We make a sandbox with a roof with our own hands. How to make a wooden sandbox with your own hands - an area for children's creativity in the country

There is no need to explain why children need a sandbox. There is hardly anyone who did not play in the sand as a child. You can make a good sandbox on your own in literally half a day. This will not only save some money, but, perhaps more importantly, will make dad’s authority much more significant. A do-it-yourself sandbox is built for family use when the first-born is already vigorously stomping around, and a collective sandbox is built at the beginning of arranging a children’s playground in the local area.

A sandbox for children's games is, as is known, low, 25-40 cm high above the ground, a fence or box, with or without a bottom, 1.2-3 m in diameter, into which sand is poured. It's important in the sandbox, because... most susceptible to contamination, and the children's sandbox must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements for children's household items. For a relatively small, 2x2 m sandbox, it requires approx. 1 cubic meter. To prepare such a quantity of ordinary sand at home for a children's sandbox, you will need to set up an entire production facility. Store-bought mixtures are not cheap, and no one can give a reliable guarantee that they will retain their properties outdoors. If they still correspond to the declared ones. However, a certain type of construction sand (not at all the most expensive) may be suitable for a sandbox, provided it is replaced annually or prepared for refilling. Therefore further

A special section will be devoted to choosing sand for the sandbox.

Selecting a location To make a sandbox correctly, you must first choose for it. appropriate place

However, building a sandbox under a tree is not recommended. You don’t have to wait for leaf fall: even in the summer, garbage, bird droppings and insects will fall into the sandbox. There is absolutely no need for spiders in the sandbox: a spider venom, which is safe for an adult, can bite through a child’s skin, and spider venom does not cause immunity, but, on the contrary, sensitization, increased sensitivity to it. Most spiders cannot stand bright light or dry conditions, so the sandbox should be located no closer than 3-4 m from frequently watered beds, bushes, ponds, fountains, etc. sources of moisture.

The next factor concerns not the sandbox itself, but the house and the landscaped area near it. Sand is an excellent abrasive. Grains of sand carried on shoes can quickly ruin not only parquet or laminate flooring, but also paved surfaces. garden path. Therefore, it is highly desirable that there be at least 1.5-2 m of lawn or blind area around the sandbox to remove sand from shoes. If the sandbox is not on the lawn, you can put cleaning mats around it for the hallway, but options from scrap materials are also possible, see below.

Preparing the site

Sandboxes are made permanent, overwintering under open air, and seasonal ones, which are put under the roof for the winter. The latter do not necessarily have a bottom, which requires more material consumption and adds weight. Permanent sandboxes are usually built for several generations of children, and seasonal sandboxes are a typical sandbox for a country house. With more or less careful use, it will serve not only children, but also grandchildren. The construction of both types of sandbox differs, in essence, only in the method of installing the box, see below.

Anyway Preparing a place for the sandbox and fixing it on it is carried out in stages as follows:

  • In the selected area, remove the turf or the top loose/littered layer of soil by 15-20 cm, i.e. half a bayonet of a shovel, and with the same exit to the sides;
  • The area is leveled, covered with any sand in a layer of 5-6 cm, and passed with a rake;
  • The sand backfill is covered with geotextiles, agrofibre or, even more budget option, propylene matting from old bags unraveled onto panels, with a 30-40 cm offset along the contour. Such insulation will not allow roots and soil animals to enter the sandbox, but will release excess moisture from it into the ground;
  • After installing the box (see figure), the insulation flaps are folded up and temporarily attached with tape to the sides of the box;

  • The trench bordering the box is filled with the excavated soil, compacting it;
  • Excess insulation is cut off or tucked in, tucked with a sliver, ruler, etc.

Note: If the sandbox is seasonal, then it is better to tuck in the insulation. In the fall, her lapels are pulled out and straightened. The box is removed, and then it will be possible to take out the sand on winter storage. Or to a construction site, if the need for a sandbox has passed.

Does a sandbox need a lid?

Why is sand attractive to cats and dogs and why are they quite natural needs incompatible with human hygiene, of course. It is also highly undesirable for children to play on completely damp sand. It sticks better, but it doesn’t take long to catch a cold. You can, of course, when the sandbox is not in use, put pipes, boards, poles on it, cover it with film and press it down with bricks. But in the adult summer, when there are already too many worries on the site, this is troublesome and does not reduce the amount of rubbish on the territory. Therefore, the sandbox still needs a lid.

Note: Expensive purchased sandbox mixtures contain fragrances that repel animals. But, firstly, they “burn out” pretty quickly. Secondly, there are no independent medical statistics on the effects of these substances on human health. Because the we're talking about It’s not just about health, but about children, then, as they say, it’s better to stay out of harm’s way.

A sandbox with a lid, if we exclude completely exotic versions of a fan-type lid, self-lifting with a mechanism, etc., is made in three ways, see fig. higher. The simplest option is a regular shield made of boards or plywood, as in Fig. left. But then the little ones won’t get into the sandbox without the help of adults (perhaps those who are very busy right now). Secondly, due to such sandbox covers, injuries are possible. A neat, smart and independent child, trying to put his own things in order like an adult workplace, pulls a shield that is too heavy for him, and it falls on the little owner. There are no serious cases noted, there is not enough roaring and resentment.

The second option is a folding lid, or a book that transforms into a convenient bench, on the left in Fig. It’s not at all difficult to make one; The design diagram of the transformer lid for the sandbox is shown in Fig. on right. Materials - boards (100-150)x(20-30) and beams 50x50. The beam (a) in a closed sandbox is under the lid, and the beam (b) is on it, so there is no need to calculate exactly the indents/gaps/offsets with this mechanism. By extending the beam (b) the tilt of the backrest is adjusted.

1 card loops with wings as wide as the thickness of the board; It is better to take barn hinges 2. In the middle of the upper boards of the back, cut-outs-grips are made (shown by the arrow on the left in the figure above). If you need a solid lid, then door handles are attached in the same places.

The second option is a sandbox with a hinged lid, on the right in Fig. higher, more suitable for children of different ages, when the eldest (eldest) may have already outgrown the sandbox, but takes care of his little brother (sister). Then the eldest, who is already able to lift a fairly large sheet of plywood or painted chipboard, will have a play/work table at his disposal, and the little one will have his own.



It is preferable to make sandboxes wooden; wood in this case is the most environmentally friendly and least traumatic material. With a simple and completely harmless treatment, you can achieve its durability in the open air for over 10 years, which is more than enough for a sandbox. Other options for constructing a sandbox will be discussed further, but for now let’s deal with wooden ones.

Preparing parts

Preparation of material for the manufacture of a wooden sandbox comes down to double impregnation of ready-to-assemble parts with a water-polymer emulsion (WPE). There is no point in using expensive certified oil and silicone water repellents (water-repellent compounds) and antiseptics in this case: there are few cracks and nooks that retain moisture (this is the so-called capillary entrapment) in the sandbox, they are all well ventilated and/or are in contact with moisture-absorbing sand. Free work, which can help in many other cases home handyman, is not applicable in this case, because Motor oils contain additives, the presence of which in children's household items is unacceptable.

Note: underground parts of permanent sandboxes are also treated before installation in place, see below, bitumen mastic or doused with boiling bitumen.

For the same reasons, almost any tree will suit the sandbox, even alder and aspen that are unsuitable for construction. Their low resistance to rot and mold is compensated by “frying” in the sun and contact with sand, and their low mechanical strength for a practically unloaded sandbox it does not matter. For permanent sandboxes, it is better, of course, to take pine or other conifers. Birch for any open atmospheric influences structures are not suitable, it molds very easily.

As for choosing the type of lumber, it is best to use quarter boards or tongue and groove boards; they will prevent the penetration of atmospheric moisture into the sand through the walls. In addition, tongue-and-groove benches will allow you to build strong, wide benches, see figure, and the folding lid of the sandbox will make it reliable and durable. A quite good sandbox is made from a tongue-and-groove board 16-20 mm thick. Of course, when assembling the box, the tongue ridge of the top board will have to be removed.

Note: The tongue tongue of the drawer walls should always face upward, and the tongue of the lower quarter, if quarter boards are used, should always face outward. Otherwise, moisture will stagnate in the connection.

Building a sandbox

The sandbox box is made 2-3 boards high, depending on their width. They are assembled by attaching the corners with self-tapping screws to pieces of timber 50x50 long in height for a box for a seasonal sandbox or with “legs” of 30-40 cm for a permanent one. A 100 mm board requires 2 fastening points, and a 150 mm board requires 3. If the walls are made of simple edged or quarter boards and their length exceeds approximately 1.8 m, then another piece of the same beam is attached in the middle of each wall.

The corners of the seasonal sandbox must be additionally reinforced so that its box can be turned by 1 person without the risk of breaking it. In this case, the corner posts are placed on the outside, and the intersecting boards crash into each other halfway up the tree. Drawings of a country sandbox for seasonal use are shown in Fig. Of course, a permanent one made in this way will not be any worse.


The side of the sandbox is a frame made of boards. It gives her box extra rigidity and serves as a seat and shelf for toys. To ensure the board is even, the ends of its boards are sawn at 45 degrees. Here, firstly, you need to pay attention to the coincidence of the edges. The protrusion of the corner, see Fig., is dangerous, children scratch on such hooks, as if they were being pulled there by a magnet. Such flaws must be filed away and external corners Sand the sides until round.

How the side is placed on the box can be seen in pos. 1 pic. It is definitely attached to the corner and intermediate posts. But if you leave it like that, the board will soon break off.

Fastening to the edge of the drawer board, pos. 2, not entirely reliable, kids are angry people. Backing block B is also not an ideal solution, it prevents children from putting toys into hiding places under the side, but what kind of game is this? The best way strengthening the side of the sandbox - pieces of plinth-fillets from 40x40 mm, pos. 3. For 1 m of the length of the side, a piece 30 cm long, installed in the middle, is enough. Attachment points – 3, i.e. in increments of 10 cm. In addition, if the same supports are installed under the outer extension of the side, then its fastening can be made hidden.


Based on the conditions for placing the sandbox, it is clear that it needs a roof. The classic option is a fungus. But adults who remember playing in the sandbox also remember that he doesn’t really hide from anything, he just hits him in the forehead every now and then. In the center of the sandbox is the game itself, and there is a pillar sticking out. Fungus on the playground, of course, is needed for quiet and quiet games, but to the side. But it makes sense to make a sandbox with fungus only if there are waste building materials left and there is no money for new ones. In such a case, see the video on how to make a sandbox with fungus from scrap materials.

Video: do-it-yourself sandbox with fungus

The most durable and reliable option sandbox roofs - on 4 pillars, pos. 1 in Fig. One problem is that with a nose, the restless person then has the same problem as reckless drivers with a radiator: there is always a tree or a pole in front of him.

Much safer than a roof on 2 pillars, pos. 2 and 3. They are attached to the sides of the box at their location. Therefore, if the roof is heavy and/or has steep slopes, which provides better shelter, then the pillars need to be supported with struts, pos. 2.

It is advisable to make the roof of the seasonal sandbox soft, cap, pos. 3, or tension, pos. 4. The latter allows you to minimize wood consumption and provides very good shelter. The roofing material for all roofs is any suitable. If polycarbonate remains from a greenhouse, porch, canopy or, say, gazebo, this is the most the best option.

A special case is the sandbox-wigwam, pos. 5, or sandbox hut. Although there are more pillars in it, people hit them with faces much less often. The point here is in some features of children's psychophysiology of vision and motor skills. In general, the highlight is that the pillars are tilted inward.

Installation procedure

This question only applies to persistent sandboxes. And the real question is how to assemble the product from parts: on the spot, similar to “adult” buildings, or, for example, a dog house, entirely where it is more convenient, see Fig., and put it in place assembled. For a sandbox, the second option is definitely preferable, because allows you to significantly reduce the volume earthworks. This is also significant because the sandbox is placed on a developed area, and you don’t want to mutilate the lawn or area, into which a lot of work has also been invested, beyond what is necessary.

Another argument in favor of installing a ready-made box is that when assembling it on site, you will definitely need leveling, adjusting to size and straightening the contour. Country toilet it won’t last long if it’s askew; sandbox in terms of more. And the finished box with sides is quite rigid, lightly loaded and will hold on even if zero cycle far from perfect.

Step-by-step instructions for installing the assembled sandbox in place are as follows:

  1. Prepare a pit as described above, but without sand filling and without laying insulation;
  2. In places where the posts (posts) go into the ground, use a hand drill with a diameter of 80-100 mm to drill holes to the depth of the posts plus 10-15 cm, i.e. 40-55 cm, because It is enough to deepen the posts by 30-40 cm. With a 10-cm drill, this work is done effortlessly, 5-10 minutes per well;
  3. In the process of sand backfilling for insulation, the wells are filled with sand to about half or slightly higher;
  4. Before processing with bitumen, the “legs” of the box are sharpened by hewing with an ax or sawing into a wedge or into an elongated pyramid;
  5. When the insulation is laid, it is cut into petals above the wellheads;
  6. The box is placed “with its feet” in the wells and lowered to the level, first by hand, and then by tapping the ends of the racks with a leopard - a wooden sledgehammer. You don’t need to peel with all your might, you need to gradually chip away, going along the contour;
  7. The roof, if provided, is assembled on site.

Note: You can make a leopard with your own hands from a log or cutting timber from 130x130 cm, mounted on a handle.

More materials

For quick self-assembly sandboxes, plastic modules are produced, see Fig., in trade practice for some reason called linear polyethylene. Nothing bad is known about them, but if you are arranging a garden or creating a flower bed, then they can be replaced with border elements for flower beds from garden designer; especially - elements for flower beds on the lawn. They are suitable in height, sand will not spill through the joints, they do not require excavation work, but they stay firmly in the ground. And it will cost less to build a sandbox from the garden border.

A common option for a “sandbox quickly and for nothing” is made from tires, see fig. on right. Free, but, firstly, not very hygienic: moisture stagnates in the tire pockets, and the sand can rot. Secondly - steel cord. As the rubber on the cuts dries, the ends slowly but surely stick out, causing children to prick and scratch themselves on them. Of course, you can build a lot of tires useful crafts, but they are not suitable for the sandbox.

Sandbox-boat with a box - compartment for toys

Useful improvements

This is first and foremost a sandbox ship. It is not much more difficult to make than a regular one, but in the bow compartment, which in real ships is called the forepeak, it is very convenient to store toys and even small gardening supplies. Romance in the game, that goes without saying. In this case, the forepeak is equipped with a hatch cover and separated from the sandbox itself by a blank wall - a bulkhead, see fig. Since it’s a boat, we’ll call its parts nautical. If the forepeak is part of the sandbox, then there is no need to build a deck over it, there is no sand sunlight may rot.

The next option will require more work; even more than a sandbox with a roof. This is a sandbox-house for growth. Its design is strong and durable enough so that when a child outgrows playing in the sand, it can be used to lay a floor, sheathe walls and thus get playhouse. A diagram of the structure of the sandbox-house is shown in Fig. left.

About angles

If the dimensions of the sandbox in plan do not exceed approximately 2x2 m, then you can reduce the consumption of wood without losing the strength of the box by arranging corner seats, on the left in Fig. in the center above. According to psychology, this option is preferable for individualistic children.

A very beautiful and durable sandbox with corner seats is made from stumps and logs, not necessarily of the same size. And if you use saw cuts from the same logs to lay out a blind area around the box (in this case already a log house), then the removal of even very fine sand outside the playing area will be minimal, on the right in the same fig.

What kind of sand should I use?

Now let's return to the question of which construction sand is suitable for the sandbox. Small, almost white, pos. 1 on next rice. - definitely not. From a child’s point of view, it doesn’t mold well. And as an adult, it generates a lot of dust, gets into the eyes and everywhere, microscopically injuring the skin, which can contribute to the occurrence of allergies. Adult construction workers, healthy, hardy men, when working with such sand, wear protective clothing, respirators and goggles.

White or slightly grayish is also not suitable. quartz sand, pos. 2. It does not generate dust, but it does not stick at all, and it injures the skin to the point of visible scratches. Quartz is a very hard mineral and its grains are rarely rounded to full roundness.

Red sand, traded as gully sand, pos. 3, molds perfectly, but is also not suitable for the sandbox. There is a lot of clay in it, it gets very dirty. And to make matters worse, this clay is full of microscopic pores filled with nutrients. Just give it to harmful micro-living creatures.

For a sandbox, moderately yellowish sand of medium coarseness, pos. 4. There is enough clay in it for very fine modeling, but it covers the grains with a thin dense layer, making them non-traumatic and unsuitable for the settlement of microorganisms. Repeatedly, up to 3-4 times, such sand (it is most often sold as river sand) is used as follows:

  • Stored dry in winter unheated room; better - in bags, or in the yard under film.
  • In the spring, the sandbox is filled when warm weather sets in.
  • If the sand has been in it for the winter, then when it is completely dry, it is selected and winnowed, see below.
  • The sandbox is refilled layer by layer, in layers of 7-10 cm.
  • The sand is poured into a winnowing box, i.e. a stream from a bucket from a height of human height in a moderate wind.
  • The filled layer is air-dried for at least 24 hours before filling the next one.


There is also a type of sandbox called a tabletop sandbox. Generally speaking, children playing in it are much more likely to clog their eyes, nose, and mouth, because... At the same time, the head is held straight, and not tilted face down. In addition, setting up a desktop sandbox is difficult, because... even a small amount of sand requires at least half a ton. And if the desktop sandbox is at home, then you will need a separate room that is not directly connected to others.

When choosing the design of a small children's sandbox, it is necessary to take into account not only its direct (functional) purpose, but also pay attention to how harmoniously it will “fit” into the surrounding landscape.

Most suitable material for the sandbox there will be ordinary wood. Let's look at how to make a sandbox with your own hands.

Main questions:

  • what design to choose;
  • how many boards will be needed to make it;
  • how to choose the right color scheme.

Design and dimensions of a sandbox for a children's playground

There are no special requirements for the size of children's sandboxes. If there is enough on the site free space– you can choose any dimensions convenient for you (within reason, of course). Most often I make the sandbox square, which makes it much easier preparatory work related to cutting workpieces of the same size.

The boards can be 4, 5 or 6 meters long with a width of about 12 cm. As for the height of the walls of the entire structure, the optimal size is about 24 cm, which corresponds to a bunch of two boards. Thus, if you have five-meter boards at your disposal, you will need eight of them to assemble the entire sandbox.

The thickness of the boards used for its production is usually chosen to be 30 mm. Blanks of such thickness provide the required strength and reliability of the structure and eliminate the possibility of cracking. The depth of the sand bulk layer used to fill the sandbox is chosen to be 15 cm.

The main stages of making a sandbox: work order

After all the boards are prepared, you can proceed to the construction of the frame. To fasten individual structural elements together, you can use pre-prepared metal corners, attached to boards using self-tapping screws.

You can, of course, do without the corners; but then half of the boards used to assemble the frame should be 6–7 mm longer. In this case, part of the prefabricated boards is attached to the ends of adjacent blanks using ordinary wood screws, which makes it possible to obtain a fairly reliable and durable frame.

In conditions suburban area You will definitely need to worry about the bottom of the sandbox; Moreover, this issue must be approached with all seriousness. You can protect the playground from rodents entering it, in particular, by covering the bottom with special agrofibre, the edges of which are secured to the boards using a regular furniture stapler.

Choosing a location for the structure

When choosing a suitable location, proceed from the following considerations:

  • the place should not be open to winds and sun;
  • The place for children's games should be clearly visible from all points of the garden, i.e. it would be “in plain sight”;
  • there must be a “visor”.

It is best to place the sandbox under the canopy of trees or in such a way that the shadow of a nearby building falls on it most of the day.

Concerning color scheme, then it should be chosen at your personal discretion (to taste). The color palette should be quite varied, as well as, if possible, bright and saturated. On the sides wooden frame You can apply patterns or designs.

Here are a couple of tips:

  1. The shape doesn't have to be square at all. If you try to move away from the templates, then it is quite possible to imagine a triangular, trapezoidal and even polygonal structure.
  2. In the sandbox itself, you can prepare some labyrinths, passages and grooves in which the child will be interested in arranging outdoor games.


Photos of sandboxes: 14 unusual ideas

Schemes and drawings

A comfortable sandbox, once in which the baby forgets about everything in the world, must be in every yard. After all, she doesn’t just occupy a small growing man. It helps to hone fine motor skills, develop imagination, spatial thinking and logic. And finally, explore the world in every possible way through spatulas, molds and buckets. It’s not difficult to make such a sandbox with your own hands. To do this, you just need to collect a basic set of tools, find some free time and show a little imagination.

A special section will be devoted to choosing sand for the sandbox.

Choosing a location for a sandbox is one of the most important stages its arrangement

Not only the peace of mind of the parents, but also the mood of the baby depends on the correct choice of location for such a structure. Therefore, the sandbox should:

  • be in sight of parents;
  • be simultaneously protected from the hot sun and drafts;
  • build on a hill so as not to collect sedimentary moisture;
  • be far from water;
  • be located away from excessive vegetation, otherwise you will have to constantly clear it of leaves and twigs;
  • be open enough to the rays of the setting sun.

Thus, it is better to arrange it next to the house, which will protect it from wind and heat. As an option, you can hide a piece of such a structure under a tree or fungus, providing shade at its location. However, the second side of the sandbox must be open so that the sand can dry out faster after rain. This will reduce the risk of hypothermia for the child.

Additionally, it is worth taking care of access for a car that periodically brings new sand.

Design calculation

Calculation future design always carried out individually

There are a lot of options for designing a sandbox. Round or oval, in the shape of polygons, cars or stars, made by the caring hands of loving parents, its owner will definitely like it. But, as practice shows, square or rectangular ones are popular and easy to make. They can be easily equipped with a regular lid or a bench lid.

The selection of sizes for the sandbox is individual. The optimal design is considered to be in the shape of a square, the side of which is 1.2–1.5 m. Being compact, it is still suitable for games of 1–3 children. If there is enough space, the length of the side can be increased to 3 m. Surely the kids will appreciate this.

The height of the sides can vary between 25–50 cm. This will allow you to fill in a sufficient amount of sand. And it will not create problems for the child when climbing into it independently.

When thinking about the design of the lid, you can settle on the knocked down wooden shield. Or build a hinged lid-bench, bringing pleasure to your children.

Required materials and tools

For a sandbox, it is better to choose boards made of pine, linden or larch

  • Boards for the frame and cover with a thickness of at least 32 mm. Their number is calculated individually. Based on the consideration that two boards on one side of the frame are enough, it is necessary to prepare at least 8 pieces. It is also worth taking care of the boards for the lid. It is better to give preference to pine, larch or linden, since these species are less susceptible to rotting;
  • 4 bars for fixing on the corners;
  • emery;
  • impregnation for wood;
  • 6 loops;
  • self-tapping screws or screws;
  • screwdriver or set of screwdrivers;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw;
  • agrofibre for bottom arrangement;
  • shovel;
  • pencil.

Manufacturing instructions

When a suitable place for the sandbox has been found, and all the tools and materials have been prepared, you can proceed directly to the manufacture of the structure itself. Conventionally, this process can be divided into several stages.

Foundation construction

To set up a sandbox, you need to prepare the foundation

Initially, it is important to decide on the size of the future sandbox. Then it is advisable to apply them to the drawing and to the area itself. The latter must first be cleared of vegetation and debris. For marking, you can use 4 pegs driven into the ground and a cord stretched between them.

When installing pegs, it is important to take into account the additional 25 cm on each side for digging out the soil. You also need to mark the center of the future structure.

Now is the time to start removing the top layer of earth up to 30 cm thick and digging a hole in the center up to 80 cm deep. This will serve as the basis for drainage system, thanks to which sedimentary moisture can be absorbed into the soil. To do this, it is lowered into the dug hole. metal pipe with holes, which is covered with a mesh on top to prevent grains of sand from getting in.

If such a pipe is not available, coarse crushed stone can be used. It is poured to a depth of 15 cm and compacted. A “cushion” of sand 5–6 cm high is poured on top, on which the base itself can be laid directly. In addition to agrofibre, it can be:

  • dense polyethylene film;
  • geotextiles;
  • paving slabs;
  • a sheet of plywood with holes made for perforation.

Such bedding materials prevent sand from mixing with the ground. They also block the way for rodents and insects into the sandbox.


Having prepared the boards for the sandbox, you can begin building the frame

To construct the sides, you need to dig the bars in the corners to a depth of 15–20 cm. And then nail the prepared boards to them. The process of their preparation also has its own characteristics. Like the bars, they should be:

  • polished to prevent splinters from appearing in children;
  • treated with drying oil, bitumen or any other antiseptic at least 2-3 times to prevent wood rotting.

Based on the fact that minimum height the sides are 25 cm, you need to nail 2 boards on each side. This means that to make the body you will need 8 boards of the required length. Using a hacksaw, grooves are cut into them and the boards are inserted into each other, forming two squares. The lower one is placed in the prepared recess. The top one is installed on it. And the structure itself is secured by using small bars in the corners.

The nails and screws that will be used to secure the wood must be completely buried in it, eliminating the risk of injury to children during play. For greater strength, they can be puttied.


One of the most interesting stages of arranging a sandbox is its decoration.

The process of decorating a sandbox is individual. It can be painted in all the colors of the rainbow or decorated with flowers, letters, numbers, geometric shapes and images of animals. The main thing is that the activity is a joy, and the result is to the taste of the future owner.

And if you have the desire and a piece of awning, you can build a real sail over the sandbox, turning it into a long-distance ship.

Video instructions for making it yourself

Watch this video to see one of the options for creating a sandbox with your own hands:

In order to build a sandbox with your own hands, you need to put in a minimum of effort, which will ultimately be rewarded with happy children's smiles. But they are priceless. Get creative, build simple structures for your children and enjoy their boundless gratitude!

- This is a great way to show love and care for your baby, and is also a source of pride and admiration. After all, what could be better for your beloved children than a safe, environmentally friendly and simply beautiful place for relaxation and fun.

It is important to remember that sandbox games develop Creative skills guys, fine motor skills hands, eye, patience, balance and even perseverance in achieving the goal - after all, sand is not the strongest construction material. In addition, according to psychologists, sand has a positive effect on the human psyche, absorbing negative energy, calms and stabilizes the nervous system.

How to make a sandbox with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

Today, parents and children are offered a wide range of sandboxes. The most advanced of them are plastic made from linear polyethylene. They are very safe - no splinters, plus - the rounded shapes significantly reduce the possibility of injury.

In addition, they are UV resistant, remaining bright and attractive, they do not need to be painted annually, as wooden, and easy to wash. When left in the sun, unlike metal ones, they practically do not heat up.

And in terms of durability, they are significantly superior to both wooden and metal samples. Thanks to their light weight and modular design, they are quite mobile - they can be transported in a car, and brought into the car for the winter. barn. However, with all its advantages, a plastic sandbox is quite expensive, especially considering the “temporary” nature of the purchase.

This could be simply four high poles at the corners of the sandbox, on which the awning-canopy will be fixed, or a canopy-roof made of wood, covering the entire area of ​​the sandbox. But a mushroom sandbox made with your own hands from timber (10x10 cm cross-section) and a “hat” of triangular pieces of plywood will look more decorative. Under it you can wait out the sudden rain and hide from the sun.