leave”, both young and old, rich and poor, bosses and subordinates. We are all destined for one fate - death.

Although the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ calls us in his hadiths to remember death several times, the arrival of the “destroyer of pleasures” takes us by surprise. But it often happens that death is close, and you know about its imminent arrival, and then you begin to rethink your entire life, and it often turns out that a lot of mistakes have been made.

But praise be to Allah, Muslims have been given repentance. And a sincerely repentant person has every chance to receive the forgiveness of the Almighty and leave this mortal world sinless.

May Allah grant us to live and die as Muslims. Amine!

Makhach Gitinovasov

The girl died on August 9 this year. The day before, she made an appointment with a dentist at the municipal hospital of Plavsk, Tula region. The girl had a ticket at 15:20, August 8. The girl went with her mother to see the doctor.

After examining the patient, the doctor said that the tooth needed to be removed. The girl was given anesthesia and soon lost consciousness. There was a so-called allergic reaction to the painkiller (this is what she was injected with the first time), which led to anaphylactic shock.

At first they tried to pump out the patient with ammonia. Did not help. They gave me an adrenaline injection. It didn't help either. At this point, the dentists turned to the local ambulance for help - their department is located in the same central district hospital.

True, according to the girl’s relatives, a lot of time passed from the moment of anesthesia to the moment when the ambulance doctors admitted the patient – ​​about forty minutes. Perhaps this precious lost time will play a fatal role.

And then the unconscious girl was taken to the intensive care unit and connected to a machine artificial ventilation lungs.

In the morning, the patient came to her senses - and the doctors decided to transport the patient to Tula. At about noon, the girl was loaded into the ambulance, and she was still conscious.

The fact that she had died became known to her family only at eight in the evening: moreover, it turned out that the girl had died at 14:20.

The parents have already written statements to the prosecutor's office, Roszdravnadzor, the Ministry of Health of the Tula Region and personally to the governor of the region with a request to conduct an audit of the actions of doctors. They believe that their daughter was not properly helped.

The hospital itself claims that health care was provided fully in accordance with the standards.

“A lot of people received the same drug as this girl, and everything was fine. It's not the drug itself. This is an individual intolerance to the drug, from which no one, unfortunately, is immune. – Vyacheslav Kulikov, chief physician of the Central District Hospital, commented on the situation. - Prior to this, the patient had not shown any reactions to the drugs. Perhaps it was just an accident that could not have been predicted...”

Investigators will now find out whether the doctors are to blame for the death of the young Tula woman or whether it was truly an accident.

The Investigative Directorate of the Russian Federation for the Tula Region began a pre-investigation check on this fact under Part 2 of Art. 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Causing death by negligence due to improper performance of professional duties”).

We will monitor the situation.

Heather Lindsay, 31, had an aggressive form of breast cancer. Her beloved, 35-year-old David Moshe, decided to make the last hours of her life happy at all costs. On December 30, the couple got married in a hospital room, and 18 hours later Heather passed away.

Heather and David met in Connecticut in May 2015 at a dance class, and he proposed to her in December 2016.

Heather said yes, but a couple of days later she found out she had breast cancer. The tumor had already affected the girl’s lymph nodes, and treatment would have led nowhere. All that was left was to reconcile and wait for death...

Despite this, David decided: there will be a wedding! And he organized the celebration as soon as possible. The cancer had already affected Heather's brain and lungs.

The closest possible wedding date was December 30th. Doctors asked to postpone the event: the girl could not move or even speak. But she herself wanted to get married, she wanted to tie the knot with her loved one, she wanted to leave happy...

And on December 30, the couple got married right in the ward of St. Francis Hospital in Connecticut. Heather tried her best not to think about the pain that was killing her every second. She was in wedding dress. Heather looked great, despite the medical tubes and the tears of her loved ones...

The most difficult thing was to say the wedding vows, but the girl did it. That's what she said: "I'm not afraid of death." Heather's close friend Christina Karas later posted these wedding photos on her Facebook page.

Today it became known that on April 25, 29-year-old Marina died in a private clinic. She dreamed of being transformed and went for a repeat rhinoseptoplasty - changing the shape of the nasal septum and the tip of the nose. However, due to complications, she was taken from a medical institution, where they could not provide her with the help necessary to save her life, to the Research Institute named after. Sklifosovsky.

As the Investigative Committee was able to establish, this is not the first death after an operation at a medical center located on Troitskaya Street. It has not yet been established what exactly caused the young woman’s death. A criminal case has now been opened and an investigation is underway.

“Today searches were carried out at the clinic, as well as at the home of the director and medical staff. The necessary documentation has been seized. All victims of the private action are identified medical center"- reports the Investigative Committee.

// Photo: Telegram channel of the Investigative Committee of Russia

Marina paid 300 thousand rubles for the operation. For the young woman, this was the third surgical intervention - she was not satisfied with the previous results. The patient’s husband, Alexander, stated that on April 16, his wife fell into a coma because she was diagnosed with a ruptured ovary. The man does not understand how this could happen.

Earlier, after an operation in the same clinic, a Canadian citizen, 41-year-old Olga, died. She dreamed of fixing her nose and chest. And recently urgent help three more patients needed it: after plastic surgery they were found to have acute appendicitis, cholecystitis and toxic liver damage. All these women are now in serious condition.

Recently, a similar high-profile case involving the death of a patient on the operating table was discussed. Ekaterina Kiseleva went to one of the capital’s clinics to get a breast lift. However, on April 15, relatives were informed that the woman had died. According to one version, this was due to heart problems. Despite the fact that, according to the test results provided by the patient, she had no contraindications, her body was unable to cope with the surgical intervention. An investigation is currently underway.

Ekaterina raised two children, 11 and 12 years old. The young woman’s parents said that she was very attentive to her appearance, and therefore decided to undergo surgery. She assured the relatives that there was nothing wrong with this, and everything would go well. Kiseleva paid 157 thousand rubles for her stay at the clinic. The medical institution returned the amount spent to the relatives and also paid 50 thousand as moral compensation.

On June 20, Tambov resident Kristina Popova died after her tonsils were removed. Relatives and friends of the girl believe that the doctors are to blame for their negligence.

20-year-old Kristina Popova was admitted to the ENT department on July 11, reports the New Tambov publication. She had to undergo a planned and essentially banal operation to remove her tonsils. The medical record contained a diagnosis of “chronic tonsillitis in decompensated form,” because of which the girl often suffered from tonsillitis and other ENT diseases.

On July 12, the girl had her tonsils removed under general anesthesia, but instead of the usual 20-30 minutes, the operation lasted two whole hours.

When the patient was taken to the ward, it turned out that she was bleeding. The operation was performed by surgeon Marina Bychkova, a graduate of the Ryazan Medical University.

— When Christina’s alarmed mother asked the doctor: “Was there any complications with the operation?”, she simply answered dryly, “Yes.” And no more comments,” said the girl’s close friend Olga Rechkalova.

The patient regained consciousness that same day, but the doctors were unable to stop the bleeding. According to her family, she lost a lot of blood. The girl’s condition worsened, but according to the doctors everything was fine.

— By that time, Christina could no longer speak, so we communicated with her exclusively via the Internet. She wrote that she was being injected with hemostatic drugs, that she had a fever, and pain in the solar plexus. The swelling of the neck, throat, and root of the tongue did not subside, preventing her from breathing and swallowing - she could not even drink water, she drank by spoon, drop by drop, barely managing a quarter of a glass, then half, although she should have taken fluid normally even on the day of the operation. In response to numerous complaints that due to swelling she could not swallow and, therefore, eat, the doctors brushed her off and convinced her that she herself was not trying, and she only needed to make an effort to start eating. “Through force,” as they constantly told her, Christina’s close friend says further.

In the following days, the girl’s condition relatively stabilized. The temperature either dropped to 37.5 or rose above 38. She could neither drink nor eat; she considered drinking a couple of sips of unsweetened compote, broth or water a real achievement.

“I don’t want to eat as much as I want to drink.” “I would like to get drunk, something cool,” Christina wrote to her friend in the messenger.

“When it became completely unbearable, Christina asked that she at least be given a glucose drip. But in response they told her that everything was going according to plan,” says Tatyana Khortova, the second friend of the deceased.

On July 17, Kristina Popova, who was recovering, fell into a coma. The girl suddenly started bleeding. Doctors said that a completely healthy carotid artery burst on its own. For three hours the doctors tried to stop the blood loss and they even succeeded, when suddenly the second carotid artery burst “by itself” in the same way, on the other side. Later, in a conversation with the relatives of the deceased, doctors admitted that the arteries were damaged during the operation.

“I rushed to the hospital to talk with the doctors, until the last minute I was sure that this was some kind of mistake. But instead, I heard from the head of the intensive care unit the advice to “quickly forget the person, abstract from the situation and arrange your life.” In all my attempts to shed light on the cause of Chris’s fatal deterioration, the doctor grinned and insisted that it was not my concern. Called to the hospital as Christina’s confidant, I was unable to ask for a single grain of information about the cause of the deterioration, nor about my friend’s current condition, nor about the prognosis,” says Olga Moskvicheva, another close friend of the deceased girl.

The girl’s mother, Irina Erkina, and friend Olga Rechkalova wrote statements to the regional Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Law enforcement officers immediately seized the patient’s medical history and other documents for verification.

However, on July 20, despite doctors’ statements that the girl’s health had improved, Kristina Popova passed away. The doctors' verdict: the patient's body could not stand it.