What happens if you block a user on Instagram? What does it mean to block a user on Instagram? How to unblock a person on Instagram: step by step instructions How to open a blacklist on Instagram.

Surely, while using this social network, you had a desire to block a user. Maybe it was an obsessive fan, an annoying cosmetics agent, the most active spammer commentator, and so on. If the situation has changed and you need to unblock the subscriber, today's material will help with this.

At the very beginning, we want to focus on one thing: if you block a user, but he diligently creates new accounts in order to follow you and gain access to your publications, be sure to inform the social network administration about this.

How to block a user

Before disassembling the mechanism of how to unblock a person on Instagram, let's see how to block him and what it is. Blocking protects your publications and materials from a specific person. For example, if you don't want your parents to see your party photos on social media, block your parents' accounts.

A blocked account cannot view publications and stories, like, send messages and leave comments under posts. When the user wants to do one of the listed actions, he will receive a block notification. There are two ways to impose a block: via a smartphone (via a standard official application) and via a computer (via a social network site).

Let's figure out how to block a person from a smartphone based on Android or IOs:

To block a user through a social networking site, you need to follow similar steps:

  1. We open the site and log in.
  2. We are looking for a user account that needs to be blocked and open it
  3. Now we are looking for the “No3 dots” button next to the “Subscribe” button.
  4. In the menu that opens, select "Block user", as shown in the figure:

How to unblock a user on Instagram

If you need to unblock a particular user, the mechanism for how to unblock a blocked user on Instagram will help you. You can do this through the application and through the social networking site.

First, let's look at how to unblock a person on Instagram through the application:

How to unblock a person on Instagram from a computer

As a rule, the owners of business accounts are engaged in their promotion and maintenance from a computer, which is much more convenient. Therefore, we will consider how to unblock a user on Instagram through a social networking site. There are 2 ways to remove a block from a person via a PC.

Through a special application for the Windows system

First, download from the Microsoft Store and install the Windows application itself. The Microsoft Store is standard on any computer, and can also be opened and viewed through a browser. After installation, we launch Windows, go through the authorization procedure and open our own profile using the person icon in the lower right corner. Select the "Edit" or "Settings" section - this is the gear icon. In the menu that opens, select "Blocked Users", as shown in the figure:

In the list that opens, select the desired person and go to his profile. Open the menu of his profile by clicking "3 dots". In the new window, select the "Unblock" section.

Through a dedicated application for the Mac system

Here you will need the "Grids for Instagram" application, which is installed through the Mac App Store. Please note that this application is paid, like many products for Apple gadgets.

We open the site. Here we see the home page of the social network. Again, if you have not previously logged into a social network through the site, you will need to log in. To do this, enter your login / mobile number / email and password. Next, look for the user profile that you previously blocked using the magnifying glass icon. The magnifying glass can be found in the center of the screen.

In the search bar, enter the login of the desired user and go to his profile. Next, according to the already familiar mechanism, click on the "3 dots" and select the "Unblock" item. Here is the second pop-up menu, select "Yes". Now we refresh the page, and we see that the block has been removed.

Unblocking via Direct

In the past few months, cases have become more frequent when users cannot find other users through the search bar or through the comets they left earlier. In this case, the only way to resolve the issue is Direct.

Open the application, then the section of private messages. Next, click the plus sign to open a new dialog. You will see the “To” field, where you need to enter the name of the desired user, and then click “Next”. A user profile will open in front of you, go to it, and then you already know the steps.

I can't unblock a user on Instagram

It is not uncommon for certain difficulties to arise when trying to unlock accounts. Most often, the account cannot be found. Even if using Direct did not give the desired result, it means that the account was deleted: either by the user himself or by the administration of the social network. In this situation, it will be possible to remove the lock only after the profile is restored.


Quite often, users send a request to technical support: they blocked each other on Instagram how to unblock. Here, the actions are no different from those described above. Each user takes the listed steps.

We looked at how to unblock each other on Instagram. We hope that the material will be useful to you and there will be no more problems with blocking / removing it. But do not forget about the security of your own account and report all suspicious users to the administration.

Hello, friends! There are a lot of accounts on various topics registered on the Instagram social network, and even more photos and videos have been uploaded there. We subscribe to those pages that are of interest to us: these can be friends, various online stores, business accounts, pages where people share their hobbies, and much more.

And so, as usual, you go to Instagram to see new publications, open the page of a person you are interested in ... and there is nothing there! How can this be? Now we will understand what this means.

So, we have considered the main reasons why another user can block you. Now about how to understand that another person has blocked your page. I'll tell you with an example.

This is what the profile of the person I follow looks like for me, and he is following me. I have access to his publications.

I can also see the list of subscribers and subscriptions.

Now he has blocked me from his profile. After blocking, I see his page as follows. The number of publications is still shown at the top, but I can’t see the photos themselves. I can see the profile description. There is even a button "Subscribe", but clicking on it, nothing will happen.

We noticed that instead of the “Subscriptions” button, now “Subscribe”, the number of subscribers is 5, and subscriptions are 2. This means that the subscription was automatically terminated, and you are now not subscribed to the profile of this person, and he is not subscribed to you.

The social network Instagram cares about the comfort, convenience and safety of its users. To do this, mechanisms are constantly being developed to protect registered profiles from unwanted activities, fraud, and so on.

One of the mechanisms for punishing users for committing actions prohibited by the rules of the social network is blocking on Instagram. Blocking is also available for any user who wants to block access to their account for a specific person / people. Talk about how to understand that Instagram is blocked and because of what the block is superimposed.

Temporary blocking

Temporary blocking is divided into 2 types: a block of certain functions and a block of the entire account. Most often, users are faced with the fact that they have blocked the option of subscriptions, likes and comments. For example, you want to send a subscription to another person, but this action is not available. Do not panic, the social network has limited functionality for you for a while, it will be fully restored soon. The main reason for the temporary blockage of any functions is that you did them too often or you are sitting in the same account from several devices at the same time.

Thus, the options are blocked as a result of their systematic use, that is, you sent subscriptions / likes an unlimited number of times, without stopping. Limits are set for any action, based on the activity of the average profile. Subscriptions, likes and comments can be left no more than 60 pieces per hour. And if the profile was created less than a week ago, the limit is 30 subscriptions/comments/likes per hour. When you exceed the limit, a block is imposed. The duration of the temporary block depends on how much you have exceeded the limit and lasts from 2 hours to 2 weeks.

The second type of blocking is blocking the entire account. In this case, the restriction is not imposed on a specific action on the entire profile. In this case, the social network sends an SMS or an email to the user and asks to confirm the action to remove the block. In this case, the main reason for blocking is suspicious activity. For example, earlier you logged into your account from the territory of Russia all the time, and then you went on a business trip and try to log in from the territory of Europe or Asia. To ensure security and data protection, the social network will ask you to confirm that its owner wants to enter the profile.

How long does an Instagram block last?

There is no universal answer to this question, the block is imposed for a different period, depending on the specific case. The minimum duration of blocking is 1 hour, the maximum is 2 weeks. Finding out the time limit that the system has imposed for your case is quite simple. Repeat the action that was limited and will appear before you with this deadline. During this period, minimize your activity on the social network, especially do not perform the actions for which you were punished. Otherwise, the period will increase.

Eternal ban

A permanent ban is a permanent ban, meaning your profile will be banned forever. Previously, it was believed that it was impossible to unlock the eternal ban, the social network met only 1% of users. The rest were forced to say goodbye to their profiles. To date, Instagram has significantly changed the support service, it is more individualized. Now, when this situation arises, managers consider each case and treat users more loyally. As a result, 90% of blocked profiles can be unblocked.

Why the social network imposes an eternal ban

Let's analyze the main reasons why a profile gets into perpetual blocking:

  1. Previously, the user has already received 3 warnings in the form of a temporary block, but still continued to perform prohibited actions.
  2. The user uses the logo of the social network on their own publications.
  3. If the user regularly posts photos of other people without tagging them in the photo.
  4. If the profile owner resorts to autoposting. The social network is aimed at ordinary people who want to communicate with people, share photos. Therefore, any automation passing is blocked and punished.
  5. If the user uses bulk cheat. Again, the social network is for fair play, fair use of the profile.
  6. If you post information about the social security numbers, bank cards, identity cards, email addresses and phone numbers of another person in your account.
  7. For opening social network profiles through third-party resources. You can register and use Instagram only through the official application / official website.
  8. If you use 2-3 or more IP addresses at once. As a rule, this is observed when working with business accounts of large companies: administrators from different cities sit in one profile.

How to protect yourself from a ban

Now let's look at how to avoid a permanent ban:

  1. First of all, you need to use verified accounts, the duration of which is six months or more. If you registered an account less than six months ago, you should not use it to promote goods/services. Please note that the social network is especially distrustful of newly created pages and perceives all their activity as suspicious.
  2. If you want to publish someone else's photo on your profile, be sure to indicate the author by writing his login in the description.
  3. Do not sell copies of branded products through Instagram.
  4. If you sell products of well-known brands, do not place hashtags from these brands under the publications of photos of goods.
  5. Only post your logos on your profile.
  6. Follow the limits on the number of subscriptions, likes, comments and so on.
  7. Do not leave too many comments under the description of the photo, do not resort to mass marks.

Auto-posting and mass following

We have already said that most often a temporary block and an eternal block are imposed precisely for mass following and auto-posting. However, no modern algorithm can boast of 100% efficiency; competent use of services, as a rule, gives the desired result. The main thing is to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Do not exceed the limits of the average user. Here we are not talking about the previously mentioned limits. If you use mass following and autoposting, they do not apply to you. However, it is important not to exceed 1000 subscriptions per day and 1000 likes, otherwise the social network will reveal the fact of using third-party services.
  2. Consider behavioral factors. Any person needs time to view the publication, read the text, read the profile. Therefore, you should not perform actions at the speed of light, perform the same number of actions every day. Try to adapt as much as possible to the pattern of user behavior, increase the time between likes and other actions.
  3. Use proxy servers. On all devices, log into your account from one IP address, it will be useful to get your own proxy services, it will cost 4-10 dollars for 1 month of use.

How to know if you've been blocked on Instagram

Understanding that the system has blocked you is quite simple: you cannot perform certain actions, you cannot log into your account. the following error is displayed:

But there is also a user blocking, when you are blocked not by a social network, but by a person.

How do you know if you've been blocked on Instagram? If you go to the user's page, but his publications, photos and videos are not displayed in front of you, and by clicking the "Subscribe" button you do not see any changes, this person has added your account to the Black List. It might look like this:

Also, you can click on the list of his subscriptions / subscribers and not see the list, which also indicates a blocking. Try to send a message, this option will also be unavailable. It can also be displayed like this:

However, do not confuse concepts such as closing an account and including your profile in the black list. In the first case, the page is not available to anyone except subscribers, it displays information that the profile is closed. It is used to limit the profile from strangers. If the profile has blocked you, the "Subscribe" button will appear, but after clicking the subscription will not be sent, and the button will be active.


We have analyzed what blocking is, how to understand what is blocked on Instagram and how to find out who blocked on Instagram, the system or a specific user. We also listed effective ways to prevent temporary blocking and permanent ban. We hope this information was useful and there will be no more problems with blocking. Most importantly, work honestly and a positive result is guaranteed!

Almost everyone knows the Instagram social network, and many are registered and actively use it. Instagram is a huge repository of photos and videos. The application is intended for use from mobile devices, although you can also access it from a computer.

What does it mean to block a user?

The authors post their photos and videos, active users often need to block someone. The number of users who spam in the application is growing, they write comments that are undesirable to the one who posted the publication, there are many reasons for a "ban". Blocking is, simply put, the termination of a specific user's access to your account and your publications. Simple and cultured. You press the button - and a person who is unsympathetic to you lives a parallel life, not intersecting with yours.

Forever in the "bath"?

When a user wants to "unban" someone, he begins to look for an answer to the question of how to unblock a person on Instagram. It is possible and quite within the power of even an unadvanced user to do this.

If you have been using the application for a long time, then you can easily remember the sequence of actions, it is logical and simple. In the event that you are a beginner, just repeat the action a couple of times, and you will remember it forever. And you will never again have difficulty with how to unblock a person on Instagram if you have previously blacklisted him.

Step-by-step instruction

So what needs to be done:

  • Open the app, log into your account.
  • After authorization, you need to go to the page of the person you want to get from the "black list".
  • If this person is not among your subscribers, you just need to use the search.
  • After you have entered the page of the selected user, tap on the "Options" icon in the upper right corner of the page and select the "Unblock" action.

Now this user will be able to view your photos and videos, like and comment on them.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in such a matter as unblocking a person on Instagram. If you can't find a blocked user through search, there is another way to do it.

Another life hack

For example, you accidentally blacklisted a friend, and you need to get him out of there. For some reason, you couldn't find it through search. You can do it like this:

  1. Find a user that none of you have blocked.
  2. Open any post.
  3. Leave a comment.
  4. The user you blocked also leaves a comment.
  5. Go to his profile using his nickname.
  6. In his profile at the top right you can see three dots.
  7. Tap on it and a menu will appear.
  8. Choose the "Unblock" action.
  9. Confirm the action.

If you are interested in how to unblock a person on Instagram from a computer, then you can do this in the same way as from a mobile device.

How not to get blacklisted

The manifestation of excessive activity on Instagram, as in any other social network, leads to a logical reaction to a too active user. It can be blocked by other users. Therefore, you should be more restrained so that your friends do not look for the answer to the question, like a person on Instagram.

By the way, the list of users blocked by you can be viewed and edited. To do this, you need to go to your profile, open the settings and go through the menu to the "Blocked Users" tab. The opened list can be edited. This is the third answer to the question of how to unblock a person on Instagram.

If you do not want any user to see your posts on Instagram, you can simply block him. Even if your page is open, all your photos and videos will not exist for it.

To add someone to your Instagram ignore list, go to their profile page and click on the menu button (which looks like three vertical dots). Next, select the first item "block". By the way, as you can see, if someone violates the rules of the Instagram social network (for example, distributes child pornography or tries hard to sell you something), you can complain about him. This is the second item on the menu. Here you can also copy the link to the user's page, send him a direct message and perform some other actions, but now we are not talking about them.

If the person you blocked on Instagram gets to your page, then he will not see anything. The profile will exist for him, but an inscription will appear that there are no photos and videos available for him.

If he was following you, he automatically . However, if a person comes to you from a computer without logging in, he will see all your publications!

Therefore, there is no special meaning in blocking. Many people first block people, then unblock them again (so that they unsubscribe), and then simply close the profile. As a result, all unnecessary subscribers unsubscribe.

A user in a block can be unblocked at any time. Also go to his profile page and select "unblock" in the settings.

Since many questions began to come in the comments to this article, we decided to supplement the information on it with answers to the most frequent ones.

What the user blocked by you can and cannot:

- when you block, he will not receive any notification, but will automatically unsubscribe from you if he was subscribed. You will also automatically unsubscribe from it;

- a person will be able to go to your profile, see the number of subscribers, subscriptions and even publications, but none of them will be available to him;

- his likes, as well as comments on your photos and videos will not go anywhere. If they confuse you so much, you can delete the comments;

- your likes and comments that you leave on other people's posts, the user you blocked will see. He can even follow the link to your page, but, as we wrote above, your publications will not be available to him;

- the one you blocked can mention you in their photos and videos, but you will not receive notifications about this;

- if your page is open to everyone, a blocked user will always be able to view it on a computer without authorization (without entering their username and password).