What is ic in astrology. Zenith and nadir in the astrological chart

You will fully strive to discover the purpose of your life. Your life will be an example for others and you will be remembered for a long time in generations. But you can carry evil. Politician or creative person. P.Globa

Sun conjunct MC - Learning how to lead a proper lifestyle is essential to the development of your personality. Career has a lot for you great importance, even if you do not work for income, you are engaged in voluntary charity or find some other way to express yourself in society. People will follow you as you dominate, so take care to become a worthy leader. Praises and success are very important to you, and with a sufficient number of squares and oppositions in this conjunction, you can achieve significant success in any field of activity. You know how to take responsibility, but you can hardly bear the role of a subordinate. therefore best results reach in independent work when you can distinguish yourself as an individual. It may be that a man will have a significant impact on your life, especially in your youth.

Trine (trine), sextile Sun - MC

The ability of the leader, glory in a career. Good for politics, social activities, communication with superiors. Professional success ensures the expansion of the domestic sphere, the basis of happiness in marriage. F.Sakoyan

Sun trine sextile MC - you easily assume the role of leader, and with the help of squares and oppositions acting along with this aspect, you can become an exceptional director, manager or administrator. Success in the office comes easily, and you rarely come into conflict with people in order to achieve your goals. Parents have on you beneficial effect and you have developed self-esteem, Innate laziness can cause some difficulties. Since success is in your hands, it seems to you that there is no point in making any effort, and you can go along the line of least resistance.

Opposition, square Sun - MS

The will and potential of forces are attached to the home and family. They like to occupy important persons, since the influence of the sun must penetrate the whole Earth. They have to overcome many obstacles in order to fully show their personality. If the Sun in the IV house is not strongly affected, old age will be secure and happy. F.Sakoyan

Sun in frame-opposition-quickonce with MC - each of these aspects means that success often eludes you or you achieve it through great effort and considerable perseverance. Progress and self-affirmation are of great importance to you and you are trying to achieve this at any cost, but you will have to compromise. It is difficult for you to decide what you will do in life. Often there are conflicts with parents - you feel the need to do things your own way and not pay attention to benevolent help and advice. When you learn to control the subjective approach to life and overcome the feeling of internal limitation, you can achieve the desired goals.

The degree of the highest point of the natal chart is called the Midheaven (MC) from the Latin medium coeli. Opposite it at a distance of one hundred and eighty degrees is the Bottom of Heaven (IC) in Latin imum coeli. Together with the Ascendant and Descendant, they are the corner points of the horoscope.

Sometimes a person unexpectedly makes an excellent career and achieves amazing results in social realization. All this is controlled by the Midheaven (MC) point or Zenith. MC is the highest point on the ecliptic in the horoscope. It directly affects the social and spiritual realization of the individual and his approach to career issues.

The opposite point from the Zenith is the Sky Bottom (IC) or Nadir. This point indicates the kind of person in which he was embodied, his attitude to family and religious values, including basic life attitudes. Also, Nadir, together with the fourth house of the horoscope, indicates the circumstances of the death of the individual.

MC and IC in the signs of the Zodiac

MC in Aries – IC in Libra

The man makes a career as a warrior. Social realization challenges the individual and he accepts it. He likes to explore new areas of activity. A person needs a cozy, comfortable home where he could enjoy peace and aesthetics.

MC in Taurus - IC in Scorpio

Stability is most important for the individual. He can achieve incredible success in society, but their achievement will not be quick. The most important thing is to harness yourself seriously and for a long time. At home, a person can often rearrange furniture, change family traditions, abandon old patterns of behavior despite the protests of relatives, thereby raising the generic egregore to a higher level.

MC in Gemini - IC in Sagittarius

A man's career should be varied and multifaceted, shining, giving him occasion for mental reflection. Most likely, its social implementation is associated with communication, information transfer and short trips. At home, a person can indulge in reading fantasy books or expand their horizons by watching huge TV. Likes big feasts.

MC in Cancer – IC in Capricorn

The individual needs a career where he can apply his developed intuition. The more a person develops his empathy, the more successfully he will move up the corporate ladder. In home life, the individual adheres to traditional views. Conservatively refers to family traditions and values.

MC in Leo - IC in Aquarius

An individual's career is oriented towards the application of creative talents and public recognition. With his own family, such a person can have a very strange relationship. For example, do not communicate with your relatives at all or do it from time to time.

MC in Virgo - IC in Pisces

An individual can be very successful because he is attentive to details and diligent. He is an excellent analyst, ready to work day and night. At home, he may have chaos and disorder, or such an environment in which a person feels protected from the dangers of the outside world.

MC in Libra - IC in Aries

A person needs a career related to aesthetics, fair choice or art. There are many options: from a district court judge to a ballerina or a famous pianist. A person skillfully communicates with people, which helps him in social realization. The individual is very active at home, but may have many conflicts with family members and behave quite aggressively with them.

MC in Scorpio – IC in Taurus

The individual is pursuing a career in a field that causes him to experience intense stress. If a person has set a goal for himself, he will make every effort to achieve it. It is important for him to have his own home, where you can feel peace among a comfortable and cozy environment.

MC in Sagittarius – IC in Gemini

In a career, an individual strives for independence, new knowledge. It is desirable that it be associated with various trips and interesting people. A person likes to receive guests with whom there is something to talk about. He has a large library at home.

MC in Capricorn - IC in Cancer

Reliability and responsibility always give great results. A person strives to realize himself in a large structure. Focused on social status, conservatism and performance. Realist. The individual has strong family roots and traditions.

MC in Aquarius - IC in Leo

The career of such a person rests on his individuality and independence. It may be associated with some of his unique talents. At home, an individual likes to command, or simply all the household members rush with him like with a hand-written sack.

MC in Pisces – IC in Virgo

A person can look for his professional vocation for a very long time. His work is related to helping other people, music or art, psychic abilities. The home of the individual is neat and clean, perhaps he helps parents and takes care of them.

A person creates for himself such a situation in which he is the master of the situation, the central figure that attracts energy. The one who is born is capable of social sphere advancement into a situation far superior to his birth state. He is able to make a brilliant career, acquire an honorable profession, gain power. He is promoted by the support of his superiors, life sends him people who influence fate. AT female horoscope such a position of the planet may indicate the strong influence of the father, or evolution through the support of the husband.

Moon in 10th house

Social position tends to remain subject to conditions or dependence. Status, position in the hierarchy are emotionally significant for a person. An emotional commitment to the social or spiritual realm can be observed. A person may strive to achieve high status for the safety of the family. It may be about a woman holding high position in structure, it can be a mother who, by her position in society, forces a person to fulfill his social duty, we can talk about the instability of a career, about its capricious, changeable character, about the dependence of promotions on women.

Mercury in 10th house

Provides a career with a tough intellect, an excellent politician (due to flexibility) and a speaker. Inclined to comprehend their place in the hierarchy. Place of work is used as a channel of information. Removes doubts and ambiguities through rules and instructions. Builds an algorithm and through it enters the structure, a way of intellectual work on the algorithm. Makes a logical prediction. Evaluation of superior people according to the principle: smarter - dumber than me. A person tends to plan life and work, adapt to changing circumstances and change what was planned in advance is difficult for him. There may be a specialist in the field of management systems, a sociologist, a creator of job descriptions.

Venus in 10th house

The social situation is closely related to feelings. Possible artistic career, success in entrepreneurship. Venus provides a positive social success factor. A person is supported by loved ones or those who express their favor to him. Of considerable importance for success is personal charm and attractiveness. Probably a strong emotional influence of the mother in the male horoscope and the father in the female.

Mars in 10th house

The social situation requires action, activity. A career in industry is possible, a profession may be associated with iron, fire, where energy costs, struggle are required. Social promotion requires considerable effort and excites rivalry, provokes enmity. The man is in the position he deserves. His success depends on his own initiative and will. Strong emotional influence (often negative) of the father in the female chart and the mother in the male.

Jupiter in 10th house

Helps to take a brilliant position, inspires ambition, expands the boundaries of power, raises prestige. A person is inclined to choose an administrative career, a liberal profession, to take a leadership position, a leading position. Honors, success, luck await him on the path of his career. A person can take his social position through the support, patronage, recommendation of an influential person (relative). Social position is associated with the official, legal place of service. Success through a hierarchical path of development. Promotions are favorable at the age of 24, 36 and 48 years.

Saturn in 10th house

The social position of a person is determined by fate. Through difficult overcomings, he ensures a more or less high position in the structure, but inspires great ambitions. Temporary support is possible (for some time). The evolution of this person knows the reverse side of the medal, ups, downs, disgrace, when his development takes the road of honor and respect, especially if this development was too fast (proximity of the planet to the MC).

Saturn is favorable for receiving a responsible post. A native can achieve his social position through old people. Success comes to him through perseverance and caution, he can be expected by the age of 29-30 or by 58-59. It usually does not last long, after which the person comes to the need to retreat, to leave. If this desire is resisted, the fall can be fatal.

Uranus in 10th house

A career is associated with the latest modern professions, it is possible through personal accumulation of experience in this area or at the expense of the intellectual capital of society. A person is characterized by an original position in the structure, he is inherent in the spirit of reformism, innovation. Its evolution experiences leaps and bounds, ups and downs, while always remaining unreliable. A person receives his social situation unexpectedly, not without risk and audacity, in emergency conditions. Original concepts will succeed and save your career from unexpected disruption. The social position of a person can provoke scandalous situations. The decisive phase of development develops by the age of 42.

Neptune in 10th house

Intuitive movement in the structure, an indefinite intricate, mysterious way up, associated with semi-understandable, semi-spoken circumstances, often overlapping each other, the general atmosphere remains rather vague and unclear. Success is not accompanied by beaten paths, a person is looking for his own path, sometimes wandering into reprehensible areas. He receives his social position, thanks to the patronage of people unknown to him or anonymous, often finds himself in a difficult situation when he takes on someone else's responsibility. Career can take place in the field chemical industry, psychology, speculation, often multiple, immunology, oceanology, hidden areas of society. At times, a person can find himself in a situation of chaos, where he alone of all intuitively finds a way out.

Pluto in 10th house

A career needs knowledge of the psychology of people, potential energy to manage them, it can be of a secret nature or develop a destructive direction, or generate ideas for radical reforms. Born tends to secret service, nuclear physics, forensic science, banking, tends to keep a low profile, play the role" gray cardinal"On the path of his development, he is forced to submit to profound changes. A person can reach his culminating position when society requires radical changes. A person will be successful in the legal field (as a prosecutor), in criticism and expert activities, sometimes through the game of secret patronages , where the patron with decisive influence will be in the shadows.

The corner houses of the horoscope (natal chart) are the first, fourth, seventh and tenth. The cusps of the corner houses are important in astrological interpretation.

The first house cusp is the Ascendant, the fourth house cusp is IC, the seventh house cusp is Descendant, and the tenth house cusp is MC.

These four points are established by astrological calculations and are known as the corner points of the horoscope. Signs and the planets located in them can say a lot about a person's perception of the world and how the world perceives it.


While the placement of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac depends on their movement relative to the Earth, the houses are determined by the rotation of the Earth on its axis. The counting of houses in astrology starts from the point of intersection of the ecliptic with the eastern half of the true horizon at a certain moment and in a certain place. The ecliptic is the line on celestial sphere, along which the Sun, from the point of view of an earthly observer, makes its annual movement relative to the Earth.

The Ascendant or Rising degree is the beginning or cusp of the first house. The zodiac sign in which the Ascendant is located is called rising sign. For example, about someone who was born at the moment when the sign of Sagittarius was rising on the eastern horizon, they say that he has an Ascendant in Sagittarius. Since the Earth is constantly rotating, the Ascendant or Ascendant changes approximately every four minutes. Therefore, in order to make a personal horoscope, it is important to know exact time birth.

Whenever a person is born, he always bears the imprint of the moment in time at which he was born. The properties of the Ascendant affect how he perceives life and how he relates to new impressions. For example, a person with an Aries Ascendant will have a more positive outlook on life in general than someone with a Virgo Ascendant.

The ascendant is the lens through which a person looks at the world, the worldview depends on it. It can be used to judge the degree of self-confidence, the personality of a person and how individuality manifests itself, in other words, how he wants to look in the eyes of others.


Together with the opposite point of the natal chart, the Ascendant forms the horizontal axis of the natal chart. The Descendant is the point on the ecliptic at which, at a given time and place, the ecliptic crosses the western half of the true horizon. The descendant is the cusp of the seventh house.

The Descendant shows a person in relationships with other people - what he consciously or unconsciously strives for in a relationship. The Descendant also symbolizes the aspects of personality that one seeks in others. There is a relationship between the Ascendant and the Descendant - the more developed the qualities of the Ascendant, the stronger the manifestations of the Descendant. The perception of oneself (Ascendant) is formed in communication with others (Descendant).

Midheaven or MC

Another important element astrological chart - the southern point of intersection of the ecliptic with the celestial meridian. It is known in astrology as the Midheaven or MC (lat. Medium Coeli). Midheaven (MC), like highest point horoscope, symbolizes the aspirations and direction of movement. It can be used to judge the qualities that a person wants to develop in himself in order to influence society, about goals, the need for recognition, ambitions and career. In accordance with the sign where the Midheaven (MC) is located and the planets in the tenth house, a person seeks to achieve respect, recognition and approval by society in one form or another.


The opposite point from MC is IC (or Imum Coeli), which means "the lower sky. IC symbolizes the most unconscious side of the personality, childhood and family are rooted in IC, one can judge the origins and origin from this point. This point and the planets located in the fourth house, testify to the deepest motives, many of which a person is not even aware of, but this does not make their influence any less.

So let's figure it out house values natal chart details.

I house or Ascendant of the natal chart

- "I myself." The main character traits, demeanor, appearance, body structure, attitudes relate to first home natal chart. This also includes events with active personal participation, events that greatly change lives, including those affecting changes physical body, change of attitudes.

This is very important house. Ascendant and planets in 1st house are often stronger than solar sign, and at least outwardly these features are more noticeable. Sign at the top 1st house (ascendant) gives a style of perception that is most convenient for a person, for example, Gemini gives quick and mental perception, and Capricorn - serious and practical.

II house of the natal chart

- "my". Second house of the natal chart- this is all that I have, the material conditions of life, property, money, even a supply of vitality. Events are mainly related to receiving money, spending it, earning money, shopping.

However, the situation 2nd house this does not end there. Here a person often has close relatives, whom his loving heart considers to be his complete property and denies them a self-sufficient being, different from the vegetable, not to mention free will. This is especially typical for women in relation to their husbands and children (the Moon culminates in the 2nd house).

III house of the natal chart

- "my immediate environment." Third house of the natal chart- people equal or almost equal with whom I interact in Everyday life- brothers and sisters, colleagues (but not superiors and not subordinates), neighbors. Sources of information - newspapers, radio, television, books, conversations, gossip.

Events related to the listed people, as well as short trips, obtaining information, business contacts, vehicles. Important aspect 3rd house- this is learning, more precisely, socialized learning, i.e. with the help of a teacher or an equivalent figure.

IV house or IC of the natal chart

- my roots. fourth house- this is own house, family, place of rest, nature, small motherland, parents. Usually one of the parents is represented in the map 4th house, the second - 10th. The parent of the 4th house is the one with whom the child is closer emotionally, spends more time, who takes care of him more in everyday life. Parent X at home is more authority and protection in society, in the outside world.

With the traditional distribution of roles in the family according to IV house the mother is more often represented, and by X the father. IV house can also denote a place of energy flow, calm. Including natural death as the end of a certain stage. Events of the fourth house: all changes in the house, family, its composition, moving.

V house of the natal chart

- "my art". Any free, spontaneous manifestations of a person. Games, theater, sports - if it's for pleasure, and not for a career or money. Passion, hobbies. Love. It is love as a feeling, not marriage and not sex. Although sex for pleasure is related to fifth house.

By 5th house children come as a result of human creativity and, of course, as its object, i.e. under the house is the actual upbringing of children (not necessarily their own; the 5th house is above the kindergarten? except for the nursery) and, of course, the 5th house is included not only in the raising parent, but also in the child being raised, since in childhood these are not just continuous joys and outrages , but also moments of reckoning for them.

VI house of the natal chart

- “my functioning”. Work, daily activities. A person serves society, receiving for this the means necessary for his life. These are also practical skills and abilities. They are acquired in the III house, and are used in sixth house natal chart.

Ability to work, both with hands and head, but concretely. The functioning of the body and disease as its violation. Subordinates and servants. Events: work, its change, illness, treatment, relationships with subordinates.

VII house or Descendant of the natal chart

- "my partner". People who are my peers, with whom I have personal one-on-one relationships. This is no longer the current daily relationship of the III house, but a longer, more important and meaningful relationship. It can be business relations (contracts) or love, personal (including marriage). In relationships for seventh house there is always a contract, even if it is verbal.

7th house- this is also our way out into the outside world, popularity in society, among the people, dependence on it, interaction with it. Events of the 7th house: marriage, partnerships, contracts, agreements, termination of contracts and divorces, although the latter are also related to the 8th house, interaction with external factors, as well as the fight against open enemies and competitors, civil lawsuits.

VIII house of the natal chart

- “I cross the border”, “the energy of my partner (or opponent)”. 8th house natal chart- the house of extreme borderline states, including death. Violence, crime. Surgical operations, especially emergency ones. Performing risky or prohibited activities. Other meaning 8th house- partner's energy, energy exchange.

Other people's money, husband's (wife's) money, taxes, loans, insurance, banking. Someone else's property. Loss of one's money (property) or acquisition of someone else's. Loss of a partner (his death or divorce). Sex is like an exchange of energy between two partners. The first sexual experience is always in the 8th house, as this is an irreversible crossing of the “before” and “after” border.

Criminal offenses, criminal court - according to the VIII house. Events: death of one's own or someone in the environment, loss of money, property, partner. Someone else's money. Sex. Criminal proceedings. Risk. Crossing various boundaries, irreversible transition to a new state.

IX house of the natal chart

- "my aspiration to the distance." ninth house natal chart- the house of expanding horizons, higher education, long-distance travel, meeting people of other cultures. This also includes philosophy as general knowledge about the world, ideology, religion, teaching, distant relatives. Events: long journeys, higher education(admission, graduation), acquaintance with foreigners, with other cultures, philosophical systems.

X house or MC of the natal chart

- "my goal". Here comes the aspiration upward. This is a very important house. MS and planets in tenth house show what are the goals and calling of man, his destiny by the Cosmos. As well as the status he will achieve. The X house is followed by the second parent (see IV house).

Chiefs. The person himself in the role of the boss, will he be one, and if so, how and when. Achievements, titles, positions, awards. Attitude to the law, the state. Profession, selected by 10th house, it's a profession vocation. Events: professional changes; events related to the achievement of the goal or any change in the status of a person (position, marital status, etc.).

XI house of the natal chart

- "my friends". Collective creativity, communication with like-minded people, people of their circle of interests. Eleventh house natal chart means ideal plans, dreams and their implementation, as well as release from rigid formal structures. Events: interaction with friends, implementation of plans, collective affairs.

XII house of the natal chart

- "my imprisonment." Everything that is connected with deprivation, exile, imprisonment. Getting into prison, hospital, exile, monastery. Or loneliness, a feeling of abandonment, withdrawal from business, withdrawal into oneself. Often a person avoids showing himself in the area planets located in twelfth house unless she's right in front of Ascendant. In this case, it manifests itself, but as if from within, from the depths. Events that are not pleasant are listed above.
  As mentioned earlier, the signs, and accordingly the houses in which these signs are located, are ruled by the planets.