What does ground cover rose mean? ground cover roses

If you want to see ground cover roses at your dacha, planting and care should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations. These creeping flowers are extremely popular not only in Russia, but throughout the world. This is due to their incredible beauty, variety of colors, unpretentiousness and the ability to fully develop and bloom even in difficult conditions. climatic conditions.

ground cover roses popular all over the world due to their beauty, variety of varieties and unpretentiousness.

Landscape roses cover the gentle slopes with a bright carpet, hanging with lush flowering branches from flowerpots, wicker baskets and raised flower beds. Flowering continues long enough (from spring to autumn frosts). They are valued for their unpretentiousness, ease of care and frost resistance. Aristocratic landscape roses owe all these qualities to their distant predecessor, the wild rose. They are romantic and colorful. A variety of varieties allows you to choose plants that can decorate any area, create "live" borders and hedges. Pink, red, white, yellow, orange inflorescences will become a real highlight of landscape gardening.

If you want to plant gorgeous ground cover roses in your area, listen to our recommendations for planting and caring for them.

Stage 1: determine the landing site

Consider the factors affecting the development of ground cover roses:

  • air and soil temperature;
  • illumination;
  • soil moisture and acidity;
  • plot slope;
  • planting density.

All roses are light-loving plants However, they do not tolerate the hot rays of the sun. Therefore, we choose a place where the plant will be well lit until noon, and during the summer heat it will be in the shade (for example, near shrubs or trees). If you decide to plant roses on the slope of the site, then it should be southeast or west, the slope should not exceed 11 °. By the way, planting a rose garden on a slope has 2 advantages:

  1. The roses will be protected from frost because cold air accumulates below.
  2. Optimal insolation of the site.

Roses treat wet soils extremely poorly: oxygen circulation slows down, plants become supercooled in the winter season. Such soils usually have high acidity. You can solve the problem of water drainage from the rose garden with the help of drainage systems.

The optimum air temperature for a landscape rose is 15-22 ° C, and for soil - 17-20 ° C. Other temperatures lead to inhibition of development and a decrease in the number of flowering shoots. So that the soil does not overheat, you can mulch it with humus, peat, and cut grass is also suitable.

Roses do not tolerate the hot rays of the sun, so it is better to choose shady places for planting them.

Roses respond well to loamy soils. If the soil is sandy, then you can improve it with compost mixed with soddy soil, clay, peat. Sand can be added to clay soil or drained with small grooves.

The acidity of the soil should be 5.5-6.5 pH. Alkaline can be acidified with superphosphate, humus of leaves and needles, as well as peat, and acidic can be neutralized with limestone, gypsum, ash, bone or dolomite flour.

It is not recommended to plant flowers where a rose garden has been planted or rosaceous trees have grown. However, if the old soil is replaced with a fertile soil mixture, then a rose garden can be created again. The required depth for replacement should be at least 0.5 m.

If creeping roses are supposed to be planted with other flowers, leave room for them to be conveniently cared for. This distance depends on the plant variety and can vary from 50 to 100 cm.

Stage 2: preparing for landing

Landing holes are prepared in advance: for spring planting - in the fall, for autumn - in the spring. If you do not have that much time, you can make holes a few weeks before planting. This takes into account the features of creeping roses: the width exceeds the height, the bushes have a densely branched shape.

When purchasing a seedling in a container, it is necessary to remove the packaging and cut the rhizome to 30-35 cm. Damaged shoots must also be removed.

If you have to plant a seedling with an open rhizome, renew the sections of the roots and hold them in water for a day.

For a quality seedling:

  • 3 well developed shoots;
  • branched root system;
  • the diameter of the rootstock is equal to the diameter of the scion (6-8 cm).

Plants should be disinfected before planting. blue vitriol(5% solution), and the roots are kept in a mash of mullein and clay in a ratio of 1: 2.

Where there is a harsh winter, spring planting is preferable. For areas where winters are warm and mild, autumn. Pruning of seedlings during planting in the spring is carried out so that 2-3 buds remain at the bush. If the seedling is weak, then 1-2. You can not cut the shoots, but only shorten the root processes. When planted in autumn, the shoots are slightly shortened, and the main pruning will be carried out in the spring season.

Stage 3: planted in the ground

Seedlings are planted in holes with a depth of 50-70 cm, the diameter should be about 0.5 m. Depending on the type of soil, gravel sand is poured onto the bottom (with clay soil), clay with a layer of 10 cm (with sandy soil). If the soil is not quite suitable for planting roses, you can dig a hole deeper, then loosen the bottom for better rooting of the plant.

When planting ground cover roses, it is recommended to water the soil to be filled in layers so that there are no voids. Then the top layer is compacted, the plant is watered abundantly and hilled. When the young shoots reach 5 cm, the bush needs to be unraveled and mulched.

The soil mixture for planting holes includes garden soil, turf, sand, weathered clay, humus, peat ( garden soil- 2 buckets, the rest - in a bucket). 2 cups of ash and bone meal and 1 cup of superphosphate are added to it.

When planting dry, soil mixture is poured into the bottom of the hole. The seedling is lowered so that the place of budding is 3-5 cm below the ground level, and the roots are carefully straightened. Gradually pouring the soil mixture, it is compacted.

At the last stage, they are heavily tamped and watered. Then the plant is spudded (the resulting mound should be about 20 cm) and shaded. After 10 days, the cover is removed.

When planting wet, water is poured into the pit (1-2 buckets). Then the soil mixture is poured into the hole, and the seedling is held by hand and sometimes shaken so that the soil is distributed between all the roots. Next, the plant is spudded and covered for shading.

Stage 4: rose care

In the first year, bushes are being formed, so all the processes that have appeared from the graft and the root neck are cut into a ring. This activates their further growth and branching. Actively developing lateral shoots must be pinched. Faded flowers are removed.

At the end of summer, the rose needs to be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.

In all subsequent years, rose care consists in sanitary pruning bush and fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Spring pruning consists in removing broken and dry branches, they are cut back to fresh wood. Shoots directed to the center of the bush and old 3-4-year-old unproductive branches are removed. The remaining shoots are shortened to 7-10 buds.

Ground cover roses need heavy pruning every 5 years. But not all experts in floriculture agree with this, arguing that you should not violate the natural shape of creeping roses.

The plant should be watered at least once a week. Better in the morning with warm water. An adult bush requires 10-12 liters of water. Young plants are watered more often. However, keep in mind that for these flowers, a lack of moisture is preferable than an excess of it.

What fertilizer to use for landscape roses? It all depends on seasonality: (in spring - nitrogen and organic). During the budding period, calcium nitrate and organic matter are introduced into the soil, and before blooming flowers, potassium or magnesium sulfate or sodium humate is added. After flowering, roses respond well to fertilizing with phosphate and potash fertilizers and organic matter. In August, the plant is fed for the last time with organic fertilizers, after 2 weeks - with potassium-phosphorus, after another week - with potassium sulfate. You can also use foliar supplements.

Planting and caring for ground cover roses.

Group ground cover roses surpasses any other in the diversity of its species and forms. Among them you can find both undersized plants with long stems creeping along the ground, and taller ones, in which they droop picturesquely. Some, blooming with double flowers, have an emphatically romantic appearance, others are decorated more modestly - with flowers of simple shapes, but this does not lose at all. With everything external diversity these roses have two very valuable properties in common: they are distinguished by an unusually abundant flowering and the ability to maintain their magnificent outfits until autumn.

Ground cover roses include varieties with such hallmarks, as frost resistance, significant growth to the sides, rich long flowering, abundant coverage of shoots with shiny small leaves, resistance to black spot and powdery mildew- the most common diseases of roses.

Planting ground cover roses

Choice of landing site. Ground covers, like any other types of roses, are very fond of light. The presence of proper access to sunlight guarantees long flowering and the formation of buds, but at the same time, direct contact with the scorching midday sun is not desirable for plants - the petals can get burned and wither. Landing in shady areas yard and garden under trees, or against walls - not recommended, as the root system of roses may become sick, growth will slow down and the plant may die.

For planting roses, you need to choose sunny places.

Favorable planting of ground cover roses in the southeast or west side of the site, where the sun's rays will be in the morning, and the shade from shrubs and trees will help create necessary protection in the midday heat.

Another very important point is that it is necessary to plant roses under a slope and preferably at a height of 30-40 centimeters - to drain melt water in the spring. Elevated planting guarantees effective access to the sun in summer and protection from severe frosts in winter. It is necessary to take into account, when planting, the degree of soil moisture on the site - roses do not tolerate excessive moisture and acidity, and in winter period a high level of moisture in the soil contributes to hypothermia of the root system.

When to plant ground cover roses. For regions with warm winters, autumn planting of creeping and carpet roses is more preferable. open ground, and for areas with harsh and frosty winters, planting in the spring will be more reliable.

In regions with cold winters, planting roses in spring is preferable.

When planting roses in autumn in open ground, it is necessary to shorten the shoots a little, since the main pruning of the flower is always done in the spring. During spring planting, the shoots are cut in such a way that strong plants have 2-3 buds, weak ones have 1-2.

Landing site preparation. Groundcover roses tend to droop low or trail along the ground, so weeding and caring for roses can be a difficult task. To simplify it, the landing site should be prepared: remove large weeds, weed the soil. It is allowed to process it with Roundup followed by loosening.

All these actions are aimed at removing stems and roots. harmful plants Here and now. However, this is not enough, in order to further facilitate the care of plants, it is necessary to prevent their growth in the future. To do this, the soil between the planted bushes is mulched with bark, sawdust, decorative wood chips, black film. The thickness of the bulk mulch should be at least 3-4 cm so that weed seeds cannot germinate through it.

As for the composition of the soil, the most favorable soil for planting any roses is loamy, well transporting moisture and oxygen to the rhizome of the plant. Seedlings are poorly accepted and grow in dry sandy soils, which overheat in summer, freeze in winter and retain nutrients poorly. The optimal variant of soil acidity is a soil with a slightly acidic reaction ranging from 5.5 to 6.5 pH.

Planting ground cover roses

Planting ground cover roses. For planting ground cover roses, holes are formed in the selected area with a depth of 50-70 cm and a diameter of about 50 cm; it is also possible to dig a trench of the same depth and width as the planting hole during mass planting. The depth of the pit for planting is formed based on the length of the roots of the seedling plus 10-20 cm.

During planting, it is advisable to water the soil in layers, which fills the hole - this way you prevent the formation of voids, and after planting, you need to tamp the topsoil, water it abundantly and spud the rose. After the new growth on the bush reaches 5 cm, it is recommended to unravel and mulch the roses.

Depending on the variety of ground cover roses, per 1 sq. meter planted from one to three seedlings.

Caring for ground cover roses

Caring for ground cover roses does not differ much from caring for other types of roses. Creeping roses are considered unpretentious. They are rarely affected by diseases and are able to forgive some mistakes in care. The most important thing is to water them regularly and fertilize as needed.

Caring for ground cover roses. How to water roses.

How to water. Watering should be done in the morning or when the sun does not shine directly on the bushes. If you neglect this rule, then the water that gets on the leaves will cause them to burn. For the same reason, it is impossible to spray and fertilize in the open sun.

As for the regularity of watering, both overflowing and underfilling are equally destructive for roses. Focus on the condition of the soil. It is necessary to water when the top layer of the earth dries out by 3-4 cm. In autumn, watering is reduced, gradually transferring the plants to a dormant period.

How to fertilize. good care for roses - this is primarily top dressing! During the growing season, ground cover roses can be fed 3 times. The first feeding is carried out in early spring, 2 weeks after the appearance of leaves. As a fertilizer, you can use the drug "Cytovit", "Agricola for flowering plants"or other complex fertilizers with a ratio of components: nitrogen (N) - 1, phosphorus (P) - 2 and potassium (K) - 1 part.

The second top dressing is carried out after about a month, and fertilizers are not applied during the flowering period. To stimulate the second wave of budding, re-flowering varieties of roses are fertilized immediately after the end of the first flowering (it is recommended to cut off the faded buds if the rose itself does not shed them). AT autumn period top dressing is carried out only with potash fertilizers for good ripening of the shoots.

Ground cover roses do not require annual pruning, which greatly facilitates the care of these plants.

Rose cutting. Ground cover roses are practically self-forming, do not require careful annual pruning, and this greatly simplifies the care of these plants. They bloom on shoots of different ages.

Many experts recommend not pruning ground cover roses at all in order to maintain their natural shape. The most important requirement when planting ground cover roses is to plant them at such a distance from one another that the plants do not interfere with each other.

Shelter for the winter

Many varieties of ground cover roses, especially stunted ones, are able to winter without special shelter - under a layer of snow. In snowy and harsh winters, you should not hope for such a natural “fur coat”. It is best to cover the lashes of ground cover roses with spruce branches or build a wire frame and throw lutrasil on it. Air gap above the roses will reliably protect them from the winter weather.

Rose care in winter You can build a wire frame and throw lutrasil on it.

Shoots of tall ground cover scrubs should be tried to be bent to the ground. Bent branches are placed on a layer of spruce branches, otherwise plants in contact with the ground under cover may rot. From above, the shoots are also covered with spruce branches or other insulating material.

Reproduction of ground cover roses

Propagation of ground cover roses by layering.

Ground cover roses are propagated by green cuttings and layering. The easiest way is to make layering. To do this, in the spring, press one or more shoots to the ground, fix them with wire hooks and dig in. The top of the shoot should remain on the surface.

Keep the soil moist throughout the summer. No more care for layering is required. Leave the layers to winter with the mother plant, it will be more reliable. The next spring, separate the young plants and plant on permanent place.

Ground cover roses in garden design

Their main purpose is to cover the ground with dense leafy shoots growing horizontally and abundant inflorescences. The use of ground cover roses is largely determined by the nature of their growth.

These roses, with their long shoots studded with numerous clusters of inflorescences, can be planted in any corner of the garden. They can be planted in flower beds, rocky areas of land, decorate slopes with them and cover hatches. Some high-growing varieties are grown like climbing roses, directing their shoots up onto supports.

Ground cover roses in garden design.

Ground cover roses have many faces and can be used in landscape design for different purposes. The simplest thing is to plant rose bushes on a green lawn.

Ground cover roses are planted as border plants.

Low-growing ground cover varieties can decorate paths and flower beds as a border.

Ground cover roses in a tiered garden.

Cascades of blooming ground cover roses falling from retaining walls, stone stairs, and hills add originality to a multi-level garden.

Roses look spectacular among the stones, they are often planted in rockeries and on hills.

Low-growing varieties that creep along the ground also look spectacular among stones, so they are often planted in rockeries and on hills.

Roses can be planted in containers and flowerpots.

Since ground cover roses have a very dense and dense bush, they can be grown in containers and flowerpots, planted on open terraces.

The best varieties of ground cover roses


Fae. The bush is falling, compact, plant height - 60 - 80 cm, the leaf is small, glossy, dark green. Disease resistance is very high, frost-resistant variety, tolerates shade well, planting density is 5 pcs/m2.


Swany. Forms a spreading profusely flowering bush. The flowers are pure white, with a delicate pink tone in the center, when they first bloom, densely double, in the form of rosettes. Appear in racemes of 5-20 pieces on fairly long stems. Height 60 - 70 cm. Width 150 cm. The variety is resistant to powdery mildew.

The concept of "ground cover roses" refers to the widest and ever-increasing range of undersized shrub roses- from dwarf branched upright bushes to forms that spread along the ground. Particularly popular are the "wide-growing" varieties, which, although bushy, can be grown in pots, vases and hanging baskets.

An ocean of different roses

A huge number of numerous and diverse varieties of ground cover roses are characterized long and abundant flowering period and increased disease resistance. Among this variety, you can choose types for the following design techniques:

  • classic decorative landscaping of small surfaces and mounds;
  • construction of colorful borders and hedges;
  • decorations with color spots of mixed perennial flower beds;
  • decorating gazebos, terraces, patios, balconies and other architectural forms.

Not yet approved, but already proposed by German breeders, the official international classification ground cover roses. The term "ground cover" is proposed to be replaced by "undersized shrubs" and enter the next gradation, which is based on differences in the height of the bush and the type of growth of its shoots:

Proven German scenery

Amber Sun(Amber Sun, 2005). Versatile, broad-branched, drooping shrub for mixed beds, borders, tall outdoor vases and hanging baskets. It is valued for its unusual color: young flowers and buds are copper-yellow, and closer to wilting, they brighten to cream-yellow.

Eskimo(Eskimo, 2006). Ideal for white-green hedges - grows more in height (up to 0.8 m) than in width. Easy to care for - the flowers are self-cleaning, and the branches do not need pruning. White simple flowers are collected in brushes of 8 pieces.

Stadt Rom(Stadt Rohm, 2007). Winner of numerous awards at international exhibitions. Low-growing half-meter bushes are covered with a huge number of brushes with simple, pink flowers of a pastel-salmon shade that do not fade even in strong sun.

Candia Meidiland(Kandia. Meidiland, 2007) The variety fell in love with the special tricolor color of non-double flowers. The underside of the petals is painted white, on top the petals are bright red, scarlet, and the middle is painted in yellow and covered with a large number of "curly" stamens.

Larissa(Larissa, 2008). Bush with arcuate falling branches up to 1 m long and a huge number of traditional pink double flowers, self-cleaning and collected in a brush.

Lavender Meidiland(Lavender Maidiland, 2008). The grade is intended for cultivation in flowerpots and tubs. simple flowers Pink colour with a lavender sheen collected small brushes. Particularly attractive color fastness and subtle, unusual smell, aroma.

Jazz(Jazz, 2008). An upright, sprawling, self-cleaning bush grows up to a maximum of 70 cm. The variety is liked for the unusual multi-colored color of the flowers - each flower has its own shade - peach, yellow, copper, orange, golden. Bush

pretty star(Preti Star, 2008) Another upright shrub (0.8 m) of continuous flowering with exotic colors of medium-sized flowers. Acid-citric yellow color looks great against the background of small dark green, almost black foliage.

Solera(Solero, 2009) German breakthrough breeding to develop rose bushes with special protective properties against diseases. Widely growing shrub, with branches up to 0.7 m long. Cup-shaped terry single flowers are painted in bright yellow lemon shades.

Lipstick(Lipstick, 2011). The variety perfectly resists all diseases that affect the foliage. The color of semi-double flowers is unusual: the lower part is painted white, and the upper part is an intense purple-carmine color with a pink tint. The bush is sprawling, with an arcuate fall of meter-long branches. Aroma - wild rose, with a thin trail of aftertaste of tea rose.

Residenz(Residenz, 2012). A unique rose that perfectly resists all kinds of diseases and easily tolerates drought or heavy rains. It is also valued for its extended flowering period and decorativeness of flowers - the petals of semi-double racemes are painted in intense carmine colors, with a contrasting light pink middle.

Matador(Matador, 2012). Disease-resistant selection of self-cleaning compact (0.5 m) shrubs of scarlet semi-double raceme roses. Valued for unusually early flowering.

Fashionable imitation of the legendary "Englishwomen"

One of the most famous breeders of ground cover roses is the Englishman David Austin. His collection is so wide that it required the introduction of subgroups for the nominal catalog of hybrids: 1) old, 2) musky, 3) white rose selection, 4) Leander.

Of course, his work has found a lot of admirers and imitators in many countries of the world. Today, the following replicas of his famous hybrids are recognized as ground cover queens among flower queens. Here are their names.

Appleblossom Flower Carpet. Pale pink German mutation of the original English crimson original Flower Carpet. Bushes differ in special winter hardiness and increased resistance to various diseases.

Generosa. A popular imitation hybrid from the French nursery Guillot. This version is characterized by a very intense intoxicating aroma, increased vitality and minimal maintenance.

Knock out. A hybrid from the USA, which is rightfully considered a triumph of modern breeding - it is so unpretentious that it will grow on any soil and plot, regardless of lighting, and it has no equal in terms of winter hardiness and disease resistance.

Worldwide Celebrities

Scabrosa. A hybrid of rose and rugosa by maestro Robert Holmes. Purple flowers are non-double, slightly wrinkled, up to 9 cm in size. An extremely unpretentious and viable shrub (up to 1 m) that does not require care. Blooms several times during the season. The resulting fruits are extremely decorative, do not require removal - they resemble medium-sized tomatoes. Cut flowers do not last long. Unlike fruits, which will become a magnificent decoration of a dried flower bouquet.

Rosa Schoener's nutkana. The original form of the flower (up to 9 cm) from the American Georg Shenser. Pink petals and a fluffy yellow center are located on stems (1.5 m) without thorns. Numerous petals will open until a kind of dense disk is formed. At correct pruning, ball-shaped bushes look great next to plants whose foliage will be intensely colored in autumn. Withstands frost down to -20 °C.

Sophy's Rose. English selection, 1997. Delightful rounded compact bushes Red roses, re-flowering. Look great on decorative flower beds with herbs, mixboards or tubs. They have a subtle rose scent and are suitable for allergy sufferers. Flowers - terry, with 80 petals, forming a rosette up to 7 cm. The variety is relatively winter-hardy: up to -12 °C.

Features of growing ground cover roses

Shrub ground cover roses are very unpretentious and do not require increased attention.


In this matter, ground cover pink shrubs decided to stand out among their relatives - before planting, the soil is prepared not in a hole for a new bush, but on the entire area that they theoretically will occupy during growth. The depth of digging of such a site is 0.7 m, with the obligatory removal of all extraneous root systems and weeds. After planting the bush, the entire area is carefully mulched. The depth of the trenches or pits for planting - depends on the length of the root system of the seedling + 10 cm.

In regions with harsh winters, it is preferable to plant roses in early spring, and for areas with a warmer climate - in autumn.


Weeding from weeds and annual top dressing with fertilizers - that's all the trouble. In hot, dry weather, abundant individual watering is necessary - once a week, 15 liters of warm water for each old bush and 2 times a week for young seedlings. It is necessary to feed with complex fertilizers 3 times:

  1. 2 weeks after the appearance of the first foliage.
  2. After the end of the first wave of flowering.
  3. In autumn - only potash fertilizers.

Before winter, depending on the variety, it is better to cover some varieties of bushes with special material laid on a low frame or spruce branches. Any variety of ground cover roses can be propagated independently using spring technology layering or cuttings.


groundcover rose bushes trimmed as needed and depending on the variety. Pruning is carried out in order to stimulate tillering or to maintain good condition. Be sure to thin out shoots growing inward.

Sections are made 0.5 cm above the external kidneys and disinfected with garden pitch. After pruning, maintenance therapy is desirable - a single spraying with preparations containing copper.

Rejuvenation of bushes is carried out 1 time in 4–6 years - in the fall, absolutely all branches of the shrub are subject to very short pruning.

Landscaping techniques

It is difficult to imagine a modern landscape design that would do without the use of ground cover roses. In addition to a special, aristocratic decorative effect, such roses can also fulfill a functional load - strengthen the top layer of soil, thereby preventing the washing out of soil during floods in areas with a hilly terrain.

When designing decorative area it is worth remembering the most respectable neighbors for ground cover roses:

  • the lower tier of planting - wormwood, santolina, silver sage, geranium, cuff, iris, spicy herbs, decorative onions;
  • the middle tier of planting - dahlias, delphinium, hosta, foxglove, air cereals.

The latest trend in landscape design, lasting for several seasons, is the neighborhood of ground cover roses and clematis.

The design of “living curbs” looks great in combination with monumental bouquets in garden vases.

Carpet-weaving varieties will be excellent decoration of flowerpots or flowerpots.

A well-thought-out design is not only about decorating the front space with compact shrub roses, but also about filling the premises with a wonderful rose scent.

Popular varieties for Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

All the varieties of ground cover roses listed above in this article feel great in our climatic conditions. Below we list the names of the most popular varieties, good planting survival, high winter hardiness, disease resistance, unpretentious care, seedlings of which, easily can be bought in stores and nurseries:

Having made a choice in favor of ground cover roses, you are guaranteed to free yourself from unnecessary care and become the owner of regal bushes that bloom intensively all summer.

ground cover roses

The ground cover rose is one of the brightest representatives of the roses. This is a real gem of any landscape, which combines attractiveness and beauty with high adaptability and disease resistance.

This relatively new breed was formed along with the appearance. And it was obtained by crossing roses of miniature varieties with climbing rose Vihura. From the former, they retained a well-managed size and ability to re-bloom. Strength, disease resistance and winter hardiness were inherited from Vihura.

Features of ground cover roses

  • The height of ground cover roses varies from a few centimeters to one meter. It all depends on the variety. They can be both shrubs and perennials. Evergreen ground cover roses have the added advantage of looking great all year round.
  • Ground cover roses are ideal for permanent cultivation on slopes, steep banks and along driveways.
  • Previously, ground cover roses were used primarily for growing in public parks and as roadside beds. Now, however, new varieties of ground cover roses are more blooming than their predecessors and are popular in gardens.
  • Low growing varieties are suitable for mass planting as borders or as a simple soda decoration. They look great in flower beds, around garden paths and steps, or under trees. Also great for planting in pots or hanging baskets.
  • Can be planted next to other plants. They will coexist especially happily alongside plants such as lavender, guinea pig, and agapanthus.
  • Most of the new varieties of ground cover roses are very disease resistant. Most of them have a low need for water and fertilizers. foliage with great and a range of flower colors and types to choose from. Many have a fairly long flowering period, lasting throughout the summer and even autumn.
  • There is a wide range of flower types and shades among ground cover roses, so there is always plenty to choose from. However, like weeds, they rarely grow during the winter months when there is no grass on the ground.

Classification of ground cover roses

Conventionally, all ground cover roses are divided into 4 main groups:

Small creeping roses

Small creeping . These varieties have horizontal flexible shoots that can grow up to 0.5 m in height. The width usually reaches 1.5 m.

These include Avon, Bower Carpet, Gwent, Nozomi, Snow Carpet, Suffolk and Suma.

  • Avon. They have a height of up to 30 cm and a width of up to 1 m. Flowers, as a rule, are small, semi-double. The aroma is weak. The coloring is pink. Relate to re-blooming varieties.
  • Bower Carpet. Height is about 0.5 m, width is about 1 m. Small pink flowers. Terry. The aroma is weak or absent.
  • Gwent. 45 cm high and 1 m wide. With bright yellow flowers.
  • nozomi. 50 cm high and 1.2 m wide. Small mother-of-pearl flowers collected in a brush. The aroma is absent.
  • Snow Carpet. Height is about 10 cm, width is about 70 cm. The flowers are miniature terry. white color. The aroma is weak.
  • Suffolk (Bassino). 45 cm high and 70 cm wide. Small scarlet or red flowers with a mild aroma.
  • Suma. Height often reaches 35 cm, width - no more than 1.5 m. Terry rosette-shaped flowers. Ruby coloration. The aroma is completely absent. Differs in long flowering in autumn.

Steep creeping . Such roses have a height of 0.5 m and a width of approximately 1.5 m.

Most famous variety– Max Graf.

Width about 2.5 m. Height - up to 60 cm. It has pink flowers with a strong sweetish aroma. Forms a dense carpet. The plant is particularly thorny. Frost-resistant.

small drooping . These plants are distinguished by rather rigid shoots in the form of an arc. They reach a height of up to 95 cm and a width of up to 1.5.

  • Blenheim, Kent, Carpet, Red duvet, Red bells and Pink Pillow
  • Blenheim. Height/width: 1m/1.5m. Durable and unpretentious plant. White double flowers with a faint aroma.
  • Kent. Height / width: 50 cm / 70 cm. White semi-double flowers collected in large brushes. Weakly scented.
  • Magic Carpet. Height / width: 50 cm / 1.6 m. Small semi-double flowers of a delicate lavender shade. They have a spicy aroma.
  • Redbells. Usually up to 70 cm in height and up to 1.2 m in width. Red semi-double flowers with a faint smell. Distinguished by its unpretentiousness.
  • Red Blanket. Height / width: 90 cm / 1.2 m. Medium-sized flowers with a slight aroma. Terry. The coloration is pale red.
  • Rosy Cushion. 90 cm high and 1.2 m wide. Small semi-double flowers. The color is pink with a touch of white in the center. The aroma is pronounced.

Large ground cover roses

Cool drooping . The height of these varieties is more than 1 m, and the width is up to 1.5 m.

Variety - Fiona. This rose is one of the first among the garden group. Height usually reaches 1 m, width - 2 m. Flowers are usually small. Terry. Bright red.

Almost all of the above varieties are very resistant to diseases and frost, and also do not need special care. This type of rose will grow in almost any type of soil. In principle, you can plant them and forget.

All plants of this garden group have strong shoots with lush and dense foliage, characterized by a dark green color and a slight silvery sheen.

The first ground cover varieties were bred specifically for planting hard-to-reach areas. Therefore, most of these roses cover the ground with a very dense carpet. By the way, this is also expressed in the names of some varieties - the word “carpet” is translated from English as “carpet”.

Before buying, it is better to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of a particular variety in more detail in order to know about the size of the plant and choose the right place for planting it. For example, for small plots, small drooping and small creeping varieties are better suited than others.