White strawberries: features, advantages and the most promising varieties. Strawberry yellow miracle

Of course, most of us garden strawberry or strawberries are associated with large, sweet, aromatic and exclusively Modern selection has destroyed this stereotype. Nowadays you can find white garden strawberries, which taste qualities surpassed many traditional “red” varieties.

History of selection

Surprisingly, garden strawberries with unusual white fruits were known in Europe several centuries ago. The hybrid was the result of crossing two wild varieties that grew on the American continent (Chilean and northern or Virginia berries). White-fruited strawberries almost disappeared. However, in 2009, a group of Dutch breeders led by Hans da Jong again recreated the unusual hybrid, giving it the name Pineberry (pictured above). This was just the beginning.

Over the following years, it was introduced in France, Japan, Great Britain, and Holland a large number of new varieties of white strawberries. They differ not only in the flavor of the berries, but also in their resistance to drought, cold, various specific infections, etc. These hybrids are not yet so popular in commercial cultivation due to the high cost of planting material.

Features of white strawberries

This hybrid has such an unusual fruit color due to the absence of a special protein in the genome of Fra a1 (Fragaria allergen 1). Numerous studies have shown that it is responsible for the red color of the berries and can cause an allergic reaction. In white-fruited varieties, protein is completely absent or present in small quantities. In this regard, unripe berries are colored green, and ripe ones are white, sometimes with a slight pink blush. This circumstance makes white-fruited varieties absolutely safe for allergy sufferers.

White strawberries are smaller than red ones.

White-fruited hybrids, as a rule, have compact bushes and brushes, which allows them to be used even in small areas. Productivity is low, but the plants are unpretentious and resistant to unfavorable environmental conditions and diseases. They have a specific aroma and taste.

Among the many varieties of seed varieties offered by manufacturers, it can be quite difficult to make right choice. We invite you to pay attention to those described below. They have proven themselves with positive side and have good feedback gardeners.

White Swede

A variety of Swedish selection, medium ripening period. It is characterized by large and aromatic berries weighing 40 g for the first harvest and about 25 g for subsequent ones. The color of the fruit is almost white with pale pink sides, the shape is regular conical (pictured above). The pulp has a sweet and sour taste and a pleasant characteristic aroma. The plant forms medium-sized bushes with a small number of tendrils.

Reviews of this variety of white strawberries are extremely good. Summer residents note its drought and frost resistance. In addition, the plant tolerates temperature fluctuations well. winter time and thaws, recurrent frosts, resistant to fungal diseases and is not of interest to birds.

White Swan

The variety was bred by Japanese breeders and is a dessert variety. Of course, its three main advantages are remontability, high productivity and the absence of mustaches. The plant forms a low (15-20 cm) and compact bush. The berries are snow-white, elongated, small, weighing only 2.5-4 g, but a lot of them are produced. They have a special taste with a hint of linden honey.

Sometimes the White Swan is confused with another Japanese variety, the White Lotus. The second hybrid is characterized by lower yield and small white-yellow berries.

Yellow miracle

The white strawberry variety Yellow Miracle appeared on the domestic market quite a long time ago and is widespread in areas with a temperate climate. It was bred in Holland and is remontant. The plant forms loose bushes 20-25 cm high. The berries have elongated conical shape, each weighs 4 - 5 g. The pulp is sweet, with an unobtrusive subtle aroma. At the beginning of ripening, the berries have a yellow or amber color, which gradually changes to light, banana yellow.

The variety is characterized by average winter hardiness and good immunity to pests and diseases.


The white strawberry variety Anablanca was recently developed. It is rare to find it on sale. However, if this happens, do not pass by under any circumstances. The variety was bred in France. It is characterized by exclusively white or slightly pink tint berries weighing 5 - 8 g. Pineapple notes are clearly visible in their aroma and taste.

Anablanca is highly resistant to diseases, and this makes it suitable for so-called eco-growing, i.e. without the use of chemicals.

The plant forms compact bushes; compacted planting can be used. In warm autumns, the variety has a tendency to bear fruit again.

Every year more and more gardeners are planting their own land plots remontant varieties of various crops, including strawberries. It bears fruit throughout the season continuously or at short intervals.

There are two types of strawberries: small-fruited (about which we're talking about) and large-fruited. It is the large-fruited one, along with garden strawberries, that many people call strawberries).

In turn, remontant small strawberries have two subspecies. The first one has no mustache. Therefore, it is grown exclusively by seeds or by dividing bushes. To taste and appearance the berries resemble wild strawberries, although not as fragrant.

The other species does not differ in appearance and taste from the first, but forms numerous mustaches - a significant disadvantage that makes caring for plants difficult. The “mustachioed” varieties are not so widespread.


Family: Pink

Appearance of strawberry: Bush 15 - 30 cm high, densely leafy.

Leaves: Green, small, tender, similar to the leaves of wild strawberries.

Flowers: white, large with numerous stamens, located on elongated pedicels.

Fruit: false, formed from a receptacle, soft juicy berry with oblong achenes.

For the last 150 years breeders have created more 2 thousand strawberry varieties, of which more than 40 varieties- repairable. Of the 2 thousand varieties, a significant part are called strawberries.

Advantages of growing remontant strawberries

  • The most important advantage of beardless strawberry varieties is that fruiting begins in the year of sowing, and in the next two years the plant bears fruit throughout the entire season - from mid-June until frost.
  • Remontant strawberries are valued for their early fruiting, early ripening, and high stable yield. The plant adapts well to different soil and climatic conditions.
  • Small-fruited strawberries are less damaged by diseases and pests than strawberries. Perhaps this is to some extent due to the fact that productivity in one place is maintained for 3 years.
  • Bushes of remontant strawberries are always strewn with berries, they are very decorative, they can be used to decorate paths, flower beds, and garden beds.

Growing Seedlings

When sowing seeds for seedlings in winter, you need to remember: seeds germinate only in the light! Therefore, the plants receive additional light. If this is not possible, strawberry seeds are sown in March, when daylight hours increase.

A light, loose mixture of coarse sand, peat, compost soil (humus) in a 1:1:1 ratio is suitable as soil.

After sowing the strawberry seeds, the container is covered with film or glass to create high humidity and kept on a light, warm windowsill. For watering, to avoid washing out the seeds, it is better to use a spray bottle.

It is important to ventilate strawberry seedlings, which after germination should gradually get used to room air. The first time the glass or film is opened slightly only for a few minutes, then the frequency and time of ventilation are gradually increased.

Not all strawberries sprout at once (after about a month), so plants with two true leaves are picked. Stronger seedlings are transplanted into separate cups, and the rest are left to grow 3-4 leaves and a root system.

Watering is moderate and regular so that the top layer of soil does not dry out.


Remontant strawberries grow best in nutritious and light soils. Best timing planting - spring (late April - first half of May), summer - (late July - first half of August).

Seedlings can be planted in narrow beds at a distance of 30 - 40 cm. Remontant strawberries love loosening the soil, then air seeps well to the roots.


  • Berries stimulate appetite, improve digestion, kidney activity, and respiratory organs. Useful for heart disease, atherosclerosis.
  • To strengthen the body and saturate it with vitamins, it is advisable to eat a glass of strawberries for at least 7-10 days in a row per season.
  • With a general loss of strength, anemia, and also as a diuretic, a decoction helps: 1 tbsp. dry leaves and berries pour 500 ml. water, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, drink 150 ml. 3 times a day, course - 2 weeks.

Varieties of beardless remontant strawberries

Yellow - Miracle: yellow berry, small, elongated, very sweet, smells like a forest berry. The variety winters well, bears fruit abundantly, and the bush is compact (20 - 25 cm).

Baron Solemacher: strawberry color is deep red, the berry is soft, tender, sweet. Early variety.

Ruyana:The strawberries are pink in the middle, reddening at the edges, small, conical.

Rügen: The fruits are quite large (5 g), red, pink at the surface, and white-yellow in the center, with a sweet and sour taste. Fruits abundantly, for a long time from June until frost (with shelter it can be even longer).

Strawberry "Yellow Wonder", or "Yellow Wonder", has become widespread in temperate zones. This variety of small-fruited wild strawberries was supposedly bred by English, Dutch or Danish breeders and belongs to the category of beardless remontant varieties. "Yellow Wonder" on Russian market for quite some time now.

Characteristics and description of the variety

Strawberries called “Yellow Miracle” have an elongated conical shape. The average weight of one berry does not exceed 2.8-3 g. The pulp of the berry is juicy and sweet, with a very subtle and pleasant aroma. If there is insufficient sunlight, surface coloring may be almost completely absent. This variety has fairly high winter hardiness and is resistant to diseases and pests. Strawberry bushes are compact, no more than 23-25 ​​cm high.

The variety has proven itself well as a decorative berry culture and is quite often used in modern landscape design. "Yellow Wonder" has this characteristic feature , as the need to replace berry plantings every three years, which is due sharp decline

harvest after the third year of life of this strawberry variety. As a rule, gardeners use several methods to renew the berry fields in their garden plots.

Strawberry “Yellow Miracle”: variety description (video)

Growing from seeds Strawberries called "Yellow Miracle" can only be grown seedling method or dividing the bush. The variety "Yellow Wonder" is most often grown from seeds.

  • strawberry seeds should be spread over the surface of the moistened soil using tweezers, maintaining a distance of 1-1.5 cm;
  • cover the containers with the crops with film and place them in a warm room with optimal temperature conditions;
  • You should check the soil daily for moisture levels and, if necessary, moisten it with warm water from a spray bottle;
  • It is very important to periodically ventilate crops to prevent the formation of mold colonies on the soil surface.

At correct implementation landing and maintaining specified temperature conditions Mass shoots of strawberries appear approximately three weeks after sowing. Immediately after the appearance of strawberry seedlings, it is recommended to remove the film covering from the crops. Seedlings should be planted in separate planting containers after the third or fourth leaf appears on the seedlings.

Care after landing

The description of the “Yellow Miracle” strawberry allows us to classify it as an unpretentious variety of small-fruited strawberry suitable for growing by beginners or inexperienced gardeners. When cultivating “Yellow Wonder”, it is recommended to pay attention to the implementation of care measures, primarily for fertilizing:

  • for the first feeding in spring period complex fertilizers with microelements or solutions based on the preparations “Effect” and “Vito” are used;
  • the second feeding should be done at the stage of extension of flower stalks with a fermented solution of mullein or bird droppings with the addition of wood ash;
  • The third and fourth fertilizing is carried out at the flowering stage and when preparing berry plantings for winter.

Standard care for strawberries also includes systematic irrigation, removal of weeds, loosening and, if necessary, planting of berry bushes.

Strawberries called “Yellow Miracle” form a harvest of berries completely devoid of the classic red color. At the initial stage of ripening, the berries have an amber or yellow surface, and when fully ripe, the color changes to light, banana-yellow. Fully ripe berries, according to consumers, literally melt in your mouth. The taste of the berry is sweet, with a pronounced pineapple aftertaste. The advantage of the variety is its lack of tendency to shedding. It has been noted that the absence of a mustache significantly complicates independent reproduction.

How to sow strawberry seeds (video)

From the wild strawberries familiar to Russians, the Yellow Wonder variety received excellent immune resistance to rot. The yellow-fruited strawberry variety has a more subtle aroma and delicate taste compared to the classic red-fruited varieties. The berries are not capable of causing allergies and can be used in baby food. According to gardeners, when correct landing“Yellow Wonder” berry bushes are able to quickly form a dense and very uniform grass stand.

When planning garden plot I immediately decided that I would definitely have a strawberry meadow. In addition to the function of aesthetic design, it restrains weeds and, in fact, brings a harvest of fragrant berries.

Having studied information about different varieties garden strawberries and strawberries, I was interested in remontant strawberries, but then I decided to look for something more suitable for our temperate zone and settled on the “Yellow Miracle” strawberries. From the name it is clear that distinctive feature this variety is the color of the berries.

Features of strawberries “Yellow Miracle”

The variety was developed in Europe, presumably by Danish, Dutch or English breeders for the temperate zone. The original purpose of the variety is decorative design. In Europe, it is used mainly for landscape design, but in terms of taste, unusual strawberries are not inferior to many varieties of garden strawberries that are familiar to us.

The variety was not registered in the state register of selection achievements, so there is no information about zoning. If you decide to breed the “Yellow Miracle” on your site, you need to be prepared for any result.

According to the description, strawberries of this variety are very resistant to rot, therefore ideal for the humid English climate, drought-resistant and completely unpretentious to soil, which makes them extremely attractive to gardeners. But, unfortunately, resistance to pests and diseases, moisture and drought resistance may be less than indicated.

Description of the strawberry variety

Strawberries "Yellow Miracle", as I already said, are distinguished by the light banana color of the berries. In addition, they are quite large, ellipsoidal in shape, 2.5 cm long and 1.5 cm in diameter, weighing about 3 g.

Sweet juicy berries have a pronounced pineapple flavor; they are best consumed immediately after picking, but the jam is in no way inferior to that made from ordinary garden strawberries. Even small children can eat berries; they do not cause allergies, as they do not contain red pigment.

Small neat bushes reach a height of 20-25 cm, do not require special care, but every three years it is necessary to renew the clearing, as the yield decreases sharply. Strawberries practically do not reproduce on their own due to the lack of whiskers.

Growing method from seeds

Sowing seeds should begin in late February-early March, then in May it will be possible to plant seedlings in open ground.

Care after planting in open ground is standard: watering, weeding, loosening the soil, hilling the bushes.

It is necessary to apply 3-4 fertilizers, the first in the form of a complex fertilizer with microelements; for the rest, cow or bird droppings with the addition of wood ash are quite suitable.

Let me sum it up

Unfortunately, despite all its attractive qualities, the variety has not passed state tests and it is impossible to guess how it will take root in your area.

Another pitfall is that registration in the register obliges the seed manufacturer to strictly monitor the quality and compliance with the declared characteristics, otherwise, they may sell you something completely different under the guise of one.

I read reviews of gardeners who grew strawberries instead of the Yellow Miracle, which did not at all correspond to the description. If you still decide to take a risk, it is best to choose seeds from one of the trusted producers, such as “Gavrish”, “Russian Garden”, “SeDek”, “Aelita”, etc., then you have a better chance of growing the “Yellow Miracle” and not something incomprehensible.


Growing strawberries of the “Yellow Miracle” variety

Strawberry "Yellow Wonder", or "Yellow Wonder", is widespread in temperate zones. This variety of small-fruited wild strawberries was presumably bred by English, Dutch or Danish breeders and belongs to the category of vineless remontant varieties. “Yellow Wonder” has been on the Russian market for quite some time.

Characteristics and description of the variety

Strawberries called “Yellow Miracle” have an elongated conical shape. The average weight of one berry does not exceed 2.8-3 g. The pulp of the berry is juicy and sweet, with a very subtle and pleasant aroma. If there is insufficient sunlight, the surface color may be almost completely absent. This variety has fairly high winter hardiness and is resistant to diseases and pests. Strawberry bushes are compact, no more than 23-25 ​​cm high.

The variety has proven itself well as an ornamental berry crop and is quite often used in modern landscape design. “Yellow Wonder” has such a characteristic feature as the need to replace berry plantings every three years, which is due to a sharp decrease in yield after the third year of life of this strawberry variety. As a rule, gardeners use several methods to renew the berry fields in their garden plots.

harvest after the third year of life of this strawberry variety. As a rule, gardeners use several methods to renew the berry fields in their garden plots.

Strawberry “Yellow Miracle”: variety description (video)

Strawberries called “Yellow Miracle” can only be grown by seedlings or by dividing the bush. The variety "Yellow Wonder" is most often grown from seeds. It is important to remember that such a procedure requires strict adherence to planting technology and agricultural technology:

  • sowing strawberry seeds should begin at the end of February or in the first ten days of March, which will allow you to obtain strong, well-developed seedlings suitable for planting in a permanent place in open ground already in May;
  • seedling material already in May;
  • prepare clean planting containers 6-7 cm high with the obligatory presence of high-quality drainage holes;
  • about a day before sowing, water the soil in the planting containers with hot water with the addition of a small amount of potassium permanganate;

  • strawberry seeds should be spread over the surface of the moistened soil using tweezers, maintaining a distance of 1-1.5 cm;
  • cover the containers with the crops with film and place them in a warm room with optimal temperature conditions;
  • You should check the soil daily for moisture levels and, if necessary, moisten it with warm water from a spray bottle;
  • It is very important to periodically ventilate crops to prevent the formation of mold colonies on the soil surface.

If planting is carried out correctly and the specified temperature conditions are maintained, mass seedlings of strawberries appear approximately three weeks after sowing. Immediately after the appearance of strawberry seedlings, it is recommended to remove the film covering from the crops. Seedlings should be planted in separate planting containers after the third or fourth leaf appears on the seedlings.

Care after landing

The description of the “Yellow Miracle” strawberry allows us to classify it as an unpretentious variety of small-fruited strawberry suitable for growing by beginners or inexperienced gardeners. When cultivating “Yellow Wonder”, it is recommended to pay attention to the implementation of care measures, primarily to fertilizing:

  • for the first feeding in the spring, complex fertilizers with microelements or solutions based on the preparations “Effect” and “Vito” are used;
  • the second feeding should be done at the stage of extension of flower stalks with a fermented solution of mullein or bird droppings with the addition of wood ash;
  • The third and fourth fertilizing is carried out at the flowering stage and when preparing berry plantings for winter.

Also read: Black currant variety “Slastena”

Standard care for strawberries also includes systematic irrigation, removal of weeds, loosening and, if necessary, planting of berry bushes.

Strawberries called “Yellow Miracle” form a harvest of berries completely devoid of the classic red color. At the initial stage of ripening, the berries have an amber or yellow surface, and when fully ripe, the color changes to light, banana-yellow. Fully ripe berries, according to consumers, literally melt in your mouth. The taste of the berry is sweet, with a pronounced pineapple aftertaste. The advantage of the variety is its lack of tendency to shedding. It has been noted that the absence of a mustache significantly complicates independent reproduction.

How to sow strawberry seeds (video)

From the wild strawberries familiar to Russians, the Yellow Wonder variety received excellent immune resistance to rot. The yellow-fruited strawberry variety has a more subtle aroma and delicate taste compared to the classic red-fruited varieties. The berries are not capable of causing allergies and can be used in baby food. According to gardeners, when planted correctly, “Yellow Wonder” berry bushes can quickly form a dense and very uniform grass stand.

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Strawberry, sweet, large, YELLOW)


06.04.2016 04:33

Strawberries have long been known and loved by gardeners. There are varieties different periods ripening and remontant varieties. But Dutch breeders surprise again. They brought out new variety called "Yellow Miracle". It is presented as a berry with a delicate aroma and amazing taste, are classified as remontant varieties.

Yellow strawberries have compact and low-growing bushes; each peduncle produces up to 10 medium-sized berries, first greenish-white in color, and then amber-yellow. Probably, such beds, among other things, look unusual)

There are also bleached strawberries with pineapple flavor. This variety has white skin and bright red seeds.

I can only dream how amazing a mix of yellow and red berries looks, because I have never seen one like this on sale)

They say that yellow strawberries were also bred - oh, those restless breeders)

And this, most likely, is from the realm of science fiction (or, more simply, photoshop) Although there’s nothing that can happen on Aliexpress)))


Remontant strawberries: the best varieties

Strawberry lovers who grow the berries themselves can say with confidence that there are some operations that create difficulties for them. For example, removing a mustache. Strawberries form new plants on their tendrils - creeping shoots. Therefore, many people strive to grow vineless strawberries, which save gardeners from tedious thinning of beds. There are varieties that do not throw out shoots. They are called varieties of beardless strawberries.

It is also worth dwelling on the concept of remontant strawberries. The usual one bears fruit no more than once a year, while the remontant one can lay fruit buds in daylight hours of various durations. Beardless strawberries grow for many years in one area. The only negative is that the bushes reduce productivity due to rapid thickening. That is why varieties of vineless remontant strawberries require planting bushes once every 4 years. Flowering and fruiting lasts from June to mid-September. The aroma and taste of the berries are very reminiscent of wild strawberries, but the yield of the garden representative is much higher. Among its species there are large-fruited varieties and small-fruited ones, but all are in great demand.

What else attracts gardeners to beardless remontant strawberries:

  1. With strict adherence to agrotechnical measures, a third harvest of delicious berries is possible.
  2. The absence of whiskers allows you to grow varieties remontant strawberries in a limited area, without allocating a large space. This is very beneficial for small summer cottages.
  3. It is very easy to weed strawberry beds.
  4. On varieties of beardless strawberries, the number of inflorescences is many times higher than in ordinary species.
  5. More resistant to diseases.
  6. The strength of the fruits is much higher, so their transportability attracts farmers.
  7. Frost resistance allows you to grow the best varieties beardless strawberries even in regions with cool climates.

The nuances of growing bare strawberries

Having listed all the advantages of remontant strawberries, we can notice that the usual way She does not reproduce. Therefore, such varieties are grown by sowing seeds. The method is quite labor-intensive at home. The seeds are small and require careful care when growing.

Gardeners usually propagate beardless strawberries by dividing the bush.

This method is proven and reliable. But for varietal breeding, seed sowing is also necessary. Experienced gardeners take on this difficult but worthy task.

How to grow varieties of strawberries from seeds

First about the soil. The beardless beauty strawberry loves sandy loam and loam, but the seeds will gratefully respond to the presence of humus. You can take ready-made soil for seedlings. Important! Be sure to read the composition of the soil and its acidity.

There are special mixtures for growing strawberries that contain sand.

Read also: Climbing strawberries: growing features

In order to distribute small seeds evenly in the ground, they are also mixed with dry sand.

Then landing container Fill with soil and water.

Seeds are sown on the surface, trying to distribute evenly.

The container is covered with film, as if creating a mini-greenhouse. This is necessary to create seeds optimal conditions for germination. These procedures are best carried out in late March or early April.

As soon as the shoots appear, the greenhouse is periodically opened slightly for ventilation.

At the age of three true leaves, small seedlings dive.

Caring for pickled seedlings consists of moderate watering, hardening, loosening, and removing weeds. Strawberry seedlings are mulched to retain moisture. The hardening time is increased gradually so that the seedlings “get used” to the temperature of the open ridges.

As soon as six leaves grow on the seedlings, it’s time to go to the garden.

We prepare the soil, mark the rows and plant new residents in the open space.

Important! We observe crop rotation.

Beardless strawberries do not like soil after eggplants, potatoes and tomatoes. Grows well after carrots or onions.

We place plants on the site according to the rules. We maintain the width of the ridges at 1.2 m, and leave 30 cm between the bushes.

When planting, we enrich the soil with ash, superphosphate (1 tbsp. l) or ready-made mineral fertilizer(according to instructions). We try to ensure that the roots do not touch the fertilizer.

We carry out the procedure at a time when the active sun does not affect the plants - evening or morning. When the bushes are planted, it’s time to care for bare strawberries.

Now you need to ensure that:

  • the soil does not dry out - we water and mulch on time;
  • fertilizing was carried out on time - we draw up a schedule, but monitor the condition of the plants;
  • We carry out prevention against the invasion of pests and common diseases of barkless strawberries.

After a week, which we give the bushes to adapt, young leaves appear. In the fall, a young bush of beardless strawberries will bear the first fruits, so that you can judge the quality of the chosen variety.

During this period of life, remontant strawberries require removal of leaves two months after their appearance.

We monitor the condition of the soil, apply the required types of fertilizers, water, implement modern technologies growing strawberries without whiskers and getting a good quality harvest.

What are the best varieties of remontant strawberries recommended to grow? experienced gardeners? What criteria are the main ones when choosing a culture?

Selecting the best types of remontant strawberries

Which varieties are considered the best? What varieties of garden strawberries without mustaches should you focus your attention on? The main criteria are:

Let's look at the most popular types of garden strawberries.