Citrus tree grapefruit. Where grapefruit grows Grapefruit origin of the word

In 1750, the Welsh priest Griffiths Hughes discovered the grapefruit. At first, by mistake, it was called pomelo. Then the situation with the name cleared up, but for a long time humanity could not reveal what this fruit was for health, benefit or harm: they ate it with caution. A hybrid of which fruit is a grapefruit, what are its beneficial properties, as well as how to choose the right fruit, will be discussed in this article.

As soon as they did not call grapefruit and pomelo, and bitter orange. But only later it was revealed that this was an accidental crossing of a pomelo and an orange. The clues were close. Indeed, the taste of grapefruit really resembles sweet citrus, but the bitter notes confused everyone.

This fruit also received its name by accident. Despite the fact that its discoverer called it the "forbidden fruit", Jamaican traders called it grapefruit. This was explained by the fact that during the harvest, the fruit is folded in clusters, as well as growing. And it grows like grapes - Grape + fruit. Hence the name grapefruit - grapefruit.

Grapefruit contains many useful vitamins and minerals

Useful properties of grapefruit

A fragrant fruit with just the smell is able to keep a person in good shape and give him strength during the day. And what about the internal content.

  • Vitamins: B1, P, D, C, provitamin A, and of course C.
  • organic acids;
  • Mineral group;
  • Pectin, Phytoncides;
  • Essential oils;
  • Naringin.

You already know about the benefits of these substances, but naringin is a real find. It is contained directly in the peel and transparent cells, which contain the pulp of the fruit. With the daily use of grapefruit, along with the white peel, you will get rid of cholesterol, cleanse your intestines.

Attention! To make grapefruit as beneficial to the body as possible, use it along with partitions.

Experiments conducted by American scientists have proven that grapefruit contributes to weight loss. For the experiment, 2 groups of women were recruited. For the first group, one grapefruit was included in the diet daily. In the second group, the same products, only without grapefruit. As a result, four months later, in the first group, the majority of the participants lost weight by 2-4 kg. While in the group in which the fruit was not consumed, there were no dynamic changes.

After learning about the results, doctors became interested in women's health. A lot of tests were taken, according to the results of which it was found out that their glucose and insulin levels had decreased. Based on these studies, a drug for diabetics was subsequently developed.

Grapefruit Contraindications

  • Allergic reactions to citrus fruits and red fruits;
  • Increased acidity of the stomach. The fruit is not perceived to process excess acid. Because of this, spasms and irritation occur in the stomach;

Grapefruit should be avoided by people with gastrointestinal diseases
  • Ulcer disease. With this disease, it is not at all desirable to use citrus fruits;
  • Taking medication. You can not combine the use of drugs with the intake of this fruit. With the use of antihistamine and antitumor, as well as antidepressant drugs, their properties are reduced. But hepaprotective and heart drugs with the use of grapefruit become concentrated and cause an overdose. Be aware of this property.

What is the right way to eat grapefruit?

If you want to enjoy the full taste of this sunny fruit, then peel it. Then divide it into slices. Start peeling each from the middle, where the bones are supposed to be. The skin stretches easily, only sometimes it can “get stuck” on the back. Red pulp will thus be sweeter.

There is another way to adapt the grapefruit. Cut the whole fruit in half horizontally so that the slices under the skin are visually divided into two parts. In the middle, where a depression has formed, pour a teaspoon of sugar. So, the sand will spread over the pulp and make it suitable for eating.

Tip: in the absence of contraindications, eat grapefruit at least a quarter a day.

Benefits and harms for women's health

Grapefruit is an unexplored fruit. The foreigner has a lot of useful properties, it reduces the level of body fat, smoothes wrinkles, makes the skin velvety and gives strength. But it also has negative properties.

Too much grapefruit should be discarded so as not to harm health

A study was conducted among 50,000 women at the University of Southern California and Hawaii. Based on the results, questionnaires were filled out. As a result, it was found that those who ate a quarter of a fruit or more daily had an increased level of estrogen.

This is explained by the fact that grapefruit has the blocking property of certain enzymes. In particular, this applies to the cytochrome P450 3A4 enzyme. Due to its suppression at the hormonal level, an increase in estrogen released into the blood occurs. And elevated estrogen leads to malignant tumors in the mammary gland.

According to American researchers, this is the only fruit that contributes to metabolic disorders. Currently, scientific work is ongoing. Now it was decided to take the juice of fresh fruit as a basis.

The benefits and harms of grapefruit: video

Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi)


Grapefruit is an evergreen tree of the rue family, reaching a height of 12 meters, with a rounded crown. The fruits are round, large, with a pleasant smell and juicy yellow or orange-red pulp. The peel of the fruit is thick, yellowish or reddish, poorly behind the pulp. The weight of one grapefruit can reach 500 g. The taste of grapefruit cannot be confused with anything - only a slight bitter aftertaste is inherent in it.

The name "grapefruit" this fruit received from the combination of the English words "grape" and "fruit" due to the fact that its fruits are often collected in bunches resembling grapes. The Latin name means "paradise citrus".


Grapefruit was first mentioned in 1750 - they were discovered on the island of Barbados. The homeland of grapefruit is considered to be Central America and India. At the end of the 19th century, the plant was brought to Florida.

Interesting fact

Surprisingly, until now no one knows what kind of fruit it is. Scientists believe that grapefruit is the result of crossing an orange and a pomelo, but no breeder has yet been able to repeat this natural experiment.


Grapefruit fruits contain vitamins A, C, B, D, P, mineral salts, organic acids, sugars, pectins and dyes, essential oil and phytoncides, and naringin glycoside gives bitter taste to grapefruit.

The peel, reaching 30-40% of the weight of the fruit, also contains pectin, esters, glycosides.


Grapefruit is usually eaten fresh. Juice is squeezed out of its fruits, jam is made. Grapefruit slices are added to meat and fruit salads, which acquire a spicy taste and aroma. Candied fruits are made from the peel, pectin and essential oil are extracted.

The taste of meat, liver or beef tongue is greatly improved when poured with grapefruit juice. This bitter-sour fruit pairs well with fish and shellfish. Soak salmon or trout fillet in grapefruit juice before cooking, but not more than 30 minutes.

Beneficial features.

Grapefruit is also used for medicinal purposes. Its juice is recommended to stimulate appetite and stimulate digestion, it is used for non-inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Grapefruit is also useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases - it is enough to eat one fruit a day, and together with bitter membranes (they contain useful pectin). Glycosides and vitamins contained in grapefruit help lower blood pressure (including during menopause, both in women and men) and prevent atherosclerosis.

Grapefruit essential oil, which has a bitter-cold aroma, improves mood, helps overcome indecision and apathy, focus, improves the susceptibility of information (which is very useful for students).


Grapefruit should not be consumed simultaneously with drugs (contraceptives may not work, and antidepressants give the exact opposite effect). In addition, grapefruit is contraindicated in people with high acidity of gastric juice.

Grapefruit calories and nutritional value

grapefruit calories - 35 kcal.

Grapefruit nutritional value: proteins - 0.7 g, fats - 0.2 g, carbohydrates - 6.5 g

On the eve of the holidays, especially New Year's, popularity increases significantly. These fruits fit into any festive table and become one of the decorations of any banquet. Along with oranges, some feasts do not pass without fragrant and juicy grapefruit. Despite its prevalence, many do not even realize that grapefruit is a real source of vitamins that can have a beneficial effect on the overall health of a person. And today we will try to reveal the secret of this fruit, determine how it is still useful for human health, and also identify the main contraindications for its use in food.

Where does grapefruit grow

This fruit is an evergreen citrus plant native to the Lesser Antilles group in the Caribbean Atlantic Ocean. It was in this region that a hybrid with a characteristic bitter taste was first discovered in the 18th century.

For a long time, the fruit remained unexplored, but by the beginning of the 19th century they began to talk about it widely, since its wild varieties were already widely found at that time in the lands of Jamaica, Haiti, the Bahamas and neighboring territories.

Did you know?The grapefruit was first identified and described in 1750 on the island of Barbados by a priest named Griffith Hughes. However, at that time, the naturalist referred to the fruit he discovered as "forbidden fruit."

The new fruit instantly fell in love with almost the entire population of the Caribbean, and from that moment began its active cultivation in cultural conditions. Later, the seeds were transported by American sailors to the territory of Florida, where the active cultivation of the plant began. However, at that time this fruit was not popular with Florida farmers, so not many decided on its mass cultivation.

The first serious grapefruit nursery appeared in 1870, after which it began to actively conquer the American market for valuable agricultural plants. By 1910, the fruit was widely grown in southern North America, and from that moment it became a real commercial crop.
At the same time, it was revealed that the fruit grows not only in tropical, but also in colder regions, after which grapefruit began to be cultivated on an industrial scale in more northern regions. By 1960, the United States became the main exporter of grapefruit in the world, and the geography of its cultivation expanded to Mexico, Jamaica, and Israel. By 1980, the fruit reached Cuba, Argentina, Cyprus, Morocco. Today, the USA, Indonesia, Jamaica, Brazil, South Africa are considered the main centers of grapefruit production.

Did you know?Grapefruit (translated from English - grape fruit) got its name due to the fact that its fruits grow so close to each other that they resemble brushes of large grapes.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Grapefruit is the most nutrient-rich citrus fruit.

It contains a huge amount ( , ), macronutrients( , ) and ( , copper).

In addition, this fruit is also considered one of the most low-calorie, as in its 100 g contains only approx. 35 kcal.
The nutritional value grapefruit is high, 100 g of fruit contains:

  • 0.9 g;
  • 0.2 g;
  • 8.7 g carbohydrates;
  • 1.4 g;
  • 0.6 g pectin;
  • 1.3 g organic acids;
  • 0.5 g of ash.

In addition, it is worth noting that this fruit is rich in all kinds of phytoncides, glycosides, quinic acid and beta-carotene.

What is useful grapefruit for the body

This fruit is one of the most useful products for the human body. Its daily use helps to reduce excess weight, fight inflammation in the oral cavity, cleanse, speed up metabolism and much more. Let's take a closer look at how grapefruit is useful for both women's and men's health.


The daily use of grapefruit by women contributes to a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland and its general hormonal levels. This makes it possible to normalize the menstrual cycle, and with it the work of the entire reproductive system. The use of grapefruit also contributes to the improvement of brain activity, thanks to which women experience improved memory, reduced fatigue and developed immunity to protracted depressive states.


For men's health, this fruit is as useful as for women's. The main positive effect of this fruit on the body of a man is a high anti-sclerotic effect. As you know, the main enemy of the vascular system of the stronger sex is this. These formations affect almost all the vessels of the body, up to the organs of the genitourinary system.

The active use of grapefruit, even for a short period of time, makes it possible to eliminate this problem and, as a result, increase potency, as well as libido. In addition, this fruit will be useful for men's health and during age-related changes in the reproductive system (the so-called) as the best remedy for.

Did you know?The largest grapefruit in the world was grown by American J. Willington from Arizona in 1984. The man managed to cultivate the fetusweighing 2.966 kg (the record has not been broken to this day).

How to choose a sweet grapefruit when buying

So, we have already learned what a grapefruit is and how valuable this fruit is for our health. Therefore, next we should figure out how to still choose the best fruit in the supermarket. Despite the fact that most of us consider this process to be simple, in practice it turns out that the fruit we have chosen is far from meeting our taste expectations.
To choose a ripe sweet fruit, you need to pay attention to just a few of its features. Quality fruit is always distinguished by a thin, smooth skin, without wrinkles and rough structure. The fruit should be firm to the touch, but soft, without any dents or dips.

Next, you should evaluate the shade of the peel: often, a bright orange peel with characteristic areas of redness is a sign of a ripe and sweet fruit. Estimate the weight of the fruit, it should be as heavy as possible, this will indicate that you have a juicy fruit in front of you, since the dry pulp does not differ in weight.

Important!It is no secret that most farmers treat citrus fruits with special preparations to increase their shelf life. Therefore, to protect yourself from excessive amounts of these substances, choose fruits with a matte skin, not a glossy one, since a glossy sheen is a sign of a carefully processed fruit.

How to eat and what can be done from grapefruit

The correct use of grapefruit as a complete meal is somewhat different from our traditional understanding. To eat this fruit in accordance with all the norms of etiquette, you need to cut it in half, then pour salt or sugar to taste on half of the fruit. After that, the pulp of the fruit is carefully removed with a dessert spoon, bypassing the white walls of the slices. If desired, some chefs recommend sprinkling such a dish with white or red wine.
For convenience, you can slightly cut the slices, right along the contour of the white skin. But the most popular way to eat fruit is to divide it into slices. To do this, the grapefruit is cut in half, after which each half is cut into separate slices. Next, the peel is cut off from each slice, only after that the fruit is ready for use.

You can use this fruit in combination with many others. Recently, all kinds of grapefruit dishes and desserts have been gaining immense popularity, which differ not only in their spicy taste, but also in a rather original look. However, before embarking on culinary experiments, it is important to remember the right combination of products.

Grapefruit is ideally combined with vegetable and butter, cream, tomatoes, citrus fruits, grapes, apples, pears, plums, apricots. It is also permissible to combine this fruit with all sweet, starchy (beets, roots and, zucchini and squash, cauliflower), sour-milk and seafood.

But it is not recommended to combine the fruit with meat, fish, poultry, legumes, confectionery, cereals, potatoes, and eggs, as this will only lead to burdening the digestive system.

Important!Most culinary specialists do not recommend eating grapefruit with white skin that envelops its slices, as it gives the fruit the famous bitterness.

Here are some examples delicious and healthy meals prepared using this fruit:

  • salad: finely chop the fruit slices, then mix them with arugula or your choice, add a little feta cheese, and Provence dressing for a more spicy taste;
  • salsa: finely chop the grapefruit, caramelized onion, jalapeno, raspberry, season the mixture with mint syrup and garnish.

How to store at home

Everyone can create ideal conditions for storing this fruit. If you plan to eat it within a week from the date of purchase, then it can be stored at room temperature. To keep it for a longer time, the fruit should be wrapped in papyrus paper and put in. In a cool place, at a temperature of about +10 ... +14 ° C, the fruit, depending on the level of ripeness, can be stored for up to 2-3 months.

Contraindications and harm

Despite the enormous benefits for the human body and a huge vitamin charge, grapefruit still has a number of restrictions for consumption. First of all, most, both nutritionists and doctors, do not recommend this fruit for:

  • any kind of allergies to citrus fruits;
  • individual intolerance to individual components;
  • during the use of drugs (tranquilizers, antidepressants, drugs that help regulate cardiac activity, reduce blood pressure).

In addition, it is worth remembering that grapefruit should be limited when:

  • problems with tooth enamel, since aggressive acids in fruit juice can damage it even more;
  • , because aggressive sour juice can damage the mucous membranes;
  • cholecystitis, colitis and liver problems, as the fetus can have a depressing effect on the affected organs;
  • arterial hypertension, since grapefruit contributes to high blood pressure.

Important! The use of grapefruit is strictly prohibited when using drug therapy involving ritonavir, nimodipine,vincristine, warfarin and fluvastatin.

Despite the fact that grapefruit has not been known to mankind for so long, this fruit is today one of the leaders in terms of cultivation on the market. And this is not in vain - this gift of nature can not only please with unique taste sensations, but also give a real bouquet of important vitamins, trace elements and other substances. But still, this product should be used with caution, since often its excessive use can cause allergies or irritation of the mucous membranes.

The history of the origin of the fruit is shrouded in mystery.

His homeland is sometimes called India, sometimes Central or South America.

According to one version, grapefruit is nothing more than a hybrid of citrus fruits pomelo and orange.

Outwardly and in taste, large spherical grapefruit fruits are really similar to the aforementioned citrus fruits.

Europeans first learned about it in the second half of the 18th century from the botanist priest Griffiths Hughes. Having gained fame, the fruit began to be grown in many countries with a subtropical climate. An evergreen tree, capable of reaching a height of 6 to 12 meters, could be found in the United States at the end of the 19th century, and even later in the Caribbean, Brazil and South Africa.

At present, grapefruit is also cultivated in Georgia, Israel, China and southern Russia. Studying a strange plant, a learned priest suggested that it was not an apple, but this strange fruit that played a fatal role in the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise. With the light hand of the priest, they began to call him "forbidden fruit." However, such a name significantly lowered the trade rating of the fetus and went against the commercial interests of Jamaican merchants. To raise the reputation of the product, medieval marketers gave it a new name: grapefruit. In fairness, it must be said that the name is quite consistent with him. The first part of the word "grape" in English means grapes, and the second part "fruit" is translated as fruit.

The fruits of the plant really resemble large bunches of grapes, because. often grow on a tree, gathered in separate compact groups. The name stuck, and the fruit gradually began to gain worldwide fame.

grapefruit types

Grapefruit causes increased interest in itself not only by its origin, but also by its species diversity. Currently, about 20 varieties of this fruit crop are known with a wide range of differences in flesh color, skin thickness, presence of seeds, amount of sugar and degree of calorie content.

Around the middle of the 19th century, white grapefruit was produced in Florida. Its smooth skin is yellowish-light in color and thicker than other varieties. This small minus is compensated by the juiciness and delicate taste of white, sometimes yellowish pulp.

The most famous among the white-fleshed grapefruits was the Duncan variety. The sugar content in it is lower than in red varieties, so it is noticeably bitter. Due to the low amount of sugar in the pulp, as well as the presence of potassium, thiamine, pyrodoxine, copper, phosphorus and other substances that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. White grapefruit has proven itself well as one of the means for weight loss.

Pink grapefruit was obtained in 1987. The yellow skin and its reddish-pink flesh, in their color gradations, are associated with delicate tongues of flame, which is why the name "Flame" was given to the new variety. The pink-fleshed grapefruit has a sweeter flavor without bitterness than its white counterpart.

Composition of grapefruit

Another amazing mystery lurking in the depths of the sunny exotic fruit is its composition. With a low calorie content (35 kcal per 100 g), it contains almost all components valuable for health:

  • natural sugars
  • squirrels
  • phytoncides
  • carbohydrates
  • alimentary fiber
  • some fat.

Each grapefruit fruit is a small pantry filled with valuable vitamins, minerals, fiber, glycosides.

grapefruit properties

People have known about the healing properties of grapefruit for a long time. Even in the Middle Ages, they noticed that it helps with fatigue, relieves constipation, reduces headaches and makes a person more cheerful.

However, you should be aware that grapefruit can inhibit or enhance the effect of certain drugs. Therefore, people who regularly eat grapefruit before starting treatment should talk with their doctor about the compatibility of prescribed drugs with this fruit.

You can learn more about the beneficial and harmful properties of grapefruit, as well as where it can still be used, in addition to cooking, from our article.

How to eat grapefruit and how to peel it

When eating citrus fruits, you usually do not have to think about how to eat them. Most often, the pulp of the fruit is freed from the peel and sent to its destination.

But the grapefruit has one feature: its contents are bitter, and, depending on the variety, sometimes quite noticeable. The taste of bitterness is clearly felt in the white films-membranes that serve as partitions between the juicy slices. It is in these partitions that a high concentration of naringin is observed - a plant flavonoid that gives the fruit a bitter taste.

Naringin plays a special role in the impact of grapefruit on the human body, which is difficult to overestimate.

Properties of naringin:
Prevents the reproduction of hepatitis C viruses
Is an antioxidant
Improves liver function
Makes capillaries more elastic

Not everyone, however, likes the bitter taste of the fruit, so many people eat it without partitions.

Removing grapefruit segments from bitter membranes is easy. To begin with, with an ordinary kitchen knife, you need to cut off the top of the fruit, while trying not to hook the pulp. Then, from the top to the bottom, cuts are made along the peel with a knife. With gentle movements, take the first strip of peel by the upper part and pull it down. As a rule, the peel of a grapefruit is easily separated from the pulp, leaving it intact. When the outer shell is completely removed, the fruit is divided into two halves for convenience. Further, with the tip of a knife, a white dense film in the central upper part of each slice is cut along a longitudinal line. It must be pulled down and it easily moves away from the pulp, only in the lower part of the slice you have to tear it off with little effort.

Owners of modern kitchen technology can successfully peel a grapefruit with a kitchen machine for peeling round vegetables and fruits. The fruit thus purified divided into halves or into slices and, if desired, get rid of bitter membranes.

Another fun and convenient way to enjoy the taste of your favorite fruit is to eat it with a spoon. The washed fruit is cut in half before this. It is advisable to do this across, so that the partitions are visible. In a circular motion, using a short and sharp knife, the fruit is separated from the peel. Carefully separate the partitions from the slices with a knife and take out the pulp with a teaspoon.

Grapefruit calories and nutritional value

Knowing about the beneficial and harmful properties of grapefruit, for a more in-depth knowledge of this exotic fruit, concepts such as calorie content and nutritional value should be considered.

Its energy value is low: in 100 grams of the product without peel, there are only 35 kcal, which is why this citrus fruit can often be seen in diets for weight loss.

One grapefruit will contain approximately 140 calories.

At the same time, its fruits contain a number of useful substances.

A 100-gram serving of grapefruit includes the following:
Proteins - 0.7 g
Fats - 0.2 g
Carbohydrates - 6.5 g
Dietary fiber - 1.8 g
Ash - 0.4 g
Water - 88.8 g
organic acids - 1.5 g

The nutritional value of the product is beta-carotene, retinol, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic, pantothenic, ascorbic, folic acids, pyridoxine, tocopherol, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, naringin, quinine and other vitamins, macro- and microelements.

How to choose a sweet grapefruit?

So that buying a grapefruit does not turn into disappointment, you need to remember a few simple rules. First of all, pay attention to the appearance. Ripe, high-quality fruits are spherical and large. The surface of the peel should have a uniform saturated color of yellow, orange, pink or red, without dents or damage. The redder the peel, the less bitter the flesh. The weight of the fruit ranges from 150 grams to 500 grams, and the heavier it is, the juicier and tastier. Light grapefruits are either unripe or already dried.

How to store grapefruit at home?

Do not stock up on such a delicate item for future use. With prolonged storage, its taste deteriorates.

If, nevertheless, there is such a need, then it is best to store the fruits in the refrigerator in the fruit section, after wrapping them in paper. This measure will prevent the exotic fruit from drying out prematurely.

During storage, care must be taken to ensure that the fruits do not touch. In this form, they can be stored for about 10 or a little more days. In a living room, a grapefruit has an even shorter shelf life of only 4 days. Then the fruits quickly lose their attractive appearance and become moldy.

In many ways, the shelf life of this fruit depends on its ripeness. Approximate storage periods at home are as follows:
in the utility room or on the balcony - 7-10 days
in the refrigerator in the fruit section - 10-14 days
at room temperature - 2-4 days (depending on their ripeness of the fruit)

Based on the rich culinary experience of using this exotic fruit, we can conclude that grapefruit goes well with chicken, cheese, shrimp, salmon. It looks great in salads with these products and gives the dish an exquisite taste. The cook should only remember that the slices of the fruit, before adding to the salad, must be cleaned of bitter partitions. A unique taste effect can be obtained by combining grapefruit with oranges, tangerines, lemons, pineapples, peaches, cranberries, plums, currants, grapes, pears. Grapefruit is successfully combined with many fermented milk products: cottage cheese, cream, yogurt, sour cream, curd cheese. Nuts, mint and rosemary added to dishes that contain grapefruit will make their flavor range richer and more interesting.

Experienced cooks know that sour fruits (and grapefruit is one of them) should not be combined with animal proteins. Potatoes, beans, bananas, peas, bread, dates, beans, as well as meat and fish and other starchy and carbohydrate foods should not be eaten at the same time with grapefruit. It has been noticed that the use of grapefruits simultaneously with foods of protein and starch content leads to discomfort in digestion. It would be more correct and useful to eat grapefruit separately, 15-30 minutes before the main meal.

What is the difference between grapefruit and pomelo and sweetie?

If grapefruit is considered the oldest citrus plant, which Europe became aware of only in the second half of the 18th century, then pomelo can be called its older brother, because. the first mention of it was found in China as early as 100 BC.

Pomelo, like grapefruit, has a dense peel, its flesh is divided by partitions into slices, in which there are seeds. In contrast to the bright colors of the grapefruit peel, the outer shell of the pomelo fruit is predominantly pale green, sometimes yellow. A pomelo is much larger than a grapefruit. The mass of ripe fruits can reach 10 kg (the weight of an average grapefruit fruit is approximately 450 grams).

The pulp of the pomelo is sour-sweet with a slight hint of bitterness (in grapefruit, the taste of bitterness is more pronounced).

Sweety appeared at the end of the last century. Israeli scientists bred it in 1984 by crossing a white grapefruit and a pomelo to get a sweeter fruit. The scientists coped with the task. Unlike grapefruit, the fruit really turned out to be sweet in taste, without signs of bitterness, which earned its name (sweet - sweet). It differs from grapefruit in the color of the peel. Even after full ripening, the fruits of the retinue remain green. And yet, despite its excellent taste and dietary properties, the suite has not gained wide popularity. The reason lies in the fact that the fruit bred by scientists has a too thick skin, and under it is no less thick soft layer. After cleaning, only half of the edible part of the fruit remains.

How to grow grapefruit from seed at home?

There are several ways to propagate a plant. The easiest and easiest way to grow a grapefruit tree at home is from seeds. Like all citrus crops, grapefruit takes root well. A stone for planting should be taken from a mature and large fruit.

A container with soil should be prepared in advance, because the stone must be planted in the ground immediately after it has been taken out of the pulp, otherwise it may not germinate. The stone is laid to a depth of 1.5-2 cm in loose, fertilized soil. Care is not difficult, but a growing tree cannot be left unattended. Grapefruit equally does not like drying out and waterlogging. When a sprout appears from the ground, it can be sprayed with summer temperature water. For successful growth, it needs sufficient light and heat, and the soil must be loosened regularly. While the sprout is small, it is convenient to keep it on the windowsill.

It is important to remember about feeding. 2 times a month, the plant is fed with fertilizers intended for citrus crops. Every year, the seedling should be transplanted into a container larger than the previous one. Older trees that have reached 5-6 years of age can be transplanted less often, once every 2-3 years. When a grapefruit tree reaches 1.5 - 2 meters in height, in the summer it can be placed on a balcony, terrace or garden until the first frost. So that the tree does not stretch much in height, you can pinch young shoots and thereby form a spreading crown. When properly cared for, the grapefruit will thank its caregiver with profuse blooms and fruits that usually ripen by November.

Now you practically know everything about this amazing fruit, and to learn even more and eat it with benefit, do not forget to read our article on the benefits and harms of grapefruit.

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Grapefruit gained wide popularity in the 19th century, although these evergreen citrus trees were first discovered on the island of Barbados as early as 1750. A large-fruited fruit went down in history immediately as a cultivated one, since nothing of the kind has been found in the wild. Scientists came to the conclusion that the natural process of hybridization between pomelo and contributed to its appearance. How grapefruit grows can be guessed from its name, since in English it means “grape fruit”.

grapefruit tree

It is very difficult for someone who has bought grapefruits more than once to imagine a bunch of at least 2-3 fruits reaching a weight of 500 g. But, nevertheless, massive grapefruit fruits grow like that: heap, 5-7 pieces, but it happens and twice as much.

The grapefruit tree is the tallest of all citrus varieties. It reaches an average height of 5-7 meters. Some varieties can even grow up to 12 meters. The wood is quite elastic and durable, with a smooth grey-brown bark. Therefore, the branches are able to hold the amount of weighty fruits.

Oval large grapefruit leaves reach 15-17 cm in length. They form a dense spreading crown, which is an ellipse or ball shape. During the flowering period, you can observe an amazing picture, breathtaking. The tree is covered with large, up to 5 cm in diameter, white flowers with a fragrant aroma. This advantage allowed grapefruit for a long time to be only an ornamental plant.

As a result of modern selection, up to 20 varieties of grapefruit have been created, which differ in ripening time, skin color and pulp. The latter can be quite light (almost white or yellowish), pink or bright red. The redder the flesh of a grapefruit, the sweeter it is.

What conditions does grapefruit grow in?

Grapefruit is a heat-loving plant, so it prefers a subtropical climate, like all its relatives. In our country, this is the Black Sea coast; in America, grapefruit is grown in Florida and Texas. Naturally, large plantations in his homeland - in India, Cyprus, Israel, Brazil, China are puzzled by the supply of grapefruit to European countries.

The plant is demanding on sunlight and soil fertility. It is necessary to monitor the sufficient content of organic matter and mineral salts. Subject to all necessary conditions, grapefruit begins to bear fruit for 4-5 years. The fruits grow and ripen for a long time: from 9 to 12 months and are not removed at the same time. In regions where ripening begins in September, grapefruit is harvested until April. In some areas, harvest ripening occurs in February. So, on the island of Youthud (Cuba), a real holiday is organized in February in honor of the ripening of grapefruit, which lasts several days and ends with a feast.