Human aura color. purple aura

An aura is a halo around a person that can tell about his moods, desires and even goals. What does the yellow and orange aura indicate?

In the article:

Orange and yellow aura - what will tell the color of the subtle body

Orange aura - the meaning of the solar color of the subtle body

What does the orange color of the aura say? It is the color of Sadhisana, attractive and repulsive. Oranges are proud, sometimes excessively, but this is due to their independence. Independence in everything - opinions, life positions, actions. Such people often have a profound effect on the people around them. Even a fleeting meeting with such a person can leave a deep impression.

, which is inseparable from orange, speaks of ambition. It is limited, so far from vanity. Orange in general is the color of lofty goals and great hopes. Orange lusts for communication, through which they try to achieve success. Find out the people you need for the future, make contacts, connections. Sometimes they are too sociable, literally climb out of their skin. This may turn some people off. Can cause mistrust and doubt.

An orange aura applies to marriage and work as it does to any other business. With complete dedication. They literally put their whole soul into them. To some, such things may be seen as signs of anxiety. And it is worth saying that this facial feature is a frequent companion of the orange aura. To nervousness turning into irritability.

Often their desire for challenge can be turned into an orange adventurous adventurer. Flaunting their courage, they love to compete. Especially in those sports where there is a physical danger. These are people close to reality. In their adventures, oranges are helped by natural ingenuity and ingenuity. They are always on the edge, ready to jump off the bat at any moment.

If orange and find the second half, then the same as they themselves. To now go on an adventure together, to find in each other an equal companion. And if there are children, then you should not expect a big emotional response. It is difficult for them to connect with the child. Oranges may be limited to maintaining purely physical comfort.

In general, the orange aura and its meaning indicate that you have an extremely energetic person in front of you. He often acts only on intuition, thinking little about the next steps. If the colors are pure, then he also has high goals. Pays little attention to short emotional influences - great ambitions close them.

So far, little can be said about the shades of this color - the topic has been poorly studied. The thing is that orange is so powerful that it literally crowds out everything else. It seethes with energy that breaks through into real life.

The human body is surrounded by the so-called bodily aura. It is material and represents the energy fields grouped around the physical body. A person's aura carries information about his personality, emotions, health, thoughts and feelings. Aura constantly changes its color. Every person has a main aura color. This color does not change during life.

People with the primary red color of the aura radiating are leaders. They are used to taking responsibility and making decisions on their own. Always strive for financial success. They have remarkable energy, temperamental, conscientious and brave.
For men, red is associated with the subconscious, with the state of exposure of the female body, erotic dreams, creativity.
For women, excitement, passion, embarrassment, childbirth, children, creativity, conscience. People with a red aura, realists, rarely suffer from
remorse. They love to live and achieve their desires. These people are explosive and quick-witted.
In communication on an emotional, intimate level, they experience difficulties.
Sometimes life with the Reds can be compared to a bullfight. They tend to defend their feelings and thoughts. They hate retreats.
They are self-possessed, hardworking, honest and can provide for children.
These are self-confident people who prefer to work independently.

People with radiated primary orange Auras love spending time with family and close friends. They are caring, gentle, have good intuition, balanced, ready to cooperate, practical, stand firmly on their feet.
For men, orange is associated with intelligence, the flowering of sensuality, eroticism, love passion.
For women - courage, sensuality, courage. sacrifice, heat, heat.
Orange are daredevils, thrill seekers. They love competitions where there is physical danger, realists.
They love to challenge and go beyond any limits. They like to make plans for the next adventure, they boldly go where
no human foot has set foot. Incredibly inventive, energetic and self-confident.
Oranges usually do not show interest in family and marriage because they are busy with their adventures.
But, if they find another soul mate, then these people also have the courage and courage to share their adventures.
Orange succeeds every time they overcome obstacles, reach the top of a mountain, complete another
risky stunt, go through the fire and stay alive.
They are not emotionally connected with children.
They only care about a good standard of living for children.
Temperament is a combination of choleric and sanguine.

yellow aura

People of new ideas, like to talk heart to heart, the goal is self-expression.
Have Creative skills, intelligent people. They have a sharp mind, they like to have fun.
Men - perceive yellow as the clothes of the emperor, orgasm, striptease, the individuality of the male subconscious.
Women are fire, warmth, fertility, work, husband, children, loneliness.
These are open people, their lives are replete with bright moments. They are smart, sensitive, and sometimes oversensitive.
These people strive for happiness and their perseverance achieve it.
Yellows believe that life is meant to be enjoyed.
They want to be liked and loved by everyone. Energetic, intuitive.
These are creative people who love power, who know how to concentrate strength and will and direct it to where it is most effective.
Temperament is sanguine.

People with a green aura strive to defy fate and achieve their goals. They have the gift of healing, noble, sympathetic and reliable.
For men, this color is associated with rebirth, friendship, expectation, calmness, endurance.
For women - with nature, flowering, mystical union, self-satisfaction, boredom of restraint.
These people are stubborn and persistent. This is the color of bankers. They are solid, respectable, able to create material stability for themselves.
They love peace and nature. Greens are secretive, but have a strong will, able to overcome any difficulties.
Greens are very bright people, full of strength and intelligence, good organizers, self-critical.
They often experience the fear of failure, although they rarely fail.
The greatest problem for them is to find a partner. They can crush any color.
Greens are very demanding of themselves and others.
They feel like they can do more when they are alone and love to play solo. In conversation, the words “should” are often used.
Temperament is phlegmatic.

People with radiated blue color love freedom and variety. They like to travel, change their place of residence, social circle. Always stay young at heart. Sincere, honest and usually say what they think.
These people are intuitively gifted. They can know in advance the course of further events.
The life of gays is a continuous search for knowledge about what GOD is.
They crave to be loved and can arrange checks.
They do not like compliments, do not want to disturb others and create inconvenience.
They often live in the memory of the past without seeing the present.
They prefer to do things alone. These are spiritual people, devoted, obligatory and lonely.
With children they need an emotional connection, love to read, play, hug and be involved in their lives.

People with a blue radiant aura are caring and enjoy making decisions. family problems. Responsible, responsive, merciful.
For a man, this is the sky, height, blue glasses, strict calculation, purposefulness, supernaturalness, conscious knowledge,
faith, conviction, mysticism, divination, shamanism.
For a woman - depth, distance, blue stocking, restraint, modesty, wisdom, passivity.
These are emotional, sensual, spiritual people. Many devote themselves to religion or to the sciences.
However, there are frequent mood swings. These people have a pronounced intellect.

purple aura

These people are striving for knowledge and wisdom, they are spiritual, intellectual people.
For men, this color carries the fragrance of the female body, Deep suggestibility, power, strength, holiness, self-denial.
For women, hidden anxiety, rejection of the new, sadness, longing, nostalgia, stability.
These people are extraordinary, strive for freedom, independence.
Space is very important. These people experience ups and downs throughout their lives, their lives are full of surprises and zigzags. Outstanding leadership skills. Prefer intellectual and spiritual communication and often lack such communication.
They gravitate towards everything mysterious, inexplicable and always try to find a clue to such phenomena.
Blues love speed and are not afraid of danger.
They are highly intelligent but physically weak.

Silver aura

Builders of grandiose plans, ideological, dreamers.
Bearers of the silver background are spiritual people, gifted with intuition and rich creative imagination.
They are noble, honest and trusting.
Silver - always rely on their intuition and try to see only the good in people.

golden aura

These people are not looking for easy ways. They are ready to sacrifice the comforts of life for the sake of making their dreams come true. Hardworking, patient, focused. They have extraordinary abilities and are very responsible.
This successful people are usually leaders. Their energy is transmitted to others.

pink aura

They like to plan, dream of financial well-being. Purposeful, tenacious. They set the bar high in life.
Pink are gentle, caring and always stick to their beliefs, if necessary, defend their point of view.

Ideological, peacemakers. These people have their own beliefs, their own way of looking at things. These people are caring, modest, merciful. The main goal of these people is to serve the "higher" with full dedication.
These people are pure in soul, independent and have a constant need to increase their intellectual level and wisdom.

Aura Strengthening
To strengthen the aura, very useful breathing exercises, Fresh air and sunlight.
But there are situations when additional protection is required.
One way is to surround yourself with bright white light through meditation.
White light will let positive energy in and repel negative energy. White is the color of protection.
And so - to strengthen the aura, you can use the sounds of music.
Good music calms, restores strength, improves mood.
Aura healthy person not to be confused with anything.
In a healthy person, the aura shines, there are no inclusions, the aura, as it were, declares that the person is mentally, physically and spiritually healthy.
Any disease, with the exception of accidents, is the result of many years of negative thinking.
In this case, the first signs appear long before the disease appears on the physical level.
There are changes in the size, color, structure of the aura.
People suffering from chronic diseases have an aura of grayish-brown hues.
Dirty colors, they take out the main ones and you can understand which part of the body is affected.
If a migraine develops, an unhealthy color of the aura appears around the head.
Damage to muscle tissue is seen as holes that disappear after repair.
Health problems appear in the form of spots appearing in the etheric body.
If the symptoms are disturbing, dark areas occupy a large area, this indicates that there has been a loss of energy balance.

Color code:
White is a sign of wisdom, enlightenment, religiosity, high level intuition and awareness of the world around.
Blue is the color of sociability, learning, creativity, inner freedom, trust and harmony, inner security, sincere faith, hypersensitivity. Dark blue and dirty blue are the colors of fear, depression, increased anxiety, detachment, "self-blame", isolation.
Yellow - symbolizes the vital male energy; it is the color of intelligence, rationality, logical thinking, practicality, success, responsibility, firmness. Dirty yellow - paralysis of the will, an overabundance of negative thoughts.
Green is the color of balance and harmony, warmth of the heart, love for nature and people. This is the color of growth, upcoming changes and the birth of a new perception, healing energy. Dirty green is the color of depression, melancholy.
Red is the color of energy, which is the source of vitality, passion, desire, increased emotionality, physical activity, determination and firmness of character. Dirty red is the color of aggression, fear.
Orange is a color that reflects creativity, sexuality, self-confidence, a sign of a strong personality that attracts others with its positive attitude towards life. Dirty orange - speaks of an unstable psycho-emotional state, the development of negative thoughts, habits.
Pink is the color of compassion, purity, love of beauty and art. The color of self-sacrifice. Pink color in clots - accumulation of energy of insults. In women, in most cases, it indicates that benign formations are already present.
Blue is the color of calm. He speaks of devotion, fidelity, as well as the abilities of clairvoyance and telepathy. Indicates a certain level of Initiation. Dark blue is the color of depression, anxiety, confusion.
Violet - reflects the presence of spiritual power in a person. He talks about the ability to penetrate the essence of human nature and live for others, about a commitment to high ideals and opportunities. spiritual growth. Dark purple color is most often found in people with mental disorders, homosexuals, drug addicts.

The structure of each unit of the universe is multidimensional and consists of several planes. The center in this structure is consciousness, which is the reason for maintaining its integrity. The body shell is the material manifestation of consciousness. But in a single structure with a dense and tangible, an energy-informational plan coexists, which mystics and esotericists call an aura.

The human aura is essentially a code on which data about all layers of his psyche are written: emotional background, mental images, character, habits, memory of the bodily and subtle spheres ... Only in this incarnation code, instead of zeros and ones, human perception highlights colors and shades of radiation.

Each shade is a light vibration a certain level, carrying the corresponding qualities. Subtle and high frequencies carry the charge of cosmic levels of reality. In the aural glow, the presence of cold tones: blue, dark blue, violet informs about spiritual development, ideological and intellectual insight.

Rough and low-energy waves gravitate more to dense worlds. Warm gamma - yellow, orange, red correspond to the material world of visible forms. It is the hot shades of the palette that will prevail in the biofield of the mundane and materialistic.

Aura colors

The general structure of the human biofield consists of seven energy levels, each of which corresponds to one of the colors of the emission spectrum.

  • physical body- red;
  • ethereal - primordial energy - orange;
  • astral - emotions - yellow;
  • mental - intelligence - green;
  • causal - karmic memory - blue;
  • budhic - the intellect of the soul - blue;
  • atmanic - cosmic plane - violet;

It should be noted that such a system of color interpretation is only one of the existing alternatives, due to the subjectivity of the perception of human consciousness. There is also a well-grounded vision according to which the ethereal layer, being the resultant one, manifests itself in the form of a white glow. In this system, orange will be associated with the astral body, scarlet with the material body, and yellow with the vibrations of will and vitality.

What does an aura look like

The layers of the soul are not static, because in the human psyche there are constant changes in the mental content and emotional and sensory background. Therefore, the aura is rather a multidimensional crystal, which is in constant motion and change, rather than a motionless pattern. However, depending on the temperament, life circumstances, emotional background and the evolution of consciousness, one or another gamut prevails in the aura of each being.

Meaning of Aura Colors:

Red: energy, passion, ardor, power, desire for leadership, emotionality, the spirit of victory, stamina and resistance, immunity, assertiveness, militancy, sexuality;

burgundy: aggression, jealousy, anger, emotional instability, rage, irascibility, uncompromisingness;

Pink: tenderness, unconditional love, romantic mood, inspiration, inspiration, infantilism, gullibility, naivety;

Orange: optimism, love of life, enthusiasm, vitality, confidence, courage, sex appeal, creativity, enthusiasm, fun, optimistic mood;

Yellow: generosity, cordiality, warmth, will, striving for success, cheerfulness, health, friendliness, abundance and prosperity, thirst for knowledge, openness, curiosity, friendliness;

Mustard: envy, acrimony, pride, stagnant processes;

Golden: wisdom, healing effect, ideology, bright individuality, creative charge, splendor, royalty, wealth, beauty;

Silver: purity, dreaminess, isolation from reality, the gift of healing and enlightenment, intuition, rich fantasy, imagination, connection with the subconscious;

Green: harmony, calmness, peacefulness, stability, balance, rational approach, sociability;

Khaki or dirty green: boredom and melancholy, envy, cunning, deceit, lack of emotion, apathy, despondency;

Turquoise: kindness and sociability, the gift of a teacher and leader, speaker skills;

Blue: purity and sublimity, spirituality, faith, sincerity;

Blue: intellectuality, self-absorption, the gift of clairvoyance, concentration and concentration, calmness, coldness, detachment;

Violet: high ideals, spiritual aspirations, integrity, perfection, closeness to the divine;

Purple: religiosity, suggestibility, deep devotion, arrogance, a sense of superiority, ostentatious piety;

White: primordial energy, purity of views, faith, closeness to truth, absolute harmony and unity;

Dark: fear, pain, envy, hatred, resentment, guilt, destruction program.

Soul realms

In most cases, the main color of the aura reveals sufficient information about a person. Although, it happens - in general, a spiritual person, at the moment of emotional excitement, is able to actively produce hot shades, which will be perceived by the clairvoyant as the predominant tone of the fine structure.

On the other hand, there are also negative aspects of each color vibration. For example, blue in a negative manifestation reduces tone, suppresses emotions, lulls, plunges into despondency and melancholy. Therefore, its presence in abundance in a person's aura can reflect not so much the height of thoughts as sadness and detachment.

It follows from the above that the picture of the energy field at this particular moment may be far from being objective. And reading information about the fine structure of the living essence is only half the task for clairvoyants and bioenergetics. The other half is the correct interpretation of the received data.

To this end, for deeper information, practitioners turn to different levels of the energy cocoon, getting a separate picture for each layer: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. And completely different color radiations will be considered normal for each of these spheres. At the same time, the vision of the aura will become more detailed: in addition to the main color that characterizes the state at the moment, other vibrations will appear before the inner eye, revealing the essence of each individual dimension of the incarnation.

material realm

The presence of red shades of the spectrum in the human energy halo indicates the health and energy fullness of the body shell. IN healthy body fiery tones are localized in the region of the lower energy center - the root chakra of Muladhara. And the purer the color, the best form body is located.

The absence of red in the emitted spectrum of this level or the fading of tones indicates a lack of action energy, isolation from the earthly world, inability to adapt to the environment and circumstances. Cold blue in the glow of the physical plane indicates energy blocks that literally freeze the active forces of the body.

astral sphere

In the bioenergetic system of the organism, the astral world corresponds with the center of the solar plexus, where, according to the seers, the channel of vital force is located. Therefore, the localization of yellow and orange radiation in this area is considered the norm in the human biofield.

Brown admixtures indicate laziness and passivity, as well as greed and impurity of motives. Another possible reason for such inclusions could be disharmonious work liver and kidneys.

mental sphere

The radiation of the mental layer of consciousness is colored in shades of blue. Pale tones speak of the instability of views, of uncertainty and confusion. A rich and even sapphire color is usually found in individuals with extraordinary intellectual abilities, prone to abstract thinking and a philosophical mindset. Dark blue or indigo is radiated by people with the gift of subtle vision, carrying a great mission into the world.

The presence of crimson colors at the level of higher dimensions of the human biofield may indicate inflammatory processes. The low-frequency spectrum in the head area indicates emotional immaturity, a revolutionary attitude, a destructive way of thinking.

spiritual realm

The higher layers of the biological system emit a glow from blue to violet. A pure heavenly tone is found in people in a state of goodness and acceptance. Such people are not necessarily religious, but harmony and peace reign in their souls. Such radiation of the fine structure indicates inner freedom, nobility, sincere faith and purity of thoughts.

More saturated backgrounds - sapphire and violet radiate those who go along the mystical path of searching for deep truths. These are people of high ideals: esotericists, magicians, keepers of metaphysical knowledge and spiritual teachers.

Lilac color, that is, purple with a high fiery content, indicates that you have a mystic with an overestimated sense of self-importance. Such vibrations are radiated by vain, proud, ambitious and arrogant people. Dirty tones speak of a depressed state and possible depression.

The physical body of each person has an intangible shell, an aura. By its shape and color, you can tell a lot about his state of health and mood. You can tell what color the aura is, such is the person, it's a pity that not everyone can see it.

How to determine the color of a person's aura?

They have the ability to see the aura, but this is not available to other people. True, there are alternative ways to determine the color of the aura, the most accurate of which is photography using film of the highest sensitivity level. Slightly less accurate is the method of testing the aura with the help of special questionnaires. The method of determining the predominant color of the aura with the help of paints can boast of the least accuracy. To do this, take three tubes of yellow, red and blue paint. squeeze on White list a little paint from each tube (you can limit yourself to two colors or even stop at one) and mix them. Continue randomly mixing colors until you feel internal warmth and comfort. After that, put on a light-tight bandage and run your palms over the tubes of paint until you feel heat begin to emanate from them, choose the one that seems warmest to you. Remove the bandage and add any amount of paint from the selected tube to the stain obtained earlier, mix everything evenly. The resulting shade will be the color that prevails in your aura.

The meaning of the colors of the human aura

A person has 7 main chakras, painted in the colors of the rainbow, the lowest is red, the highest is purple. For a highly developed person, all these chakras work with the same strength, so the color of his aura will be white, but for all the rest the chakras are unevenly developed, so his aura has one or more predominant colors, which will reveal the main features of a person on this stage development.

When deciphering the meanings of the colors of a person's aura, one must take into account the intensity of the shade, the darker it is, the more negative emotions own the person. "Dirty" shades can talk about diseases, lack of energy, excessive development of bad character traits, or a complete lack of interest in what is not related to the satisfaction of physiological needs. Thus, a dark aura is always an unfavorable sign, but let's talk about the meaning of the colors of a person's aura in more detail.

Red color speaks of a tendency to nervous breakdowns, and a dark shade of red means the presence of some kind of hidden ailment and a love of dominating other, decisive actions. A light shade will mean a very active, nervous and impulsive person possibly prone to egocentrism. Pink or coral color of the aura means immaturity, usually observed in young people, in an adult it will mean the presence of childishness and infantilism.

Orange color aura indicates a considerate attitude towards others. A golden shade of orange will speak of composure and vitality, while the presence of brownish tones will speak of carelessness and ambition. It can also be assumed that a person is depressed by some events, but most likely this is just a sign of laziness.

Yellow an aura with a golden hue indicates good health and well-being, such people can take care of themselves, learn easily and worry little. They are friendly, have a lively mind and are always ready to help. A reddish tint indicates shyness or an inferiority complex.

Green color reports that a person can easily adapt to circumstances, sentimental and compassionate. Such people value friendship, but tend to take life too lightly, with failures they tend to blame everyone except themselves. Their strength increases gradually, but it will be impossible to contain it. Shades of color play a big role - the more yellow, the less stable the effect of color. Approaching blue enhances the qualities.

blue color aura means cheerfulness and good health human, striving for high ideals and spirituality. But this has to do with saturated color, a pale shade of blue speaks of a weakening of quality, of indecision and little development of talents, although a person undoubtedly tries and strives for self-improvement.

blue aura will talk about inspiration and wisdom, such people live in harmony with nature and themselves. A light shade of blue means a person’s desire for perfection, primarily spiritual, and saturated blue (without gray impurities) indicates that a person has completely devoted himself to his vocation, we can say that he fulfills a certain mission.

Purple aura is characteristic of people who are in search of their calling, but pure bright shade will mean a truly spiritual person who does not consider material values ​​to be the main idea of ​​existence. If there is an admixture of pink in the violet aura, then such a person loves power, a darkened shade may indicate a lack of energy.

When evaluating the aura, one must take into account that its color can change under the influence of strong emotions - an angry person will have a scarlet aura, but in a calm state, the color can be completely different.

Which carries information about the personality, health, thoughts, emotions and feelings of its owner. Depending on the physical, emotional and spiritual state of a person, the color of the aura can change, which makes it possible for aurography specialists to conduct aurodiagnostics. However, one color in the aura always prevails and does not depend on external circumstances. It is this color that allows you to determine the type of personality and features of the worldview of each person.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the decoding of the colors of the aura - possession of this information will help you better understand yourself and identify diseases in a timely manner.

Aura red

Red is the color of passion, courage, assertiveness and activity. A person whose aura is dominated by this color has ambition, physical vitality, vigor and sexual power. Wherein great importance have shades of red:

  • the lighter the red color, the more unstable and nervous the owner of the red aura is;
  • a pure and bright red color is an indicator that a person is in love and full of vitality;
  • dark red color indicates the viciousness and aggressiveness of a person (as a rule, dark red color prevails in criminals and murderers).

By the red spots, which are located in the region of human organs, one can accurately determine their condition. For example, if a red flash appears in the auricle in the jaw area, this indicates that the person is suffering from a toothache. A dull red-brown color indicates cancer. At the same time, it is possible to accurately determine at what stage of development the disease is: it is just beginning or already progressing.

lavender aura color

The lavender aura is extremely rare, as it only occurs in people who have achieved a perfect balance between material existence and spiritual understanding. Most often, the lavender color in the aura appears only temporarily, and never dominates. Experts note that quite often the lavender color prevails in the red aura of adolescents, but this indicates the immaturity of its owner.

If you still belong to the "lavender" people, then pay attention to the shades of your aura: for example, a pale lavender color happens to shy people who do not know how to show themselves.

Aura orange color

The orange color symbolizes the healing power of the sun. The predominance of this color in the aura indicates that a person is either endowed with the abilities of a healer, or is in the process of emotional self-healing or physical growth. The orange aura is most often found in energetic, optimistic, healthy and hardy people who are open to new sensations and are constantly in search of change. At the same time, an excess of orange can be a sign of a person's excessive pride.

Different shades of orange can tell a lot about a person's character:

  • pure orange - the color of ambition and pride, sociability, emotionality and openness, kindness and the ability to feel other people, well-being and discipline;
  • bright orange - the color of fun, strong emotions and optimism;
  • dark orange - the color of little intelligence and self-indulgence;
  • dull orange is the color of irritability.

Aura yellow

Yellow is most commonly seen in aura photographs as a halo or halo around the head. This is due to the fact that yellow is the color of the intellect, indicating the process of purification, growth of the mind and change from the unconscious to the conscious. The owner of the yellow aura is distinguished by kindness, optimism, love and compassion for others.

In addition to gold, there may be such shades yellow color, How:

  • bright yellow - indicates great willpower, high intelligence and cheerfulness. Such people can be trusted unconditionally;
  • dark yellow - speaks of the greed and cowardice of a person whose intellect is limited to personal achievements;
  • pure yellow - found in people with a highly developed intellect, with great creativity, intellectual power and active friendliness.

Aura green

People with predominant in green in the aura, as a rule, they are distinguished by harmony, balance, the ability to bring peace and a tendency to heal. However, a lot depends on the shade of green:

  • pure green color is most often found in those who are endowed with special magnetism and healing abilities. Such people are always ready to help and at least express sincere sympathy;
  • bright green color occurs in friendly people who are distinguished by cordiality, philanthropy and good health. Thanks to tolerance for the religions of other people, tact and courtesy, they easily adapt to changing circumstances and are on good terms with everyone;
  • dark green color indicates deceit, selfish intentions, jealousy and deceit.

blue aura color

The blue color of the aura prevails in people with a powerful psyche, logical thinking, broad intelligence and the ability to appease with just a few words. A more detailed description of a person can give a shade of blue:

  • sky blue - indicates dynamism and spirituality;
  • bright blue - found in ideological people committed to high ideals (at the same time, the brighter the color, the more cheerful and healthy the owner of the blue aura);
  • light blue - indicates a lack of strong-willed leadership qualities, therefore, such people need to be "pushed" to take decisive action;
  • dark blue - prevails either among sages who have realized themselves or are at the stage of revealing their spiritual potential, or among missionaries who embarked on this path at the "call of the heart";
  • pure blue is the color of sincerity, creativity, self-expression, determination, healing, tenderness and gentleness. People with such an aura are always ready to act and are constantly in a state of active thinking.

Aura blue

Because the Blue colour symbolizes deep wisdom, inspiration, creation, self-expression and imagination, people with a predominance of this color in the aura are distinguished by artistry, altruism, piety and spirituality. Most often, these are phlegmatic people who are in harmony with nature, and also have a selfless nature and developed intuition. Psychologists have long noted that the blue color helps to free oneself from fear and anxiety, develop one's psychic abilities and a vivid perception of beauty.

In addition, the shade of blue is of great importance:

  • dark blue - quite often indicates depression, which is aggravated if a person has to protect other people's ideas more than his own. At the same time, the dark blue color prevails in people who are distinguished by spiritual aspiration, sometimes bordering on mercy;
  • bright blue - found in people who care about others and have achieved spiritual insight, and also have a religious feeling and responsibility;
  • cloudy blue - speaks of depression, negative thoughts and disappointment of a person.

purple aura color

Spirituality, achievement of goals, harmony of personality, patronage of higher powers, compassion for others and connection with divine self-consciousness. This character traits people with a purple aura. In addition, violet people are distinguished by developed intuition, artistry, high sensitivity, mysticism and great ideas.

If the aura is not only purple, but also noticeably increased, then this indicates high spirituality and potential wisdom. It is extremely rare, but still there are people whose aura is dominated by a violet-silver color, which is a sign of the highest degree of experience and knowledge.

White color of the aura

A white aura is a sign of purity, kindness and the highest spiritual achievement, enlightenment and purification. It is generally accepted that "white" people are under the protection of guardian angels, and therefore they are not afraid of any negative impacts from the outside, life's hardships and troubles. Sometimes there are people with a white-silver aura. This color testifies to the transformation of the spiritual beginning of a person into idealism, steadfastness and will. Silver blotches in a white aura can also mean astral travel: it is commonly believed that silver threads connect the physical body with the astral.

However, it must be taken into account that White color in the aura may not be the result of enlightenment, but of meditation (for example, it is reliably known that the white color in the aura causes transcendental meditation).

gray aura

Gray color, as a rule, is found in weak-willed people who have poor health. It is the color of boredom, despondency, depression, melancholy, self-doubt and malaise. Gray stripes over human organs indicate their destruction and the need for urgent medical intervention. For example, gray smoke swirling around the head indicates that a person suffers from constant headaches.

Quite often under in gray masked emotions of fear, anger, resentment, as well as a sense of laziness and anxiety. In addition, depending on the shade, a gray aura can mean:

  • light gray - apathy, insecurity and a tendency to deceive;
  • dark gray - fear and horror;
  • bright gray - lack of imagination and selfishness.

Aura brown

Most often, a brown aura means that a person has a close connection with the physical level. Therefore, depending on the shade, the predominance of brown in the aura may indicate such character traits of its owner as:

  • hard brown - selfishness, greed, earthiness and jealousy;
  • dark brown - despair and depression;
  • light brown color - greed.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the brown-red color, which symbolizes anger (owners of a brown-red aura most often turn out to be scoundrels, so it is best to stay away from them). Note that this color is also an indicator of the disease of a particular organ: if a brown-red spot appears near the organ, then this organ is sick (if it is a vital organ, then the person will most likely die soon).

What else do you need to pay attention to?

When determining the emotional state of a person, the location of the main color of the aura is of great importance. If the vibrations predominate on the right side, where the active (male) extroverted principle is concentrated, then the color can determine the energy that we give to the world around us at the moment. In other words, color flows with right side bodies speak about the impression that we have about the world around us. Accordingly, the vibrations prevailing in the left part, where the female introvertive principle is concentrated, make it possible to reveal the energy that we are currently receiving.

Based on the materials of the works of R. Webster, Ch. Lebditer, S. Klyuchnikov