High-tech letters. High-tech interior design - basic principles, features and applications depending on the room

Translated from in English the word "hi-tech" means nothing more than "high technology". Hi-tech style is a fairly young style that was formed at the end of the last century. Distinctive features high-tech style are absolute functionality and the absence of any decorative elements, which are more than offset by chrome surfaces and the play of light. It should also be noted that high-tech style is almost never used in pure form for arranging a residential interior due to some coldness and even lifelessness. But on the basis of high-tech style, you can create very cozy and harmonious interiors.

So, in order to furnish the interior in high-tech style, you need to know exactly what features are characteristic of this unusual style. Let's list the most significant and significant: simple and most clear geometry (applies not only to walls, but also to furniture); use of industrial building materials (concrete, plastic, glass); Availability metal structures, sometimes bare concrete or brick walls; built-in furniture, sliding doors and partitions; abundance lighting fixtures, which can be installed both on the ceiling and on the walls, and even in the floor.

Consider several options for arranging high-tech style using the example of certain rooms. Let's start with the living room - one of the most important rooms in the house. In the photo below you can see living room, made in high-tech style: cold white and gray tones, glossy floors, simple-shaped furniture, large windows, simple curtains and an abundance of light. If desired, in such a living room you can add a few bright elements in the form of a couple of pillows or decorative figures more juicy flowers. Also, bright fragments may contain walls, floors or cabinet furniture. The main thing is not to overdo it, because a large number of bright colors will make the room too pretentious and clumsy, depriving its design of the proud title of "hi-tech".

High-tech bedroom will always have an extremely simple, rational, but at the same time fashionable and sophisticated look, which is confirmed by the photo below. This bedroom design option can be supplemented with a multi-level lighting system, which is typical of high-tech style.

No less stylish and original look will have high-tech kitchen, which also has excellent practicality and functionality through the use of durable and wear-resistant materials. Most often, the interior of a high-tech kitchen is based on laconic elegance. Often, high-tech style is combined with minimalism style.

Hi-tech in the interior - ultra-modern style for city dwellers

The Hi-Tech direction arose in architecture and design in the last decades of the 20th century, its name is translated from English as "high technologies".

Application and basis of style

Initially, the style was applied in urban architecture, emphasizing the cold beauty industrial buildings. In the design of home and office interiors, he transferred character traits urban design. For example, public display of air ducts, pipes, fittings.

For many, the design of a high-tech apartment seems too strict, dry, even lifeless. But it is precisely on the basis of this strict direction that it is possible to create original and cozy interiors.

High-tech style design is minimalism, ergonomics, up-to-date Construction Materials and advanced technology, light and space.

Distinctive features - the absence of decor and the dominance of functionality. High-tech in the interior of the apartment focuses on the shape and texture of architectural details, objects, leaving in the background color scheme and drawing. From materials, it makes it possible to freely experiment with combinations of glass, metal and plastic.

Wall decoration in high-tech interiors

The rooms in this style are spacious, without any ornaments and other decorative details on the walls.

White color usually dominates, but sometimes black or gray serves as the basic background.

Neutral and pale shades act as additions:

  • cream,
  • golden yellow,
  • light coffee, etc.

On hi-tech walls, interior design does not recognize any decorations, except maybe black and white photos in a vintage metal frame or modern hand-drawn abstraction.


To embody the high-tech style in the interior, Special attention devote to the arrangement of ceilings. They should be

  • strict geometric shape,
  • in several levels
  • with prepared places for hidden lighting and installation of halogen lamps.

This task is perfectly handled by obedient in work and durable drywall in operation.

Mirrors and reflections

In the design of hi-tech style, mirror and reflective surfaces are quite actively used. They diffuse light and visually increase the space of the house. You can decorate with mirrors and gloss not only vertical planes, but also, for example, the ceiling.

This an important part high-tech interior. Numerous recessed luminaires or combinations of recessed and pendant halogen lamps are mounted.

The main condition is simplicity and ease.

The lack of decor is compensated by the originality of materials, the play of light, the brilliance of metal surfaces. High-tech ceiling lamps made of milky or colored are perfect for the interior of the house. frosted glass uncomplicated forms in combination with the same dishes and vases.

Also different from the usual. Curtains, tulle and our style are incompatible.

Blinds are mainly installed: horizontal or vertical.

And fabric curtains, if they are added, are only plain and simple in texture and style.

Maybe someone will find this design too dry and more reminiscent of an office. But therein lies the charm of high-tech interior design. Simplicity, functionality and no frills.

You should choose a solid color, and the color scheme should be kept in soothing colors. fit modern tiles and porcelain stoneware.

But a carpet with a traditional classic pattern will look out of place. Realizing the high-tech style in the interior of the apartment, it is better to opt for plain carpets or carpets. Especially effective are models with a large pile, imitations of fur or the natural skin of an animal.


Must be movable modern materials and with glass insert. For insertion, tinted glass is best suited. Sliding doors and partitions - convenient and functional.

They allow you to save space, visually increase it and even make it possible to transform. In the design of a high-tech apartment, they are often used as a mobile partition between the living room and the kitchen: if desired, two rooms instantly turn into a single whole.


Furnishing apartments in the hi-tech style in the interior is a combination of the correct geometry of shapes with the uniformity of colors.

  • It should be as functional and comfortable as possible.
  • Surfaces are dominated by flat and smooth surfaces.
  • The role of jewelry is played by shiny, silver or metal fittings.

Common solution when cushioned furniture contrasting red or of blue color creates the effect of a bright spot in the room. At the same time, only one piece of furniture can wear such an accent.

In high-tech interior design, there are no familiar cabinets and walls for everyone. But furniture is very useful in the setting. modular system, which can be easily transformed at the request of the owners, as well as embedded storage systems.

An interior aquarium with exotic inhabitants or an electric fireplace will help to decorate the design in high-tech style. And modern television or acoustic system, a personal computer and other office equipment will fit into the environment quite organically.

High-tech house design: recapping the main features

In the organization of space, a simple and clear geometry can be traced. The same principle applies to the selection of interior items.

  • Sliding partitions help to transform the internal volume, uniting and delimiting functional areas.
  • The decoration is dominated by glass, plastic, metal, concrete, which are more typical for industrial buildings.
  • Bare brick or concrete walls, pieces of fittings are absolutely appropriate in the design of a high-tech room.
  • In the construction of stairs bookshelves, tables are welcome metal profiles in the form of tubes with a square or round section.
  • Furniture needs mobile, built-in, often - the same color shade as the surrounding walls. Chrome and glass inserts support the overall design.
  • Light sources should be used in abundance: on the ceiling, on the walls, in the floor. Their task is to fill the room with light, creating a feeling of lightness and spaciousness in the interior. Recessed lighting can also be present in furniture.

For whom is high-tech style in the interior?

Hi-tech style in the design of apartments and houses is most often the choice of modern urban residents who feel comfortable in a discreet, minimalist environment with a predominance of neutral shades, clear shapes, glass and chrome.

See more than 1,700 photos of apartment design and 1,500 photos of interior design of houses in various styles - including high-tech.

The high-tech style in the interior became popular during the technological revolution in the world, so its fundamental principles are the use of the latest technology and the functionality of all elements. In a room decorated in this style, one cannot find the usual decor; it has been replaced by plasma TVs and high-tech panels.

At the moment, in its pure form, high-tech is quite rare. Designers prefer to dilute it with other directions (neoclassic, pop art, avant-garde, others). This is necessary to add coziness to the room, because the high-tech interior is quite strict. Often offices successful companies are drawn up in this design direction to show prestige and status.

Functionality and rigor of form - the credo of high-tech design

History of high-tech style

Hi-tech began its development in the 1970s in the UK. Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, Nicholas Grimshaw are considered one of the most famous practitioners of this direction. They brought to life the idea of ​​a house that would reflect scientific and technological progress. At first, this style was applicable to architecture and only a dozen years later it became popular in the interior of apartments.

Objects that embody the progressive ideas of this direction were erected before its emergence. These include the architectural structures of Le Corbusier and Renzo Piano. Architects used metal carcass, concrete blocks, which was an innovation in construction and set the stage for the development of high-tech.

This direction in design is characterized by an extreme degree of practicality. The interior of the room looked somewhat dry due to the lack of greenery and colorful decor, so they were in no hurry to decorate high-tech housing. At first, it was used mainly by offices of well-known companies. Thanks to this, high-tech gradually began to be associated with success and well-being.

At first, hi-tech was an office style

After the successful introduction of style into office life, it has become more popular in residential areas. In order to keep up with fashion trends, many apartment owners began to design living rooms, bedrooms and even high-tech kitchens. Such dwellings looked trendy thanks to the use advanced technologies and new materials. Gradually, technological design moved from noisy metropolitan areas to the periphery.

Now in this direction, both apartments and houses are often drawn up. The interior looks rather austere due to the lack of extra details. It is acceptable to decorate the living room, bedroom, bathroom with metal figurines, photo frames. For a bedroom, this style of interior design is quite unusual. However, such a room looks modern and fashionable.

High-tech design features

Hi-tech differs from modernism, classics, country music by the absence of a decorative shell, the presence of expressive lines. The space in the room is used to the maximum, so all things should have some kind of functional value.

Bulky furniture will have to be abandoned, it is better to choose models that can transform. For example, modular sofas or small coffee table, which, thanks to simple manipulations, turns into a full-fledged large table.

The main used materials of artificial origin: glass, plastic, metal, concrete. An exception is textiles: the use of linen, silk bedspreads is acceptable. However, even fabric must be produced using advanced technology. You can purchase curtains with a special impregnation that repels dust, dirt and moisture.

Five fundamental principles of high-tech style in the interior:

  • minimalism- only four colors are used, the walls are painted in one tone, the wallpaper is selected without patterns and patterns;

High-tech is extremely minimalistic: laconic furniture, few colors in the decoration

  • manufacturability- the room is filled with modern appliances, furniture;

  • space- large windows, compact furniture are installed in the room;
  • practicality- The apartment should have a lot of storage space. Every centimeter of space is used as practical as possible, while you can not overload the space with unnecessary details;

Finish options

A high-tech room should have smooth walls, so all the shortcomings will have to be corrected with plaster, drywall. It is also typical to use a simple finish without unnecessary details in the form of bas-reliefs, paintings. Apply to the walls white paint or smooth decorative plaster. Walls can be cleaned down to concrete and left straight in this form. Sometimes wallpaper is used, but bright colors are strictly prohibited. To dilute the monotony of the walls, hang monochrome clocks, frames with black and white photos or stylish paintings.

Smooth white walls are common for high-tech design

High-tech flooring options:

For the ceiling, a stretch matte or glossy white canvas is used. This is very convenient, because in this case, leveling the ceiling is not required. If the surface is already flat, it is painted or plastered.

Smooth white ceiling - a common thing for high-tech

High-tech furniture

High-tech furniture is different unusual design, high technology. The main materials are plastic, glass, aluminum. The shape can be different: from a simple cube to curved lines and spheres.

It is worth choosing furniture with clear geometric shapes

A high-tech bedroom should be equipped with an unusual bed, which, for example, slides out of a closet or seems to float in the air due to a special fastening. A futuristic look is always welcome!

The lighting under the bed looks beautiful: this way the furniture seems lighter, more airy. The use of built-in wardrobes is encouraged. The program for creating a wardrobe will help you create the perfect one.

Kitchen set has a large number of lockers that open with a simple click on the panel. Dinner Zone equipped round table or a laconic rectangular model. Chairs in the kitchen are usually made of metal and plastic, they have an unusual shape.

High-tech kitchen is plastic and strict forms

In the living room you can purchase a modular wardrobe, a sofa-transformer, glass shelves. Pay special attention to the choice of chairs, as there are a large number suitable options. A one-color lounge chair without legs can be placed near the window and arrange a kind of relaxation area. plastic chair in the form of a hemisphere with soft pillows inside, it is better to install in the corner of the room near the glass shelves with books. If the apartment has an electric fireplace, then put a rocking chair on metal legs nearby.

High-tech decor

Decorative elements are practically not used, but there are exceptions:

  • ✔ large plastic-framed paintings with cityscapes;
  • ✔ high lamp of strict form;
  • hardware;
  • ✔ floor glass vase;
  • ✔ full length mirror.

It is not necessary to use all the options presented, you can limit yourself to a lamp and a picture. The main thing is to maintain the color scheme and successfully arrange the scenery. The role of decorating the room is played by various gadgets: speakers, humidifier and others.

Lamps and appliances become decor

Use glass partitions to separate functional areas in a room or separate rooms. They are different types: matte, transparent, tinted, pasted over with a film. Such sliding systems look much better than blank walls with closed doors, they help save space and fill the apartment with light.

Glass sliding partitions perfectly zoned space

What colors to use

The room is decorated in classic combination colors: white and black. These two shades should be the main ones in the interior. High-tech involves the use of metal elements, so the color of silver can also be present in the design of the room. Walls and ceiling should be only white, furniture can be black, white or gray.

To refresh the urban orientation of the style, designers dilute the interior with bright details - a tall living flower, blue or ultramarine pillows, lilac lighting.

Sea-green pillows enliven the interior

Kitchen sets in this style direction in the last ten to fifteen years have been equipped with cabinets in red, green, yellow and other bright colors. The severity of forms and clarity of lines remain unchanged. The bedroom can also have bright accents in the form of a headboard or an armchair, made in a solid saturated color.


The room should be filled with light, which emphasizes the shiny surfaces. To do this, on the ceiling, in addition to the main light source, additional Spotlights. The chandelier can be chosen with clear graphic lines or in the form of geometric shapes.

Additional lighting emphasizes high-tech style

It is worth giving preference to lamps made of glass, plastic, chrome-plated metal. The main light source is placed on the ceiling, and spotlights are mounted in special niches on the wall or in the floor. To scatter a clearly directed beam, use mirror surfaces, which also help to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment due to reflection.

LED models, designed as hanging rings, remain popular. Also often used modular chandeliers of an unusual shape. To illuminate individual parts of the room, LED backlighting is used with the ability to control brightness, color and light mode.

Hi-tech style is suitable for people who keep up with the times and follow the development of technology. Despite the external conciseness of the interior, repairs in this manner will be quite expensive. This is due to the use of modern technical equipment: the system " smart House”, a TV with a large plasma screen, an electric fireplace. As a rule, an apartment in this design direction emphasizes the high status of the owners.

You can save money during repairs by using the Interior Design 3D program. It was created to design the design of rooms with different layouts. You can download the program on our website. The product allows you to choose optimal location furniture in the room, decide on necessary materials for finishing. The program also has a budgeting function.

High-tech style apartment project in Interior Design 3D

Among the advantages of Interior Design 3D are a built-in set of layouts, a user-friendly interface, the ability to adjust the design and print finished project. The collection of finishing materials includes more than 450 items. If you are not satisfied with the color of the walls, floor, ceiling, just choose a different fill. It is also possible to change the texture of the finish. Create your projects, compare options to make your perfect renovation!

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Restrained and pragmatic high-tech style in the interior is quite common. At first glance, it seems that he is deprived of the warmth and comfort of a home. However, this is not a completely correct statement. How to make the metallic sheen of surfaces warm, spacious rooms do not seem empty, and strict forms give a feeling of peace? Let's find out in this review.

Hi-tech - cold beauty modern world

The direction of design Hi-Tech (hi-tech), which means “high technology” in English, originated in the seventies of the last century. Since then, this style has tirelessly kept pace with the times, changing and improving.

In the high-tech interior, everything is ultra-modern and practical, every detail is thought out to the smallest detail. Such style fit modern pragmatists who value their time. The style is dynamic and strict, it can be considered the direct opposite of the luxurious, appreciating the traditions of classicism. Hi-tech - urban style, within the walls of a wooden country house it will be inappropriate.

Photos of bedrooms and children's rooms

When arranging bed hi-tech is softened, diluted with characteristic elements of other styles. It can be pillows, curtains, a soft rug at the foot of the bed, or elegant bedside lamps that emit a warm light. Availability a large number modern technology and automated systems(automatic sliding curtains, "smart" alarm clock on bedside table etc.) and the correct forms remain the same attributes of the high-tech bedroom interior (photos of examples are presented below).

Hi-Tech is rarely used for the room small child. There are many reasons for this. The nursery should be filled with colors and warmth, contain colorful objects that will help the baby explore the world. The high-tech interior boasts neither paint nor decor. But energetic teenagers who love everything new and advanced will appreciate Hi-Tech.

Is it possible to fuse cold and heat into one? Yes, high-tech answers, a style that combines the coldness of pragmatism and the warmth of a home.

There was a direction high technology' in the 1960s. And it flourished in the 80s, becoming a spectacular end to an era and, at the same time, a bridge to a new, robotic age.

Today, high-tech in the interior is not only high manufacturability, but also prestige, because most modern business empires choose this actual interior style for their representative offices and offices.

Hi-tech: features and principles

The main idea of ​​the concept is an artistic interpretation of the latest achievements of science and technology. It is embodied using the following methods:

  • Straight, hard, swift lines;
  • The abundance of glass and metal parts;
  • The transformation of mechanisms (elevators, ventilation systems) into aesthetic elements;
  • Wide application of advanced technologies, use of the latest household appliances;
  • Frequent reference to a silvery, metallic color;
  • Restrained, "laconic" decor.

Hi-tech in the interior is an ode to technology and technology. In dwellings where this style dominates, screens, monitors, sensors play, in addition to their main role, also aesthetic. They decorate the room, as once, in the years of antiquity, they decorated the baguettes of paintings and stucco molding. Even communications, wires and pipes in the house are not hidden, but put on display, transforming into decorative details.

With space, the style “works” prudently and economically: if there are partitions, then those that can be moved, removed; if doors, then sliding, "going" into the walls.

Hi-tech: from concrete to plastic

Glass and metal are style favorites, however, high-tech is not against brick and concrete, bare or minimally finished. Plastic is warmly approved - hard, flexible, matte, transparent, in principle, any.

Ceilings - one-color, smooth, better stretch. Below there are no patterned parquets and, especially, carpets: only tiles or laminate with a “warm floor” system underneath.

A high-tech living room is often connected to the kitchen with a bar made of metal or plastic. grey, silver or White color it is advisable to dilute the premises with bright “blots” - inserts of cosmic lilac, acid green or juicy orange. Hi-tech is not created for halftones: the primary and secondary colors should be contrasting with each other.

It is advisable to use all the reserves of style in the kitchen, “stuffing” it as much as possible with the latest household equipment and chrome-plated utensils. apron working area it is better to make metal or frosted glass.

It is permissible to soften the dryness, efficiency of hi-tech in the bedroom. This is easy to achieve by reducing the proportion of glass and metal in favor of textiles - a pair of pillows or artificial skin.

High-tech bedroom interior

A hi-tech bathroom is always an example of elegance, it sparkles with nickel, glass and one-color tiles, as well as a large, embossed mirror. It is better to prefer a glass one to an ordinary faience sink, and to replace the bathtub with an ultra-modern shower stall.

High-tech bathroom option in a more “classic” form…

Despite the strict framework, hi-tech has quite a rich potential: for example, you can use doors with LEDs or three-layer tabletops with the effect of broken glass.

Hi-tech: furniture and lamps

This style is unthinkable without laconic, but multifunctional furniture. Let's say a bed without a headboard, but with built-in lighting; cabinets - with sliding structures. When furnishing a home, you should remember the main rules: there should not be a lot of furniture (no chests of drawers, rocking chairs, benches and extra ottomans), you should leave more space for technology...

You can’t spoil porridge with oil, but high-tech with lamps. The more lamps the better! True, provided that they are all built-in, mounted, monolithic with a ceiling or walls, and the sconces in the recreation area are an example of innovation.

Hi-tech in the interior: textiles and decorations

Curtains must be straight and rigid, without draperies and bends. To match the style, they are covered with dust-repellent and sunscreen compounds. If you want more, windows can be curtained with threads of beads - transparent or matte.

Hi-tech is directed to the future, chintz, linen, satin from a grandmother's chest are not for him. Synthetic fabrics, novelties of the textile industry enjoy the advantage. It's great if their color imitates the radiance of metal: mercury, brass, aluminum, copper.

How to decorate a home, muffling its demonstrative "technogenicity"? Large black-and-white photos on the walls in expressive frames will cope with the task. Or plants that do not curl, in lapidary ceramic flowerpots. Souvenirs and accessories in the steampunk style will come in handy - Wall Clock, For example. Great option- large rectangular: here is glass, and a metal frame, and, in the end, decor in the form of picturesque fish.

Hi-tech is not only a style, but a way of life. It will suit energetic, confident, creative and fashionable. If you do not part with gadgets, adore all kinds of new devices, know the biography of Steve Jobs, “on you” with any device and do not rush to grow old ... Hi-tech is your philosophy of life.

Hi-tech in the interior photo