Girl's fortune telling. Fortune telling methods for Christmas (Yuletide)

Christmas fortune-telling is a special Old Slavonic ritual that girls perform during the period from January 6 to 7 () and on to find out their betrothed or their destiny.

In general, women have been fortune-telling since time immemorial for the entire period, starting from January 6 and up to the nineteenth, but the most reliable fortune-telling has always been considered the rituals performed precisely on the eve of Christmas and Epiphany.

Ways connection accurate fortune telling a great variety, some have come to us since the time of our ancestors, others have appeared recently. Meanwhile there are certain rules carrying out such Christmas rituals:

1. Fortune telling should be carried out only in the evening (night) time of day and, better, after midnight.

3. When preparing for the ritual process, if it takes place indoors, you should turn off the lights and light the candles.

4. There should be complete silence in the room at the time of the ritual and no strangers should be present.

5. When performing this or that ritual, the arms and legs should not be crossed, this will be a serious obstacle, you are unlikely to be able to discern or see what you want.

6. Women (girls) must remove all hairpins, hairpins, and elastic bands from their heads, and their hair must be loose.

7. Before the Christmas ritual, you need to take off your belt, if you have one, as well as unbutton all the buttons on your clothes and untie all the knots.

And now some of the most famous, most interesting and most accurate fortune telling for Christmas time.

The easiest way to get an answer to the question “What awaits me in the future?”, people say, is to conduct Christmas fortune-telling. It is at this time that such rituals, as practice shows, are the most reliable.

How to correctly predict the future? Taking into account the rules for Christmas rituals described above, women (girls) can perform the following rituals.

Fortune telling for Christmas using cups

To tell fortunes using cups, you should, firstly, take as many cutlery as there are people gathered at the table (if one girl is telling fortunes, then there should be seven cups).

Secondly, you need to place one item in each cup:

  • bread;
  • salt;
  • coin;
  • ring;
  • sugar;
  • water.

Now the ritual itself begins. The fortuneteller must, closing his eyes and mixing the cups on the table, choose one for himself cutlery, the contents of which will indicate the future. You come across bread - it means you will live in complete prosperity, salt speaks of the misfortunes that will await you next year, onions - women's tears, a coin - a rich groom or a prestigious job, a ring - wait for marriage, sugar - sweet, cheerful, interesting life, water - the flow of life in the same direction.

To carry out such a ritual, you need to melt the wax and then, saying the following words “Dovoy, brownie, I’m waiting for you to drink milk and taste the wax,” pour this wax into warm, but not hot milk, poured into a plate. After such a ritual, the plate is placed on the threshold of the house (apartment) and the fortuneteller watches what is happening.

— If the wax has frozen in the form of a flower, the girl will soon get married.
- Formed in milk wax figure some kind of beast - wait for the appearance of an enemy, an enemy.
- If you see a cross on the milk, it will speak of serious troubles or even the death of loved ones.
- Drawing in the form of a star - to increase in career ladder or good academic achievements.
- Simple stripes will indicate frequent crossings, permanent roads.
— A figurine in the shape of a man means new acquaintances and friends.

Before performing the ritual, a woman must take any book from her collection (it is possible to use classical, scientific and other literature, as well as church books). Next, the fortuneteller thinks of two numbers. The first number is the page number of the selected book, and the second is a line that will talk about the beauty’s future. Read the prediction and try to interpret it, connecting it with your life.

Fortune telling on a gold chain

Exactly at midnight take gold chain, which you wear around your neck or arm, hold it between your palms and rub until jewel won't get warm. The entire time you are rubbing gold, think (say) one thing to yourself: “What awaits me in the future?” Next, transfer the product to your right hand and sharply throw it on the table. Some kind of figure should form on the table, it will tell you what to expect from the coming year.

- If you see a flat line, this means that good luck and luck will accompany you in all matters.

— If a circle or oval has formed on the table, you should expect difficulties; a situation may arise from which it will be very difficult to get out.

— Nodules that appear on the chain indicate financial losses and poor health; the more such nodules, the worse the situation will be.

- The resulting triangle will judge luck and love.

- Cloud - all dreams will come true.

- You looked at the snake from the chain on the table, then expect traitors and ill-wishers to appear in your life, and they may turn out to be the people closest to you.

- Golden bow - wait for a proposal from your betrothed and an imminent wedding.

— When a heart is made from a chain on the table, it will promise a woman pure great love and happiness.

Every girl dreams of finding a handsome, kind and faithful prince, the man of her dreams who can make her truly happy. But it is possible to see your betrothed in advance using the same divination.

How to find out the name of your future husband

On the night before Christmas or Epiphany, cut a sheet of paper into strips of equal width and length, write one on each male name. There should be at least 25 pieces of paper. Roll each strip into a roller or simply fold it several times, and then place it in a bag and mix. Place it all under your pillow, and when you wake up, take one piece of paper out of the bag. The name that will be indicated on it will be the name of your husband.

Who will get married first (fortune telling for unmarried friends)

During Christmas time, women take an onion for themselves, plant it in the ground, in the spring, they look at the result. Whose onion sprouted first and put out big feathers will be the first to get married.

Those who wish to see their betrothed in advance should turn off the lights in the room at midnight on Christmastide, light several candles, but only in pairs, and, positioned between two mirrors, create a corridor of arches. From the last arch of such a corridor, after looking for a long time without blinking, the figure of the betrothed should appear.

Fortune telling with a ring

To carry out such a ritual, the girl should take a gold ring, it is better if it is her own, and prepare a glass filled with cold water. On Christmas night you need to quit right hand put a ring in a glass and watch it carefully, looking at the swaying water. After 2-3 minutes, an image should appear in the water in which the woman can see the future groom.

Where to wait for the groom

Through such fortune-telling, one can determine which side a woman should wait for matchmakers. What should be done. First, take off your boot (any shoe that belongs to the girl), go outside at midnight on Christmastide and throw the shoes over the fence (through the gate). Next, the lady needs to look in which direction the tip of the fallen shoe will point, it is on that side that her groom will be.

In conclusion, a few more of the most interesting, in my opinion, Christmas rituals for unmarried ladies.

Fortune telling on your child's gender

An engagement ring or any other ring belonging to the fair sex will help a woman find out the gender of her baby. On Christmas time, it should be removed and hung on its own hair, then put water in any container, for example, a glass or cup, and hold the ring over this container. If the jewelry makes pendulum-like movements, then you should expect a boy, if you observe the movement of the ring in a circle, wait for a girl.

By folk beliefs If the ring stops above the water, this indicates childlessness.

Fortune telling with an egg

Should take fresh egg, using a knife, punch a small hole in it, pour it into a glass or cup (bowl) of water. Next you need to watch the protein. If domes or churches are formed from protein in the water, there will be a wedding. If you see a ring - expect marriage, a ship or other transport - roads, long business trips, a square (cube) - for burial.

If egg white drowned in a glass of water - expect a fire.

Fortune telling with needles for marriage

To find out if she will get married or not in the near future, a woman needs to take 2 needles on Christmas Day, rub them with fresh lard and put them in a glass of water. If the needles come together in the water, this means marriage; if they go apart, there will be no marriage in the near future or at all.

On a note! When the needles rubbed with lard have sunk, expect serious troubles, whiteness or illness.

And finally, I would like to say, dear girls, women who want to know their destiny, their future, to see their betrothed, when fortune telling at Christmas time, believe in the good, in the positive and it will certainly be so. Having received a negative result, do not panic, do not get upset in advance, do not prepare yourself for the bad, remember, this is just fortune telling and a bad prediction, only a warning for you, a parting word to be more careful in certain situations.

I wish that in the New Year all your wishes come true, your dreams come true, and as for fortune telling, remember, all this is interesting and fun, but each of us, and not a fortune teller, is the smith of our own happiness.

Good luck and all the best!

Fortune telling on water originated in ancient times. It is popular among young girls in different countries. Anyone can tell fortunes. The main thing is to use a relative's ring (new).

The process of preparing for fortune telling

For fortune telling clean water Allowed days are from Tuesday to Sunday.

  1. The ceremony is performed at night during the full moon.
  2. You need to remove jewelry: rings, chain, pectoral cross. There should also be no rubber bands or hairpins on your hair.
  3. Remove the belt and waistband from clothing.
  4. The ritual is performed in a room illuminated by a natural wax candle.

The ritual is performed with spring or well water. The material of the ring depends on the ritual. The length of the fortune telling thread is 35 cm, it can be black, white or red. The ring is threaded through the thread and a knot is tied. It turns out to be a pendulum.

To fulfill a wish

Fortune telling is carried out until mid-January during Christmas time.

  1. You need to mentally pronounce your desire.
  2. Take a glass of water.
  3. The ring on the thread is held over the liquid with the right hand.
  4. After thinking through your desire several times, take the thread in your left hand.

As soon as the ring moves to the left, the wish will come true. If it touches right side glass, then you will have to wait for the plan to be fulfilled. The question is asked once.

Fortune telling for marriage

For this technique, several types of rings are used:

  1. Engagement.
  2. With rocks.
  3. Copper.
  4. Silver.

First, the rings are hidden in a large bowl of grain. Mix the grains well so that they are not visible. They take a handful of grains and see the result, which ring fell into the hand.


  1. Silver - there will be a wealthy husband.
  2. WITH precious stone- a very rich husband.
  3. Engagement is a sign of marriage.
  4. Copper - life in poverty.

Fortune telling by ring

Will your wish come true?

Instead of thread, they use their own hair in rituals. An energetic connection is formed between the fortuneteller and the ring. The ring is hung on it and the ends are pressed with your hands. Lower it to the middle of the bowl of water, then up to the edge of the container.

You need to mentally make a wish. If the vibrations are left or right, the wish will not come true. Moving in a circle means a positive result.

Will the marriage take place?

Women often think about the question of whether marriage will take place with a certain person. Two lit candles are placed near a glass of water. The ring is lowered on a string over it so that it does not come into contact with the water.

Is your husband faithful?

For this ritual, a wedding ring is taken. They hang it on a hair, lower it into the middle of the Glass and carefully watch how the ring rotates.

If these are circular movements, then everything is fine, the husband is faithful. Swinging - the spouse has a mistress.

Ritual for children

First option

Fortune telling on a thread is universal and convenient. Women who are already married can find out how many children they can expect. The principle of fortune telling is similar to the method of marriage.

Here, touching the walls of the vessel determines the number of children. Knock once - the only child in the family. Two taps means there will be two children and so on. If the ring spins, a girl is expected; if it sways, like a pendulum, a boy is expected.

Second option

Before going to bed, take a glass of water, dip the ring in it and put it in the refrigerator. In the morning, look how frozen the water is.

If you are telling fortunes in winter, then it is better to take the glass outside.

If the ice is mirror-like, then in the future everything planned will come true. If with notches, then their number will indicate how many daughters there will be. Hills on the ice indicate that there will be sons.

Fortune telling for next year

First option

They make fortunes for the coming year to find out how successful it will be.

The ritual is carried out using the following items:

  1. Bread.
  2. Water with salt.
  3. Water with sugar.
  4. Ring.

The fortuneteller leaves the room, and at this time the assistants swap the attributes. A man with his eyes closed selects an object.


  1. Bread - the year will be full of surprises.
  2. Salt water is a difficult year.
  3. Sweet water - a joyful, happy, cheerful year.
  4. Ring - new relationship or marriage.

Second option

This is also fortune telling on water, but the technique here is slightly different. Fill the glass with purified water and leave it in the cold. Place a ring, earring and chain on top of the frozen water. Bring it to a warm place and watch which object touches the bottom first.


  1. If it’s a ring, there will be a wedding.
  2. Earring is a misfortune.
  3. Chain - loneliness.

Fortune telling - the groom's wealth

The method is interesting; several girls participate in it. Place a burnt match, a piece of bread, Golden ring. One glass is left empty. They cover everything with a cloth, and each girl chooses a glass for herself.

Fortune telling

This ritual should not be performed on the betrothed by fearful people. The appearance of a man's outline can be frightening. To find out the groom's appearance you will need a cup of water and a silver ring.

Water is poured into 2/3 of the mug. They put a ring at the bottom and say: “Betrothed, appear!” If you're lucky, you'll see the face of your possible spouse.


The ritual of fortune telling using a ring and threads is accessible and interesting. Every home has everything needed for the ritual. Anyone can use a magic pendulum. Find out when to expect a baby, the wedding date and what changes are expected in fate.

From time immemorial on the night of January 6-7 unmarried girls they gathered together to tell fortunes about their betrothed or their own fate. Fortune telling has reached our times that are more than a hundred years old, but some of them can be used even now! The editors of have collected for you interesting fortune telling At Christmas. Don't forget to invite your friends!

Christmas fortune telling with glasses

Fortune telling with glasses is very simple. For fortune telling, take six small glasses and pour a little water into them.

In each glass, put something prepared in advance: salt, sugar, a piece of bread, a coin, a ring, a match.

Then take turns with your friends, blindfold yourself and choose a glass. After each choice, swap glasses.

Whatever you came across the glass with, you’ll get it in the new year! You can only choose a glass once.

Meaning of glass fillings:

Salt is for tears.
Sugar - sweet life, good luck for the year.
Bread is bread, a well-fed life in the year.
Money - to money in the year.
Ring - marriage in the year.
Match - to the child.

Fortune telling at Christmas using a book

For fortune telling, you need to take any book from the shelf. The fortuneteller must mentally ask a question about the book and open it at random. Having stopped your gaze on any of the paragraphs of the page, you need to read the first sentence. This will answer the question.

There is another option for fortune telling from a book: you need to say the page and paragraph number at random, then open the book on the hidden page and read the answer. The words read will be a prophecy for the future.

Christmas fortune telling for the betrothed

This is a very fun and popular fortune telling. At midnight you need to go out with your friends. Each of the girls must ask the name of the first man they meet. Her betrothed will be called by the given name.

Christmas fortune telling for children using frozen water

In the evening you need to pour water into a glass, lower the ring into the water and leave it in the cold. In the morning, look at the frozen glass: how many tubercles, so many sons will be born, and how many holes - so many daughters.

Fill a bowl with cold water and crush the candle. Each of the fortune-telling girls must melt the wax on a spoon using a candle. When the wax melts, quickly pour it into a bowl of cold water. As the wax hardens, it takes a form that is used to guess what awaits in the near future.

The meaning of some figures:

many stripes - for roads and crossings,

a lot of small drops of wax in a bowl - for money,

a fan is always associated with work (as a rule, such a figure predicts difficulties in the service, friction in the team),

grapes are always very good sign, predicts love, friendship, luck, prosperity in the house; mushroom - vitality, longevity,

dragon - fulfillment of hopes, completion of work,

asterisks - good luck in the service, in studies,

beast - be careful, you have a secret ill-wisher,

bell - wait for news, if the bell is crooked, then bad, if there are many bells, then alarming,

tree leaf - envy, intrigue from others,

monkey - false friend, pretense, ambiguous situation,

flower - marriage or meeting a new pleasant partner,

human figure - a new friend will appear,

apple - wisdom, health, if the apple is crooked - a temptation that should not be succumbed to,

an egg is the beginning of something new.

Christmas fortune telling with dice

For fortune telling, use two dice(cubes). To receive a prediction, the fortuneteller must roll a double on the dice. You can roll the dice six times. If the fortuneteller never gets a double, it means the time for fortune telling has not yet come for him, and fate does not want him to look into the future.

Double values:

Two units - failure in business,
Two deuces - quarrels with friends and loved ones,
Two threes – travel, new acquaintances,
Two fours - success in business,
Two fives - material well-being,

Two sixes - great love.

Christmas fortune telling with rings

This Christmas fortune telling very old. You need to collect several different rings and rings, put them in a sieve and cover them with cereal or grain. Each fortuneteller in turn takes a handful of cereal and looks to see if there is a ring in the handful.

If the ring is not found, then no changes in fate are expected. If you get a cheap copper ring, you will marry a poor man; if it is silver, you will marry a simple guy from a good family; if it has a stone, you will marry a wealthy man; if it is a gold ring, you will marry a very rich man. If your friend comes across her own ring or the one she likes most, it means one of her cherished wishes will come true.

Fortune telling at Christmas for a dream

If you believe in dreams, then you can try to tell fortunes for your betrothed through a dream. There are several options for fortune telling in a dream.

Before going to bed, put a comb under your pillow and, falling asleep, say: “My betrothed, mummer, come to me and comb my hair.” If you dreamed of a guy, then this will be your betrothed.

You can also place a glass of water next to or under the bed before going to bed. When falling asleep, you need to say: “Come to me, my betrothed. Give me some water” and wait for your beloved in a dream!

Guess, but remember that only what you believe in comes true!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

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The best time for fortune telling is from Christmas (January 7) to the old New Year (January 14). This week is popularly called “holy”, and the next week is “terrible”. Fortune telling can be approached in different ways.

Just remember that if you take what is happening seriously, then you will have to take the result of fortune telling with you.

Fortune telling with glasses

Take six or more glasses according to the number of guests. If you are alone, you can take less. The meaning of fortune telling, of course, is not in the glasses themselves, but in what is inside. The liquid in the glasses should be transparent so that you cannot tell by eye what has been poured. Depending on what taste ends up on your tongue, that’s what the year will be like for you. Add sugar to one glass - if you get it, then the year will be sweet. Salt - you will cry a lot, vodka - there will be many holidays this year, ordinary water - the year will be ordinary, the same as the previous one. A glass, at the bottom of which there will be wedding ring, will mean a quick marriage, and a coin will mean success in your career and a lot of money.

Fortune telling by book

For this fortune-telling, they usually take the Bible, “The Master and Margarita” or Shakespeare’s poems, but you can take any book that is significant to you. We just don’t recommend taking “1000 catastrophes of the planet” - the answers will be too monotonous. Take a book and ask a question, then name the page and line at random, also specifying whether it is above or below. By the way, if you want to get a detailed answer, think not just one line, but a range of 2-3 lines. After that, open the book using the named coordinates. Don't open the book at random - the books are sewn in such a way that they often open on the same pages.

Fortune telling using forfeits

Suitable for large companies. The principle is the same as with glasses, only this time you don’t need to drink anything: collect objects that will symbolize life events. For example, a wedding ring traditionally means marriage, a doll means the birth of a child, and a coin means wealth. You can take any things and assign your own meanings to them. It is better to place small items in envelopes or bags so that the draw is fair. After this, you place all the items in one container and take out your prediction one by one.

Fortune telling by wax

For this fortune telling you will need wax candle. Cut about half of the candle and melt it in a water bath. Pour liquid wax into cold water in glass. It will freeze immediately. Take out the resulting figure and try to figure out what exactly fate is telling you. If you took it paraffin candles, use the vessel bigger size- for example, a basin.

Fortune telling by a wedding ring

Throw your hair into a glass of water and put your wedding ring in it. If you are not married, you can take any other one. Place the glass on a saucer with ash. Light a candle and, holding it in your hand, say: “I’ll ask you, my shadow, what is my fate. Come from where Judas is, what I want to know, I can see in the ring. Amen". After this, lower the burning end of the candle into the water, extinguishing it. Stir the water with a knitting needle or a new needle and look through the ring into the glass. Don't tell anyone what you saw there.


Stand under your neighbors' window and listen to what's going on. If they quarrel, expect that you will have a hard time this year, if they are having fun, then everything will be fine, and if it is quiet, a calm and boring year awaits you. Some girls do this: when everyone goes to bed, they sit by the window and say: “Betrothed, mummer, drive past the window.” What sounds will you hear immediately after this - expect such a marriage.

Mirror in the cold

Take a small mirror, splash water on it and go out into the cold with it at midnight. After a few minutes, when the water hardens and patterns form on the surface of the mirror, bring the mirror back and begin fortune telling. If there are many circles on the mirror, you will live a prosperous year. Patterns from branches - a lot of work awaits you this year. Squares symbolize difficulties, and triangles will bring great success and luck in any endeavor.