What happens if a person goes extinct? What will happen to the Earth if people disappear? Endangered Animal Species

12-07-2017, 14:06

We are frightened almost every day by the threat of the destruction of humanity. But researchers from the British Stanford University simply shocked with their statement. They said that the mass extinction of our civilization will begin in 2037, that is, in two decades. Is it possible to avoid such a global tragedy? When will people actually go extinct and will it happen?

Massive disaster from the past

It turns out that there have already been disasters on Earth in the past. For example, 65 million years ago, a large asteroid, whose diameter was from five to ten kilometers, had already crashed into our planet. He “flew” into the “cradle of life” at tremendous speed (30 thousand km/h). As a result of this collision, all the giant reptiles known as dinosaurs became extinct.

These creatures lived on the planet for approximately one hundred million years. According to statistics derived by researchers, then about a third of all animal species disappeared from the face of the Earth. But this was not the first time that an asteroid “hit” it. Therefore, humanity needs to be careful and aware of examples from the past in order to be “armed” in the future.

Some scientists believe that mass disasters happen on Earth with a certain frequency. This may be due to the movement of the Sun through its system. Therefore, the analysis of such processes makes it possible to predict when a tragedy may happen to us.

Possible space threats to human life

Most often, the threat of the death of humanity is associated with the fall of massive space objects (asteroids, meteorites) to Earth. Such “bombings” are usually carried out by asteroids located in two areas: in the belt between Jupiter and Mars, as well as in the Kuiper belt and Oort cloud. The first of them is gradually decreasing, so the threat from it is significantly reduced.

The asteroid belt is smaller over time, and the rate of cratering is decreasing. In this regard, most researchers believe that the Earth is unlikely to receive serious bombardment, at least in the next few billion years. But if this happens, then the mass extinction of all life existing on our planet will be inevitable.

Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud

The most terrible threat lurks in the region beyond Neptune, in the outer solar system. There is a large number of ice and stone blocks. They revolve around the star in rarefied orbits. But if the trajectory of their movement is disrupted, some debris may fall into the inner part of the system, and then they, in the form of a comet, can hit any planet, including the Earth.

The interaction of objects from the Kuiper belt occurs in a random order and does not depend on the processes occurring in the Solar system. True, there is a possibility that due to passage through the galactic disk or spiral, comet rain or a comet fall to Earth may occur. True, whether it will kill humanity or not is also another question.

Extinctions may be associated specifically with comet rain. In addition, once every 31 million years, the Sun, moving through the galaxy, passes through the same galactic plane. There is evidence that extinctions occurred with similar frequency. That is, all processes on Earth are connected with what is happening in the Universe. But sedimentary rocks prove that this theory is not entirely fair.

Over 500 million years, there were three mass extinctions every 140 million years and eight with a time period of 62 million years. That is, if the periodicity of the death of animals on Earth exists, then it is not 31 million years, but two or about four times more. Therefore, periods of extinctions are not associated with comet rain. Then with what?

Extinction of species on Earth

There have been five stages of extinction of living beings in history. Researchers are concerned about the fact that almost half of all animal species and billions of people have already ceased to exist. Such a huge rate of extinction of the creatures inhabiting our planet proves that the sixth period could begin, which will last 20-30 years. Although previously two species of animals became extinct per century, now this rate has increased.

A similar disappointing picture was drawn by scientists using an analysis of 27 thousand individuals of fauna. IN Lately There is not only the extinction of some animal species, but also a reduction in the populations of others. If people do not protect and preserve nature, especially forests and water bodies, and do nothing, then within two decades a mass extinction of fauna, and later people, will begin.

Is it possible to avoid the destruction of humanity?

Researchers say yes. The whole situation is in the hands of people. Extinction statistics indicate the extinction of two to three vertebrate species per year (rank 2 per hundred years). That’s why such rates alarmed science community, which is going to come up with new methods of saving all life on Earth. For this purpose, ecologists work to inform people about the importance of preserving nature on our planet; seminars and mass charity events are held. Projects have been developed to switch to environmentally friendly fuels, save the forests of Patagonia, “green” the Sahara, etc.

Employees of the “ubiquitous” NASA are worried about situations associated with asteroid attacks. They are afraid of repeating the scenario that happened millions of years ago and killed the dinosaurs. Now the agency is developing plans to change the trajectories of asteroids approaching Earth. Other options for creating methods to save humanity from the cosmic threat are also being considered. Let's hope that they will be effective, and our civilization will be able to live not for two decades, but for thousands more years.

Natalie Lee - RIA VistaNews Correspondent

View Homo sapiens has already passed the point of no return and the planet will turn into a ball of dust, said the world's largest scientist. But there is still a chance.

Is the clock of doom striking humanity? Yes, says a distinguished 95-year-old scientist from Australia. Professor Frank Fenner is the same scientist who, in the 1950s, came up with the idea of ​​​​using the myxomatosis virus to combat wild rabbits, which have become the main pests of crops and pastures. The scientist is acutely aware of the consequences of Earth's overpopulation and resource shortages.

In addition, Fenner's achievements include the moment recognized by the World Health Organization as his finest hour, when in 1980 the scientist announced at the World Health Assembly that smallpox, which had plagued humanity, had finally been defeated.

In an interview with The Australian, the respected microbiologist expressed his pessimism about our future. “We are on the verge of extinction,” he said. “No matter what we do now, it’s too late.”

After the deception surrounding the 2012 myth, we are no longer taking “another” Doomsday warning very well. But when a scientist of Frank Fenner's caliber warns that humanity will go extinct, it's hard to ignore.

“Homo sapiens will become extinct, perhaps within 100 years,” says the classic scientist. “Many other animals too. This is an irreversible situation. I think it’s all too late. I, of course, try not to express my opinion so that people try to do what -or, but they continue to put off resolving fundamental issues."

And while efforts appear to be underway to mitigate the worst effects of overpopulation and climate change, Fenner believes it is all in vain and that our fate is clear. The world population is predicted to rise to next year as if on hot-air balloon to 7 billion, which will cause colossal disruptions in food and water supplies. So much so that Fenner predicts “food wars” between nations in the coming decades as a struggle for the safety of the food they consume. The global drought continues to have a devastating impact on agricultural land, increasing malnutrition and poverty.

Climate change is a leading factor in his warnings and, according to Fenner, we are already past the point of no return. And although we have the scientific ability to do global problems, the problem is the lack of political will to do anything before the planet turns into a ball of dust.

Professor Frank Fenner.

While these warnings are not without merit, Fenner's belief that all of humanity may cease to exist within a century is overly pessimistic. Not that there is any doubt that the world will be a very different place in 100 years, but the important thing is that he did not take into account the technological factors that make people people.

Obviously, we're not taking good care of our planet, and we're in a terrible predicament, but the idea that we'll be extinct as a species in less than a century is perhaps a bit of an exaggeration. A situation of "collapse of civilization" or "rapid population decline" might be a more pragmatic forecast.

Extinction occurs when every individual member of a species dies, but if at the same time a sequence of global catastrophes occurs (pandemics, runaway global warming, nuclear wars, resource collapse, asteroid impact), a small number of our descendants should be able to replenish our existence in the "protected pockets" of our planet.

In conclusion, according to some other respected scientists, the human race is unlikely to disappear without a combination of complex, severe and catastrophic events.

Global cataclysms, epidemics of terrible diseases, incessant wars... all this brings humanity to the point that sooner or later it may die. Having worked through this scenario in more detail, we can imagine events in which the entire population of the Earth will die out at the same time. What will the planet be like after the last representative of the human race disappears from it? Let's get a look.


Within hours of our disappearance, lights around the world will begin to go out as most power plants run on a constant supply of fossil fuels. If people don't fuel them, they will stop.

After 48 hours, low energy consumption will be noted and the nuclear power plant will automatically enter a safe mode.

Wind turbines will be able to continue operating until the lubricant runs out, but solar panels sooner or later they will stop functioning due to the accumulation of dust on them.

Almost all areas except those recharging from hydroelectric dams will have power outages.

2-3 days after people disappear, most of the metro will be flooded, because there will be no one to operate the pump system.


After 10 days, pets locked at home will begin to die of hunger and thirst. Billions of chickens, cows and other livestock will die.

Some animals will be able to escape into the wild and there they will have to fight for survival.

Ornamental animals, such as cats and dogs, will not be able to survive without people and will die first.

Large dog breeds will begin to form packs, hunting small dogs or other animals. In a few weeks there will be no small dog breeds left. Many dogs that survive will interbreed with wolves.

But many animals will be happy to see people disappear. For example, the large animals of the oceans, such as whales, will flourish and their numbers will go through the roof.


About a month after we disappeared on nuclear power plants The water that cools all equipment will disappear. This will cause explosions and accidents.

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Academician Bestuzhev-Lada: “Humanity is doomed to extinction”

It is probably frivolous to talk about the extinction of humanity if about 6.5 billion people live on Earth today and, moreover, the population continues to grow. But, paradoxically, today scientists are saying that, if not the days, then the decades of humanity are already numbered. After all, at one time, few people believed in the collapse of the Soviet empire (the power of the Soviets was strong!), and much earlier, the Roman Empire.
This is what the famous Russian sociologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, president of the International Academy for Future Studies Igor BESTUZHEV-LADA thinks.

At the end of the last century, Professor Antonov from Moscow State University made greatest discovery in the field of demography. It can be formulated as follows: “When moving from a village to a city, a person loses the need for family and children. And dooms himself to degeneration.” For this reason, all developed countries in Europe and the USA are doomed to extinction. Considering the experience of Soviet industrialization and the practice of ruining “unpromising villages,” the same future awaits Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

The rest of the peoples of our planet, the so-called. developing countries, too, will not pass this cup. But this will happen to them in a few generations, in dozens of years.

The process is objective, and it, as they say, has already begun. It is unlikely that he can be stopped by a message from the President of Russia.

- Perhaps you are just a pessimist?

Let's look realistic. Even in historically not so distant times in Russia there was 30-40% of the healthy population, in each such family 10-12-15 children were born. Not all of them survived, that's true. But instead of two parents, father and mother, there were at least 4-5 children left. Who, having created their own families, also gave birth to 10-12 children. And so on, for tens, hundreds of years. Instead of two parents, there were at least four successors to the family. There was normal population growth, children helped their parents with housework, every child, as they say, was busy.

With the peasants moving to the city, the situation changes. Children become a burden in the family; they have nothing to do in a city apartment.

In the city, a child cannot be an assistant at work; he is a burden. That’s why teenagers sit in basements, sing thieves’ songs, take drugs, burn down elevators and breed their own counterculture, which is fiercely hostile to public philosophy. They feel that they are making life difficult for their parents, that they are strangers at this celebration of life. When the time comes to start their own families, young people begin to think: why do they need such a tragicomedy? Moreover, no one in the city cares whether you are married or single.

-Has such information been requested before?

First of all. In public opinion, you were the father of the family. Or they asked you: whose will you be? Like some servant.

According to statistics, 2/3 of young people aged 18 to 25 today are unmarried. From married couples 20% do not have children, and those who do, almost all have only one child. This is objective reality.
Hence there are a lot of negative consequences. One child “replaces” two deceased parents, and extinction begins. In Russia - at the rate of a million people a year. And we’re not the only ones. In the USA it’s the same for “white” Americans, in Europe it’s the same. But the population there is being restored due to visitors from other countries.

Trouble, as we know, does not come alone. It is difficult to raise a full-fledged child in a one-child family. In large families, this is usually done by older brothers and sisters. Father and mother are already god and king. Now all these links are “falling out”, instead of them we have kindergartens and schools - breeding grounds for hazing in the army.

The process of growing up of young people is slowing down, and infantilization is evident. When does growing up begin? When a person makes decisions independently. But in the city, adults decide everything for the child. As a result, at 10 years old the boy is 5 years old, at 15 he is 10, at 20 he is 15, and at 30 he is 16 years old.

- Igor Vasilyevich, are you exaggerating?

Nothing like this! My eldest grandson is 33 years old, but according to his actions, he is 16 years old, no more. Typical modern child.

By and large, these are not fathers or mothers. Because of infantilism, it is impossible to create an army, a state apparatus, or a worker-peasant class. The state disappears completely.

The second problem is that no one from a one-child family is allowed to work: on a construction site, at the steering wheel, at the machine. What if something happens to the child, he’s the only one in the family?! The influx of labor into Moscow from Central Asia and other republics begins. In a few generations, they will face the same fate as the current city dwellers, but today these migration processes are causing conflicts - interethnic, religious. So far these are isolated excesses, protests of skinheads.

We still have “flowers”, look what events are happening in France! There they pay decent benefits for children, and they are also not particularly eager to work in factories and mines. Arabs and blacks are invited. But they pull all their relatives with them, demand the same rights as a citizen of the country, and prefer to observe their own, national customs... Pogroms begin, cars burn.

- So, the President’s Address will not work, will not change anything?

I hope something will change, in any case, something needs to be done. But the situation in literally extremely complex. Collapse is approaching. In 2000, there were 21 million schoolchildren in the country, now there are 17 million of them left. In 5 years there will be 14 million of them. And there are half as many 8-year-olds as 18-year-olds. This is a collapse, a house of cards. The population is not just decreasing - there are more and more defective people.

Today we no longer have 30, but only 5% of the healthy population, millions of disabled people, about 80% of chronically ill people. It is necessary that 5-6 children be born into healthy families. The material incentives mentioned in the president’s address are clearly not enough.

As a result of all this, Russia is becoming empty, but a holy place is never empty.

- When, in your opinion, will “finita la comedy” come?

Over the course of this century, and this is not difficult to calculate in years. They won’t let us die in peace, the pressure is too great. Now from Transcaucasia and Central Asia, partly from China, Korea and Vietnam.
Central Asia has nowhere to go, there there is growth population, two parents are replaced by four children. They need houses, jobs, water - there is an acute shortage of it in those parts. They hope to find all this here in Russia. The same thing happened to the Albanians in Yugoslavia at one time. Our Kosovo still awaits us. Judge for yourself: one infantile child against 5-6 Mujahideen. This is absolute and obvious death.
In a word, if you look into the future, it is bleak and alarming. We, the current urban population, in 20-30 years will be “wiped off the face of the earth” by those peoples who are just beginning to migrate from rural areas to the city. Then, after 3-4 generations, the same thing will happen to them.

It’s strange, but no one seriously thinks about this problem, relying on the purely Russian “maybe it will blow through”! It won't pass!

- But there are about 6.5 billion people on the planet. Where will they go?

I would like to believe that they will die out a natural death, generation after generation. Man entered into a struggle with nature. What would happen if there were 6 billion elephants living on Earth? They would trample each other! What would happen if there were 6 billion snakes? They would bite each other! In nature, each species has its own place. Including humans.

Nature “lowers” ​​us. The question is how to stop or slow down the destruction that has begun.

- Are there any cases in history when peoples died out like this?

Weak peoples were usually finished off by aggressors - remember the Mohicans? However, there were other stories. The most striking example is the first Rome, the strongest state in the world. A Roman legion of 6 thousand people could defeat any army of 100 thousand people. Gradually, the Romans began what is happening in Russia today: young people, under various pretexts, began to “mow down” from the army, frolicked in the baths, and wallowed in vices. And the Roman army was slowly but surely filled with barbarians. Ultimately, 30 thousand barbarians one day attacked a 100 thousand Roman garrison and destroyed it.

But, you must admit, something is changing for the better in our country! And they gave money to the mothers, and stability appeared in society... Maybe it will happen after all?

Parents are very sensitive creatures. And as soon as they realize that things have gotten a little better, they immediately give birth to more children. But this is just a slight ripple in the sea, and you should not delude yourself, it will not affect the process in any way. Not 3 thousand rubles. not even 6 thousand will help...

- How to be? We probably won’t return to the village...

As things stand, we are truly doomed. First of all, because of our psychology. Because theoretically there is a way out. It is simple and easy, but it is not feasible due to the fact that our consciousness will not accept it.

- What kind of exit is this?

As I already said, previously in Russia 30-40% of the population was completely healthy, which was what gave families 10-20 children. 50-60% was considered practically healthy. And only 1-2% of the population (soldiers, disabled people, beggars) did not participate in the process of childbearing.

Today completely healthy people only 5% remain, 20-25% are practically healthy, and the rest are chronicles. Who has a back, who has eyes, who has an ear... What kind of offspring will they give? It's horrible. Many of us give birth to more and more defective offspring in each generation.

It seems to me that here we cannot proceed from the pseudo-democratic principle that all people are equal. As the author of the book “1984” George Orwell says, “all men are equal, but some are more equal.” This is the solution. We need to pay attention to completely healthy people; there are fewer of them left in our country than officials and deputies combined. And soon there will be fewer than oligarchs.

You need to place your main bet on them.

- Sorry, but this is already some kind of “Aryan theory”!

You see, you’re there too! “Are we cows to be taken away somewhere?” - people are usually indignant. This science is called eugenics. This is not fascism, not racism, but an attempt to get out of a deadly, critical situation. Not only for Russia, but also for all countries that have switched to an urban lifestyle.

- Okay, we selected these 5% of healthy men and women. What's next, they don't have anything written on their foreheads?

Let's watch. For some reason, everyone thinks that a woman only needs more money - and then everything will be fine. But the oligarchs have no problems in this regard, and still the majority have one child in the family.
Yes, you need money to raise children, but it’s not the main thing. The main thing is the status of the woman. A woman housewife in our country, if she is not the wife of a new Russian, is the very bottom of society, one might say, its bottom. A woman should be confident in her tomorrow, she needs lifelong, so to speak, guarantees...

-Have you discussed this theory with anyone?

At one time with General Alexander Ivanovich Lebed. This is the only governor who understood the essence of the issue and began opening cadet corps in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. He planned to organize women's corps for future mothers of many children.

Here's the idea. I would suggest organizing special schools where people would be accepted simply for health reasons - like, say, people are accepted to become cosmonauts. The school should probably provide elementary work education, but with a pedagogical bias, designed for the fact that a person will raise his own children. Let's say a boy or girl from 14 to 18 years old studies at this school, learns the basics of home economics and other worldly wisdom, and then he (or she) is released on all four sides: to trade in the market, fly airplanes, build roads... But a person can immediately express a desire to become a professional parent.

And then such people find themselves in a social status equal to that of a Moscow City Duma deputy or even a State Duma deputy. This means housing on credit, which is repaid as children are born. Let’s say, with the birth of a 6th child in a family, housing becomes completely the property of the parents. Even better if it is a cottage with a plot.

Secondly, food, clothing, shoes, toys and books for children should be at symbolic prices. In general, such fathers and mothers need status, vacation, free clinic, full allowance and universal respect. In short, a status equal to that of a kindergarten director or teacher.

- Do you think this will save us?

A miracle will not happen, but the extinction process will slow down sharply. We will have more healthy children. That, in fact, is the whole question. But he is opposed by general popular indignation: they say, how is this so? After all, from time immemorial it was: you give birth - you suffer. And then hello, please. Unhappy Nyushka gave birth to children and lives just like the mayor of the city! There is a car in the cottage!..

The problem has not yet been recognized by anyone.

- I think I can guess why. What colossal amounts of money will be required!

Today, finances are also allocated for demographics, but they are spent ineffectively. Here's what I'll say: we have 60 million able-bodied people, almost a third of them are actually unemployed. After all, there are many people who receive wages below the subsistence level. This means that the state simply does not need the person; they are given unemployment benefits under the guise of a salary.

Why am I telling all this? Nowadays computerization is proceeding at a frantic pace. Soon we will no longer see hundreds of saleswomen in a supermarket, or hundreds of clerks in a bank. An inevitable surge of unemployment awaits us, everything will fall on the shoulders of computers and robots.

It is possible and even necessary to free several million men and women specifically for raising children! You and I only need to overcome the psychological barrier, to admit that raising children is the same hard labor as in a factory or plant.

- If you do nothing...

Several scenarios are possible. It is possible that some people will choose a dictator for themselves, he “ with an iron hand“will ban abortions, will oblige each family to give birth to 10 children under threat of camps, will give them benefits, will make them a privileged class...

- And everything will happen again from the beginning?

I repeat: options are possible. You see how rapidly computers are developing, cellular telephone in 10 years it has become the most complex electronic device, and almost everyone has it in their pocket. There will be a completely different society, and soon - in 10-30 years. It is possible that a computer, and not a person, will determine what the population of the planet should be. It will leave us, say, from 200 to 600 million people.
However, other options for the development of events cannot be excluded - including not the most optimistic ones...

Moscow's comsomolets
from 05/19/2006
Vladimir CHUPRIN asked.