Church names for boys in March. A beautiful name for a boy born in March: description, characteristics and interesting facts

P>Your son was born in March, and you want to give him the name of the Saint? You doing right choice. After all, in this way, from birth you place your son under the protection of the righteous. But how to choose the right names for boys according to the Saints in March? What names are suitable for boys born in the first month of spring? - we will talk about this with you today.

When choosing a boy's name, remember that the name is the main carrier of information about a person's character. In the old days, all nations had traditions and rituals, religious signs and rituals, according to which people gave names to their children. One of the oldest traditions of naming remains the choice of a boy’s name according to the Saints, that is, in honor of the memory of some great Saint. According to this tradition, the Saint whose name the boy acquires will patronize him throughout his life.

The influence of the meaning of names on the character of a boy

What names according to the Saints are suitable for boys born in March? When choosing boys' names according to the Saints of March, remember that boys born in March can be flexible, gentle, indecisive, sensitive, vulnerable and even impressionable. They react strongly to external stimuli and are very difficult to bear insults. But boys born in March are distinguished by their activity, charm, talent, they can easily win people over and most often express their emotions through art. Therefore, when choosing boys' names according to the Saints in March, be careful. Try to choose bright, strong and strong-willed names, this way you will help your son reveal his existing strengths and give him confidence. For example, in the Saints of March there are such names as Egor, David, Maxim, Kirill - sonorous, beautiful names. But what do these names mean? And what will a boy born in March named Kirill, for example, or Maxim be like?

The name Egor means "Farmer". The boy Yegor will be a diligent and hardworking boy, but he will be stubborn and distrustful, and if you indulge the boy’s whims in childhood, he will be hot-tempered and annoying.

The name David means "beloved son." The boy David will be proud, persistent, pragmatic, and sociable by nature.

The name Kirill means "Lord, Lord." Boy Kirill will be inquisitive. But as he matures, he will most likely become selfish and possessive. increased self-esteem, so he will have few friends.

The name Roman means "Roman, Roman." The boy Roman will be amorous, but tough towards his chosen ones. Having matured, Roman will be an exemplary husband, everyone will respect him, but they will be a little afraid of him. Negative trait Roman is his inability to complete the job.

As you can see for yourself, the meaning of names greatly influences the child’s character. We hope the following list of boy names helps you in choosing a name for your March baby boy.

Boys' names according to Saints: March

1. Paul, Porfiry, Julian, Ilya, Daniel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Makar

2. Fedor, Mikhail

4. Arkhip, Filimon, Fedor, Maxim, Fedot, Evgeniy, Makar, Dosifey, Dorofey

5. Leo, Titus, Tikhon, Sergei, Varlaam, Savva, Pimen, Ivan, David, Cornelius, Niphon, Athanasius, Anatoly, Luke, Leonty, Thomas, Denis, Philip, Ignat, Vasily, Pakhom, Ignat, Fedor, Nikolai, Agathon, Cornelius

6. Timofey, Eustathius, Alexander, Daniel, Gregory, George, Constantine

7. Joseph, Vladimir, Ivan, Sergey, Andrey, Antip, Stepan, Filaret, Fedor, Philip, Afanasy

8. Polycarp, Alexey, Nikolay, Sergey, Ivan, Anton, Moses, Alexander

10. Taras, Alexander

11. Fedor, Porfiry, Peter, Sergey, Ivan

12. Prokofy, Titus

13. Vasily, Arseny, Kasyan, Nikolay, Nestor, Ivan

14. Vasily, Peter, Ivan, Mikhail, Veniamin, Alexander, Markel, Anton

15. Fedot, Arseny, Agathon

16. Mikhail

17. Gerasim, Daniel, Alexander, Vasily, Joseph, Pavel, Yakov, Vyacheslav, Gregory

18. Ivan, Feofan, Fedor, David, Constantine, Adrian, Onisius, Mark

19. Gregory, Constantine, Theophilus, Job, Arkady, Fedor

20. Ephraim, Vasily, Kapiton, Evgeniy, Nikolai, Neil, Pavel, Emil

21. Ivan, Vladimir, Lazar, Afanasy

22. Claudius, Fedul, Ivan, Alexander, Ilya, Theophilus, Leonty, Athanasius, Kirill, Nikolai, Valery, Alexey, Dmitry, Sergey, Georgy, Taras

23. Denis, Pavel, Victor, Nikifor, Claudius, Leonid

24. Sofron, Efim

25. Feofan, Alexander, Vladimir, Sergey, Gregory, Semyon

26. Nikifor, Gregory, Mikhail, Terenty, Alexander

27. Rostislav, Mikhail

28. Agap, Alexander, Denis, Alexey, Mikhail, Nikandr

29. Alexander, Julian, Trofim

30. Alexey, Makar, Alexander, Victor

31. Kirill, Dmitry, Trofim

March girls are almost the most feminine in terms of astrological forecasts: They are very domestic, feminine and calm. The sensitive soul of such a girl will often fall in love, be offended, or be filled with joy from every little thing. Vulnerability and uncertainty will go hand in hand with her throughout life, so a girl born in March should be protected for a long time and try to pay more attention to her. This girl won’t tell you directly what’s eating her or how you might have hurt her, but you’ll see a change in her mood right away. She will become caring and loving mother, reliable wife and best friend. Don’t give your baby a too feminine and soft name; it’s better to pay attention to the advice of astrologers.

What to name a girl born in March - astrology

Some names will be able to give the March girl more determination and self-confidence, so that in the future she will not suffer from excessive vulnerability, which is inherent in many Pisces. Give preference to more strong-willed names:

  • Stanislava,
  • Martha,
  • Kira,
  • Irina,
  • Rome,
  • Christina,
  • Veronica,
  • Tonya,
  • Nina,
  • Nika,
  • Svetlana,
  • Catherine,
  • Evgenia,
  • Marina,
  • Arina,
  • Natalia.

With them, the girl will feel a little more confident in what she is doing. Avoid the following names:

  • Tatiana,
  • Alyona,
  • Dina,
  • Sofia,
  • Raisa.

Try to surround her with more care throughout her life and learn to feel any changes in the March girl’s mood, since behind them lies something significant for her.

What to name a girl born in March - church names

This list is perfect for all branches of Christianity. Don't forget that each name only corresponds to a specific day of the month. As an example, see:

  • March 1 – Valentina, translated from Latin as “strong, healthy girl.”
  • March 6 – Varvara.
    Elizabeth, which is from the Hebrew “girl who worships God.”
    Irina, translated from Greek as “loving peace.”
    Olga, a name derived from the Scandinavian name Helga, meaning “holy or wise.”
  • March 22 – Alexandra.
    Natalya, translated from Latin as “native”.
    Alina, from the ancient German dialect “noble”.
  • March 30 – Marina, which from Latin means “sea”.
  • March 31 – Cornelia.

When choosing a name by church calendar, pay attention to unfavorable names from astrologers for March girls.

How to name a girl born in March in honor of great people

The name of a great man always serves as a good example for a young girl to follow:

  • On the first day of spring, name the girl Vera, in honor of the great chess player Soviet Union Vera Menchik,
  • March 4 is perfect for Larisa, since theater artist Larisa Luzhina was born on the same day.
  • On March 13, give preference to the name Anastasia, in honor of actress Anastasia Vyaltseva.
  • On March 23, Elizaveta, Agata, Elizaveta, named after the children's writer Elizaveta Vodovozova, also Juliet, are preferred.

If you refer to the full calendar famous people, then easily choose for the March girl good example a role model and an interesting name that will harmonize beautifully with her surname and patronymic.

Angel's Day (name day) is not a one-time occurrence; some saints are remembered by the Church several times a month. Confessors assure that the choice Orthodox name will make the child’s connection with the Angel stronger, but it is not necessary to name the baby that way. Angel Day can be celebrated not on the date of birth: the nearest day of remembrance of the namesake Saint or the Saint ahead of the calendar.

It’s best to look at options for girls and boys using the church calendar. Below are the names according to the calendar in secular form.

Women's names are much less common on the calendar pages, but some dates like March 14 or 20 are full of variations.

There are significantly more male names, and they are repeated periodically. There are the familiar Petya and Vasya, and there are the ear-splitting Cyprians and Porphyrias.

What to name a child born from March 1 to March 7

The sacrament of baptism connects the child with the heavenly patron after whom he is named. The Day of Remembrance of the Saint or Saint whose name the baby bears becomes his Angel Day (name day). There are many Saints with the same names, but different stories. Don't want to dig that far? The child will be able to choose his own patron when he grows up.

The first week of spring gives many wonderful options for names for both girls (,) and boys (, Fedor, and others).

Name day from March 8 to 15

In the second week, Mikhail and Peter are often remembered, and many pages of the women's calendar are empty.

  • 8.03. Those born on International Women's Day should be named Kuzma, Alexey, Mikhail or Ivan. You can also choose one of the following: , Nicholas, Polycarp, .
  • 9.03. There are two options: Hilarion and Ivan.
  • 10.03. Name the baby Anton, Evgeniy, Alexander or Fedor.
  • 11.03. Orthodox Christians revere Sebastian, Nicholas, Peter, Ivan and Sergei.
    It’s better to name your daughter Anna.
  • 12.03. , Makar, and Sergey - this can be the baby’s name. The names Peter, Julian, Prokop will strengthen the boy’s connection with the angel.
  • 13.03. Give the boy one of the following names: Ivan, Nestor, Sergey.
    Name the girl Kira or Marina.
  • 14.03. The church honors the memory of Vasily, Peter and Michael. They remember Ivan, Anton, Nestor and Sylvester.
    Best options will become Matrona, Nadezhda and Olga.
  • 15.03. Agathon or Fedot are considered favorable.

What name to give to a baby born March 16-23

Almost every day of the week there is female name or several. There are enough men's ones to choose from.

  • 16.03. There are few options: Sevastyan and Mikhail.
    The Church remembers.
  • 17.03. It is better to call the boy who was born Gerasim, Alexander, Daniil or Vyacheslav. The calendar shows Pavel, .
    The girl can become Juliania.
  • 18.03. , or Fedor, or, Nikolai, Ivan - choose which name is closer.
    - today's name for a girl.
  • 19.03. There are three names on the calendar: Konstantin and Fedor.
  • 20.03. Unusual names, like Ephraim, Nile, Lavrenty, Nestor or Emelyan, the child is guaranteed. In addition, there are Vasily, Nikolai, and Pavel.
    A favorable day for Ksenia, Catherine and Maria. The slightly outdated Evdokia and Matrona can also be chosen.
  • 21.03. Give the boy the name Ivan and Theodosius.
  • 22.03. Think about Valery or Kirill, Alexey or Mikhail, Ilya or Afanasy. You may want to give the boy the name Valentin, Ivan, Nikolai. Don't discount Sergei, Dmitry and Taras.
    Name your daughter Alexandra or Natalya.
  • 23.03. The day gives many options like Victor, Cyprian, Denis, Leonid and Mark. You can stop at Kondratiya, Dmitry, Georgiy. Mikhail and Pavel are also offered.
    Wide choose female names: along with Claudia, they enter the fight.

Choosing a name for a child born on March 24-31

  • 24.03. Vasily and Ivan are worthy names, as is Sofron.
    Of the female options - Theodora, .
  • 25.03. Pay attention to Semyon, Alexander, Vladimir, Sergei and Ivan. You might be interested in, Konstantin,

    Born in March. What are they like

    Jupiter is considered the patron planet of March birthday people: these people are extremely active.

    Purposeful and ambitious, they strive to conquer heights, wanting to get the most. Most people see the meaning of life in obtaining wealth and achieving comfort, but it would be rash to call them mercantile. Thrifty – that’s the right definition.

    They often have a developed sixth sense, which they rely on throughout their lives. They perfectly capture the mood of others, so they are able to find Right words. They are good comrades, but excessive gullibility brings false friends into their lives.

    People with kind hearts, they are overly concerned about the lives of others, so there is not always a desire for their own. They are prone to feelings of guilt and blind acceptance of social dogmas.

    They have an unconventional view of the world and a wide range of interests, delving into areas of interest. They often find themselves in creativity. Diligent workers, they try to complete tasks efficiently, but are subject to outside influence.

    Choose with your mind and heart, do not forget that the main thing is not the name, but the love and care that parents give to their baby.

For a long time, choosing a name for a newborn boy was taken very seriously. After all, the boy is the future successor of the family, who must have all the necessary skills and qualities to become a real man worthy of his parents. When choosing a name for a boy, you should pay attention to two forms of pronunciation - the official ( full form) and diminutive. Many psychologists recommend using full name only if the child is not self-confident, weak and shy. But if a boy behaves harshly and sometimes aggressively, call him the “affectionate” form of the name in order to soften undesirable traits in his character. Even on this simple example You can be sure that choosing a child’s name is a responsible step, since it can influence the boy’s future life and develop in him certain qualities and character traits.

What is the best name for a boy born in March?

People born in spring are quite vulnerable spiritually and physically. Sometimes they can be very indecisive, and this prevents them from becoming true leaders. Spring men are quite selfish and selfish, cautious and suspicious - they can always listen to their interlocutor, but they will do everything their own way, preferring to learn from their own mistakes. These men can make good speakers, diplomats and politicians, and therefore it is worth giving them “strong” sonorous names.

Boys born in March grow up a little weak, this is explained by the fact that March is the first month of spring, when nature gains strength before its awakening. However, parents should not worry about the fate of their child, since diligence and perseverance can turn a weak boy into a real athlete. All this is compensated by the great intelligence and ability of the future man to grasp everything on the fly.

A March baby really does develop quickly. All exact sciences are surprisingly easy for him; he will be fluent in mathematics and physics. The most important thing is not to let your child be lazy and relax too much. This is especially important in early age so that the boy gets used to work and responsibility.

Suitable names for boys born in March

Therefore, in order for a child to grow up strong, courageous, and self-confident, you need to give him a strong, firm name. Most suitable:

Yakov, Fedot, Arseny, Lev, Anton, Konstantin, Maxim, Valery, Mikhail, Alexander, Mark, Taras, Irakli, Afanasy, Gregory, Evgeny, Ivan, Makar, Yuri, Trofim, Philip, Nikar, Georgy, Timofey, Daniil, Arkady, Egor, Victor, Leonid, Pavel, Denis, Vyacheslav, Kuzma, Alexey, Nikifor, Savva, Semyon, Stepan, Kirill, Sevastyan, Vasily, Leonty, Dmitry, Makar.

Born in March, so that the name becomes a talisman for him.

We have traditionally collected the most popular male names according to the Saints of March. And for the most common ones we also selected psychological characteristics, because the meaning of the name and character are tightly connected. We will be glad if this selection helps you choose a name for your child.


March 1 Mikhail, Nikolay, Pavel, Porfiry, Roman, Fedor
2nd of March Vasily, Victor, Vladimir, Kuzma, Lev, Pavel
March, 3rd Arkhip, Bogdan, Dmitry, Evgeniy, Makar, Maxim, Nikita, Fedor, Fedot
March 4 Anton, Athanasius, Vasily, David, Denis, Ivan, Ignatius, Cornelius, Leo, Leonty, Nikolai, Samson, Sergei, Tikhon, Fedor, Philip, Yaroslav
5th of March Alexander, George, Gregory, Daniel, Zakhar, Ivan, Konstantin, Pavel, Timofey
March, 6 Andrey, Afanasy, Victor, Vladimir, Ivan, Joseph, Mikhail, Nikolay, Pavel, Sergey, Stepan, Fedor, Philip
March 7 Alexander, Alexey, Ivan, Clement, Kuzma, Mikhail, Moses, Nikolay, Sergey, Fedor
March 8 Ivan, Hilarion, Nikolai
9th of March Alexander, Anton, Evgeny, Nikolay, Taras, Fedor
10th of March Ivan, Nikolay, Peter, Porfiry, Sevastyan, Sergey
11th of March Makar, Mikhail, Nison, Peter, Sergey, Stepan, Timofey, Julian, Yakov
March 12 Arseny, Artem, Vasily, Nikolay, Sergey
March 13 Ivan
March 14th Alexander, Anton, Vasily, Veniamin, Ivan, Mikhail, Peter
March 15th Arseny, Joseph, Nikolay, Fedot

March 16 Mikhail, Sevastyan
March 17 Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Georgy, Gerasim, Grigory, Daniil, Pavel, Yakov
18th of March Adrian, Georgy, David, Ivan, Kirill, Konstantin, Mark, Nikolay, Fedor
March 19 Arkady, Konstantin, Maxim, Fedor
20th of March Vasily, Evgeniy, Emelyan, Efrem, Nikolai, Pavel
21 March Afanasy, Vladimir, Ivan
March 22 Alexander, Alexey, Afanasy, Valery, Dmitry, Ivan, Irakli, Kirill, Leonty, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Sergey, Taras
March 23 Victor, Georgy, Denis, Dmitry, Ivan, Leonid, Mark, Mikhail, Pavel, Fedor
March 24 Vasily, Georgy, Efim, Ivan
March 25 Alexander, Vladimir, Grigory, Dmitry, Ivan, Konstantin, Semyon, Sergey
26 March Alexander, Gregory, Mikhail, Nikolai, Terenty
March 27 Mikhail, Rostislav
March 28 Alexander, Alexey, Denis, Mikhail, Timofey
March 29 Alexander, Denis, Emelyan, Ivan, Pavel, Roman, Trofim, Julian
30th of March Alexander, Alexey, Victor, Gabriel, Makar, Pavel
March 31 Grigory, Daniil, Dmitry, Kirill, Trofim


Alexei. Alyosha has been attached to his mother since childhood, but as he grows up, he feels like the head and protector, and tries to protect his mother from troubles. He is more a man of action than words. Among his friends, he doesn’t seem to be the leader, but they listen to his opinion.

Arkady. Little Arkasha is adored both in the family and in the yard. But this mass affection does not spoil his character. He remains kind and merciful, always tries to help, and keeps his promises. In a team he plays the role of a peacemaker, without taking either side.

Grigory. Grisha tries very hard to be good, but he is restless and a little awkward, so his parents are often unhappy with him. He doesn't like teasing, which is why he sometimes gets into fights.

As a child, he somewhat avoids noisy peers, but not so much that he is perceived as arrogant or made an outcast. Knows how to listen and keep other people's secrets.

Denis is a sociable child who gets along equally well with friends and animals. His weakness is dogs, and if a pet lives in the family, the guy is happy. In addition, this will help instill discipline and responsibility in him.

As a child, he manages to get sick from everything he can, and this will affect his character. Whims and increased demands on others will become his problem. He will intuitively seek support from his mother, who babysat him so much in childhood.

- a calm and kind boy with his mother’s character traits. He is not sickly and loves to run. He is always surrounded by friends. If Danya gets angry, he quickly moves away.

David With early years shows a proud and independent character. He is persistent and pragmatic, but is always surrounded by friends. Solving their problems may fall into unpleasant situations, but usually gets out of them thanks to his dexterity and intelligence. David's health is quite strong and his physical characteristics are excellent.

Emelyan principled to the point of stubbornness, even when the harm of such a position is obvious. It is difficult to let friends into his close circle, and he shares secrets and plans with almost no one. On the one hand, the mother can be calm: the child is not susceptible to outside influence, and he is not threatened by bad company. On the other hand, it can be difficult to build communication with your son, especially in adolescence.

Eugene. Little Zhenya masters writing and reading early, foreign languages, and his imagination does not let him down. He is good at tasks that require ingenuity and creative approach. His friends value and respect him, and the girls take advantage of the fact that Zhenya somewhat idealizes and extols them.

Zakhar incredibly assiduous and capable of concentration. His hobbies are mainly related to technology. But no matter what he does, he throws himself into any task if it is really interesting to him. He subtly senses the beauty of nature and treats people with care.

Ivan. Vanya can be quiet and inconspicuous, or he can be a hustler and a ringleader. It can combine a variety of qualities: strength and weakness, cruelty and good nature, tenderness and severity. They usually take life lightly, and they succeed in a lot.

Konstantin. Kostya can be a coward in childhood. A feeling of anxiety accompanies him constantly; he does not adapt well to new people and circumstances. Parents have to be nervous while he gets used to kindergarten or school. This will pass with age, but he will always be reluctant to get along with people.

Kirill. An inquisitive kid who learns easily. He begins to read easily and early, his memory is enviable and teachers often use him as an example. This can play a cruel joke on him: arrogance and the desire to show off will harm him in life.

Leonid cares about his health. He is picky about food and will require a bandage even with a small abrasion. He is proud, strives to stand out, and therefore there is room for success in his studies.

a lion- a calm and phlegmatic boy. Little things do not upset him, but because of a major offense he can worry for several days. Despite his calm character, he is able to stand up for himself and fight back. Leva is a lover of nature and relaxation in the forest, on the river, in the mountains.

Michael. Misha is a problem-free child who always does everything on time and correctly. He manages to train in the football section and sing in the choir, if only his friends are there. His mind is logical.