Thistle and tartar difference. Useful properties of thistle

Tartar prickly (boudyak) thistle, halloween, prickly tartar, thistle, prickly burdock, etc.
In total, there are about 120 species of thistle: this is prickly thistle, sea thistle, curly, drooping, small-headed, Termer's thistle, giant artichoke - this is also thistle, milk thistle (spotted thistle), etc. Due to the many species and external similarity, they are often confused in the names and the word thistle loses its individuality and acquires a common meaning.

Thistle symbol of Scotland . This plant is not simple, it has an interesting legend and history. On the one hand, the thistle is a thorny herbaceous plant, a weed that many constantly struggle with, and on the other hand, it is a highly revered plant that is depicted on the coat of arms of Scotland and is their symbol. In honor of the thistle, a knightly order is named - "Thistle". The motto of the Order - no one will touch me with impunity.

They say that behind its thorns lies a vulnerable soul, capable of self-sacrifice and mutual assistance. In Christian symbolism, its thorns symbolize the torment of Jesus Christ, as well as sin, malice that encroaches on virtue (Job, 31). This plant was used in religious ceremonies as a herb capable of driving away evil spirits and evil in general.

What is thistle (tartar or milk thistle)

Thistle (grass tatarnik or milk thistle) is a biennial prickly herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae family. The stem is erect, branched in the upper part, up to 2 meters high. The leaves are prickly, toothed, flowers in prickly baskets, have a bright purple color. Baskets are mostly solitary, or several at the tops of the stem and branches.

Read also: Calendula tincture for acne face: recipes and uses

Thistle blooms in June-August. Distributed in the southern regions of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states, Tatarstan, etc. It grows in wastelands, near roads, near housing, on steppe and sandy slopes.

Thistle (milk thistle) - application, properties

For treatment, flower baskets and leafy shoots of the plant, collected at the beginning of flowering, are used, their taste is bitter.

The drugs have a cardiotonic effect, increase the strength of heart contractions, constrict peripheral vessels, increase blood pressure and increase diuresis.

In addition, they increase the tone of smooth muscles, have a hemostatic and some bactericidal effect. In Bulgaria, a decoction of the herb tatarnik (thistle) is used for coughs, asthma, palpitations, for washing and compresses for skin diseases.

In folk medicine - for malignant tumors and hemorrhoids. In domestic medicine, tatarnik is used as a decoction for the treatment of purulent wounds, malignant tumors and in the treatment of tetanus.

Doctors in some countries use it as a prophylactic after operations - removal of malignant tumors, as well as skin cancer, ulcers, lupus and scrofula.

In addition, prickly tartar is used for rheumatism, as a diuretic, for diseases of the bladder, colds, in the form of a decoction or powder.

Decoction and oil of thistle (tatarnik)

Thistle decoction (Tatar)

1 st. l. crushed dry inflorescences pour 1 glass of water, boil for 3-4 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain, drink for insomnia, neuroses, half a cup 3-4 times a day.

Decoction of thistle roots

use the roots of the prickly tartar, 1 tbsp. l. crushed roots, pour 300 ml of water, bring to a boil, boil over low heat for 8-10 minutes, strain after cooling. Drink with bronchitis, 3-4 times a day for 0.5 cups.

Thistle oil

The oil is made from milk thistle (milk thistle), squeezed out of the seeds with a press. It has wound healing, anti-burn and hepatoprotective properties and is not inferior in biological activity to sea buckthorn oil. Milk thistle has long been known as a liver cleanser and remedy.

Eastern wisdom says that "there is no such plant that would not be medicinal, there is no such disease that could not be cured by a plant." Even ancient people, considering themselves an integral part of wildlife, used thistle for medicinal purposes. Moreover, it is known as one of the best honey plants. Before using it, it is necessary to study the beneficial properties and possible contraindications.

Thistle species and its distribution

Thistle (tatarnik) is a perennial or biennial weed with a straight branched stem, which belongs to the category of prickly. The leaves are large, felt-pubescent. Flower baskets are spherical, solitary, purple. Blooms in the second half of June until September.

At different times, the thistle was considered a magical plant.

Found in European, Asian and North African countries. Thistle grows on wastelands, slopes, pastures and along roads.

Milk thistle is one type of thistle that you can plant yourself.

Currently, there are about 130 species of this plant. But only some of them have medicinal properties and are used in traditional medicine.

The most common is the thistle:

  • barbed;
  • curly;
  • Thurmer;
  • drooping;
  • small-headed.

In stable weather, the thistle spines diverge to the sides, in cloudy weather they are pressed to the head.

Traditional healers try to get the most out of this plant. Therefore, for the preparation of medicines, leaves, flower baskets, stems and rhizomes of thistles are used. Green mass and inflorescence are harvested from June to September, rhizome - in autumn, spring.

Photo gallery of the most common types of thistles: prickly, curly, Turmer's thistle and others

Thistle blooms from mid-June to late October.

The curly thistle grows predominantly in the northern hemisphere.

Thurmer's thistle is a biennial plant

Thistle drooping is a biennial that lives in the northern hemisphere

Small-headed thistle has brown or golden fruits with bristles and a prickly tuft

The chemical composition and useful properties of the Tatar

Thistle contains a large number of active ingredients, which determine its therapeutic effect as an independent drug, and in combination with other drugs and plants.

Thistle is rich in:

  • inulin (an organic substance that, when broken down, forms a fraction of sucrose and some glucose);
  • saponins (organic substances consisting of a sugary part);
  • alkaloids (organic compounds containing nitrogen that can combine with acids to form salts);
  • coumarins (organic substances that reduce blood clotting);
  • flavones (organic compounds that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent bruising and internal bleeding);
  • essential oil;
  • proteins;
  • vitamin K (necessary for the synthesis of proteins that provide a sufficient level of blood clotting);
  • organic acids that increase the secretion of saliva, bile, pancreatic juice and are involved in metabolism.

medicinal properties

Thistle is mainly used only in traditional medicine. Herbalists include it in various medicinal preparations.

The plant has the following properties:

  • exciting - in small doses;
  • soothing - in large quantities;
  • restorative;
  • astringents;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antihypotensive (increase blood pressure);
  • antifungal, bactericidal and healing.
  • Application in traditional medicine

    Depending on the disease, various parts of this medicinal plant and methods of its preparation are used. Thistle can be used in the form of:

  • infusion of green mass and inflorescences;
  • root decoction;
  • decoction of green mass and inflorescences;
  • syrup;
  • fresh juice.
  • Indications for the use of thistle: colds, heart disease, oncology and other pathologies

    Due to the large number of active components in the composition of the plant, thistle tincture and decoction are used in the fight against a fairly wide range of diseases.

    Thistle-based products are used in the fight against a fairly wide range of diseases.

    These pathologies include:

    • gout (a chronic disease that is characterized by a violation of protein metabolism and the inability of the liver to excrete uric acid);
    • hypotension;
    • cold;
    • cystitis (bladder disease);
    • urethritis (inflammation of the urethra);
    • hemorrhoids (impaired circulation in the lower rectum);
    • puffiness;
    • cough;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • nervousness;
    • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
    • tuberculosis;
    • diseases of the joints and heart;
    • convulsions;
    • potency disorders;
    • memory problems;
    • liver disease (hepatitis);
    • insomnia;
    • anthrax;
    • cancerous diseases of the skin and internal organs;
    • ulcers and boils.

    A decoction of the thistle rhizome and the juice of this medicinal plant are effective remedies in the fight against cancer of the skin, internal organs and systems.

    Table of application of thistle dosage forms depending on the disease

    Recipes for thistle remedies: tincture, decoction, syrup, juice

  • To prepare the infusion:
    • take 4 tablespoons of dry herbs;
    • pour 4 cups of boiling water;
    • insist 2 hours;
    • filter.
  • To prepare a decoction:
    • 20 grams of dry product is poured with one glass of boiling water;
    • heated in a water bath for 30 minutes;
    • insist 15 minutes and filter.
  • When preparing a syrup, you need the same amount of ingredients as for a decoction. But keep the solution for a couple until the mass is reduced by half.
  • Juice is extracted from young fresh leaves. It can be applied both externally and internally.
  • For the prevention and treatment of various diseases, only a doctor can prescribe the exact dosage and duration of the course of therapy.

    The use of plants in cosmetology for face and body care

    Thistle is very popular among cosmetologists. Due to the large amount of minerals and vitamins, its oil can be successfully used in the following cases:

    • rejuvenation and regeneration of skin tissues;
    • giving elasticity and firmness to the skin;
    • treatment of acne, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, burns and inflammation;
    • smoothing wrinkles;
    • improvement of skin microcirculation.

    In the presence of a rash, redness, black dots on the skin, masks are made with plant oil. To do this, a few drops of it are mixed with a small amount of daily cream and applied to problem areas. Wash off after 15 minutes.

    Thistle oil is used in cosmetology

    Problematic skin can be wiped using a decoction of flowers or leaves of the plant.

    Milk thistle is the most commonly used type of thistle by cosmetologists.

    Features of the use of a medicinal plant during pregnancy and during breastfeeding

    The use of preparations based on thistle must be agreed with the attending physician. Since the effect of some active substances of the plant on the body of a pregnant woman and the developing fetus has not been fully studied, the use of plant-based medicines should be abandoned during the period of bearing a child and during lactation.

    Contraindications to the use of thistle and possible side effects

    Thistle is a low-toxic medicinal plant. Numerous studies have not revealed significant side effects on the body after its use. However, allergic reactions are possible, overexcitability with the use of small doses of the drug, inhibition of the activity of the central nervous system - with large doses.

    Cases of adverse reactions of thistle have not been recorded.

    The use of weed must be treated with full responsibility, taking into account all indications and contraindications. Before starting the reception, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

    Contraindications to the use of thistle and preparations based on it:

  • appendicitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hepatic colic;
  • individual intolerance to plant components;
  • children's age up to 3 years.
  • Thistle is rich in vitamins and nutrients, therefore it is widely used by phytotherapists in many countries in the treatment of various diseases. But do not be too careless and make a decision about treatment yourself. Any plant, no matter how safe it may seem, has its own indications and contraindications.

    Milk thistle, or milk thistle, whose beneficial properties and contraindications are not known to everyone, is a medicinal plant, the Astrov family. This is a tall plant with unusual flowers of red-violet color, which are collected in a basket. Milk thistle has been known for over 2000 years, and all this time people have been using it to treat various diseases.

    Milk thistle, or milk thistle, whose beneficial properties and contraindications are not known to everyone, is a medicinal plant, the Astrov family

    Milk thistle (lat. silybum) has many different names: spotted thistle, tartar, halloween, prickly burdock, red-headed thistle, and so on. They are all the same plant. There are also quite a lot of varieties of this plant - prickly, marine, curly, penetrating, giant artichoke - only about 120, but they all have common features, so the plant is called the common name "thistle".

    The Latin name for the thistle is Silybum Marianus. According to legend, this plant is a gift from the Mother of God Mary, it was she who showed the Tatar plant to people and said that it was a medicinal herb. Therefore, people call the white spots on the leaves of the plant the milk of Mary. Tatarnik comes from the Mediterranean, but now this herb is distributed almost all over the world.

    The appearance and composition of the plant

    Many people know what thistle looks like - it is a perennial herbaceous plant, it has sessile or short-root spiny leaves. Thistle flowers are covered with sharp spines; perhaps, in this plant, only the petals are tender and without thorns - they are fluffy and have a pointed shape. The plant can be quite tall - up to 2 meters.

    The active substances of this plant are citric, oxalic, glycolic, malic, malonic acids, saponins essential oil, tannin, there are also flavolignansilymarin and bioflavonoids.

    Upon a detailed study of the plant, it was found that milk thistle contains more than two hundred biologically active substances in its composition - it is just a storehouse of vitamins and microelements.

    Many peoples of the world milk thistle revered as the most powerful medicinal plant, a gift to people from the Holy Virgin Mary. According to legend, Mary pointed out to people the healing properties of milk thistle, and the white spots on the leaves symbolize her milk.

    Historical documents indicate that the ancient Greeks used a decoction of milk thistle fruit 2,000 years ago.

    It is believed that the Romans knew about its beneficial properties and used it in the treatment of liver diseases. In India, it is used in homeopathic and traditional medicine. And in Europe, milk thistle extract has long been recommended for liver disorders such as hepatitis and cirrhosis. In an ancient medical reference book, the Greek herbalist Dioscorides recommended milk thistle for many diseases.

    Another written mention of milk thistle is found in the writings of the abbess of the convent in Bingen - Hildergard, who lived in West Germany in 1098-1179. The abbess kept a diary, which summarized the medical knowledge of that time. In all Russian reference books on medicinal plants there is a mention of thistle, which is mentioned in many diseases.

    Modern research has shown:

    Milk thistle seeds contain about 200 different components that are of value to humans, these are vitamins, micro and macro elements, and silymarin. Oil is also extracted from the fruits (its content reaches 32%). The content of macroelements per 1 g of plant material reaches in mg/g: calcium - 16.6, potassium - 9.2, magnesium - 4.2, iron - 0.08. Trace elements per 1 g in mcg / g: manganese - 0.1, copper - 1.16, zinc - 0.71, chromium - 0.15, selenium - 22.9, iodine - 0.09, boron - 22.4 and etc.

    Also milk thistle seedst almost the entire range of vitamins A, D, F, E, K and B vitamins, especially valuable for the nervous system.

    The main healing effect of milk thistle: hepatoprotective, choleretic, choleretic, and also has an antioxidant, detoxifying and lactagon effect.

    Silymarin, contained in the thistle, restores cell membranes, enhancing their protective properties. Milk thistle seed oil has a pronounced wound-healing effect, is used in the treatment of skin diseases and in its biological activity is not inferior to sea buckthorn oil. Due to the beneficial effect on the liver and its functions, milk thistle indirectly improves digestion, relieves many ailments associated with abnormal or defective liver function.

    Silymarin - what is it?

    The silymarin found in the seeds of the plant has been found to be a promising agent in the treatment of liver diseases. According to Quilisch (1944), milk thistle gives very good results in the treatment of diseases of the liver and gallbladder. A number of other authors also provide clinical observations of a very good therapeutic effect of various preparations of milk thistle in diseases of the liver and gallbladder and in chronic cholecystopathies (Ritter, 1941, Unseld. 1941: Schimert, 1948, Schwarzhaupt, 1953; Spaich, 1978, etc.).

    According to Schondube (1956), milk thistle tincture has a strong choleretic and choleretic effect. He recommends its widespread use in diseases of the bile ducts, noting its very good tolerability and considers that there can hardly be contraindications to its use. In clinics, good results have also been obtained in the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities.

    As a result of extensive photochemical, experimental-pharmacological and clinical-pharmacological studies carried out in recent years, the defended empirically effective therapeutic effect of milk thistle oil and fruits in chronic cholecystopathies and post-hepatitis syndrome has been objectively confirmed.

    Experimental studies Studies carried out on mice, rats, rabbits, dogs, in which milk thistle was used in various ways and at different doses, showed that the empirically established protective properties of milk thistle in liver damage are due to the silymarin contained in it.

    Silymarin inhibits the development of formalin-induced peritonitis and immunologically induced polyarthritis (Vogel et al., 1975).

    The protective and therapeutic effect of silybin (a compound included in silymarin) on the liver parenchyma is favored by the fact that about 80% of the applied dose is excreted in the bile (Bulles et al., 1975).

    Research conducted in Germany , noted the effect of silymarin on toxic substances that poison the liver. It turned out that silymarin prevented the penetration of toxic substances into the liver cells and decomposed other poisons before they had their detrimental effect.

    This is the only natural compound known to date that protects liver cells and restores its functions.


    In dry form and in the form of a decoction.

    In folk medicine, decoctions are the most common means of using medicinal herbs and plants.

    For cooking decoction of milk thistle seeds: 30 g of powdered milk thistle seeds are poured into 0.5 liters of hot water, boiled in a water bath until the amount of water decreases by 2 times, filtered through two or three layers of gauze. Take 1 tablespoon every hour. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

    Decoction of milk thistle roots prepared at the rate of: 1 tablespoon of raw materials per 1 cup of boiling water. The raw materials are boiled in a closed enamel bowl in a water bath for 30 minutes, filtered hot through two or three layers of gauze, squeezed and brought to the initial volume with boiled water. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, before meals.

    Dry application.

    milk thistle seeds are used in the treatment of hepatitis, cholelithiasis, cirrhosis, liver dystrophy, in case of poisoning with poisons that disrupt liver function, in alcoholism and in the fight against its consequences. A number of well-known medicines for the treatment of the liver (Karsil, Silibor, Hepatinol) are made on the basis of milk thistle seeds.

    among the people milk thistle seeds also used for toothache, diarrhea (in the form of a decoction). The seeds crushed into flour cure varicose veins, purify even heavily polluted blood and lower blood sugar levels. Milk thistle is also widely used in the treatment of skin diseases such as vitiligo, psoriasis, acne, and baldness.

    The special value of milk thistle is that its use has no contraindications and side effects. It also has a very positive effect on relatively healthy people, cleansing the liver of toxins.

    Use milk thistle in the form of a dry seed powder, 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals with warm water.

    In the form of oil and meal.

    Milk thistle seed oil more rich in fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, F, especially a lot of vitamin E, the main antioxidant among vitamins. He is actively involved in the neutralization of free electrons, which "break" many enzymatic reactions, causing irreparable harm to the body. Vitamin E is used for dysfunction of the gonads in men and women, psoriasis, capillary fragility, and many other diseases.

    In the meal (seeds crushed into powder) from milk thistle, in addition to the listed vitamins, there is a significant amount of B vitamins necessary for the regulation of fat metabolism, nutrition of the heart muscle, nervous system, skin, organs of vision.

    Oil and mealhave an anti-sclerotic effect, but through different mechanisms: oil through vitamin F (unsaturated fatty acids), meal - due to the large amount of fiber that absorbs bile acids on itself.

    Milk thistle seed oil has a greater choleretic effect than meal, therefore, during an exacerbation of cholecystitis, meal (seeds crushed into powder) should be preferred.

    Milk thistle seed oil , has wound healing, anti-burn and hepatoprotective properties and is not inferior in biological activity to sea buckthorn oil.
    Milk thistle meal is indispensable for constipation, i.e. activates intestinal peristalsis. A positive effect of milk thistle on the course of dysbacteriosis has been noted.

    In the form of an alcohol tincture.

    Alcohol extracts and aqueous vitamins from milk thistle fruits and seeds have long been used in folk medicine for diseases of the liver, gallbladder, spleen, chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, articular rheumatism, chronic bronchitis.

    Through experimental and clinical studies, it has been established that milk thistle fruits enhance the formation of bile and accelerate its excretion, protect prophylactically undamaged liver cells and increase the protective properties of the liver against infection and various kinds of poisoning. This is the basis for the use of plant preparations in acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, cholangitis, cholecystitis, as well as in functional disorders of the liver due to poisoning with various chemical compounds, including alcohol, diabetes mellitus, chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

    Benefits of alcohol tincture: speed, the possibility of a relatively accurate dosage and compactness of the dosage form.

    Unlike water infusions and decoctions, where raw materials can be used in different forms (both fresh and dried), alcohol tinctures are prepared from fresh ingredients.

    Prepared (i.e., crushed) plant parts are placed in a glass jar, bottle or vial (preferably dark glass), then poured with alcohol or vodka of the required concentration. The weight ratio of raw materials and alcohol is usually 1: 5 (for example, 10 g of raw materials - 50 ml of alcohol).

    Then the dishes are tightly sealed and kept at room temperature in a dark place for the time specified in the recipe (from several days to several weeks, and in some cases even months).

    After the expiration of the specified period, the tincture is carefully drained or filtered through clean gauze, folded in several layers, or thin cotton fabric. At the end of straining, the remaining raw materials, as a rule, are carefully squeezed out.

    It is necessary to store the tincture in the refrigerator or in a dark cool place.
    The shelf life of alcohol tinctures, unlike water infusions and decoctions, is much longer - with careful observance of the conditions, it can reach 1 year.

    Alcohol tinctures on Milk Thistle belong to the drugs of strong action, so they have much more restrictions and contraindications for use. They are used, as a rule, in small dosages - usually 1 - 2 to 15 - 20 drops are prescribed for 1 dose.

    The practice of using milk thistle, reviews, recommendations.

    Maria Nikolaevna (54 years old).

    In general, I don’t really trust herbs and all kinds of tinctures, they paint the effect of the application very colorfully. Milk thistle was advised by my mother to improve the liver, in childhood I suffered from hepatitis and the liver made itself felt. I was glad that milk thistle is sold on the Internet and is not expensive.

    I tried all the options for its release: meal, oil, capsules. Liked the cut. I took half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day for a teaspoon, washed down with water. I really saw results. The liver no longer bothered with pain, the digestive system stopped malfunctioning, the stomach did not pull.

    Most of all I was pleased with getting rid of the rash on my face, the skin became much cleaner. But before that, I was treated by a dermatologist, an allergist, and a gastroenterologist, trying to clear my face. But milk thistle helped. I advise everyone, because I personally did not have any side effects, and the result actually exceeded all expectations.

    Vasily Ivanovich (67 years old)

    You need dry seed powder for 1 tsp. apply 4-5 times a day.
    The course of treatment is 40 days, a break of 14 days, and so on for six months or a year. To remove toxic substances and prevent liver damage

    Decoction of herbs with roots: 2 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist overnight. Drink 3/4 cup 3 times a day.

    Lidia Semyonovna (34 years old)

    From the literature, I learned that good results are shown by the use of milk thistle oil to restore the body in case of alcohol poisoning, intestinal diseases and stomach ulcers. The oil has a pronounced healing, analgesic, choleretic effect. This oil is primarily needed by the elderly and people who have had serious illnesses.

    With hepatitis, cirrhosis and toxic liver damage and 3 tablespoons of crushed seeds pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, keep in a water bath until half the volume has evaporated, strain through two layers of gauze. Take 1 tablespoon every hour until the condition improves.

    With digestive disorders, varicose veins, as well as alcoholism as an additional remedy, pour 1 teaspoon of crushed seeds with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day: 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch and at bedtime.

    With exacerbation of psoriasis take 1 teaspoon of meal 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals or with food.

    With atherosclerosis take 1 teaspoon of meal 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals, and during meals - 1 teaspoon of milk thistle oil. Both can be added to food: season salads with butter, and sprinkle second courses with meal. The course of treatment is not less than a month.

    For toothachePour 1 tablespoon of chopped roots with 1 cup of boiling water, bring to a boil, leave for 1 hour, strain. Use for rinsing and lotions on a sore tooth and gum.

    With climacteric atrophic vaginitis draw 3 ml of milk thistle oil into a syringe without a needle and insert into the vagina, after which, lying on your back and bending your knees, raise your hips and stay in this position for 5-7 minutes. The course of treatment is 12 procedures.

    With erosion of the cervix and trichomonas colpite mix 50 ml of milk thistle oil and 1/2 teaspoon of tea tree oil, and then douche as in the previous recipe. Course - 12 procedures.

    In Russia, it was customary to call all thorns a thistle, which in translation from Old Slavonic means "frightening devils." The prickly tartar is very similar to some of them with its flowers. But not stems, not leaves and not medicinal action. In folk medicine, he isthere is a special place.

    And invigorate and heal

    I have known this plant since childhood. My grandmother also gave me a Tatar decoction to drink during a cold. Then I found out how useful it is. Not only does it heal, it also feeds! In the spring I cook mashed potatoes from its young leaves, add to salads. Most of all, one property of a Tatar man attracts me: to get rid of and. A healing decoction is prepared from it like this.

    5 tartar flowers and 2 calendula flowers pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Heat in a water bath for 30 minutes, cool, strain and add 100 g of honey. Take ½ cup 3-4 times a day.

    From neurosis and insomnia, you can also prepare a decoction of dried crushed flowers:

    1 st. l. for 1 glass of water. Boil for 3-4 minutes, let the broth cool and strain. Take the remedy for ½ cup 3-4 times a day.

    The second important property of the tatarnik for me is its high efficiency in the treatment of the pancreas. In this case, it is not easy to find a replacement for him. But the broth is prepared a little differently:

    2 tbsp. l. chopped herbs pour 1 cup of hot water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes and filter. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals.

    And most importantly: drugs from the tatarnik practically do not cause side effects, they are of low toxicity. But with hypertension, they cannot be used - pressure may increase.

    Abramov Fedor Ilyich, Solnechnogorsk

    Powder for joints

    They began to bother me less since I started taking the powder from the leaves of the prickly tartar (without thorns, of course). The plant has not only a diuretic effect, but also bactericidal and anti-inflammatory, which is what I need in my case. Thanks to him, excess salts are removed, swelling and pain disappear. If you need to heal your joints, do so.

    Chop the leaves with baskets, remove the thorns, dry and grind into powder, which you store in a glass container. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day with water. I spend the course of treatment according to my state of health, but not more than 3 weeks. And so - several times a year.

    Vinogradov Nikolai Pavlovich, Tomsk

    prickly orderly

    Often we create diseases for ourselves for various reasons: we don’t eat right, we have bad habits.

    Another thing is when a person does not have the necessary conditions for a healthy lifestyle.

    My son, for example, after the army suffered from furunculosis. Doctors unanimously said that it is necessary to purify the blood. But in our village it was impossible to do this, and my son could not go somewhere because of work. As always, our local witch came to the rescue, who treated everyone with herbs. That grandmother advised me to treat my son with fresh juice from the leaves of the Tatar.

    Almost all summer, with breaks of 10 days, the son took the juice from the leaves, 1 tsp each. 3 times a day. To do this, we cut the leaves with a sickle, washed and ground in a meat grinder.

    Two months later, the son not only got rid of boils. He turned into a handsome man with smooth healthy skin. And in general, he became stronger, more resilient than he was.

    To cleanse the blood, which is important, you can use another recipe. Take 3 tbsp. l. tatarnik herbs and pour 500 ml of boiling water over them. After pouring the infusion into a thermos, leave for 12 hours to infuse. Strain and take half an hour before meals. You need to drink the entire amount of the prepared infusion in one day in 3 divided doses.

    Polyakova A.N., Stavropol

    Mr. "Medical Letters" No. 25, 2013

    Tatarnik against blepharitis

    When my husband started working at a construction site, he started having problems with his eyes. In addition to reddening of the eyelids and the formation of dry scales on them, there was another unpleasant phenomenon - itching. Unable to bear it, Igor went to the doctor. He said that it was, prescribed medication. I don’t know how the matter would have ended if a friend of mine hadn’t advised us to use the Tatar man. It has strong anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. And the Tatar, by the way, is growing a lot in our area. And I began to prepare an infusion for Igor, with which he washed his eyes several times a day. Yes, I took it with me to work - and used it there. And thanks to the Tatar man, he managed to get rid of unpleasant phenomena.

    Pour 1 cup of warm boiled water 2 tbsp. l. chopped herbs, leave for 12 hours, strain, use for washings and lotions.

    And thanks to the Tatar, Igor managed to get rid of unpleasant phenomena - there was not a trace of inflammation of the eyelids, his eyes became beautiful and shining!

    Opirovskaya E.I., Zelenogradsk
    Mr. "Medical Letters" No. 2, 2014