Children's indoor pool project drawings download dwg. Design of private and public swimming pools

The Mosproekt company offers designs for swimming pools and other buildings and structures. Experienced engineers have developed many design solutions with all the necessary calculations, diagrams, and documentation. All you have to do is choose the appropriate option. If required, specialists will make all necessary changes to the development.

At the same time, we provide comprehensive design services. Find out more on our website, in the ““ section.

Types of stationary pools

Stationary pools (SP) have the most optimal performance characteristics. They are suitable for both private and public use, and can be open or closed. In addition, SBs have a wide selection of shapes, depths, and areas. That is why the demand for construction projects of such pools is the highest. Options for making bowls for them: monolithic reinforced concrete, isoblock construction, solid.

Separation by accommodation options:

  • as one of the premises of the sports complex
  • a completely separate building with a hall, additional rooms, and its own plot
  • attached block to the main building
  • outdoor swimming pools (located outside)
  • indoor swimming pools

What are the benefits of a finished project?

A standard project (TP) is ready-made documentation that has passed examination and has also been tested in practice by other customers. Therefore, its use allows you to avoid many difficulties, as well as reduce time and save budget.

Main components of TP:

  • explanatory note
  • general plan
  • architectural solutions
  • constructive, space-planning solutions
  • utility diagram

Standards that the project must comply with

  1. SP 31-113-2004 “Swimming pools”
  2. SanPiN “Swimming pools. Hygienic requirements for design, operation, water quality”
  3. GOST R 53491.1-2009 “Pools. Water preparation. Part 1. General requirements”

Revision and support

Photos of country houses and resort hotels always delight the eye with the turquoise color of the water in beautiful pools. This luxury has long remained a dream for land owners, partly due to the high cost, partly due to the cool climate of the middle zone, partly due to the lack of complete information on how to build a pool. However, times have changed, and building your own pool is no longer an unattainable dream.

The development of technology and the emergence of new materials make it possible to create the pool of your dreams, taking into account financial and other possibilities. This material is intended to provide all the necessary information for those who want to build a pool with their own hands.

What is needed to build a swimming pool

To build a swimming pool with your own hands, you will first need three things that you cannot do without. Firstly, this is the area itself, where the pool bowl, utility room and pit for draining water will be located. Secondly, a permit for the construction and operation of this facility. This includes various documentation with a complete work plan, project, list of addresses and telephone numbers of people living in the neighborhood (if the construction process also concerns their areas), etc. Thirdly, even with the most economical option of building a pool near the house, financial investments will be required.

Experienced people compare creating their own pool in terms of the amount of money spent with buying a new car. Just as the price depends on the brand of the machine and its characteristics, the price of building a swimming pool is directly proportional to its complexity and equipment with various comfortable devices. The list of required materials is as follows:

  • means for digging a pit (shovels for a small pool, an excavator for a larger pool);
  • concrete;
  • sand, crushed stone, several bricks;
  • reinforcement or metal mesh;
  • roofing felt;
  • pegs with ropes and level;
  • wooden boards for formwork;
  • ceramic tiles, special glass, other materials for finishing the walls of the bowl;
  • equipment for draining, cleaning and heating water;
  • equipment for lighting the pool, creating a countercurrent; handrails;
  • awning, canopy

A DIY pool begins with choosing a location on the site. Literally everything is taken into account: the size of the plot, the distance from the edge of the pool bowl to the fence, the type of soil. It is important to know whether the house or other buildings cast a shadow on the chosen location, and whether there are trees and ornamental bushes nearby. It's better to build a pool further away. The shade will not allow the water to warm up well in the sun, and swimming will not be so pleasant. Leaves from trees and bushes will be blown into the water by the wind, clogging it.

When all the conditions for placing the pool bowl are met, you can choose its size and shape. They are also dictated by the size and features of the site; moreover, we must not forget that there must be a drainage pit and ancillary structure with the necessary installations for servicing this facility nearby. The sufficient size of a rectangular pool near the house is 8x4 meters, the depth will be quite sufficient within one and a half meters.

If it is planned that children will also swim, it is worth making the necessary adjustments to the construction of the pool, creating safe conditions (the so-called “paddling pool”). Marking is done using pegs with stretched ropes. It is necessary to take into account that when marking, allowances must be made: 50 centimeters are added to the net size on each side, and 30 centimeters are added to the net depth.

Digging and concreting a pit

The next step to be taken is digging a pit. Depending on the size of the future facility, both shovels and the services of an excavator may be required. The construction of swimming pools is not complete without such a process as leveling the walls and the bottom of the pit: it is important to immediately compact the earth so that the walls are at a slight angle to the outside - this will prevent the soil from crumbling. The bottom should also be made at an angle of 3-4 degrees towards the future drain.

The remaining soil is transported to another part of the site or beyond its territory, and a layer of sand and then gravel is poured onto the bottom of the pit. The thickness of the layers should be approximately 10-15 centimeters. Next, roofing felt or other waterproofing material is laid with a slight overlap on the walls. If everything is done exactly according to plan, the smooth and neat foundation pit is ready to be poured with concrete. To do this, the walls are strengthened with reinforcement, under which bricks are placed.

When building swimming pools with your own hands, it is important to take into account the following detail: before the final pouring of concrete, you need to provide everything necessary for installing equipment for servicing the pool. Then, with orientation to the set level, concrete is poured into the bottom of the pit bowl, the layer thickness of which is approximately 15 centimeters. It is better to agree on the composition of the concrete solution with specialists in advance: the cement must be of high quality.

Next, after the reinforcement is completed, you can begin to create the formwork. For this purpose, plywood or wooden boards impregnated with drying oil are most often used. The formwork is reinforced with timber. This looks like creating strong braces. In order to create a very strong and reliable pool bowl, the concrete must contain very high quality cement and substances that increase its plasticity. Concrete can be poured in two stages, but continuous pouring is considered the most reliable.

The walls of the bowl must be at least 150 millimeters thick.

Pool bowl finishing

The cement has dried, the formwork has been successfully dismantled, and the necessary pool maintenance units have been installed. Now is the time to start finishing the bowl. If steps or cascades are provided, then you can begin to create them. Attention should also be paid to whether a “paddling pool” was planned. It can either be attached to the main bowl, or you can create a step that allows you to move from the main part of the pool to a smaller one.

The construction of your own pool is considered unfinished if the walls of the bowl are not treated with a mixture of water and cement or other means that create additional waterproofing. For example, instead of the so-called cement laitance, you can use epoxy resin. Acrylic resins are also suitable for this purpose. You can prepare the walls for cladding using a reinforced mesh on which mosaics or, more often, tiles are laid.

You can build a pool in a more economical mode by replacing the facing tiles with PVC film. It is laid out over the entire surface of the bowl and the seams are firmly welded. It is believed that this type of cladding is short-lived and after a couple of swimming seasons the film will have to be replaced with a new one. However, by choosing a high-quality film and a competent approach to the process of welding seams during cladding, the service life of such a cladding material can be significantly extended.

If there is no desire or opportunity to decorate the pool bowl with ceramic tiles, you can use other types of cladding. For example, walls are first coated with a layer of primer and then painted with oil paint. So, the bottom can be decorated with images of dolphins or exotic fish, and the walls can be decorated with curlicues of fabulous algae and corals. The edge of the pool also needs to be decorated: it can be covered with mosaics or covered with small round smooth stones and pebbles.

Special rounded corners are sometimes applied to the sharp corners of the pool. They create additional aesthetics for the overall appearance of the bowl and provide relative safety if the bather suddenly slips and falls - the sharp corner will be hidden, which means injury can be avoided. The bowl is almost ready.

All that remains is to install stainless steel handrails (if they are provided for in the project), connect the necessary equipment, check its working condition, and wait about 20 days. This is exactly how long it takes for the concrete of the created bath to finally harden. Only after this is it recommended to fill the finished pool with water.

From the drainage tray, through drains installed in it, water enters the collector and flows into the accumulator tank, from which it is taken by a pump to the sand filter and again for processing before being returned.

This scheme is considered the best in terms of water purification; all contaminants pushed by the flow of water from the bottom from the return nozzles are evenly removed from the pool water through the side into the tray; it is not for nothing that all public pools are built according to this operating principle.

Accordingly, such a scheme is more complex and requires additional devices, such as an accumulator tank with an automatic water level control system in it, a system of manifolds and various valves with taps, which accordingly increases the cost of the pool as a whole.

Which is produced by our designers, contains detailed drawings that can be read by any worker or foreman with the slightest understanding to build a pool. They indicate the thickness of the walls and bottom, the required niches with holes and openings that must be left in the concrete for installing embedded elements in them, installation drawings of technological equipment, as well as diagrams for the input of utilities (electricity, sewerage, water supply, coolant).

The logical correct decision of any client is to order and with a detailed calculation from professionals! In addition, having received, in addition, support from designer and technical supervision when concluding a contract for.

Throughout the entire design process, the correct and accurate calculation of water treatment equipment in a concrete pool is of great importance. It is required to calculate in detail the required diameters of sand filters, the sand fraction in them, take into account the diameters of pipelines, without ignoring the filling levels and speed of water movement in them regulated by the standards for swimming pools, make an accurate calculation of the pool water heater (heat exchanger), and very scrupulously approach the selection proper system for disinfecting water in the pool, taking into account the possibility of using auxiliary disinfection equipment.

All this will definitely determine the quality, economical consumption, and most importantly the transparency and crystal purity of the water in your future concrete pool. After all, you will probably agree that looking at the muddy, green, unpleasant-smelling water of the pool, with lime deposits on the walls of the bathtub lined with beautiful mosaics, and besides, if such a pool is located in a beautifully decorated, clean room, is quite disgusting.

Therefore, we recommend that you initially, before building a pool, contact specialists who will help you avoid possible future problems even at the design stage, and not listen to the sometimes ridiculous opinions of various ignorant advisers and pseudo-well-wishers.

Only professional specialists with extensive experience will be able to guarantee and correctly make all the required calculations during the design and construction of swimming pools in the future, produce a sufficient number of drawings in accordance with standardized design rules, and not “funny pictures” that not a single construction expert will even look at.

Before starting to design private pools or public pools, it is necessary to agree with the client on the size and depth of the pool bath, geometric shape, design features, location of the future pool, the number of daily visitors, the option of water recycling in it and much more.

The dimensions of the planned premises for its placement or the area of ​​the site for the construction of a concrete pool will directly depend on this.

It is important to obtain information about the characteristics of the soil at the construction site, the depth of groundwater, data on flood waters and, of course, the design of the water drainage system (drainage).

For public pools, placement requirements are more stringent. What is required is a fairly spacious and high room with efficient supply and exhaust ventilation, mandatory only chlorine treatment of water, the presence of additional rooms such as dressing rooms, locker rooms, showers, staff rooms, rooms for storing chemical reagents, etc. Naturally, this implies a separately constructed building, one might say a sports and recreation complex.

Public purpose, directly related to the presence or need to lay utility networks for sewerage, water supply, coolant, electricity, etc. For example, if the discharge of contaminated water after washing the filters in a private pool can be done in a drop-off, receiving well from where it will flow into the sewer or seep into the ground, then for a public pool it will be necessary to have a storm sewer or comply with some requirements for discharge into the sanitary sewer.

The location of the pool will depend on all these necessary rules.

Many of our clients want to use their summer cottage only in the summer. To do this, you do not need to order a detailed one; it is enough to get by with a simplified version or even use only working drawings developed by our designers.

It produces in summer cottages for a long time and for the most part these are outdoor pools, in the open air or covered with polycarbonate pavilions. It will cost you money if you enter into a contract with our organization, since when you purchase pool equipment from us in the future, its prices will be reduced, and the money spent on it will be deducted from the cost of the contract.

Picture 1. Indoor pool layout plan

Figure-2. Sectional view of indoor pool placement

Private pools

Figure-3. Private pool plan

Figure-4. Sections of a private pool

Figure-4. Sections of a private pool

Design and construction of public swimming pools

When deciding to build a swimming pool for public use, you will definitely need to develop a complete project album in three parts:

— KZH (reinforced concrete structures);

— TX (water treatment technology);

— EM (electrical equipment and installation).

These parts (sections) of the project are required to be approved by the necessary State authorities before the start of construction, during construction and before putting the constructed pool into operation.

Figure-5. Community Pool Plan

Figure-5. Section of a public swimming pool

Project section - KZH (reinforced concrete structures)

Figure-6. Pool formwork plan and reinforcement

Figure-7. Connecting reinforcement bars and reinforcements

Project section - TX (technological water treatment)

Figure-8. Schematic diagram of pool water treatment

Figure-9. Axonometric diagrams of pool water treatment

Figure-9. Axonometric diagrams of pool water treatment

Project section - EM (electrical equipment of the pool)

Figure-10. Electrical circuit diagrams and single-line control systems

Figure-10. Electrical circuit diagrams and single-line control systems

We bring to your attention a very advantageous offer - order a pool project cheaply!

This is an option for developing a simplified design for a reinforced concrete pool bath, a simplified design for water treatment technology or electrical installation. Absolutely any manufacturer can easily complete this project. Namely, to make a reinforced concrete pool bath with the necessary niches, openings, holes and grooves for equipment, to carry out plastering work and install embedded elements, to install a water treatment system and to connect all electrical equipment.

Swimming pool projects in a simplified version, statement

The simplified design of a reinforced concrete bath (RCB) includes:

* Common data

* Explanatory note

* Terms of reference for the General Contractor and related organizations indicating capacities

* Pool plan with location of water treatment equipment, lighting and water attractions

* Formwork plan of the pool indicating the necessary openings, niches and grooves for installation of equipment

* Sections of the pool (at least 2) indicating the necessary openings, niches and grooves for installation of equipment

* Detailing of the main complex reinforcement units (conjugation of pool bottom meshes with wall meshes, walls in corners)

* Detailed installation of embedded elements of pool equipment in niches, openings and grooves

* Plan of the technical room with the arrangement of technological equipment and water attraction equipment

The simplified design of water treatment technology (WTP) includes:

* General information and instructions

* Explanatory note with equipment calculations

* Terms of reference for the General Contractor and related organizations

* Pool plan with location of water treatment equipment and water attractions

* Sections of the pool (at least 2) with the location of water treatment equipment, lighting and water attractions

* Layout of water treatment equipment and pool water attractions in the technical room (below the water level)

* Layout of the technical room with the location of network entry points (water, coolant, sewerage and electricity)

* Schematic diagram of pool water treatment

* Schematic diagram of pool water treatment. Designation of taps

The simplified electrical installation project (EM) includes:

* Common data

* Single-line design diagram of the ShchAU

* Schematic diagram of the control system

* Scheme of external connections of the ShchAU

Figure-11. Plan and section of an indoor pool

Figure-12. Niches and grooves in a reinforced concrete pool bath

Figure-13. Basic elements of reinforcement for reinforcement

Figure-14. Embedding elements of pool water treatment equipment

Before you start realizing your dream, you need to get a little information on the type of pool that is generally correct and satisfies your wishes and, of course, the quality of workmanship at a cost that suits you.

If you are on the street, then at first glance you can see many advantages. This is being in the air near the house, a lot of sunlight, the opportunity to sunbathe near the water and if the body gets hot, immediately plunge into the refreshing coolness of the water in it.

In the evening, after a grueling day of work and a long time standing in city traffic jams, isn’t it wonderful to take water treatments and swim in your own pool enjoying the clean evening air?

Built in a professional manner, it will easily relieve you of all the stress of the day, relax you and calm your nerves. And the necessary morning exercise in the form of swimming will give you a lot of strength and energy for the whole day.

You, your parents, children or grandchildren will be delighted with the opportunity to swim and frolic, work out and even heal in the water of the pool on your property. You can teach those who don’t know how to swim yet, showing them the basics of swimming and, in addition, strengthening their health.

Building a swimming pool in a house or an extension to a house is undoubtedly the best option for investing your own money in the distant future. As you know, the cost of land for a house, the cost of building materials and work increases every year, and building a house with a swimming pool inside means making a childhood dream come true as a wise person, investing once and for life.

Surely you have already concluded for yourself about the need? Now think more carefully, imagine your future pool in your imagination and feel the joy of all the upcoming events in the future. Your positive attitude before the start of the planned project will directly depend on this. All thoughts materialize and you should rely only on positive emotions. So you have clearly decided.

Now you need to figure out the cost of construction, as well as assemble the ones that suit you. Of course, there is a very strong desire to save money, but believe me, not on the pool. For example, a person coming to buy a new car at a car dealership tries to choose a beautiful, reliable, fast and comfortable car, and having chosen one, he pays a lot of money and in return receives the pleasure of driving, only after a few years the car gets old and the person goes to the dealership again.

As for, the main thing here is to initially skimp and build a pool that meets all your requirements and wishes for comfort. After all, you build a pool once and for many years of your future life; perhaps your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will swim in it. So is it worth saving on a pool? Believe me, it will pay you back twice, or even triple, over its service life.

A well-built one has a huge service life, of course if it is used correctly. Once every two or three years, completely drain it and wash the surfaces, followed by treatment with antimicrobial agents; during the work process, promptly remove any contaminants that appear and fall to the bottom as sediment using a water dirt trap; monitor the presence and correct addition of the necessary chemical reagents to the water; and much more. other.

A swimming pool can be said to be a living organism and its vital activity directly depends on you. Pool care is a strictly mandatory process that is carried out to ensure that you receive the incomparable pleasure of swimming in its crystal clear water.

Naturally, you do not need to delve into all the subtleties and nuances when doing this; this is the task of professionals in their field. Therefore, you simply need to contact us and order the design and construction of a turnkey pool with a subsequent guarantee for equipment, waterproofing and work. Entrust the entire range of work to professionals and your dream of your own pool will definitely come true. Everyone must do their part! These words are relevant in all areas of life and at all times, also affecting the design and construction of turnkey swimming pools.

Any swimming pool is not only a beautiful structure for relaxation, but also a huge complex of engineering systems, each of which must work clearly and uninterruptedly. Designing swimming pools allows you to select and arrange embedded elements, equipment, pipelines of the required diameter, determine the scheme for supplying communications (ventilation, electricity, cold water, etc.). During the design process, a three-dimensional design of equipment, embedded parts and pipelines is created, which allows you to optimally position pipelines, cables routes, water treatment equipment and other engineering systems. When designing, it is envisaged how the structure will be installed and its further maintenance

Our specialists work quickly, without organizational and technical failures. The degree of development of any project depends on the wishes of the customer. As a result of the work, you will receive the pool of your dreams, as well as a technical passport for the construction.

Basic sets of pool design drawings:

  • Common data. Technical requirements;
  • Pool bowl project;
  • Installation of pool equipment.

Cost from 40,000 rub. for the section (TX, QOL, EM).
It is calculated individually and depends on the complexity of the object.

Stages of pool design work

Technical task

Type of pool, dimensions, list and location of equipment. Technical conditions (location: house/street/basement/extension, etc.; groundwater level, location of all communications and their characteristics: electricity/sewage/heating)

Project development and budgeting

Taking into account the characteristics of the territory allocated for the facility, technical requirements for the supplied utility networks, their capacity and connection points are determined, the deadlines for completing the work are approved and the estimate is performed. Designing swimming pools takes two weeks.

Delivery of the project to the customer

The project is delivered strictly within the agreed time frame, construction of the facility begins immediately after its approval. If the customer wishes to include more detailed information in the current documentation, the company refines the design documentation.

The pool project includes the following sections:

  • The TX section describes all the equipment of this pool, namely: equipment for filtration and disinfection, water heating, all attractions (hydromassage units, countercurrents, waterfalls, etc.).
  • The QL section includes the entire geometry of the pool bowl, namely the plan of the bowl, its connection to the room, detailed drawings of the base under the pool, sections of the bowl indicating the thickness of the walls and bottom, development of the design of the overflow tray, plan for the reinforcement of the bowl and formwork drawings, detailed sections of technological niches for installing embedded elements. The explanatory note of this section describes recommendations for carrying out all construction work, grades of materials (concrete, reinforcement, etc.), finishing, waterproofing work.
  • The EM section (electromechanical part) is part of the technological section on pool design. It describes all electrical circuits and calculations. Describes the connection of circuit breakers, contactors, magnetic starters and other necessary electrical equipment. It also describes a single-line calculation diagram, a connection diagram for the control room and control room, and a specification for electrical materials and electrical equipment.

Also, before starting work, an explanatory note on the project is written.

Our company can develop a hydraulic structure project of any degree of complexity based on the individual wishes of the customer. For maximum accuracy, the project is created using a special program in three-dimensional form. This allows company employees to accurately compare the necessary data and synchronize the operation of systems and their location, and the client can clearly imagine how the pool will function and look.

A three-dimensional pool design from Aqua Hold LLC will allow you to have all the information about the construction of your pool and monitor every stage of its construction. After all, proper organization of the construction process means short order completion times and no need for alterations, which means saving your money and time!

To develop a pool project for a dacha, it is necessary to clarify the dimensions and wishes of the client.

When developing projects for swimming pools in a country house in a bathhouse, it is very important to adhere not only to traditions, but also to take into account further costs during operation. When one company designs a bathhouse and another company designs a swimming pool, a number of technical questions always arise and many inconsistencies arise among the designers. We solve this inconvenience by working closely with companies involved in the construction of baths. We exchange drawings at the design stages, meet at the construction sites of bathhouses with a swimming pool in the country, and coordinate all issues.
By ordering a project for a swimming pool in a bathhouse with further construction from us, you can be sure that we will not ignore the process of designing and building the bathhouse itself.

The bathhouse is a place that was created to strengthen your health and spirit! It is the true source of healing powers. Since ancient times, baths have proven their properties to heal and rejuvenate the human body. This is due, first of all, to the effect achieved by water procedures. The bathhouse is a place where four elements merge: water, fire, earth (stone) and air. Anyone who takes a steam bath absorbs the power of these four elements. Today many people can see a beautiful, comfortable bathhouse with a swimming pool in their country house, since the health benefits of this structure are appreciated by many people. It is possible to build a bathhouse yourself, for example, armed with a lot of technical literature or resorting to the advice of friends, but without experience in this, in the end you can get what you dreamed of, we can say with confidence that it will not work out! In this regard, the Lux Pool company invites you to produce designs for swimming pools in bathhouses, as well as to carry out turnkey construction of swimming pools individually according to your wishes. A proper bath is a good boost of energy, a guarantee of good health and good mood. It’s not without reason that people say, “If you wash yourself in the bathhouse, you’ll be born again.”

Already completed - 15,000 rubles.

Issued full - 20,000 rub./1 section (QOL, TX or EM)

Develop according to the simplified version - 35,000 rub.

Working drawings to suit the client’s dimensions – RUB 3,000/ 1 sheet (A3)

Concluding an agreement with

Our designers will help you find answers to all your questions and wishes!

The section of the project with the abbreviation - TH (water treatment technology), includes information with the necessary calculations of filtering and disinfection equipment for swimming pools, the prices of which will pleasantly surprise you, parameters for heating water in a concrete pool, diagrams for laying the technological pipelines of the pool and the location of the equipment in a special technical room.

The section of the project with the abbreviation - EM (electrical installation), contains the necessary diagrams for connecting the electrical equipment of the pool, assembling electrical panels, the design cross-section of cables and wires, installing switches and starters and much other information regarding the safe operation of your.

You can get more detailed information on swimming pool projects -

Please note important information!

Having ordered from us - for further purchases from our company

for the released project,

deducted from the total cost of the equipment.