So that the predictions are accurate. When can you tell fortunes about love, future, money in January?

Hello dear readers. Everyone probably wants to know at least the slightest detail about their future. Many people consider fortune telling a sin, but this “fact” stops few people, since everyone wants to learn something interesting from the future. The most favorable time for fortune telling is Christmas Eve, because it is on this night that the predictions will be accurate. Young girls, who so desire to know the name of their betrothed, are especially looking forward to the time for fortune-telling. Do not doubt, this magical night will help you find out his name, and believe me, it will be true. There are many fortune tellings that can both tell you the name of your future husband and show his face. Therefore, try not to miss this opportunity.

The start for fortune-telling is Christmas Eve, so it is from this time that you can start fortune-telling different areas life. Do you want to know what the future awaits you in financially? Choose a suitable fortune telling that will help you get the answer to this particular question.

In 2018, Christmas night is January 6, which is Saturday for us, and Sunday 7. But do not forget that the future can change depending on your actions, so you should guess for the near future. Perhaps some pleasant details from the near future will be an excellent motivation for you to carry out your plans.

What date to guess for Christmas: January 6 or 7

We all know that we can start guessing around Christmas, but no one knows the exact time. Some people begin to tell fortunes on Christmas Eve, but for others, the beginning of traditional fortune-telling begins only on January 7th. So in what period can you get the most accurate prediction about the future?

Remember that you can start guessing on the night of January 6-7, and this does not depend on whether it is 2018 or another. After all, this is the time that is considered the most magical, which means that on these days fortune telling will be the most truthful.

The people believe that it is on this night that all prohibitions are lifted, and therefore every person will be able to find out their future if they can push back this mysterious veil a little.

And this can only be done with the help of certain fortune-telling, each of which can tell you about how this or that area of ​​your life will change.

Christmas fortune-telling begins on Christmas night and continues until Epiphany, which, as we all know, falls on January 19th. Essentially, you have plenty of time to discover a piece of your own future.

As a rule, what we “predicted” to ourselves is forgotten over time, but we remember it only when the predicted event actually happens. If you learn something interesting about your bright future, then don't focus too much on it.

This will definitely happen if you really believe in yourself and your future, and try not to disturb the sequence of events.

Christmas night is considered the most magical time of the whole year, which means that on this night all mysterious forces cease to be mysterious to us. They can both benefit a person and cause harm. Therefore, you should be extremely careful with some fortune-telling, as they can only bring you trouble.

Please note that the second best time for fortune telling is the period from January 8 to January 18. These days are the most favorable for fortune telling about the betrothed, as well as about the future with him.

Fortune telling for Christmas will help us find out almost everything about our future husband: from eye color to the smallest details of character. Young girls will probably be very interested to know what kind of future is in store for her, and who exactly will be her chosen one.

Do you think the most accurate information can be obtained on Christmas night? But no, there is another magical day that will help you get a 100% prediction for any area of ​​your life.

But before you guess, you need to properly prepare yourself for this unusual ritual. Yes, any fortune telling requires some preparation, and Christmas fortune telling will not bring any results if you are not prepared.

How to tell fortunes at Christmas time - getting ready for fortune telling

Christmas time is the period of time from Christmas to Epiphany during which one successfully guesses for children, for a husband or betrothed, for money.

Fortune telling is a ritual, the implementation of which will be impossible without fulfilling certain conditions. Many of us may sit down to guess just for fun, but if you really want to know the truth, then it is better to consider the following requirements:

Get serious about doing the following.

Let your hair down, as nothing should block the flow of information.

For the same reasons, you should undo all the knots and remove all the belts that fetter your energy.

Remove bracelets and rings.

Try to forget about everything that is happening around you. There is only you, and nothing else around.

Formulate the question in such a way that you can get an accurate answer.

Fortune telling for Christmas so that money will be found

Everything in our lives flows and changes, including money. We don't notice how they come, but their departure leaves an emptiness in our pockets, which always spoils the mood. But let’s not talk about sad things, because we still have to perform certain rituals that will help attract a fairly large amount into our lives.

Many people do not believe at all that fulfilling certain actions on such a magical night can bring positive results. Actually, you can’t do this without faith, so it’s important for you to really want it. We recall the requirements for each fortune-telling, which must be fulfilled.

Therefore, it’s time to tune in to the money wave and ask the good spirits who will visit the Earth this night to receive money in the near future.

Certain rituals that should be performed exclusively on Christmas night will help improve your financial situation. After all, only in this way will you receive what you wished for in the near future.

1. Coins in a pot

As you already understand, to carry out the ritual we will need a clay pot, as well as small money in the form of coins, which should be in the pocket of each participant in the ritual. It is known that the symbol of the next year will be a dog, so in this case we need to ask her for help.

A note must be placed at the bottom of the pot, which should say the following: “Coins to coins. The money is coming. We give all the money to the Dog, who will bring us even more money. Let it be so". A figurine is placed on the note yellow dog, which will guard the pot of coins.

Everyone participating in the ritual must say everything that is written on a piece of paper placed in the pot. At the same time, everyone begins to throw all available coins into the vessel.

After all the steps have been completed, it is necessary to cover the pot with a cloth that is tied with thread. Please note that it is best to use green fabric and thread. The neck of the pot is tied with eight knots of thread, and all the same words must be repeated by each of the participants.

Sprinkle the tied pot with a few drops of water, each of which will represent one of the family members. The pot must be stored all year round, for which you will receive the desired amount of money. Thus, the likelihood of a round sum coming into your life increases significantly.

2. Money full moon

The ritual is carried out on any of the days allowed for fortune telling, because the new moon can please us only on one of the nights. To determine a specific day, you must contact lunar calendar, which will tell us the exact number.

Pour regular clean water and place it on the windowsill where light moonlight will fall. At the moment of the full moon, you need to wash your face with water soaked in cold moonlight. At the same time, you need to speak words that would truly reflect the desire for money to appear in your life.

If you really believe in the favorable course of events, then you can easily get the desired funds. Before you know it, all the doors will begin to open in front of you, allowing you to earn more money without making Herculean efforts.

Carrying out exactly these rituals will help you find what you want, what we always lack - money. Why not try to attract money into your life in this way? Think about it now, because such a magical night only happens once a year.

Christmas fortune telling for husband, betrothed, happy marriage

Any young girl dreams of great love in the future, which is why she is so interested in knowing how soon she will meet her soulmate.

What he will look like, and what character traits are characteristic of him. For this, in fact, there are fortune telling that will help us look into our happy future.

Find out what yours will be like future husband, certain fortune telling will help, which should be carried out exclusively within the specified period.

Probably, this particular ritual is the most common among all fortune-telling for a future meeting with your soulmate. In addition, this fortune telling is considered one of the most mystical, and at the same time frightening.

You will have to stay in a dark room, completely alone, with a mirror placed opposite. It is necessary to light a candle and place it near the mirror, because it soft light will just help you see the silhouette of your betrothed.

You need to look in the mirror for several minutes until it fades. It is at this moment that you will be able to see your future husband. It is believed that the devil has taken the form of your betrothed. Therefore, as soon as you saw the face of this person, you need to repeat “Church me” so that the evil spirits disappear.

As you already understand, of all four kings we will need the one of diamonds. Place the card under the pillow you sleep on. But before that, you should imagine an approximate image of the man you would like to see next to you. Try to think only about him, falling asleep with the same thought in your head.

This night you will definitely dream about the image of your future husband. Can you believe this? Everything you dream about the night before Christmas will definitely come true, so be careful what you wish for.

3. Fortune telling with wax

A simple method will help you suggest the first letter of your future lover’s name: wax candle. First we need to prepare a deep plate, which we will need to fill with water. At the same time, light the candle and tilt it at such an angle that the wax slowly drips into the vessel with water.

At this time, you should concentrate as much as possible on the image of your soulmate. Therefore, try to concentrate to get a clear wax letter that can point you to a specific person.

4. Comb under the pillow

The important thing here is that you use this comb enough long time, this means that it should be yours. So, before going to bed, you need to comb your hair properly, but there is no need to rush anywhere. Do it slowly, while simultaneously creating an image of your future husband.

After the ritual is completed, you need to place the comb under the pillow and just go to bed. Actually, in a dream you will see your soulmate. The main thing here is to try not to forget your dream.

Fortune telling for your husband. To do this, you need to take a smooth ring, thread your hair (or thread) into the ring and hold it between your fingers, dip it in a glass of water (preferably spring water) and ask a question. Will I get married this year? or Will I have a wedding this year? or Do I know my future husband?

If the ring goes in a circle, the answer is “yes,” if it swings back and forth, the answer is “no.” Frozen in place - the pendulum does not give an answer.

How to tell fortunes for children at Christmas

Probably, for every woman, real happiness lies in the birth of her child, who will be one of the main people in her life. Any woman wants to know when she can expect an addition to the family, which is why there are certain fortune tellings that help us understand this issue.

1. Fortune telling about gender and number of children

On Christmas Eve, pour plain purified water into a glass and place a ring in the bottom. Send the glass out into the cold, wait until the water in it freezes, and before going to bed, take it back to the house.

The resulting ice crust will help determine the gender of the child: the number of tubercles on it will indicate how many sons you will have, and the resulting pits will help determine the number of girls in your family. Don't think that there will be too many such flaws on the ice.

2. Fortune telling with a needle

We will need a simple needle and a white thread, which must be immediately threaded into the eye of the needle. We lift the needle by the thread and point it at the center of the palm. In essence, we are creating a kind of pendulum.

If the needle swings across your palm, then expect the appearance of a daughter, but if the needle swings along, then you will probably have a son.

It also happens that the needle begins to wiggle again, and this may indicate that you will not be limited to one child. So, you will learn about what kind of children you will have in the future.

Fortune telling at Christmas is not a reliable source of information for everyone, because many simply do not believe in them. Perhaps on the most ordinary day, fortune telling will not be able to provide you with accurate information.

But Christmas fortune-telling is the most accurate, so if you are really determined to find out any details about your future, then choose several fortune-telling for the upcoming holidays.

Do you want to see your future husband or determine the gender of your unborn child? Don't be lazy on Christmas night, but perform several rituals that will help you find out what awaits you in the future.

Often the result depends on the method and time of fortune telling. Some fortune telling reveals the future to us in literally only on holidays, that is, on New Year, for Christmas, for Maslenitsa, and other mantic practices are tied to the lunar calendar or days of the week.

Today the site will tell you about when you can and when you can’t guess, and about how important it is to observe certain rituals.

Fortune telling on cards

Strictly speaking, for those who are seriously involved predictions on tarot cards or on a regular “playing” deck, there are no prohibited or permitted days. There is only an internal feeling associated with the mood of the cards.

An experienced tarot reader, for example, can tell whether the cards are currently in the mood to “talk” about the fate of this or that significator or whether they would prefer to “cast fog.”

You can also determine that fortune telling will not work if the cards suddenly begin to fall on the table or floor during shuffling. For a professional fortune teller, such incidents simply do not happen. This is where you should put the deck aside and return to fortune telling at a more favorable moment.

For some tarot readers, days such as Easter, Christmas and others are forbidden. church holidays. But this, as they say, is a matter of taste and religiosity. Moreover, fortune telling generally does not correlate well with church concepts of faith in God.

If you are new to mantic practices, then first try to adhere to a certain “schedule”. It is believed that best moment for fortune telling on cards - the night of Friday the 13th. Taste the mood of this period, and you will understand whether this is your time for predictions or not.

However, other Fridays are also great for fortune telling - just like Mondays. These two days are closely connected with the Moon and Venus - two planets “responsible” for intuition . So you will perceive the interpretation of the cards on subconscious level, which means you will choose the most accurate one.

In addition, beginners and those who rarely pick up cards should remember that a certain environment helps to tune in to receiving predictions. Do not neglect creating an atmosphere, this will make it easier for you to penetrate the mystery of the future.

The number of candles is at your discretion. The main thing is that they provide you with sufficient lighting without being distracting. For some, one candle is enough to tune in to fortune telling, while others have determined for themselves the exact number for each individual fortune telling. Most often, this knowledge is achieved through practical means, or the fortuneteller intuitively selects as many candles as he needs for comfortable work.

When and how to tell fortunes so that the fortune telling is truthful

As already mentioned, many fortune tellings are true at certain times. lunar day. Besides, there are days for fortune telling on finances , for love, for future events. So if you want your predictions to come true, correlate them with the lunar calendar. However, it is worth remembering that this does not apply to Christmas, New Year and Maslenitsa fortune-telling, since the time of their holding is clearly indicated in their name.

Lunar fortune telling calendar

1st lunar day
Fortune telling is deceiving. At this time, the future seems uncertain.

2nd lunar day
You should only ask about what should happen during the next lunar month. Use wax, paper, and bulbs for fortune telling.

4th lunar day
It is best to guess the desire, as well as ask questions that can be answered “yes” or “no”. Use a pendulum, coins, a ring and water. Complex rituals should be avoided. Much knowledge - many sorrows.

5th lunar day
At this time, it is worth asking about love and your own inner experiences. The choice of tools is yours, but mirrors are especially recommended.

6th lunar day
This day is a haven for mantic practices: there are no prohibitions in choosing the method of fortune-telling and in asking questions.

7th lunar day
During this period, fortune telling most truthfully answers questions regarding relationships with people around you - relatives, friends, colleagues. Use rice and peas. But it’s better not to ask about love as such.

8th lunar day
A great day to find out what from your past influences the events of your current life. It is worth resorting to the help of a regular “playing” deck of cards.

9th lunar day
There's no point in guessing.

Fortune telling according to the lunar calendar: from 11 to 30 lunar days

10th lunar day
At this time, the most truthful is fortune-telling about the clan, about the family, about one’s true origins, about the relationship of generations, about children. You can ask about what kind of relationship you will have with your future mother-in-law. Use a broom, needles, buttons.

11th lunar day
The best lunar day for fortune telling by fire. You can ask any questions.

When and how to tell fortunes so that the fortune telling is truthful

12th lunar day
Leave the most important and pressing questions for this day and be precise in your wording - you will receive a vague answer to an unclear question. Use books.

13th lunar day
A good day for fortune telling for the very near future (from 2 days to a week) or for the past. You should not ask questions related to other people. Wax and paper are relevant again.

14th lunar day
On this day, it is best to ask about your true purpose, about your spiritual path, about what mistakes you should avoid. A good time for fortune telling with a crystal ball.

15th lunar day
A great day for any fortune telling and questions. Moreover, with the help of mantic practices you can gain power over the people around you.

16th lunar day
On this day, financial fortune-telling, questions about career and social status are most relevant. Use coins, bills, plant leaves and cracks in walls and asphalt.

17th lunar day
Fortune telling will answer questions related to any emotional manifestations and mental state. You can tell fortunes about love and for marriage . Relevant use again crystal ball– in it you can see your true love.

18th lunar day
It is better to refrain from fortune telling. But it is worth paying attention to signs of fate .

19th lunar day
It’s definitely not worth guessing. And fortune telling on mirrors can actually be dangerous.

20th lunar day
It is best to ask questions related to social life, your environment, and interactions with officials and superiors. In addition, fortune telling on this day will help clarify situations concerning your true position in society. Use dice, hours, sand and dirt.

21st lunar day
On this day, fortune telling will most truthfully tell you about the creative side of your life. For example, will some creation bring you fame or in what field will success await you? Use colored signs and books.

22nd lunar day
Guessing is best for wealth and for any other material assets. In addition, you can again ask questions about success, fame, and popularity. Tools – banknotes of various denominations, mirrors, salt.

The desire to know your future is familiar to many. This is why people often resort to various fortune telling. Fortune telling that is carried out on certain days of the year is considered more accurate and accurate. What days of January 2018 are best to guess??

Days for fortune telling in January 2018

There are many days in January when you can satisfy your curiosity and reveal the secret of your future. First of all, New Year's Eve is suitable for fortune telling. Possible (night from 06.01 to 07.01), on the Old New Year (night from 13.01 to 14.01), 17.01 (Feklistov day) and on Epiphany.

Most often they try to guess on the listed days. However, in reality, you can guess for two weeks between January 6 and January 19. At this time, Christmastide is coming - the days when in Rus' they not only had fun, but also found out what awaited them ahead.

Fortune telling for the New Year

The night when one year ends and another begins is a very favorable time for predictions. Most often girls do fortune telling at this time, trying to recognize their betrothed.

Eat different variants fortune telling. You can, for example, put card kings under your pillow. Which card you dream about will be your betrothed. If there was no sleep, then the king must be pulled out at random.

Another fortune telling is carried out like this: they place a piece of a festive dish at the head of their bed and invite their betrothed to taste it. In a dream, a girl should see her groom.

Preparing for fortune telling

During the period from January 6 to January 18, many try to find out their fate and begin to guess. It is best to carry out all rituals closer to midnight. Everything must be done in a calm environment, without the TV or radio on, so that nothing distracts from fortune telling. Before you start guessing, they advise you to wash and comb your hair, change into a clean shirt and take off all your jewelry. It is best to tell fortunes with your hair down and barefoot. During fortune telling, you should not cross your arms and legs so as not to interfere with the flow of energy.

Fortune telling by wax

Candles are often used for fortune telling to predict the future using melted wax. The advantage of this fortune telling is that you can do it not alone, but in a company. However, we must remember that the process must be taken seriously, and not joke or laugh. The girl whose turn it is to tell fortunes must fill a bowl with water, take a candle and light it. When the wax melts a little, pour it into a bowl of water. After this, carefully consider what kind of figure you get. If you see a wreath or ring - this is for future marriage, an apple - for prosperity and success. This fortune telling requires certain share fantasy to see a figure in wax. If you get a lot of small wax figures, this will be a sign of a successful financial year.

Fortune telling about the gender of the child

On Christmas Day, you can find out the gender of your future children and how many there will be. To do this, place a glass of water in the cold at night, and in the morning examine how the water in it froze. The tubercles that form on the surface of the ice will indicate the birth of a boy, and the pits will form for a girl.

Fortune telling is magic ritual, designed to provide answers to questions about what awaits us in the future. For the results to be reliable, a number of rules and conditions must be met. For example, you can resort to fortune-telling practices only at certain times.

Let's try to figure out when it is possible to guess, and at what time it is better not to ask questions of the Universe.

Basic Rules

It is believed that Monday is not the most suitable day for fortune telling. The deceptive Moon makes him this way. This luminary patronizes poets and lovers, but is not favored by fortune tellers and magicians.

And relationships are best in women's days- Wednesday and Friday. Questions about financial card affairs are most readily answered on Tuesday or Thursday. Saturday is suitable for general predictions.

You cannot tell fortunes on Sunday, however, just like on all other church holidays.

Cloudy days, when the skies are overcast, are not suitable for card fortune-telling.

According to the lunar calendar, it is easiest for a person to interact with the subtle worlds on the 12th, 14th and 19th days. It is at this time that our intuition and ability to perceive and process information become more acute.

When starting fortune telling, do not forget that the more clearly your question is formulated, the more accurate the answer will be. The time period covered by card predictions is short.

Traditionally favorable days For any fortune-telling, the solstices, as well as the entire Christmastide period, are considered.

What does the coming day have in store for us?

As you already understood, in order to spread the cards, you still need to choose the right moment. But there are also rituals for daily use: simple bones, coins. You can resort to their help at any time in order to find out how the coming day will turn out.

If you are just learning the basics of fortune telling, a simple ritual will suit you. All you need is a needle and a piece of paper. You can prepare your predictions in advance so that you can use the same template over and over again.

We cut out a square from whatman paper and write predictions on it in two columns:
they will scold you
will be praised
squabble, dispute
profitable offer
financial damage
management's attention
friendly support
empty chores
old friend will meet

There are only 14 phrases, but you can add to the list at your discretion. Now close your eyes and randomly poke your needle at the list. Whatever prediction comes up, you can expect it for the coming day.

Please note that the more often you resort to such fortune-telling, the more accurate the predictions will be. When can you guess using this method? Every day, any time. However, be sure to have some privacy and focus on the question.

Fortune telling with an appeal to spirits presupposes a specific answer to the question posed. Take an opaque vessel and 12 pieces of paper. Write “yes” on six of them and “no” on six more. Then roll each one up and lower it in turn into the vessel, saying the name of the spirits: Anael, Mikael, Gabriel, Sabul, Cheret, Khat, Avanabil, Fataha, Tabasis, Bergen, Lukabis, Saidis. Shake the vessel, cover it with your left hand and say the spell: “Twelve spirits - demons (list the whole list again), answer me three questions, don’t laugh, but reveal the truth.”
Don't ask confusing questions or repeat yourself, even if you don't like the answer. When can you guess? Any time a serious problem arises. There is no point in disturbing the spirits over every little thing.

Fortune telling "one hundred" does not pretend to be accurate or informative, but it is good way kill time if Write on a piece of paper the name and surname of the person whose relationship you are going to find out about. At the bottom, put the numbers from one to one hundred and the date. We arrange all this in the form of a kind of matrix. There is no need to write zeros.
We cross out same numbers and those that add up to a sum equal to 10.
By the number of remaining numbers you will know the attitude towards you of the person you are guessing about.

1*10*19 - loves,
2*11*20 - suspects of treason,
3*12*21 - indifferent,
4*13*22 - sympathizes,
5*14*23 - shows attention,
6*15*24 - he (she) is not interested in you,
7*16*25 - you will be together soon,
8*17*26 - he (she) is drawn to you,
9*18*27 - your couple has a future.

Of course, it is stupid to take such fortune-telling seriously; they serve more for fun and a pleasant pastime. When can you tell fortunes on paper? Any time you get bored.

It is believed that you can get reliable answers to your most intimate questions on Christmas Eve. On the night of January 6-7, it is recommended not only to guess, but to make wishes. According to an old belief, everything you dream about at twelve o'clock at night must definitely come true within a year.

Christmas fortune telling did not arise by chance. Even in pagan times, it was believed that it was on the night before Christmas that dark forces prevailed over light spirits. The mystical night was used for the most complex and important rituals. People asked for help in healing, “ordered” a harvest, or tried to find out their fate.

It is believed that Monday, Wednesday and Friday are suitable for women for daily fortune telling, and men are recommended to perform rituals on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Yuletide fortune telling

Christmas time is a special time for fortune telling. It was believed that during the period from January 7 to January 19, dark forces continued to travel throughout the human world and one could turn to them for help. There are a huge number of Christmas fortune telling. Among them there are humorous, serious and even dangerous rituals.

You can tell fortunes on Christmastide not only at night. The conditions for performing rituals imply the rules of fortune-telling themselves. For example, you could summon spirits and contact them at night, and you could determine your destiny early in the morning. There were also fortune tellings that involved several stages of action that had to be performed over several days.

New Year's fortune telling

New Year's Eve is not only the beginning of a new year, but also the most favorable time for fortune telling. With the onset of darkness, you can make predictions, think about your innermost dreams and make your most cherished wishes.

On the night of January 13-14, there is a second chance to find out the fate of those who did not do so on New Year's Eve. The Old New Year will also help to implement exciting rituals.

December 13 (St. Andrew's Day) - girls can recognize their betrothed. If on this day and at Christmas fortune telling If the images match, then this person will become the legal spouse in the near future.

New Year's fortune-telling is traditionally divided into two categories - comic and more serious. Fun rituals were perceived with less responsibility, were carried out by large companies and were primarily of an entertaining nature.
Serious fortune telling, which involves contact with dark forces or souls, was carried out in complete silence. Such rituals were carried out alone, so that nothing would interfere with mystical communication.

Special dates for fortune telling

In addition to ancient traditional fortune-telling, there are rituals that can be performed throughout the year, but only with certain circumstances. For example, if you want to find out your financial situation in the near future, then rituals should only be performed.

The 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 12th and 13th days of the lunar month are also considered good time for predictions. Fortune telling on Saturdays and Fridays is highly discouraged. The only exception is the Christmastide period.