What they say on Maundy Thursday when swimming. Maundy Thursday: customs, traditions and signs

All signs associated with Maundy Thursday have developed among the people over time. First, the main ones appeared, based on true faith and understanding of the interconnectedness of all events in the universe. Then additional ones were added, not based on any other belief than that these signs would come true.

Sometimes in one province they sacredly believed in one sign, in another in another.

Signs about health, swimming before dawn

The main sign that everyone believes in is the sign of Thursday swimming before dawn. The sun coming into our sky represents a new beginning, the light given by God. It is necessary to meet him clean, then illnesses will be avoided. Let all sins go away with the remains dark night, and they are replaced by pure and kind thoughts, beautiful as a new day coming.

About swimming on Maundy Thursday. This ritual is difficult for children to do, and they don’t need it. Adults should, while standing under the shower (you should definitely bathe in the shower, not in the bathtub), try to imagine that light is pouring on them along with the water.

Those who know how to do this well can feel the touch of light on the skin. It's easier to imagine with your eyes closed. In this case, you need to think about something bright and good, but not about everyday everyday affairs, even about good ones.

You need to try to imagine that the light pouring with water washes away something dark from the skin, not necessarily dirt, just dark. Ideally, you want to see how this dark disappears into the drain hole. Those who do not have a shower (not everyone has amenities) should imagine the same thing when washing.

Only in this way will we achieve what, in general, we are washing ourselves this Thursday until dawn. Many people ask why before dawn? The sunrise marks a new beginning, new life, new happiness. You need to meet him clean.

Signs for happiness and good luck, cleaning the house on Maundy Thursday

Second, no less important sign is cleaning the house on Maundy Thursday. This is why they call him Pure because everything on this day must be cleansed, both thoughts, body, and the dwelling in which this body resides. This is done so that throughout this year your home remains clean from filth, from all kinds of quarrels, scandals and dark energy.

It is necessary to wash from the farthest corners to the threshold; it is advisable to pour out dirty water outside the house. In private houses, it is better to do this outside the gate, in a place where there is no life, for example, on bare stones, on the road. It is better not to pour such water under growing trees.

In high-rise buildings this is not possible, so all you have to do is pour water into the toilet and flush it three times. But in any case, when pouring water, you need to think that all evil, all troubles leave the house with it.

You need to understand that after this Thursday came the terrible days for Jesus of his execution and death. Therefore, after Thursday until Easter, that is, until the resurrection of Jesus, you cannot clean the house. Imagine that your dearest and closest person has died. Will you be sweeping corners or scrubbing floors in your house these days? Of course not.

Magical power, signs of happiness and good luck

Another sign is the collection of juniper or heather on Maundy Thursday. Citizens can simply buy it. It is believed that the branches of these plants, plucked on Maundy Thursday, also have magical powers and can protect the house from misfortune and poverty.

To do this, several branches are attached to front door, and the rest are placed near the lamp or the image of Jesus Christ. These branches were also dipped in holy water and sprinkled on household members. This was done for happiness and good luck.

Signs for money on Maundy Thursday to improve your financial situation

Another sign of Maundy Thursday is counting money. Of course, we all want to improve our financial situation. To make this happen, you can count the cash in the house three times.

But at the same time, we must not forget that you can ask God for a lot of things, but you cannot ask for money. Remember how he overturned the tables of merchants in the temple in Jerusalem? Jesus was always above material values ​​called money and material gain.

And to improve your financial situation, you can ask God, for example, for a new Good work or success on the old one. You can do this while looking at the burning Thursday candle.

Sign for hair beauty

A sign that is not believed everywhere is cutting your hair on Maundy Thursday. Previously, babies were cut for the first time on this day so that their hair would grow thick and lush. Girls cut the ends of their hair for the same purpose.

Many people know that on Maundy Thursday it is customary to wash well and with pleasure, but it is also interesting what to say when bathing in order to get a real charge of vigor and health for the whole year.

The simplest and most life-affirming words are those that are spoken sincerely and with faith in success. Here are examples of popular healing spells that are said when washing, showering and bathing.

Or you can simply know the secrets - what to do and how to wash your face on Maundy Thursday in order to recharge with special energy of joy.

How to wash and bathe on Maundy Thursday: 5 useful tips

IN Orthodox tradition this day is called Maundy Thursday. It always comes before Easter, that is, during Holy Week. In Rus', they always tried not only to take the whole family to the bathhouse and wash thoroughly, but also to restore complete order in the apartment. Today, many people continue to observe this pleasant, cozy tradition.

Therefore, it is useful to know what to say when bathing, and in general how to properly begin this process:

  1. You definitely need to wash before sunrise. This can be done by waking up early enough. And for those who are not used to getting up in the dark, you can simply swim late in the evening or even on the night from Wednesday to Thursday.
  2. You should only swim if you are in a good mood. Therefore, if some events upset you, it is better to first calm down and then begin this pleasant procedure.
  3. It will be great if you put any silver object or jewelry from this metal. It not only purifies the water, but also helps to tune its waves to festive notes.
  4. It would be nice to organize a general cleaning of the entire house on such a day. After all, in just three days Easter will come - and by then happy holiday It's better to prepare in advance. Of course, you can tidy up at any time - morning, afternoon and evening.
  5. While swimming, it is also important to maintain good spirits and an optimistic attitude: for those who have a well-developed imagination, you can simply imagine the fulfillment of your cherished desire.
  6. You can also visualize how healing water cleanses the entire body and rejuvenates the skin. You can tune in to these waves using special words. Find out below what words you need to say on Maundy Thursday when you wash.

What to say on Maundy Thursday when you bathe and wash

A believer can start swimming by reading any prayer - they certainly can’t do any harm, but they will definitely help you get in the mood for a pleasant wave.

Well, as for what you need to say when you wash, here are some examples of folk conspiracies:

If you have a feeling that someone has jinxed you or just Lately If you're unlucky more than usual, you can use this spell to Maundy Thursday when swimming:

Maundy Thursday, be my father, turn your face to me.

Just as you, Maundy Thursday, are pure and bright, so would my life be pure and bright.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Or like this:

I wash away what they let on me, what my soul and body are tormented with,

- everything is washed away on Maundy Thursday!

You can put charmed Thursday salt into the water, which is prepared according to a special recipe. Or you can simply consecrate it yourself with the sign of the cross - in this matter you can simply trust your feelings.

The energy of words and water on Maundy Thursday acquires special power. This can be compared to how water on the entire planet is charged on the night of Epiphany (note, again before sunrise). Even if for some reason there is no opportunity to swim, you can simply wash your face and say miraculous words - mentally or out loud.


Holy Week has arrived for Orthodox Christians. This last days before the great holiday of Easter. The most important days this week are Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

The date of Maundy Thursday is floating and depends entirely on Easter. This year the holiday falls on the fifth of April.
Maundy Thursday is a day of purification, spiritual and material. On Maundy Thursday, you must take a swim before the sun rises. It is advisable for the whole family to visit the temple for confession and communion.

The house needs to be thoroughly cleaned on this day, as it will be forbidden to clean the house until Easter. On this day, it is customary to get rid of unnecessary things, thus clearing the space in your home and life.

Maundy Thursday, conspiracies, rituals, customs: you need to burn the willow and scatter the ashes over the water

On Maundy Thursday it is customary to burn the willow that was illuminated in Palm Sunday. There is no need to save the ashes; it is customary to scatter them in the wind or throw them into running water. It is on the Thursday before Easter that housewives can safely begin baking holiday cakes.

In order to be healthy for a whole year, it is better to wash your face on Thursday using silver. To do this, just fill a basin with water and put something silver in it, maybe a spoon or a ring. It is customary to wash sick people using silver, which is first borrowed from neighbors. The silver coin that was stolen is considered the most powerful; it can not only cure, but also bewitch.

Beliefs strictly prohibit giving anything from home on this day, even a bunch of salt to a neighbor. It is believed that you can give your wealth and peace to strangers. Good weather on Maundy Thursday suggests that the rest of spring will be warm and sunny. If it rains, the whole spring will be damp and cold.

On this day, it is customary to bring a passionate candle from church. People believe that it helps to recover from various diseases. Thursday salt is also prepared on Thursday. This regular salt, which is baked in the oven and illuminated in the church. This salt is believed to have a healing effect.

Our ancestors believed that on Thursday you can ask otherworldly forces about your future. To do this, you need to light a candle that you bring home from service and go to the attic or second floor, C-ib reports. Here you need to wait a little for the home spirit. If the brownie who appears before you is overgrown with hair, this promises wealth in the family, if bald - poverty.

You could have asked the devil about the future earlier. So, people went into the forest, sat on a birch or aspen tree, took off their cross and called the forest spirit. It was believed that the goblin would definitely arrive and give answers to all questions.

If you clean the house on Thursday, you can find what you have been looking for for a long time. If you leave your house dirty and untidy, you can't expect anything good from the year. Let us note that after Thursday, before the bright spring holiday, it is no longer possible to clean up, so this day is the last, otherwise you will have to celebrate Easter in a mess.

Maundy Thursday, customs, traditions, prayers, when to swim: what conspiracies can be carried out on Maundy Thursday

“Money, keep it, don’t transfer it, grow it, multiply it, don’t get it from the enemy!”

After cleaning, the charmed trifle is left in a clean corner of the house, and the water can be poured under any tree. In addition, it is believed that if you rearrange various items in the house from place to place, there will be no financial problems throughout the year.

Many people believe that if you count your money three times throughout the day, you won’t run out of money all year long. This ritual should be done before the sun rises, at noon and in the evening.

In addition, if the spells are for good luck. One of these should be read while swimming:

“Water, water, flow, pour, cleanse my face, cleanse my body and cleanse my soul, fill me with beauty and health.”

At the end of bathing you need to shower yourself cold water from the ladle.

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Swimming on Maundy Thursday at dawn is one of the main signs and rituals for this day. It is believed that on Maundy Thursday water has healing powers and, if you know exactly how to activate this power and how to use it, you can improve your health and remove negativity from your body and soul. So, let's talk in more detail about the tradition of why, why and how exactly you need to wash on Maundy Thursday.

I would like to immediately note that on this magical and mystical day there are many other rituals. There are also specific prohibitions on the topic of what should never be done. But we propose to sort everything out in order and start with exactly why and why, when and how to wash before sunrise on Maundy Thursday. On Easter day you can serve it on the table.

Clean Thursday, wash before sunrise (signs, rules)

To feel the full healing power of water on this day, in Rus' it was customary to swim in an open reservoir before sunrise. Of course, in modern conditions city, even on a working day, it is unlikely that you will be able to perform this ritual in exactly this way, but you can change the ritual.

For example, take a contrast shower. This is also done just before sunrise and ensures the person who performs the ritual happiness and health for the whole year. Water on Maundy Thursday washes away all sins, pain and resentment from the soul, and gets rid of unresolved problems, of which, of course, every person accumulates quite a lot. However, in order for the results to be clearly visible after such a bath on Maundy Thursday before sunrise, you must read prayers during the process and ask God for help.

Also, some sources write that it is best to take a shower while standing. You need to imagine that it is not jets of water that fall on the body, but jets of pure and bright color, which flows through the entire body and washes away the accumulated dirt and pain. This light purifies not only the body, but also the soul.

Important! When you wash off the soap, you need to say approximately the following words: “At confession they cleanse themselves, just as water washes away dirt on Maundy Thursday. Cleanse me, the servant of God, from all evil, from disobedience, from bad rumors, from vain conversations. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Other rituals of Maundy Thursday

Wash your face with silver

You can pour water into any vessel on the evening of Great Wednesday, and then put something silver in it, maybe just a coin. Then in the morning on Maundy Thursday, wash your face with this water, be sure to wash sick people and children. Also, water charged from a borrowed silver object has special power for sick people.

Protecting your home by fire

You need to bring home a candle lit in church, with which you will celebrate the entire service on Maundy Thursday. Use this candle to light a lamp or other fire in the house. This ritual protects the house from misfortune throughout the year, as well as from fire.

Thursday salt

It is also customary to charge salt on Maundy Thursday. It also protects the home from everything bad and improves health. In general, it is an excellent amulet. You need to buy coarse salt without impurities, heat it in a frying pan, then sift and crush it, put it in a fabric bag. Storing this salt for a year protects the house from misfortune.

To cure a sick person, it was necessary to mix salt with coals from three birch firewood. The result will be black salt, which has maximum healing properties. She needs to rub the sore spot or simply add salt to food.

We have already discussed why you should wash on Maundy Thursday before sunrise. Now I would like to note such a ritual as counting money. This ritual provides the family financial stability throughout the year, but it is important to conduct it in strict secrecy from other family members. You should collect all the money in the house and count it in the morning at dawn, then at noon and then at midnight.

Attract money

Another great ritual for attracting money is to wash your windows with charged water. You will need to throw a pinch of change into the water that will be used for Maundy Thursday. spring cleaning. Wash the windows and tell yourself to keep the money in the house and not transfer it. After this, drain the water into the street, and collect the money in a fabric bag and store it in a secret place throughout the year.

We talked about Maundy Thursday, washing before sunrise, why you need it and when. Now we propose to consider some prohibitions for this day, which you should definitely remember.

What not to do:

  • You cannot bake Easter cakes until the house is cleaned. After this, all preparations for Easter holiday are not prohibited.
  • Don’t break your fast: eat only food plant origin, give up alcohol.
  • When counting money on Maundy Thursday, the ritual must be kept secret from all family members and done so that no one sees anything.
  • Do not lend anything from home; this prohibition remains until Easter itself. Otherwise, along with the borrowed item, you can give away your health and well-being from home.

Clean Thursday, washing before sunrise is not the only ritual that is closely associated with this day. On Thursday, you need to do a lot to protect yourself, your family members and your home from everything bad.

“If filthy and wicked thoughts begin to overcome you, or evil witchcraft is cast upon you, wash your hands and face in clean water. And a vigilant spirit will spring up, and you yourself will be clean and live joyfully.”

This is what the Slavs said, emphasizing the special, sacred role of water. Of particular importance is swimming in Maundy Thursday during Holy Week (April 13, 2017).

Our ancestors always woke up on this day before sunrise to swim, wash their hands and body clean water. Ablution performed on this day gives health to the soul and body. The ritual should be performed at dawn, when the dawn is just breaking on the horizon. It is better to do this near a river, lake, spring, well or in a bathhouse, informs w. However, even if only over a basin of water or at the washbasin. They believed that water on Clean Thursday gets rid of not only the visible dirt that sticks to the body, but also the dirt that settles in the thoughts, in the soul, sent by a malicious sorcerer.

Bathing on Maundy Thursday should begin with your hands, pouring water from palm to palm and saying: “Voditsa, our godmother! Wash the fool off my hands, grant me the purity of the dawn. Amen". Only then can you wash your body and head. The main verdict on this day is this: “What toils the body and soul, Clean Thursday washes away everything. Amen".

The cult of water among the Slavs was so great that simple hand washing as an elementary act of washing away dirt was only a small part of human interaction with water. In everyday life there were many magical ritual ablutions in which the hands played the main role.

“My right hand is honey, and my hand is fire”, - they said in the old days, implying sacred power supreme gods, who with their right hand (right hand) sent fertility, abundance and prosperity to the earth, and with their left hand (shuitsa) - physical, mental strength and victory over the enemy. People accompanied hand washing with magical whispers, remembering the holy veneration of water. Here's one option: “Water, water, earthly resin! Don’t let any dirt get to me and send me God’s grace. Amen". After washing, they usually did not wipe their hands, but exposed them to the wind or sun, being sure that the right hand would also right hand, and shuytsa - left hand will absorb the power of the wind and the warmth of the sun. Another option: the hands will receive a piece of the power of such omnipotent gods as Stribog and Yarila.

Through water, through water, in water, people purified themselves from diseases, the consequences of witchcraft, and even from sins. It’s unlikely that the ancestors knew about the energy channels running from the tips of the fingers to internal organs and regulating their work, but one thing is certain - they knew something like that. It is no coincidence that when performing a ritual washing of hands, designed to remove witchcraft spells (damage, the evil eye, illness, mortal melancholy, or even death itself), a person turned to water with the request: “Spring water, blessed seven times seven times by the powers of heaven! Wash my hands, remove through my fingers bodily illness (evil damage, black evil eye, fierce death, etc.). It was taken from the fingers, removed by water, crucified by the forces of heaven. Amen". Without wiping his hands, the man touched his forehead, chest and knees with his fingertips. Then he went home. If a disabled or sick person could not come to the water himself, relatives performed the ritual at home over a tub of clean water.

Washing is not just a hygienic procedure, but a magic that gives youth and beauty. So, washing your face and neck in the morning, unmarried girls said: “Whiteness - from a swan feather, blush - from the clear sun, from silk - smoothness, from pure water - a long youth, so that my girlfriends will marvel at me, and the guys will admire me. Amen". The older women whispered their own: “Water-bell, take the old age off your face. From time to time I will be a white-faced, ruddy young woman. Amen". They dried themselves with a clean towel with a short sentence: “I drain the water and restore beauty.” Water has long been revered as a talisman. To this day, when pouring clean water over small children after bathing, mothers say: “Water is off a duck’s back, but (name is given) is all thinness.”

Swimming before dawn on Maundy Thursday is an important ritual for every believer. In addition, on Maundy Thursday you need to clean up your home and enter a new happy life cycle with cleanliness!