Danila name meaning for. Negative traits of the name

The meaning of the name Danil is “judge of God.”

Origin of the name

The origin of the name Danil (Danila, Daniel) is Hebrew, which means “God is my judge.”

Diminutive form of the name: Danka, Danya, Danilka, Danechka, Danusya.

Foreign variants of the name: Dan (England), Daniel, Kamikoto (“God’s court” in Japan), Danylo (Ukraine), Denis (France),

Characteristics of the name


Danila is a calm person, has a balanced psyche and a strong will. The world less significant to him than internal. Responsive and kind, but has his own “cunning”. He often values ​​friendship above love. Danila is characterized by seriousness, a desire for analysis, concentration, and a penchant for self-improvement. As a child, he tries to find an explanation for everything on his own and asks few questions to adults. He always finishes what he starts, thanks to his perseverance. Danila does not know what rudeness, aggressiveness, strong emotions and assertiveness are.

Becomes unsure of himself in the company of unfamiliar people. He is prone to self-flagellation and is afraid of appearing funny. Danila is quick-tempered, but moves away quickly and does not remember the evil.

Needs support and attention from parents. It is necessary to cultivate in him confidence, determination, artistic taste, and independence. He is not influenced by random people, it is difficult to drag him into disputes and discussions. He enjoys helping people and knows how to forgive. Danila often feels remorse for mistakes he has made, so you should not scold him too much for his misdeeds.


Daniel has all the data to become an excellent psychiatrist, psychologist, and spiritual shepherd. He can reach high altitudes in scientific research work or art. Regardless of the type of activity, work always comes first for him. Danila is more comfortable working under a strong and strong-willed person, so he is unlikely to organize his own business. He can become an excellent, reliable and performer, an employee, but not a successful entrepreneur.

According to the seasons

  • “Winter” Danil is interested in architecture, exact sciences, and teaching. He is diplomatic, correct, restrained.
  • “Autumn” is a good economist and politician. Flexible, reasonable, stubborn in achieving goals.
  • “Summer” can be a good cameraman and director. He is balanced, smart, good-natured.
  • "Spring" - artist, writer. He is a dreamer, a dreamer, inclined to idealize everyone. He is touchy, easily wounded, but skillfully hides it.

Personal life

Danil is a man devoted to his family, loves children, and helps with housework. Family life, as a rule, it turns out well.

Name compatibility

The name Danil is well compatible with Evdokia, Anastasia, Ulyana, Lyudmila, Irina, Maria. The marriage with Ksenia, Zinaida, Tomila, Raisa is fragile. The name is suitable for patronymics: Viktorovich, Valerievich, Petrovich, Vladimirovich, Egorovich, Adamovich, Mikhailovich, Mironovich, Savelievich.

Name day

Danil's name day according to the Orthodox calendar:

  • March: 1, 17;
  • April: 20;
  • July: 23;
  • September: 12.25;
  • December: 24, 30.

Famous people

Famous people with the name Danil: Galitsky Danilo (prince), Zabolotny Daniil (scientist), Strakhov Daniil (actor), Belykh Daniil (actor), Apostle Daniil (hetman), Elkonin Daniil (psychologist).

Names: origin and forms

Daniel- (from Hebrew) my judge is God.

Spoken: Danil, Danila.
Old: Danilo.
Derivatives: Danilka, Danisha, Danya, Danusya, Dusya.

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Daniel- my judge is God (Hebrew).
The Russian folk form of the name is Danila.
In the 19th century, this name was a peasant one. Now it is becoming more common as a middle ground between the common, “simple” and the special, rare.
Zodiac name: Twins.
Planet: Mercury.
Name color: blue-gray.
Talisman stone: blue jasper.
Auspicious plant: ash, buttercup.
Patron name: squirrel.
Happy day: Wednesday.
Happy time of year: spring.
Main features: calm, self-absorption.


Daniil Grekhozarutsky (Uglichsky), abbot, martyr, June 5 (May 23).
Daniel the Egyptian, Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr, March 1 (February 16).
Daniil Moskovsky, Prince, March 17 (4), September 12 (August 30).
Daniel (in schema Stefan) Nivertsky, Egyptian, venerable, confessor, December 30 (17).
Daniil Nikopolsky (Armenian), martyr, July 23 (10). Among the other 45 in Nikopoli, after suffering for the faith of Christ, he was burned (IV century).
Daniil Pereyaslavsky, Archimandrite, April 20 (7). He secretly left the young men parents' house and entered a monastery, devoting himself to serving his neighbors. He became famous for his ability to perform miracles (16th century)
Daniel II of Serbia, Archbishop, September 12 (August 30), January 3 (December 20).
Daniil Stylite, Rev., December 24 (11).
Daniil Shuzhgorsky, Rev., October 4 (September 21).
Daniel the Prophet, December 30 (17), one of the four great prophets (others: Ezekiel, Isaiah and Jeremiah). 600 years before the birth of Christ, he accurately indicated the time of Christ’s coming into the world. The Book of Daniel describes how he lived in the court of Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar as a captive and rose to a position of influence through his skill in interpreting dreams. The book of the prophet tells how three of Daniel's companions - Shadah, Meshach and Abednego - were thrown into a burning furnace because they refused to worship the golden statue erected by Nebuchadnezzar as a deity. But God did not allow the righteous to die innocently; He sent an angel from heaven who cooled the fire, and the three young men came out of the oven unharmed. This theme is one of the earliest in Christian art and is already found in the wall paintings of the Roman catacombs. In the book of the prophet Daniel there is a story about how he himself was thrown into the den of lions for disobedience to the religious demands of the Persian king Darius and loyalty to the true God. And here God did not leave him. Seven days later the king returned and, finding Daniel alive and unharmed, he believed in the power of the Jewish God. The courtiers who plotted against Daniel were themselves thrown to the lions, who immediately tore them to pieces. Daniel is also the personification of wisdom and justice.


In Rus', on the Saturday before Christmas, a “cave” action was played out in the church - “three youths in a fiery cave.”
On July 23, on the day of Daniel the Martyr, old women healers collected healing dew for healing: a clean canvas is passed early in the morning across the dewy grass until the canvas gets wet, and then they squeeze it into a vessel and store it in the cellar to heal against damage and the evil eye.


Danilka as a child is a calm, balanced, smiling child, looking at the world with curiosity. He loves to play football, is interested in tennis, gymnastics, but only for health, and not for sports results. Rarely can anyone imagine that creativity languishes within him, so it can only develop under a happy coincidence of circumstances. However, he will be an excellent specialist in any case.

The adult Daniel remains a calm person, who does not like to rush, and is reserved. His mental storms pass unnoticed by prying eyes. Outwardly, he is always smiling, friendly, and does not raise his voice. Sometimes he seems a little timid, but he has male power and pride.

Daniel does not tolerate lies, he can flare up, but he quickly calms down and does not remember evil. Daniel is too deep in his inner world to focus on the negative qualities of other people.

Daniil is painfully upset by the betrayal of his friends, but he himself can sometimes forget about someone, remember when it is necessary to use them.

Daniel has a highly developed imaginative perception, so he can become an actor or artist. But he can also be a scientist, designer, entrepreneur, cook, driver, builder, or work in the field of electronics. Whatever he does, work is always for him

will come first. Vivid imagination, improvisation, passion, ability to work with his hands - all together help Daniil achieve creative success.

Daniel's self-absorption and serious internal reflections make him a good psychologist, his intuition is also impeccable, so he often chooses his wife unmistakably, at first sight. At the same time, flashy appearance is not important to him, the main thing for him is a sweet, kind, sincere person, often a colleague. Usually the wife is more active, she manages him, guides him through life. Daniil is devoted to his family, loves children, but, due to his busy schedule, does not spend much time with them.

Daniel loves his home, treats it with care, and together with his wife he improves it, preferring antique things.

Family and family ties are important to Daniil; he spends holidays with relatives. His house is open to guests, he is sociable and hospitable, he dances well and sings in company. He drinks in moderation and sometimes gets into cards. Rarely, but Daniel has a second marriage. His union with Anna, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Nina, Olga, Polina, Tamara, Tatyana may be successful.

Surname: Daniilovich, Danilovich, Danilovna, Danilovna.


Daniil Abbot (? - 1122) - the first Russian pilgrim to leave a description of the holy land. Its circulation dates back to 1106-1107. He went to Palestine to see “that coveted land and holy places where Christ endured passion for the sake of us sinners.”

He wandered around the Palestinian land for several months and described in detail everything that he saw, the places where Jesus Christ walked. He spoke about the city of Jerusalem and the Jordan River, about Bethlehem, near which Jesus was born in a cave, about Capernaum, where He healed people, about the Sea of ​​Tiberdia, about Mount Lebanon, and spoke in detail about Mount Tabor and the place on it where Christ was transfigured: “The place The Holy Transfiguration is firmly surrounded by a rocky fence. iron gate at that fence... And in front of that fence there was a beautiful field, it turned out on the top of that mountain. It is a wonderful and amazing arrangement of God that there is water here at such a height; for there is a lot of water on that mountain, at its very top. Therefore, on that mountain there are fields and good vineyards, and many fruit trees. And you can see very far from it.”

Daniel talks fully and in detail about the holy churches, monasteries and retells the legends associated with them. The abbot tells in detail about the topography of the area: “But this is the way to Jerusalem. From Constantinople you have to go along the seashore three hundred miles to the Great Sea. To Petola Island, a hundred miles; this is the first island on the narrow sea; there is a good bay and there is the city of Irakli. great..."

Hegumen Daniel described these places not for the sake of geographical interest, but so that people would mentally follow him through these places and receive benefits for their souls. The purpose of his journey is not geographical, but spiritual.

Daniel's "walk" was very popular and survives large quantities lists, the oldest of which dates back to 1475. "Walking" wears different names: “The Life and Walk of Daniel”, “Pilgrim Daniel Abbot”, “The Wanderer”, “The Book of the Verb The Wanderer”.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

People named Daniel have qualities such as moderation and slowness. Fearing their clumsiness, they begin to try in every possible way to emphasize the intelligence that is not inherent in them.

Daniel, translated from Hebrew, means “God is my judge.”

Origin of the name Daniel:

This name is very ancient and has Hebrew roots, coming from the Hebrew word “daniel”, meaning “divine judgment”. Previously, in Rus', it was pronounced as Danila or Danilo.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Daniel:

Since childhood, little Daniel has been a calm and quiet child who smiles at the whole world. Danilka, most often, looks like his mother. Loves various games, has many friends. It is very important that Daniel’s parents contribute to the development of a sense of taste in their child, otherwise, in the future, he will look awkward and funny in some situations, and will not be able to choose the right clothes for himself so that they match the occasion. It is absolutely necessary to develop in Daniel confidence and respect not only for other people, but also for himself first and foremost. To be in good physical shape, he plays football, gymnastics, and enjoys wrestling and tennis.

It's hard to argue with Daniel. His calm calm infuriates many. He can spend hours proving his point without showing any emotion. A person with this name will always come to the rescue, even if they have to break all their rules and guidelines, although later their conscience will torment them for this. But, if, during close communication, he discovers the cunning or selfish goals of his comrade towards himself, then this person will lose his trust forever.

Qualities such as non-conflict and perseverance can lead Daniel to success in any field of activity. He wouldn't make a bad department head. Also, a person with this name could realize himself in medicine or work related to scientific activities - chemistry, biology, physics. Constant thinking and digging within oneself can make Daniel good psychologist.

By nature, Daniels are people who “go first” everywhere. They are always decisive, but before accepting this or that important decision, they will think it over and weigh everything well. Own house, for them, is their fortress. They often like to live large. These are hot-tempered natures, very jealous and terribly impulsive over little things. At the same time, they are not vindictive and quick-witted. The only thing that darkens Daniel’s life is digging into himself, analyzing his feelings and desires. This especially manifests itself during adolescence and can last almost a lifetime. After marriage, their love of soul-searching subsides a little; they usually switch to providing wealth and prestige for their family.

Men with this name are not particularly attractive or memorable in appearance. At first glance, Daniels seem to be quiet and timid people, and women cannot immediately discern a passionate and temperamental partner in them. Therefore, in order to win a woman, he also needs to have good internal qualities. Danils often change women, but do not talk about their exploits.

He does not like conflicts in the family, and during a quarrel he is not prone to violence or raised voices. He solves all problems with compromises and tries to smooth out corners with the power of persuasion. Daniel's first marriage is usually not very successful.

Not every father treats his children the way Daniel did. He adores children, enjoys playing and walking with them, and eagerly attends parent-teacher meetings. But he doesn’t help his wife around the house or in any of her other affairs. Prefers to spend time outside the home, in nature or in the country. Usually, he enjoys fishing or hunting.

One of the prophets bore this name. The Prophet Daniel was born into a very noble family that arrived from Babylon to the court of King Nebuchadnezzar. It is believed that Yahweh himself rewarded the prophet with intelligence and understanding of all visions and dreams, for his selfless piety. This knowledge served him well later.

Do you want to know the origin of this beautiful Russian name, and what unites the people who bear it? Today the topic of our article is Danila: the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits a boy with this beautiful sonorous name. We will begin, as in other articles, with the history of its origin...

Danila: exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, guy, man with that name?

In this article you will learn:

Origin and meaning of the name Danila

  • The name Danila is the Russian form of the Hebrew name Daniil.
  • In the Bible, the only bearer of this name was the prophet Daniel. The name is translated as “God is my judge”, “my judge God”.
  • The form of the name Danil is found only in the countries of the former USSR and is slightly old-fashioned in nature. But now the name is regaining popularity; more and more parents name their sons by it.

How the origin of the name Danila influenced its meaning

What kind of character could the boy Danila have?

Adult Danila is a kind, calm, smiling person. These are perhaps the defining traits of his character. His positive attitude towards life is felt in everything.

Main character traits:

  • With the people around him, the man is always friendly and welcoming. When meeting a person, Danila sincerely shows interest in him and is ready to support him with advice and kind words.
  • Thanks to his excellent memory, the owner of this name not only remembers all his acquaintances by name, but also remembers their hobbies and interests, which allows him to quickly find a common topic for conversation with a person and win him over.

Another pleasant feature of a person named Danila is his sense of humor. He knows how to joke in a very kind and non-offensive way, easily defusing the situation in a company or, conversely, creating a friendly atmosphere with a good joke. Moreover, quite often he makes fun of himself, which not everyone is capable of.

  • He has many friends, people are drawn to him. Childhood friends to whom he is very attached continue to communicate closely with him in mature age.
  • However, D. finds many good and loyal friends in his youth and student years, and then maintains relationships with them all his life. He knows how to make friends and appreciate friendship.
  • Danila is not prone to haste in business; he does everything slowly and deliberately. Whatever it concerns, he will first measure seven times, then cut once.
  • Even in difficult life situations, he knows how to remain positive and is determined for the best.
  • Strong and reliable in appearance, a very romantic person at heart. He hides his dreamy nature behind a screen of enterprise and practicality.

What fate awaits Danila?

Danila goes through life calmly and confidently. His kind and balanced character allows him to be at peace with himself and with others.

Reliable, responsive, reasonable, he is always ready to help, listen, give advice, and solve a problem.

In your youth, actively engage in sports, not as enthusiastically as in childhood, but constantly. To maintain good physical shape, he goes to Gym, wrestling or swimming.

Work and profession

IN professional field Danila most often chooses a specialty that is associated with craftsmanship, design, where both knowledge and skills are needed.

The following professions are close to him:

  • builder;
  • engineer;
  • constructor;
  • master of crafts;
  • mechanic;

Characteristics of the name Danila, character traits and fate

Danila is loved and respected in the team. Even there, he always knows how to create a friendly atmosphere, establish contact with management and colleagues, and, if necessary, resolve a conflict peacefully. As an employee, D. is responsible, efficient, and disciplined.

Having “golden hands”, a man may decide to create his own service business. It could be a car workshop, construction company, a furniture manufacturing company.

Money and earnings

In material terms, Danila is not very demanding. He has a job he loves, he devotes himself completely to it and sometimes does not notice that the financial side of the issue is sagging.

At a more mature age, having started a family, he takes finances more seriously, begins to earn more and save money.

Family and love

Danila is a very attractive young man, but not so much because of his appearance, but because of his ability to win over him. Girls really like the guy’s confident and calm demeanor; he exudes reliability and stability. However, in this case, appearances are deceiving. For the time being, it is difficult for him to make a choice, he is somewhat flighty, so novels happen quite often in his youthful life.

Having become a family man, he still loves leisure. Yours free time D. prefers to spend time outdoors. He goes fishing, hunting, and barbecues with friends.

  • In his chosen one, he wants to see not only appearance, but also a rich inner world, a community of interests. After several years of searching, a young man usually finds just such a girl, and a happy family life awaits them.
  • Danila attaches great importance to family ties. As a rule, he prefers to spend holidays with his family, with relatives and friends. Having married, D. becomes a homebody and enjoys spending time with his family, helping his wife arrange her home and improve her everyday life.
  • He loves to receive guests, is often the initiator of such meetings, and is not at all shy about helping his wife with housework and cooking. festive table. If he is in the mood, he can even start preparing food himself; he is especially good at meat dishes.
  • Throughout his life he maintains close contact with his parents, helps and takes care of them, they are frequent guests in his house.
  • For children, the owner of this name is a caring and attentive father. He is ready to get up to the child at night in infancy to give his wife a rest, he can stay home alone with him. He does not have a fear of small children, like many men.
  • When the children grow up, Danila spends a lot of time with them, organizes leisure activities for them on weekends, and takes them to clubs and sections on weekdays.

What will the child named Danila be like?

At a young age, Danila is an affectionate, calm, smiling child. He is open to the world, inquisitive, sociable.

Danya is easy for both children and adults. He communicates with adults judiciously and seriously, listening carefully and thinking deeply about the answers. He easily enters into a discussion with the parents of neighboring children, willingly talks about himself, and shares his childish, but already quite meaningful, conclusions.

Danyusha easily makes contact with his peers, quickly finds mutual language and immediately begins to involve them in his games. Usually this is not running, hide-and-seek, climbing fences, but something more intellectual: building a city out of sand, drawing with chalk on the asphalt, studying the surrounding nature.

At home Danya is moderately playful and restless. He's like ordinary child, also likes to jump on the sofa, throw a ball at a shelf, have noisy races with cars, involve family members in his games, but rarely does anything out of spite or is capricious over trifles.

Study and school

Danila is doing well at school, but there are not enough stars in the sky. He can be called average. Moreover, this applies to both behavior and diligence. He does not misbehave, does not enter into conflicts with teachers and classmates, but he can pull the pigtail of a girl he likes, slide down the stair railing, or start playful fights with a school friend.

  • In primary school, Dani does not have a pronounced inclination towards any particular subjects; he studies diligently and goes to school because it is necessary and his parents said so. Already in high school, students have favorite subjects. Danila is rather a humanist; he loves history, languages, literature, and geography.
  • The boy has had it since childhood good health, he grows strong. A rather heavy-set boy comes to the first grade, and he may even be teased with a mattress and a lump.
  • However, the owner of this name takes ridicule quite calmly, does not snap back, laughs it off more, and over time they stop pestering him.
  • At this age, it is better to send a boy to a sport that disciplines and improves physical condition. Dana may be interested in football, hockey, swimming, wrestling, and athletics.
Published: 2017-02-26, Modified: 2017-02-26,

Daniil is the Russian reading of the Hebrew name "Daniel", which translated into modern language means "God is my judge." Believers greatly revere this name, since it was borne by one of the Old Testament biblical prophets, as well as many Orthodox saints. In Russia, this name gained the greatest popularity in the 19th century, mainly among peasants. At the same time, it “Russified” and took the form of Danil.

Psychological picture

Daniil is a calm, sociable and cheerful boy. He adopts some traits from his mother, but by nature he is self-sufficient and thoughtful. Little Danya with early age has a tendency to concentrate, think through actions and is in no hurry to make decisions. Despite these qualities, he is not a passive child - he loves to communicate and play with other children, but is not overly active or fussy in his activities. It is difficult to piss him off or offend him, but he cannot stand lies - he always remains honest and demands the same from those around him.

The child grows up inquisitive and strives to achieve success in the business he is involved in. Thanks to his erudition and great creative potential, he is a good conversationalist and an excellent debater. But being very demanding of himself, he may have psychological problems or complexes in the future, especially in adolescence when he has a special tendency to experience.

Danil loves to talk about his hobbies or discoveries. Danya is always patient and condescending towards his interlocutor, but if he notices incorrect moments in a person’s behavior, he will definitely say so directly - albeit very tactfully, since rudeness is not inherent in him.

In the eyes of others, the boy always looks good-natured, has authority among his peers and can give useful tips due to his erudition.

Raising Danil is not difficult - he gladly listens to the advice of his parents and maintains a warm relationship with them throughout his life. It is important to support all his endeavors, to be able to discern his interests. Despite the fact that the boy is easy to study, he may lag behind in some subjects - so he needs to be motivated to study these disciplines.

The child usually has no health problems; only in adolescence is it possible to deviate from normal weight (overweight or underweight). Exercise and exercise will help improve the situation. proper nutrition.

Differences between name forms

Despite the similarity in sound and spelling, some people believe that Danil, Danila and Daniil are different names. But saying the name various languages leads to the conclusion that they have the same history of origin.

But there are some features that distinguish these forms of the name from each other:

  • Daniel and Daniel are full names, used for official documents, Danila is a diminutive form, appropriate only in informal setting.
  • Numerologists believe that each letter of the alphabet has its own meaning, therefore various shapes The name Daniel has different effects on the character, temperament and behavior of the bearer of one of its variants.
  • Linguists talk about the different origins of the two names: the version of Danil is considered Russian, while Daniil is originally Hebrew.

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A man named Danil is kind, wise, smiling and hospitable; he values ​​a rich inner world in the people around him. This is a person with a stable psyche and strong will. He never screams and is not prone to sudden changes in emotions. In moments of emotional distress, he withdraws into himself, without signaling his problems and difficulties in public. Thanks to this, his intuition is well developed. He is not envious or vindictive, but he takes betrayal very hard and cannot forgive the person for a long time. Danil has all the “male” hobbies: hunting, fishing, sports. But while pursuing a hobby, he does not strive to achieve the most high level, since he is not interested in competition and competition, but only in his own pleasure.

One of Danil's greatest strengths is his analytical mind. As soon as he becomes interested in something, decisions begin to form on their own. Any secret is revealed under the pressure of his intellect.

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Manifestations in love, family and career

Danil likes kind girls, with a beautiful soul and interests that coincide with his. In love, he tends to idealize his chosen one, so at first he seems timid and modest; from the outside it may even seem that he lacks assertiveness. Gradually, Danil opens up, and the girl gets the opportunity to discern his temperament, sensitivity and inner strength. The man becomes a support for her, but usually delays the wedding because he listens to his feelings and tries to make right choice and don't make a mistake. But if this woman is his destiny, he understands it immediately.

After marriage, Danil completely immerses himself in the family, becoming an exemplary father and husband. He respects family traditions and loves spending time in the company of his wife, children and numerous relatives. He enjoys arranging his home together with his wife, as he values home comfort and loves to receive guests. She tries to raise children in an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding.

Due to his leadership nature, he does not tolerate excessive pressure, so neither children, nor even strong love will not save him from a divorce from a demanding woman.

Danil has a penchant for exact sciences and is successfully progressing in career ladder in industries related to engineering, radio electronics, medicine, and business.

But he has every chance of becoming a good psychologist, teacher or successful artist. He is an excellent worker, but feels more comfortable as a subordinate, preferring to do the same type of work with stable responsibilities, than as a boss.

The meaning of the name Daniel may vary depending on the season when the boy was born. Winter ones are the most reserved, diplomatic, and have an interest in exact sciences and teaching. Spring people have a vulnerable soul, but they carefully hide it, they are idealists and love art. Born in summer Danils are good-natured and smart, most often becoming actors or film directors. Boys born in the fall are sensible and stubborn, most often becoming economists or politicians.