Quotes from famous scientists. Aphorisms about science

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“Science is interesting, and if you don’t agree, then fuck off...” - Richard Dawkins, English biologist.

Probably no one will argue with the fact that science is not only the engine of progress, but also one of the most beautiful and useful types of creativity for humanity. Each Scientific research- this is a process of creation, every scientist is a creator, rethinking and changing reality in his own way. Like all creative people, scientists know what inspiration is and how difficult it can sometimes be to find and preserve. But if they find it, then they are happy to share their wisdom with everyone - and this is truly gratifying.

On November 10, Science Day is celebrated all over the world. By this date website collected famous quotes from great scientists, which we gleaned from their works, letters, Nobel speeches and other sources.

Albert Einstein,
one of the most significant physicists of the 20th century, creator of the special and general theories of relativity, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1921).

  • Theory is when everything is known, but nothing works. Practice is when everything works, but no one knows why. We combine theory and practice: nothing works... and no one knows why!
  • We are all geniuses. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its entire life thinking it is stupid.
  • If you can't explain something to a six-year-old child, you don't understand it yourself.
  • Only a fool needs order - genius rules over chaos.
  • There are only two ways to live life. The first is as if miracles do not exist. The second one is like there are only miracles all around.
  • The only thing that prevents me from studying is the education I received.

Leonardo da Vinci,
Italian painter, sculptor, architect, scientist, engineer of the Renaissance.

  • Anyone who wants to get rich in a day will be hanged within a year.
  • Work on a work of art can never be completed, but can only be abandoned.
  • An adversary who reveals your mistakes is more useful to you than a friend who wants to hide them.
  • Experience flight once, and your eyes will forever be fixed on the sky. Once you have been there, you are doomed to yearn for it for the rest of your life.
  • Where hope dies, emptiness arises.

Lev Landau,
Soviet theoretical physicist, founder scientific school, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Nobel Prize laureate in physics (1962).

  • The greatest achievement of human genius is that man can understand things that he can no longer imagine.
  • You need to know English! Even the stupidest Englishmen know him well.
  • The worst sin is being bored! ... When the Last Judgment comes, the Lord God will call and ask: “Why didn’t you enjoy all the benefits of life? Why were you bored?
  • Everyone has enough strength to live life with dignity. And all this talk about what a difficult time it is now is a clever way to justify one’s inaction, laziness and various despondencies. You have to work, and then, you see, times will change.

Nikola Tesla,
inventor in the field of electrical and radio engineering, engineer, physicist.

  • Are you familiar with the expression “You can’t jump above your head”? It's a delusion. A person can do anything.
  • The action of even the smallest creature leads to changes throughout the Universe.
  • Modern scientists think deeply instead of thinking clearly. To think clearly, you need to have a sound mind, but you can think deeply even if you are completely crazy.

Niels Bohr,
Danish physicist and philosopher, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1922).

  • There are such serious things in the world that one can only talk about them jokingly.
  • An expert is a person who has done everything possible mistakes in a very narrow specialty.
  • Your idea is, of course, crazy. The whole question is whether she is crazy enough to be true.
  • Unhappy are those people for whom everything is clear.
  • Sigmund Freud,
    Austrian psychologist, psychiatrist and neurologist, author of the theory of psychoanalysis.

    • Everything you do in bed is wonderful and absolutely right. As long as both of them like it. If there is this harmony, then you and only you are right, and everyone who condemns you is perverts.
    • We do not choose each other by chance... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious.
    • All our actions are based on two motives: the desire to become great and sexual attraction.
    • Every normal person in fact, only partly normal.

    : In science, you need to repeat lessons in order to remember them well; In morality, one must remember mistakes well so as not to repeat them.

    Vasily Klyuchevsky:
    Science is often confused with knowledge. This is a gross misunderstanding. Science is not only knowledge, but also consciousness, that is, the ability to use knowledge properly.
    Thomas Hobbes:
    In the sciences we look for the reasons not so much for what was, but for what could have been.
    Friedrich Schiller:
    For one, science is an exalted heavenly goddess; for another, it is a cash cow that provides him with oil.
    Michael Faraday:
    Science wins when its wings are unfettered by imagination.
    Life is short, but science is long.
    Michel de Montaigne:
    Science is a very difficult matter. Science is only suitable for strong minds.
    Michel de Montaigne:
    Science is a wonderful drug; but no drug is so stable that it can be preserved without being damaged or altered if the vessel in which it is stored is bad.
    Michel de Montaigne:
    Science is a great decoration and a very useful tool...
    DI. Mendeleev:
    Science begins as soon as they begin to measure. Exact science is unthinkable without measure.
    DI. Mendeleev:
    Science fights superstitions like light fights darkness.
    M.V. Lomonosov :
    Science is a clear knowledge of the truth, the enlightenment of the mind, the immaculate joy of life, the praise of youth, the support of old age, the builder of cities, regiments, the fortress of success in misfortune, in happiness - an adornment, everywhere a faithful and constant companion.
    Leonardo da Vinci:
    Science is the commander, and practice is his soldiers.
    S.P. Kapitsa:
    Attempts to frame the most significant achievements of science as someone else's discoveries are just a way to satisfy the vanity of their authors. In fact, these achievements belong to humanity as a whole.
    The aim of scientific pursuits should be to direct the mind in such a way that it makes sound and true judgments about all objects encountered.

    Idealism increases in direct proportion to the distance to the problem

  • № 12365

    A scientist is a lazy person who kills time with work

  • № 12361

    Make a discovery - take the future by surprise

  • № 12254

    Every miracle must find its own explanation, otherwise it is simply unbearable.

    Karel Capek
  • № 12214

    Look closely at a phenomenon and you will see that it is the husk of something else that lies deeper than it.

    Pavel Florensky
  • № 11959

    A sound scientific explanation encounters various obstacles at every step. One of them is lack of knowledge, the second is fear at the sight of miracles, the third is distrust of knowledge, the fourth is material interest.

    Nikolay Rubakin
  • № 11856

    He who does not see the vanity of the world is vanity himself. To mock philosophy is really to philosophize.

    Blaise Pascal
  • № 10792

    Scientific knowledge is not all knowledge; it has always been “in excess”, in competition, in conflict with another type of knowledge, which we will call for simplicity narrative and which we will characterize later. This does not mean that the latter can prevail over scientific knowledge, but its model is associated with the ideas of inner balance and friendliness ( convivialite), in comparison with which modern scientific knowledge pales in appearance, especially if it must undergo exteriorization in relation to the “knower” and an even stronger alienation than before from its users.

    The resulting demoralization of researchers and teachers is difficult to neglect, especially since it broke out, as is known, in the 60s among those who decided to devote themselves to these professions, among students in all the most developed countries, and was able to significantly slow down productivity during this period laboratories and universities that could not protect themselves from infection. There was no question that a revolution would come out of this, no matter how much they hoped for it or - as has happened more than once - no matter how much they feared it; the course of things in post-industrial civilization will not change from today to tomorrow.

    However, when we're talking about on assessing the present and future status scientific knowledge, one cannot exclude from consideration such an important component as the doubt of scientists.

    Moreover, the status of scientific knowledge is also intertwined with main problem- the problem of legitimation. We take this word in the broadest sense that it received in discussions on the question of power among modern German theorists. Or a civil law, and it says: such and such a category of citizens must perform such and such actions. Then legitimation is the process by which the legislator is allowed to proclaim a given law as a norm. Or a scientific statement, and it is subject to the rule: a statement must satisfy such and such a set of conditions in order to be perceived as scientific.

    Here, legitimation is the process by which the “legislator” interpreting scientific discourse is allowed to prescribe specified conditions (in general view, conditions internal state and experimental verification) so that a certain statement forms part of this discourse and can be taken into account by the scientific community.

    Jean-François Lyotard
  • № 10592

    I imagine the vast sphere of science as a wide field, some parts of which are dark, while others are illuminated. Our works are aimed either at expanding the boundaries of illuminated places, or at multiplying light sources on the field. One is characteristic of a creative genius, the other is characteristic of an insightful mind that makes improvements.

    Denis Diderot
  • № 10547

    One must decide to introduce into the thinking apparatus the necessary distinction between obvious philosophy and pleasant philosophy. In other words, we can come to a philosophy that is disgusting to the mind and heart, but which suggests itself. So, for me, obvious philosophy is absurd. But this does not prevent me from having (or, more precisely, from considering) a pleasant philosophy. For example: an exact balance between the mind and the world, harmony, completeness, etc. Happy is the thinker who surrenders to his inclination, and the one who denies himself this - out of love for the truth, with regret, but decisively - is an exiled thinker.

    Albert Camus
  • № 10438

    In science we must look for ideas. No idea, no science. Knowledge of facts is precious only because ideas are hidden in facts: facts without ideas are rubbish for the head and memory.

    Vissarion Belinsky
  • № 10434

    Work for science and for general ideas– this is personal happiness.

    Anton Chekhov
  • № 10432

    Neglecting the opportunity to use scientific data in public life means belittling the importance of science. Science helps us in the fight against fanaticism in all its manifestations; it helps us create our own ideal of justice, without borrowing anything from erroneous systems and barbaric traditions.

    Anatole France
  • № 10429

    Science is an attempt to bring the chaotic diversity of our sensory experience into conformity with some unified system of thinking.

  • Quotes, aphorisms and statements about Science.

    5382. Science is a magnificent drug; but no drug is so stable that it can be preserved and not be damaged or changed if the vessel in which it is stored is bad. M. de Montaigne.
    5383. Science is eternal in its source, not limited in its activity by either time or space, incommensurable in its scope, infinite in its task. K. Baer.
    5384. Science is a very difficult matter. Science is only suitable for strong minds. M. de Montaigne.
    5385. Science must be the most sublime embodiment of the fatherland, for of all nations the first will always be the one that is ahead of others in the field of thought and mental activity. L. Pasteur.
    5386. Science - yes The best way satisfying the curiosity of individuals at the expense of the state. L. Artsimovich.
    5387. Science is the best way to make the human spirit heroic. D. Bruno.
    5388. Science is nothing more than a reflection of reality. F. Bacon.
    5389. Science is a clear knowledge of the truth, the enlightenment of the mind, the immaculate joy of life, the praise of youth, the support of old age, the builder of cities, regiments, the fortress of success in misfortune, in happiness - an adornment, everywhere a faithful and constant companion. M. Lomonosov.
    5390. Science is the captain, and practice is the soldiers. Leonardo da Vinci.
    5391. Science is not a magical cornucopia, but only a means of transforming the world in the hands of people. D. Bernal.
    5392. Science does not know what it owes to the imagination. R. Emerson.
    5393. Science is not a subject of pure thinking, but a subject of thinking constantly involved in practice and constantly reinforced by practice. This is why science cannot learn in isolation from technology. D. Bernal.
    5394. Science is nothing more than perception. Plato.
    5395. Science is not and will never be a finished book. Every important success brings new questions. Every development reveals new and deeper difficulties over time. A. Einstein.
    5396. Science never solves a question without raising a dozen new ones. B. Shaw.
    5397. Science is an ocean. It is equally open to man and frigate. One swims in it with valuable goods, the other only wants to bring home a catch of herring. E.D. Bulwer-Lytton.
    5398. Science is the main element that unites the thoughts of people scattered throughout to the globe, and this is one of its highest purposes. In my opinion, there is no such thing human activity, where agreement between people was not so obvious. F. Joliot-Curie.
    5399. Science is an open table for one and all, as long as there is hunger, as long as the need for manna from heaven develops. A. Herzen.
    5400. Science is the most important, the most beautiful and necessary in a person’s life, it has always been and will be the highest manifestation of love, only with it will a person conquer nature and himself. A. Chekhov.
    5401. Science is power, it reveals the relationships of things, their laws and interactions. A. Herzen.
    5402. Science is a way of unraveling the mysteries of the world by discovering new mysteries. A. Davidovich.
    5403. Science does not exist in order to kindle light in a soul that is deprived of it, nor in order to make the blind see; its purpose is not to give vision, but to guide it, to show a person the way if his legs are naturally straight and can walk. M. de Montaigne.
    5404. Science is what we know, philosophy is what we do not know. B. Russell.
    5405. Science requires the whole person, without ulterior motives, with the readiness to give everything and as a reward to receive the heavy cross of sober knowledge. A. Herzen.
    5406. Science is great beauty. A scientist in his laboratory is not just a technician: he is a child face to face with natural phenomena acting on him, like fairy tale. M. Sklodowska-Curie.
    5407. Science is, at its best, common sense—strictly precise in observation and merciful to errors in logic. T. Huxley.
    5408. Science is the highest mind of humanity, it is the sun that man created from his flesh and blood, created and lit in front of himself in order to illuminate his darkness hard life to find a way out to freedom, justice, beauty. M. Gorky.
    5409. Science is a drama of ideas. A. Einstein.
    5410. Science is a graveyard of hypotheses. A. Poincare.
    5411. Science is a treasure, and a learned person will never be lost. Petronius.
    5412. Science is any discipline in which the fools of one generation can go beyond the point reached by the geniuses of the previous generation. M. Gluckmann.
    5413. Science is the tireless centuries-old work of thought to bring together through a system all the knowable phenomena of our world. A. Einstein.
    5414. Science is nothing more than developed perception explained by intention, complete and minutely dissected common sense. D. Santayana.
    5415. Science is organized knowledge. G. Spencer.
    5416. Science is an attempt to bring the chaotic diversity of our sensory experience into conformity with some unified system of thinking. A. Einstein.
    5417. Science is the systematic expansion of the field of human ignorance. R. Gutovsky.

    5418. Science is what scientists do, and scientists are those who in a given era consider themselves scientists. S. Amsterdam.
    5419. Sciences nourish young men, give joy to old men, B happy life decorate, Protect in case of an accident... M. Lomonosov.
    5420. Science without literature is soulless and rude; Literature without science is empty, for the essence of literature is knowledge. A. France.
    5421. Science in a depraved person is a fierce weapon to do evil. Enlightenment elevates one virtuous soul. D. Fonvizin.
    5422. Science and experience are only means, only ways of collecting materials for the mind. M. Lomonosov.
    5423. The science of healing the soul is philosophy. Cicero.
    5424. The science of man is the science of the sages. K. Helvetius.
    5425. High technology is a technology that requires raw materials worth a ruble, and intelligence worth a million. Zh. Alferov.
    5426. To learn the laws of life means to experience a whole series of humiliations, just like learning to skate. The only way out is to laugh at yourself along with the onlookers. B. Shaw.
    5427. A scientific hypothesis always goes beyond the facts that served as the basis for its construction. V. Vernadsky.
    5428. The scientific problem is that a decent lady: the more modest and respectful you approach her, the sooner she will allow herself to be understood. V. Klyuchevsky.
    5429. Scientific work is when you read two books that no one has ever read in order to write a third book that no one will read. Definition proposed by NASA employees.

    Science is the best way to satisfy personal curiosity at public expense.

    Lev Artsimovich
    Art is “me”; science is “we”.

    Claude Bernard
    Life is short, but science is long.

    Lucian of Samosata
    We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, and therefore we can see more and further than they can.

    Bernard of Chartres, followed by Isaac Newton
    Science is any discipline in which the fools of one generation can go beyond the point reached by the geniuses of the previous generation.

    Max Gluckmann
    All science is prediction.

    Herbert Spencer
    Science is infallible, but scientists often make mistakes.

    Anatole France
    Science confirms our misconceptions.

    Stanislav Jerzy Lec
    Science is always wrong. She is not able to solve a single question without raising a dozen new ones.

    George Bernard Shaw
    Science does not answer all questions, even in an investigator's office.

    Henryk Jagodzinski
    Science does not answer all questions, but it helps to understand the meaninglessness of many of them.

    Henryk Jagodzinski
    Science, like virtue, is its own reward.

    Charles Kingsley
    Science is often confused with knowledge. This is a gross misunderstanding. Science is not only knowledge, but also consciousness, i.e. the ability to use knowledge properly.

    Vasily Klyuchevsky
    Science is organized knowledge.

    Herbert Spencer
    Science is the systematic expansion of the field of human ignorance.

    Robert Gutowski
    There is no science, there are only sciences.

    Nikolay Berdyaev
    Anyone who understands nothing but chemistry does not understand it enough.

    Georg Lichtenberg
    There are no applied sciences, there are only applications of science.

    Louis Pasteur
    Natural scientists discover only what is, and humanists even discover what could be.

    Boleslaw Paszkowski
    Sociology is a science with a maximum variety of methods and minimum results.

    Henri Poincaré
    Humanists complain about the ignorance of natural scientists, but cannot answer what the second law of thermodynamics is.

    Charles Percy Snow
    The joys of a natural scientist: lifting up nature's skirts.

    Jean Rostand
    It is easier to create a world than to understand it.

    Anatole France
    Every exact science is based on approximation.

    Leszek Kumor
    Scientific truth triumphs as its opponents die out.

    Paraphrased Max Planck
    The mind and science are subject to fashion as much as earrings and buttons.

    Denis Fonvizin
    When science lacks arguments, it expands its vocabulary.

    Jacques Deval
    If geometric axioms affected people's interests, they would be refuted.

    Thomas Hobbes
    Three stages of recognition of scientific truth: the first - “this is absurd”, the second - “there is something in this”, the third - “this is generally known”.

    Ernest Rutherford
    In science, the glory goes to the one who convinced the world, not the one who came across the idea first.

    Francis Darwin
    In science, as in sports, participation is important, not results.

    Ratmir Tumanovsky
    If curiosity concerns serious problems, it is already called a thirst for knowledge.

    Maria Ebner-Eschenbach
    Knowledge is one of the forms of asceticism.

    Friedrich Nietzsche
    Science or life.

    O. Donskoy
    The bankruptcy of science is most often said by those who have not invested a penny in this enterprise.

    Felix Hvalibug
    Science made us gods before we learned to be human.

    Jean Rostand
    Whatever a scientist works on, the result is always a weapon.

    It seems that things are heading towards the fact that Science will discover God. And I tremble in advance for his fate.

    Stanislav Jerzy Lec
    Scientific work. Scientific publications
    See also “Dissertation and Academic Degree”, “Originality. Novelty", "Quotes"
    A scientific paper is when you read two books that no one has ever read in order to write a third book that no one will read.

    Definition proposed by NASA employees
    Scientific works reproduce by division.

    Dmitry Pashkov based on Karel Capek's outline
    When working on a problem, it is always useful to know the answer in advance.

    The high tower can only be reached by a spiral staircase.

    Francis Bacon
    The man worked smartly, worked and suddenly felt that he had become stupider than his work.

    Vasily Klyuchevsky
    This book is smarter than me.

    Stanislav Lem on the “Sum of Technology”
    Basic research is what I do when I have no idea what I'm doing.

    Wernher von Braun
    Basic research is like shooting an arrow into the air and drawing a target where it lands.

    Homer Adkins
    Explain anything completely to me, and I will explain everything to you.

    How better job, the more briefly it can be reported.

    "Whittington's Law"
    The number of errors in any passage of text is directly proportional to the number of borrowings from secondary sources.

    Harold Faber
    What is poorly understood is often tried to be explained using words that are not understood.

    Gustave Flaubert
    Explanatory expressions explain dark thoughts.

    Kozma Prutkov
    The summary begins where the author is tired of thinking.

    "Maxima Matza"
    Science fiction
    Science fiction is not written for scientists, just as ghost stories are not written for ghosts.

    Brian Aldis
    Science fiction deals not with man, but with the human race as such, and even with possible types intelligent beings.

    Stanislav Lem
    Science fiction is comics without pictures.

    Kurt Vonnegut
    It’s not nice to arrange a public end of the world to arrange your personal affairs.

    Stanislaw Lem on the “literature of world disasters”
    Science fiction is the poor man's metaphysics.

    Alexander Genis
    Science fiction writers are people who lack imagination to understand reality.

    Gabriel Laub
    Fantastic stories about the future, after some time, retain only more or less clear features of the past.

    Eduard Babaev
    In science fiction novels, the main thing was the radio. With him, the happiness of mankind was expected. There is a radio, but there is no happiness.

    Ilya Ilf

    You read online: aphorisms and quotes.