What do they give for a cotton anniversary. What to give for a print wedding

Previously, marriages concluded in the fall were considered the most durable. Now folk beliefs are a thing of the past, but autumn is still a traditional wedding season. Weddings are different, but all of them are united by the indispensable presence of the newlyweds - and the need to give them something. How to choose the best wedding gift?

To the question "What to give you for the wedding?" many couples, without hesitation, answer: "Money!". Often guests are satisfied with this - and there is no need to go shopping, think, invent. Of course, money is a universal gift that will help newlyweds and their parents to compensate for the cost of a wedding celebration, which is always useful. However, the catch lies in the universality of cash gifts - money is impersonal, and one can hardly hope that after a few years, young spouses will remember your gift as something special. But there are cases when money is the only right decision:

If you breathed a sigh of relief and decided to donate cash, think again - often young people who have just married do not yet know how to manage the family budget. The money donated for the wedding evaporates in the first weeks after the marriage, and life remains unsettled. The couple you are going to the wedding to is not one of those, young and inexperienced?

Beautiful and useful wedding gifts

Commemorative coins made of precious metals issued by the Bank of Russia can become not only an interesting wedding gift, but also a kind of investment tool. For example, gold and silver coins from the "Signs of the Zodiac" series - having learned the dates of birth of the bride and groom in advance, you can give them the corresponding coins, with parting words, buy a coin for each of the future children. If you want to stand out, order a coin with an original design, such as inserts of precious stones or crystals, a hologram or a color coating.

A measured ingot made of precious metal may not look so impressive, but with all its appearance it embodies stability and reliability. Sberbank of Russia sells and buys gold bars weighing from 1 to 1000 grams and silver bars from 50 to 1000 grams.

Another "near-monetary" option for a wedding offering is a gift bank card. It is easy to buy, even easier to use (newlyweds will be able to use it to pay for purchases or everyday expenses), and various denominations make such cards affordable for almost any wallet. In addition, some banks offer a special "gift" design.

The curious site "15 Gifts" (in English) offers to indicate the age, gender, habits of the one (or those) to whom you are looking for a gift - and gives out a list of 15 things. It is not at all necessary to buy these things, but you can peep an interesting idea.

Gifts for home, for everyday life

In Russia, wedding gifts symbolized wealth (furs, brocade, silk, feather beds and pillows, large bowls and goblets made of silver), as well as fertility and healthy offspring - for this purpose, they gave domestic animals (chickens, ducks, piglets), the number of which should have been be a multiple of 10. Each guest presented a small wicker basket with hard-boiled chicken eggs, symbolizing fertility in many cultures.

Of course, now they don’t go to a wedding with boiled eggs and pigs, but giving young people kitchen utensils, textiles, and interior items is still relevant today. After consulting with the parents of future spouses, you can always find out what exactly the young need. If this is not possible, a gift certificate from a good home appliances store or interior salon can become a lifesaver.

Of particular importance are paired sets - glasses, plates, figurines, jewelry - they personify the unity between spouses.

When purchasing a wedding gift, remember that giving some things is considered a bad omen. So before you go to the store, make sure that the bride and groom are not superstitious - or refrain from buying a gift that can be misinterpreted.

What household items should not be given for a wedding

  • Knives, forks and spoons (bring quarrels and resentments into the house)
  • Wrist and wall clock (to the soon parting of lovers)
  • Mirrors (for early old age and disease)
  • Scarves of all kinds (to frequent tears, betrayal and treason)

Commemorative signs, interesting gifts

There are gifts, giving which, you can be sure that they will be remembered by the newlyweds and will never be re-gifted, like the fifth vase:

  • Thematic photo shoot - the newlyweds will be able to appear in professional photographs in new, unexpected images that they will choose themselves, and the makeup artist and hairdresser invited by you will ensure the perfect look of the newlyweds.
  • Author's dolls - miniature copies of the bride and groom are sure to arouse admiration among the guests of the holiday. The only thing that is required of you is to transfer to the master photos of the couple, in which their faces and figures are clearly visible. By the way, dolls do not have to be in wedding dresses at all - although this option is chosen by most customers.
  • Bed linen with photos of the bride and groom. It works on the same principle as dolls - any person loves to look at himself, his beloved, but not everyone dares to order such a set on their own. But this, of course, is a gift, possible only between very close friends.
  • Family coat of arms. Usually it contains the monogram (the initial letters of the names) of the bride and groom, traditional heraldic elements. So, for example, in the coat of arms of the Sokolovs it is logical to imagine a falcon, which symbolizes inspiration and victory. The creation of a family coat of arms and a family tree (another interesting option for a memorable gift) is carried out by special companies where heraldry specialists work, so you do not have to study this difficult science.

Remember: Creating a memorable gift can take a lot of time - take care of it in advance!

Adventure as a gift

You can give not only things, but also impressions. Moreover, it is they, unexpected and original, that are remembered for a lifetime:

  • Intimate - erotic board or card games, perfumes, funny underwear.
  • Romantic - you can arrange a surprise for the newlyweds and give a walk together on a yacht, in a carriage, on horseback or in a limousine. The most fabulous gifts will also be a balloon flight (just check if one of the newlyweds is afraid of heights), wine tasting or a romantic night in a luxury hotel.
  • Cognitive - a joint visit to a training, master class or excursion. When choosing such a gift, you need to have a very good idea of ​​what exactly the newlyweds may be interested in - a culinary course, a ballroom dancing master class or training to improve sales efficiency.
  • Toning - a SPA session for two, steam yoga, massage - any option is suitable that will allow the newlyweds to have a good time and relax after the wedding bustle.
  • Extreme - joint diving or parachuting, paragliding, hang-gliding or helicopter flight, water skiing, zorb riding, paintball.

Wedding anniversaries - how many years, how many winters

Each from the first to the fifteenth has its own name. An anniversary gift is no less important than a wedding gift.

On the calico(1 year), linen(4 years) and lacy(13 years old) It is customary to give weddings textiles - curtains, towels, tablecloths, napkins, bed linen from appropriate fabrics. Lace the wedding is also called lily of the valley, so if it falls in the spring, be sure to consider this circumstance.

Second wedding anniversary paper. If guests gather on this day, then you can make a decorative tree, on which leaflets with wishes, origami, postcards, silhouette portraits will be attached.

Third Anniversary - leather- we give bags, wallets, gloves, etc.

After five years of marriage, the couple celebrate a wooden wedding, and relatives and friends donate furniture and interior items, vases, floor lamps, dishes - the list is endless.

Cast iron, copper, tin, steel, nickel weddings are 6th, 7th, 8th, 11th and 12th anniversaries. You can give candlesticks, figurines, jewelry, cutlery, dishes - from the appropriate metals. The most symbolic gift copper wedding - a copper horseshoe, but products made from natural wool are also quite acceptable, since according to another version this wedding is called woolen. It would be appropriate for those who celebrate a tin wedding to present any sweets in tin cans - tea, coffee, cookies, sweets.

Ninth wedding anniversary faience. An old custom tells spouses to beat old faience dishes on this day - the more broken, the better. And instead of broken dishes, guests give new ones. This anniversary is also called camomile, so a bouquet of daisies does not hurt. On the crystal (glass) and porcelain weddings (15 and 20 years) also give dishes or souvenirs made of crystal, glass and porcelain.

The tenth anniversary is called pewter or pink wedding. As a gift, any tin products and all kinds of pink items are suitable - textiles, jewelry with red and pink stones, alcohol. And, of course, the roses themselves. Gift traditions are similar to coral(35 years old) wedding.

On the agate, pearl, ruby, sapphire, emerald, diamond wedding - 14, 30, 40, 45, 55, 60 years - give, of course, jewelry and souvenirs with these stones. And on silver(25 years old) and golden(50 years) weddings - objects made of silver and gold.

Well, anniversaries after 50 years of marriage require maximum imagination from loving descendants - after all, so many anniversaries are already behind us, you will have to try for such an occasion!

The wedding march has died down. A whole year of family life has passed, full of worries, anxieties and joys. It's time to celebrate the first wedding anniversary, invite guests and accept congratulations.

When choosing a gift for a young family, relatives, who dream of seeing the young satisfied and happy, are most concerned and worried. You will learn what to give for a print wedding to children from parents from this article.

Why calico?

In the first year of marriage, the family celebrates a print wedding. In Russia, it was believed that the decoration of the bed of the young during this time becomes completely unusable. It was customary to expect the appearance of grandchildren, so the young were presented with cuts and scarves made of bright chintz. From the fabric they sewed bed linen, diapers, clothes for future children. The newlyweds gratefully accepted the gifts, and tied knots at the ends of the scarves so that the family would be strong and live in harmony.

We follow traditions

Now such gifts are regarded as symbolic. It is not customary to sew clothes and diapers in advance or buy among expectant mothers. But if you want to follow the traditions, pick up things that will emphasize the meaning of the first family holiday:

  • bedding set;
  • blankets and pillows;
  • decorative pillowcases, blankets;
  • covers and covers for furniture;
  • curtains;
  • tablecloths, potholders, aprons;
  • a set of napkins for table setting;
  • terry towels;
  • bathrobes.

Chintz speaks of modesty and unpretentiousness, so gifts for a chintz wedding do not have to be expensive. When making a choice, consider the tastes and desires of the young:

  • when visiting the newlyweds, think in advance how your gift will fit into the decor of the house, if you want to give any of the interior items;
  • When choosing bathrobes or T-shirts, find out if the clothes you are looking for will fit in size, style, color.

Practical gifts

A young family is improving its life. Buying everything at once to the house, in order to create complete comfort and coziness, is possible only with the help of a magic wand. If you become such a lifesaver for children, your newlyweds will be very grateful. Explore what is missing in the house. A simple little thing in everyday life for your children may be the most necessary at the moment:

  • a set of pots;
  • cutlery;
  • lockers, boxes for storage;
  • tables, chairs, stools;
  • ironing board;
  • shelves and stands;
  • electric dryer, electric heater;
  • a chandelier or a pair of night lamps.

Household appliances are the best gift for newlyweds. You will not only save the budget of young owners, but also save them from the problems of finding and choosing the right thing.

Ideal options:

  • fridge;
  • TV set;
  • plate;
  • washing machine;
  • Dishwasher;
  • a computer;
  • vacuum cleaner.

If global purchases for the home have already been made, donate appliances that are not essential. She will give comfort and free time that spouses can devote to each other:

  • microwave;
  • multicooker;
  • bread maker;
  • food processor;
  • multifunctional blender;
  • stationary steamer for things.

It is not necessary to give one gift for the whole family. If you know what your daughter or daughter-in-law needs, what your son or son-in-law dreams of, make a gift for everyone. Call on the help of your matchmakers. Make a joint gift that will be doubly pleasant for the newly-married spouses:

  • you can give your husband, a jack of all trades, a set of tools and keys, an electric drill, an electric jigsaw, a hammer drill, a screwdriver;
  • wife, needlewoman and craftswoman, present a sewing machine or overlocker;
  • for those who love to bake, pastry tools, molds, professional mixers, a turntable for decorating cakes will come in handy.

For the soul

If the house of young spouses is a full bowl, you can make original memorable gifts. Handicrafts are especially good for this occasion:

  • photo frames and photo albums;
  • original candlesticks;
  • paintings;
  • portraits of the newlyweds;
  • embroidered wall panels;
  • souvenir toys made of chintz: decorative pillows, hearts, lovebird dolls in the form of a cat and a cat, birds, a pair of horses;
  • boxes for storing valuables;
  • towels and T-shirts with names and photos of the couple in love.

Give your kids modern gadgets. Anyone will be happy with a new phone, e-book, tablet. The camera deserves special attention. The first pictures he took at the chintz wedding will go into the treasury of family heirlooms.

A great gift - indoor flowers. They not only decorate the interior, creating an atmosphere of homely warmth, but also bring benefits.

Violet, geranium, myrtle tree, ficus, sansevieria are symbols of family happiness. These plants actively absorb harmful substances and saturate the room with oxygen.

When purchasing a plant, find out if the spouses are allergic to such flowers.

We give a holiday

It is not customary to celebrate a calico wedding splendidly. Only relatives and close friends of the young are invited to the celebration. But this will not prevent you from preparing a pleasant surprise for the spouses.

  • Book a table at a restaurant where the newlyweds dreamed of visiting. Order your favorite dishes, live music, give the spouses the opportunity to enjoy a romantic dinner together.
  • If your children want to celebrate the first anniversary in a bright way, invite the actors of the original genre. An explosion of impressions and emotions will present the heroes of the occasion and guests with a bartender show. The sand show will give a romantic mood, recreating the touching love story of a young couple. Very young newlyweds and their guests will love the soap bubble show or dance extravaganza.

  • Make your wildest dream come true. Give them a ride in a hot air balloon, paraglider, parachute or wind tunnel. This cannot be forgotten. Fading with delight, two loving hearts will retain the impressions of such a gift for many years, and their feelings will become stronger.
  • A trip for two is a great gift. Take the kids on an exciting ride or cruise. Every day spent together will be a holiday for them.

Treasured envelope

Among the many options it is difficult to make a choice. In such a situation, the best way out is to give young people money. It does not matter where the young family will spend the amount you donated. You can give your children your paternal advice, but the freedom of choice should remain with the spouses.

Do not reproach the newlyweds if they did not manage the money the way you wanted. The main thing is that your generous gift will be highly appreciated and will help the spouses become even happier.

When buying a gift for the first anniversary, remember that the relationship between the young is still very thin and tender, like a cotton handkerchief. Try to understand what your newlyweds want, what they think, dream about. So you will never make a mistake in choosing, and you will happily meet with your children not only a chintz, but also a golden wedding.

You will learn about what to give for the first wedding anniversary from the following video.

The first wedding anniversary is called a print wedding. The holiday is intended to remind a married couple that exactly a year ago they took one of the most important steps in their lives - they swore an oath of allegiance to each other. In our article, we will talk about how a print wedding is traditionally celebrated, what gifts are usually given on this day.

Each wedding anniversary has its own name, it can be used to determine how many years the couple has lived together: the countdown begins with a green wedding (marriage day), and then comes a calico wedding. The name of the first wedding anniversary indicates the peculiarities of family life in the first year. The name chintz wedding appeared in ancient times. It is believed that the first wedding anniversary cannot show how strong the family will be, for 1 year in the life of a couple, although various events have occurred, however, as a rule, the husband and wife have not yet passed the test of serious difficulties. The union of two people at the very beginning of the journey is similar to chintz fabric - bright, but not durable.

So, a cotton wedding is the first anniversary of a young family. There are many joint holidays ahead of the couple, but the first one is very important, so the date should be noted. Previously, the 1st anniversary after the wedding was always celebrated with relatives. They prepared in advance for the arrival of guests: the wife embroidered a tablecloth for the festive table by this date, sewed outfits from chintz for herself and her husband. In a cotton dress, the young wife had to walk all day, until sunset.

Of course, only a few families have preserved the traditions of the celebration today, but any date is a great occasion to have a holiday. In the first year after the wedding, the wife and husband are still considered newlyweds. They already know firsthand about the charms and difficulties of family life, although they are just beginning to equip their life. The couple's feelings are still as strong as they were on the day of the wedding, so 1 year after the wedding is a great opportunity to arrange a second honeymoon for yourself. You can celebrate the anniversary in another way: by inviting loved ones to visit or by arranging a romantic evening - whatever you like. The main thing is that the first anniversary of your wedding should remind you of the pleasant emotions that you experienced at the altar recently. Having crossed the line - 1 year of marriage - the family becomes stronger, what kind of wedding awaits the couple next year can be found out by a special calendar, where anniversaries are scheduled up to a hundred years.

What to give for a wedding anniversary

The answer to the question of what to give for a wedding anniversary to a couple who lived 1 year together lies in the name of the date. On this holiday, according to tradition, it is customary to present fabric products. When deciding what to give your friends for a print wedding, you can opt for a beautiful tablecloth or a set of bed linen. Stylish curtains, towels are also suitable as a present. Such gifts are considered traditional, although it is not necessary to adhere to this rule if the family does not follow traditions, but it is better to find out about this in advance.

For a cotton wedding, both before and today, it is customary to give things that are necessary in everyday life, because it is believed that the family is just beginning to equip their home.

Previously, the daughter-in-law received the main gift for a cotton wedding from her mother-in-law. The husband's mother bought an elegant print dress, which she presented to her daughter-in-law with wishes that family relations would be strengthened, but at the same time they would continue to be as simple and light as in the first year of marriage. Of course, today this tradition is practically not observed, when deciding what to give children for the first wedding anniversary, parents usually make a choice in favor of expensive presents: household appliances, a car, money.

At a print wedding, the husband and wife also give each other gifts. These do not have to be expensive things, the main thing is that they remind your soul mate of the strength of your feelings. As a gift to your loved one for a print wedding, you can choose a beautiful shirt, original pajamas or a cozy dressing gown. So the traditions will be observed, and the husband is happy.

Looking for ideas on what to give your husband for your 1st wedding anniversary, you can adopt a beautiful ceremony that came from ancient times. In those days, no one asked the question of what to give a husband or wife for 1 year of marriage, because a chintz wedding was celebrated exclusively according to traditions. The most important ceremony on this day was the exchange of young calico scarves, which served as gifts. They tied knots on them, as a symbol that the spouses want to strengthen their union and carry tender feelings through their whole lives. After tying the knots, the husband and wife took an oath of allegiance. It was believed that the words of the oath had the power of a spell. At the end of the ceremony, the scarves were hidden in a secluded place and kept until death separated the spouses: only then did the oaths lose their force. Such a beautiful ceremony can be performed if you plan to celebrate the anniversary with a romantic dinner.

The first wedding anniversary is an exciting and romantic celebration.

It still lacks officiality, solidity, anniversary significance and a raid of years lived together. Only awe, love and burning eyes. What to give for a print wedding to please a young couple?

What is customary to give for the first anniversary

Due to the lightness, delicacy and apparent instability of family relations, chintz has become a symbol of the first anniversary - a translucent, fragile material. With him, as with a fragile marriage union, it is worth treating carefully and gently.

Stormy relationships, strong feelings, quarrels that flow into “eternal love” - this is the initial stage of living together.

With their gifts, guests hint to husband and wife: enjoy emotional intimacy, but handle marriage responsibly and carefully.

Despite the fact that chintz is becoming the main symbol of the day, on the first wedding anniversary, you can give products from fabrics of all stripes.

Traditional gifts for a print wedding:

  • Bed linen with a romantic print (cotton, silk or satin);
  • A set of terry towels for the bathroom;
  • Plaids, blankets, pillows, kitchen textiles;
  • Curtains, bedspreads, carpets, covers;
  • Bathrobes for young people with the common surname of the spouses embroidered on them.

You can look in stores for unusual chintz gifts for 1 year: handkerchiefs with romantic embroidery, granny-style nightgowns, underwear with a creative pattern, personalized pillowcases in the spirit of “Mr. and Mrs. Smith.”

Original gifts for a print wedding

With great trepidation, the young will react to a hand-made chintz anniversary gift. It can be a cozy plaid in large knit, a cushion cover with exquisite embroidery or a patchwork bedspread.

Close friends can be given funny gifts for a print wedding.

Stylish paired aprons with funny applications will be useful for young people to create joint culinary masterpieces. And cheerful pajamas with humorous prints and inscriptions will bring perky notes to their family life.

A joint portrait on canvas can be a good solution. A picturesque picture depicting a husband and wife, hung in the living room or bedroom, will turn the young people's home into a real family estate.

Wedding anniversary gifts must be shared, couples, family. You should not present a tie to a man, and an elegant scarf to a lady.

Choose an item that both can use. This is all the more important when it comes to such a modest, very first date in the life of lovers.

Useful wedding anniversary gifts: 1 year

If gifts from friends are often comic, creative and original, then gifts from parents differ in everyday life practicality.

Departing from fabric symbolism, relatives try to buy young people something useful in everyday life.

The best choice is household appliances: multicooker, dishwasher, blender, mixer, food processor. An exquisite gift option would be a coffee maker, a robot vacuum cleaner, a waffle iron or, for example, an air grill.

Attributes for everyday life are absolutely appropriate as a present for the first anniversary. A young couple is just equipping their nest, and therefore will be delighted with any practical little thing.

From friends, you can give a set of elegant glasses, electronic kitchen scales, a spacious saucepan, a double boiler or a set of stylish jars for tea and coffee.

Gifts for each other on the first anniversary

You can mark the first important event in family life with mutual gifts.

Previously, a man gave his lady a sundress, skirt or light dress, and the woman in return gave a cotton shirt.

Today, clothing remains a popular present, both store-bought and handmade.

A lady can knit an unusual sweater or scarf as a gift to her husband for a print wedding.

If you are sure of the size, you can buy jeans, a personalized bathrobe, shirt or branded sneakers for your loved one.

Stylish leather accessories - such as a belt, purse or briefcase - are also relevant.

A gentleman can give his wife a piece of jewelry on their first anniversary. Traditionally, men choose earrings or pendants for their "second halves".

And if you decide to buy a ring for your beloved, do not be too lazy to decorate it with a sentimental engraving. Before handing over, wrap your exquisite jewelry in an openwork chintz scarf or put it in a decorative cotton bag.

In addition, a man can organize a present impression for his lady. A delicious dinner on the roof of a skyscraper, an original studio photo session in the spirit of a “love story”, a horse ride, a trip to the coast, an unscheduled vacation in Italy - all this will bring a romantic entourage into the everyday bustle.

What wedding anniversaries are there, what are the names of the first wedding anniversary and all subsequent ones? What to give for each of the wedding anniversaries? Table. Wedding anniversaries by year, names, description, why did this wedding anniversary get such a name? When is the cast iron wedding celebrated? What wedding anniversaries are celebrated? What wedding is celebrated in 1 year, 3 years, 10 years? What wedding will be in 15 years? When is the silver wedding celebrated? What wedding anniversaries are celebrated 20, 30, 40, 50 years after the marriage? What to give for a wedding anniversary? What tree to plant? Wedding anniversary by year, what to give from parents?

Table. Wedding anniversaries by year and their names

Year of marriage What wedding
Wedding day Green
1st year Gauze (calico)
2nd year paper or glass
3rd year Leather
4th year Linen (wax)
5th anniversary year Wooden
6th year Cast iron or zinc
7th year Copper or wool
8th year Tin
9th year Faience or chamomile
10th anniversary year Rose day or pewter
11th year Steel
12th year Nickel
13th year Lace
14th year Agate (ivory)
15th anniversary year Glass (crystal)
16th year Topaz
17th year Pink (tin)
18th year Turquoise
19th year Pomegranate
20th anniversary year porcelain
21st year Opal
22nd year Bronze
23rd year Beryl
24th year Satin
25th anniversary year Silver
26th year Jade
27th year Anniversary "Mahogany"
28th year Nickel
29th year Velvet
30th anniversary year Pearl
31st year Dark or sunny
32nd year Copper
33rd year Strawberry or stone
34th year Amber
35th anniversary year Linen or coral
36th year agate
37th year Muslin
38th year Mercury
39th year Crepe
40th anniversary year Ruby
41st year earthy
42nd year mother-of-pearl
43rd year flannel
44th year Topaz
45th anniversary year Sapphire
46th year lavender
47th year cashmere
48th year amethyst
49th year Cedar
50th anniversary year Golden
51st year Willow (Palm)
52nd year Topaz
53rd year uranium
54th year Zeus's wedding
55th anniversary year emerald
60th anniversary year Platinum, diamond, diamond
65th anniversary year Iron
70th anniversary year Gracious
75th anniversary year Crown
80th anniversary year oak
85th anniversary year wedding of angels
90th anniversary year Granite
95th anniversary year Ruby
100th anniversary year Red

The march of Mendelssohn and the toasts of the guests faded away, the wedding dress and veil were hidden in the closet, only joyful memories, photographs and a video recording one of the happiest and most memorable days in life remained. But this day will be special all my life, and in order to give it even more significance and symbolism, people gave the name to almost every wedding anniversary.


green wedding

This is not yet an anniversary, but the wedding itself. In the first year of marriage, this date can be celebrated every month.

According to tradition, young people are given a lot of flowers at a wedding - so they have become a symbol of a green wedding.

Instead of a bouquet, you can give a miniature tree or houseplant- as a symbol of home comfort. And on this day, young spouses can plant their first family tree together.

1 wedding anniversary (1 year). Chintz (gauze) wedding

First anniversary of marriage. Exactly a year has passed, during which young people got to know each other, equipped their home nest. This is a very difficult period: not all discoveries can be pleasant, and everyday problems and life can significantly overshadow family happiness. Feelings are tested for strength by severe tests, and not all of them are destined to pass them. Therefore, the first anniversary is called chintz (gauze): after all, chintz and gauze are very “delicate” fabrics that are easily torn even at the slightest tension.

What is customary to give for a cotton wedding? Any home textile made of chintz - bedding sets, towels, tablecloths with napkins, curtains, etc.

Wedding anniversary 2 years. paper wedding

second year of marriage. Strength testing continues. Very often, in the second year, a baby appears in the family, which adds difficulties and problems. Will the couple be able to keep their love and become a support for each other? The symbol of this anniversary is paper and glass - fragile and fragile materials that are easy to break or break - as well as relationships in a young family.

On the "paper" anniversary, it is customary to give photo albums, glassware sets, vases, books, money and lottery tickets.

Wedding anniversary 3 years. leather wedding

Leather is stronger than chintz and paper. For three years, the family has grown stronger, having passed the first, most difficult stage of "lapping". As they say, the couple learned to "feel each other's skin."

On the third wedding anniversary, the spouses give each other bags, wallets, belts, gloves and shoes made of leather. Parents can present leather furniture to children. A gift in the form of a leather suitcase is also symbolic: the time has come for the couple to think about the second honeymoon trip!

Works of the leather goods workshop of Sergei Neskromny (Almaty).

Wedding anniversary 4 years. Linen (wax) wedding

It's been 4 years since the wedding. Flax and wax are symbols of the well-being of an already strong family. To fourth anniversary can be given any linen products: bed linen, table textiles, linen curtains, towels - they will last for many years, reminding you of the sincerity of feelings and wishes for good and happiness.

And also, according to tradition, on this day a pair of beautiful flickering candles must be on the festive table.

Wedding anniversary 5 years. wooden wedding

The tree has long been a symbol of strength. So a wooden wedding confirms the reliability and stability of family relationships.

To the wooden anniversary guests, wishing spouses a lasting marriage and a warm, cozy home, give dishes, spoons, caskets, furniture and interior items, figurines, wooden ornaments or photo frames.

One of the obligatory rituals for a 5-year wedding anniversary is the planting of a family tree. This will be your family tree, your talisman, it will need to be looked after. It is good if you have your own plot, cottage or garden. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to observe this custom.

What trees can be planted

  • apricot
  • Birch
  • hawthorn
  • cherry
  • pear- a magnet of luck and good luck;
  • oak
  • chestnut- cleanses of negativity;
  • maple
  • Rowan- a talisman against evil will, the evil eye;
  • plum
  • Apple tree
  • ash

Wedding anniversary 6 years. cast iron wedding

Cast iron is an alloy, though hard, but rather brittle. So the relationship in a couple only seems indestructible, but in fact they are “afraid” of blows and quarrels.

Gifts for this wedding anniversary are distinguished by originality: fireplace grates, dumbbells, interior items (openwork plates, candlesticks, small sculptures, writing instruments). A woman can be presented with cast-iron dishes.

Wedding anniversary 7 years. Copper (woolen) wedding

Seven is a lucky number. And copper is the first "noble" metal in the calendar of wedding anniversaries. The spouses still have everything ahead - they can melt their relationship and give it a completely different shape, but this will not break or break it.

On this day, the spouses exchange copper coins - so that family happiness is ringing. But parents and guests can present as a gift a horseshoe, copper or brass dishes, candlesticks, trays, spoons or (in accordance with the second name of the date) a blanket, bedspread, woolen blanket.

Wedding anniversary 8 years. Tin wedding

Shiny tin is a symbol of renewal and novelty of relationships, as well as their strength and solidity. The house already has a certain wealth and children. The couple learned to lift each other up and give in, showing flexibility.

What to give for the 8th wedding anniversary? Electrical appliances, interior items, furniture, kitchen utensils - this will help the spouses to update not only the relationship, but also the environment. You can also present sweets, tea or coffee in tin boxes.

There is another, not so well-known name for this anniversary - poppy. It means that the feelings between the spouses are as bright as this flower. So the main dish at the festive feast on this day, of course, should be poppy seed pie!

Wedding anniversary 9 years. Faience (chamomile) wedding

With each passing year, the family becomes more friendly, relationships become stronger, and the house is filled with prosperity. Chamomile is a symbol of the flowering of married life, and faience personifies the beauty of relationships and at the same time reminds that beauty is a fragile thing and needs to be taken care of.

On the 9th wedding anniversary It is customary to give faience dishes (services, decorative plates, dishes) or elegant figurines.

Wedding anniversary 10 years. Pink (tin) wedding

Tenth anniversary - first anniversary, whose symbol is beautiful roses. At this stage of their life together, the spouses return to romantic relationships again, filling them with new life, hope, tenderness and love.

The husband on this day should present his beloved with 11 roses: 10 red - as a symbol of love - and 1 white - as a symbol of hope. The wife puts on a pink dress for the holiday or decorates her hair with a rose flower. And even a festive table covered with a pink tablecloth looks romantic: it has rose wine, baked poultry in pink sauce, a cake with roses, tea with rose petals.

A good gift for a pink wedding there will be a vase for flowers, a box or furniture made of rosewood, paintings of roses, jewelry with pink-colored stones, pink or red linens, red or rose wine.

There is also a second name for this anniversary - a tin wedding. Tin characterizes softness and flexibility. Such have become by this time and the relationship in a pair. An original tradition is associated with a tin wedding: in your bosom or in your pocket on this day you need to carry a spoon (of course, pewter), and put it under the pillow at night.

There is another tradition. On the 10th wedding anniversary, the couple plant a tree. The first tree, planted according to the customs on the anniversary of "5 years of marriage" for a wooden wedding, has already grown, strengthened, and next to it on the wedding anniversary of 10 years of marriage, a new tree appears - as a sign of new joint plans, movement towards achieving new goals, heights , wishes and realization of a new dream. Just remember to take care of the tree. It's a symbol and a talisman.

What tree to plant on a 10 year wedding anniversary

  • apricot- family amulet in love, protects against infidelity;
  • acacia- the tree of nascent life, brings children;
  • Birch- a symbol of fertility, brings joy, happiness and light to the house;
  • hawthorn- brings hope, protects marriage;
  • beech- increases resistance to stress, helps to show greater tolerance;
  • cherry- promotes romance, adventure, new meetings;
  • pear- a magnet of luck and good luck;
  • oak- a symbol of power, firmness, reliability, nobility, often depicted as a world tree;
  • spruce- symbolizes longevity and health;
  • jasmine- protects from bad incidents, meetings and not good people;
  • figs- protects against wrong decisions, gossip and deceit;
  • chestnut- cleanses of negativity;
  • elm- returns the meaning of life and restores strength;
  • cedar- lives for 550 years, accumulates light energy and shares it with a person at the right moment;
  • maple- helps to cope with stress, misunderstanding, conflicts;
  • fir, pine- increases endurance, gives vitality, helps to survive hard times;
  • rowan, juniper- protect from evil will, the evil eye;
  • plum, rosehip- a talisman of the emotional sphere of love, gives tenderness, unity of souls;
  • Apple tree- a symbol of sexuality, sensual love and youth;
  • ash- a guardian of knowledge and inspiration, connects the spiritual and material worlds.

Wedding anniversary 11 years. steel wedding

Relationships in the family were tempered like steel. This metal symbolizes the inviolability of the union, its strength and stability.

For the 11th wedding anniversary you can give tableware or household items made of steel (except knives), jewelry, souvenirs or electrical appliances.

Wedding anniversary 12.5 years. nickel wedding

It is customary to celebrate the nickel anniversary 12.5 years after the wedding. This day is usually celebrated in a narrow family circle. Nickel, like zinc, symbolizes the renewal of family relationships and a reminder that efforts must be made to make them “shine”. A good tradition on this day is to visit your favorite cafe or memorable places for a couple.

As gifts for this anniversary dishes, various decorations, candlesticks, nickel lamps are suitable.

Wedding anniversary 13 years. Lace (lily of the valley) wedding

Life weaves its own lace. So the relationships in the family become just as refined, gentle and harmonious, but at the same time - fragile and in need of protection.

In addition to lace, lilies of the valley are a symbol of the 13th anniversary.- it is customary to give them on this day. And as a gift, the husband can present his wife with lace underwear or a peignoir. Guests also give lace napkins, tablecloths or bedding sets with lace, openwork knitted scarves.

Wedding anniversary 14 years. agate wedding

14 years together. Every year, relationships acquire new colors, like agate, famous for its variety of shades. This is the first gem in the life of a married couple. It symbolizes loyalty, love, trust. It is believed that on this day, spouses should tell each other the most intimate, so that there are no more secrets between them.

Agate is a talisman stone that protects and protects marriage. Therefore, a gift with this gem would be logical: a ring, a pendant, earrings, beads, cufflinks, a tie clip. Or a wooden box - to store all these jewelry.

Wedding anniversary 15 years. crystal wedding

The people call the 15th wedding anniversary "crystal" or "glass". It is these materials that are designed to embody the purity and transparency of relationships in a couple.

What to give for the 15th anniversary of marriage? Spouses exchange glasses, and guests can present any dishes made of glass or crystal: a vase, glasses, salad bowls, etc. By tradition, at the end of the festive feast, a glass or a plate is broken - for good luck!

16th wedding anniversary - Topaz wedding - 16 years of marriage

The 16th wedding anniversary is called the Topaz wedding. It is believed that during these 16 years of marriage, the spouses have already got used to each other, the period of showdown, quarrels, accusations has passed. A topaz wedding is a fitting transition to a more relaxed rhythm of life. No wonder this wedding anniversary is called - topaz. After all, topaz is a semi-precious stone, light, transparent, with many facets and at the same time quite dense and strong. It's hard to split it. It is a symbol of enlightenment and prudence.

There are no ancient traditions for this date. On this day, it is not customary to arrange a large feast. This wedding anniversary is celebrated in a narrow circle. Spouses can simply congratulate each other, arrange a romantic dinner and give each other small gifts.

What to give for the 16th wedding anniversary? Jewelry or accessories with topaz stone. Or just buy the thing that the spouse wants.

The 17th wedding anniversary is called pewter or pink

Tin - you know, this is the metal that is used to solder parts so that they stick to each other. Tin is a metal, it is a fusible metal that becomes soft when heated. So for 17 years of marriage, the spouses became softer to each other, began to listen to each other, became more flexible in relationships, more compromises.

This wedding is also celebrated in a narrow circle of the family. There is a tradition according to which it is customary to give pewter wedding rings for a pewter wedding and wear them next to the wedding ring.
From the inside, on a tin ring, you can engrave an oath, your motto, important words that you want to say to each other.

What to give for 17 years of marriage? Tin products, such as home decoration items, interior items, souvenirs, such as: pewter frame, pewter candlestick, pewter figurine, etc.

Since the 17th wedding anniversary is also a pink wedding - instead of pewter, you can present each other: a bouquet of pink roses, a pink dress, a pink shirt, etc.

18 years. Turquoise wedding

The 18th wedding anniversary is painted in a bright color of turquoise. This means the end of the crises and difficult situations that the couple experienced in the second ten of their relationship. Often this date coincides with the age of majority of the first child, so gifts are given not only to spouses, but also to the eldest child in the family. It can be turquoise products or any turquoise-colored items.

Wedding anniversary - 19 years. pomegranate wedding

The 19th wedding anniversary is a pomegranate wedding. 19 years of marriage is an indicator of the devotion of the spouses to each other. The holiday is celebrated in a narrow circle. There are no ancient customs associated with the 19th wedding anniversary.

After 19 years of marriage, it is customary to give a wife jewelry with a garnet stone: garnet earrings, a necklace, bracelets.

20 years. porcelain wedding

The second round date is 20 years. What kind of wedding is this, probably everyone knows. Its symbol is porcelain. Why? Firstly, it's time to replenish the supply of dishes, and secondly, the relationship in a couple in 20 years of experience is harmonious and beautiful, like real Chinese porcelain.

The festive table is served with new porcelain dishes - this is an indicator of the increased (compared to the faience anniversary) well-being of the family. And it is also customary to give porcelain on this day - in the form of sets, plates and other utensils.

21 years old Opal wedding

21 years of marriage - celebrate the Opal wedding. Opal is a semi-precious stone that symbolizes the strength of relationships, the strength of the union, a marriage that has been tested over the years.

On the 21st anniversary of their marriage, the spouses give each other jewelry and accessories with opal stone. For example, an opal ring, opal cufflinks. The holiday is celebrated quietly, in the family circle with children and the closest people.

22. bronze wedding

For 22 years of living together, the couple is celebrating a bronze wedding. Bronze is a fusible material, malleable, it is an alloy of tin and copper. It is believed that the relationship has outgrown and entered another phase, the spouses have come a long way, learned to forgive each other, be more tolerant of the weaknesses of their soulmate, raised children.

The 22nd wedding anniversary can be celebrated by going to the cinema, theater, or going on a short trip.

What to give for the 22nd wedding anniversary? For a bronze wedding - you can give each other bronze medals by engraving words on them, for which you give your spouse a medal. Another gift for the wedding anniversary will be various items for decorating the house: a mirror in a bronze frame, a picture in a bronze frame, a bronze figurine, a vase, a clock with bronze.

Wedding Anniversary - 23 years (Beryl)

Beryllium, although the stone is not expensive, is rare. However, it is a beautiful stone, transparent and strong. Therefore, marital relations lasting 23 years are called the Beryl wedding. Over the years, relationships only get stronger, become strong, transparent, honest, spouses become wise, knowing each other to the point.

What to give for a wedding anniversary of 23 years? It is customary to give paired items. Whether it's paired figurines - a pair of doves, paired goblets, paired candlesticks. The date is celebrated in a narrow circle of the family. Children are already adults and can also make gifts to their parents.

24 years. satin wedding

24th wedding anniversary - Satin wedding.
Beautiful wedding anniversary - 24 years of marriage. Already at hand before the anniversary.

Satin is a beautiful, smooth fabric, it is understood that relationships over the years of marriage have already become as smooth and beautiful as satin.

Celebrate this anniversary with a date at a restaurant.
What can you give to each other? a husband - a tie, a wife - a husband can give satin pajamas, beautiful linen, a bathrobe, for home, as a keepsake, you can buy a satin tablecloth.

Wedding anniversary 25 years. silver wedding

Having lived together for a quarter of a century, the couple is celebrating their silver anniversary. On this day, it is customary to exchange silver rings, which spouses wear on the middle finger of their right hand.

This wedding anniversary is usually celebrated widely.- with all relatives and friends who give spouses silver dishes, cutlery, interior items, jewelry. You can also present a commemorative silver coin.

Works of Almaty jeweler Aliyar Bayetov

26 years since the wedding. jade wedding

Jade is a very durable, hard stone that retains heat for a long time. So, for 26 years of marriage, the relationship of the couple has become firm and lasting, the children have already matured and “fluttered out of the parental nest”, now the spouses can devote more time to each other.

Gifts for the 26th wedding anniversary. What to gift? Spouses can exchange jade medallions with photographs, or give each other jade jewelry, such as rings, earrings, necklace, cufflinks, pins / tie clips, key chains, buy jade figurines or other items to decorate the interior as a keepsake of this wedding date . Or fashionable lately - chopped jade in the bath to keep warm.

27th wedding year - Redwood Wedding

Mahogany belongs to the valuable, elite, expensive varieties of wood. Mahogany is durable, at the same time easy to process, resistant to rot, chemicals, does not wear out, does not deform over the years, retains a beautiful, original appearance.

It is believed that over 27 years of marriage, the relationship of the spouses was processed, polished, from an unhewn block of wood they were transformed into a strong, lasting, beautiful union. This union is no longer afraid of any tests from the outside, they can together resist any trouble.

Gifts for the 27th wedding anniversary. Naturally, it is desirable that on this wedding anniversary, as a keepsake, give yourself mahogany items, for example, chess, backgammon, a vase, mahogany boxes.

28 years. nickel wedding

Not every married couple can boast of the 28th anniversary of their marriage. After all, people who have created a family and kept warmth to each other for 28 years are worthy of all praise and admiration. This is a nickel wedding. By this time, the children had already matured, married, perhaps grandchildren had already been born. Nickel, although a strong, hard metal, can darken and tarnish if it is not polished occasionally. So the relationship of the spouses, so that they are not threatened with darkening, tarnishing, it is necessary not to forget about each other.

What to give for a nickel wedding? Household appliances, souvenirs, gifts. Children can give a ticket to the sanatorium. Of course, thematic gifts, made of nickel, are welcome. For example, dishes, a cigarette case, a nickel tray.

29 years. Velvet wedding

29th wedding anniversary - Velvet wedding. Velvet, velvet fabric is soft, fluffy, warm, exquisite fabric, and the velvet season is the warmest, most favorable time for relaxation.

For 29 years, life has certainly conducted many experiments on husband and wife, auditing their relationship and making its own amendments. The couple overcame many hardships shoulder to shoulder. Years passed, overcoming misunderstandings, quarrels, scandals, troubles that came from outside. Survived. We saved the union. Therefore, it is valuable, dear, respected, every next wedding anniversary.

What to give for the 28th wedding anniversary? Thematic gifts: a velvet dress, velvet textiles (curtains, pillows, bedspreads), a velvet box, a ticket for the velvet season.

Wedding anniversary 30 years. pearl wedding

Pearls symbolize the ideal of family relationships- because he never fades and does not become cloudy. On this day, the husband gives his wife a pearl necklace of 30 pearls: they represent 30 years strung on the thread of time. This gift also has another meaning: pearls are tears shed by the wife during quarrels, and giving the necklace, the husband seems to be asking for forgiveness for those words and deeds that upset his wife.

Well, the guests give spouses jewelry, interior items or household utensils in pearl color - white, black, pinkish or mother-of-pearl.

31 years. Swarthy wedding

34 years. Amber wedding

Wedding anniversary 35 years. Coral (linen) wedding

Coral reefs are a symbol of the days spent together. A linen tablecloth represents well-being and home comfort. This anniversary is a tribute to the mistress of the house, who kept the warmth of the hearth all these years.

Husband gives his wife a bouquet of 35 red roses, and guests bring linen tablecloths, napkin sets, bedspreads, towels and bed linen, or coral jewelry and souvenirs, red aged wine and red-colored flowers as a gift.

37 years. Muslin wedding

37.5 years old. aluminum wedding

38 years. Mercury wedding

39 years. Crepe wedding

Wedding anniversary 40 years. ruby wedding

Ruby is a symbol of fiery love. It reminds spouses of the feelings they had for each other when they got married. In addition, the deep red color of the ruby ​​symbolizes the blood closeness that relationships have developed over the years.

Best gift for wife this wedding anniversary there will be a ruby ​​ring presented to her by her beloved husband. The ruby ​​should also be present in the gifts of the guests. These can be jewelry, jewelry boxes, watches, vases, bowls or ruby-colored objects.

44 years old. Topaz wedding

Wedding anniversary 45 years. Sapphire wedding

This date is usually celebrated in the circle of close relatives. Sapphire is a precious stone that symbolizes the purity of relationships, love and fidelity carried through the years.

For this anniversary decorate wedding rings with sapphires. But guests can give spouses anything - the main thing is that the gift is from the heart.

Wedding anniversary 46 years. lavender wedding

Lavender is a touching and delicate flower, which, no matter what, is able to withstand natural disasters.

As a rule, on this wedding anniversary, a bouquet of lavender is given.

47 years old. Cashmere (woolen wedding)

48 years old. amethyst wedding

49 years old. Cedar wedding

Wedding anniversary 50 years. golden wedding

The half-century anniversary is celebrated magnificently and solemnly. On this day, spouses pass on their wedding rings to grandchildren or great-grandchildren - as a family heirloom, bequeathing them love and happiness in family life. The “newlyweds” themselves exchange new rings (you can also arrange a second marriage ceremony).

Golden wedding gift there may be gold or gilded jewelry, interior items, souvenirs.

Wedding anniversary 55 years. Emerald wedding

The brightness of feelings does not fade with age. This confirms the bright green color of the precious emerald. On this anniversary, it is customary to give emerald jewelry.

Wedding anniversary 60 years. Diamond (platinum) wedding

The symbol of this wedding anniversary is a diamond- the hardest and most expensive of the precious stones. And platinum is the most expensive of the precious metals. Both diamond and platinum embody the strength of marriage and the value of the years lived hand in hand.

Of course, the best gift would be diamond jewelry, but the holiday arranged for the elderly spouses and the gifts made from the bottom of the heart will be no less valuable.

65 years old. iron wedding

67.5 years old. stone wedding

Wedding anniversary 70 years. Gracious (grateful) wedding

The whole family comes to congratulate the spouses on this anniversary. It is on such days that the understanding comes that love, embodied in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, is true happiness and real grace sent from above.

75 years old. Crown (second diamond wedding)

80 years old. oak wedding

Wedding anniversary 100 years. red wedding

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