What to feed garlic in June - important rules for a good harvest. How to feed garlic in the summer, in June Applying mineral-based fertilizers

05 07.18

How to feed garlic in June?


Garlic is not considered difficult to care for. It does not require the creation of any specific conditions. But if the owner of the plot wants to harvest a bountiful harvest of garlic, it needs to be fed. This is not done once, but systematically. Since the soil receives the missing nutritional components, this will affect the quality of the crop. You can hope that strong and large heads of garlic will grow.

As a rule, Russian gardeners prefer to plant garlic in autumn period, closer to winter. Then you can count on big harvest. But it's not June yet favorable time to remove garlic from the beds. During this period it needs to be fed with fertilizers.

Application of mineral-based fertilizers

Enough simple option mineral fertilizing is considered to have a certain composition. It includes elements such as potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. These substances are taken in proportions that are acceptable for garlic. Thanks to the application of this complex fertilizer, garlic will be provided to all necessary components. And this fertilizer is ideal for onions. If used, garlic develops immunity to the influences of weather conditions and infections. It is not so affected by pests and specific diseases.

As soon as June arrives, the owner of the site must apply fertilizing once. For 1 sq.m. In a bed planted with garlic, you need to take 5 g of fertilizer, no less. It is sold in granules. That is why it should be used only after watering has been carried out.

When the soil is wet, the granules dissolve easily. The roots will receive nutritional components. In the case where it is easier for the owner of the site to work with liquid solutions, he should do so. Take a bucket of water. Dissolve the granules there (1 tbsp). Without sparing the solution, pour this solution over the garlic.

When fertilizing with urea was applied in the spring months, winter garlic fertilized, then first you need to apply nitrophoska. Take 10 liters of water. Add 2 tbsp. fertilizers Water the plant thoroughly. In the last days of June, you need to feed the garlic using superphosphate. Dissolve two tablespoons in a 10-liter bucket of water.

About the use of organics

Only in spring period You can use mullein as a fertilizer. And for June, other types of fertilizers are what you need! Like all onion plants, garlic “will be grateful” for the ash. It must be poured into the soil, closer to the root system. The procedure is easy: remove the top layer of soil around the crop. Pour in the ash. Sprinkle soil on top.

In the first month of summer, garlic is fed using chicken manure. It is diluted in a ratio of 1:15. In this case, there is no need to infuse the solution, because then nitrogen will leave the fertilizing. And garlic needs it so much! The use of this fertilizer must be treated with caution. In cases of overdose, the entire crop can be burned. When watering is carried out, the solution should not get on the leaves.

How to feed leaves

Central Russia is distinguished by the fact that June is cloudy and rainy. Spraying is the most effective way. It is very rarely used, since garlic has narrow leaves. But if the plant needs urgent help, the method can be used.

June is a time of change for garlic. The development of the aboveground part, the feathers, ends, and the head begins to grow underground. Winter varieties have arrows. Correct feeding During this critical period, yield increases can be achieved.

Basic rules for feeding garlic

Any plant begins its life activity with the active growth of green mass. Garlic grows feathers first. At this stage important role Nitrogen plays a role in its diet. It is the building block for the above-ground part. Spring nitrogen-containing fertilizing provides a good start and guarantees high productivity. After all, the stronger and more powerful the tops, the larger and tastier the roots (bulbs) will be.

But for the formation of fruits, seeds, tubers, plants already need potassium and phosphorus. If you do not switch from nitrogen to phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in time, the garlic will continue to grow feathers, and the heads will be small, loose, and have poor keeping quality.

There are also microelements that are needed in small quantities. However, a deficiency of each can affect the plant’s immunity; it will begin to get sick and develop poorly, which will negatively affect the yield.

If your garlic looks frail at the beginning of June, the stem is thin at the base, the feathers are narrow, small, with a yellow tint, then you need to feed it with nitrogen fertilizer, which will stimulate the growth of the above-ground part. And then, about a month before the date when you usually dig up the garlic, the second fertilizer is applied - phosphorus-potassium. Winter garlic begins to shoot arrows during this period, while spring garlic grows at least 6–7 leaves, maximum 10.

The signal to apply the second fertilizing of winter garlic is the appearance of arrows

Garlic with a strong and powerful aerial part, a thick stem, juicy and green leaves, you can feed only once - at the beginning of the formation of heads.

That is, nitrogen fertilizing is skipped, and phosphorus-potassium fertilizing is applied within the time limits indicated above.

Foliar feeding

Foliar feeding has a quick but short-term effect, and therefore cannot replace the main nutrition through the root. Garlic leaves are sprayed or moistened from a watering can with a strainer with solutions of a growth stimulator (HB-101, Epin, Energen, etc.) or complex fertilizer (Fertika Lux, Biomaster universal with microelements, etc.). Cases when relevant:

  • foliar feeding
  • cold weather has set in, the air and soil temperatures have dropped to +10 °C, plants in such conditions stop feeding from the soil and freeze;
  • heat and drought have come, there is no way to water the garlic at the root;

the garlic is sick or has been attacked by pests. That is, foliar feeding is ambulance in a stressful situation.

It acts like vitamins: it strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to adverse weather conditions, stimulates metabolism, and provides a portion of nutrition that is quickly absorbed by the leaves.

How to feed garlic Gardeners have a choice of what to use: mineral fertilizers or organic ones. Mineral ones have a bad reputation; it is believed that it is impossible to grow organic vegetables on them. But they are easy to apply, the consumption is small, and they are inexpensive. Some farmers secretly say that without mineral supplements good harvest

you can’t get it, you just need to apply it on time and in the right doses. Organic matter (humus, compost, infusions of weeds, droppings and mullein) is natural springs Main disadvantage organics and ash as fertilizers - the formula is unknown: how much and in what proportions they contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, microelements.

Mineral fertilizers for feeding garlic in June:

Superphosphate is not suitable for liquid fertilizers because it does not dissolve well in water. It is not advisable to dilute it with boiling water, under the influence high temperatures can change chemical composition fertilizers

Organic fertilizers for garlic in June:

Ash for fertilizing must be fresh; it has been exposed to rain or stored in a damp room and in unsealed packaging is not suitable.

Video: feeding garlic with ash

Garlic is fed 1-2 times in summer. At the very beginning of June, if the feathers grow slowly, nitrogen fertilizing will be needed. And for the formation of heads, phosphorus and potassium are needed. You can apply both mineral and organic fertilizers.

Kira Stoletova

For a good harvest, feeding garlic in summer is extremely important. Fertilizer allows you to grow a healthy and high-quality crop.

  • Types of garlic

    First, determine what type of garlic needs to be fed, and then choose the type and method of feeding. There are 2 types:

    • Spring is planted in the spring. It forms small bulbs. There are many teeth, they fit tightly to each other.
    • Winter crops are planted in late autumn. The bulb and cloves are large, but their number is smaller. The bulbs dry out in December-January.

    Winter crops are fertilized in the fall, and spring crops in the summer.


    Garlic loves moisture and is resistant to cold. It is sensitive to soil acidity.

    In summer, the plant grows actively, so it needs minerals and nutrients. They help him form the head. Summer feeding alone is not enough. The crop is fed at least 3 times per season. They also do foliar feeding.

    First feeding

    The first fertilizers are organic. They are applied before planting the crop in the soil. The addition of rotted manure ensures the formation of large and juicy bulbs.

    The soil is also fertilized with compost: 8 kg per 1 sq. m. If the soil is poor, mineral components are also added: superphosphate and ash. The first one is diluted with 1 tbsp. l. for 1 bucket of manure, and take only 0.5 liters of ash.


    Fertilize the second time 2 weeks after planting. If it is spring garlic, leaves have already appeared. Winter - after the snow melts. At this time, the plant requires a lot of nutrients for growth and ovary formation.

    A good option is urea or carbamide solution. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. for 1 bucket cold water. For 1 sq. m will need 2 liters. A slurry solution is also suitable. It is diluted in water in a ratio of 6:1. Apply 2-3 times per season.


    The third is carried out 2 weeks after the second. During the third application, the leaves often turn yellow. They fight this problem by watering the plantings with a solution of nitroammorphoska and water. Take 2 tbsp for one bucket. l. For 1 m² you will need approximately 3 liters of solution.


    This is a summer feed. Fertilizers are applied in mid or late July. If it is winter garlic (ripens earlier), application occurs in June.

    Summer fertilization rules:

    • You can't miss time. If you fertilize earlier, the vitamins will go towards the growth of stems, not cloves. Late feeding will not have any effect.
    • Fertilize with superphosphate - 2 tbsp. l. on a bucket of water. For 1 m², take about 5 liters of this aqueous solution.
    • Nutrition with urea and potassium chloride. For 10 liters of water you will need 10 g of fertilizer. Irrigation is carried out in the evening: after sunset and before watering.

    These products will give the cloves the necessary nutrients and vitamins. The harvest will depend on them.

    Foliar feeding of garlic

    This type of fertilizer is important for the rapid absorption of nutrients. Application by this method saves time, since the solution is prepared in a lower concentration than for root feeding.

    Plants are sprayed early in the morning or in the evening before sunset. It is advisable that there is no rain and more than 2 hours have passed since treatment. In cloudy weather, feeding is done during the day. Foliar feeding should not replace the main feeding - it is carried out as an additional one.


    There are many fertilizers, but only some of them are suitable for garlic. Types of fertilizers:

    • Saline solution is necessary for growth. It helps to overcome a disease that causes the leaves and stems of the plant to turn yellow and dry. Treatment with a salt solution helps get rid of pests. To prepare 3 tbsp. l. salts are thoroughly mixed in 10 liters of water.
    • Wood ash helps garlic become saturated with nutrients and treat the soil against pests. It is used in the summer in a liquid solution: June and July. To prepare, 200 g of ash is diluted in 10 liters of water. Sometimes plants are powdered.
    • Ammonia is a double assistant for the gardener; it destroys pests and saturates plants with nitrogen. 25 ml of ammonia are diluted in 10 liters of water, and the plantings are sprayed with it.
    • Chicken manure is applied before planting in the fall. The main thing is not to use it in fresh. Garlic loses its taste and ability to be preserved for a long time.
    • Whole mullein is used growing season. Prepare a liquid solution. Manure and water are placed in a bucket in a ratio of 1:5. The mixture should stand for about 2 weeks. From time to time it is opened and stirred. The finished solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and then watered. For 1 m² you will need from 8 to 10 liters.

    Organics enrich with vitamins, preventing the formation of nitrates. Fertilizing increases the yield and taste buds of this crop.

  • Feeding garlic most often means watering it. by various means when leaves turn yellow in spring. It is not right. Fertilizing should be aimed at improving nutrition and increasing crop productivity. It is carried out several times during the growing season.

    Second feeding of garlic- late May-early June. By this time, the need for nitrogen is significantly reduced, and the need for potassium and phosphorus increases. Therefore, a complete complex fertilizer is used - nitrophoska (NPK content 11:10:11), or nitroammophoska (13:19:19). Apply 25-30 g/m2 to moist soil, followed by incorporation. You can make a liquid fertilizer by diluting 2 tbsp. spoons of fertilizer in 10 liters of water.

    Third feeding takes place at the end of June. During this period, the need for nitrogen in garlic completely disappears. Plants are fed with superphosphate, making an extract from the fertilizer: 100 g of double superphosphate is crushed and poured hot water. They insist for a day. Then 3-4 tbsp. spoons of the extract are diluted in 10 liters of water and watered over the beds with garlic.

    Fertilizing spring garlic

    When planting spring garlic, the soil for it is prepared in the fall and the same substances are added as for winter garlic. During the growing season, 3 additional feedings of spring garlic are carried out. Since it does not suffer from nitrogen deficiency, there is no need to apply nitrogen fertilizers on your own. Plants have enough nitrogen contained in complex fertilizers.

    First feeding. It is carried out during the period of top growth, when 4-5 leaves appear. Complex fertilizers are applied: nitroammophoska, nitrophoska (2 tablespoons/10 l). If liming of the soil was carried out in the fall, then additionally feed the garlic with potassium sulfate (1 tablespoon per bucket of water), since the calcium contained in lime displaces potassium into the lower soil layers.

    Second feeding- late June-early July. During this period, spring garlic needs nitrogen in small quantities, so the crop is again fed with nitroammophoska or nitrophoska. You can do both dry and liquid root feeding.

    Third feeding takes place at the end of July. Plants are watered with superphosphate extract.

    Feeding garlic with folk remedies

    These include: adding ash and ammonia to the garlic, fertilizing with yeast, manure, and herbal infusion.

    How to feed garlic with ash

    Wood ash is an excellent potassium-lime fertilizer. The ash of deciduous trees contains more potassium, and that of coniferous trees contains more phosphorus; in addition, it contains a significant amount of calcium and various trace elements. There is no nitrogen in it.

    Add ash in the fall for digging at 400-500 g/m2. It reduces soil acidity and is much gentler than lime.

    In summer, it is applied as an infusion instead of mineral fertilizers in the second feeding. To prepare the infusion, 1.5-2 cups (200 g) of ash are poured into 10 liters of water and left for 3-5 days, stirring thoroughly several times a day. 1 glass of the prepared infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water and the beds with garlic are fed.

    You can also add it in dry form, but it must be sealed, otherwise it will be blown away by the wind. When fertilizing with ash, other fertilizers cannot be applied. It should be used very carefully on alkaline soils.

    Peat ash is not added to the soil, since it contains a large number of gland. This ash has a brown (rusty) color.

    Is it worth feeding garlic with ammonia?

    Ammonia is a 10% solution of ammonia in water containing 18% nitrogen. It has a pungent odor and is very volatile. For feeding 2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia are dissolved in 10 liters of water and watered between the rows. The solution is used immediately after preparation, otherwise the ammonia will evaporate.

    After fertilizing, the row spacing is sprinkled with earth to prevent volatilization. Or, immediately after applying the fertilizer, carry out abundant watering clean water so that ammonia is washed from the surface to a depth of 20-25 cm. Fertilizing is carried out at the seedlings (for winter garlic) and in the phase of 4-5 leaves (for spring garlic).

    Plants respond very well to the application of ammonia, but its main disadvantage is its extremely high volatility.

    Yeast feeding

    This type of feeding has become widespread in Lately. Baker's yeast (fresh or dry) is poured into 10 liters of water, to which 300-400 g of bread crumb, grass or sugar are added. Water with freshly prepared solution.

    Yeast is rich in proteins and vitamins, but does not contain substances necessary for plants. Therefore, their use as a top dressing is completely useless.

    Application of organic fertilizers

    From organic fertilizers Manure and compost are most often used.

    Manure has a gentler and longer-lasting effect on plants compared to mineral fertilizers. But due to the high nitrogen content in it and the long-term effect, garlic gains green mass throughout almost the entire growing season and does not set heads. In this regard, feeding garlic with manure not carried out.

    On infertile soils poor in organic matter in the spring, it is permissible to water the garlic with compost extract. To prepare it, pour a shovelful of mature compost into a bucket and fill it with water. Leave for 3-4 days, stirring regularly, until the compost settles. This extract is poured over the garlic. Nitrogen fertilizers are not used in this case. Compost, like manure, acts gently and slowly on plants.

    How to feed garlic with herbal infusion

    Herbal infusions are valuable fertilizer, since the green mass contains a lot of nitrogen. To prepare it, a large container (barrel, bathtub) is filled 2/3 with fresh chopped weeds (plantain, nettle, dandelion, gooseberry, etc.). The grass should not be compacted; air should penetrate freely between the grass.

    The container is filled with water and left for outdoors for 10-15 days, during which time the fermentation process occurs. The infusion is thoroughly mixed throughout the fermentation period. When the process ends, the suspension settles to the bottom, and the infusion becomes transparent. Garlic is fed herbal infusion in the first half of the growing season, when it needs nitrogen. For irrigation, 1 liter of infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water.

    In May - June, many gardeners complain that winter garlic in the garden turns yellow. Let's figure out why this undesirable phenomenon occurs and what to do in this case. Garlic begins to turn yellow at the tips of the leaves, and this is the first sign that something is wrong with the plant. It is important to take timely measures to help the garlic recover and form large, fragrant heads.

    Why does garlic turn yellow in May - June?

    The reasons may be the following:

    • winter garlic fell under severe frost, which often occurs in May - early June;
    • fungal disease on the bulb (easy to check - pull it out and inspect the bottom);
    • the plant doesn't have enough nutrients(most often garlic leaves turn yellow if there is not enough potassium and nitrogen);
    • insufficient watering (this often happens in June, when it is already warm enough);
    • the soil is too dense, poor oxygen flow to the roots (loosening is necessary);
    • pests - onion fly and secretive proboscis (they can be detected with the naked eye).

    Have you decided on the reason? Then we urgently take action! 😉

    What to do? Feed!

    The most common causes of yellowing of garlic in practice are: recurrent frosts and lack of nutrients. The first thing you can do is feed the plants. Feeding will strengthen them, help them recover faster after frost, and replenish the supply of nutrients in the soil. Fertilizers for garlic can be applied in dry form, as well as by watering at the root or spraying the leaves with liquid solutions.

    Dry feeding. The soil between the rows of garlic must first be loosened, then grooves cut literally a couple of centimeters deep and granules of urea (urea) or complex mineral fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. Fertilizers are sprinkled with soil and the bed with garlic is thoroughly watered. It is impossible to do without watering here, since plants consume nutrients only in dissolved form. Finally, the bed can be mulched with compost to retain moisture.

    Root feeding. Pour water into a bucket and dissolve in it 1 tablespoon of urea (heaped) or complex mineral fertilizer, for example, Fertiki Lux. The resulting solution is poured over the garlic using a watering can or ladle. Solution consumption: 10 liters per 1 square meter of planting.

    Foliar feeding. Potassium sulfate (this microelement is also often lacking in garlic) or complex fertilizers are used to spray the leaves. The norm for preparing a solution of potassium sulfate: 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water. Complex fertilizers are dissolved according to the instructions on the package (for watering and spraying, as a rule, the dosages are different).


    • In May, garlic needs more nitrogen fertilizing, and in June - potassium-phosphorus fertilizing.
    • You can also water yellowed garlic using folk remedies: a solution of ammonia or wood ash (about them we'll talk below). Ammonia is a source of nitrogen, and ash is a source of potassium and phosphorus. In addition, both substances reduce the acidity of the soil, which is very important for garlic.
    • It is important to regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds from the garlic bed. In a dense rough ground Garlic grows worse and turns yellow. And weeds create comfortable conditions for the development of fungal diseases.

    After frost The drugs “Epin” and “Zircon” help plants recover. And if the garlic has been noticeably damaged by return frosts, it is advisable to treat it with these means. And to prevent garlic leaves from freezing and, as a result, their yellowing, in early spring The bed should be covered with spandbond.

    Garlic turns yellow, which means it’s sick!

    If lower leaves covered with garlic yellow spots- This is peronosporosis. Over time, the feather becomes slimy and falls off. WITH bottom side You can also see a layer of mold on the leaf. A similar picture is observed not only in garlic, but also onions.

    Treatment with the drugs “Quadris”, “Fitosporin”, “Trichodermin”, “Glyokladin” will save you from peronosporosis; they suppress the development of the fungus. Feeding also helps increase immunity and resistance to various diseases. Diseases often affect weak plants, but strong and well-groomed plants don’t care!

    Another unpleasant disease that often affects garlic is rust. It appears in the form of rust-colored spots on the leaves, which then cover the entire plant. Treatment with fungicides “Oxyx”, “Ridomil”, “Bravo” helps.

    The cause of poor health of garlic and yellowing of leaves can also be too acidic soil in the area. IN acidic soil the plant looks depressed, weakened, and grows poorly because the absorption of nutrients is impaired. You can deoxidize the soil with lime, dolomite flour or chalk, in advance, and not immediately before planting. Since the plant is weakened in acidic soil, it is more susceptible to attacks by pests and diseases. That is why it is so important to pay attention to this parameter.

    Folk remedies (what to pour on yellowed garlic)

    In the arsenal folk remedies often used for feeding garlic ammonia and ash.

    Ammonia - a source of nitrogen for plants. Aqueous solution ammonia is often watered on onions and garlic for the purpose of feeding, as well as increasing resistance to diseases and pests. The solution is prepared in the proportion of 2-3 tablespoons of ammonia per 10 liters of water. Watering garlic with ammonia is more relevant in May, since it is in the spring that garlic has a high need for nitrogen. And in June, potassium and phosphorus are needed. Ammonia is useful not only for garlic, but also for the soil. It reduces its acidity and improves its structure, which is very important, because one of the reasons why the tips of garlic leaves turn yellow is too acidic soil.

    The most dangerous and common pests of onions and garlic, which can not only damage the leaves, but also destroy the entire crop, are onion fly and secretive proboscis. And here again ammonia will help out (the proportions are the same)! You need to water three times, with an interval of 10 days.

    Ash- a source of potassium and phosphorus. To water the roots, dilute 1 glass of ash per 10 liters of water and leave for 1-2 hours, and for spraying prepare an extract in the proportion of 1/2 ash per 10 liters of water. If the soil is sufficiently moist and it rains regularly, the ash can simply be scattered on the ground and lightly covered with a ripper. Together with the rains, the fertilizer will penetrate to the roots.

    Hydrogen peroxide Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of garlic and onion per 1 liter. Restores yellowed leaves after frostbite.