Dietary supplements for building muscle mass. The most effective sports nutrition for muscle growth

Reading time: 18 min

Sports nutrition for muscle growth is now represented by a huge range of products, both undoubtedly effective and those whose benefits for increasing muscle mass and strength indicators seem rather dubious. It is quite easy for novice athletes to “drown” in this sea of ​​information, getting confused in the names and advisability of using certain sports supplements.

We offer you all useful information about the peculiarities of taking sports nutrition and an overview of the most popular sports supplements, as well as their brief description, reception features and approximate acquisition costs.

For beginner athletes, it is especially important to know which sports nutrition products to take first in order to get the maximum benefits while saving on financial costs.

About sports nutrition for muscle growth

There are not many people who are completely satisfied with their physical condition, and even fewer who were born with a truly ideal body. Sports training with hardware is an effective way to change yourself, improve your appearance, attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex, and improve athletic performance. It turns out that strength training is nothing more than one of the methods of artificial deformation of the body, the desire for which is generally characteristic of humans as a biological species.

However, changing nature's original plans is not so easy. People according to their genetic type are divided into three main categories (with numerous transitional variants):

  • Mesomorphs: Muscular and strong from birth, strength sports come easily to them.
  • Endomorphs: prone to obesity and rapid weight gain.
  • Ectomorphs: are characterized by thinness, their muscle structure is least conducive to strength training.

Thus, even from the very beginning, trainees are in unequal conditions based on genetic characteristics.

The popular term “hard gainer” (“heavy-growing”) is precisely about those people for whom gaining mass and strength is very difficult. Such people, in addition to training, especially need a supporting factor in the form of proper nutrition, although genetically gifted athletes will also benefit from such help in any case. This is how the idea of ​​sports nutrition for muscle growth was born.

Do you need sports nutrition to gain muscle?

So, with the help of training, we are trying to change ourselves for the better, improving the quality of our physical condition. If so, the need for energy and building material for such changes will be very large. It will be quite difficult to get the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and other necessary substances from ordinary, natural products, the possibilities of the digestive system are not unlimited.

Sports nutrition allows you to provide the body with certain components for the development of muscles quickly, efficiently, and without forcing the digestive tract to digest kilograms of food. In other words, sports nutrition for muscle growth allows you to somewhat reduce the effort and time required to build an athletic figure.

Here we need to make a reservation right away: "some" does not mean "dramatically". Among those products that are called sports nutrition, there is no miraculous pill or powder that will turn a thin ectomorph into a powerful athlete in a couple of months. A beginner who is considering what kind of sports nutrition he should take should always keep this in mind. None of the types of sports nutrition designed for muscle growth can be compared in effectiveness with anabolic androgenic steroids, the harmful effects of which should not even be discussed separately.

There are types of sports nutrition that can really help build mass and strength, but expectations should be reasonable. Anyone who invents an effective and safe drug that can be compared with steroids in terms of performance will well deserve the Nobel Prize and make millions of athletes around the world happy. However, this has not happened yet.

Benefits of taking sports nutrition

So, the main advantages that the use of sports nutrition for muscle growth will give:

  • Accelerating progress in gaining strength and muscle mass.
  • Some types help burn fat.
  • Reducing the burden on the digestive tract: there is no need to consume huge portions of conventional foods.
  • Sports nutrition has a legal status and does not cause persecution by law enforcement agencies (unlike anabolic steroids).
  • A number of types of sports nutrition allow you to make your diet more balanced by adding missing vitamins, minerals, Omega-3, etc.
  • Causing, albeit a moderate, but quite noticeable acceleration of progress, the use of sports nutrition also enhances the motivation of the novice athlete (and here’s what kind of sports nutrition a beginner should take to make this happen – read below).

Is it possible to build muscle without sports nutrition?

Many athletes eat very well, consuming various natural products and, in addition to them, various types of sports nutrition, but do not show any outstanding results. The main thing is still genetic predisposition and competent, effective training. Taking sports nutrition for muscle growth can be a good help, but is not strictly necessary. A striking example is prisoners training with “iron”: sports nutrition in their situation is difficult to access, but many manage to build decent muscle mass and strength indicators in such unfavorable conditions.

At the same time, taking sports nutrition, although not mandatory, is still desirable: it will simplify the achievement of the goals that the athlete has set for himself. It’s possible without sports nutrition, but... it’s easier with it. There is no point in refusing help if it is available and effective.

Harm of sports nutrition

Almost all types of sports nutrition for muscle growth are made from natural raw materials and, if used correctly, do not cause any health problems. Various types of sports nutrition have their contraindications, as do any other products; in most cases this is due to individual intolerance to certain components included in their composition. Most often this manifests itself in the form of problems with the gastrointestinal tract (bloating, diarrhea) and allergic reactions. The overall percentage of people experiencing such problems is very small.

The potential harm of sports nutrition may occur if a person has certain diseases, the symptoms and course of which may be aggravated as a result of taking sports nutrition. In any case, it is necessary to study all possible contraindications and soberly and wisely assess the state of your own health before you start taking any type of sports nutrition. But comparisons of sports nutrition with “chemicals harmful to health” have no basis..

Top 10 Top Sports Supplements

We offer you an overview of the most popular sports supplements with a specific description of each product: what is it, what is it for, how to take it, is it required and what budget should you set aside? . Prices for products are indicative, since their variation depending on the manufacturer, quality and place of purchase is extremely large.

1. Whey Protein

  • WHAT IS THIS: The most common type of protein is a special high-protein nutrition for athletes. Characterized by rapid absorption and good amino acid composition (only egg protein surpasses it in this indicator, but it also costs more). Whey protein is made from whey, a byproduct left over from cheese making. According to the degree of purification and quality, it comes in three types: concentrate, isolate (this is nothing more than a more carefully filtered concentrate) and hydrolyzate, in which the protein is already partially fermented.
  • FOR WHAT: Whey protein is taken to gain muscle mass; it quickly and effectively supplies the body with the amino acids necessary for this. At the same time, it is believed that isolate and hydrolyzate are preferable to take when “drying”, but the usual concentrate is simply when gaining muscle mass.
  • HOW TO USE: Whey protein is usually consumed 2-4 times a day, between meals. You can drink it for the first time in the morning, after waking up, and definitely after training. This type of sports nutrition is absorbed quickly, so it is advisable to combine its intake with casein, a slow-absorbing protein (drink before bedtime). Multicomponent proteins are also sold, in which whey is combined with casein or other types of proteins.
  • REQUIRED OR NOT: Definitely yes. This is the most advantageous type of sports nutrition in terms of price/effectiveness ratio, which is included in the mandatory set of all athletes. If the question arises, which sports nutrition should a beginner start taking first, the answer is obvious. Whey protein, of course.
  • WHAT IS THE PRICE: If you take Ultimate Nutrition Prostar, a mid-price whey protein, it will cost approximately 3,600 rubles per month (including three times a day), at the rate of 40 rubles per serving.

2. Gainer

  • WHAT IS THIS: This is a mixture of protein (most often the same whey is used) with a complex of carbohydrates. In good gainers, they are selected so that the speed of their absorption is different. In most gainers, carbohydrates make up 1/2, and protein - 1/3 of the total serving volume, although other options are possible, with a bias towards carbohydrates, or vice versa, towards protein. Often, other useful substances are included in the composition of such products: enzymes, vitamins, etc.
  • FOR WHAT: Gainers are designed to gain total body weight (not muscle, but total, that is, including fat). In fact, it is the most powerful tool for such purposes of all types of sports nutrition.
  • HOW TO USE: Protein-carbohydrate mixtures are usually taken once a day - after training, but additional doses are possible if a very quick weight gain is required (for example, in the morning after waking up).
  • REQUIRED OR NOT: Heavy-growing, thin ectomorphs must take a gainer - otherwise it is very difficult to budge a stubborn metabolism. It is better for endomorphs who are prone to obesity to refrain from taking such sports nutrition.
  • WHAT IS THE PRICE: Dymatize Nutrition Super MASS Gainer will cost, if used sparingly (2 scoops per day), approximately 9,000 rubles per month. It’s not cheap, but there are much more budget-friendly gainers – you can get by with 3,000 rubles (it’s still advisable to buy products without sugar, the more of it, the worse the gainer).

3. Creatine

  • WHAT IS THIS: Creatine is a natural substance that is found in the greatest quantities in meat (the name is translated from English as “meat”); as well as in some other products. The most common. An affordable and at the same time effective form that is commercially available is creatine monohydrate.
  • FOR WHAT: Creatine, when taken, causes an increase in muscle mass and strength (especially in relation to dynamic “explosive” strength). One of the most effective and at the same time practically safe (in the absence of health problems) sports nutritional supplements.
  • HOW TO USE: You can take it once a day after training in the amount of 5 g, stirring the powder in grape or any other sweet fruit juice. Previously, a so-called “loading phase” was recommended during the first few days of use, but its presence is now recognized as optional. After 4 weeks of taking it, it is better to take a 2-3 week break.
  • REQUIRED OR NOT: It is highly advisable to take creatine - you will get progress and moral satisfaction from effective training.
  • WHAT IS THE PRICE: Now there are many inexpensive packages with creatine monohydrate on sale from different manufacturers; 1000 rubles per month will be enough for regular use.

4. BCAA amino acids

  • WHAT IS THIS: BCAA is a complex of three essential branched chain amino acids (leucine, valine and isoleucine). Most of these supplements have a component ratio of 2:1:1 (two parts each of leucine, valine and isoleucine), but there are also formulas 4:1:1, 8:1:1 and even 12:1:1 - how advisable is it to take this? the amount of leucine is difficult to say.
  • FOR WHAT: Essential branched-chain amino acids promote muscle gain and also have a number of beneficial properties, participating in various biochemical processes in the body. Not all researchers are unconditionally confident in their effectiveness, but in theory, the use of BCAA is promising in sports.
  • HOW TO USE: You can take it in the morning after waking up, as well as before, during and immediately after training (the post-workout portion can be mixed in one serving of creatine juice). Between taking BCAA and protein shake, it is better to pause for about half an hour so that the amino acids have time to be absorbed.
  • REQUIRED OR NOT: This supplement can be classified as “second in line” in terms of the need to take it. Keep in mind that some types of proteins and gainers are additionally enriched with BCAA.
  • WHAT IS THE PRICE: To regularly take high-quality BCAA, you will need to set aside about 3,000 rubles per month. It is better to avoid completely cheap options; they are most likely made from low-quality raw materials.

5. Complex amino acids

  • WHAT IS THIS: Unlike BCAAs, complex amino acids include a complete set of them, similar to that found in sports proteins. Often, auxiliary useful components are also included in the composition of such complexes.
  • FOR WHAT: They differ from proteins in much faster digestion and can serve as a good replacement for whey protein if the athlete suffers from lactose intolerance. Amino acid complexes promote the growth of muscle mass and strength.
  • HOW TO USE: It is usually taken several times a day: in the morning, before and after training, additional doses are also possible during the day. Dosage - in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • REQUIRED OR NOT: If the athlete does not use proteins and gainers, then complex amino acids need to be taken, otherwise you can do without them.
  • WHAT IS THE PRICE: The cost of regular intake of high-quality complex amino acids will be 1500-2000 rubles per month.

6. L-carnitine

  • WHAT IS THIS: L-carnitine (levocarnitine) is a non-essential amino acid, in the body it is found mainly in the liver and muscle tissue.
  • FOR WHAT: Levocarnitine has a number of benefits, but athletes take it primarily to speed up fat burning (it transports fatty acids to cellular mitochondria) and to provide additional energy for training as a result of this process.
  • HOW TO USE: This supplement is usually taken twice a day: immediately after waking up on an empty stomach and before training (other options are possible).
  • REQUIRED OR NOT: If the athlete is not interested in burning fat, then it is quite possible to do without levocarnitine.
  • WHAT IS THE PRICE: The cost of regularly taking L-carnitine will be 1000-1500 rubles per month.

7. Glutamine

  • WHAT IS THIS: Glutamine is a conditionally essential amino acid. Human muscle tissue consists of approximately 60% of it.
  • FOR WHAT: This amino acid is taken based on its supposed anicatabolic properties, which, alas, have not been confirmed by research (possibly due to the fact that glutamine is already widespread in nature and there is no point in taking it additionally). There are also reviews that taking this substance has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
  • HOW TO USE: Usage patterns are different; it is better to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific supplement.
  • REQUIRED OR NOT: Glutamine is not required.
  • WHAT IS THE PRICE: If you still use supplements with this amino acid, then the approximate costs will be 1000-1500 rubles per month.

8. Testosterone Boosting Supplements

  • WHAT IS THIS: This group includes a fairly large number of additives with different compositions. Alas, the main property that unites them all is inefficiency. (except for the placebo effect at the time of admission). Moreover, for some it is confirmed by several studies, such as ZMA.
  • FOR WHAT: Taken, as can be seen from the subtitle, to increase the secretion of testosterone. Sometimes they try to sell potency enhancing products (yohimbe and others) under the guise of such supplements. In fact, the flow of blood to the genitals and the increased erection that these drugs stimulate is one thing, but the secretion of testosterone is quite another.
  • HOW TO USE: Schemes of reception are different, depending on the manufacturer's instructions.
  • REQUIRED OR NOT: No need to take it. And if you have problems with testosterone levels, it is better to consult a competent doctor. This is not a sports question, but a medical one.
  • WHAT IS THE PRICE: The cost of packing "testosterone booster" is 500-1000 rubles. It is usually calculated for a month.

9. Fish oil and Omega-3

  • WHAT IS THIS: Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, the main source of which is fish oil, are a kind of “good fats” that have a number of positive properties for the human body (in this they are similar to vitamins, although they are not).
  • FOR WHAT: Athletes take Omega-3 capsules because they promote muscle gain, protect joints and ligaments from overload, increase endurance, have anti-inflammatory activity and... attention! unlike the supplements described in the previous paragraph, they actually slightly increase testosterone secretion.
  • HOW TO USE: Usually they are taken 2-3 times a day with food.
  • REQUIRED OR NOT: Omega-3s must be taken (many people misunderstand and underestimate their importance).
  • WHAT IS THE PRICE: Omega-3 sports supplements are quite expensive and pharmaceutical preparations may well be an alternative. The costs will be 500-1000 rubles per month.

10. Vitamin and mineral supplements

  • WHAT IS THIS: Vitamin-mineral complexes do not need special introduction. For many people, their regular intake has long become the norm of life, because they allow you to get the required amount of vitamins and microelements, regardless of the quality and quantity of food, including during periods of the year when natural food is extremely poor in vitamins.
  • FOR WHAT: Athletes take them to maintain general tone, maintain health and immunity, and speedy recovery after hard training.
  • HOW TO USE: Take multivitamins once or twice a day with food.
  • REQUIRED OR NOT: Admission is required (or at least highly recommended). Moreover, regardless of whether a person goes in for sports or not.
  • WHAT IS THE PRICE: Pharmacy vitamins have a very low cost: 150-200 rubles per month. Well, you will have to spend more on special sportswear: 1000-2000 rubles per month.

What from this list should a beginner take?

Let's summarize: what kind of sports nutrition should a beginner take, what supplements can he do without, and what should a novice athlete not spend money on at all.

  • The most effective sports nutrition for muscle growth from the top 10 that you need to take: whey protein, gainer (for pronounced ectomorphs), creatine, vitamin-mineral complexes and Omega-3 .
  • Secondary additives: BCAA, amino acid complexes if for some reason the athlete does not take protein. We can also add here, with some reservations levocarnitine, if the athlete is interested in burning fat.
  • Sports supplements that a beginner does not need: glutamine and testosterone boosters.

Hello to strapping guys and graceful ladies! Ivan Ustinov and I welcome you to my resource. Today we will talk about sports nutrition, a fairly popular topic, namely what to drink for muscle growth. The question is really worthwhile, so we will try to cover the topic as best and as clearly as possible.

Now we will get acquainted with drinks for muscle building, vitamins that will stimulate our muscles, and even with all the "offal" in this topic. Of course, I’m joking about the “offal,” because everything is very serious. But let's not beat around the bush. Let's begin...

Protein is popular and known to everyone, even people who are just thinking of joining bodybuilding. For example, it is a source of building material not only for muscles but also for synthesis (the most important male hormone), which is so necessary for energetic and effective workouts.

It also gives a powerful impetus to the recovery abilities of our muscle fibers. In short, this is a cool thing, well, you understand... And in general, dietary supplements for muscle growth are a huge force when used with the brain.

Despite the fact that there are many types of proteins (more on this), many consume only a few basic types of protein: whey and casein. Guys drink the first before and after training for intense exercise and accelerated recovery of muscle mass, because this type of protein is quickly absorbed and immediately supplies the muscles with raw materials for growth.

The second one can be taken before bed, as it is absorbed for a long time and is able to nourish muscles damaged by training throughout sleep. This is the main advantage of casein protein over whey. However, as it turned out, casein is not so cool. I wrote about this in more detail

Directions: Whey protein mixed with water or juice thirty minutes before exercise to fuel muscles and after exercise in a volume of 20 to 30 grams along with carbohydrates to close the metabolic window. Mandatory protein intake is after waking up. Many people consume a portion of BCAA amino acids on an empty stomach; this is a more expensive but more refined and effective form of protein that is absorbed very quickly.


Gainers are suitable as protein and carbohydrate mixtures. During intense exercise, the body loses a large amount of energy. Energy reserves are located in muscle tissue - But the body has enough of it for about 45 minutes of training, then it runs out and tissue destruction begins, our muscles also pound.


Creatine, a natural substance in the body, plays an important role in the structure of the body. 95% of it is found in muscle tissue and 5% is synthesized throughout the body. Creatine is your energy and strength during exercise. You need to drink 2-5 grams per day. I recommend reading it.

But the role of creatine is slightly exaggerated, that is, the need for additional intake for everyone, since it does not give the expected effect for everyone. We are all individual and the reaction to sports supplements is no exception. Personally, I have heard many times from guys that they bought creatine and then gave it as a gift to others, because they themselves could not handle a jar or package of this supplement.

It was the same with me. I took it, tried it, gave it away. But good creatine is not cheap, so don’t rush to buy it, first find out the necessary conditions for taking it and what side effects there may be. But on the other hand, if you don’t take it, you won’t know how it affects you personally.

Beginners in training can focus on the ineffectiveness of training: long and frequent training, but there are no visible results. Of course, you can gain muscle mass without additional supplements, but this path will be much longer and harder. And with high-quality supplements for muscle growth, you will not harm your health, since these supplements are natural.


It is impossible not to mention BCAA - branched amino acids. There are more than 200 amino acids in the body, and 22 necessary for metabolic processes, and three of them occupy a leading position in the role of muscle growth:

  • Leucine.
  • Isoleucine.
  • Valin.

The role of BCAAs = stimulation of muscle growth + fat metabolism + accelerated fat burning + improvement of metabolism.

Amino acid intake regimen: three to five grams after waking up, the same amount before and after training. Yes, many protein powders already contain amino acids, but they need to be taken separately for intense workouts in the gym. in addition to you.


The topic of sports and bodybuilding cannot avoid the question: what vitamins are needed to improve training performance and restore the body?

For the healthy and uninterrupted operation of all systems, all groups of vitamins are needed, but taking each vitamin separately is tedious and extremely inconvenient, and there is no time for this, so multivitamins are quite suitable. It is not necessary to take each vitamin separately, although you can find them on sale. Of course, the exception is the case when your body is deficient in a particular vitamin.

Here is a list of vitamins that will help you with muscle growth and their brief characteristics:

  1. Vitamin A– improves vision, participates in protein synthesis, and this is so important!
  2. Vitamin E– a powerful antioxidant. This vitamin thickens the cell membrane, causing the cell to become more resistant to viruses, muscles recover faster because muscle cells regenerate faster
  3. Vitamin D– needed for the absorption of phosphorus and calcium. Without these minerals, muscles will not contract as they should during hard workouts. Phosphorus is also needed for the synthesis of energy molecules ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
  4. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - well, where would we be without him? It is also an antioxidant and forms collagen (a substance that is part of the connective tissue). And connective tissue is our ligaments and joints. Therefore, vitamin C is injury prevention. In addition, vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of testosterone. And there is no need to say how important this is.
  5. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin. This protein carries oxygen in red blood cells to our muscles. The importance of oxygen supply to the working muscle is colossal.
  6. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - A lot can be said about this vitamin, but for bodybuilding, its most important function is an important role in protein synthesis. In short, the more riboflavin, the more muscle. This close connection can be seen very clearly and undeniably. This vitamin increases endurance and participates in energy exchange processes.
  7. Vitamin B3 (niacin) – needed to participate in the processes of energy production in our body.
  8. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - needed for protein absorption. Since bodybuilders eat a lot of protein, they desperately need this vitamin.
  9. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) – participates in the metabolic processes of carbohydrates in the body. Supports nerve cells and tissues of the nervous system.
  10. Biotin – ensures the metabolism of amino acids and helps produce energy from various sources.

Omega-3 fatty acids are a great thing. They are also actively eaten and drunk by bodybuilders to stimulate muscle growth. Consider the fact that vegetable omega (for example, flaxseed oil) does not provide as many benefits as omega from fish (fish oil). it won't hurt you.


How to prepare drinks

You can’t ignore the ways to prepare protein or gainer drinks at home. Proteins and gainers are mixed with plain still water or juice (freshly squeezed or packaged at your discretion). They are often drunk with milk, and people with lactose intolerance drink them with kefir.

The best combo for a gainer is water, because with the other fillers mentioned, it becomes satiated with carbohydrates and calories, which it already has in abundance. Protein loves milk if it has a minimum percentage of fat content and is combined with kefir.

The remaining powders are mixed only with water and drunk immediately after dilution, since in the form of a liquid these additives are chemically unstable.


Strength training requires protection of cartilage and joints. Any athlete without chondroprotectors (drugs to protect cartilage tissue) suffers from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, so do not bypass this moment. The frequency of doses is indicated in the instructions and depends on the intensity of the load.

Well, beginners and experienced athletes, that’s probably all. In fact, we can talk about this topic for a long time or even endlessly, but I tried to briefly describe the most necessary supplements that you need to take for muscle growth. More detailed information will be in separate articles on the topics of specific supplements or vitamins. We'll have a good time there. Well, this article turned out to be quite big anyway, so let’s call it a day.

Every action needs a thoughtful approach; playing sports and bodybuilding is responsible and hard work on yourself. Knowledge and adherence to proper nutrition and exercise is a guarantee of high-quality results without harm to health.

Protein and other drinks are taken for rapid growth, but whether to use them or not is up to everyone. If you are ready for long training sessions and a long journey to results without them, this is purely your decision and no one has the right to criticize you for this.

With these words I bid you farewell until the next article on my blog. There will be a lot more interesting and useful information. Come. Bye bye...

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Drugs for gaining muscle mass are used in bodybuilding, fitness, weightlifting and many other sports to boost athletic performance. Based on their action, these substances are divided into synthetic analogues of anabolic hormones, other pharmaceutical drugs, dietary supplements and sports nutrition. In practice, competitive sports use all available means to increase muscle strength, speed, endurance and mass. Amateurs are advised to avoid the use of potent drugs and limit themselves to sports nutrition.


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Anabolic hormones

The most effective and most harmful class of drugs for building muscle mass. The effect of these drugs is based on increasing the rate of protein synthesis, improving the absorption of potassium, magnesium, calcium and other elements. Along with the quick effect (you can increase body weight by 12-15 kilograms in a month), these medications have a large number of significant side effects. Despite this, in almost all strength and speed sports, anabolic steroids are the basis of pre-competition preparation.

The most well-known anabolic drugs for increasing muscle mass are represented by the following names:

Medicine Therapeutic effect Dosage Side effects Image
MethandrostenoloneThe oldest and very effective drug for increasing muscle mass and strength. It is a synthetic analogue of the male sex hormone testosterone. The rapid action of the medicine (30 minutes after use) is due to the oral form of administration. After taking only 10-15 mg of the substance, after a short time a person begins to feel an improvement in appetite and mood, a surge of strength, and increased endurance. Metabolism on the course of methandrostenolone increases very muchRecommended dosages - from 10 to 50 mg per dayDue to the heavy load on the liver, the course of medication should not exceed 6 weeks. Side effects of the drug include increased blood pressure and libido, gynecomastia, acne, obstructive jaundice and baldness.
OmnadrenThe drug is a mixture of 4 different esters of a synthetic analogue of testosterone, and therefore its effect begins quickly (within a few hours) and lasts for a very long time (up to 1 month). Using the medicine makes it possible to gain from 8 to 15 kilograms of body weight per month. However, it should be borne in mind that most of the acquired weight will consist of water and will disappear within a few months after stopping Omnadren.The accepted dosage of the drug is 250-2000 mg per week.At very high dosages (more than 2000 mg per week), attacks of aggression are possible in men. Women should not use this medicine
Testosterone propionateDue to its low price, good effectiveness and rapid elimination, the drug was the most popular among strength sports athletes until 2014. However, after testosterone propionate was included in the list of potent drugs, it began to be sold in pharmacies only by prescription, and its illegal trafficking (sale) is now subject to criminal liability. The accepted dosage is 100 mg every other day. The propionate form of testosterone is especially popular among girls, as it allows them to gain high-quality lean muscle massAccepted dosage - 100 mg every other daySide effects (baldness of the head, excessive growth of body hair, greasiness of the skin, acne, frequent erections, increased libido, swelling, hypercalcemia, nausea and dizziness) occur infrequently when the dosage is observed.
AndriolThe drug is the safest in its class and does not cause side effects typical of steroids. At the same time, its effect is relatively weak - you won’t be able to gain 5-10 kilograms of muscle with its help. For this reason, the drug is used mainly in women and competitive athletes during cutting to maintain results. Dosages used - from 10 to 100 mg per day
JintropinThe drug is an artificial analogue of human growth hormone - somatropin. Jintropin does not increase muscle mass as much as synthetic testosterone, however, everything recruited will be of high quality, without fat and water. This property of the drug to increase the growth of dry mass makes its use relevant in athletes of high-speed and power sports, as well as in bodybuilding - during pre-competitive training. A notable feature of somatropin is its ability to build muscle tissue without training.The recommended dosage of the drug is from 0.07 to 0.1 IU per kilogram of human weight per day.The most significant side effects of the drug are the growth of internal organs and water retention in the body. Allergic reactions are possible. Jintropin should be used with caution in older people, as it can provoke the growth of malignant cells in them.
InsulinThe use of the pancreatic hormone causes a sharp increase in appetite and hunger, and the metabolic rate begins to increase rapidly. Gaining muscle mass on a course of insulin is due to its ability to increase the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates by cells. An adult man can often gain up to 10-12 kilograms of weight in just 1 month.Insulin therapy is started with 5 units. The regimens for taking the hormone are very varied. The most effective combination is: insulin, somatropin, testosteroneDespite the fact that insulin is a potent medicine, there are practically no side effects if the dosage is followed.

Steroids can only be purchased at a pharmacy with a prescription. This is due to the fact that uncontrolled use of anabolic drugs can cause great harm to human health.

Enzymes and vitamins

Pharmaceutical preparations for gaining muscle mass, in addition to hormonal drugs, are also represented by enzymes and vitamin-mineral complexes. Their effect is much weaker than that of anabolic steroids, so these compounds are used mainly to improve digestion during a course of anabolic steroids:

A drug Effect on the body, dosage Photo
Mezim forteOne of the very first and most reliable drugs in its group containing pancreatin. Taking Mezim forte helps to increase the metabolic rate and the absorption of nutritional compounds in the intestines. Contraindication for use is acute or chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage. Take Mezim 1-2 tablets before each meal
FestalA complex preparation containing, in addition to pancreatin, hemicellulose and bile components. Festal also contains enzymes - amylase, lipase and protease - which accelerate the absorption of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Hemicellulose improves intestinal motility and reduces gas formation in it. Bile promotes the absorption of vitamins and the secretion of lipase by the pancreas. Take the medicine 1-2 tablets after each meal
Multi-tabsThe big advantage of using vitamins and minerals during bodybuilding and fitness is that they can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription and used independently at home. They help you recover faster after workouts and speed up your metabolism. This allows you to eat more food, thereby speeding up the process of muscle gain. The most famous and popular representative of the “vitamin-mineral complexes” class is Multi-Tabs. The dosage should be selected based on factors such as age, weight, diet, etc.
VitrumThis vitamin and mineral complex is used to replenish the body with the substances necessary for normal recovery after heavy weight training. Vitrum allows you to train more intensely and more often, which has a positive effect on the growth of muscle tissue. Take 1 tablet after or during meals.

Of particular note is a drug such as Riboxin. It is an anabolic substance - it helps increase the energy balance of cells, increases the rate of nucleotide synthesis, accelerates the dissociation of oxygen from oxyhemoglobin, which helps improve tissue respiration. The drug is actively used to gain muscles and improve athletic performance in many sports. The daily dose when taken orally is 600 – 2400 mg. The medicine should be used with caution for cardiovascular diseases.

Cautious men and women who are afraid of boosting their athletic performance with hormonal therapy can safely take vitamins and enzymes - these drugs have virtually no side effects if the dosage is followed.

Sports nutrition

A prerequisite for the rapid growth of muscle tissue is the consumption of special supplements containing nutrients.

The line of sports nutrition for muscle building is represented by the following products:

  1. 1. Protein. It is the starting material from which muscle cells are built. Available in powder form containing protein concentrates obtained from whey, meat, eggs, soy and other products. Protein is consumed 50 grams 2-3 times a day between main meals.
  2. 2. Amino acids. Supplement containing 20 essential amino acids derived from animal proteins. Available in liquid form, tablets and capsules. It is used 30 minutes before and 15 minutes after training, 6-12 grams.
  3. 3. Creatine. Increases the performance of muscle cells, allowing them to perform more repetitions in each approach during weight training. This helps to increase muscle strength and volume. Take 5-15 grams of creatine 30 minutes before the start of physical activity, after mixing the powder with juice.

Unfortunately, the most effective drugs for gaining muscle mass belong to the “doping” class. Considering that the period of elimination of some of them from the body can reach 1 year or even more, men and women who plan to participate in official competitions should not take anabolic steroids.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, a divorce from her husband and depression ...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

And when will you find time for all this? Yes, it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Walk into any sports nutrition store and you will find tons of nutritional supplements designed to grow muscle tissue and restore the body after a strenuous workout. Generally, these supplements work, but not all of them are equally effective for different people. Due to the unique characteristics of each body, athletes will respond differently to certain supplements. But despite these differences, there are a number of supplements that demonstrate the best effectiveness and maximum results for everyone. I'm going to share the top five supplements that will help you gain muscle most effectively.

1. Creatine

is a substance naturally produced in our muscle cells, mainly in skeletal muscle tissue, where approximately 95% of the body's creatine supply is located. The remaining 5% is distributed throughout the body.

For use in nutrition, this natural metabolite was synthesized in the form of creatine monohydrate. It is used to produce and modulate cellular energy.

Benefits of Creatine Supplement:

  • Stimulates lean muscle growth
  • Increased muscle cell volume
  • Accelerated recovery after training
  • Increased glycogen synthesis
  • Increasing the effectiveness of high-intensity muscle loads

Typically, athletes prefer to use creatine during weight training and bodybuilding activities due to the faster rate of increase in lean muscle mass. Likewise, most athletes find it easy to stop taking creatine as it is naturally synthesized in our bodies. When an athlete stops taking this supplement, creatine levels in the body return to normal within 3-4 weeks.

2. Beta-alanine

This is a naturally occurring non-essential amino acid that enters our body with protein-rich foods, such as poultry. Improved muscle tissue growth with the help occurs due to the ability of this substance to increase intramuscular levels. This increased intake of beta-alanine through the supplement suggests an increase in carnosine levels of more than 60% in just 4 weeks.

This is important because during high-intensity exercise, our body accumulates large amounts of hydrogen, which causes the pH of the internal environment to drop (increasing its acidity). This increase in acidity (lactic acid) can cause severe fatigue, reduce muscle performance, and block nerve activity, resulting in the muscles being unable to perform. By maintaining high carnosine levels through a beta-alanine supplement, the bodybuilding athlete can slow down the buildup of hydrogen and the subsequent increase in acidity, which in turn slows down the onset of muscle fatigue and wasting.

When performing high-intensity exercise, the body accumulates hydrogen, causing a drop in the pH of the internal environment.

Additional Benefits of Taking Beta-Alanine Supplement:

  • Increased stamina
  • Increased muscle strength
  • Less pronounced fatigue
  • Improving body composition
  • The substance has a complementary effect with creatine
  • Better performance for athletes regardless of training intensity and duration

3. Whey Protein

It has long been theorized that bodybuilding athletes and their coaches could improve their performance and lean muscle mass by taking whey protein shakes or supplements. supplies the body with a large amount, and also causes an increase in the concentration of calcium, magnesium and other minerals, which are easily absorbed in liquid form.

The serum is typically taken pre- and post-workout to enhance muscle recovery and regeneration. Whether you're dieting to gain muscle or are concerned about reducing body fat, adding whey protein to your exercise program can speed up the process or fat loss. Below are a few key benefits of a whey protein supplement.

Easy to digest
Trainers and athletes with busy training schedules can save time by drinking a whey protein shake immediately after training and benefit from the fast-absorbing nutrients. Since these nutritional supplements contain a number of vitamins not found in our daily meals, this is a great supplement for any athlete with a busy lifestyle.

Lactose intolerance
Anyone who suffers from lactose intolerance knows about the unpleasant consequences and discomfort caused by drinking milkshakes every day. Whey protein shakes typically contain a combination of egg whites, soy proteins and. This means there are no side effects similar to those that occur with whole milk products.

Accelerated muscle tissue recovery
After intense weight training or participation in a sporting event, the body needs to repair itself. Certain nutrients are required to perform this task. Protein is the main building block involved in the restoration of muscle tissue; It is found in prepared form in whey protein shakes and supplements. When taken immediately after training, protein triggers rapid muscle recovery.

The serum is typically taken pre- and post-workout to enhance muscle recovery and regeneration.

Natural Appetite Suppressant
Eating high protein foods suppresses appetite, making it easier to stick to a low-calorie diet without feeling too hungry. Whey protein shakes and supplements can be used in place of meals or as a between-meal snack.

Amino acids
In the process of life, our body requires a significant amount of high-quality protein and amino acids. Whey protein supplement contains very high concentrations of amino acids that are involved in protein synthesis.

Improved metabolism
Eating large amounts of protein is fuel for our body. When taken throughout the day, it serves as an excellent source of energy, keeping your metabolism on fire. Thanks to increased metabolism, calories are burned more efficiently and hunger is reduced.

Recommended doses: consume 30-40 g of whey protein at a time. It is best to use it before and after workouts; In addition, it is convenient to take the required amount of protein when you do not have the opportunity to eat properly. But never rely on shakes alone—while a whey protein shake is an ideal post-workout refuel, you should otherwise make an effort to ensure you're getting adequate nutrition throughout the day.

4. Branched chain amino acids (BCAA)

Another common supplement that coaches and athletes who are interested in bodybuilding and want to achieve better results turn to is. Of the 21 amino acids present in our body, three belong to the group of branched chain amino acids: , isoleucine and valine. These are the basic elements of protein, which together make up about 30% of the skeletal muscle mass of our body.


The body uses branched chain amino acids to regenerate muscles. Like a whey protein supplement, BCAA delivers nutrients to muscle tissue for faster post-workout recovery. The body burns BCAAs while you exercise, so taking a supplement will help replenish these nutrients used up during an intense workout. In addition, it reduces pain caused by muscle fatigue and improves metabolic recovery.

Taking a dietary supplement will help restore the supply of BCAA used up during intense exercise.

In addition, there is an additional benefit of taking BCAAs, which is that such amino acids help improve muscle endurance by constantly supplying them with fuel, which will be of interest to people who cover long distances, for example, lovers of hiking or long races (marathons), swimming long distances. distance or any other prolonged physical activity.

5. Glutamine

Widely known for its ability to slow down the process of micro-damage to muscles during intense exercise, which helps increase muscle strength and enhance endurance. Weight lifters will find that they can lift heavier weights for longer periods of time and train more frequently. As a compensatory mechanism, increasing the limits of muscular endurance will certainly inspire the body to create more lean muscle mass.


In addition, glutamine has a number of other benefits associated with taking it as a dietary supplement:

  • Maintaining muscle tissue allows your body to burn additional fat—the more lean muscle mass your body contains, the more efficient your metabolism is. During workouts aimed at getting rid of fat deposits, the body will also lose muscle mass, so it is important to slow down this process.
  • Moreover, there is evidence of the positive effects of glutamine on the immune system in many people taking this dietary supplement. The process of intense training is a strain not only on the muscles, but also on the immune system. Glutamine restores the condition of muscle tissue and also supports the immune system, ensuring rapid recovery of the entire body.
  • Glutamine is known for its ability to increase growth hormone levels in the body. This is the biggest benefit for those focused on muscle growth, as studies have shown that as little as 2g of glutamine in a supplement can increase growth hormone concentrations.
  • Muscle tissue requires nitrogen, and glutamine (L-glutamine) supplement is 20% nitrogen, making it one of the best sources of nitrogen for muscles. When combined with other substances responsible for muscle recovery and growth, such as creatine and whey protein, there is a significant increase in the likelihood of quickly achieving athletic results.


Of course, results can always be achieved without taking supplements, but in this case the process will be slower. My advice is that you first balance your diet. You'll be surprised at how much better your body will respond to weight training when your nutrition matches. Then, if you decide to take the nutritional supplements I have recommended, you will definitely notice improved results.

The results you get from supplementation may vary, in part because each athlete has his own training regimen with different levels of intensity and duration. If your diet is balanced and you train at extreme intensity, I am confident that these supplements will help you take it to the next level.

When looking for a supplement designed to improve the outcome of an intense training program and quickly build muscle mass through faster muscle regeneration and better nutrition, you should consider the five best supplements for muscle growth: whey, branched chain amino acids, creatine, glutamine and beta. alanine.


Athletes who want to increase their body size must eat in such a way that they have a calorie surplus. This is the main condition for muscle growth. This can be achieved by having a clear training plan, nutrition program and additional sports nutrition. This set will reduce the time it takes to gain weight.

Main types of sports nutrition

There are many options for supplements, but not every sports nutrition is suitable for gaining muscle mass; for example, fat burners are not suitable for building muscle. The following complex is recognized and popular among bodybuilders:

  • glutamine;
  • protein;
  • gainer;
  • BCAAs;
  • multivitamins.

This set of sports nutrition not only helps to increase muscle mass, it provides the body with the necessary energy supply for productive, full-fledged workouts. It is not the fat layer that will grow, but the muscles. Drying with the help of such a complex will not work, so we are not talking about dry mass. You need to drink all this together with a full diet of regular food.

Protein for gaining muscle mass

The main goal is to gain muscle mass, so you can’t do without protein in this complex. This is the main source of protein, which will become the building material for muscle tissue. Protein sports nutrition for muscle growth is conventionally divided into three main types:

  1. Whey. The main type of protein used by the vast majority of athletes. It is definitely included in sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass. It contains many amino acids, useful elements for the body, and is quickly absorbed.
  2. Casein. This is a source of slow protein that will be supplied to the athlete from the gastrointestinal tract throughout the whole day, providing the necessary amount of protein for muscle growth. This moment is especially important at night and on rest days.
  3. Soy. The protein in this type of protein is of plant origin and is often inferior in usefulness to whey. However, it is not bad; it is used by vegetarians and people who are intolerant to any elements from other protein options.

Gainer for mass gain

We can say that gainer is the most important sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass. It contains a lot of carbohydrates and the necessary amount of calories to achieve an excess of them in the diet. When choosing a gainer, carefully study the composition of the product; it should not contain too much sugar and carbohydrates per serving. The optimal option would be one with a slight predominance of them over proteins. For example, we can recommend:

  • BSN True Mass;
  • Dymatize Elite Mass Gainer.


To gain weight, you need to work intensively in the gym, otherwise you will only increase the fat layer. To maintain the required amount of strength, creatine is used, which hydrates muscle tissue, making it larger, stronger, and increases the amount of energy. The ideal synergy of creatine is obtained with beta-alanine, the former affects anaerobic power, and the latter affects aerobic power.


This element belongs to the class of amino acids, which are abundant in muscle tissue. The human body is capable of producing glutamine on its own, but when gaining weight, additional intake will not be superfluous. This sports nutrition is best taken before bed, immediately after training, because it helps with recovery. For those who want to quickly gain weight, glutamine is a must.

Vitamins and minerals

By themselves, these drugs do not affect weight gain, but are directly involved in maintaining the necessary processes to achieve the goal. According to athletes, sometimes the lack of one of the essential minerals or vitamins greatly inhibits the process of increasing muscle mass. A course of multivitamins has never harmed anyone, so taking it will be useful for every athlete.

Other Supplements

In addition to the main supplements, you need to take a BCAA drug, which can reduce the negative effects of catabolism. It copes with this as efficiently as possible; the metabolism of amino acids will occur directly in muscle tissue. As a rule, BCAA are included in many proteins, so you should take them separately only during training, in the morning after waking up.

How to choose the best sports nutrition for muscle growth

Beginning athletes are often interested in what is the best sports nutrition for gaining weight. For men and women, the set will be the same, the difference lies in the dosages, because the goal is different. The main task is to choose the right price/quality ratio for each item on the list of sports nutrition:

  1. Protein. The production of this type of sports nutrition is not complicated, so the inflated price is not always justified. Look for an option in which the ratio will be as optimal as possible. You should not buy the isolate that has the highest cost. Study the composition, find how much pure protein is in the jar. The more of it, the better. Do not trust labels that say that natural berries and fruits were used in production; this is impossible.
  2. Complex products that supposedly incorporate all the elements from the list of sports nutrition will not significantly affect your weight. The maximum benefit will be when taking all elements separately. You will not be able to determine exactly what is mixed in this jar with the complex or calculate the amount of substances obtained.
  3. If you see unfamiliar ingredients in a product, do not buy it. First, study in the reference book what they mean, whether you need them or are they just trying to get extra money out of you.
  4. Gainer. Some manufacturers try to save on production and add more sugar than necessary. This is not the element that is necessary for gaining muscle mass. Ideally, its amount per serving should not exceed 5% of the total mass. Be sure to read the ingredients.

How to take it correctly

With a normal body type, a beginner will only need one protein when gaining weight. The amount of protein entering the body will increase, and muscle mass will begin to grow. Whey protein, which is consumed before and after training, is better at this stage. It will become the main material for building muscles. If growth is not fast enough, you can use casein protein. It will provide protein throughout the night so that muscles do not break down after an intense workout. The protein intake course for beginners is as follows:

For more experienced athletes, such a diet may not be enough. For those who have been training regularly for over a year, it makes sense to add a gainer to the protein. Depending on your starting point, you may also need BCAA, creatine and multivitamin complexes. You need to calculate the dosage for a man or woman based on their current weight. Below are examples of different sports nutrition courses, depending on the need for substances. They are divided into initial, standard and complete. Choose the scheme that suits you:


Before class, g

After class, g

Before bed, g









All calculations for these schemes were taken for a man with an initial weight of 80 kg. For other parameters, the dosage will be different. You can adjust the serving size with the help of a trainer or independently, based on the results. Sports nutrition regimens will become the basis for you to make your own calculations when drawing up a program for gaining muscle mass.

Nutrition program for gaining muscle mass

Sports nutrition is not cheap, you won’t be able to eat only it even if you really want to, and you don’t need it. Along with it, follow proper nutrition to gain muscle mass. It is very difficult to call it dietary, because the goal is to consume a large number of calories, and this is easier to achieve than cutting them. It is very important to eat heavily for breakfast, this will provide the stomach with work and start metabolic processes. You can't overeat before bed. If you feel hungry, you should snack on fruits and vegetables.

  • 370 carbohydrates (1500 Kcal);
  • 155 protein (600 Kcal);
  • 110 fat (1050 Kcal).

If desired, you can use homemade recipes to prepare protein shakes, so you will gain the required amount of protein instead of sports nutrition. Here is a sample daily menu for gaining muscle mass (all values ​​in grams):

  • 100 cottage cheese, preferably 9%;
  • 100 yogurt;
  • 50 oatmeal without sugar.


  • 300 chicken;
  • any number of vegetables as desired;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil for salads;
  • 100 g dry buckwheat or 400 g boiled potatoes.

Before training

  • 50 oatmeal without sugar;
  • jam 2 tbsp. l.;
  • apple.

After training

  • 5 pieces. eggs without yolk (scrambled eggs);
  • bread (no more than 2 slices);
  • apple;
  • 50 almonds.

Where to buy and how much do sports supplements cost?

Sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass is sold in specialized stores. You can also find everything you need on online sites, where the cost of products is usually somewhat lower. Pharmacies sell multivitamin complexes, but they are no different from those found in sports stores. Try not to buy sports drink by weight; the seller does not always behave in good faith. Approximate price for sports nutrition in online stores:

  • Amino acids – from 1500 rub.;
  • Whey protein – from RUB 1,300;
  • Casein protein – from RUB 1,300;
  • Gainers - from 1000 rubles;

Video review: the best sports nutrition for beginners

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Sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass