What to cook from duck eggs. Duck eggs: benefits and harms, cooking features

Now many people eat chicken and quail eggs for food. However, few people know that you can also eat duck eggs. The benefits and harms of such a product are a very controversial issue. How are they different from chickens? Why do most people still doubt whether duck eggs can be eaten and try not to buy them?

Such a product can definitely be eaten, but in order to avoid negative consequences, before preparing it, it is better to familiarize yourself with the characteristics, storage conditions, and cooking rules.

Chicken and duck eggs: what are the differences

Despite the fact that these two products are very similar in appearance, there are still several differences:

  1. A duck egg is more elastic than a chicken egg, and many people do not like this elasticity.
  2. It also contains much more fat than chicken, so it is more nutritious.
  3. A chicken egg is much smaller: on average, duck eggs weigh about 90 g.
  4. The color of chicken eggs is mostly yellow and white, while duck eggs can be white, blue and even greenish.
  5. Due to their specific smell and taste, duck eggs will not appeal to everyone.

Calorie content of duck eggs

Duck eggs are very high in calories: 185 kcal is contained in 100 g, while a chicken egg contains about 150 kcal. They are also more nutritious because they contain a lot of proteins and fats. The product contains vitamin D, folic acid and other beneficial minerals and amino acids. To the question of whether it is possible to eat duck eggs, experts answer positively and give a list of their useful properties.

Although eggs contain many nutrients, they are not recommended for children under six years of age. Due to the fact that they are more susceptible to various infections, experts advise pregnant women not to use them. In general, there are not so many contraindications, and they all relate to food hygiene.

Duck eggs, like any other product, have their advantages and disadvantages. So, for example, the benefits of the product are as follows:

  1. Duck eggs are a powerful source of energy, so they are indispensable when gaining mass. They are shown to people who are fond of sports, train a lot. They should also be included in the diet of people who suffer from malnutrition and want to gain weight.
  2. This product contains many nutrients. Folic acid, which is contained in them, has a positive effect on the female body.
  3. The calcium found in eggs is good for bones and teeth.
  4. Egg white helps improve metabolism.
  5. Raw eggs are used not only for food, they are also used in cosmetology. They make hair healthier and shinier and help clear problematic skin.

Duck eggs are not harmful in and of themselves. Due to the fact that they contain a lot of fat, their use should be limited to people who want to lose weight. They are also the most susceptible to infection, so they cannot be eaten raw, and they must also be washed before cooking. The main thing (when preparing a dish for the first time) is to find out how much to cook duck eggs, and comply with this requirement. It has also been proven that they are poorly digested, so they should not be consumed in the evening.

The main feature of the product is that eggs can only be eaten boiled, so you can’t make your favorite fried eggs or scrambled eggs from them. In cooking, this product is used for making salads, pastries, sauces. They can be added to any dish that requires boiled chicken eggs. So, you can cook such dishes from duck eggs:

  • well-known okroshka;
  • various salads;
  • various sandwiches and sandwiches;
  • stuffed mushrooms;
  • soups with boiled eggs, etc.

Many people do not know how much to boil duck eggs, so they cook them the same amount as chicken eggs, which is a mistake. The duration of their preparation is an average of 12 minutes.

Duck eggs are very viscous and oily, so they are often used to make dough. They can also be painted for the Easter holiday.

Application in cosmetology

Duck eggs are used not only in cooking. This product is often used in cosmetology to improve hair and skin. Duck eggs are used to:

  • narrow the pores on the face;
  • remove oily sheen on the face;
  • restore damaged hair;
  • hair gained a healthy shine;
  • strengthen hair follicles and reduce hair loss.

So, for example, to reduce hair loss, you will need egg yolk, honey and a little citric acid. These ingredients should be whipped until a strong foam and applied for 15-20 minutes on the scalp, then rinse. Regular application of such a mask will make the hair thicker, they will stop falling out.

To remove oily sheen on the face, you need to mix protein and cosmetic clay in equal proportions. The finished mixture must be applied to the face for several minutes. After it dries, it should be washed off with warm water. For a noticeable result, this procedure should be repeated about once a week.

Egg shelf life

To find out if an egg is fresh or not, you need to put it in a container filled with water. If it has sunk, then it is fresh, if it has surfaced, it is better not to use it. Store fresh product in the following conditions:

  • they can not be stored next to meat products;
  • duck eggs should be stored in the refrigerator for less than seven days;
  • since duck eggs are most often very dirty, they must be washed thoroughly, preferably with soap;
  • boiled eggs should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Sometimes it is difficult to determine the degree of freshness of duck eggs, so their shelf life is very short.

Where can they be purchased

Duck eggs are a very rare product, so you won't be able to buy them in a regular store. They can be found either on farms that breed egg-laying ducks or in specialized stores. In rare cases, duck eggs are sold at collective farm markets. Breeding of egg-laying ducks in Russia is carried out in Siberia and in the Central strip, and China is engaged in the supply of the product to the world market.

Summing up, it must be said once again that you can safely buy duck eggs, the benefits and harms of which depend, as already mentioned, on the characteristics of the body of each individual person. The main thing when eating eggs is to rinse them well and cook for 12-13 minutes.

And what about ducks? What is the difference between both products and can duck eggs be eaten at all?

What do they look like

A duck egg is larger than a chicken egg (by 30 percent), and its shell is also much stronger. So it will take a little effort to break it. Due to the strong outer shell and dense inner membrane, the product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 weeks.

The color of the shell depends on the breed of ducks. There are white, ashen, light green, brown. There is a visual difference in the "insides" of the shell. The yolk is larger and lighter than in a chicken egg, and the protein is almost transparent.


When it comes to poultry eggs, duck and chicken eggs are very similar in composition. However, it is worth considering that the duck product is still the leader in several important characteristics:

  • they contain more useful ;
  • in duck eggs more than in chicken;
  • contain more vitamins and minerals;
  • duck eggs are a good source;
  • contain more.

As already mentioned, there is a lot of cholesterol in duck eggs - almost 2 times more than in chicken (884 mg / 100 g). However, as the researchers assure, this fact should not be frightening, since this substance in adequate doses is necessary for the human body - at least to maintain brain function. But for people with elevated blood cholesterol levels, it is still better to refrain from abusing egg dishes.

In terms of energy supply, duck eggs are also quite good. A 100-gram serving of raw product contains 185 kcal.

By the way, among all waterfowl, these are the most high-calorie eggs.

Beneficial features

According to the results of many studies, scientists have reassured duck egg lovers: this product is as safe as chicken. It is rarely considered as a source of dangerous salmonella. In addition, duck eggs belong to the group of alkaline foods that are able to regulate the acidity of the human body. The result of such exposure is a reduced risk of developing malignant tumors (cancer cells die in an alkaline environment). But the chicken product, according to some scientists, on the contrary, increases the level of acidity.

The omega-3 fatty acids in duck eggs make the product beneficial for the brain and heart. People who don't have enough meat in their diets probably don't. You can replenish the reserves of this substance from duck yolk. By the way, scientists present evidence that a deficiency of choline in the body leads to fatty degeneration of the liver.

Folic acid makes the duck product valuable for pregnant women and nursing mothers, this vitamin is also important for maintaining mental health. The amount of folic acid contained in one duck egg corresponds to two chicken. For people with poor eyesight, this product will serve as a source of vitamin A. Eggs are also good for the skin - as a source of vitamin E, as well as for the nervous system - thanks to B vitamins.

Potassium makes them important for the heart and blood vessels, vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus for bones, sodium takes care of fluid balance.

Another plus in favor of the duck product is that it practically does not cause. Chicken eggs, as you know, belong to allergen products, which cannot be said about duck eggs, or. Although it is difficult to generalize about allergic reactions, each body can react differently. Hence the advice of doctors: any new product (even in adulthood) is introduced into the diet in small portions, studying the reactions of the body.

Possible dangers

Although less prone to bacterial contamination, raw bird eggs are a potential source of the bacterium that causes salmonellosis. Therefore, each time before use, it is important to thoroughly wash its shell under running water (preferably with soap).

It is also important to understand that this product belongs to the category of "heavy" food. Nutritionists and doctors advise people with diseases of the digestive system to avoid duck eggs, and you should not feed them to small children.

How to cook

When it comes to cooking, duck and chicken eggs are slightly different. In particular, duck protein and yolk are suitable for baking, but hard-boiled duck eggs are harsh, with a “rubber” consistency. The cooks calculated: soft-boiled duck product is cooked for 6 minutes, hard-boiled - 10-12.

Duck eggs are an extremely nutritious food and a favorite ingredient of many confectioners. An impressive amount of fat and protein mass is what you need for successful baking. But they also have a pronounced smell, which, depending on taste preferences, can be both a plus and a minus. Thanks to the high protein, scrambled eggs, omelettes and pastries are light, fluffy and grow well. The splendor of baking not least depends on albumin, and there is plenty of it in the duck product. Due to the thick consistency, they are suitable for making ice cream, cocktails, creams and other desserts. Before use, eggs are advised to bring to room temperature - in such conditions, its taste qualities are better manifested.

Salted eggs (Chinese recipe)

It is one of the favorite ancient Chinese dishes. The salting process takes 30-40 days, but the finished product will remain fresh for almost a month.

For cooking you will need:

  • 3 liter jar;
  • 5 glasses (option: 4 glasses of water and 1 glass of rice wine);
  • 1 glass of sea;
  • chili peppers (to taste)

In a 3-liter jar, mix water, salt and chili pepper (stir until the salt dissolves). Dip fresh duck eggs (in shell) into the vessel so that the water completely covers them. Store a closed jar of "pickle" at room temperature for 30-40 days. After the expiration date, the product is ready for use (you can directly from the jar, or you can additionally boil it). Eggs prepared in this way can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Songhuadan (imperial eggs)

In Chinese, the name of this marvelous dish consists of 2 words, which are translated as “pine flower” and “egg”. What is the logic? The fact that on the finished product you can see a pattern resembling coniferous needles. And by the way, the more beautiful the pattern, the better the dish. At least that's what gourmets think.

According to an ancient recipe, duck eggs, in order to make a real Songhuadan, are rubbed with a mixture of chopped (as an option - rice husks or straw dust), ashes of certain plants, salt, water and lime. Then the eggs are kept in the ground or in a closed container for 100 days. They say that duck eggs preserved in this way are suitable for consumption for several years (if the shell and coating are not damaged).

Before trying the delicacy, it is cleaned, soaked in water, then “ventilated” for at least 20 minutes (to get rid of the unpleasant odor). Ready Songhuadan is a translucent brown protein (looks like tight) and a purple or green yolk. Serving such eggs in the form of cut halves with tofu, vegetables, soy sauce or potatoes and proteins will make the skin velvety and tender.

Duck eggs are not a shortage, as, for example, or turkey. In almost all countries there are farms specializing in raising ducks. They sell the eggs of these birds. It is not a problem to find the product in specialized stores or markets. So a tender duck egg omelette is an affordable dish. Plus, it's healthy and delicious.

Everyone is used to the fact that chicken eggs are used in cooking. But there are others, for example, duck ones. Is it possible duck eggs to use for food? Yes, but only after familiarizing yourself with their useful and harmful qualities, as well as with the peculiarities of cooking.

The weight of duck eggs is 30 grams more than chicken eggs and is about 80-100 grams. Very satisfying and nutritious, it contains more fat and protein, one egg contains about 185 kilocalories. The color of the shell varies from white to bluish and greenish hues.

Cooking and combining with other dishes

As already mentioned, duck eggs can be eaten boiled, boiled only hard boiled. Omelettes and fried eggs from duck eggs are absolutely impossible to cook! You need to cook them for 15-20 minutes, but not less than 10 minutes. Salt the water so that the shell does not crack. After cooking, do not need to be immersed in cold water, they are left to cool completely. To achieve a pleasant taste, the finished product is heated to room temperature.

There are many options for combining with other dishes, as they can replace chicken eggs. It is only necessary to remember that they can only be eaten boiled and how long to boil duck eggs. Before cooking, be sure to wash them with laundry soap or soda. They successfully go to the following dishes:

  • Salads: "Crab", "Olivier", "With green onions and cucumber", "with cod liver" and others;
  • Mushrooms stuffed with eggs and cheese;
  • Okroshka;
  • stuffed eggs;
  • Burgers and sandwiches;
  • Soups.

Useful qualities

According to nutritionists, duck eggs are considered a healthy product that should only be eaten boiled. Can be distinguished several useful features:

Harmful qualities

The benefits of the product are due to its composition. But in some cases, this nutritious product has its drawbacks and can harm the body.

    susceptible to infection salmonella, so you should not eat them raw. They should be well cooked and washed before cooking.
  1. They have a specific unpleasant odor, due to which some people refuse to eat them.
  2. The product contains a large amount of fat, so it is not suitable for overweight people. People who are not overweight should limit their consumption due to their high fat content.
  3. The product is digested for a long time, and therefore it should not be consumed at night. Drinking before bed can cause stomach heaviness.
  4. Not recommended for use by people with individual intolerance, as well as those prone to allergies.
  5. It is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age, as they are a rather heavy product for the children's stomach and intestines.

Eating during pregnancy

Duck is a waterfowl, which means it is susceptible to Salmonella infection. The infection is easily transmitted to the eggs. To save themselves from the risk of infection, pregnant women should postpone their consumption.

During breastfeeding also do not eat them, as they can cause allergies in the baby. As an alternative, quail eggs can be used as food.

Storage rules

  • In the container they are placed with a sharp edge down;
  • Fresh eggs are stored for seven days in a cold place;
  • Cannot be stored together with other products;
  • Boiled can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days.

How to choose

Duck eggs are not sold in supermarkets. You can buy them from farmers, on the market or in specialized stores. And when choosing, you can only trust the words of the seller, since there is no way to check the freshness of the product. The difference from chicken eggs is that they are larger and somewhat dirtier.

Duck eggs cannot be called a familiar and common product: they are not so often eaten and even less often sold in stores. Not everyone knows whether duck eggs can be eaten instead of chicken eggs and what is the difference between them, but the differences are quite significant: you need to know the properties of duck eggs at least in order not to get into trouble with cooking and your own well-being.

This is a fairly valuable product not only for consumption: the benefits of duck eggs for the condition of our hair and skin are undeniable. Let's look at what such an egg is: its composition, features, symbolism, benefits and harms to the human body.

Duck eggs are 1.5 - 2 times larger than chicken eggs (although they are significantly inferior in size to goose eggs) and have a harder shell. The calorie content of such an egg is 185 kcal per 100 g of product. Duck eggs contain a lot of fat (more than 14%) and a fairly high percentage of protein (13.7%). Among the useful properties of this product is an abundance of B vitamins (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12), A, K, E.

In addition, there is a lot of selenium in a duck egg (in 100 g of the product, more than 60% of the daily requirement needed for a person), which contributes to strong immunity and high resistance to infections. Also, this product contains a considerable amount of iron and phosphorus (about a quarter of the daily requirement). The egg also contains such useful minerals as potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, sodium. A specific feature is the smell and taste of this product: they are by no means neutral and not everyone likes them.


First of all, the benefits and harms of this product are due to its composition and calorie content. The abundance of fats and proteins makes duck eggs quite heavy food, which is not recommended for children, as well as people with diseases of the digestive organs. This product should not be eaten if you are obese or simply overweight. In addition, some people have an allergic reaction to the yolk of an egg.

Since the duck in her lifestyle cannot be accused of excessive sterility, the eggs must be washed thoroughly. But even perfectly washed, they are not suitable for consumption raw - they need to be boiled for at least 10-15 minutes or used in cooked dishes.

This product can not be stored for a long time even in the refrigerator (no longer than a week), you should try to use it as soon as possible. You can check the freshness of an egg by dipping it in water: a fresh one will sink, and a stale one will float to the surface.

In cooking

Use of duck eggs in cooking is necessary with some restrictions. Even in their usual boiled form, not everyone likes them, since their smell and taste are very specific, and the consistency of the protein is not as tender as that of chicken (it is more elastic and seems to be rubber). Are duck eggs fried? Very rare, because the taste of such a dish leaves much to be desired. But if you still decide to use a frying pan, remember that you need to fry the eggs thoroughly and on both sides (fried eggs or a three-minute omelette sometimes cost the gourmet who eats them an intestinal illness).

Most often, duck eggs are eaten as part of other products and dishes, the preparation of which requires heat treatment. So, they are used for various sauces, pates, noodles and, of course, for baking. The latter acquires an unusually beautiful color, thanks to bright duck yolks. In addition, biscuits baked on the basis of duck proteins are famous in cooking, acquiring tenderness, airiness and pleasant porosity.

In Asian countries, it is customary to cook delicacies that are very ambiguous from our point of view, such as "imperial" and "thousand-year" eggs, "balut" (an egg with a germ), etc. from this product.

In cosmetology

This product can not only be eaten, but also used in the field of beauty and health. An impressive reserve of nutrients and beneficial trace elements in such an egg allows you to restore the structure of damaged hair, strengthen it, promote growth, give shine and elasticity. Conditioners, masks, shampoos and balms based on this product are very popular. In addition, you can make effective homemade hair masks by combining duck yolk with olive oil, honey, natural yogurt, etc.

This product is useful not only for hair, but also for skin, especially oily. The protein found in the egg has a drying effect and helps shrink pores. Duck protein gives an excellent effect in combination with white cosmetic clay. For combination and normal skin, you can use the protein along with the yolk: this will help nourish the skin and improve the complexion.

Helpful information

  1. In order for the protein in a boiled egg to become a little softer, it should not be cooked immediately. After taking out of the refrigerator, the product must be held for several minutes at room temperature.
  2. Those who regularly eat duck eggs and cook from them should thoroughly wash not only the product itself, but also their hands after contact with it. The fact is that during cooking, bacteria can be inadvertently transferred from eggs to other products that will not be thermally processed, and thus provoke an intestinal infection.
  3. Before cooking and eating, this product can be washed not just with water, but with a solution of soda or laundry soap.
  4. The cost of duck testicles is 2-3 times higher than chicken. There are practically none in stores, so it’s better to look for them in the markets where farms sell their products (or even better, bring or order them directly from the village).
  5. For those who love duck eggs and eat them with pleasure, nutritionists advise to adhere to a sense of proportion and consume this product no more than 2 times a week, 1 piece. People engaged in heavy physical labor or intense sports training can eat it more often, but not as much as they like, but 3-4 times a week.
  6. In addition to hair strengthening products, duck yolks are often put into homemade anti-dandruff masks, combining them with lemon juice. A little burdock or castor oil is also added there. The mask is applied to the hair roots for half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water.

This is interesting

Interestingly, even in a dream, duck eggs can promise us both benefit and harm, depending on the context and symbolism of the dream. In general, it is believed that seeing any eggs in a dream is for profit. One testicle can promise the arrival of a guest or the "arrival" of a new family member, and a whole bunch - useful acquisitions and a successful outcome. However, among other things, the duck is usually associated with travel, as well as with false rumors. Seeing a duck laying eggs still means profit, but future success is not as clear as if it were another bird, and can turn out differently.

A dream in which a duckling hatches instead of the expected chicken speaks of an unexpected outcome of the case and deceived expectations. Why duck eggs can bode trouble? If only because the “duck” is associated with a false rumor, which means that the results of such a situation will be ambiguous. If you dream of a rotten or dirty egg, broken or empty, you can judge future negative events, losses, deceit and disappointment (especially for a person who eats such an egg in a dream). If in a dream you see a duck eating its eggs, profit and success, unfortunately, will be illusory and will not justify the effort expended.

The conclusion about the negative or favorable interpretation of sleep should be made not only depending on the meaning of the symbols. You should be guided by your intuition and the general impression of a dream, determine what feelings and emotions it creates. It is necessary to take into account not only the development of sleep, but also its beginning: this will help determine the cause of the situation. It is useful to interpret the dreams you see according to the days of the week, the dates and time of the dream (before midnight, after midnight, etc.).

Eggs of chickens and quails are an integral part of the menu of a modern person. However, the eggs of many other birds can also be included in your diet.

For example, duck eggs are a source of a number of useful substances and a product with high nutritional value.

Duck eggs, like chicken eggs, can be eaten

The shell of duck eggs can be either white or pale green or blue. Due to the thickness of the shell, the egg can stay fresh longer.

Duck eggs: eat or not?

Do duck eggs eat? The eggs of these waterfowl are edible, but have a pronounced taste and smell that not everyone will like.

The weight of 1 duck egg, on average, is 90 g.

The size of a duck egg is slightly larger than that of a chicken egg, and the taste is quite specific.

The calorie content of duck eggs is 185 kcal per 100 g. The duck egg contains 13.3 g of protein, 14.5 g of fat, 0.1 g of carbohydrates.

Prices for duck eggs

Duck eggs are not sold in city grocery stores and supermarkets. For this product, you need to go to the market or directly to the farm.

The second option is the most preferable. there is a risk of buying stale goods on the market, because it is very difficult to determine the quality of duck eggs by appearance.

How much do duck eggs cost? The average cost is 250 rubles / dozen.

Which eggs are healthier, chicken or duck?

In terms of their vitamin and mineral composition, the products are similar, but there are significant differences between them.
What is the difference between duck eggs and chicken eggs? Duck eggs are ahead of chicken eggs in terms of vitamin A and B vitamins, but contain a large amount of cholesterol, 884 mg, and chicken eggs - 425 mg per 100 g of product. The degree of allergenicity of duck eggs is much lower than that of chicken eggs.
Duck eggs are usually larger than chicken eggs and do not look as clean. They are more high-calorie and nutritious, have a rich taste. The product is a delicacy in Asian countries.
For example, duck eggs with an embryo are very popular, see the video for details:

The benefits and harms of duck eggs

Are duck eggs healthy?

The beneficial properties of duck eggs are due to the presence in their composition of many valuable substances and minerals, including: magnesium and calcium, phosphorus and iron; vitamin A and B vitamins. The product is rich in folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids, albumin protein.

Due to the high fat content, no more than 2 pieces per week can be included in the diet.

Duck eggs are alkaline foods that can prevent cancer, so the benefits of duck eggs for human health are obvious.

Harm from eating duck eggs

Duck eggs contain a high percentage of fat, so those who want to lose weight should not get carried away with this product.
Eggs should be thoroughly washed with a brush and only eaten boiled to protect your body from possible salmonella infection.
Duck eggs are heavy foods, are slowly digested by the body, so it is better to consume them in the morning.
It is not recommended to include duck eggs in the diet of pregnant and lactating women due to the risk of infection with avian diseases. Duck eggs can be introduced into the child's menu only after 6 years. From this type of eggs should be abandoned to people with individual intolerance to the product.

How to cook duck eggs?

In order to maintain the integrity of the eggs during the cooking process, you need to add a little table salt to the water.
Ready eggs should be cooled naturally to room temperature without pouring them with cold water.
Duck eggs are not used to make scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs.

This is what raw and boiled duck eggs look like

How long to boil duck eggs? Duck eggs should only be boiled hard. This takes at least 10 minutes, but no more than 20.

The use of duck eggs

Duck eggs can serve as an alternative to chicken eggs in cooking, one of the components of which is a boiled egg.

Without a boiled egg, it is impossible to cook many salads, pie fillings, okroshka, stuffed vegetables, etc.

Both yolks and egg whites are added to the dough. Biscuit on duck eggs acquires an appetizing yellowish tint and an original delicate taste. Also, duck egg is the basis of some expensive brands of mayonnaise.
Since ancient times, duck egg yolk has been used to preserve beauty. The product is included in hair shampoos and masks for oily skin.

How to properly store duck eggs?

Duck eggs remain fresh for no more than 7 days, provided that they are stored in the refrigerator. They should be placed in a separate compartment with the sharp part down.

When asked whether duck eggs can be eaten, the answer will be yes only if the person has no contraindications to the product and if the eggs are well cooked.