What is the holy spirit. Holy Spirit - why do we need it

What is holy spirit

The fact is that the Universe is a gigantic living organism. And any element of the Universe is a part of Her Mind! - These are the words of the Higher Forces of the Universe, spoken upon contact. What is the real Universe you will see for the first time below in my drawing. And the most interesting thing is that now many write about the Holy Spirit, while absolutely not knowing and not knowing what it is. And what the Higher Forces of the Universe said about this, you will read about it below and this will be true information, and not various conjectures and fantasies! Why have we forgotten all the knowledge about all this? And this is what the Higher Forces answered this question -

You just forgot how to contact different higher Minds and receive various useful information from Them. and due to your "ignorance" you are and live in your "isolated" world. (So ​​the Higher Forces said at the contact). Therefore, the world of your Earth at the moment is an isolated world from all those worlds where people like you live. But only They have learned to receive various information and knowledge useful for their life, and you - no!!! And in the universe there are two most valuable things: it is - energy and information ! And the Universal information banks store all the information that has been acquired over the billions of years of our Universe existence!

But we, the people of the Earth, live in an isolated world and do not use this knowledge! For example, when we want to understand what life is and why it happened in the Universe at the moment about all this we have absolutely wrong concept!!! .

Here is what the Higher Forces of the Super Ring of the Universe said about the matter of the Universe, - The forms of matter are the most diverse. Starting from the smallest microcosms, which are unknown even to Us, and including huge accumulations of powerful fields of biological nature ! These are bioenergetic fields of all Galaxies, Constellations and individual planets. And these fields are more essential than materialized matter, because life exists precisely because of the energy of these fields ! And absolutely all Minds of the Universe are created and exist thanks to this energy!!! And the Higher Forces of the Universe continued, -

And it's not particles like you people think! This is your big mistake! That is, the field creates a particle, not a particle-field! A field is such a natural concept that you (people) cannot even give an analogue. It's like in your dialectic, what comes first: matter, or consciousness? So, consciousness is primary, not matter! And you are told that consciousness is a product of matter! Not! Matter is a product of consciousness! Although without matter there can be no consciousness.

It's like the Holy Father and Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit - this is a field of living and intelligent energy , thanks to which life exists in the universe and the universe itself exists and there are absolutely all Minds of the Universe!!! And to my question to the Higher Forces of the Universe, - And who is the Son? I heard the answer -

Their products , that is, all Minds created from this Intelligent Energy, and a person is a particle of the Creator, even the smallest one!

So what is this energy about which we know almost nothing and thanks to which there is life in the universe ? Here is what the Higher Powers of the Super Ring of our Universe said about this "energy of life" -

It's energy , due to which all living things live and the Universe itself exists . The presence of which depends on the quality and life expectancy. This is Intelligent Energy!

It turns out that there is Intelligent Energy in the Universe, thanks to which life exists and the Universe itself exists, and precisely this energy is called the Holy Spirit, since life in the Universe and the Universe itself exists precisely thanks to It!!!

The fact is that it is from the "energy of life" depends longevity man and his health !!! As a person ages, his reserves decrease. "energy of life" in his body! Compared to anything, it's like a battery that is constantly being recharged, but still after a while the energy in it decreases, and it will eventually run out. And representatives of the Super Ring confirmed this. But it turns out that in every cell of a person there is DNA that has an "energy node" that supplies this "energy of life" to both the DNA itself and the entire cell under its care. But our Earth scientists do not know about it yet! But the people of our race have completely forgotten all the knowledge that our ancestors had and who knew how to recharge "the energy of life"!

Now look at the drawings of our Universe (below) and you see for the first time what she really is!!! On the "green" drawing, I painted arms and legs to her with a dotted line, and you saw Her for the first time! And we were convinced that we (people) were created in Her likeness! But not only that, we have seven energy rings inside us, headed by their "Chakras" ("Chakra" is translated from Sanskrit as "Ring"). And our Universe has "Seven Numerical Rings" with the Teacher's systems controlling them. And above us (Human) is the "Bioscreen", which controls absolutely the entire human body and its DNA. And in the Universe, at the head of Her entire organism is the "Super Ring", which is located in the head of the Universe and is Her, as it were, "Bioscreen", or "Brains" of our Universe. The Old Testament says,

The Old Testament says.- And God said: Let us make man in Our image and after Our likeness. And God created man in his own image (Old Testament, chapter 1, Genesis 1:26, 1:28).

For the first time you see a simplified drawing of a model of our universe. And the drawing of this Model of the Universe is very similar to the model of a person (as in the "Old Testament"), and people continue to say that a person descended from a monkey! Personally, I'm just ashamed of such people! Below you will read what the Higher Forces said about the creation of man! And I asked the Super Ring Forces (which are in the picture in the head of the Universe) a question, - And you, in my opinion, are something like a "Bioscreen", or "Brains" of our Universe! This is right !? And this is what the Higher Powers of the Super Ring answered me, -

you think right!!! But We not only supervise your Universe, We we create and build your Universe . And we are watching you all the time you are our children !!!

According to the Bible, man was created by God in his own image and likeness on the 6th day of creation after the creation of all things!!! And now for the first time you will understand this saying! Look closely at the blue model of the universe from the left edge and on it you see the number 6! Exactly on 6th spiral "snail of time" and man was created! One revolution of such a Universal spiral is equal to 2.5 billion years!

After all the "Number Rings" were built, They became something like the "Spine" of the Universe. In the picture you see that They go like a "Ridge" in the center of the Universe .. And just like a person has 7 "Chakras", so there are 7 Rings on it ("Chakra" from Sanskrit is translated as "Ring". Itself " The "Snail of Time" of the "Numeric Rings" rotates in the same way as the "Snail of Time" of the Universe. And on the side I drew only one Galactic "Snail of Time". Galactic "Snails of Time" have the opposite rotation compared to the "Snail of Time" of the Universe. Here is what the Higher Powers said about it -

In fact, our Universe (as a macrocosm) and the human body (as a microcosm) are permeated with a network of so-called "protomatter" unknown to this day, or, to put it more correctly, "first radiations", about which our scientists still have zero knowledge!! !

And you can compare the drawing of our universe with a person yourself. The forces of the Super Ring (in the figure this is the head of our Universe) upon contact confirmed that the energy model of a person is similar to the universal one and differs only in the frequency range. And since you (we humans) live in a 3-dimensional space, the concept of time is not yet available to you! And when the 4th dimension is available to you, then this concept will be available to you. But the fact is that the 4th dimension will just be a transitional phase in the development of mankind. If you compare - it's like a corridor between two rooms. Therefore, humanity is actually moving towards the 5th dimension. And it is there that it will receive all sorts of other knowledge about different dimensions and proportions and different temporal dependencies of a person!!!

You see an arrow at number 6 pointing to the 6th "Time Spiral". It is in this "Time Spiral" that we are now and live. According to the Bible, man was created by God in his own image and likeness on the 6th day of creation after the creation of all things!!! And now for the first time you will understand this saying! Look carefully at the first model of the Universe from the left side and on it you see the number 6! It was on the 6th spiral of the "snail of time" that man was created! One revolution of such a Universal spiral is equal to 2.5 billion years! There are 27 such "first radiations" in totaland only one of them does not manifest itself materially and does not interact with the carriers of physical time!!! And now for the first time I will write that it is precisely from it that "Snails of time", "time tunnels" of the Chronosphere, passage tunnels, "water and energy channels", and even human "time axes" and much, much more are created. The rings, which have been around for over 800 billion years, long before the "Big Bang" of our universe, say, "You have the wrong idea about all of this." This "protomatter" is much smaller in volume than the elementary particles known to us. And these "first radiations" arise at the birth of the Universe, that is, at the opening of the Universe of its space-time system. And they exist in its closed continuum in the form of a "cellular mesh" frame. And the size of such particles, if we compare them with the smallest atom - the hydrogen atom, is about 10 minus the 27th power of the size of the hydrogen atom.

Above, I wrote that the size of such cells is much smaller than the sizes of elementary particles that are known to us at the moment. And it is these "first radiations" that are the basis for the creation of all dense matter that we know. And already from their combinations the whole visible and invisible world and all the spirals of "temporary snails" and "tunnels-passages", etc., are built, which are not visible to the human eye. A person does not even see his own "time axes", which come out of him approximately from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis navel.

At the very beginning there were not any particles, as your scientists think, initially there was a field, - so the Higher Forces said upon contact. These are fields of "protomatters" and energies of powerful fields of biological nature (which our scientists know nothing about yet)! These are bioenergetic fields of the field of all Galaxies, Constellations and individual planets. And these fields are more essential than materialized matter.

There are only two fields in our Galaxy with such "Life Energy". And one of these fields with this energy is in our Solar System, it is the "Oort Cloud", and the other is in our Galaxy in the constellation "Orion". Some of you think incorrectly that all earthly souls are born in our Noosphere!? It is not right! There are ready-made souls in the Noosphere.

But the "Maternity Hospital of Souls" is very far from Her!

You have probably heard of the phrase "asteroid belt" . This is the region of the solar system located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. It is believed that in ancient times there was an orbit of the planet Phaeton, which broke up into many fragments, which now make up this very "asteroid belt" . Right there, behind it "asteroid belt" and a gigantic field extends, about which we Earthlings know nothing, and this gigantic field consists of "energy of life" , which serves to form both the human souls of our planet and many souls from our Galaxy. This giant field of this "living energy" is in another dimension. And it has completely different temporal characteristics.

So what is this energy of powerful fields of biological nature, about which our Earthly scientists, in fact, know nothing? But it is precisely thanks to this energy that life exists and the Universes themselves exist, and this energy is initially Reasonable. Here's what the Higher Powers of the Super Ring said about this energy and I'll say it again -

It's energy , due to which all living things live and the Universe itself exists , on the presence of which depends on the quality and life expectancy. This is Smart Energy!

It is from this Living and Intelligent energy that absolutely all minds of the Universe are created! I once asked the Higher Forces a question about tornadoes, - Tell me, tornadoes often sweep over the United States of America. How do they form such a force that even whole wagons are lifted into the air? And this is how the Higher Powers of the Super Ring answered me, - Tornadoes are processes that occur under the influence of External Forces. At the same time, they take the original physical component of your planet and create a tornado out of it.This is done by the Forces that are watching you and supervising you! And this is called cleansing! Do you have people who make fortunes on the misfortune of others ... here comes the cleansing!!! And they will only get stronger in the future.!!!

BUT now you have tornadoes in Russia. You began to take a bad example from America , and such purifications began to occur in you ... and if you continue to follow the Destructive-American path, they will only intensify with you .."

The "energy of life" comes to our Earth, but our earthly scientists do not yet know anything about it. The fact is that in our galaxy there is everything two such fields with "life energy". And one of the fields with this energy is in our solar system, this "Oort Cloud", and the other - in our Galaxy in the constellation of Orion.

The forces of the Universe, upon contact, said, - Your scientists not only do not know about this energy, they do not know much about the influence of various fields and radiations in open outer space. And as a result of this, your cosmonauts will receive severe damage to their health, since your earthly protection is absolutely unresponsive and does not meet the necessary safety conditions for being in such a space!

The Higher Powers upon contact said that we humans have very scanty knowledge about ourselves (less than 0 , 001% ), and even less about the Universe!!! And therefore, people actually do not know anything about the main energy of the Universe - the "Energy of Life", thanks to which life exists in the Universe and the Universe itself exists! What the Higher Powers said about this you will read below! And now read what the Higher Forces of the Universe have said on this topic.

The fact that the universe is a living organism! And the "Chronospheres" of the Galaxies and the Universe itself are, as it were, Their skeletons, from which They will never come out, although at the same time they will expand or shrink(So ​​the Higher Forces said at the contact).

Our scientists have the wrong idea about the expansion of our universe. The following happens, the "snail sleeve" of the Universe expands and as a result of this, the "axes" diverge. (You can see this under number 2.). And this is what the Higher Forces of the Universe said about this - what appears to you as an expansion of the Universe is just an "expansion of matter in the sleeve" of a "temporal snail Universe . And this is for sure! Please note that the Higher Forces of the Universe said this upon contact!

Chronosphere is one of the most resistant structures of the Universe!!! It will not collapse even if the universes themselves cease to exist! And it is the Chronosphere that is the basis of the foundations of the existence of each Universe!!!

If earlier, before the "Big Bang", the Time Continuum was one, now it consisted of numerous most diverse and even bizarre topological structures, completely independent of each other and at the same time constituting a single whole. And if one of these Worlds dies now, it will not lead to a global catastrophe. To my question to the Powers of the Super Ring, - But you can look into the future in time? And do you know our (Russians) future!?

Yes, We know your future! Russia is prescribed a path for the development of science and technology! She (Russia) will be, as it were, a generator of various ideas and inventions. It will be very difficult for you to realize these ideas alone. But as a generator of ideas, Russia will play a leading role on your planet Earth! I asked another question - I believe that light cannot fly at the same speed all the time!? This is true?

The answer of the Higher Forces of the Super Ring, - Yes, there is a transition of light from one time to another, and during such a transition, the movement of a photon changes and will be completely different! And it will seem to you that the movement of light seems to be accelerating or, conversely, slowing down! In the future, you yourself will also be able to influence space: speeding up events and time, or slowing them down! But this is in the future!

You have noticed that the "Snail of Time" of the Time Rings goes approximately to the "throat" and "neck" of the Universe. Therefore, all systems of the Universe from Her "throat" and "neck" and Her entire "Head" live according to a different time than they do. And in the "throat" and "neck" of the Universe there is a "Quasar" and a "Black Hole".

This is what the Higher Powers of the Super Ring (who live in the "head of the Universe") said upon contact, - Your concept of time is very different from Our concept! You, people, can predict 2-3 days ahead. We can see decades ahead Even more Higher Powers (about which we don't know anything yet) - for hundreds of years ahead!Even more Higher Powers - for thousands of years!!!Equivalents here are approximately the same in terms of time.

If for you 30 years is a long period of life, let's say, then for us it's like - one moment!

Our universe has its own "Universal Family" - these are Her 5 "Sisters of the Universes" . And we (or rather our Universe) live in this "Family of Universes", but in these Universes "Snails of time" are directed in the opposite direction. And our entire "Family of Universes" is interconnected, since All of Them are interconnected by special "tunnels-passages". And in the future, people have the opportunity to visit the "Sisters of the Universe", but it will be impossible to stay there.

Now you will see for the first time what the connection of our Universe with our Sister Universes looks like (I drew only one of the 5 Sisters of our Universe). The "Snails of Time" of the Sisters of our Universe enter the grooves of the "Snails of Time" of our Universe and the kinetic energy of the "Big Bang" of each Universe initially flows through them.

This is the first. And second - this is interaction with time factors of backward current Universal flows(you can see for yourself that time in Them moves in different directions. Since in the Universes everything obeys its own laws and time, like an electric current, runs from one pole to another. In addition, the magnetic fields that are in the "Buffer zones" "Snails of Time", I asked Them a question, Our Universe is included in any Union of Universes, or a Conglomerate of Galactic Universes, or - country from universes ? I do not know the name of such a Union. But I would like to know how many Universes like ours are in it?

The answer of the Higher Powers of the Super Ring, - More than a billion such universes.

I asked the Forces the following question, - This is how a peculiar organism from the Universes is obtained, or - "Land of the Universes"? This is true?

The answer of the Higher Forces, - Of course, this is a kind of organism, or according to you - Country of Universes ! My next question followed immediately, - And above them is some kind of Coordinator, or some kind of Control Structure? Force's answer, - Yes, of course! And He is outside the Universe and coordinates, in your understanding, the state of the General Conglomerate of Universes and keeps the connection between the same objects of other Conglomerates of Universes. I asked in surprise, - So then there are the same Countries from Universes ?! The answer of the Higher Forces, -

Exactly the same Countries from Universes , only located in a different space and time from you.

And to my question, - So the Universe, like a person, someday dies?.. Higher Powers, - Of course! And to my question, - And what needs to be done to revive Her!? The Higher Powers answered with surprise, - And why revive Her, if She, just like a person, having lived his life, dies. In fact, She, like a person, begins a different life. She reincarnates, or passes from one form of life to another!!!

Everything in the world is subject to the same law!!!

First, our Universe is Intelligent! And the Chronosphere has always been and It will always be! She was present before the beginning of the existence of the universe!!! And She will be present - after the death of the Universe!!!

And after the "Big Bang" the Higher Powers began to build our Universe differently than it was built before the explosion! What is the difference between the Old and the New World, which is being built (and it is still being built) after the "Big Bang"?

If earlier, before the "Big Bang", the Time Continuum was one, now it consisted of numerous most diverse and even bizarre topological structures, completely independent of each other and at the same time constituting a single whole. And if one of these Worlds dies now, it will no longer lead to a global catastrophe, that is, there will no longer be a "Big Bang"!!!

With the "Super Ring" has been living for more than 800 billion years! You see an arrow at number 6 pointing to the Sixth Time Ring. It is in this Temporary place that we are now and we live. The number 6 is a symbol of life and prosperity. Our "time spiral" from the beginning of the "Big Bang" has come up to this ring. One revolution of the Universal Time Spiral is equal to 2.5 billion years and you can calculate for yourself when the "Big Bang" occurred. To do this, multiply 6 rings by 2.5 billion years and you get 15 billion years!!!

And the Super Ring (It is in the head of our Universe) has been living for more than 800 billion years. And our Earth scientists write that our Universe is rapidly expanding ... But our Universe will never come out of its "Snail of Time" and even if our Universe dies, then Its "skeleton" - "Snail of Time" will continue to exist and wait for birth in Its dimensions are the "New Universe", and our souls will be in it - they can live forever!!!

Once upon a time, by the way, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky wrote, - That the whole secret lies in "numbers" and "numbers". I can list the numbers for you and write what they mean from the point of view of the Cosmic Forces, -

  • 1. – The symbol of the whole.
  • 2. - Harmony symbol.
  • 3. – Mind number.
  • 4. – The number of death.
  • 5. – Number of information banks.
  • 6. – Symbol of life of the Universe (Symbol of development and life).
  • 7. – Time symbol.
  • 8. – Closure symbol.
  • 9. – Space symbol.

So, right now our Universe is in the "Time Spiral" at number 6 and strives for life and harmony!!! If you count two "Time Spirals" back, until the 4th Ring (the number of death), that is, a little more than 5 billion years ago, then it was then that one of the two Suns in our solar system exploded and a new construction of It began to the state in which we are and live we are now in our current solar system!!!

But the Creator Fathers, before the death of the "Old World", put into its fabric their dream of the birth of a "Living Intelligent Creature" - Man!!! This sphere - the only one of all remained the same as it was for billions of years from the beginning of the "Big Bang" . Only sound became Stronger and higher! Who is the first person? And he appeared very far from the solar system and at a time when She was not yet in sight! And it did not originate from monkeys, as rather well-known "scientists" believe !!! And now the development of people and their evolutionary perfection is being monitored by

" Cosmic Observer Coalition " . You people name Her God !!!

Once again I repeat what the Higher Powers said about the Holy Spirit - the Holy Spirit is a field of Living and Intelligent Energy, thanks to which life exists in the Universe and the Universe itself exists !!! And to my question, - And who is the Son? The answer is - Their products (that is, all Minds created from this Intelligent Energy). And in our solar system there is such a powerful field of this intelligent and living energy.

You have probably heard of such a phrase as the "Asteroid Belt", a region of the solar system located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. It is believed that in ancient times there was an orbit of the planet Phaethon, which broke up into many fragments, which now make up this very "Asteroid Belt". It is just there, behind it, that the material for the formation of earthly souls from this very Intelligent "life energy" is located.

All spiral vortex temporal flows - this is "temporal space". And when people understand them, they will understand the principles of physical movement in time. But for this, a person must first understand what is "temporary element". From now on, we will call this smallest time unit "Tempor". This small time unit resembles a Ball in its form (with implicit outlines). And the energy structure of "Tempor" is its energy shell, reminiscent of an "hourglass", or "Bioscreen" of a person. The fact is that its blurry and slightly obscure boundaries appear due to the Tempor's takeoff in time. This is where his ambiguity comes into play! After all, such particles are always in motion and flow from the past to the present and - to the future!!!

The fact that it is the "Chronosphere" that is the basis of existence for absolutely all living beings in all Universes !!! It is, as it were, a skeleton of life for various forms of life and absolutely for all Minds (these are the words of the Higher Forces spoken during contact)!!! And if all the Universes cease to exist for any reason, then the "Chronospheres" of these Universes will not collapse and will continue to exist! The fact is that it is thanks to the "Chronosphere" that all time flows and "Information banks" are built, and it is thanks to It that the spatial movements of all absolutely Reasonable units occur!!!

And not only that, it is the "Chronosphere" that serves to preserve in time and space absolutely all information developments and all the experience that were obtained as a result of the life of all the Minds of the Universe. And for the first time you will learn that the Universes, like people, have their own Universal Families and their own Universal Countries! You will read about it for the first time below! And below you will read for the first time about "Tempora" and "Chronos" - the smallest particles of which this very "Chronosphere" consists, and you will find out how they collect information in the Universe and transfer it throughout the Universal organism! And for the first time you will learn that there is control everywhere in the Universe and, for example, if the "Tempors" spread information throughout the Universe and it turns out to be not enough for them to perform their functions at their place of residence, then for this there is a more Higher Power to control everything these and other processes, it is "Clouds". They were given this name because They are very similar to our Earth clouds, only They are much larger. It is They who make the final decision on all these matters. True, our Earthly scientists know nothing about Them yet. You can read about all this in more detail below.

Forces on contact said - Chronospheres are the foundations of absolutely everything !!! And for example, our "Noosphere", in which all earthly souls are located, is the fruit of the activity of the "Chronosphere" and our Noosphere is under the complete control of the "Chronosphere"!

It is the Chronosphere about which we know almost nothing, supports the development of Civilizations and it is She who stops their degradation!!!

The very structure of "Tempor" includes 9 "substructural informational" components (about which our earthly scientists know nothing yet) and of which the entire volume of "Tempor" consists. "Tempors" are indestructible and they are always in motion, from the very beginning of their movement (from the Quasar). And for these, the smallest "substructural" components, we will introduce the name (at the prompt of the Higher Forces) - "Chronos". And these "temporary primary elements" exist in time only as part of the "Tempor". The fact is that "Chronos" are the smallest particles that are formed in the Universal "Temporary Core". They seem to consist of "flagella", which, intertwining and twisting, form already "bundles". And it is this "harness" that ideally consists of 27 "flagella", which just make up these very 27 "first radiations", or "protomatters" about which I wrote above!

But they are not only formed there, but having worked until the "Big Bang", they again fall apart into these very "primary elements" and at the same time absolutely everything that was previously in them is canceled in them: the previous information, energy ... and they - "Chronos", after that they again become "neutral" and ready for a new job. But after all this, new tasks in the "new time" appear before them. And they unite into new "Temporas" and begin to work in the new time. And this always happens after each "Big Bang" in all the Universes of our Universal country, in which there are more than a billion such Universes as ours!

"Chronos" are very information-intensive and one "Chronos" is such a microscopic particle capable of storing colossal information - 3 276 800 gigabyte! And to understand this, we compare the size of "Chronos" with the smallest atom - the hydrogen atom. It is approximately 10-b to the power of minus 27 on the size of the hydrogen atom. It's not very easy for people to understand all this yet!

And "Temporas" are created in the core of the Universe and after that they leave the Temporary Universal "Quasar". And then, passing through all the "Snails of Time", they return back to the Universal "Black Hole"! At the entrance to the "Black Hole" of the "Tempor" information from them, as it were, turns outward and is ejected !!! By the way, this is somewhat reminiscent of the release of "cred information" from a person's "bio screen" when changing his "cred positions"! The new information that enriches the "Tempors" does not change their structure and does not form any new structures between the "Tempors", it is only recruited and accumulated in it!

After "Chronos" enters the "Quasar" and leaves it for its new temporary work, it does not just leave it, but at the same time it receives an exact address binding at the level of low structures (Galactic, Stellar) and at the same time he collects the necessary information as before approaching this particular place, which characterizes the information path traveled precisely at a particular time period.

"Temporal information", to be more precise, these are "Tempors" with information, enter through the Universal "Black Hole", giving information to the permanent storage system ("Information Banks"). And after that, the information is transferred to the "corrective layers", in which it is mandatory to verify it with the "reference information". Where is it analyzed and processed? And already after that there is a determination in which place of the Universe its "deviation" took place. And after that, the edited information is applied to the Chronos and transferred to the system as part of the Tempor. And at the same time, these Chronos already have a "address binding" - and this will be like a primary impulse, and their " Quality" is already being completed and obtained locally.

But the fact is that "Chronos" and "Temporas" are just "Performers"! And the functions of "regulation" and "management" belong to the "Clouds". And any instant correction on the Universal scale is carried out by "Clouds". It is for this reason that They can be called both the "One Mind" and the "Different Civilizations". And it is They who can change into both spatial formations and "Energy" formations. So that you can compare them with anything, they can be compared with the "Oort Cloud" in our solar system. But the "Oort Cloud" already has an "energy formation"!!

And if our "Noosphere" is located near the Earth, but in another dimension, then this "Oort Cloud" is located in a certain space of our solar system, but also in another dimension. And it has completely different time characteristics!

Conditional image of the "Oort Cloud".

And just as our "Noosphere" is located near the Earth, but in another dimension, so this one is in a certain space, but in another dimension. And it has completely different temporal characteristics. We call this space the "Oort Cloud". After a certain amount of "life energy" is taken from this space to form a "New Soul", certain programs are immediately put into it. And this is already being done by "special representatives" who deal only with these issues.

Our Earth's core takes part in almost all "Noospheric" processes. This is, in particular, the nourishment of its fields surrounding incarnation cells. Recharge is carried out from those "anomalous places" where Her constant release occurs. As a rule, such places are located in the depths of the seas and oceans. Most sailors know what "luminous circles in the ocean" are. It is just there from these places that it is ejected.

Even in ancient times, sailors returning from sea voyages reported miracles of "luminous waters". With bated breath and admiration, they talked about the "giant sparkling wheels" that rotated on the water. And these "Wheels" sometimes reached the horizon and were several miles in size. The Europeans dubbed them the "Devil's Carousel". They rotated at about 100 revolutions per minute. And in Asia they were called "Buddha Wheels". Now think about who is closer to the truth? But not "enlightened Europeans". After all, this energy came from the center of Mother Earth for the life of all minds on it and into our Noosphere, where our souls are!

For those who do not know what a "bio-screen" is, I will say that the fact is that it is in the "bio-screen" that all information is stored both about all human organs and its DNA, and about all the knowledge that a person has acquired throughout his entire life. and previous lives! And its capacity is such that if the knowledge of all mankind is multiplied by four, they will freely fit in it! So in the "Information Banks" of the Universe, all the information of the Universe is stored, both before the "Big Bang" and after it! Information banks are immortal!!!

Below you see a drawing of a human "Bioscreen". In fact, it is "Bioscreen" that is an integral part of the human soul. And after the death of a person, all the information of a person is removed from him.

On it you see two rings. Lower (at number 1 ) and top (numbered 2 ). The lower ring ("Cred Ring") with the Cred position of a person is energetically more saturated and in highly spiritual people in some cases it is perceived even visually by simple people. And when you see on the icons of holy people, a halo is just a truthful and true image of such a person. The "bioscreen" of a person duplicates and controls absolutely all processes occurring in a person and in his brain. And the "Bioscreen" of a person is always in energetic contact with the people around us. And it is not obligatory that such people should be near you, even from a neighboring apartment a bad person can negatively influence your child with his obscene words and bad thoughts.

People know very little about their "Bioscreen", and it is able to play a role in a person's life " time machines "and this property in a person can manifest itself as much as possible at night. And it is in a dream that such a person can experience " looking into the future "along his cred temporal axes. When I asked the Forces of the Universe a question about a person, They answered the following, - You can't even imagine how complex and diverse is the design whose name is a person ! What you people know about her is not even one percent (approximately 0, 001% ) from what actually exists! You still have to know this design, yes to know! You have everything ahead!!!

"Bioscreen" of a person.

  • 1. "Creed Ring" of the bioscreen ("Life position" of a person).
  • 2. "Creative Ring" of the bioscreen.
  • 3. Ray into the incarnation cell.

The most common "life positions" are :

  • 1. All for yourself.
  • 2. All for the people.
  • 3. All for work.
  • 4. All for entertainment.
  • 5. All for the sake of science.
  • 6. Purely collective interest.
  • 7. Pure family interest. And so on...

"Creed Ring" is responsible for the "life position" of a person. And it develops, in fact, from the very birth of a person, when he still does not understand anything, and the "bio-screen" through this "Creed Ring" already forms the "life position" of a person. But at the moment we do not have such a thing as "education" of a person. But if education does not take place with a good - spiritual "life position" of a person, then a person imperceptibly begins to be brought up with a different "life position". The fact is that such concepts as "egregor" and the upbringing of a "life position" in a person, whether he wants it or not - still happens!

Our "bioscreen" - it is impossible to deceive! And all the time (you work, or - sleep) is in working mode! And absolutely all the information about the energy of absolutely every organ and all systems of a person is reflected on the shell of the "bioscreen"! And at the same time, one should not forget that all information about human DNA is stored in the "bio-screen"! And when a person sleeps, then during sleep the phantom of the "bio-screen" can go into the future for a period of up to 2.5 years! And after that, it seems to this person that he has already seen it somewhere.

And at the same time, each human organ generates energy in the form of a spectrum of field radiation. And if the information that came from any organism indicates any deviations, then the "bioscreen" at the same time generates energy impulses that instantly enter the human brain in the form unquestioning order to work with the relevant authority!.

But when a person begins to change his "cred setting", then this is to some extent a critical situation for a person, and for this reason, energy and his previous "cred position" are released from his "bio-screen" above the head of such a person. And an "energy structure" appears in the form of a "falling waterfall". This is somewhat similar to the release of previous information from the Tempor. But critical situations are different: for example, a person suddenly stopped breathing! And in this situation, a "falling waterfall" appears above his head. But in such a state, all this affects the "time axis" of a person, and such a person will feel that time has slowed down its run. And at this time, he will see all the events in slow motion! And after, when he talks about it, no one will believe him, although he will tell the truth!!!

" Falling waterfall", throwing out the previous "life position" of a person.

And now I will write something that our Earth scientists do not know about. The fact is that "bioscreen" - it is such an energy structure that covers and controls the entire human brain! It begins to unfold 5-6 months before the birth of a person and completely completes its formation by about 25-30 years. And on the "bio-screen" all the codes of all human organs and systems are reflected. And at the same time, each such human organ generates energy in the form of a spectrum of field radiation.

Field shell" of a person.

The human "field shell" is almost always in different states. It all depends on the mental and physical activity of a person. And for all people, the outer layer of the "field shell" is different. Its thickness ranges from 2 to 7 centimeters. The thinner its layer, the easier it is for "extraneous minds" to penetrate through it into this shell. Since its main function is protective !!! And people who have a thin "protective shell" at the outer layer often see various terrible dreams and visions, since representatives of the Destructive forces quite easily penetrate them and launch various terrible information. And at the very bottom of the "field shell" of a person there is a "vertical cone", which rotates at a speed of one revolution per second, taking away the "life energy" for the entire human body.

And this energy flows like along the "energy pillar", which is our spine (from the 1st to the 7th "chakra"), rotating all the time, if you look from the bottom - clockwise. And at the same time, each "chakra" takes the energy of only its own color. In addition to the first "chakra", which, in addition to its own - "red energy", also takes away the energy of the "pink color" for the legs. And the fourth "chakra", which, in addition to its "green energy", also takes away the energy of the "green color" for the hands. The rotation speed of this "energy column" is the same all the time, one revolution per second. And only during sleep it slows down a little, by about 25%. The 1st and 3rd "chakras" take this energy, coming from the external environment, especially intensively. It is these energies that affect the physical strength of a person and his health!!!

And the main and main functions of the chakras are the accumulation of "life energy" in the human body and in its subtle structures and the use of accumulated reserves in the future in certain circumstances!

And the higher the filling of the chakra structures in a person, the better the person’s tone, his health, his energy reserve, the composition of his blood and much, much more will be!!!

But not only do the "Chakras" provide all the organs under their control with their "energy of life", they constantly monitor and control the work of all the systems under their control. And if necessary, they can enhance or weaken the flow of "life energy" to any organ.But their work is constantly monitored and controlled by their "bio-screen" of a person.

People of our race know very little about their main thing - "Subtle Body Soul"!!! For example, the "Chakras" of a person are directly responsible for the "psychic abilities" of a person, but we know little about this and for this reason we do not use our "energy reserve" to carry out a certain extrasensory effect on a person and on the world around us !!!

For example, the sixth "chakra" of a person is responsible for such "human abilities" as "clairvoyance", "clairaudience", "telepathy", "vision of the aura and subtle worlds", "hypnosis", etc. That is, this "chakra" accumulates a certain potential itself and takes it from other "chakras" and then uses it in certain purposes of man. And you understood that the "chakras" are directly responsible for the "psychic abilities" of a person to carry out a certain extrasensory influence of such a person on the world around him! And it is through the "Sixth Chakra" that a person can "connect to the time axes"! And the flow of information from a person to the Cosmos and to the system of Teachers in the Noosphere and feedback with Them occurs already through the "Seventh Chakra"!

And a person can influence both his health and his longevity!!! And it is the work of the "Chakras" of a person that has a direct impact and influence on the "duration" of human life, since it is the "Chakras" that are responsible for the "bio-reserve" and "bio-balance" of energies in the human body. That is, they provide a certain duration of functioning of human biomatter! And when the bio-reserve of this particular individual runs out, then the matter of this person will cease to be replenished with the energy of the physical plane, and as a result, the "physical death" of this individual occurs!!!

But the fact is that absolutely every person, along with the good and necessary "energy of life", absorbs many more different things " energy-information garbage", about which our Earth scientists do not yet have any knowledge. And this "energy-informational garbage" flows throughout the spinal canal, polluting it and causing various diseases in a man!!! And I will give you a small example, which neither our scientists nor our people know about yet: the state of only one first "chakra" with its energy depends human healing process. If only the complex of the first "chakra" with its energy is violated, the following diseases occur.

  • 1. Neoplasms in the areas of various organs, including many " malignant " ( cancerous ) diseases.
  • 2. Vascular diseases associated with changes in the structure of blood vessels.
  • 3. Diseases associated with changes in the morphology of the liver. As well as cerebral palsy and many other diseases. And I repeat, this is only from one first chakra with its "life energy"!!!

But the fact is that in the Universe, along with all Its energies, there is also the energy of "milky white color" which can clear the spinal canal of a person from this "garbage"! I learned how to create this "energy of life" on my device, which produces energies of all spectral colors and which the Higher Forces prompted me, including this one " milky white ".

Therefore, before each treatment and rejuvenation, it will be necessary at the very beginning to rid the human body of this "garbage".

You have probably heard about our "Noosphere", where are the "earthly souls" before their new incarnation? These souls go through their reincarnation there, it's like how a person develops, going through all the stages of his growing up and gaining life experience. And when the souls finish their cycle of incarnations on Earth in the 3rd dimensional space, they enter the denser worlds. And now there is a process of expansion of our Universe and humanity simply needs to realize that it is also taking part in this process. And now there is a selection of the necessary energy to participate in this process.

Those representatives of humanity who will generate "wrong energies" will have to leave the Earth - forever!!! So what are these people who generate "correct energy"?

These are people who have the following characteristics:

  • 1. Optimism.
  • 2. Love for all living things.
  • 3. Desire to help, but only for free!
  • 4. Love for children.
  • 5. Mercy and kindness.
  • 6. Responsibility for your actions and deeds.
  • 7. Courage.
  • 8. Complicity in all matters where you can help in difficult times.
  • 9. Faith in God !!!

And in the future, such people are united according to different principles. All of them are combined into a non-personal collective experience of development. It's like Socialism! And such souls can rise even higher than the parental civilization!!!

And the "Bioscreen" of a person, after each reincarnation, improves, provided that the person develops correctly! But at the same time, the "bioscreen" of a person during his lifetime never reveals all his abilities and is always under the strict control of "Noospheric formations!

The shell of the "bioscreen" reflects all the information about the energy of absolutely every organ and all human systems!

And it is the "bio-screen" that is capable of capturing all the information coming from the Teachers of the Noosphere, or from representatives of the Far Space. Let it not seem strange to you, but the "bio-screen" also receives radiation from the plant and animal world. After all, he is with them in the same "information space", where various energy interactions take place! And it is he who reacts even to a decrease or increase in atmospheric pressure, which not only affects the receptors of our skin, but also affects the "bio-screen".

I studied this energy and learned how to develop it and called it "the energy of life." And after that I invented an apparatus that began to produce the "energy of life" of all spectral colors. And after that I asked the Higher Powers if They would be present during his test, - Yes, absolutely right! they replied,We are always in touch, day and night with you. There is surveillance from all sides. Observed by many civilizations of the universe. There is information on the protection of your "brainchild". There are new global questions and interests from other planets that will lead you to new tests of more powerful systems!It turns out that many civilizations of the Universe became interested in this discovery, but not the people of our country and not the people of the Earth !!!The ancient Tibetans already knew this well in ancient times and they wrote, -

The only difference between the sick and the healthy, the old and the young, is the energy of the spinning rings.(whirlwinds from the "energy of life")around the human chakras. It's enough to bring the rings (whirlwinds from the "energy of life")back to normal and the old will become young, a sick - healthy!!!

And upon contact, the Higher Forces confirmed that the "energy of life" in a person, due to his "aging", definitely decreases! And the Forces added, - If you, people, know all kinds of energies of each "energy center" of a person, then you will know how these "energy resources" can be used. And in this case, it will be quite easy for you to know your illnesses and, in general, the shortcomings of any human body!

We know legends about turning "water into wine" and "metal into gold". And for this, only one "mental order" was enough. Let's take metal, it has a crystal lattice and by changing the lattice parameters, we can change the metal itself. We should not forget that we are in a space completely filled with matter. Whence it follows that a "solid body" can be obtained practically "out of thin air". This is exactly what Sai Baba did in India recently. He died in 2011, but promised to be born again in 8 years! Such a process of transition of one substance into another by rearranging the internal structure of atoms is called "Transformation", and it occurs only with the intervention of the Mind and with the help of its thoughts!!! And the shell of "thought" consists of just this very "energy of life".

Photography of people's thoughts.

Look attentively at their "thoughts" taking off from people. In appearance, they are absolutely the same, but the internal occupancy of nmx is all different! And if three people (this is the minimum) have the same occupancy, then such thoughts fly to each other, merge into one thought, and at the same time, this thought has three times more energy than a "simple thought" and from now on it becomes an "egregore" who can independently influence other people!!! And the next thoughts that flow into this thought only strengthen this "egregor" with their energy !!! And since then he has become an "independent instrument" of influencing other people!!!

Orbs - Thought Hunters.

Many people see some kind of flying circles in their photographs and call them "Orbs" and cannot understand what it is? The fact is that above you saw a photograph of "thoughts" and there are very, very many such "thoughts"! And some of these "thoughts" are very "bad" and "disgusting", while others carry a lot of very good! Here "Orbs" are a kind of "filters" for "bad thoughts"!

And in essence "Orbs" are filters for "bad thoughts"!!! And they are, as it were, part of our nature, but people do not know anything about it!!! They feed good and necessary "thoughts" and put them in "Information Banks" and "bad thoughts" they simply destroy them. But the fact is that various numerous thoughts also fly off from plants and animals and "Orbs", like bees, collect them.

The human soul has great opportunities for self-learning, self-expression, self-development and many, many other possibilities, while maintaining its ability to transform all its components. And when the soul realizes all its capabilities and reaches perfection, then it acquires the possibility of self-determination - whether to exist within the limits of the Native mind and take part in the life of other Lazums, or go on a free search in the Universe !!!

In our churches, they say all the time that we are God's servants. I was told at one of the sessions by the Power of the Super Ring, - You are not servants of God, you are our children!!! You are our future!! The fact is that the Creator is trying to raise the souls of man to His level!!!

The forces of the Universe said, - That a person exists on Earth as an individual, which must adapt to certain conditions. And at the same time to gain such experience, knowledge and skills that he will need for further development outside the Earth and, possibly, the generation of another, more Higher Mind in the future!!! And at the same time, while people live on Earth, they are to some extent "puppets" and we are constantly monitored and controlled by the "Teachers" of the Noosphere.

Representatives of the previous race were well aware of this energy and knew how to use it well and therefore lived for about 1000 years and almost never got sick. They simply knew how to find their "place of power" from which the "energy of life" emanated and were charged with this energy! What we absolutely do not know how to do and for this reason we do not know how to do it all! Since we have forgotten all this knowledge, and therefore we all live very little and get sick all the time !!! Below in the photo you see a "dolmen" ("point of power"). It is from such "dolmens" that the "energy of life" comes out, about which the ancient people knew, but we have forgotten all this !!!

People of our race consider themselves quite advanced minds, but many of us, in addition to satisfying their primitive needs and boundless desires, they do not want to know either themselves or the world around them! In this picture, which I took from the magazine "Miracles and Adventures", you see a dolmen, above which something swirls up like a haze. I asked the Forces a question - what is it? And the Forces answered, - Do you think that only you, people, strive to get in touch with the Higher Forces!? Above this dolmen, you see how two "forest spirits" of this forest area decided to use the "Place of Power" of this area and climb up closer to the Higher Cosmic Spirits in order to communicate with Them. At the same time, they decided to use the "life energy" of the Earth, emanating from this "Point of Power" as a kind of steps b ki into space. And now I can tell you why some people are drawn to contact with the Higher Forces, while others are absolutely indifferent. The fact is that some people, by their reincarnation, have come to a point where they have a desire to be closer to the Higher Forces and in this way bring themselves and our Civilization closer to a higher spiritual development.

And now, starting in 2012, a new Sixth race is beginning to grow. And humanity must, in a short time, go through the path of its development, such as it goes in 1000 years. This means the worldview of mankind both on themselves, on the nature surrounding us, and on the Universe!

The human brain, if compared with anything, is like his "biological computer". And the physical space of the brain in a person is involved by about 4% (and even then not for everyone). In the future, a person will open his "repositories", which were artificially blocked, since a person was simply not ready to work with them yet.

We know very little about the energies of the Universe, but what are our ordinary people or scientists, if the Higher Forces of the Universe themselves said upon contact, - The forms of the existence of matter are very diverse. Starting from the smallest microcosms, which are unknown even to Us, including huge accumulations of energy of powerful fields of "biological" nature. These are "bioenergetic fields" of all Galaxies, Constellations and individual planets.

And this field is more essential than materialized matter!!!

This is what the Higher Powers said upon contact. Because life exists precisely thanks to the energy of these fields from this "Living" and "Reasonable" energy. Yes, and the Universe itself exists precisely thanks to this "Reasonable" and living energy of the "energy of life" !!! True, our scientists still know almost nothing about these "fields", and about the Universe itself. But this energy plays a huge role in life, since life exists precisely thanks to this energy. And I learned to produce this energy and called it "the energy of life."

But in the Universe, the constructive development of minds was originally laid down !!! And all this is written in the Universal Law! But all the same, there are civilizations in the Universe that still do not understand and do not realize themselves. They consider themselves almost the only minds in the universe. And such civilizations live as it turns out. And at the same time they consider themselves very "smart". And people in such civilizations are always looking for where they can live in such a way that it would be financially profitable for them and for this they go forward, as it seems to them, at any cost, although these "good intentions" lead them straight to Hell!!! And this applies to us - Earthlings and to our country, if earlier we, with various misunderstandings and mistakes, moved forward along the "Divine - Constructive - Socialist" path, now we have turned back and embarked on a "destructive - Capitalistic path "development!!! And in order to understand all this, each person must reevaluate his life priorities and after that he began to move through life with more correct spiritual values ​​!!!

A.G. Dolzhenko

The Holy Spirit, like God, pervades everything. “But God revealed it to us by His Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God" ().

The Holy Spirit is the life-giving God. “Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God” ().

The Holy Spirit comes from God the Father.

People equally glorify and worship the Holy Spirit as God, as equal to God the Father and God the Son. “So go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” ().

The Holy Spirit is consubstantial with God the Father and God the Son. “For there are three that testify in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one ”().

The Holy Spirit, or the Spirit of God, was pre-eternal and always existed. “The earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the abyss, and the Spirit of God hovered over the water” ().

The Spirit of God came into contact with people. “And the Lord [God] said: My Spirit will not forever be neglected by people [these]” ().

From the above quotations it is clear that the Holy Spirit is God and proceeds from God the Father. And it can also come from God the Father at the intercession of God the Son and in His name.

The Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Spirit of truth, descended immeasurably upon Jesus Christ. “For he whom God has sent speaks the words of God; for God does not give the Spirit by measure. The Father loves the Son and has given everything into His hand. The Holy Spirit constantly dwells in God the Son and on His children. “If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, then it is not His” ().

The Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles and followers of Jesus Christ on the day of Pentecost. “So He, having been exalted by the right hand of God and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, poured out what you now see and hear” (). The Holy Spirit can also descend on true Christians who have changed not only outwardly, but also inwardly, and who have perfected their spiritual nature through the fulfillment of the commandments of God, through sincere prayer, observance of fasts and sacraments. "The Heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him" ​​(Luke 11:13). “When the grace and love of mankind of our Savior, God, appeared, He saved us not according to the works of righteousness that we would have done, but according to His mercy, by the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, which He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior” ( ). "Don't you know that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God lives in you?" ().

Just like God the Father and God the Son, the Holy Spirit has all the Divine attributes.

For example, omniscience. “The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you everything and remind you of everything that I have told you” (). “The Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. For who among men knows what is in a man, except for the human spirit that lives in him? So no one knows God, except the Spirit of God ”().

Eternity. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, may he be with you forever, the Spirit of truth” ().

Creation. “The Spirit of God created me, and the breath of the Almighty gave me life” ().

Performing miracles. “But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then surely the Kingdom of God has come to you” ().

The Holy Spirit speaks (broadcasts, speaks) through the prophets. “For prophecy was never uttered by the will of man, but the holy men of God spoke it, being moved by the Holy Spirit” (). The Holy Spirit also speaks through the Apostles. “It was revealed to them that not to themselves, but to us, what was now preached to you by those who preached the gospel of the Holy Spirit” ().

The Holy Spirit is one in His essence and essence, but His Gifts are different. “The gifts are different, but the Spirit is the same; and the ministries are different, but the Lord is one and the same; and the actions are different, but God is one and the same, working everything in everyone. But everyone is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the benefit. To one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom, to another the word of knowledge, by the same Spirit; faith to another by the same Spirit; to another gifts of healings, by the same Spirit; miracles to another, prophecy to another, discernment of spirits to another, tongues to another, interpretation of tongues to another. All this is produced by the same Spirit, dividing to each one individually, as He pleases ”().

Therefore, the Bible speaks of “the seven spirits of God” that stand before the throne of the Lord God. “Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before His throne” (). “And from the throne came lightning and thunder and voices, and seven lamps of fire burned before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God” (). “And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb, as it were slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent into all the earth” (). “For this is the stone that I lay before Jesus; there are seven eyes on this one stone ”(). “Those seven are the eyes of the Lord, which cover the whole earth with their eyes” ().

According to the theological views of the main and general Gifts of the Holy Spirit, there are seven. “And the Spirit of the Lord rests on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of advice and strength, the spirit of knowledge and piety” (). The Bible also speaks of other gifts of the Holy Spirit: the spirit of prophecy, the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of power, the spirit of love, and the spirit of chastity. “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and chastity” (). It is also about the spirit of adoption.

The book of Numbers tells how God empowers believers with the Holy Spirit. “I will go down and speak to you there, and I will take from the Spirit that is on you, and I will put it on them so that they bear the burden of the people with you, and you do not carry it alone” (). “And the Lord descended in a cloud, and spoke to him, and took from the Spirit that was on him, and gave to seventy men of elders” ().

The Holy Spirit is given to all those who ask Him from the Lord God and who deserve it with their righteous life. “The Heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him” ().

The Bible gives strong warnings about the Holy Spirit. “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by which you are sealed on the day of redemption” (). “Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven people; ... but if anyone speaks against the Holy Spirit, he will not be forgiven either in this age or in the future ”().

In the Bible, the expression "sealing with the spirit" is used of believers who have received the gift of the Holy Spirit. “Who also sealed us and gave the pledge of the Spirit in our hearts” (). “For this very thing, God created us and gave us a guarantee of the Spirit” (). “In Him you also, having heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and having believed in Him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit” ().

In contrast to the Holy Spirit, which proceeds from God, another spirit also acts on people. Spirit of slavery. “Because you did not receive the spirit of bondage to live in fear again, but you received the Spirit of adoption” (). The spirit of dormancy. “As it is written: God gave them a spirit of sleep, eyes with which they do not see, and ears with which they do not hear, even to this day” (). Spirit of fear and delusion. “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and chastity” (). “We are from God; he who knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.

These spirits of slavery, lulling, fear, delusion act at the instigation of the main evil spirit - the devil. In Greek, this evil spirit is called "diabolos" and means "accuser, deceiver, slanderer." He "liar and father of lies" (), "deceiver of the whole universe" (). This evil spirit is a fallen angel who, as a result of his pride, rebelled and fell away from God. However, the Lord also defeats all his minions. “Depart from me, cursed ones, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” ().

In order to discern the spirits that affect a person, one must have the gift of discerning spirits, which is what the Bible says. "Differentiation of spirits to another" ().

In the Bible, along with the gift (ability) of discerning spirits, there is advice that every person can apply to discerning spirits, related to the testing of spirits. "Beloved! believe not every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. Recognize the Spirit of God (and the spirit of error) in this way: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus Christ, who has come in the flesh, is not from God, but is the spirit of the Antichrist, about whom you heard that he would come and now is already in the world ”().

The word "confess" means not just to believe, but also to fulfill the commandments of Christ, that is, to do good. The Bible advises man not to serve evil spirits. because “those who do evil will be cut off, but those who trust in the Lord will inherit the earth” (). Because from evil, good does not happen, since "Evil will kill the sinner" ().

On the question of Who the Holy Spirit is, what He represents, a large amount of theological literature has been written in Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Protestantism. One of the long-standing disagreements between Catholics and Orthodox is the question of "the procession of the Holy Spirit" (the dispute about the so-called filioque). Catholics claim that the Holy Spirit proceeds, quoting "from the Father and the Son." Orthodox teaches that the Holy Spirit comes only from God the Father. “When the Comforter comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me” (). The Holy Spirit only fulfills the will of God the Father, but can proceed from God the Father both at the intercession of the Son and in His name. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, may he be with you forever, the Spirit of truth” (). “The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you everything and remind you of everything that I have told you” ().

In Protestantism, both of these views are found in different forms. The above quotes from the Bible confirm the correctness of the Orthodox teaching about the procession of the Holy Spirit. The doctrine of the Holy Spirit is one of the main doctrines of the Pentecostals, the revivalists, in the organization of the holiness movement. Revivalists believe that water baptism alone is not enough for the spiritual development of a person. The baptism with the Holy Spirit is also necessary, which, in their opinion, should be accompanied by various miracles and signs. For example, speaking in other tongues (holossolaria) or the manifestation of a prophetic gift or a gift for miracles or miraculous healings. Pentecostals believe that they should receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and use them to serve God. However, these Protestants, while saying that they adhere strictly to the Bible in everything, forget that, according to the Bible, the Holy Spirit descends on a person already at water baptism. “Peter said to them: repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" ().

As we can see, the Holy Spirit is recognized (albeit in different ways) by all Christian denominations and trends. And Orthodox Christians always revere the Holy Spirit as the true God, representing the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity, strictly adhering to the teachings of Christ set forth in the Holy Bible.

I would like to talk about the Holy Spirit in the Church, about Himself and about what He does both in the Church and over us, how He affects us, how He works in and through us.

There are two stories in Scripture about the giving of the Holy Spirit. Immediately I recall what is described in the second chapter of the book of Acts - Pentecost. Another story - in the 20th chapter of the Gospel of John - led many interpreters into bewilderment. They tried to unite it with the first, to merge them together, to equally connect both stories with the Ascension. I will approach these two stories more simply, more directly, as we find them in Scripture, and try to show what they have in common and how these two events differ.

In the 20th chapter of the Gospel of John we read about the first appearance of Christ after His Resurrection. His first words are soothing words: peace to you. The peace that Christ gave, this world could not give. The peace that Christ gave filled the whole house, remained with the Apostles forever. This is the peace that came upon them when they discovered that the horror of Good Friday was gone forever, that human hatred had not killed Divine Love, that human society could not exclude the Living God from its midst into outer darkness. This peace came upon them because they knew that life had not been killed, life had not been extinguished, that God was truly among them, and that the name of the Messiah, Emmanuel, which we learn about at the beginning of the Gospel of Matthew (1:23), is true not only in the beginning, but as the final victory: Emmanuel, God is among us, God with us.

And then the Lord breathed on His disciples and said: Receive the Holy Spirit. This gift of the Holy Spirit should be approached, it seems to me, very carefully and thoughtfully. First, this gift was communicated to all the Apostles in their totality, to all present, but none of them possessed it individually. On the other hand, those who joined the apostolic circle later did not need to receive, as it were, this gift additionally. You remember that the Apostle Thomas was not there that evening along with the other Apostles. When a week later Christ again appeared to His disciples and Thomas was with them, and Christ reproached him for unbelief and offered to feel the wounds on his hands and in his side, so as not to remain unbelieving, to believe, then after the confession of the Apostle Thomas: My Lord and my God!(John 20:28) - Christ did not give him the Spirit, which the other Apostles had already received. Since Thomas belonged to the apostolic circle, was one of them, did not break away from them - he, together with everyone, possessed what was entrusted to their community, all in the aggregate, not as a group of people, but as a single whole.

Perhaps a parallel can be drawn here with the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Lord Jesus Christ Himself on the banks of the Jordan (Mk 1:9-11). These eleven Apostles that made up His body received the Holy Spirit, He was entrusted to them. He was in their midst, in their community, and He united them into a community. The community did not possess the Holy Spirit, - He covered the community, led it, conquered it. And at the same time, something else was lacking in that fullness that the Church came to know later. They received the Holy Spirit, kept it, but none of them reached the fullness that should belong to the members of the Church, which is their calling. Despite this gift, this pledge of eternity, this eschatological intrusion of the Spirit into the environment of the Apostles, the relationship between the Holy Spirit and the created world has not yet reached its fullness, as John the Theologian says in one place: because Christ has not yet ascended to the Father (see John 7 :39).

Time passed. Together they possessed this gift of the Holy Spirit, but they were still unable to bear the fruits of the Spirit, because He was entrusted to their community, their unity, but had not yet fulfilled them, had not embraced each of them so that each of them could personally - albeit in unity with others - to act in the name of God. This happened fifty days later, on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended on them and each of them received a gift, received a fiery tongue, which meant the descent of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:3). None of them could have possessed the Spirit if all together, in rudimentary unity as the Body of Christ, they were not already embraced by the Spirit: this was common to all, belonged to all, and therefore could belong to each of them. Yes, everyone, but in different ways. You can lose the gift of the Spirit. It is possible to become alien to this Presence given to us in our personal lives, and yet the Holy Spirit does not leave the Church. For example, if in ancient times apostates, those who publicly denied Christ and returned to paganism, were then accepted into the bosom of the Church, they were accepted not only through repentance, but they had to receive the seal of the Holy Spirit again. They became strangers to Him because they themselves denied Him.

On the other hand, not only from a theological point of view, but from the experience of life in the Church that each of us has, from the life of the Church in history or in our day, we see that the Spirit of God does not leave the Church when her members waver, they deviate from the truth, they seek the truth, but on the path of this search they fall into errors. The Spirit of God is always present, always active, He calls, teaches, instructs, works in us, renews us all, whether we remain faithful or waver and turn out to be traitors. The Holy Spirit, bestowed in an event that one Orthodox theologian called the Pentecost of St. John, an action described in the Gospel of John, is preserved by the whole of the Church. No one possesses Him, and at the same time, for everyone who is part of the apostolic circle, which has been expanding throughout the centuries - and when I say “apostolic circle”, I do not mean the clergy, I mean all those who connected with the apostolic faith, the apostolic life, or rather, the life of Christ Himself, abiding, acting in His body - this gift of the Holy Spirit is the condition of our personal holiness.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

If we ask ourselves the question, Who is the Holy Spirit, I think we can start with a remark that Vladimir Nikolaevich Lossky made many years ago. He says that the Father is revealed in the Son, through the Son. The Son is revealed by the Holy Spirit. But the Spirit Himself remains elusive. He is not yet revealed as the Father is revealed in the Person of the Son. The revelation of the Spirit, the victory of God, the radiance of the Divine Life is manifested by humanity itself. The Hieromartyr Irenaeus of Lyons in one of his writings says that the glory of God is a person who has been fulfilled to the end. Each of us individually and all together, each of us and the community that we make up - this is where the radiance of the Spirit should be seen. No other is given. And this puts us in a very special relationship with the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, the Lord the Holy Spirit. It seems to me that it is impossible to properly define what the Holy Spirit is; It seems to me that the best thing to do is to approach the question descriptively, in images, or try to grasp through the fruits of the Spirit, through His action, everything that can be grasped about Him.

First, one image. This is to some extent a reworking of an ancient analogy, an ancient parable. If you try to imagine or convey to someone the relationship of the Persons of the Holy Trinity, Their features, you can refer to the ancient image from the Holy Scriptures, the image of the burning bush that Moses saw in the wilderness (Ex 3: 2): a bush that burned without burning. We can observe the mysterious, unimaginable property of this unburned flame in an indirect way. When Moses faced this burning bush, he did not catch the burning, he caught the flame and heat. Burning itself does not fit into the framework of what is available to our knowledge, our perception - burning can be seen, warmth can be felt insofar as we are embraced by it, we share it. In such images, one can speak of the mystery of God, in terms of a burning bush, a bush that burns and, incomprehensibly, unbelievably for us, does not burn. And at the same time, we comprehend this burning through the tongues of flame and heat, which becomes a part of ourselves, or rather, of which we ourselves become a part. What is the difference between this heat and this flame? The flame is an objective phenomenon, part of the visible experience. It speaks of something, but remains an external phenomenon for us. Imagine it this way: you can stand in front of a burning fireplace, see how a log burns in it, not understanding the essence of combustion, but perceiving it through the flame. At this moment, we perceive at the same time burning, flame, heat. But you can be on the street, look out of someone's window, see flames and feel nothing but the cold around us. The fact that we see a flame objectively states that it exists, but tells us nothing about the flame itself. If I did not know from experience that flame means burning and warmth, I, standing outside, on the street, would have a good right to assert that the flame does not heat. This statement is incomplete unless something else is added to it.

Isn't that what Scripture means when it tells us that the Spirit reveals to us who Jesus is (John 15:26)? His nature, His Person truly answers the question "Who?". Only when we have felt heat, we can catch the connection of flame with burning, but if we have not experienced heat, in other words, if the Holy Spirit has not touched us, we can know everything about the flame and still express erroneous, blasphemous judgments. Again, isn’t this what Scripture says in the words of Christ Himself, that any blasphemy against Christ will be forgiven: because He is “Yes”, “Amen”, He is an affirmation, a positive fact outside of ourselves. He is the objective statement of God in history; and sin against the Spirit cannot be forgiven (Mark 3:29).

Who is the Holy Spirit and what is sin against Him?

How, then, to understand Who is the Holy Spirit and what is sin against Him? And here I want to emphasize that what I am about to present here is one of the many and varied conjectures that have been put forward regarding sin against the Holy Spirit. If the images that I have given are convincing, then you will understand and agree that the elusive heat that is not amenable to any of our analysis, pouring from a burning bush, can only be known by an experienced sensation; but once we have felt it, it cannot be denied. And if it is denied, then there can be two reasons for this denial: either the person is insane and claims to be freezing, although he is engulfed in warmth, or for some reason of his own - and the reasons can be very different - he is ready to deny his own experience, to deny that quite definitely he himself knows as the truth. And this can only be corrected by that change of mind, which is called repentance, conversion, metanoia in Greek, a change of mind, a readiness to speak truthfully about what we know to be true, to renounce our own inner rejection of the truth. These same images, perhaps, can help not only to go deeper, but at least to peer into another, more complex issue about the procession of the Holy Spirit.

I will state it, like everything I have said so far, in a very primitive way. Heat is born not from a flame, but from the fact that a log is burning. The heat comes from the same source as the flame. Due to the fact that there is a burning bush, there is both flame and heat. One origin, one, one and only source.

Again, if these images are acceptable in their own way, it becomes clear to us that we know the nature of the flame only through the fact that we feel heat. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal to us Who is "Yes" and "Amen", the visible manifestation of the Father in history. And this is the first action and property of the Holy Spirit. He is the Spirit of Truth. He reveals to us the Truth about God and the Truth about man. He reveals to us in the prophet from Galilee the incarnate Son of God. He reveals to us the meaning of all His words, His Word. He is the Spirit of Truth and leads us to all truth. And I used the word "leads to" not in vain, because truth is not something that is established once and for all. It's not a statement, it's not a belief system, it's not a worldview. It is a living, dynamic reality. Truth is not something, Truth is Someone: I am the truth(John 14:6). And therefore, revealing Christ to us in all its fullness, in all His content, in everything that Christ Himself reveals to us as the Word, revealing the depths of the Divinity, as the Son, revealing the mystery of the Fatherhood, the Holy Spirit, step by step, leads us not to new truths, but to ever new depths, to ever greater vision of Him Who is Truth.

The Holy Spirit also reveals to us the depths of man

The Holy Spirit also reveals to us the depths of man. He also reveals to us the connection that exists between us and God. He explores the depths of a person. He reveals to us that depth that is deeper than the psychological realm: our rootedness in the creative Word of God, our rootedness in the life-giving Word of God. He also teaches us a completely new relationship with God. Outside the relationship with the Holy Spirit, outside the trusting relationship through Him with the Only Begotten Son of God, we could talk about God as the Creator, the Almighty, Lord and Judge, as the Provider, perhaps as the Savior. But we could not call Him Father except purely metaphorically, without a real ontological relationship between Him and us, without an essential connection. It would be an image, not a deeply authentic relationship. But insofar as we are connected with Christ, as the members of one body are connected, insofar as the Spirit of God who rested on Christ permeates this body with the gifts of the Holy Spirit (see the Gospel of John and the book of Acts), insofar as Christ is our brother, we are consubstantial with Him . And these are His own words: Go and tell my brothers that they will meet me in Galilee(see Mark 16:7). In this brotherhood with Christ, we discover in a rudimentary way, vaguely, what sonship is and what fatherhood can be - not in the empirical life of our broken, complete division of the world; we discover in Him what it means to be a son, and through Him we can imagine, in a rudimentary way, what it means to have a Father and Who, what that Father might be. The moment we stop using words like Lord Almighty, God, God Judge, and we are able to at least rudimentarily pronounce Father we can say that our prayer has been touched by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, except by the power and action of the Holy Spirit, through revelation, bestowed by the power and action of the Holy Spirit, we cannot address the word Father to Him who is the Holy One of Israel.

And finally, as I already mentioned, the coming of the Holy Spirit, what He reveals to us, the germ of all this takes place in this world, but leads us to the fullness that will be revealed in the world to come, in the Kingdom of God, in eternal life. The Holy Spirit has a property, a purely eschatological element, belonging exclusively to the last things, the final accomplishment of everything. Only when everything is completed will all mankind become in its glory the revelation of the Holy Spirit dwelling in it, Who unites mankind with the Divinity, transforms the whole world into a place of God's indwelling. But even in our time, the Holy Spirit acts in the Church in two ways, and I want to say briefly about this: it acts in the eschatological dimension and in the work of a Christian.

Holy Spirit. Eucharist

The first belongs to the liturgical realm. Every time during the celebration of the sacraments, in particular the sacrament of the Eucharist, the Orthodox Church calls on the Holy Spirit, prays Him to come and overshadow both the assembled community and the prepared Gifts. This is not just a peculiar way to perform a mysterious action, as if the best way to consecrate the Holy Gifts. The essence of the epiclesis, the appeal to the Holy Spirit, so that He descends on us and on the prepared Gifts, is that what must be done so that bread and wine can become the Body and Blood of Christ, partake of the Divine, belongs to the future age. This can be accomplished only because the Spirit of God, bestowed upon the Church, dwelling in her, acting in her with the sovereign power and might of God, introduces into historical time the dimension and quality of the last accomplishments, the fulfillment of everything. Otherwise it could not have taken place in our historical time, in our state of becoming. This intrusion of eternity, this expansion of the present state of things into what it will be when everything reaches its fullness - this is the indispensable condition for the celebration of the sacrament. And this becomes quite clear (although it sounds ridiculous from a linguistic point of view) from the prayer in the liturgy, where we ask God to grant us today His future Kingdom.

And the second. The Holy Spirit, in His eschatological dimension of finite things, also determines what should be the action of a Christian, Christian action. The unique distinguishing feature of Christian action is that it is the action of God, carried out through a person, whether it be an individual person or a community of people. Christian action is the action of God, performed, accomplished through man. And it has, like all the actions of God, the eschatological dimension of the last accomplishments. Human wisdom, sophistication collects all possible answers from past human experience and includes them in the present in order to solve the problems of today, and projects them into the future, planning future accomplishments. Divine Wisdom, it seems to me, is not determined by such causation; the action of each present moment is not conditioned by the present or the past, but always only by the future. God is working for the sake of something, not due to something. In the Divine action there is always something unprecedented, unexpected, which introduces an absolute novelty into the situation. An example of such an action of the Holy Spirit belonging to history is the Incarnation. The incarnation is not only a response to the past of mankind and to its state of the current moment when it happened, when everything was ripe for this event. The Incarnation is an act of God that introduces into the historical situation something that was not there before. The living God becomes a part, a particle of human history, the formation of man. And at the same time, humanity is so united with God, so included in the mystery of God, that in the Ascension our humanity is carried away to the core of the mystery of the Holy Trinity. Here you can see how the Holy Spirit, having overshadowed the Mother of God, carried out the action of God, in which the Blessed Virgin fully participates with Her Behold, the Servant of the Lord, let it be unto Me according to thy word(Luke 1:38), and introduces into history something that has never been, a new image of the Presence of God.

Answers to questions about the Holy Spirit

You mentioned a place in John the Theologian that the Spirit was not yet on earth, because Christ had not yet ascended to the Father. How is this to be understood, if only the Holy Spirit is the source of life, grace, knowledge of God, everything ..?

There was no time when the Holy Spirit was simply not in the world. Otherwise, there would never have been any meeting between God and His creature. If “God” were just an objective concept, inaccessible to His creation, not causing any response from the creature, then there could be an objective knowledge of a dead deity, but not the Living God. But the ancient commentators believed that when Scripture tells us that the Spirit did not yet exist, because Christ had not yet ascended to the Father, then it says that the Spirit was present, overshadowed the world created by God, the Spirit attracted people, led them, but as if from outside, knocking as if from outside at the door, calling from outside, waiting for man to respond, because man was created in such a way that he is able to understand this call and respond.

The difference between what happened in the Church on this particular day and on the day of Pentecost is that the relationship between the Spirit and the Church, the Spirit and each individual member of the Church - let's take the Apostles for example - was a real indwelling, the Spirit was in them, the Spirit was bound with them ... Again, if we take the image that the Fathers offer: how fire can pierce iron. It was not an external influence, a voice, as it were, from outside, it was an internal Presence, unknown to others in this form, in this sense. I do not think that there can be an adequate teaching about the Holy Spirit until everything reaches its fullness and until all of humanity in the person of each of its members shines with the Spirit, becomes His reflection, vision.

Still, the words that sin against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven are very scary. Sometimes you recognize in yourself not just sins, but sinfulness, pride, rebellion, evil will. Where is the line after which we are cut off?

When people tell me contritely that they think that their main sin is pride, I usually answer: “Don't worry. You are too small to be proud. It's just vanity." I think when you talk about the Luciferian rebellion, you are talking about something you are incapable of. It seems to me that the rebellion you are talking about is not just self-will, as it were, the capriciousness of a child who does not want to do what he should. A rebellion that could cut us off from God is not just an act of self-will. This is a deliberate, thoughtful action, a decision, and not just a choice according to a momentary mood, but a decisive choice against God.

Scripture tells us that God gives the Spirit without measure(Jn 3:34), which means: gives Him the Whole - to everyone who is ready to receive Him. There is, however, an ancient proverb that complements these words and says that, sadly, we accept Him in my measure. That is, according to the breadth and depth of our heart, our generosity, our ability to give ourselves as completely as possible, to be faithful to the end, we receive more than if we waver, doubt. Everything is offered, absolutely everything - we can take as much as our heart can accommodate ... We can say that the Holy Spirit is in fullness in the Church, and each of us participates in the Holy Spirit to the extent that we are able to receive and bear Him. And I would add that this is not a permanent state; there are moments when good will is replaced by bad will. But God never leaves us unless we say outright, “Go away! I chose the other side!”.

But even then, He won't just walk away with indifference. He will knock at the door of your heart with the memories of Himself, with the impulses of your heart, with His voice, with everything that leads to Him - because we are made to respond; He will knock through the circumstances of life, through people ... I would say that each of us can be attributed to the phrase from the “Shepherd” of Hermas, who describes his visions, where his guardian angel (he calls him the Shepherd) gives him instructions. And in one place an angel says to him: “Do not be afraid, Herm, God will not leave you until he breaks either your heart or your bones.”

In our time, people often do not know about God, about Christianity, but they seek God, turn to Him, as if they know Him rudimentarily. Someone comes to Christ, someone passes by ...

I don't know what's going on, in what mysterious way the soul is connected to God. I am sure that everyone who calls on God, no matter what name he calls Him, refers to the One God. Let a person pray and turn to an imaginary God, his true God hears ... God responds to what is in a person’s heart, not to his mental representations or insufficient knowledge. But it seems to me that when a person has discovered Christ for himself, then at some point all other names must disappear, because in Christ there is something so unique that it cannot be put on a par with any other names. Mankind has had great and holy teachers besides Christ, but none of them has been and never will be what Christ was: God come into the world. It's not that His teaching was the best, it's all about His person and the Incarnation.

Translation from English by E. Maidanovich

Cm. Archimandrite Cassien (Besobrasoff). La Pentecte Johannique. Valence-sur-Rhene, 1939.

You have read the material "Holy Spirit". Read also:

You have read the material "Holy Spirit". See also the video that may be of interest to you: Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, Doctor of Theology Osipov A.I. about the Holy Spirit

Yesterday the Church celebrated its birthday. This is the day when the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and gave them strength and wisdom to preach the Gospel throughout the world, according to the word of Christ: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit descends on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8).

What has always been incomprehensible to me is the “separation of functions” among the persons of the Holy Trinity. If God is one, then what does it matter to me which Person did this or that action? Is there some kind of "separation of powers", or simply - to whom in what situation does one pray? The day of the Holy Spirit is a great opportunity to sort things out.

In Holy Scripture

Christ told the apostles: “But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of everything that I have said to you” (John 14:26). So, the Spirit had to teach the apostles “everything” (apparently, first of all, necessary for preaching) and recall the words of Christ that they heard during his stay on earth. According to Archbishop Averky, the presence of the Spirit will, as it were, replace their direct communion with Christ to which they are accustomed.

The word “Parakletos”, translated here as “Comforter”, is a legal term, the closest to which will be the modern concept of a lawyer (in fact, the word “ad-vocat” is a literal translation of the Greek “para-kletos”, literally - “called by someone "). The same word was called a special person who, in his own words, inspired the soldiers on the battlefield. Some researchers believe that at the time of the translation of the Bible into Slavonic, the legal practices of these peoples were so poorly developed that the concepts of a lawyer were simply absent in their languages, so they were replaced by some words understandable to these ordinary people. After all, consolation, support - indeed, one of the functions of a lawyer. Similarly, the word "witness" ("martiros") was usually translated as "martyr".

So, the "functions" of the Holy Spirit, according to Scripture, are related to the support teaching, reminding of the presence of Christ and His protection and help which He provides to man.

In worship

And what do the liturgical texts of today say on this topic? “The Holy Spirit ... Life and Life-giving, Light and Giver of light, He is good and the Source of goodness”, “The Holy Spirit is light and life, and a living intelligent source. Spirit of wisdom, Spirit of reason, good, right, thinking, dominating, purifying sins; God - and deifying; Fire - outgoing from Fire; speaking, acting, distributing gifts.

Here appears the theme of power, light, with which the Holy Spirit fills a person's life, various gifts (gifts, talents) that He sends to people; “goodness” (that is, kindness and sensitivity to other people). Ultimately Holy Spirit - "worshipping", that is, making people gods, in the words of St. Athanasius the Great.

Another important aspect is that The Holy Spirit dwells in the Church, He ensures its unity and wholeness. The Spirit helps to overcome disunity: “when he distributed fiery tongues, / He called everyone to unity, / and we glorify the All-Holy Spirit in accordance” (kontakion of the feast of the Trinity) and makes those who obey him one Church.

At the holy fathers

“The Holy Spirit is an immaterial fire: the light of faith, the warmth of love, fiery tongues that pronounce the law of God in the heart ... He awakens from the enchantment of the world, leads to trust in God, induces repentance ... If we do not interfere with His action, He directs in a narrow way selflessness…” (Filaret of Moscow)

“Now God gives a man a new Spirit (Ezek. 36, 26), breathes into him a new breath of life… The apostles were the first vessels of the Holy Spirit… Just as life in plants freezes from the winter cold, so the spirit of a person freezes when he is given over to sin… In the seed there is a sprout of life, and in plants dying for the winter there is life; but if the Lord does not send the spirit of spring, then they will not be created and the face of the earth will not be renewed (Ps. 103, 30) ”(Theophan the Recluse)

So, the action of the Holy Spirit in a person is similar to some representation, the voice of God in man. Indeed, we see that the word "parakletos" is used consciously, and the legal analogy is not accidental.

In addition, the Holy Spirit helps a person to change ("spirit of spring"), gives him the strength to grow.


So the Holy Spirit:

ensures the unity of believers among themselves;

fills a person with strength, light; gives "the fruit of the Spirit" (Gal. 5:22);

· is the source of "gifts of the Spirit" (1 Cor. 12:1-10) - human and superhuman talents and abilities.

What should I do?

What must I do to have the Holy Spirit in me? On the one hand, as St. Philaret, for this you need to be “born again” (John 3:3). The presence of the Spirit in a person is a sign of his election by God, as it was in the days of the Old Testament, when the Holy Spirit Himself chose the prophets and spoke through them.

On the other hand, Christ promised that “your Heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him,” and in this regard, the inner aspirations of a person come to the fore: what does he truly strive for, what does he desire, what is he doing in the first place. “Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap: he who sows to his own flesh from the flesh will reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit from the Spirit will reap eternal life (Gal. 6:7-8),” St. Theophan the Recluse words of the Apostle Paul.

How do you understand the work of the Holy Spirit in you? What are you doing to be with Him? Tell us on our blog!

Involuntarily you ask yourself: what am I really striving for?

Looking inside myself, I realize that First of all, I want happiness: peace, joy, peace, love, creativity, freedom. Often I start looking for all this “on the side”, but deep down I understand that I can only get all this from God.

However, is this motivation for spiritual life the right one, the kind that the Lord expects from me? It looks like not quite. I have two separate concepts in my head: "happiness" and "God", and they are connected logically: God is the source of happiness, so I strive for God. Reading what the righteous wrote - ancient and modern - you understand that they had no such division. They only saw God- as the source of all joy, all happiness, and aspired directly to Him.

Spirit, Holy Spirit

Initially Hebrew. the word ruach, like the Greek. pneuma, meant "breath" or "wind", and the meaning "spirit" acquired later. In the NT, the word pneuma occurs in five senses:

1) in the main meaning - "wind" - this word is used by Jesus in a conversation with Nicodemus: "The wind blows where it wants to..." (Jn 3:8; cf. Heb 1:7: "who makes his angels winds");
2) more than once this word is used in the meaning of "human soul": "The spirit is willing ..." (Matthew 26:41). So, it is said about the daughter of Jairus: "and her spirit returned" (Luke 8:55). D. ap. Paul was "indignant" at the sight of Athens - "a city full of idols" (Acts 17:16). God's D. "witnesses to our spirit that we are God's children" (Rom 8:16). We should keep our D. without blemish (1 Thessalonians 5:23) etc.;
3) the word pneumata (plural from pneuma) occurs in the context of "the spirits of the righteous who have reached perfection" (Heb 12:23) and "the spirits in the dungeon" (1 Pet 3:19);
4) The Bible also speaks of unkind D.: evil D. (Mt 8:16; Acts 19:12) are usually called "unclean" D. (Mt 10:1; Acts 5:16 etc.) , prophetic D. (Acts 16:16), as well as the "spirit of weakness" (Luke 13:11), D. euthanasia (Rom 11:8) etc. In these cases, we are not necessarily talking about a certain person, since the word "spirit" can also be used in an allegory. meaning;
5) usually the word pneuma is used in the phrase "Holy Spirit".


The Creative Spirit of God creates and sustains all things. Before from the original chaos the universe was created, "the Spirit of God hovered over the waters" (Gen 1:2). It was creative. the beginning that brought all things to life. God's D. is the breath of God that creates life (Job 27:3; 33:4; Ps 103:29ff.) . This "spirit of life" revived the "scattered bones of Israel" (Ezekiel 37:1-14) and two witnesses of God (Revelation 11:11). He is like the "word" (logos), which was in the beginning with God, through which everything was created. (John 1:1ff.). This creative Word is Christ Himself (1 Corinthians 15:45; see Jesus Christ). The identity of Christ and St. D. is expressed by Paul in the words: "The Lord is Spirit" (2 Corinthians 3:17). see God (IV, B).
St. D. is God's power that determines and directs the course of man. life. This is also recognized by the OT. God's D. gives man understanding (Job 32:8). "And You gave them Your good Spirit to instruct them" (Nehemiah 9:20). "And my spirit dwells among you: do not be afraid!" (Hag 2:5). A person should trust this D. (Ps 142:10). He performs great deeds, next to which people. efforts seem insignificant (Zech 4:6). He bestows extraordinary talents and abilities on people who are called to special service, e.g. artists (Ex 31:1ff.), judges (Judg 3:10; 6:34 etc.), prophets (Isaiah 59:21), the anointed kings of Israel (1 Samuel 10:6,10; 16:13ff.) . Often the D. of God descended upon individuals or entire groups, endowing them with the gift of prophecy (1 Samuel 19:20,23); 70 elders received a part of D., who rested on Moses (Num 11:17). On Elisha "rested" D. Elijah (2 Kings 2:15). First of all, the D. God rests on the Messiah (Isaiah 11:1ff; 42:1) . On Jesus D. God descended after His baptism in the Jordan (Matthew 3:16). By the power of this D. He healed and did good (Acts 10:38). This D., resurrected, Jesus breathed into His disciples, saying to them: "Receive the Holy Spirit" (John 20:22). When it is said about the earthly life of Jesus: "The Spirit was not yet, because Jesus was not yet glorified" (John 7:39), then the impending descent of the Holy D. on the day of Pentecost is meant: the condition for this descent was the ascension of Jesus after His sacrificial death and His taking the place at the right hand of God. Therefore, Jesus could say, “It is better for you that I go; for if I do not go, the Comforter will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.” (John 16:7).

1) in his parting words (John 13:31 - 16:33) Jesus promised the disciples the coming of the Comforter (John 14:16,26; 15:26; 16:7) whom He will send after His departure. Words of Jesus: "I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you" (John 14:18) make it clear that Jesus Himself will appear in the promised Comforter to His disciples to dwell in them. That. Christianity knows no other "representative of Christ on earth" than St. D., in which Jesus comes to believers. But the world cannot accept Him, because "it does not see Him and does not know Him" (John 14:17). The world does not accept St. D. "My Spirit will not forever be neglected by men; for they are flesh" (Gen 6:3; cf. Isa 63:10) . The reconciliation brought by Jesus at Calvary opened the way to the hearts of the people who accepted the sacrifice of Christ and believed in Him. The first to receive the gifts of St. D. were the disciples of Jesus. They were instructed to remain in Jerusalem and wait until they were "clothed with power from on high" (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4);
2) Descent of St. D. (Acts 2) accompanied by noise, strong winds and "separating, as it were, fiery tongues." These signs revealed the driving and all-enticing power of St. D., its enlightening and purifying power. At that moment, the disciples of Jesus were filled with the Holy D. Thus, Christ ascended into heaven took them into His possession. The strength gained by the disciples is already evident in Peter's preaching; it contributes to the birth of the Church and the connection of its members into a living community (Acts 2:37-47; 4:32 - 5:11) ;
3) IMPACT of the descended St. D.:

a) indwelling through St. D. in a Christian, Christ Himself "glorifies" in him (John 16:14). Then the deed "for us" by Christ on Calvary appears before us in a bright light. We are on our own. we learn by experience what the words “you are in Me and I in you” mean. (John 14:20). The Christian acquires a new living space in which from that moment on he can and must live: in Christ. Int. the world of man is already ruled by another ruler: "and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me" (Gal 2:20). His "Spirit of Truth" will guide us into the truth and proclaim the future to us. (John 16:13). St. D. is a true teacher who will remind us of the words of Jesus (John 14:26). He testifies about Jesus and saves Him. feat (John 15:26). A believing person learns through St. D. a perfect rebirth, acquires a state that Jesus called obligatory for entry into the Kingdom of God (John 3:3,5). From now on, he is a "new creature": "the ancient has passed, now everything is new!" (2 Corinthians 5:17). Only now the believing person is fully a son of God and has the freedom associated with this, "for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God" (Rom 8:14). Indeed, there is a "Spirit of adoption" that teaches us to cry out: "Abba, Father!" (Rom 8:15);
b) a believing person who has accepted Christ into himself through St. D. is called to the service of the Lord and receives gifts corresponding to his destiny. Thus, the disciples, on whom St. D. descended on the day of Pentecost, were given authority and strength so that they could testify to people about Christ. They "began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance" (Acts 2:4). St. D. from the very beginning endows believers with gifts, which give them strength to fulfill the laying. missions on them. In the first Christ communities, these were the most diverse gifts of St. D., to-rykh later Christians partly lost. For these gifts and their proper use, cf. 1 Corinthians 12 and 14(see Gift, gift, II). They were meant to glorify the Lord and build up His Church. These were the gifts of knowledge, witness, healing, prophecy, discernment of spirits, and so on. (1 Corinthians 12:8-10). All these gifts are possessed by the Church; each of its members receives, according to God's will, only those gifts that correspond to his mission (1 Cor 12:11; Eph 4:7). All the many gifts are given by one St. D. (1 Corinthians 12:4). And when in Rev 1:4; 3:1; 5:6 it speaks of the seven God's D., who are before the throne of God, then this image means perfection (see Number, II, 7) D. in all its manifestations;
in) a believing person who has accepted Christ into himself through St. D. is subject to the new law of D., which frees him in the divinely inspired "life in Christ Jesus" from the former "law of sin and death" (Rom 8:2). Now a person lives not "according to the flesh", which determined the life of people before their salvation, but "according to the Spirit" (Rom 8:4). Therefore, Paul appeals to the Galatians: "Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh." (Gal 5:16). Guided D. are no longer subject to any law, they have kingdoms. freedom (2 Cor 3:17; Gal 5:18). St. D. desires to maintain His authority over the Christian, He instructs him (Revelation 3:6,13,22) denounces his secret transgressions (Acts 5:1-11; 1 Cor 14:24ff.) , strengthens him in prayers, intercedes for him with "sighs inexpressible" (Rom 8:26). The fruits of D. - love, joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness, mercy, faith, meekness, temperance (Gal 5:22,23; cf. Eph 5:9) . The greatest fruit among them is love (1 Corinthians 13). The Christian, "sealed" with St. D. (see Seal, II, 3), believes in his salvation in Christ and, in joyful hope, awaits the end. redemption (Rom 15:13; 2 Cor 1:21ff; Eph 1:13ff) ;

4) St. D. is a gift of God, which is given only by His grace (Acts 8:17-20). The necessary conditions for receiving the gift of St. D. are repentance and turning to Jesus Christ in faith (Acts 2:38). The baptism mentioned here ("... and let each of you be baptized...") symbolizes conversion to Christ. A Christian must be fulfilled D. (Eph 5:18) and not "extinguish the spirit" (1 Thessalonians 5:19). But as Jesus said, “Whoever has, to him will be given and it will increase; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.” (Matthew 13:12). see Hula (III, 4); see Holy Scripture (IV).

Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia. F. Rinecker, G. Mayer. 1994 .

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    A (y); m. 1. Consciousness, thinking, mental abilities of a person. A healthy body in a healthy e. Matter and e. Properties of the human spirit. // In materialistic philosophy and psychology: thinking, consciousness as a special property of a highly organized ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - [human soul] n., m., use. comp. often Morphology: (no) what? spirit, why? spirit, (see) what? spirit what? spirit, what? about the spirit 1. The spirit is called the non-material part of a person, which includes consciousness, feelings, character, etc. Properties ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev