Buryat names and their meanings. Customs and traditions of the Mongols

If business is not going...

Often, when people are faced with a difficult task, they give up too quickly. Especially if the task is new, and there are no specific steps to solve it. In this case, you need to invest a large number of time and energy into experimenting with solutions. Creative problem solving requires extensive study of the problem as well as time to nurture creative ideas.

Business Leader Strategies:

imagination - at the opening of the first Disneyland, one of the organizers said: "What a pity that Walt does not see this." In response, the expression followed: "Disneyland was built precisely because Walt saw how it would be";
investments - Ray Kroc acquired McDonalds from the McDonald brothers and made this restaurant an international franchise;
improvement - when Kawashima took over the management of Honda, the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. But Kawashima said, “As long as I am the head of the company, we will not surrender to anyone. The Kawashima team made 113 changes, but they managed to survive the crisis”;
incubation is a method of solving complex problems through teamwork and focus groups. For example, the 12 Steps to Recovery from Alcohol Addiction program was invented through gatherings of like-minded people.
In a company, various people:

generate ideas. The marketing department generates ideas for bringing new products to market. Polaroid: "Why can't I see the stasis photo after it's been taken?";
develop a concept. iPhone and iPad were not created immediately. During the development of the concept, dozens, perhaps even hundreds of prototypes were tested before the final version was accepted. The development of the concept is created by the joint efforts of the departments of marketing and R
optimize. Optimization of the financial aspects of production, selection of optimal suppliers to maximize profits from the product. When Dell laptops are bundled, components are purchased from hundreds of different manufacturers in order to assemble laptops that are optimal in terms of quality and cost;
implement. Once a product is developed, it must be marketed. Operational and tactical tasks are performed by employees from the logistics and sales departments.
The leader must know the preferred style of work of his employees. Who is a particular employee: an idea generator, a concept developer, an optimizer or a person who implements the idea?

Long Term Strategies for Creative Thinking:

give yourself time to rest. No wonder they say that the morning is wiser than the evening;
discuss your ideas with other people. However, do it in free time, do not distract colleagues from work for the sake of discussions;
ask people for advice on solving your problems. For developing creative ideas, there is little substitute for good brainstorming;
find a place where you can think without outside interference;
read a lot of books on different topics, it is useful for the creative potential of the individual;
protect yourself from limited people. You should not communicate with people who cut all your ideas in the bud and do not see beyond their own noses.


About some Mongolian proper names

The names of the Mongols are interesting and original in their origin and meaning. Their features and origin were repeatedly mentioned in their works by many orientalists, A.M. Pozdneev, Yu.N. Roerich. The Mongolian names reflected the customs, worldview, traditions, way of life, various cultural and historical factors, religious ideas of the Mongolian people.

A personal name has a great and symbolic meaning for the Mongols, which is enhanced by the rare use of surnames and patronymics in everyday life (almost more often scientific degrees, military ranks, etc. are used together with a personal name). Mongolian names and names that came through the Mongols are used not only in Mongolia: until the middle of the 20th century, they absolutely prevailed over names of a different origin among the Kalmyks, Buryats and Tuvans, partly Altaians and other peoples of Southern Siberia in Russia, and still prevail in those inhabited by Mongols regions of China, both among the Mongols and among the Buryats, Oirats, and partly Evenks. A number of surnames around the world are derived from Mongolian given names.

Mongolian personal names, due to their specificity, are also rich material for the history of the Mongolian language. For they are able to “preserve” certain linguistic phenomena for a long time, which attracts great attention of researchers.


The role that Christian culture played for the Russians (originated in the Middle East and came to Rus' through Rome and Byzantium), Buddhist culture played for the Mongolian peoples. Buddhism came to the Mongols from India indirectly through Khotan and Tibet. Personal names reflect as proper Mongolian ancient culture, and the cultural and religious influence of Buddhism, primarily its Tibetan tradition.

    Origin the Mongols stand out names: actually Mongolian; Mongolian, which is a translation from Tibetan; combined Mongolian-Tibetan and Mongolian-Sanskrit; Tibetan; Indian. A small percentage historically are Chinese, Turkic and Russian names associated with mixed marriages, political courses, etc.

    By composition. Since the late Middle Ages (approximately since the 17th century), names from two significant components, two-syllable (in the old written spelling), or a combination of two-syllable and one-syllable (example: Tsagaan "white" + Dorzh "vajra" = Tsagaandorzh or Dorzhkhuu "vajra +well done"). There are also three-component, and even four-component names [source?].

    By social status. The name can say that its bearer is a hunter, a reindeer herder (names associated with wild animals), a simple pastoralist from the wilderness (short, although often Tibetan); a person from a family where the history of Mongolia (names of khans and statesmen) or the teachings of the Buddha (names of teachers of Buddhism, deities, sacred books) are most valued.

    By function names can play the role of a talisman, for example, in a family where children often died or a newborn (up to 3 years old) was sick, he was given a name that did not attract evil spirits: Enabish (not this one), Terbish (not that one), etc. For identification in the absence of surnames, all children in the family were often given names that had the same first component: Tumenbaatar, Tumenolziy, Tumendelger.


Examining Mongolian anthroponyms, one can observe that words denoting a wide variety of objects and concepts can pass into their category. This means that the personal names of the Mongols arose on the basis of the rethinking of common names. The vast majority of Mongolian proper personal names absolutely coincide in structural and phonetic terms with those common words from which proper names were formed. Most often, emotionally saturated words, which are the names of attractive objects, words that serve to designate objects of material and spiritual world person.

The original personal names of the Mongols arose in ancient times. If female names symbolize beauty, majesty, kindness, meekness, then male names mainly express strength, courage, courage and bravery.


Among Buddhist names there are groups of synonymous names: from Skt. vajra originate Ochir (borrowed through the Sogdian and Uighur languages), Bazaar (through Tibetan), Dorzh (Tibetan translation of the word vajra, usually transmitted in Russian as Dorje, Dorje), from ratna (jewel) - Erdene, Radna, Rinchen (Tibetan translation) etc. Each of these options can exist independently, or be one of the components in multicomponent names: Ochirbat (-bat in Mongolian means "strong", it is also found separately: Bat, Batu / Baty), Bazarkhүү (-хүү "well done"), Khanddorzh (the first part in this case is also Tibetan), etc.

Some of the names come from the names and images of the Buddhist sacred canon: Jadamba (Eight thousandth, Sutra of Prajnaparamita in 8000 stanzas), Ganjuur, Danjuur, Altangerel (“golden light”, in honor of the Golden Light Sutra), possibly Badamtsetseg (lotus flower). The last example is significant in that it is a female name derived from the name of a flower, but the name lotus (Skt. padma) (and its symbolic meaning) was brought by Buddhism.

The names of the statuses of clergymen can also become names: Bagsha, Khuvrag, Bandi, Khamba, Khutagt

Recently, according to statistics, the Mongols began to increasingly abandon foreign names, including Tibetan. Today, residents are given names with features of national tradition and history.


Let's take a closer look at the names associated with the names of plants. These are mostly female names. Wishes for girls - to become beautiful, attractive, tender - form an extensive group of names formed from the names of plants, for example: Sarnay - Rose, Khongorzul - Tulip, Zambaga - Magnolia, Saikhantsetseg - Beautiful flower, Bolortsetseg - Crystal Flower, Munkhnavch - Eternal Leaf, etc.

Female personal names may indicate an attitude to the plant: Urgamal (Plant), Navch, Navchaa, Navchin (Leaf), Delbee (Petal), Navchtsetseg (Leaf-flower), Alimtsetseg (Apple flower), etc.

There are personal names indicating the time of the baby's appearance: Davaatsetseg (Monday-flower), Byam-batsetseg (Saturday-flower). The personal names of Mongolians can also express the situation in which the child was born: Amartsetseg (Calm flower), Uugantsetseg ( first flower).

The names of children can be associated with the mood or wishes of the parents: Bayartsetseg (Flower-joy) Tumentsetseg (ten thousand flowers), Tsetsegzhargal. (Flower of happiness), Goyetsetseg (Beautiful flower). Such names as Munkhtsetseg - Eternal Flower, Enkhtsetseg - Peaceful Flower, express the wishes of long life and health. Wishes of happiness, success in life, well-being are reflected in the following names: Bayantsetseg - Rich flower. Buyannavch - List benefactor, Urantsetseg - Artful flower, Battsetseg - Strong flower.

The desire to see their girls graceful and attractive lies in the names Khongorzul Tulip, Oyuunnavch - Turquoise leaf, Ariun-tsetseg - Sacred flower.

There are personal names that have arisen in connection with the worship of the Sun, Moon, stars, Earth, etc. Narantsetseg - Sun Flower, Odontsetseg - Star Flower, Tuyaatsetseg - Radiant Flower, Gereltsetseg - Light Flower, Baigaltsetseg - Nature - Flower, Khurantsetseg - Rain - flower, etc.

From ancient times, the Mongols attached sacred symbols to various colors. Perhaps in connection with this, personal names denoting colors appeared: Tsagaantsetseg - White Flower, Yagaantsetseg - Pink Flower, Ulaantsetseg - Red Flower, etc. In color symbolism, red appears as a symbol of love, so the personal name Ulaantsetseg can mean "Favorite Flower". The white color, as you know, among the Mongols is considered to bring happiness and prosperity, which means that Tsagaantsetseg is the "Happy Flower".

And, finally, personal names may indicate the attitude to the material: Erdene-tsetseg - Precious flower, Suvdantsetseg - Pearl flower, Mungunnavch - Silver leaf, Shurentsetseg - Coral flower, etc.

As part of the personal names listed above, the most popular, frequently occurring word is "tsetseg" - a flower. As you can see, this word, which is included in personal names with a complex structure, mainly expresses a positive emotional coloring and an affectionate connotation.

It is appropriate to note here that plant names are extremely rare in male names. For example: Gond - Cumin, Arvay - Barley, Undes - Root.

Among the Mongolian personal names associated with the names of plants, there are names of foreign origin. For example, Sanskrit personal names include Udval (green-leaved catchment area), Badma (Lotus), Chinese - Lyanhua (Lotus), Tibetan - Ninzhbad gar (Swimsuit), Serzhmyadag (Poppy), Zhamyanmyadag (Sosuria), etc.


Unusual names are most often given by the Mongols to children who get sick at a young age - it is believed that this will help the child recover. The most common names are Byaslag - cheese, Tugal - calf, Ongots - plane. Names that are formed from the names of flowers are often abandoned - flowers are not eternal. In order for a person to live happily ever after, they give a long name - for example - Luvsandenzenpilzhinzhigmed. The lama is often consulted for advice.


The name can be given by a Buddhist priest who checks the horoscope, parents, older relatives, based on the date of birth, good and bad omens, the agricultural season, tribal and family origin, the memory of ancestors, events in the country and abroad, etc.

Names for children are usually given in honor of older relatives, famous lamas, Buddhist deities and saints, sometimes a new name is invented in connection with a specific situation. After the collapse of the Soviet system, the names of the khans of the Mongol Empire gained popularity.

Of particular note is the custom of naming twins. The birth of twin children among the Mongols is interpreted as a positive phenomenon, which is reflected in their indispensable co-naming: if both girls are Badraltsetseg (“Inspiration is a flower), Orgiltsetseg (“Top is a flower”), if a boy and a girl are Unur (Rich) and Unurtsetseg (Rich flower), etc.
Readers, obviously, paid attention to the fact that in personal names there is no grammatical category of gender. In contrast to Russian, Mongolian female and male personal names differ only lexically.


Until the beginning of the 20th century, the name of a well-born Mongol consisted of three parts: a family name, a patronymic, a personal name. Under socialism, generic names were banned "to eradicate the feudal heritage", and only patronymics and personal names were used, and it was the latter that was the person's identifier. For example, the name of the cosmonaut Gurragchaa (Zhүgderdemidiin Gүrragchaa) (without fail, first the patronymic, which is a name in the genitive case, then the name) can be abbreviated as Zh. Gүrragchaa, but not Zhүgderdemidiin G.

Since 2000, surnames have come back into use in Mongolia; in part, they represent the former family names, but people do not always take as their surname the family name that their ancestors bore before the revolution; it may be forgotten, it may be absent due to simple origin. The most common among the Mongols is the belonging of the Mongols to the genus Borjigin (Mong. Borzhgon), which is a matter of pride, but as a surname does not give a separate family uniqueness. Many invent surnames according to the type of activity. So, the already mentioned cosmonaut Gurragcha took the surname Sansar (in translation - “space”)


The most common names are Solongo, Bat-Erdene. Such people often come up with middle names - to make it more convenient.

S. Nyamtsetseg, specialist of the Main Department of Civil Registration: “These are the most common names and the shortest in the country. About 10 names are widely used in Mongolia. For example, 13,395 citizens with the name Bat-Erdene are registered.”

There are also 11,029 Otgonbayars and 10,536 Batbayars registered. The rating of the most popular female names was headed by Altantsetseg and Oyuunchimeg.

"News of Mongolia" Ed. Agencies MONTSAME

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Tibetan names

Tibetan male and female names

Tibet- a region of Central Asia, located on the Tibetan Plateau. This is a highland with a harsh climate.

Lhasa is the historical capital of Tibet.

At various periods of history, Tibet was an independent state, was dependent on the Mongol Empire or the Qing Empire. Tibet has been under Chinese control since 1950.

Traditionally, the territory of Tibet was divided into the provinces of U-Tsang, Kam and Amdo.

Tibet has long attracted travelers with its mysteries, secrets, hidden knowledge and beauty. The capital Lhasa, Mount Kailash, the monasteries of Tibet, Everest are traditional places for tourism.

Tibetan nomenclature is unique. Many Tibetan names applicable to both men and women. Tibetan names mainly reflect natural phenomena, professions, days of the week, features of appearance, etc. Buddhism also influenced the names of Tibetans.

Tibetan male names



Dava - moon, Monday

Lady - red flag



Mimar - Tuesday

Namgang - born on the 30th

Nima - Sun, Sunday

Norbu is a treasure



Phubu - Thursday



Tanba - Buddhism


Tinjol - liberation

Tobgyal - guardian god




Tserin - longevity

Tsesom - born on the 3rd

Tzede - born on the 8th

Tzete - born on the 1st

Jianyang - wonderful sound


Choepel - the prosperity of Buddhism

Chunta - the most youngest child



Tibetan female names

Bianba - Saturday


Dava - moon, Monday



Gele - happiness


Lapa - Wednesday



Lhatse - beautiful as a goddess

Meto - flowers

Nima - Sun, Sunday

Padma - lotus

Pasan - Friday



Tserin - longevity



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Tibetan names. Tibetan male and female names


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Buryat names are diverse in origin. The Buryat people throughout their history had close ties with the Tungus-Manchu, Turkic and other peoples of Central Asia. Therefore, many Buryat names are of foreign origin. Buryat names include national Buryat names, Mongolian, Turkic, Russian, Tibetan and other names. A significant place among them is occupied by primordial (national) names. The Buryat language belongs to the northern group of Mongolian languages.

Below is a list of the most common Buryat names and their meanings.

Buryat male names starting with the letter A:

ABARMID (Sanskrit.) - Beyond. Buryat form from the Sanskrit word "para-mita." This word means "gone to the other side" (ie to nirvana). In the Buddhist sutras, 6 or 10 paramitas are listed, with the help of which the transition to nirvana is carried out: generosity, morality, patience, masculinity, contemplation, wisdom. Each paramita is used as a name. See Sultim, So-dbo, etc.

ABIDA (Sanskrit) - Vast, immeasurable light. Amitabha is the name of a Dhyani Buddha. In Buryatia it is known as Abida, in Japan - Amida. In the teachings of the Buddha, he is the lord of the Sukhavadi (Divazhan) paradise.

AGVANDORJO (Tib.) - Diamond lord of the word.

AGVANDONDOG (Tib.) - The well-intentioned lord of the word.

AGVANDONDUB (Tib.) - Fulfilling the desires of all living beings, the lord of the word.

AGVAN (Tib.) - Lord of the word, possessing a beautiful and rich word. One of the names of the bodhisattva Mandzushri, personifying transcendental wisdom.

AGVANNIMA (Tib.) - The solar lord of the word.

ADLIBESHE - Dissimilar, different.

ADYAA (Sanskrit.) - The sun.

ANANDA (Sanskrit) - Joy. The name of the Beloved Disciple of Buddha Shakyamuni. After his departure to nirvana, Ananda expounded from memory one of the main Buddhist canons "Ganzhur".

AIDAR - Dear

ALAMZHA - The name of the hero of the Buryat epic.

ALDAR - Glory.

ALIMA - Apple.

ALTAN - Gold.

ALTANA - Gold.

ALTANGEREL - Golden light

ALTANSESEG - Golden flower.

ALTANTUYA - Golden Dawn

ALTAN SHAGAI - Golden ankle.

AMAR, AMUR - Peace, tranquility.

AMARSANA, AMURSANA - Well-intentioned. The name of the national hero of Western Mongolia (Dzungaria). He led the liberation struggle against the Manchurian-Chinese yoke in the 18th century.

AMGALAN - Calm, peaceful.

ANDAMA (Tib.) - Powerful. Epithet of the goddess Uma.

ANJIL (Tib.) - The king of power, the name of the wish-fulfilling jewel. In Sanskrit CHINTAMANI.

ANZHILMA (Tib.) - The mistress. Same root as Anjil.

ANJUR (Tib.) - Dominating, dominating.

ANZAD (Tib.) - Treasury of power.

ANZAMA (Tib.) - Well-behaved.

ANZAN (Tib.) - Well-behaved.

ANPIL (Tib.) - the same as Vampil.

ANCHIG (Tib.) - the same as Vanchig.

ARABJAY (Tib.) - The most popular, common.

ARDAN (Tib.) - Strong, mighty.


ARYA (Sanskrit) - Supreme, saint. Usually used before the names of bodhisattvas, saints, famous Buddhists.

ARYUNA - Pure, bright.

ARYUNGEREL - Pure, bright light.

ARYUNSESEG - Pure, bright flower.

ARYUNTUYA - Pure, bright dawn.

Ashata - All-Helping.

AYUNA (Turk.) - Bear. Ayu is a bear. If you do not agree with this, then the OYUNA would be more correct.

AYUR (Sanskrit.) - Life, age.

AYURZANA, AYURZHANA (Sanskrit.) - Wisdom of life.

AYUSHA (Sanskrit.) - Extender of life. The name of the deity of longevity.

AYAN - Journey.

AYANA (female) - Journey.

Buryat male names starting with the letter B:

BAATAR - Bogatyr, abbreviated from the old Mongolian Bagatur.

The Russian word bogatyr also comes from the word bagatur.

BABU (Tib.) - Hero, brave man.

BABUDORJO (Tib.) - Diamond hero.

BABUSENGE (Tib.) - Brave lion.

BAVASAN, BAASAN (Tib.) - Planet Venus, corresponds to Friday.

BADARA (Sanskrit) - Good.

BADARMA (Sanskrit) - Beautiful.

BADARKHAN - Prosperous.

BADARSHA (Sanskrit.) - The petitioner. ,

BATLAY - Courageous.

BADMA (Sanskrit.) - Lotus. The image of the lotus in Buddhism symbolizes crystal immaculate purity, since the beautiful lotus has nothing to do with the mud of the swamp from which it grows, just like the Buddha who reached nirvana, escaped from the swamp of samsara.

BADMAGARMA (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Constellation of lotuses.

BADMAGURO (Sanskrit) - Lotus teacher.

BADMARINCHIN (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Precious lotus.

BADMAZHAB (Sankrit-Tib.) - Protected by a lotus.

BADMAHANDA (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Lotus dakina, heavenly fairy.

BADMATSEBEG (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Immortal lotus.

BADMATSEREN (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Lotus of long life.

BAZAR (Sanskrit.) - Diamond. Buryat forum from the Sanskrit "Vajra". This is one of the most important attributes of Tantrism, Vajra is a symbol of the inviolability of the Teaching.

BAZARGURO (Sanskrit) - Diamond teacher

BAZARJAB (Sanskrit.) - Protected by a diamond.

BAZARSADA (Sanskrit.) - The essence of the diamond.

BALMZHI (Tib.) - Born of a diamond.

BALANSENGE (Tib.) - Diamond lion.

BALBAR (Tib.) - Blazing shine, radiance.

BALBARMA (Tib.) - Blazing shine, radiance.

BALDAG - Thick, squat.

BALDAN (Tib.) - Glorious, magnificent. BALDANDORJO (tib) - Magnificent diamond. BALDANJAB (Tib.) - Protected by glory, greatness.

BALDANSENGE (Tib.) - A magnificent lion.

BAL DAR (Tib.) - Giver of happiness. Epithet of the God of Wealth. Sanskrit Kubera, Tibetan Namtosrai. Buryat pronunciation Namsarai.

BALDORJO (Tib.) - Diamond of greatness.

BALMA (Tib.) - Rich, shining, glorified.

BALSAMBU (Tib.) - Exquisite.

BALSAN (Tib.) - Charming, beautiful.

BALTA - Hammer.

BAL KHAN - Chubby.

BALJID (Tib.) - Aspiring to prosperity.

BALJIDMA (Tib.) - the same as Baljid.

BALZHIMA (Tib.) - Gorgeous.

BALZHIMEDEG (Tib.) - Flower of happiness.

BALZHIN (Tib.) - Giving wealth.

BALZHINIM (Tib.) - The sun of happiness.

BALZHIR (Tib.) - Wealth, brilliance, radiance.

BALZAN (Tib.) - Charming, beautiful

BALCHIN (Tib.) - Very rich, glorious.

BANZAN (Sanskrit) - Five. BANZAR (Tib.) - Uniting force. BANZARAGSHA (Sanskrit) - Five protectors. BANDY - Man, Boy. BARAS - Tiger.

BATA - Strong, strong. The name of the grandson of Genghis Khan.

BATABAATAR - Strong, strong hero. BATABAYAR - Strong joy. BATABULAD - Strong steel. BATABELIG - Solid wisdom. BATABELEG - A strong gift. BATADAMBA (Bur-Tib.) - Most Holy. BATADORJO (Bur.-Tib.) - Hard diamond. BATADELGER - Strong flowering. BATAJAB (Bur-Tib.) - Hard-protected. BATAZHARGAL - Strong happiness. BATAZAYA - Strong destiny. BATAMUNKHE - Eternal hardness. BATASAYKHAN - Strongly beautiful. BATASUHE - Strong axe. BATATU MER - Solid iron. BATATSEREN - Long-term. BATAERDENI - Solid jewel. BATASHULUUN - Solid stone.

BAYAN - Rich.

BAYANBATA - Firmly rich.

BAYANDALAY - Rich sea, inexhaustible wealth.

BAYANDELGER - Rich flowering.

BAYAR - Joy.


BAYARSAIKHAN - Beautiful joy.


Bayart - Joyful.

BIDIYA (Sanskrit) - Knowledge. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Vidya".

BIZYA (Sanskrit) - Knowledge.

BIMBA (Tib.) - Planet Saturn, corresponds to Saturday.

BIMBAJAB (Tib.) - Protected by Saturn.

BIMBATSEREN (Tib.) - Long life under the sign of Saturn.

BIRABA (Sanskrit) - Terrifying. The Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Bhai-rava" is terrible. The name of one of the angry incarnations of Shiva.

BOLORMA - Crystal.

BORJON - Granite.

BUDA - Enlightened. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Buddha."

gyi. He, Buddha Shakyamuni (623 - 544 BC) lived and preached his Teaching in India 6-5 centuries AD.

BUDAJAB (Sanskrit.Tib.) - Protected by the Buddha.

BUDATSEREN (Sanskrit.Tib.) - Long life of the Buddha.

BUDAMSHU - The name of the national folklore hero of Buryatia.

BUJIDMA - the same as Butidma.

BULAD - Steel.

BULADBAATAR - Steel hero.

BULADSAIKHAN - Beautiful steel.

BULADTSEREN - Long life of steel.

BUMA (Tib.) - Girl, girl.

BUNYA (Sanskrit) - Virtue, from the San-Srit word "Punya".

BUTIDMA - Leading the son, the name is given to the daughter in the hope that a son will be born.


BUYANBATA Solid virtue.

BUYANDELGER - The flowering of virtue.

BUYANKHESHEG - Virtuous welfare.

BURGAD - Eagle, golden eagle.


BELIGMA - Wisdom.

BELEG - Gift.

Buryat male names starting with the letter B:

VAMPIL (Tib.) - Multiplying power

VANDAN (Tib.) - Possessing power.

VANZHIL (Tib.) - the same as Anzhil.

VANJUR (Tib.) - Dominant.

WANZAN (Tib.) - Owner.

VANCHIK (Tib.) - Powerful.

Buryat male names starting with the letter G:

GABA, GAVA (Tib.) - Happy, joyful

GADAMBA (Tib.) - Instructor.

GADAN (Tib.) - Joyful. These are the names of the abode of the gods, the world of the gods in Sanskrit Tu Shita. In Tushita, the bodhisattvas spend their penultimate life before descending to; earth. Buddha Shakyamuni placed his crown on the head of Maitreya (Maidar), the Buddha of the coming kalpa.

GAZHIDMA (Tib.) - Generating admiration.

GALDAMA - The name of the Dzungarian (Western Mongolian) hero who fought against! Manchu-Chinese invaders in the 17th century.

GALDAN (Tib.) - Having a blessed fate.

GALZHAN (Tib. female) - Gracious, happy. The name of the goddess of good fortune Byagavati.

GALSAN (Tib.) - Good fate. Usually it means the blessed world order, kalpa.

GALSANDABA (Tib.) - Good fate, born under the Moon.

GALSANNIMA (Tib.) - Good fate, born under the Sun.

Galchi, Galshi (Tib.) - Great fate, happy.

GAMA (Tib.) - female form from Gaba.

GAMBAL (Tib.) - Radiant happiness.

GAMPIL (Tib.) - Multiplying joy.

GAN - steel.

GANBAATAR - Steel hero

GANBATA - Strong steel.

GANBULAD - The most hardened steel.

GANSUHE - Steel axe.

GANTUMER - Steel iron.

GANKHUYAG - Steel chain mail, steel armor.

GANJIL (Tib.) - Joy, happiness.

GANZHIMA (Tib.) - Snow born. Epithet of the goddess Uma.

GANJUR (Tib.) - The name of the Buddhist canon Tanchzhur ", consisting of 108 volumes, which contain over 2000 sutras.

GARMA (Tib.) - Star, constellation.

GARMASU (Tib.) - The female form of Garma.

GARMAZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by a star.

GATAB (Tib.) - Reached joy; ascetic, hermit, monk.

GENIN (Tib.) - A friend of virtue, close to piety. A genin is a layman who made 5 vows: do not kill living beings, do not take things that do not belong to him, do not commit adultery, do not lie, do not drink.

GENINDARMA (Tib.) - A young friend of virtue.

GOMBO (Tib.) - The name of the patron, protector, keeper of the faith.

GOMBOJAB (Tib.) - Protected by the guardian, defender of the faith.

GOMBODORJO (Tib.) - Diamond guardian, defender of the faith.

GOMBOTSEREN (Tib.) - Long life of the guardian, defender of the faith.

GONGOR (Tib.) - White guardian.

GONCHIG (Tib.) - Jewel.

GOOHON - Beauty.

GUMPIL (Tib.) - Increasing everything.

GUNGA (Tib.) - Joy, fun. It is a Tibetan translation of Anand.

GUNGAZHALSAN (Tib.) - A joyful symbol, a sign of victory.

GUNGANIMA (Tib.) - Joyful sun.

GUNGANIMBU (Tib.) - Magnanimous joy.

GUNDEN (Tib.) - Pious, pious.

GUNDENSAMBU (Tib.) - Good in all respects. The name of the adhi-buddha Samantabhadra.

GUNJID (Tib.) - Pleasing everyone.

GUNZEN (Tib.) - All-encompassing, all-holding.

GUNSEN (Tib.) - The best of all.

GUNSEMA (Tib.) - The female form of Gunsen.

GUNTUB (Tib.) - Conquering all.

GUNCHEN (Tib.) - Omniscient, omniscient.

GURGEMA (Tib.) - Dear.

GURE (Sanskrit.) - Teacher, spiritual mentor. The Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Guru."

GUREBAZAR (Sanskrit.) - Diamond teacher.

GUREDARMA (Sanskrit.Tib.) - Young teacher.

GUREJAB (Sanskrit.Tib.) - Protected by the teacher.

GURERAGSHA (Sanskrit.) - The patronage of the Teacher.

GYMA (Tib.) - Peace, tranquility.

GGEEN - Enlightened. Used as a title high lamas in Mongolia. For example, Bogdo-gegeen, Under-gegeen.

GELEG (Tib.) - Happiness, luck, prosperity.

GELEGMA (Tib.) - Feminine form of Geleg.

GEMPEL." GEPEL (Tib.) - Multiplying happiness.

GEMPELMA, GEPELMA (Tib.) - Feminine form of Gempel, Gepel.

GERELMA - Light.

GESER - The name of the hero of the Buryat epic of the same name.

Buryat male names starting with the letter D:

DABA (Tib.) - Moon.

DABAJAB (Tib.) - Protected by the Moon.

DABATSEREN (Tib.) - Long life under the moon.

DAGBA (Tib.) - Pure.

DAGBAZHALSAN (Tib.) - Pure sign of victory.

DAGDAN (Tib.) - Famous, famous.

DAGZAMA (Tib.) - Holding glory. The name of the wife of Prince Siddhartha, who was famous for her beauty, wisdom and virtue.

DAGMA (Tib.) - Famous.

DALAI - Ocean, sea.

DALBA (Tib.) - Silence, peace.

DAMBA (Tib.) - Exalted, excellent, holy.

DAMBADORJO (Tib.) - Sacred diamond.

DAMBADUGAR (Tib.) - Sacred white umbrella.

DAMBANIM (Tib.) - The sun of holiness.

DAMDIN (Tib.) - Having a horse's neck. Tibetan name for the deity Hayagriva.

DAMDINTSEREN (Tib.) - Long life of a horse with a neck.

DAMPIL (Tib.) - Prosperous happiness.

DANDAR (Tib.) - Spreading the teachings.

DANJUR (Tib.) - The name of the Buddhist canon "Danchzhur", consisting of 225 volumes, including about 4000 sutras.

DANZAN (Tib.) - Holder of the Teachings of the Buddha, this is part of the names of the Dalai Lama 14, but in the sound of Tenzin.

DANSARAN (Tib.) - Saint, sage.

DANSRUN (Tib.) - Guardian of the Teaching.

DARA (Sanskrit) - Liberator. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Tara". Dara and Dari are the names of Green and White Tar.

DARZHA (Tib.) - Rapid development, prosperity.

DARI (Sanskrit) - Liberator. The name of White Tara.

DARIZHAB (Sanskrit.Tib.) - Protected by White Tara.

DARIMA (Sanskrit.) - The same as Dari.

DARIHANDA (Sanskrit.Tib.) - Heavenly liberator.

DARMA (Tib.) - Young, young.

DARKHAN - Blacksmith.

DASHI (Tib.) - Happiness, prosperity, prosperity.

DASHIBAL (Tib.) - Shine of happiness.

DASHIBALBAR (Tib.) - Radiance of happiness.

DASHIGALSAN (Tib.) - A happy fate in prosperity.

DASHIDONDOK (Tib.) - Creating happiness.

DASHIDONDUB (Tib.) - Happy fulfilling the aspirations of all living beings.

DASHIDORJO (Tib.) - Lucky diamond.

DASHIDUGAR (Tib.) - Happy white umbrella.

DASHIZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by happiness.

DASHIZHAMSA (Tib.) - The ocean of happiness.

DASHIZEBGE (Tib.) - Folded happiness.

DASH IM A (Tib.) - Happy.

DASHINAMZHIL (Tib.) - Victorious.

DASHINIMA (Tib) - Happy sun.

DASHIRABDAN (Tib.) - Lasting happiness.

DASHITSEREN (Tib.) - The happiness of a long life.

DIMED (Tib.) - Clean, spotless. Epithet of Buddha.

DOGSAN (Tib.) - Magic peak.

DOLGOR, DOLGORMA (Tib.) - White liberator. Tibetan name for White Tara.


DOLZHIN (Tib.) - Green liberator. Tibetan name for Green Tara.

SHOULD (Tib.) - Rescuing, saving.

DONGARMA (Tib.) - White-faced.

DONDOK (Tib.) - Well-intentioned.

DONDUB (Tib.) - Fulfilling the desires of all living beings. Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit "Siddhartha." Buddha Shakyamuni's birth name.

DONID (Tib.) - Essence of emptiness.

DONIR (Tib.) - Caring about the meaning.

DORJO (Tib.) - Diamond. Literally "prince of stones." Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit word "Vajra."

DORZHOZHAB (Tib) - Protected by a diamond.

DORZHOKHANDA (Tib.) - Diamond Dakini. The name of one of the 5 main dakinis.

DUBSHAN (Tib.) - Great yogi.

DUGAR (Tib.) - White umbrella.

DUGARJAB (Tib.) - Protected by a white umbrella.

DUGARMA (Tib.) - White umbrella. The name of the dakini Sitapatra, who protects from diseases, misfortunes. Especially children.

DUGARTSEREN (Tib.) - Long life under the protection of the White Umbrella (Sitapatra).

DUGDAN (Tib.) - Kind, merciful, compassionate.

DUL MA (Tib.) - Liberator. Has the same meaning as Dara.

DULSAN (Tib.) - the same meaning as Dulma.

DULMAZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by the Liberator.

DUNJIT (Tib.) - Generating desires.

DUNZEN (Tib.) - Holding time. The epithet of Yamaraji (in Buryat Erlig-nomumun-khan), the lords of the dead.

DEJIT (Tib.) - Bliss, well-being.

DELGER - Spacious, extensive.

DELEG (Tib.) - Peace, happiness.

DEMA (Tib.) - Satisfied, prosperous.

DEMBEREL (Tib) - An omen.

DEMSHEG, DEMCHOG (Tib.) - Higher happiness. The name of the most important Tantric deity is ida-ma Samvara, who lives on Mount Kailash.

DENJIDMA (Tib.) - Support, epithet of the earth, the globe.

DENSEN (tib) - Good truth.

DENSEMA (Tib.) - the female form of Densen.

DESHIN (Tib.) - Great good.

Buryat male names starting with the letter E:

ENDON (Tib.) - Dignity; virtue; knowledge.

ENDONZHAMSA (Tib.) - The ocean of knowledge.

YESHE, YESHI (Tib.) - Omniscience, Perfection of wisdom.

YESHIZHAMSA (Tib.) - The ocean of perfect wisdom.

YESHIDORJO (Tib.) - Diamond of perfect wisdom.

YESHIDOLGOR (Tib.) - Omniscient white liberator.

ESHINKHORLO (Tib.) - Wheel of omniscience.

Buryat male names starting with the letter J:

TOAD (Tib.) - Protection, patronage, shelter. Epithet of Buddha.

JADAMBA (Tib.) - 8 thousandth. The short name of the variant of the praj-nya-paramita, shortened to 8,000.

JALMA (Tib.) - Queen. Epithet of the goddess Uma.

JALSAB (Tib.) - Regent, Viceroy. Epithet of the Buddha Maitreya.

JALSAN (Tib.) - A symbol, a sign of victory. Buddhist attribute: a cylindrical banner made of colored silk; this kind of banners are attached to flagpoles or worn during religious processions. It is also one of the 8 good emblems.

JALSARAI (Tib.) - Prince, prince.

ZHAMBA (Tib.) - Mercy, kindness. The name of the coming Buddha Maitreya.

ZHAMBAL (Tib.) - Benevolent. The name of the Bodhisattva Mandzushri.

ZHAMBALDORJO (Tib) - Blessing diamond.

ZHAMBALZHAMSA (tib) - Beneficent ocean.

ZHAMSA (Tib.) - Sea, ocean. Buryat pronunciation of the Tibetan word Gyatso. It is included as an obligatory name in the names of the Dalai Lamas and other great lamas.

ZHAMSARAN (Tib.) - Deity of warriors.

ZHAMYAN (Tib.) - Sympathetic. Epithet Mandzushri.

JANA (Sanskrit.) - Wisdom. From the Sanskrit word Jnana.

ZHANCHIB (Tib.) - Enlightened. Tibetan translation of the word "bodhi." The first meaning is translated as enlightened, and the second as the wisdom tree (fig tree), under which Shakyamuni Buddha attained enlightenment.

ZHARGAL - Happiness.

ZHARGALMA (female) - Happiness.

ZHARGALSAYKHAN - Beautiful happiness.

ZHIGDEN (Tib.) - The Universe.

ZHIGJIT (Tib.) - Terrifying guardian of the faith.

ZHIGMIT (Tib.) - Fearless, courageous; Indestructible.

ZHIGMITDORZHO (Tib.) - Fearless diamond; Indestructible diamond.

ZHIGMITTSEREN (Tib.) - Indestructible long life.

JIMBA (Tib.) - Alms, charity, donation. Generosity is one of the 6 paramitas, see Abarmid.

ZHIMBAZHAMSA (tib) - The ocean of generosity.

ZHUGDER (Tib.) - Ushnisha (a growth on the crown of the Buddha as one of his remarkable signs of enlightenment).

ZHUGDERDIMED (Tib.) - Clean, spotless ushnisha.

JUMBRUL (Tib.) - Magic, magic.

ZHUMBRULMA (tib. female) - Magic, magic.

ZHEBZEN (Tib.) - Venerable, reverend (in relation to hermits, saints, learned lamas.)

ZHEBZEMA (Tib.) - the female form of Zhebzen.

Buryat male names starting with the letter Z:

ZANA - the same as Jean.

ZANABADAR (Sanskrit) - Good wisdom.

ZANABAZAR (Sanskrit.) - Diamond of wisdom. The name of the first Mongolian Bogdo Jebzundam-by, popularly nicknamed Under-gegeen.

ZANDAN (Sanskrit) - Sandalwood.

ZANDRA (Sanskrit.) - Moon. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "chandra".

ZAYATA - Happy fate.

ZODBO, SODBO (Tib.) - Patience, patience is one of the 6 gtaramites, see Abarmid.

ZOLTO - Lucky, happy.

ZOLOZAYA - Happy fate.

ZORIG, 30RIGT0 - Bold, brave.

ZUNDA (Tib.) - Diligent, diligent, diligent.

ZEBGE (tib) - Folded, ordered.

Buryat male names starting with the letter I:

IDAM (Tib.) - Contemplated deity. In Tantrism, a guardian deity that a person chooses as his patron either for life or for individual (special) occasions.

IDAMJAB (Tib.) - Protected by a contemplative deity.

Buryat male names starting with the letter L:

LAYDAB (Tib.) - Performing deeds.

LAYJIT (Tib.) - Happy karma.

LAIJITHANDA (Tib.) - Happy karma of the dakini.

LAMAZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by the highest.

LENHOBO - Lotus.

LOBSAN, LUBSAN (Tib.) - Wise, scientist.

LUBSANBALDAN (Tib.) - Glorious wise.

LUBSANDORJO (Tib.) - Wise diamond.

LUBSANTSEREN (Tib.) - Wise long life.

LUBSAMA (Tib.) - Wise, learned.

LODOI (Tib.) - Wisdom.

LODOIDAMBA (Tib.) - Holy wisdom.

LODOJAMSA (Tib.) - The ocean of wisdom.

LODON (Tib.) - Wise.

LODONDAGBA (Tib.) - Sacred wisdom.

LONBO (Tib.) - High-ranking official, adviser.

LOPIL (Tib.) - With a developed mind.

LOSOL (Tib.) - Clear mind.

LOCHIN, LOCHON (Tib.) - Gifted, talented, with great mental abilities.

LUDUP (Tib.) - Received siddhis from the Nagas. The name of Nagarjuna, a great Indian teacher in the 2nd-3rd century.

LHASARAI (Tib.) - Prince, prince, literally - the son of a deity.

LHASARAN (Tib.) - Protected by a deity.

LYGZHIMA, LEGZHIMA (Tib.) - Noble. Name of Buddha's mother.

LYGSIK, LEGSEK (Tib.) - Accumulation of good.

LEBRIM (Tib.) - Well painted, i.e. a goddess with a drawing in her hands, speaking of holiness.

LEGDEN, LYGDEN (Tib.) - Virtuous, full of everything that is good.

LEGZHIN (Tib.) - Giving all the good, bestowing good. An epithet of the goddess Tara.

Buryat male names starting with the letter M:

MAIDAR (Tib.) - Loving all living beings. Buryat pronunciation of Maitreya - the Buddha of the coming kalpa (world order). Mait-reya is currently in Tushita, where he is waiting for the time of his entry as a Buddha into the world of people.

MAKSAR (Tib.) - Endowed with a huge army. The name of the deity Yama, the lord of the dead.

MAXARMA (Tib.) - Endowed with a huge army. The name of Yama's wife.

MANGE (Tib.) - Many giving birth.

MANZAN (Tib.) - Holding a lot. The epithet of fire.

MANZARAKSHA (Tib.) - the same as Banza-raksha.

MANI (Sanskrit) - Jewel.

MANIBADAR (Sankrit.) - Blessed treasure.

MIGMAR, MYAGMAR (Tib.) - Literally means red eye, in fact the planet Mars, which corresponds to Tuesday.

MIJID (Tib.) - Unwavering, imperturbable

timid. The name of one of the Dhyani Buddhas, Akshobhya, seated in the east.

MIJIDDORJO (Tib.) - An unshakable diamond.

MINJUR (Tib.) - Permanent, unchanging.

MINJURMA (Tib.) - Constant, unchanging.

MITUP, MITIB (Tib.) - Invincible, not superior.

MUNHE - Eternal. Eternity.

MUNHEBAATAR - Eternal hero.

MUNHEBATA - Strong eternity.

MUNHEBAYAR - Eternal joy.

MUNHEDELGER - Eternal flourishing.

MUNKHEZHARGAL - Eternal happiness.

MUNHEZAYA - Eternal destiny.

MUNHESESEG - Eternal flower.

MUNHETUYA - Eternal Dawn.

MUNGEN - Silver.

MUNGENSESEG - Silver flower.

MUNGENTUYA - Silver Dawn.

MUNGENSHAGAY - Silver ankle.

MEDEGMA (Tib.) - Flower.

MERGEN - Wise, well-aimed.

Buryat male names starting with the letter N:

NADMIT (Tib.) - Not having diseases, healthy, strong.

NAYDAK (Tib.) - The owner of the area, the deity of the area.

NAYDAN (Tib.) - An elder, an old and revered Buddhist monk.

NAYZHIN (Tib.) - Gave away the area. The epithet of Vishnu, one of the gods of Hinduism, constituting with Brahma and Shiva the divine triad in Hinduism.

NAYSRUN (Tib.) - The guardian of the area.

NAMDAG (Tib.) - Completely pure, or glorious.

NAMDAGZHALBA (Tib.) - King of glory. Epithet of Buddha.

NAMJAY (Tib.) - Abundant.

NAMZHAL, NAMZHIL (Tib.) - Complete victory, winner.

NAMZHALMA, NAMZHILMA (Tib.) - Complete winner, winner. Epithet of the goddess Uma.

NAMZHALDORZHO (Tib.) - Diamond winner.

NAMLAN (Tib.) - Dawn, dawn, sunrise.

NAMNAY (Tib.) - Constantly existing. The epithet of the sun.

NAMSAL (Tib.) - Bright radiance, illuminating everything. The epithet of the sun.

NAMSALMA (Tib.) - Brilliant.

NAMSARAY ((Tib.) - The name of the deity of wealth.

NAMHA (Tib.) - Sky.

NAMHABAL (Tib.) - Heavenly radiance.

NAMHAY (Tib.) - Omniscient, omniscient.

NAMHAINIMBU (Tib.) - Omniscient, generous.

NAMSHI (Tib.) - Perfect knowledge, intuition.

NARAN - Sun.

NARANBAATAR - Solar hero.

NARANGEREL - Sunlight.

NARANZAYA - Solar destiny.

NARANSESEG - Solar flower.

NARANTUYA - Solar dawn.

NASAN - Life.

Nasanbata - Strong life.

NATsAG (Tib.) - Ecumenical.

NATSAGDORZHO (Tib.) - Universal diamond. Attribute of Amoghasiddhi, one of the Dhyani-Buddhas guarding the north.


NASHANBATA - Solid falcon.

NASHANBAATAR - Falcon is a hero.

NIMA (Tib.) - The sun, which corresponds to the resurrection.

NIMAJAB (Tib.) - Protected by the sun.

NIMATSERN (Tib.) - Long life of the sun.

NIMBU (Tib.) - Magnanimous.

NOMGON - Calm, meek.

NOMIN - Emerald.

NOMINGEREL - Emerald light.

NOMINSESEG - Emerald flower.

NOMINTUYA - Emerald dawn.

NOMTO - Scientist, wise.

NOMSHO - A scribe who keeps a vow.

NORBO (Tib.) - Jewel.

NORBOSAMBU (Tib.) - Wonderful jewel. Epithet of the deity of wealth.

NORDAN (Tib.) - The owner of wealth, the epithet of the earth, the globe.

NORDOP (Tib.) - Rich.

NORZHIMA (Tib.) - Giving wealth.

NORJON (Tib.) - Guardian of property.

NORJUNMA (Tib.) - The flow of wealth. Epithet of Indra's wife, queen of heaven.

NORZEN (Tib.) - Holding wealth.

NORPOL (Tib.) - Precious radiance.

Buryat male names starting with the letter O:

OJIN (Tib.) - Giving light. The epithet of the Sun.

OD OH - Star. ODONGEREL - Starlight. ODONZAYA - Star destiny. ODONSEEG - Star flower.

ODONTUYA - Starry dawn.

ODSAL, ODSOL (Tib.) - Clear light.

ODSRUN (Tib.) - Keeper of light.

ODSER (Tib.) - Rays of light.

OIDOB, OIDOP (Tib.) - Perfection, ability, siddhi. Siddhi means the supernatural powers of a person's strength acquired by him as a result of the practice of yoga.

OLZON - Find, profit.

ONGON - Spirit, guardian genius among shamanists. Another meaning is a holy, revered, reserved place.

OSOR (Tib.) - the same as Odser.

OTHON - Junior. Literally - the keeper of the hearth.

OTKHONBAYAR - Younger joy.

OTCHON BEL I G - Junior Wisdom.

OTHONSESEG - Junior flower.

OCHIGMA (Tib.) - Radiant.

OCHIRE, OSHOR - Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "vajra" - diamond. See Bazaar.

OCHIRJAB (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Protected by a diamond.

OSHORNIMA (Sanskrit-Tib.) Diamond

OSHON - Spark.

OSHONGEREL - Light of a spark.

OYUUNA - Has two meanings: mind, talent and turquoise.

OYUUNBELIG - Wise, talented, gifted.

OYUNGEREL - Light of wisdom.

OYUUNTUYA - Dawn of wisdom.

OYUUNSHEMEG - Turquoise decoration.

Buryat male names starting with the letter P:

PAGBA (Tib.) - Holy, noble.

PAGMA (Tib.) - Honorable lady, queen.

PALAM (Tib.) - Diamond, diamond.

PIGLAY (Tib.) - Holy karma.

PIRAYGLAY (Tib.) - the same as Prinlay.

PRINLAY (Tib.) - The act of a bodhisattva, a saint.

PUNSEG (Tib.) - Perfect, happy, beautiful.

PUNSEGNIMA (Tib.) - The sun of prosperity.

PURBE (Tib.) - Planet Jupiter, which corresponds to Thursday; the name of a magical triangular dagger used to drive away evil spirits.

PELMA (Tib.) - Multiplying.

PELJED (Tib.) - Growing, increasing. An epithet for Vishnu.

Buryat male names starting with the letter R:

RABDAN (Tib.) - Strong, very strong.

RABSAL (Tib.) - Distinct, clear.

RADNA (Sanskrit.) - Jewel.

RADNASAMBU (Sanskrit-Tib.) - A beautiful jewel.

RAGCHA, RAKSHA (Sanskrit) - Protection.

RANJUN (Tib.) - Self-arising.

RANGE (Tib.) - Self-changing, improving.

RANPIL (Tib.) - Self-increasing.

RUGBY (Tib.) - Smart.


RINCHINDORJO (Tib.) - Precious diamond.

RINCHINSENGE (Tib.) - Precious lion.

RINCHINKHANDA (Tib.) - Precious heavenly fairy (dakina).

REGDEL (Tib.) - Free from attachments.

REGZED (Tib.) - Treasury of knowledge.

REGSEL (Tib.) - Clear knowledge.

REGZEN, IRGIZIN (Tib.) - A sage holding knowledge.

REGZEMA (Tib.) - Feminine form of Ragzen.

Buryat male names starting with the letter C:

SAGAADAY - White, light

SAIZHIN (Tib.) - Giving food, giving alms.

SAINBATA - Strong beautiful.

SAINBAYAR - Wonderful joy.

SAINBELIG - Beautiful wisdom.

SAINJARGAL - Wonderful happiness.

SAMBU (Tib.) - Good, kind, beautiful

SAMDAN (Tib.) - The name comes from the Buddhist concept of dhyana-samdan, meaning the initial stage of concentration, meditation, in which the object of concentration completely captures the mind. In a word - reflection, contemplation

SAMPIL (tib.) - Practicing contemplation.

SANGAZHAP (Skt.) - Protected by the community (i.e. the Buddhist sangha).

SANDAG, SANDAK, (Tib.) - Lord of the secret. The epithet of the bodhisattva Vajrapani (bur. Oshor Vani). See explanations for CHAGDAR. -

SANDAN - Same as Samdan

SANJAY (Tib.) - Spreading purity. Tibetan translation of the word Buddha, an epithet of Buddha.

SANJAYJAB (Tib.) - Protected by the Buddha.

SANJADORJO (Tib.) - Diamond Buddha.

SANZHARAGSHA (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Patronage of the Buddha.

SANJID (Tib.) - Cleansing. epithet of fire, water and sacred herb kusha.

SANJIDMA - Feminine form from Sanjid.

SANJIMA (Tib.) - Pure, honest.

SANZHIMITYP (Tib.) - Invincible.

SARAN - Moon.

SARANGEREL - Moonlight, beam.

SARANSESEG - Lunar flower.

SARANTUYA - Lunar dawn.

SARUUL - Most Serene, talented.

SARYUN - Beautiful, magnificent.

SAHIR - Pale, whitish.

SAYAN - In honor of the Sayan Mountains.

SAYANA - The female form of the Saiyans.

SODBO - The same as Zodbo.

SODNOMBAL (Tib.) - Increasing, multiplying spiritual merits.

SODNOM (Tib.) - Spiritual merit, virtues acquired as a result of committing virtuous deeds.

SOEL - Education, upbringing, culture.

SOELMA - Feminine form from Soel.

SOYJIMA - Female form from Soyzhin.

SOYZHIN (Tib.) - Giver of healing, heal the drink.

SOKTO - right - Sogto - Sparkling, lively.

SOLBON - There are two meanings: pla-

neta Venus, which corresponds to Friday and dexterous, agile.

SOLONGO - Rainbow.

SOLTO - Glorious, famous, famous.

SOSOR (Tib.) - Normal.

SRONZON (tib) - Rectilinear, unbending. The name in combination with Gampo (Srontszan Gampo) - the famous king of Tibet of the UP century, who created a vast Tibetan state and was considered the patron of Buddhism.

SUBADI, SUBDA - Pearl, pearl. *

SULTIM (Tib.) - Moral. Buddhist concept of moral purity (thoughts, speech and deeds); one of the paramitas (see Abarmit)

SUMATI (Skt.) - Scientist, educated.

SUMATIRADNA (Skt.) - Precious knowledge, or a treasury of learning. The name of Rinchen Nomtoev (1820-1907) - a prominent Buryat scientist, writer and educator in the second half of the 19th century.

SUMBER (Skt.) - Buryat-Mongolian form from Sumeru - the king of the mountains. The name of the mythical mountain, the center of the universe.

SUNDAR (Tib.) - Spreading instructions.

SURANZAN - Magnet.

SURUN (Tib.) - Protection, amulet.

SUHE - Ax.

SUHEBAATAR - Ax-bogatyr. The name of the Mongolian revolutionary, commander. One of the founders of the Mongolian People's Republic.

SYZHIP (Tib.) - Protected, guarded by life.

SEBEGMID (Tib.) - Eternal life, immeasurable life. Buddha's name is Amitayus, the deity of longevity.

SEMZHED (Tib.) - Pleasing to the mind. An epithet of the goddess Uma, queen of heaven.

SENGE (Sanskrit) - Lev.

SENGEL, SENGELEN - Cheerful, joyful.

SENDEMA (Tib.) - Lion-faced. The name of the heavenly fairy (dakini) of wisdom.

SENHE - Hoarfrost.

SERGELEN - Agile, nimble.

SERZHIMA (Tib.) - Golden.

SERZHIMEDEG (Tib.) - Golden flower.

SEREMZHE - Vigilance, sensitivity.


SESEN - Smart, wise.

SESERLIG - Flower garden, garden.

Buryat male names starting with the letter T:

TABHAI (Tib.) - Skillful, capable.

TAGAR (tib) - White tiger. The name of a deity of the Naga class.

TAMIR - Strength (physical), energy, health.

TAMJID (Tib.) - All-good.

TOGMID, TOGMIT (Tib.) - Having no beginning, the original eternal; epithet of Adibuddha.

TOLON - Ray, brilliance, radiance, purity.

TUBDEN (Tib.) - Teachings of the Buddha, Buddhism.

TUBCHIN, TUBSHIN (Tib.) - Great, holy, epithet of Buddha. .

TUVAN (Tib) - the lord of ascetics, an epithet of Buddha

TUVANDORJO (Tib.) - Diamond lord of ascetics.

TUGALDER - Full, overflowing.

TUGES - Complete, completed.

TUGESBATA - Strong full.

TUGESBAYAN - Full of wealth.

TUGESBAYAR - Full.joy.


TUGESZHARGAL - Complete happiness.

TUGET - Tibetan.

TUDUP, TUDEB (Tib.) - Powerful, magical. . TUDEN (Tib.) - Strong, powerful.

TUMEN - Ten thousand, a lot of abundance.

TUMENBATA - Strong abundance.

TUMENBAYAR - Abundant joy.

TUMENZHARGAL - Abundant happiness.

TUMER - Iron.

TUMERBAATAR - Iron hero.

TUNGALAG - Transparent, clean.

TURGEN - Fast, agile. Wed Turge-sw.

TUSHEMEL - Noble, dignitary, minister.

TUSHIN (Tib.) - The great power of magic.

TUYANA - A stylized form from "tuyaa" - yelling, rays of light, radiance

TEMULEN - Rushing forward, swift. The name of the daughter of Genghis Khan (1153-1227).

TEHE - goat.

Buryat male names starting with the letter U:

UBASHI (Skt.) - A layman who has taken> beta.

UDBAL (Skt.) - Blue lotus.

UEN - Ermine.

ULZY - Spreading happiness. . ULZYZHARGAL - Happiness.

ULEMZHE - Many, abundance. The planet Mer-Ury, which corresponds to the environment.

UNERMA - Happy.

UNERSAIKHAN - Beautiful happiness.

URZHAN (Tib.) - Head decoration, crown.

URZHIMA (Tib.) - Diadem.

URIN - Gentle, affectionate, friendly.

URINBAYAR - Gentle joy.

URINGEREL - Gentle light.

URINJARGAL - Gentle happiness.

URINSESEG - Delicate flower.

URINTUYA - Gentle dawn.

UYANGA - Flexible, plastic, melodic.

Buryat male names starting with the letter X:

KHADAN (Tib.) - Having gods, an epithet of Lhasa.

HAZHID (Tib.) - A celestial being in heaven.

KHAJIDMA - Feminine form from Khazhid.

HAYBZAN (Tib.) - Spiritual person, monk, scholar and righteous.

HAYDAB, HAYDAP (Tib.) - Clever, holy.

HAYDAN (Tib.) - Wise, persistent.

HAIMCHIG (Tib.) - An outstanding connoisseur, a famous scientist.

HAMATSYREN (from Lhamanyren) (Tib.) - Goddess of long life.

KHANDA (Tib.) - Marching through the sky; epithet of the sun.

HANDAZHAP (Tib.) - Patronized by a heavenly fairy (dakine).

KHANDAMA (Tib.) - Dakinis, heavenly fairies,

female deities. Literally: marching through the sky.

HASH - Chalcedony.

KHASHBAATAR - Chalcedony hero. The name of the famous Mongol commander during the creation of the Mongolian People's Republic.

HONGOR - Sweet, charming, affectionate.

KHORLO (Tib.) - Circle, wheel.

HUBDAI - Amber.

HUBISHAL - Change, change.

KHUBITA - Having a destiny.

KHULAN - Antelope. The name of one of the wives of Genghis Khan.

HUREL - Bronze.

KHURELBAATAR - Bronze hero.

HUYAG - Mail, armor.

HERMAN - Squirrel.

HASHEGTE - Happiness, prosperity, mercy.

Tsokto - The same as So who.

Buryat male names starting with the letter C:

TSYBEGMIT - The same as Sabegmid.

CYBAN, TSEBEN (Tib.) - Lord of life.

TSYBIK, TSEBEG (Tib.) - Immortal.

TSIBIKZHAB, TSEBEGZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by immortality, eternity.

TSYDEN, TSEDEN (Tib.) - Strong life.

TSYDENBAL, TSEDENBAL (Tib.) - Increasing strong life.

TSYDENJAB, TSEDENJAB (Tib.) - Protected by a strong life ..

TSYDENDAMBA, TSEDENDAMBA (Tib.) - Holy strong life.

Tsydeneshi, Tsedeneshi (Tib.) - Omniscience of a strong life.

TSYDYP, TSEDEB (Tib.) - Lifegiver.

TSYMBAL (Tib.) - Prosperity. It is also often found as - Symbel.

CHICKEN (Tib.) - Multiplying life.

TSIREMZHIT, TSEREMZHIT (Tib.) - Happiness, the benefit of a long life. ■ TSIREN, TSEREN (Tib) - Long life.

TSIRENDASHI, TSERENDASHA (Tib.) - Prosperity of a long life.

TSIRENDORZHO, TSERENDORZHO (Tib.) - Diamond of long life.

TSIRENDULMA, TSERENDULMA (Tib.) - Long life of the liberator, i.e. White Tara.

TSIRENDYZHID, TSERENDEZHED (Tib.) - Prosperous long life.

TSYRENZHAB, TSERENZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by a long life.

TSYRETOR (Tib.) - Treasury of long life.

CYRMA - The female form from Tsyren, although there is also a form of Tsyrenma.

TsEPEL (Tib.) - Prolonging life.

TSERIGMA (Tib.) - Healer.

CEREMPIL (Tib.) - Multiplying long life.

Buryat male names starting with the letter H:

CHAGDAR (Tib.) - With a vajra in his hand. The name of Vajrapani (Oshorvani), an angry deity, symbolizing strength, destroying ignorance.

CHIMBE - Form from Zhimbe.

CHIMIT (Tib) - Immortal.

CHIMITDORJI (Tib.) - Diamond of immortality.

CHIMITTSU is the female form of Chimit.

CHINGIS - The name of the man of the millennium, the founder of the Great Mongolian state.

CHOYBALSAN (Tib) - A wonderfully flourishing teaching.

CHOIBON - The same as Shoibon.

CHOYZHOL, CHOYZHIL (Tib.) - The king who rules according to the teachings. Serves as an epithet for Yama, the lord of the realm of the dead.

CHOYJON (Tib.) - Defender of religion.

CHOYMPEL (Tib.) - Spreading the Teaching.

CHOYNJIN (Tib.) - Religious offering, alms.

CHOINKHOR - Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit word "dharmachakra", i.e. "Wheel of Buddha's Teachings". This is one of the widespread attributes, symbolizing the preaching of Buddhist teachings. The Choinhor (Khorlo) symbol is installed on the pediment of Buddhist temples, accompanied by a lying fallow deer and a deer, which is associated with the first sermon of the Buddha in the "Deer Park" in Benares. The eight spokes of the wheel symbolize the "noble eightfold path" commanded in this sermon: - righteous view; righteous behavior; righteous determination; righteous speech; righteous lifestyle; righteous effort; righteous awareness; righteous contemplation. It is also the name of the path along which pilgrims make a detour around Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, and the prayer wheel.

CHONSRUN (Tib.) - Protecting the teaching.

Buryat male names starting with the letter Sh:

SHAGDAR - Form from Chagdar.

SHAGI (Tib.) - A Buddhist term meaning a mystical gesture - mudra - a certain position "of the hand and fingers of Buddhist saints and lamas. Literally: the sign of the fingers of the hand.

SHIRAB, SHIRAP (Tib.) - Intuition; wisdom.

SHIRABSENGE (Tib. - Skt.) - Lion of wisdom.

SHIRIDARMA (Skt.) - Excellent Teaching.

SHODON (Tib.) - Buryat form from the Tibetan "chorten". Chorten (Skt. stupa) is a Buddhist ritual structure of certain proportions, erected over the relics of the Buddha, great holy lamas, etc. We are better known under the name "suburgan."

SHOEN (Tib.) - The sphere of religion.

SHOIBON (Tib.) - A subject of the Teaching, a follower of the Buddhist Teaching.

SHOIDAGBA (Tib.) - Preacher.

SHOJON - The same as Choijon.

Shoizhinima (Tib.) - The Sun of the Teaching.

SHOINKHOR - The same as Choinhor.

SHONO - Wolf.

SHULUUN - Stone.

SHULUUNBATA - Strong stone.


SHULUUNSESEG - Stone flower.

Buryat male names starting with the letter E:

EDIR - Young, young.

EILDER - Kind, delicate, courteous.

ELBEG - Abundant, abundant.

ELDEB-OCHIR (Mongolian-Skt.) - The Mongolian version of the name Natsagdorzhi, used along with it.

ENHE - Calm, prosperous.

ENHEAMGALAN - Prosperous calmness. Name of the Manchu Emperor Kangxi of the 17th century.

ENHEBATA - Strong well-being.

ENHEBAATAR - Peaceful hero.

ENHEBAYAR - Joyful well-being.

ENHEBULAD - Peaceful steel.

ENKHEZHARGAL - Happy well-being.

ENKHETAIBAN - Prosperous world.

ENHEREL - Tenderness.

ERDEM - Science, knowledge.

ERDEMBAYAR - Joyful knowledge.

ERDEMZHARGAL - Happy knowledge.

ERDENI - Jewel, treasure.

ERDENIBATA - Solid jewel.

ERZHENA - A stylized form from the Buryat "erzhen" - mother of pearl.

ERHETE - Full.

ETIGEL - Reliable.

YuM (Tib.) - Has several meanings: in-

first - mother, secondly - shakti, divine power (the creative female aspect of the supreme deity - Shiva), thirdly - as a Buddhist term - higher knowledge, intuition is an all-encompassing female source from which everything flows and where everything returns). Finally, fourthly, Yum is the name of the third part of "Gan-chzhur". The name Hume rarely occurs separately, mainly in complex compositions.

Buryat male names starting with the letter Yu:

YUMDOLGOR (Tib.) - Mother - White savior, i.e. White Tara (bur: Sagaan Dara-Ehe).

YUMDORJI (Tib.) - Diamond (vajra) of intuition.

YUMDYLYK (Tib.) - Happiness, well-being of the mother.

YUMZHANA (Tib.) - Ornament of the mother, or the eye of intuition.

UMZHAP (Tib.) - Patronized by higher knowledge.

YUMZHID (Tib.) - Mother's happiness.

YUMSUN, YUMSUM (Tib.) - The Queen Mother.

YUNDUN (tib,) - Its first meaning is the mystical cross, the swastika, which is one of the oldest Indian symbols of prosperity); the second is immutable, indestructible.

Buryat male names starting with the letter I:

YABZHAN (Tib.) - Decoration of the father.

YAMPIL (Tib) - Multiplying the melody.

YANDAN (Tib.) - Melodic, sonorous.

YANZHIMA (Tib.) - Lady of the melody, with a melodic voice. Epithet Sarasva-ti, goddess of eloquence, chants, patroness of arts and sciences.

YANZHIN - The same as Yanzhima.

YANJAY (Tib.) - A wonderful melody.

What are the names of the Buryats and Buryats today?

Quantitative characteristics: statistics, popularity ratings.

First, we will deal with the names of adult representatives of the Buryat nation, and then we will deal with the names of children of kindergarten age and newborns. Public data was used to estimate the frequency with which certain names are encountered in the preparation of this article. Their volume is not very large, but the overall picture helped to clarify well.

Part I

As of March 2017, there were 608 employees in the general list of the teaching staff of ESGUTU (East Siberian State University of Technology and Management, Ulan-Ude) (see on the university website). Of these, at least 561 had Buryat roots (193 men and 368 women). - The following were used as differentiating features: personal name, patronymic, surname and photo image (taken together, these four features make it possible with a high probability to attribute one or another man and woman from the above list to the Buryat ethnic group).

What did further analysis show?

By men. Out of 193 Buryat men, 59 people have Buryat and Turkic personal names, and 134 people have Russian and European personal names. The most common Buryat names among the employees of the university were Bair and Dorji (4 people each); Bator and Bato (3 people each); the names Ayur, Zhargal, Solbon, Timur, Tsyren, Genghis (2 people each); the rest of the names are singular. And among Russian names, more often than others, there were- Alexander (11 people); Alexey (10 people); Vladimir and Sergey (9 people each); Valery and Yuri (7 people each); Vyacheslav (6 people); Boris, Gennady, Mikhail, Nikolai, Peter, Eduard (5 people each).

By women. Of the 368 university employees who are of Buryat nationality, only 85 bear Buryat and Turkic personal names. The remaining 283 women have Russian and European personal names. The most common Buryat names for women- professors and teachers are Tuyana (9 people); Darima (8 people); Erzhen (including variants), Oyun and Sesegma (7 people each), Ayun (6 people), Aryun and Sayan (4 people each). As for Russian names, we met more often than others b - Elena (27 people); Irina (23 people); Tatyana (22 people); Svetlana (20 people); Natalia + Natalia (21 people); Olga (18 people); Lyudmila and Larisa (12 people each). A detailed list is given below.

men, prof.-teaching staff of ESSUTU:

Buryat names quantity Russian names quantity
1 Aldar 1 Alexander 11
2 Arsalan 1 Alexei 10
3 ayur 2 Anatoly 4
4 badma 1 Andrey 4
5 bair 4 Arkady 3
6 Bato 3 Boris 5
7 Bator 3 Valery 7
8 Bayanzhargal 1 Benjamin 1
9 Bulat 1 Victor 3
10 Buryal 1 Vitaly 1
11 Garma 1 Vladimir 9
12 Racer 1 Vladislav 2
13 Daba 1 Vyacheslav 6
14 Dabanima 1 Gennady 5
15 Dagba 1 George 2
16 Dashadondok 1 Gregory 1
17 Dashi 1 Dmitriy 4
18 Dorzha 1 Eugene 4
19 Dorji 4 jean 1
20 Zhargal 2 Igor 3
21 Zorikto 1 Innocent 2
22 namsaray 1 Konstantin 2
23 Nasak 1 Leonid 1
24 Radna 1 Maksim 1
25 Sanji 1 Mark 1
26 Saiyan 1 Michael 5
27 Solbon 2 Nicholas 5
28 Senge 1 Oleg 1
29 Timur 2 Peter 5
30 Tumen 1 Rodion 1
31 Undrach 1 Novel 2
32 Tsybik 1 Ruslan 1
33 Tsyden 1 Sergey 9
34 Tsydenzhab 1 Edward 5
35 Tsyren 2 Yuri 7
36 Chimit 1
37 Genghis 2
38 Shagdar 1
39 Shin-Bysyril 1
40 Enhe 1
41 Erdem 1
42 Erdeni 1
43 Etigil 1
Total: 59 Total: 134

women, prof.-teaching staff of ESSUTU:

Buryat names quantity Russian names quantity
1 Alima 1 Alexandra 1
2 Altana 1 Alla 1
3 Arjuna 4 Albina 1
4 Aryuna 1 Anastasia 1
5 Ayuna 6 Angela 1
6 Bairma 2 Anna 7
7 Baljima 2 Valentine 10
8 Bayana 1 Valeria 1
9 Bayarma 1 Venus 1
10 Gunsim 1 Faith 5
11 Gerelma 1 Veronica 1
12 Gesegma 1 Victoria 5
13 Dara 1 Vladislav 1
14 Darima 8 Galina 9
15 Dolgogorzhap 1 Diana 1
16 Dyzhid 1 Evgenia 4
17 dema 1 Catherine 10
18 Zhargal 1 Elena 27
19 Zhargalma 1 Elizabeth 3
20 zorygma 1 Jeanne 1
21 Madegma 1 Ida 1
22 Namjilma 1 Inga 2
23 Oyuna 7 Inessa 1
24 Oyuuna 2 Inna 3
25 Rajana 1 Irina 23
26 Sayana 4 And I 1
27 Soelma 2 Clara 1
28 Syndyma 1 Larisa 12
29 Sirema 1 Lydia 2
30 Sysegma 1 Lily 1
31 Sesag 2 Laura 1
32 Sesegma 7 Love 7
33 Tuyana 9 Ludmila 12
34 Tsyrenhanda 1 Mayan 1
35 Tsytsygma 1 Marina 7
36 Erzhen 4 Maria 4
37 Erzheni 2 Hope 10
38 Erzhena 1 Natalia 2
39 Natalia 19
40 Nina 2
41 Oksana 1
42 October 1
43 Olga 18
44 Pauline 1
45 Renata 1
46 Svetlana 20
47 Sofia 4
48 Tamara 3
49 Tatiana 22
50 Feodosia 1
51 Elvira 3
52 Juliana 1
53 Julia 4
Total: 85 Total: 283

Why male and female lists names (nominal names) have such a limited volume, the explanation is simple: the age of the group of people under consideration is 25-65 years old, they were born in 1950-1990, that is, in the Soviet period, when uniformity was firmly planted in all spheres of life, and it was not particularly customary to stand out (including baby names). Everyone followed the unwritten standards and rules, including young parents. And especially city dwellers.

Names that adult Buryats wear today (aged 25-60).

Part II

And in the "outback" the picture is somewhat different: in the same age group (25-60 years old), male and female names have a larger volume and national identity. Let's get the numbers. For the analysis, the lists (protocols) of the Buryat National Festival "Altargana-2016" were used, in which participants of sports events from all administrative entities in the area of ​​residence of the Buryat people (several urban and more than 30 rural areas of the Republic of Buryatia, Irkutsk region, Trans-Baikal Territory, Mongolia and China).

Protocols for three types of competitions turned out to be available for study // see links to pdf documents: 1) shooting from the national bow, 2) Buryat chess (shatar) and 3) heer shaalgan (breaking the spinal bone, in this form almost all participants are men) //. In total, these protocols contain information about 517 participants: 384 men and 133 women (full names, surnames, age).

An analysis of the available data shows:

By men. Out of 384 men, Buryat personal names were recorded in 268 people, and Russian and European - in 116 people. The most common Buryat names among the participants competitions were Bair (23), Zorigto + Zorikto (10), Bato, Bayaskhalan and Jargal (9 people each); Bator and Genghis (8 people each); Beligto and Dorzhi, along with options (6 people each); Tumen (5 people); Bulat, Garma, Rinchin, Erdem (4 people each). - Vladimir (13), Alexander and Valery (9 each); Sergey (7); Victor and Nikolay (6 each); the names Alexey, Dmitry, Yuri (5 each); Anatoly, Igor, Oleg (4 each). A detailed list is given below.

By women. Out of 133 women at Altargan-2016 (national archery and chess), 68 participants had Buryat personal names, and 65 had Russian and European ones. The most common Buryat names among the participants competitions were Arjuna (6); Oyuna (4); Tuyana, as well as Bairma and Dyntsyma, along with options (3 people each); the following names met twice: Balzhima, Gerelma, Darima, Dulma, Soelma, Seseg, Sesegma, Tungulag, Erzhena, Yanzhima. The most common Russian names- Galina (7), Elena (6); Olga (5); the names Victoria, Love, Marina (4 each); Anna and Nadezhda (3 each). A detailed list is given below.

men, participants of the festival "Altargana-2016"

(archery, heer shaalgan and chess):

Buryat names quantity Russian names quantity
1 Agu 1 Alexander 9
2 Aldar 3 Alexei 5
3 Amarsaikhan 1 Anatoly 4
4 Amgalan 3 Andrey 3
5 Ardan 2 Anton 2
6 Arsalan 2 Arkady 1
7 ayur 2 Arsenty 1
8 Ayusha (1), Ayusha (1) 2 African 1
9 Babudorji 1 Boris 3
10 badma 2 Vadim 1
11 Badma-Dorzho 1 Valery 9
12 Badmazhap 1 Basil 1
13 Badma-Tsyren 1 Victor 6
14 Bazaar 1 Vitaly 2
15 Bazarguro 1 Vladimir 13
16 bair 23 Vladislav 1
17 Bair Belikto 1 Vyacheslav 1
18 bairzhap 1 Gennady 2
19 Bairt 1 George 1
20 Baldan 1 Gregory 1
21 Baldanzhap 1 Danil 1
22 Balzhinima 1 Denis 1
23 Balchin 1 Dmitriy 5
24 Bato 9 Ivan 1
25 Batobolot 1 Igor 4
26 Batodorji 1 Ilya 1
27 Bato-Zhargal 1 Kim 1
28 Batomunko (1), Batomunko (1) 2 Clement 1
29 Bator 8 Maksim 1
30 Bato Tsyren 1 Michael 3
31 Accordion 1 Nicholas 6
32 Bayar Erden 1 Oleg 4
33 Bayarzhap 1 Peter 2
34 Bayaskhalan 9 Ruslan 1
35 Bimba 1 Sergey 7
36 Bolod (1), Bolot (2) 3 Stanislav 2
37 Buda 2 Taras 1
38 Bulad 1 Timothy 1
39 Bulat 4 Edward 1
40 Buyanto 2 Yuri 5
41 Belikto (1), Beligto (3), Bilikto (1), Biligto (1) 6
42 Wanchik 1
43 Wilicton 1
44 Garma 4
45 Garmazhap 1
46 Gombo (1), Gombe (1) 2
47 Gongor 1
48 Racer 1
49 Geser 2
50 Daba 1
51 Dabaa Hood 1
52 Dalai 2
53 Dam 3
54 Damdin 1
55 Damdin-Tsyren 1
56 Dandar 2
57 Danzan 2
58 dharma 2
59 Dashgyn 1
60 Dashi 1
61 Dashidorjo 1
62 Dashi Nima 1
63 Dashirabdan 1
64 Dimchik 1
65 Dondok 2
66 Dorji (5), Dorzho (1) 6
67 Dugar 2
68 Dugarzhap 1
69 Dugartsyren 1
70 Dylgyr (1), Delger (1) 2
71 Dymbryl 1
72 Dymbryl-Dor 1
73 Zhalsyp 1
74 Zhamsaran 1
75 Zhargal 9
76 Zhembe (1), Zhimba (1) 2
77 Zayata 1
78 Zorigto (8), Zorikto (2) 10
79 Zorigtobaatar 1
80 Lopson 1
81 Lubsan 1
82 Lubsan Nima 1
83 Manhbat 1
84 Minzhur 1
85 Munko 3
86 Munkozhargal (1), Munko-Zhargal (1) 2
87 Mergen 2
88 Nasag 1
89 Nasan 1
90 Nima 2
91 Nima Sambu 1
92 Ochir 2
93 Ochir-Erdene 1
94 Purbo 1
95 Rinchin 4
96 Rygzyn 1
97 samba 1
98 Samdan 1
99 sandan 1
100 Sange 1
101 Saiyan 3
102 Sogto-Yeravna 1
103 Sodnom 1
104 Solbon 1
105 Sangdorji 1
106 Timur 2
107 Tudup 1
108 Tumen 5
109 Tumer 1
110 hashto 2
111 Tsokto-Gerel 1
112 Tsybikzhap 2
113 Tsydenbal 1
114 Tsyden-Dorzhi 1
115 Tsydyp 1
116 Tsympil 1
117 Tsyren 3
118 Tsyrendorzho (1), Tsyren-Dorzhi (1) 2
119 Tsyrenzhap 1
120 Chimdyk 1
121 Chimid 1
122 Chimit-Dorzho 1
123 Genghis 8
124 Shagdar 1
125 Elback 1
126 Enhe 3
127 Erdem 4
128 Erdeni 3
129 Yumdylyk 1
Total: 268 Total: 116

women, participants of the festival "Altargana-2016"

(archery and chess):

Buryat names quantity Russian names quantity
1 yeah 1 Alexandra 1
2 Aglag 1 Angelica 1
3 Ajigma 1 Anna 3
4 Arjuna 6 Valentine 2
5 Ayuna 1 Valeria 2
6 Ayagma 1 Faith 1
7 Balzhima (1), Balzhima (1) 2 Victoria 4
8 Bayarma (1), Bayarma (2) 3 Galina 7
9 butid 1 Daria 2
10 Butidma 1 Catherine 2
11 Gerel 1 Elena 6
12 Gerelma 2 Jeanne 1
13 Dari 1 Inna 1
14 Darizhab 1 Irina 2
15 Darima 2 Lydia 1
16 Dolgor 1 Laura 1
17 Dolgorzhab 1 Love 4
18 Dulma 2 Ludmila 2
19 Densima (1), Densema (1), Dyntsyma (1) 3 Marina 4
20 Zhargalma 1 Maria 2
21 zorygma 1 Hope 3
22 Irinchina 1 Natalia 1
23 Lygzhima 1 Nellie 1
24 Madegma 1 Olga 5
25 Namjilma 1 Svetlana 2
26 Othon-Tugs 1 Tatiana 2
27 Oyuna 4 Eleanor 1
28 Oyuun-Gerel 1 Julia 1
29 Rinchin Khanda 2
30 Sayana 1
31 Soelma 2
32 Salmag 1
33 Sesag 2
34 Sesegma 2
35 Tungulag (1), Tungalag (1) 2
36 Tuyana 3
37 Urzhima 1
38 Khazhidma 1
39 Handa-Tsyren 1
40 Cyregma 1
41 Tsyremzhit 1
42 Tsyren 1
43 Erzhen 2
44 Yanzhima 2
Total: 69 Total: 65

The lists of names of participants in sporting events within the framework of the Altargana-2016 festival differ in size from similar lists for ESSUTU(V men's list"Altargans" are noticeably larger than the Buryat names, and in the female - noticeably less Russian):

- a total of 169 male names (of which 129 are Buryat names, from Agu to Yumdylyk; Russian names - 40, from Alexander to Yuri);

- a total of 72 female names (of which 44 are Buryat names, from Aga to Yanzhim; Russian names - 28, from Alexander to Julius).