What is cargo turnover? How is it determined for different modes of transport. What is freight traffic What is freight traffic

Freight volume Q(t) is the amount of cargo in tons that is planned to be transported or has already been transported.

Cargo turnover R(t-km) is the transport work, in tonne-kilometres, that is planned or expended to carry out the transport.

Freight traffic ( Ted. temp. ) - this is the number of tons of cargo transported in direct Q pr. and reverse Q arr. directions per unit of time (hour, work shift, day, month, year, etc.).

The direct direction is conventionally called the direction of cargo flows that have a large value. The relationship between P and Q indicators can be represented by the following expressions:

Q \u003d Q pr. + Q arr. and P = Q× lQ, where

lQ is the average distance of transportation of goods, km.

The volume of traffic, cargo turnover and cargo flows are characterized by size, structure, time of their development and coefficients of unevenness .

1) Structure determined by the name and class of cargo. The structure of the cargo flow is:

branch(belonging to any industry: food, oil and gas, agriculture, etc.);

group ( belong to a certain group of goods: food products, construction materials, etc.);

by type of cargo(distribution of goods according to their properties only: grain crops, dairy products, reinforced concrete products).

2) Mastering time includes the date of commencement, end of transportation and its pace. Transportations are permanent, temporary and seasonal.
3) The coefficient of uneven traffic volume is defined as follows: = Qmax / Q cf.

4) Coefficient of non-uniformity of cargo turnover is defined as follows: = Pmax / P cf.

The uneven volume of traffic, and especially the turnover of goods, makes it difficult for the rhythmic work of the rolling stock. Motor transport enterprises should, as far as possible, equalize this unevenness by early delivery of goods, increasing the productivity of loading and unloading work, developing optimal schedules and routes for transportation and other organizational enterprises. It is also necessary to adapt the mode of operation of the rolling stock to fluctuations in the values ​​of P and Q by changing the time of operation of vehicles on the line, maintenance and repair during periods of decline in traffic, the transfer of holidays, etc.

The values ​​of the volume of transportation and freight turnover depend on the size of production and consumption, transportation distances and cargo delivery schemes. Many goods do not always follow from the place of production directly to the place of consumption, which leads to the repetition of transportation of the same goods. The repetition of transportation is associated with the type of cargo, its intended purpose, depends on the supply system, the location of warehouses and the consumers served, and the transportation planning system.

Most often, repeated shipments occur during the delivery of industrial and food products to the distribution network, when they are pre-delivered to warehouses or bases for sorting, packaging and distribution to stores. Reducing the repetition of transportation can be achieved through rational schemes for the delivery of goods. During the survey, the daily, monthly and annual volume of traffic and cargo turnover, directions and distances of transportation, the structure of cargo flows and cargo turnover are revealed.

Task 4.1

Intercity centralized transportation of goods is carried out along the BD route with a total length of 295 km. BV section with a length of 140 km; section VG with a length of 90 km; 65 km long GD section. The volume in tons, composition and direction of cargo flows are presented in Table 4.1. Calculate cargo turnover and cargo flows and build diagrams of cargo flows.

L b-c = 140 km, L c-d = 90 km, L g-d = 65 km, L b-d = 295 km

Freight turnover Р = Q × lQ (t-km)

Forward direction Reverse direction

Qb-c = 17600 t Qd-d = 8300 t

Qv-g = 26700 t Qg-v = 11900t

Qg-d = 25000t Qv-b = ​​12400t

Qtotal = 35600t Qtot. = 25700t

Pb-v = 2464000t-km Pd-t = 539500t-km

Pv-g = 2403000t-km P g-v = 1071000 t-km

Rg-d = 1625000t-km Pv-b = ​​17360000t-km

Task 4.2

Based on the data given in the tables, calculate the freight turnover, freight flows, the coefficient of uneven freight turnover, the coefficient of uneven freight traffic, build diagrams of cargo flows and cargo structure.

Exercise 1

Table 4.1 - The volume of cargo flows on the BVGD route

Task 2

Table 4.1 - The volume of cargo flows on the BVGD route

Task 3

Table 4.1 - The volume of cargo flows on the BVGD route

Task 4

Table 4.1 - The volume of cargo flows on the BVGD route

Task 5

Table 4.1 - The volume of cargo flows on the BVGD route

Task 6

Table 4.1 - The volume of cargo flows on the BVGD route

Task 7

Table 4.1 - The volume of cargo flows on the BVGD route

Task 8

Table 4.1 - The volume of cargo flows on the BVGD route

Task 9

Table 4.1 - The volume of cargo flows on the BVGD route

Task 10

Table 4.1 - The volume of cargo flows on the BVGD route

Task 11

Table 4.1 - The volume of cargo flows on the BVGD route

Task 12

Table 4.1 - The volume of cargo flows on the BVGD route

Task 13

Table 4.1 - The volume of cargo flows on the BVGD route

In the literature on freight transportation, such a concept as “cargo turnover” is quite common.

It would be quite useful to know what this term is and how it is measured.

Cargo turnover is the total volume of transported goods (an economic indicator of transport operation) for a specific object (vehicle, industry, enterprise, state).

Cargo turnover is measured in ton-kilometers, but the indicator of the total tonnage of the transported cargo is often used. At the scale of a country or a separate region, both units of measurement are used at once to measure the volume of traffic. To assess the performance of a vehicle or a particular enterprise, only the total weight of the cargo in tons is used.

On a global scale, with the help of freight turnover, trade relations between states are assessed, and in the transport industry, the freight turnover indicator determines the throughput of individual facilities. The increase in the international turnover of goods means the development of the economy and trade. The economic crisis leads to a decrease in the volume of transported goods. The instability of cargo turnover between districts or regions indicates difficulties in the transport system, in the work of firms, as well as weak interregional economic ties.
The freight turnover indicator is used in statistics and planning in order to measure the efficiency of labor in transport.

Freight turnover of different types of transport

To assess the freight turnover of a particular mode of transport, the overall indicator is correlated with the indicator in a particular transport sector.

Railway transport.

Quite economical and common mode of transport. 4/5 of the total cargo turnover of the state is transported through the network of railways in the Russian Federation. The constant development and expansion of the network of communications makes it possible to increase the volume of transported goods. A general assessment of the freight turnover in the country allows us to conclude that the amount of transportation costs directly depends on the width of the railway network.

Water transport.

A fairly profitable option for transporting goods, the only and main condition of which is the presence of waterways. Transportation by river transport is possible only in summer, as rivers freeze in winter. In the warm season, 10-15% of the country's total cargo turnover is delivered by waterways.

Cargo transportation by sea

- often international deliveries, which account for 4% to 7%. Water transport is a fairly economical option, but its availability is limited by natural conditions.

Pipeline transport.

It is mainly used to transport liquid cargo and volatile mixtures. Oil and gas derivatives, ammonia and other chemicals are transported through the pipeline. The lion's share of export deliveries of oil and gas in the Russian Federation is made through the pipeline. The laying of new pipeline routes determines the increase in cargo turnover in this industry.

Automobile transport.

This method of transportation depends entirely on the availability of roads and their quality. Basically, road deliveries are of local importance, that is, the cargo is delivered from one enterprise to another, from a port to an enterprise, etc. Transportation by road does not require additional loading and unloading operations, which reduce profits, and therefore more profitable. Cargo is delivered by road to its destination without unnecessary costs and delays. The maneuverability and diversity of road transport emphasizes its need for delivering long distances of any volume of goods.

Air Transport.

Among all types of transportation, it is the most expensive. The main advantage is the speed of cargo delivery to places where there are no transport links. And there are enough such places on the territory of the Russian Federation, which makes the cargo turnover of air transportation quite high.

The total assessment of freight traffic for each mode of transport makes it possible to determine how developed the industry is and its need for renewal and construction of new communication lines. Another general assessment makes it possible to identify the level of significance of a certain area in the entire cargo turnover.

To determine the effectiveness of any enterprise, economic sector, it will be necessary to calculate many indicators. One of them is freight traffic.

What is cargo turnover? And this is the amount of transported cargo on a separate mode of transport or at a particular enterprise. The indicator can be calculated within the framework of one industry or state.

unit of measurement

The basic unit of measurement for freight traffic is ton-kilometers. The total tonnage of the transportations performed can be determined simply in tons. Both units are used to determine freight traffic within a country or a particular area. This indicator reflects the development of the country or a separate industry, administrative unit.

If the indicator is determined for a separate transport unit or node, then only the total weight in tons or kilograms is calculated for smaller lots.

The mass of transported gas is determined in cubic meters with subsequent conversion to tons.

The volume of cargo is determined by the formula - the amount of cargo for a certain period of time. This indicator reflects the efficiency of a single transport or checkpoint.


What is cargo turnover and its types? Let's consider this moment. Types of cargo turnover are divided by types of transport. The indicator “reveals” the possibilities of a certain transport industry.

Rail freight turnover. The most accessible and common mode of transport in most countries is rail. Despite the economic downturn, even in our country, the construction of railways continues. It is rail transport that accounts for 4/5 of all transportation in our country.

Water freight traffic. Water transport is the cheapest in any country, but transportation by this transport is possible only if there are rivers and seas. River navigation in most countries is possible only in the summer, especially when it comes to our country. Therefore, only 15% of all cargo is transported in Russia, and about 7% by river.

Types of freight turnover include road transport. Despite the high cost, it is these transportations that provide communication between enterprises within the country, and make it possible to ensure delivery to hard-to-reach regions. Compared to railway, cargo by car is much faster.

Air freight. Perhaps this is the most expensive mode of transport, so it is used only when absolutely necessary. allows you to deliver cargo to places where there are no railway and motor transport branches. For the Russian Federation, air cargo turnover is significant, since the country's territory is huge, with the presence of hard-to-reach regions.

Pipeline cargo turnover. This mode of transport is applicable exclusively for gaseous and liquid cargoes. Traditionally, this is gas and oil; chemicals and ammonia can also be transported through pipes. The increase in freight turnover by this type of transport is determined solely by the installation of new branches.

Port cargo turnover

What is the cargo turnover for a port? This indicator displays the amount of cargo passing through a particular port in a certain period of time.

Cargo turnover is the main indicator that reflects the technical and economic significance of the port infrastructure. The obtained data is used for analysis and further planning of production activities.

The structure of cargo turnover is characterized by:

  • by type of cargo;
  • by direction (import and export operations);
  • by type of navigation (small and large cabotage, foreign transportation);
  • seasonal indicators;
  • uniformity of receipt and shipment of goods for a certain period of time.

Unlike cargo handling, cargo turnover is always expressed in tons. When is taken into account only once, upon completion of the production process in the port. Cargo handling includes the entire volume of handling operations and can be expressed not only in tons, but also in ton operations. Absolutely all transshipment operations are taken into account, even those not related to maritime cargo turnover, for example, storage and reloading of goods from the port by non-marine transport. Therefore, this indicator reflects the complete picture of the production process in the port.

What is turnover and what is not included in it? When determining the indicator, the cargoes subject to further shipment by road or other transport, and those that arrived at the port by rail or road, are not taken into account.

Latest seaport statistics

In general, for the period from January to July 2017, the cargo turnover of Russia in seaports increased by 10.5% when compared with the same period in the previous year.

Situation by region:

The port's cargo turnover is mainly formed by cargo, the delivery of which is not limited in time. Depending on the distance to the final destination, delivery by water takes an average of 30-40 days, provided that there are no hurricanes and storms during this time. At the same time, maritime transport is an opportunity to transport almost any goods, and 120 countries have access to the sea. In addition, in the field of international maritime transport, there are uniform standards and a single legal field.

Types of transport

Within the enterprise, the movement of goods between workshops, sections and workplaces must be ensured. To perform these functions, internal transport is intended, which includes:

1. Intershop transport, which performs the following functions:

delivery of raw materials and components from warehouses to workshops;

movement of blanks, parts and assembly units from workshop to workshop in the course of the technological process;

export of finished products from workshops to warehouses of finished products;

transportation of various cargoes: waste, working and used tools, units for repair and out of repair, spare parts, empty containers, fuel and fuels and lubricants - between the main, auxiliary shops and service facilities of the enterprise;

2. Intra-shop transport, which, in turn, is divided into

inter-sectional (transportation of blanks, parts, assembly units and finished products within each workshop from site to site during the manufacturing and assembly process),

intra-sectional (or inter-operational, transportation of blanks, parts, assembly units and finished products within each section between workplaces).

Enterprises can use a diverse fleet of vehicles.

By means of transport there are:

rail (railroad narrow gauge);

trackless (motor transport, electric transport);

water (sea, river);

pipeline (pipeline pneumatic transport, gravity product pipelines, oil pipelines, etc.);

special (technological) transport;

handling vehicles (conveyors, cranes, loaders, elevators, etc.).

According to the mode of action, there are:

intermittent transport (for example, electric forklifts);

transport of continuous action (for example, conveyors).

In the direction of movement of goods, transport is distinguished:


vertical (elevators, elevators);

horizontal-vertical (overhead cranes, beam cranes, electric forklifts);

inclined (inclined ropeways and monorails, conveyors).

Determination of cargo turnover and cargo flows

For effective planning of the needs of the vehicle, the cargo turnover of the enterprise and cargo flows are determined.

Freight turnover (see Fig. 2) is the amount of goods (in tons) moved at the enterprise for a certain period of time (day, month, quarter, year). Freight turnover is determined on the basis of transport tables that take into account the receipt and dispatch of goods for each point. Each cell of such a table indicates the name and quantity of the cargo, respectively, received at a given point (if it is a consumer item) or sent from it (if it is a supplier item). Cargo turnover is equal to the sum of cargo flows.

Cargo traffic - (Fig. 3) is the amount of cargo moving in a certain direction between individual points of loading and unloading within the enterprise for the same period as the cargo turnover. The data of the cargo turnover tables are taken as a basis for the development of cargo flow schemes. The scheme of cargo flows graphically displays the direction of movement of goods at individual points of the service area. The scheme of cargo flows is drawn up on a plan of the territory, drawn on a certain scale, indicating transport routes. The direction of cargo flows is indicated by arrows, the volume of goods transported is indicated by numbers above the lines. The scheme of cargo flows simplifies the analysis of the transport network and the placement of objects in terms of their rational organization in space.

Using the scheme of cargo flows, it is possible to quickly identify and eliminate unnecessary intersections, return and oncoming routes, shorten the path of movement of individual goods, check the compliance of the "cargo density" of individual transport routes with their capacity. In accordance with the scheme of cargo flows, schemes for routing transportation between individual points in the service area are established.

Freight flows are calculated based on:

types of transported goods;

points of departure and delivery;

distances between points;

volumes of transported goods;

frequency and regularity of transportation.

Calculations for the turnover and cargo flows of the enterprise and its workshops are drawn up in the form of a chess sheet (Fig. 2). It shows all the movements of goods carried out at the plant, which allows you to determine the external turnover and the corresponding external arrivals and departures, all internal (inter-shop) freight flows and the total turnover of the plant.

Figure 2. Chess sheet of cargo turnover

The basis for organizing inter-shop and external cargo flows of the plant and planning the work of the plant transport is traffic chart, those. a graphic representation in the appropriate scale of the bill of materials on the master plan diagram of the plant. On the diagram, cargo flows are depicted as separate bands, the width of which is proportional to their size, and the configuration corresponds to the route of movement of goods. The diagram gives a visual representation of the magnitude and extent of cargo flows and allows you to rationally organize the intra-factory movement of goods. The figures in circles show the monthly cargo flow in tons.

Planning and economic calculations in intra-factory planning are made on the basis of the largest daily turnover according to the formula:

where Q r - annual cargo turnover, t/year; D- the number of working days in a year; To n - transportation irregularity coefficient.

The calculation of the total turnover for the year is preceded by the calculation of the value of the turnover of shops and general factory warehouses.

Fig.3 Scheme of cargo flows of the plant

The required number of vehicles involved in regular cargo flows is determined by the formula

where G - cargo traffic for the billing period, t; P h - hourly productivity of vehicles, t/h; F p - useful fund of the operating time of vehicles for the billing period, h.

When organizing interdepartmental transportation, the choice and calculation of the need for vehicles are carried out simultaneously with routing. The starting materials for the development of routes are a chess sheet of cargo turnover, schemes of intershop cargo flows, and a master plan of the enterprise.

According to the nature of the organization of their implementation, intra-factory transportation is divided into one-time (according to separate random requests) and route transportation (according to predetermined directions). Shuttle transportations are pendulum and ring.


the Pendulums called routes in which the movement of vehicles between two points is repeated many times. They can be one-way, when the transport is loaded in one direction and empty in the opposite direction, bilateral - the transport is loaded in both directions, mixed - when moving with or without cargo in both directions.


Ring the system provides for sequentially carried out regular communication between a number of points. It can be raMzSh (from one point the cargo is transported to a number of shops), assembly - from different shops the cargo is collected and transported to one place, mixed.

When choosing a route for interdepartmental transportation, it is necessary to ensure: the shortest paths for the movement of vehicles, the rational use of the carrying capacity or capacity of vehicles, the maximum mileage coefficient (the ratio of the length of the mileage of transport with cargo to the total length of the mileage).

Intra-shop transportation includes: interoperational movement of objects of labor in accordance with the sequence and rhythm of the production process; transportation of goods according to established routes and schedules; movement of goods according to shift-daily plans or one-time tasks. The types of vehicles used for the transportation of goods, depending on the type of production, are given in Table 1

Table 1. Types of vehicles used in various

types of production

Type of transportation

Type of production







automotive, for

bulky cargo - rail, river, air

automotive, less


automotive and






electric cars, cars

electric cars, cars



bridge cranes,

beam crane

Crane-beams, autoca-

ry, electric cars

Conveyors, trans-

porters, rollers, descents, slopes


Crane-beams, autoca-

ry, electric cars

Cars, electric

carts, conveyors,

distribution conveyors


chie, conveyors,

slopes, slopes, trays



Pendulum two-

third-party, annular (depending on

serial level)

Ring on tver-

home schedule

In flexible automated production, automated and automatic transport and storage systems are used, which include: automatic racks and overhead stacker cranes, transport and handling operations, conveyor devices, orientation devices, feeders, storage, automatic warehouses, transport and storage containers.

When choosing the type and number of vehicles, the following are taken into account: the size of the cargo flow, the dimensions of the transported goods, the distance and routes of movement, the mass of the cargo. Vehicles must meet the technological and organizational requirements of the serviced production processes, ensure maximum productivity and favorable working conditions. The parameters of vehicles in adjacent sections must be coordinated with each other in order to comprehensively mechanize and automate loading and unloading operations when moving goods from one transport device to another. To do this, enterprises develop unified transport and technological schemes that ensure the docking of individual links of the enterprise's transport network and process equipment.

The number of cyclical vehicles (Wtr,) can be determined by the formula

w Tp = Q c / Wtrs,

where Q c - daily turnover, t; Wtrs - daily productivity of a unit of transport equipment, i.e.

The daily productivity of a unit of transport equipment I is directly proportional to the number of working cycles w c and productivity I per cycle (W u), i.e. "

Wtp C = W u m u ; m u \u003d Fds / Tct,

where F ds - daily fund of operating time of transport equipment, I min; Tts t - transport cycle, min (in the general case, Tct = Tpr, + T p + T p, I where T p - run time, min; T p - loading time, min; T p - unloading time I, min).

The number of means of continuous transport (wtrn) required for a given cargo flow, for example, conveyors:

Wtrn„ \u003d Qh / W h,

where Q h - hourly cargo turnover, t; W h - hourly productivity of the conveyor, t.

Cargo turnover is an economic indicator of transport operation (an indicator of the volume of cargo transportation), equal to the product of the mass of cargo transported for a certain time by the distance of transportation.

structural discrepancies often arise between consolidated budgets of the same level.

Cargo turnover is measured in ton-kilometers. For example, if different ships transported 5 million tons of cargo during the year over an average distance of 150 km, then the annual cargo turnover is 5 × 150 = 750 million ton-kilometers.

To determine the cargo turnover, the mass of transported cargo in tons (separately for each political consignment of cargo) is multiplied by the transportation distance and the resulting products are summed up.

The freight turnover indicator is used in planning and statistics to measure the efficiency of labor in transport (the number of ton-kilometers per worker), the initial cost of transportation is also determined per 1 km, since transportation costs depend on its distance and weight of cargo.

To assess the activities of transport enterprises, the indicator of freight turnover is not used, since the society is interested in the best satisfaction of transportation needs while minimizing transportation costs; for these purposes, the indicator of transportation (dispatch) of goods in tons, revenue from transportation, etc.

The dissemination of best practices, including by Belarusian railway workers, makes it possible to increase the amount of useful work of transport without increasing the number of employees.

To characterize the cargo turnover of a state, a certain territory, a certain direction, a river, etc. both units of measurement are used. And to characterize the turnover of any transport hub, station or other transport facility, only tonnage is used as a meter.

Freight turnover determines the level of development of relations, the development of trade, the degree of economic activity in a certain period, etc.

The unit of observation in freight traffic statistics is the shipment, i.e. a political consignment of cargo, the carriage of which is formalized by the relevant document (contract of carriage). Primary documents on different modes of transport have different names:

· road list - for railway and river transport;

· bill of lading and manifest - for maritime transport;

· a waybill and a bill of lading for goods - in road transport;

· accompanying sheet - in air transport.

Freight Transportation Statistics has developed a system of indicators that provide an opportunity to comprehensively characterize the work of each enterprise and a single transport network of the country. These indicators are divided into two groups:

1. volumetric (total);

2. high quality.

Volumetric indicators of statistics on the transportation of goods include: dispatched (departure) of goods; arrived (arrival) of goods; transported (transportation) of goods;

transported in direct mixed traffic; the volume of transport work performed - freight turnover.

Cargo turnover is the volume of work in the transportation of goods, calculated by summing the products of the mass of goods transported by the distance of transportation in kilometers (miles). It is one of the main indicators in evaluating the efficiency of a transport enterprise.

Qualitative indicators of freight traffic statistics include:

average transportation distance per 1 ton of cargo;

average density of transportation of 1 ton of cargo;

average duration of transportation of 1 ton of cargo;

average speed of advancement of 1 ton of cargo.

The distribution of freight traffic between individual modes of transport depends on their characteristics and economic advantages. For example, rail transport is used to transport large volumes of goods over long distances; road transport - in cities and regions for short, as well as for longer distances when transporting valuable and perishable goods; maritime transport - when transporting bulk cargo in areas gravitating towards inland water and sea basins; trunk pipelines are used to pump gas and crude black gold from fields to processing plants and to transport finished petroleum products from plants to consumption areas and terminals; air transport is used to transport goods over very long distances.

Table 4 shows the cargo turnover by mode of transport in the Tyumen region (billion ton-kilometers).

Table 4

Freight turnover by type of transport for 2009-2013.

Figure 5 shows a graph of the dynamics of freight turnover by mode of transport for 2009-2013.

Fig 5.

Figure 5 shows that the largest share in the freight turnover has rail and pipeline transport.