How do loggias insulate from the inside. How to insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands - the easiest and most effective ways to carry out work

The loggia is a part of the apartment that requires high-quality insulation. If you leave it in its original state, then in winter the cold will penetrate into the rest of the premises, and this is an extra cash cost for heating. Owners who do not know how and with what to insulate the balcony on their own invite workers whose services cost a lot of money. And it’s good if hired craftsmen turn out to be professionals, because contractors with a lack of qualification often come to the call.

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    If we take professionals as an example, they first visually assess the condition of the balcony and take into account the year in which it was built. apartment house. Then they pay attention to the frame (metal or wooden) and evaluate the dilapidation of the skin. Last but not least, experienced workers compare neighboring loggias and can offer the owner to make a design in the same style as them.

    Because of the old-style balconies, all work becomes more complicated, especially if this building is not closed, but open type. In this case, the craftsmen are engaged in additional strengthening of the structure and replacing rotten parts: they cut off the rusted metal elements of the frame and reconstruct the concrete site. The upper and lower parts of the balcony are reinforced without fail.

    how to insulate a balcony with your own hands

    It is after the measures to restore the structure that the specialists are engaged in facing and internal thermal insulation of the room. Often, owners prefer to equip their balconies with foam blocks and double-glazed windows. The stones are laid out at half the total height of the loggia, and the open space is closed with windows. The result is not only an attractive appearance buildings, but also significantly increases its strength. By the way, a double-glazed window will significantly warm the room.

    If the owner of the apartment changes the windows to plastic ones, then it is advisable for him to purchase products with double glass, since single ones retain heat by only 30% in the cold season.

    Without preparing the balcony, one cannot approach subsequent cardinal actions. Before purchasing materials for warming the loggia, inside the premises, specialists carry out the following work:

    The interior arrangement of the loggia concerns not only the ceiling and walls. It is equally important to insulate the floor, for example, with penofol.

    For internal insulation of almost all structures, expanded polystyrene is very widely used. Its low cost does not affect the quality. It is sold in the form of plates with a thickness of 5 cm or more. If the apartment is located in the conditions of the north, then it is better to use sheets 15 cm thick. For the installation of foam, they make a crate with the same cells. Expanded polystyrene is convenient in that it can be easily cut with an ordinary knife.

    The positive aspects of this insulation is that it is odorless, does not emit harmful substances, environmentally friendly and does not affect human health. Sheets, as a rule, are fixed on special "umbrellas" or building glue. As a savings, it is better to insulate the balcony inside it.

    Mineral wool is also quite popular. Such insulation is slightly more expensive than foam plastic, but this is due to the additional sound insulation that the material has. Therefore, using mineral wool, you can not only insulate the structure with high quality, but also eliminate street noise. It is sold in the form of yellow rolls.

    Insulation of the loggia Secrets of skill from Alexei Zemskov

    The fire safety of this heater is on high level, and the absence of a specific smell makes mineral wool one of the most popular. The material begins to melt at a temperature of 1000 degrees. Under such rolls, it is also necessary to make a crate. Another plus is easy cutting. The disadvantage is due to the composition, which includes powdered glass, which sticks into the skin when working and causes itching and redness.

    Penoplex - new insulation which appeared on the market building materials relatively recently and has already become popular. It has a low weight, due to which it is convenient to work with it. Penoplex is produced in the form of rectangular sheets, the cutting of which is possible even with a clerical knife. According to the method of attachment, it is similar to foam, which is glued or fixed with fasteners. The surface of the material is rough, so it does not slip in the hands.

    Granular expanded clay is often laid on the floor. Such insulation for a balcony inside has a porous structure and consists of baked clay, so it is environmentally friendly. Builders use it to insulate floors and ceilings.

    The work process is simple, it is enough to create a layer of expanded clay and spill it with liquid cement so that the granules are held together. But keep in mind that such material will take 15-20 cm of height from floor to ceiling. In addition, a thin-layer screed will have to be poured over the expanded clay, because the relief surface will not be suitable for laying, for example, the same parquet or laminate.

    Another option for insulation - penofol. It is made from polyethylene foam. The material is especially suitable for water-heated floors, as it has a foil coating with a heat-reflecting effect. This insulation has 4 advantages: it does not let the wind through, retains heat, prevents the penetration of water and has vapor barrier properties. Penofol is flexible and easy to cut, and environmentally friendly substances do not harm human health. They produce insulation in the form of rolls, therefore, it is convenient to work with it. The installation process takes no more than 1 hour.

    Insulation of balconies and loggias: eight mistakes of finishers

    As previously mentioned, foam plastic is cheap, but nevertheless it is practical, many builders use it. What is the best way to insulate a balcony from the inside with polystyrene foam:

    Wall thickness from edge interior decoration to the outside, given the foam block, should be 30 cm. This is enough to retain heat and prevent the penetration of cold into the room.

    Pouring concrete, expanded clay layer and similar methods cost a lot of money. You can make a similar insulation, but at the same time save money. An option for a cheap finish made of wood and foam can be like this:

    How to insulate a balcony? Choice of heater.

    Specialists always start finishing from the walls and ceiling, and at the end they deal with the floor. If everything is done the other way around, then the base will be damaged, and the front surface will be scratched.

    It is very difficult to calculate the final amount, because many factors affect it. First, you must first decide whether the loggia will be a living room. If yes, then you will have to spend money on double-glazed windows. Secondly, the prices for heaters change almost every day. Thirdly, you need to decide what kind of furniture the room will be furnished with. Therefore, you should not allocate a strictly fixed amount for such an event; it is better to prepare additional finance just in case in case unforeseen expenses arise.

    It is also recommended to prepare an estimate in advance and find a cheaper source for selling the material, for example, not through intermediaries, but directly buy building materials at the base. If you turn to specialists for help, they will take into account the following points:

    Also, you may have to spend money on furniture and other interior items.

    The arrangement of the loggia with the help of specialists will cost a large amount, which will significantly hit the wallet. But if you insulate the balcony inside with your own hands, then the final expense will be approximately 10 thousand rubles.

Balcony or loggia unheated premises in the apartment. Therefore, they are a source of heat loss from an apartment or house. even good glazed balcony transmits a significant amount of heat.

To avoid this, the balcony or loggia is insulated from the inside. It should be noted that there are different approaches to warming this type of room.

The type and method of warming the balcony and loggia depends on:

  • intended purpose:
  • the balcony is not intended for storage, they are insulated in order to reduce heat loss from the room. In this case, work is carried out according to a scheme similar to outdoor heating. That is, only one side of it, adjacent to the wall of the room, is insulated;
  • the balcony is for storage. Insulated around the perimeter of all surfaces. Since there should not be a high temperature here, the requirements for heat-insulating materials are not particularly high;
  • balcony, which is a continuation of the living room or serving as an office, library, gym, etc. In this case, heat loss through windows and all surfaces is eliminated. And as the materials used, heat insulators with high density and considerable thickness. Special attention is given to the thermal conductivity of the material and the rules for its installation.
  • heating budget. It determines both the type of insulation, and the area of ​​​​insulation, and further finishing. It also determines whether to entrust the work to professionals or to do the insulation of the balcony with your own hands;
  • season. Low temperatures can withstand any kind of insulation. But solutions, adhesives and foam must be used taking into account the temperature environment. As a rule, "winter varieties" are more expensive. And the duration of work in winter is more significant;

Consider ways to insulate a balcony using various heaters and give some important practical advice how to make loggia insulation more effective. We will proceed from the fact that it is necessary to qualitatively and inexpensively insulate the balcony on all surfaces inside - walls, ceiling and floor.

Insulation requirement:

  1. light weight. In order not to weigh down the balcony, which is much lower in strength than the loggia;
  2. small volume. In order not to occupy the useful living space of a balcony or loggia;
  3. low cost;
  4. safety. Fire and environmental;
  5. opportunity to do the work yourself.

Insulation for balconies and loggias - types and properties

If you have not yet decided what is the best way to insulate a balcony or loggia from the inside, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with popular thermal insulation materials. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages, which are in characteristics, cost and installation methods.


Lasting, dense material which does not support combustion well. Resistant to moisture, has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity.


Dense heater. It has the lowest thermal conductivity, light weight, high strength and low cost.

Basalt and mineral wool

Soft insulation. Works due to its structure. Fibers arranged in a chaotic manner contain air, which does not allow heat to penetrate through the cotton wool. Working with cotton wool, you need to create an additional frame.

Polyurethane foam (PPU)

Sprayed insulation. The material is good because it does not allow moisture to pass through, makes it possible to adjust the thickness of the insulation and allows you to get a coating without seams. And this, in turn, eliminates the appearance of cold bridges.


multilayer material. The polystyrene backing keeps the heat in, and the aluminum screen, which is like a thermal mirror, allows the heat to be reflected inside the house. Can be used on its own or in combination with other heaters.

Expanded clay

Bulk heater. It has a porous structure, thanks to which it retains heat well. Used for floor insulation.

Using these materials for warming the balcony and loggia, you can additionally provide good sound insulation(subject to glazing with plastic windows).

A mandatory accompanying attribute when insulating from the inside with most of these materials is a vapor and hydrobarrier film or a superdiffusion membrane. It is designed to protect the insulation, especially soft from getting wet and condensation.

The material was prepared for the site

How to insulate a balcony with your own hands - step by step instructions

  • Clearing the premises. It is impossible to do quality work if you have to constantly move things from place to place.
  • Crack sealing. We assume that high-quality double-glazed windows are installed on the windows. In any case, there are gaps between the balcony and the wall, at the junction of the ceiling and the floor. So they need to be repaired using foam, sealants or solutions. Slots of considerable size are sealed with pieces of foam.
  • Balcony / loggia waterproofing. Needed to keep water out. Moreover, it can enter through micropores in concrete. For this purpose, a deep penetrating primer can be used.
  • In case of using cotton wool, it is necessary to install waterproofing film. It is fastened with an overlap and secured with tape.
  • Installing a heater. There are two methods here:
  • frame method. In this case, you must first equip the frame from antiseptic-treated wooden boards or galvanized profiles. Boards are more popular because they are cheaper and allow you to adjust the thickness of the frame. The most commonly used beam is 50x50. A heater is inserted into the formed cells.
  • Frameless method. More preferable, but only suitable for rigid insulation. This is due to the fact that the frame material at wireframe method remains uninsulated. That is, wood or metal serve as cold bridges and conduct heat well. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, rigid heaters are mounted without arranging the frame.
  • Laying penofol, vapor barrier film or superdiffusion membrane.
  • Floor insulation is in progress.

Insulation of the balcony and loggia with mineral wool

The cotton wool is laid so that it fits snugly against the elements of the frame, but is not “rammed”, i.e. no need to further compact it. From this, the structure of the mineral wool will change and part of the air will evaporate. This will reduce the thermal insulation properties of wool. In order for the cotton wool to hold securely on the wall, and especially on the ceiling, it must be additionally fixed using wire or umbrellas (dowels with a wide cap).

Mineral wool fixed with "umbrellas"

Sometimes cotton wool is brought behind the frame, as shown in the figure. Then the elements of the frame are held by cotton wool. However, professionals do not recommend using this approach for low-density wool (less than 50 kg/m3), since wool held in only a few places will settle over time, exposing part of the wall to the movement of cold air.

Cotton wool is covered with a vapor barrier film. Then the counter-lattice is stuffed. It allows you to protect cotton wool from touching finishing material and avoid the appearance of a dew point in this place.

In more detail, the stages of installing cotton wool are presented in the diagram.

  1. floor base
  2. floor joists
  3. frame
  4. Basalt wool
  5. Vapor barrier film
  6. Control grille
  7. Finishing material

Insulation of the balcony with polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam

Rigid insulation is also placed in the frame sections and fixed on foam or special glue. The insulation is not laid close to the frame, but with a gap of 5-10 mm. The gap is subsequently blown out with foam, and the foam sheet is additionally attached with a plastic dowel - an umbrella (fungus).

Fastening foam plastic in a frame way

Fastening polystyrene foam in a frame way

The foam sheets are tightly pressed against each other, and the joints are blown with foam.

Expanded polystyrene sheets are joined according to the "groove-comb" principle.

The sputtering method stands apart in this group. Such heat-insulating material as polyurethane foam is applied to the wall precisely by spraying. Relatively new material on the market is quickly gaining its fans among professionals and amateurs. Because it allows you to perform insulation without additional preparation of the base. The high speed of work execution - less than one day - also speaks in favor of the PPU. Among the disadvantages are the high cost and the inability to do the work yourself without special equipment.

  • Thirdly, the foil reflects 90% of the heat back. What is very important for a balcony or loggia, which, by law, cannot have their own heating sources.

Until recently, the balconies of city apartments served as a kind of storerooms - people kept conservation and various things there. What is there, on the balconies they carried out any unnecessary rubbish that it was a pity to throw away. Today, however, these spaces are increasingly being used as additional living space. And in order to realize such an idea, you need to take care of the insulation of the balcony.

If you insulate the balcony, you will not only be able to expand the living space of the apartment relatively cheaply, but also significantly reduce the heat loss of housing. The fact is that it is through the balconies that most of the heat leaves. But in order for everything to be done efficiently, you need to know where to start. With a well-designed scheme, turn cold balcony albeit in a small, but almost full-fledged room, it will be much easier.

So first sketch rough plan works - it will include:

Important information! The balcony can be insulated both from the inside and outside. But in view of the fact that you will do the work on your own, that is, without the help of specialists, it is better to resort to internal insulation.

Stage number 1. Choosing a heater

There are a lot of heat-insulating materials on the modern construction market, but it is more suitable for a balcony:

As for foam plastic and XPS, the laying of these materials is carried out using almost the same technology (the only exception is the form of adhesion - it is better for XPS due to the use of grooves).

It is better not to use mineral wool for a balcony - the installation procedure will be more laborious, and the condensate that inevitably forms on the balcony is undesirable for this material. Expanded clay, for obvious reasons, can only be used for floor insulation (insulation technology will be described in detail below).

And if we add to all of the above the fact that the balcony should in no case be overloaded, then it becomes obvious: the most suitable option- this is a foam plastic 4-5 cm thick, which is cheaper than polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

Stage number 2. We carry out glazing

If your balcony is already glazed, you can skip this step. The glazing procedure itself largely depends on the parapet installed on the balcony. If we are talking about the iron crate, then you must build it up using foam blocks either ceramic brick. It is important that the wall thickness as a result exceeds the mark of 10 cm. And if you have a reinforced concrete parapet, you can immediately start installing windows.

Today, many (especially admirers of environmentally friendly building materials) prefer double-glazed windows with wooden frames. It is worth remembering that such structures must be treated with an antiseptic and regularly painted. You can learn about the installation of double-glazed windows with wooden frames from the video below.

Video - How to install a wooden window with double-glazed windows

However, most consumers still buy PVC windows. When buying, choose a special plastic profile, characterized by increased rigidity and strength indicators. In addition, the profile must have good thermal insulation performance.

More at plastic windows it should be:

  • 5-chamber profile;
  • 2-chamber (if you live in middle lane) or 3-chamber (if in a more severe climate) double-glazed window;
  • reinforced reinforcement.

After installing the PVC construction ordered according to the dimensions of the balcony (specialists should do the work), you can proceed directly to the insulation.

Stage number 3. We warm the floor

Consider how to insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands using foam (although the technology described below is also suitable for polystyrene foam).

Table. Floor insulation on the balcony

Steps, no.Short descriptionIllustration
Step #1First, prepare the work surfaces - seal all the cracks found in the concrete with mounting foam, as well as at the joints between the slabs and the wall.

Step #2Mark the floor for the subsequent construction of the crate. At the same time, it is important that the pitch of the crate exceeds the width of the insulation sheets by about 10 mm.

Step #3According to the previously made markings, lay the slats (the approximate size of the bars is 4x4 cm, however, it is necessary that their width matches the thickness of the insulating material). The first and last rails should recede from the walls by 50-100 mm. Connect the rails with self-tapping screws.

Step #4Lay foam sheets between the battens, gluing them to the floor liquid nails or special glue. Blow out all the voids formed as a result of this with mounting foam.

Step #5Lay on top of the insulation Lay a vapor barrier layer on top of the insulation (required to increase thermal insulation and prevent condensation). If you use ordinary PET film, then in no case lay it on the "cold" side of the insulator. If you are laying foil insulation, then do it with foil to the foam.

Step #6Fasten sheets of plywood or chipboard from above, and the thickness floor covering must be at least 20 mm. Attach the sheets to the rails with self-tapping screws.

Step #7It remains only to lay the finish coating, for which you can use carpet or linoleum.

Important information! There is another way to insulate the floor on the balcony with foam plastic: foam sheets are attached to the leveled and cleaned surface, and poured on top thin screed from a pre-prepared dry mix solution. As finish coat ceramic tiles can be used here.

Alternative option. We use expanded clay

As noted earlier, the floor on the balcony can also be insulated with expanded clay. This material is also inexpensive, and its installation is not difficult. Let's get acquainted with the algorithm of actions.

Step #1. First, lay a waterproofing film on the floor with a 10 cm exit to the walls.

Step #2. Arrange beacons around the perimeter in increments of about 25 cm, while being careful not to lean them too much against the walls.

Step #3. Fill the floor with a layer of expanded clay 15 cm thick, evenly distribute the material over the surface.

Step number 4. Moisten expanded clay with cement "milk" (this water solution cement).

Step number 5. Pour expanded clay with a layer of concrete or self-leveling mixture. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the structure of the insulator.

Step number 6. Wait for the screed to dry completely. After that, you can start laying the finish coat.

Stage number 4. We insulate the walls

The technology here is almost the same as for floor insulation. Do the following.

Step #1. Mark the future location of the rails on the walls (as for the floor).

Step #2. Attach the slats according to the given markup.

Step #3. Apply in waves to surfaces. mounting foam. At the same stage, holes for dowels should be drilled.

Step #4. Attach the styrofoam sheets using plastic mushroom dowels.

Step #5. Blow out all the cracks formed with mounting foam, then glue with mounting tape.

Step #6. Lay on top waterproofing layer- for example, penofol, which at the same time will also serve as thermal insulation.

Step #7. Seal the seams at the joints with foil tape.

Step number 8. Mount the counter-lattice on top of the foam foam and install the finishing material.

Stage number 5. We insulate the ceiling

This procedure is also performed using a similar technology, but there are still some differences.

  1. First, mark up where the hangers for attaching the rails will be installed.
  2. Install the suspensions themselves, necessary for fixing the guides (use a galvanized profile or timber as the latter).

  3. Cut in the insulator (foam or XPS) at appropriate locations small holes under hangers.

  4. Next, fix the insulation boards using the same mounting foam.

If the insulation weighs too much, then you can use dowels for fastening. Fill the cracks with foam. Otherwise, there are no significant differences.

Finishing Features

In most cases, balconies are lined with clapboard or profile from the inside, but drywall is also used, followed by wallpapering. PVC panels are also used for cladding. Concerning exterior finish, then it is better to entrust it to professionals, especially if your apartment is located higher than on the first floor.

Important information! It is forbidden to conduct central heating there, so if additional heating is required, you can lay a film "warm floor" under the linoleum.

Even on the balcony you can install a socket to which an electric heater will be connected. The described room is small, so heating will take a minimum of time. We also note that a double-glazed window weighs quite a lot, so the rest of the materials (including the insulator itself) should be with a minimum weight. By the way, this is another reason why it is better to give preference to XPS or foam boards.

Video - Instructions for warming the balcony

Now you know about the strong and weaknesses materials suitable for insulating the balcony, as well as the technologies for laying foam and expanded clay. So it's time to get straight to work! Moreover, there is nothing complicated here if you are armed with step-by-step instructions and all necessary materials. If you do everything right, then turn the balcony into a full-fledged living room with all the ensuing benefits.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

The process of warming the room itself is very important, since with the help of such repairs drafts and cold are removed, and the space of the connected room is also expanded. But it is not enough just to put double-glazed windows and cover the cracks and holes with mounting foam. It needs to be warmed up. To save money in your wallet, it is better to insulate the loggia with your own hands, step by step photo instruction presented in the article will help to get the job done.

Amazing balcony with ecological materials

Initially, you need to select building materials. It is important to remember that not only thermal performance, but also may depend on the selected components. If the building material is too thick, it will steal the usable area.

Note! Any material for heat preservation must be environmentally friendly, as well as comply with thermal and steam characteristics.

The room can be insulated with the following materials:

  • Penofol . Great substitute mineral wool. It has a multi-layer coating, which also has a reflective effect.
  • polyurethane foam . Perfect for balconies. It ignites very poorly, made from environmentally friendly materials. Installation is done by pouring.

  • Styrofoam . A fairly economical choice of material and also very effective for a balcony.

  • Isover . Issued in the form of sheets. Made from mineral wool, with glass fiber particles.

As a rule, expanded polystyrene is mounted on the walls and ceiling. It is good to use it, because its properties have a high coefficient of thermal conductivity, as well as a small thickness. It cuts great kitchen knife. An alternative option is foam. For cold winters, sheets 10 cm thick are suitable, for mild weather it is better to use 5 cm.

Related article:

Do-it-yourself preparatory work and insulation of the loggia: step-by-step photo instructions

Before the main process, you should make preparatory work. Only then will it be possible to do the insulation of the loggia with your own hands, and a step-by-step photo instruction will help with this. This will require:

  • Select those places that will be accurately processed. In any case, you should definitely process the parapet. Walls can be processed as needed. If there are no neighbors on the sides, then they also need to be covered with building materials. Often the walls are all insulated.
  • Before repair, everything must be taken out and the surfaces cleaned.
  • It is recommended to change windows and install double-glazed windows if there are none.
  • Next, you need to lay wiring for sockets, lamps and switches.
  • The next step is to select a material.
  • After selecting the material, you can proceed to work with the floor, walls, then the ceiling.
  • Upon completion, finishing work should be done.

Fastener for thermal insulation, can serve as adhesive composition, and dowels. If an adhesive composition is used, then in the process of work it will be necessary to glue the bonding area and the material itself.

Helpful advice! The resulting seams, which are obtained directly in the process of insulation, should be filled with mounting foam.

Penoplex and how to insulate a loggia with it

Many people dream of converting a balcony into a full-fledged room. But in order for the use of such a room to be comfortable, it will need to be insulated. As a rule, in apartments, parapets have thin walls. In this regard, on initial stage will need to be demolished and laid out on a new one. Thus, the wall will turn out thicker, and therefore warmer. It is recommended to use a brick, which is placed on the adhesive composition with an edge. Silicate brick is ideal for such masonry.

After the fresh masonry has shrunk, you can proceed with the installation of windows. To do this, it is recommended to use the services of professionals. Next, you can move on to warming. will be installed on the ceiling, walls and floor. Following the instructions, you can get started:

  • Cooked pieces should be placed in the frame. You can also not create a frame, but mount the plates immediately on the walls using special mounting fungi.

Helpful advice! Plates should be adjusted so that they become tightly one to one. This will get rid of the cracks, which means that it will be much warmer on the loggia. It is recommended to go through the joints with mounting foam or sealant.
  • Reflective insulation should be placed on the walls, ceiling, and floor. Penofol is ideal. Joints are recommended to be glued with foil tape.

  • After that, the balcony will be ready for final finishing. To do this, you can use lining made of wood or plastic, or install other panels.

We do it with our own hands. How to insulate the floor on the loggia?

The floor should be treated first, and then all other surfaces. The work process is as follows:

  • It is necessary to properly clean the floor from debris and dust.
  • Next, you need to close up any holes or cracks with foam.
  • Now you should use a thin one and put it on the entire floor. Lay it in such a way that there are no joints or there is a minimum number of them.
  • When the first layer is laid, you need to walk along its perimeter construction foam including joints and seams. Then the second layer is laid by analogy.

  • Now you can mount the frame from wooden beam. The distance between the bars should be about 50 cm.
  • The formed distance should be filled with polystyrene. The thickness of the insulation will depend on the thickness of the timber. Ideally when they are flush.
  • Next, you need to cut the penofol to the size of the balcony and lay it with the foil side up, but so that it peeks out about 20 cm on each wall.
  • Now you can fix the floor boards to the bars and mount the decorative coating.

As an option, the floor can be installed underfloor heating or loggias can be made with penoplex.

Insulation of the ceiling and walls of the loggia

For almost all types of premises, the insulation of walls and ceilings is the same. Thus, the walls are insulated like this:

For, foam is best suited. The process is carried out by analogy to the walls and floor.

Insulation of the loggia from the inside: what is better to do?

For selection the right material There are some important factors to consider:

  • The purpose of the room.
    • If the balcony will be used as a pantry, then you can use any building material, mounting it in 1 layer.
    • When the balcony turns into one room, it is necessary to use different building materials, which are stacked in 2 layers, over the entire area.
    • If there is a combination with the room, then you need to use a two-layer insulation. Walls can be made in one layer, and special attention should be paid to the parapet.
  • Using insulation for interior decoration, effective area will be less, so this factor should be taken into account.

The choice directly depends on the factors described and the tastes of the owner of the premises.

Finishing work

Finishing work needed. This is due not only to the aesthetic appearance, but also affects the protective factors. If it's about outdoor decoration, then the parapet can be covered with corrugated board or siding.

Internal work, can be anything. It all depends on preferences and imagination. But it is worth noting that finishing the loggia inside with your own hands will bring more pleasure and joy. Often the work is done using PVC panels. You can also stick wallpaper or just paint the walls. The loggia looks very good in wood trim. It will be not only beautiful, but also environmentally friendly.


By insulating the balcony, we create a buffer zone on the way of cold air to the living quarters, we add a little square meters to create a pantry, or even a small room - but this is if you connect a heater. In our step by step instructions we will tell you how to properly insulate the balcony with your own hands and what materials are used for this.

Balcony insulation begins with a check load-bearing structures. To do this, it is advisable to look at the balcony slab from the balcony of the neighbors below: if the beginning of destruction is visible to the naked eye, then the concrete and reinforcing layer can be strengthened as shown in the figure. If you doubt the strength of the plate and the ability to carry an increased load of glazing, insulation, floors, it is better to seek expertise. Although, as practice shows, balconies can easily withstand the increased load and collapse - this, fortunately, is an extremely rare exception to the rule.

a - concrete is knocked down in damaged places. b - the surface is cleaned and repair compounds are applied: 1 - contact layer; 2 - anti-corrosion protection; 3 - repair solution; 4 - leveling putty

Remove before starting work old finish and frames (if any), clean all surfaces from collapsing elements, if necessary, make a small concrete screed or seal cracks in the slab with concrete mortar.

Insulation work can be divided into:

  • outer skin;
  • glazing;
  • internal insulation;
  • finishing.

Outside parapet siding

The easiest way to make the outer skin of the balcony is vinyl siding.

Outside the parapet is being assembled vertical crate so that it forms a single even area (check with a stretched thread). The bars or the metal profile of the crate are fixed at a distance of about 40 cm from each other. Further, guides for siding (closing profile) are mounted along the lower and upper perimeters, and the corners are made out with a special vinyl profile - the “outer corner”.

The starting siding bar is attached with the long side to the lower rail using self-tapping screws. It is better to start from the side wall - and the panel is shorter and less visible from the street - you can practice. Between the siding and the balcony grill, you can immediately lay soft mineral wool boards. At the top of the parapet, you need to mount a drainage system.

A very short video about the main stages of sheathing:

Glazing is a mandatory step in the insulation of the balcony. At the same time, you can independently make frames made of wood, aluminum or steel profiles (corner, profile pipe) and glaze, or you can purchase ready-made double-glazed windows. The first option will cost less, but it is more time consuming and, most importantly, will only slightly be able to raise the temperature on the balcony in winter. You are unlikely to succeed in sealed windows without the use of double-glazed window technologies, they will have to be insulated or not insulated for the winter and leave the balcony basically cold, which will only reduce wind load. So it is better to order ready-made double-glazed windows for glazing.

If the balcony was not glazed, and you are not insulating the loggia, then the parapet for installing frames is most likely missing or insufficient. You can create a retaining wall in the form reinforcing cage with concrete or brick. To facilitate the construction, expanded clay can be poured into concrete, reducing the total load. The top of the parapet must also be reinforced with a metal profile.

If the protective grille of the balcony is strong enough, and the double-glazed windows are single-chamber, aluminum are very light, then wooden planks under the window sill, which are attached to the top of the grate.

If the balcony has a small area, then you can weld a frame on brackets that protrudes beyond concrete slab. At the same time, the window sill will not "eat" the valuable volume of the balcony. Such a balcony device is called takeaway.

After that, window sills and the frame of future glazing are installed - without frames and sashes, which will be mounted later. To do this, the metal structure is welded to metal profile parapet and supports attached to the neighbor's balcony slab from above. If you live on the top floor, the design will be more complicated, since you will have to make a canopy-roof, for example, from corrugated board, polycarbonate, etc. At the same time, the racks must be more durable.

After the frame is fixed, the upper drains (visor) are mounted and double-glazed windows are installed according to the instructions.

About the features of glazing small balconies without increasing the area, look at the video:

Balcony insulation from the inside

From the inside, the balcony is insulated from the sides of the walls, floor and ceiling. To do this, you can use various thermal insulation materials.

Balcony insulation materials

The thermal conductivity of building thermal insulation materials varies widely, so it is impossible to unambiguously name the recommended thickness. For information, see how they differ optimal thicknesses to achieve the same thermal resistance using popular materials.

The main requirements for materials also include:

  • long-term strength;
  • non-hygroscopicity;
  • fire safety.

Most often used:

Sometimes a composition of these materials is used.

Fibrous insulation is easy to install when it is made in the form of soft plates or a blanket with a foil surface.

Polyurethane foam is applied using special, preferably professional equipment.

For comparison consumer properties materials, we have summarized their main characteristics in a table.

Stages of warming the balcony from the inside

Now that we know the basic properties of heat-insulating building materials, let's consider the order of work.

Advice! If lighting or connection is supposed to be on the balcony heating appliances, make wiring to the lamp, switch and socket in advance by placing the cables in plastic boxes. So the wiring will be hidden, which is much more attractive than open wiring.

Before work, make sure that dust, small particles of insulation or a solution do not pollute the apartment - close the openings with a film.

Floor insulation

Warming should start from the floor. First, a layer of waterproofing should be laid on the balcony slab. It can be ordinary polyethylene or foil isol. At this stage waterproofing material can also be attached to walls.

To protect against condensation, a layer of vapor barrier is laid on top. If you purchase embossed film, then you need to lay it with the embossed side up.

The subfloor is completed with 10 mm thick plywood in two layers. It is attached to the lags with self-tapping screws. Instead of plywood, you can use sheets of fiberboard or chipboard.

Ceiling insulation

Apply a layer of antiseptic to the cleaned ceiling. For thermal insulation, you can take foil-clad mineral wool or polystyrene. good decision will use penofol - foamed material coated aluminum foil, which is glued to the PVA, and nailed on top with a crate for attaching the finishing layer of the finish - a stacked ceiling, drywall or siding.

Styrofoam can be fixed to the ceiling with mounting foam.

Mineral wool is laid on a false plasterboard ceiling, which is fixed on a frame made of aluminum profile or wooden block 40x40 mm.

If required, we fix the lamps.

Wall insulation

Waterproofing has already been completed at the first stage, so a vertical or horizontal crate of timber is immediately mounted on top of it. The distance between the bars is equal to the width thermal insulation material. For walls, it is better to use polystyrene foam or mineral wool boards.

PPS can be glued to special glue or mounting foam, be sure to blow out all the joints and cracks with it.

A vapor barrier film is fixed on top of the insulation.

Finishing work

There are many materials that can be used to decorate a balcony. This is drywall, which can be plastered or covered with wallpaper, and tiles, and vinyl siding, and lining.

On most balconies, stationary or mobile clothes dryers are mounted, which can rise to the ceiling.

If the area allows, compact furniture or transforming furniture can be installed on the balcony: reclining tables and seats, and some happy owners of wide balconies even equip sleeping area. The window sill can be made wider and turned into a countertop - for morning coffee or business.

If desired, a fan heater can be installed on the balcony, which will allow you to use additional area in spring and autumn, or install an electric convector that will make the balcony all-weather for equipping an office or a winter garden there.

In conclusion, we invite you to look at photos of the design finishes of the balcony space - for inspiration and a source of ideas.