Ledum, green zone. Blooming wild rosemary is an amazing and wonderful sight

The recreation center "Bagulnik" is located in the village. Lukyanovka, Shkotovsky district, Primorsky Krai. 2 kilometers from the base there are winter recreation centers with entertainment. The recreation center "Bagulnik" is a great place to relax in the taiga all year round.

Coolness in " starfish»: 1

Seasonality: Year-round

Specialization: Recreation in the taiga, Winter sports recreation.

Capacity of the recreation center: 15


Accommodation options: A room in a house with “outdoor” services.

Service provided: Bathhouse, Unguarded parking lot.

Winter activities: Ski slope, cross-country track.

Summer fun: excursions.

Meals: On your own.

Accommodation with animals: Allowed for an additional fee


The recreation center "Bagulnik" is located in the village of Lukyanovka, Shkotovsky district, Primorsky Krai. 2 kilometers from the base there are: the winter recreation center "S-Nezhnaya" and the ski resort "Pidan Sikhote". This is a great place to relax in the taiga all year round!

There is a bathhouse on the territory of the Bagulnik recreation center.

Organization of excursions to the foot of Pidan, Falaza, Tumannaya, and to the Smolny waterfalls.

On the territory of the Bagulnik recreation center there is a place for preparing barbecue with a barbecue.

On sale are:

  • Charcoal.
  • Lighter fluid.
  • Firewood for the fire.

Bed linen is provided. Drinking water- from a stream 10 meters from the house.

Additional places, as well as pets, are subject to prior agreement with the administration.

Rustic toilet outside.


Accommodation. On the territory there is a guest house with rooms for 3 and 4 people opening onto a warm glass veranda and a room for 7 people with a separate entrance.

Also available separately standing house with a veranda for 4 people.

The maximum capacity of the base is 18 people.

Transbaikal photographer Arkady Mirtov.
Gems - Ledum

Arkady says: “The beauty of wild rosemary blossoms is similar to cherry blossoms in Japan. Especially when you consider that a shrub with such soft pink flowers blooms at the beginning of the rather cold Transbaikal spring. This delicate flower- our pride Trans-Baikal Territory. To admire this miracle, you don’t have to go far into the forest; you can even find it on the outskirts of the city. Its petals are soft like silk. The flowers are small, but there are a lot of them on a bush branch. And when it blooms, it is covered with a pink, slightly purple cloud. Driving past the hills in May, one cannot help but notice this miracle. And if you ask any resident of Chita what is the most beautiful thing in Transbaikalia, he will answer without hesitation: of course, wild rosemary.”

Scientifically, this plant is called Dahurian Rhododendron or Rhododendron acuminate. It got its name from the Greek “rhodon” (rose) and “dendron” (tree) - rose tree. In the literature it is often found under the name “alpine rose” and less often “stone bush”

The leaves and branches of wild rosemary emit a sharp, intoxicating odor, which is explained by the contents of the plant. essential oil complex composition.

Smell fresh leaves and wild rosemary branches repels blood-sucking insects, protects fur and wool from moths.

Transbaikalians claim that the bagul-colored bush is a living symbol of Transbaikalia.

You look at the delicate petals and wonder how they, so thin and delicate, do not freeze in the cold Transbaikal May.

Instead of sakura, Primorye residents admire the blooming wild rosemary. In fact, it's a rhododendron, but try to pronounce it. Somewhere wild rosemary on the hills blooms, Cedars pierce the sky... It seems as if it has been waiting for me for a long time. ...

Depending on what kind of winter it was, it can bloom in March, but mostly in April and until June. During the May holidays, many Vladivostok residents make their first trip to the forest or to the mountains, for example, to Pidan.

The snow has almost melted even on the ridge and on the southern slopes, on the rocky screes a pinkish-purple cloud of flowering pointed rhododendrons can be seen from afar.

This flower has become the official symbol of Vladivostok since 1994. And since 2005 Botanical Garden celebrates Rhododendron Day. The fact is that rhododendron branches picked in February bloom in a vase at home in three weeks, which made this bush popular and almost destroyed it.

There are several species of rhododendrons in Primorye. There are dwarf forms with yellow flowers, but they grow on the tops of mountains and have difficulty taking root in the valleys. There is a seemingly ordinary wild rosemary, but with almost double and bright crimson flowers.

The most beautiful - Schlippenbach rhododendron grows in the Khasansky district on the southern slopes of the hills. Its flowers are larger, up to seven centimeters, pure white or creamy peach. This rhododendron was first found in Korea and described by a Russian officer from the frigate “Pallada” A.E. Schlippenbach, who thus immortalized his name.

In the mid-20th century, in the Ussuri taiga, on one single spur of the Sikhote-Alin in the upper reaches of the Dzhigitovka River, a grove of unusual trees was found. Botanists did not believe it when they were told that in northern Primorye there is an evergreen tree with white inflorescences and leathery leaves that roll up into a tube for the winter.

They didn't believe it until they saw it with their own eyes. A small grove of rhododendron Faurie was found where it should not have been, because this tree grows in the subtropics. But here it entered into a community with local spruce species and therefore does not really take root in other places, even to the south.

This rhododendron blooms in summer, but not every summer, so seeing it is a great success.

If you ever see a flower blooming in the forest, on the hills Daurian rhododendron, - believe me! – this sight will remain in your memory for the rest of your life! In the words of the song " Somewhere wild rosemary blooms on the hills…» we're talking about exactly about him - rhododendron dahurian. This is what people say, but from a botany point of view correct name exactly Daurian rhododendron.

My family met this plant in the early 60s in the Primorsky Territory and throughout their lives they retained awe, delight in contemplating and admiring wild rosemary (may the botanists forgive me - rhododendron dahurian!)

A completely unprepossessing bush with twisted, branched branches, dark brown leathery leaves rolled into a tube in winter. In the spring - in April-May - it transforms unusually, becoming covered with pinkish, lilac (different shades) large flowers (up to 5 cm). Seeing this sea Pink colour, the most delicate lilac haze among the scatterings of stones on the hills, mountains, among dry old leaves, in coniferous, but more often deciduous forests, you freeze with delight. Massively Daurian rhododendron blooms in early spring when there are still no leaves on the trees and bushes around.

Rhododendron Daurian very winter-hardy, loves slightly acidic soils. Light-loving, but tolerates slight shading normally. In addition to the Primorsky Territory, it is found throughout Far East(where there is, of course, no permafrost) and in Eastern Siberia, in Transbaikalia, China, Korea, Mongolia, Japan.

Of course, there is a great desire plant in your own area such a miracle – Daurian rhododendron.

It is quite widely used in ornamental gardening.

Name "rhododendron" comes from two Greek words "rhodon" and "dendron", which mean "rose" and "tree". The British were the first to introduce Daurian rhododendron into culture. It began to be grown in Russian gardens only in the 19th century.

In nature, the main method of reproduction is rhododendrons is propagation by seeds. Seeds usually have high germination rate and keep it for several years. Experienced amateur gardeners grow rhododendrons from seeds. Vegetative propagation requires special conditions and skills.

So you can just dig Daurian rhododendron early spring or early September, except during flowering and late autumn. The soil should be light, slightly acidic.

Propagation of rhododendron by seeds. Collected seeds rhododendron dahurian sown in winter - in December-February in greenhouses, in boxes, placing them on the surface of the soil, without covering them. Seeds must be germinated at a temperature of + 18-20 degrees. If germination is carried out in a room, you should ensure adequate air and soil humidity by covering its surface with glass or film. The germination rate of the seeds is at least 80%, and it lasts up to three years if they are placed in a hermetically sealed vessel (jar) in a cool place. In the third to fifth year, the seedlings bloom.

Vegetative method of propagation of rhododendron consists of using semi-lignified green cuttings or dividing the bush. It is better to prepare cuttings for planting in the second half of summer (mid-June - early July). Green semi-lignified cuttings rhododendron dahurian They take root very easily, almost 100% rooting is observed.

The plant does not tolerate overdrying, so regular deep watering is necessary, in dry times - at least 2-3 times a week. Until the plant gets stronger, it should be lightly fed with liquid complex fertilizers (NPK) or well-rotted manure in early spring.

If you prune the bush, the growth and flowering of the plant will be inhibited. So choose what you want to do.

Besides the amazing beauty Daurian rhododendron still has medicinal properties . IN folk medicine its leaves are used as a sedative, antipyretic, and diuretic. They are used for compresses and rubbing for gout and joint rheumatism. And infusion and tea from flowers are taken for insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Rhododendrons(alcohol extracts from leaves) are bactericidal, phytoncidal and even insecticidal (flower powder rhododendron dahurian) properties.

This is such an amazing plant - Daurian rhododendron, bringing people joy, delight, divine admiration!

I read it on the internet a beautiful legend about rhododendrons. I can't resist posting it.

“A long time ago, when God left sinful Eden for Heaven, He first wanted to take away all the beauty of the Earth from people. But His Love for people and Hope overcame just anger: God left divine plants for people - rhododendrons. But they do not grow everywhere, but only in hard to reach placeshigh mountains and gorges, on seaside cliffs and screes, near glaciers and waterfalls.”

Natalia Streltsova

“Somewhere wild rosemary is blooming on the hills

Cedars pierce the sky...

It seems like it's been waiting for me for a long time,

A land where I have never been.”

Such a famous, wonderful song with words by I. Morozov and music by Vl. Shainsky glorifies the beauty of wild rosemary.

With the onset of the long-awaited spring, in mid-April, our coastal forests and hills, after the gray, winter colors, dress in lilac-pink, festive attire. This is the wild rosemary blooming. The amazingly beautiful, bright outfit of wild rosemary delights all residents and guests of our region with its unique flowering. It is impossible to take your eyes off the delicate beauty of wild rosemary flowers.

There is especially a lot of wild rosemary growing in the very south of Primorye, where I live.

The beauty of wild rosemary is similar to that of cherry blossoms in Japan.

This delicate flower is the pride of our Far East.

Ledum blooms in early spring from mid-April (and generally depends on what kind of winter it was) until June.

To admire this miracle, you don’t have to go far into the forest; you can even find it on the outskirts of our village.

Not a tall shrub, it blooms profusely with the appearance of primroses, when the entire forest is still bare, awaiting the first young foliage. The bright lilac-pink flowers of wild rosemary make the forest and hills so fabulously beautiful that no one can take their eyes off such a miracle when they meet it on their way.

This shrub is popularly known as “Ledum”. Although scientific name- Dahurian rhododendron or Rhododendron acuminate. In the literature it is often found under the name “alpine rose” and less often “stone bush”.

However, the name “Ledum” has taken root among the people, and none of the local residents call it anything else.

Here is such a handsome seaside primrose - Daurian Rhododendron.

Ledum is a miracle of Far Eastern nature.

Its petals are soft like silk. The flowers are small. But there are a lot of them on the branches of the bush. And when the bush blooms, it looks like a pink, slightly purple cloud. It is impossible not to notice such a miracle, such beauty!

The plant got its name from the Greek “rhodon” (rose) and “dendron” (tree) - translated as “rose tree”.

The Amur tiger and wild rosemary have become natural symbols of the Far Eastern spring.

Daurian rhododendron (Ledum) is listed in the Red Book.

Because, due to its beautiful flowers, it is subject to mass destruction. After all, many, walking through the spring forest, without hesitation, tear off wild rosemary branches and dig up entire bushes to plant them in their dachas or near their houses.

An amazing and wonderful sight - wild rosemary blooming!

There was a time when wild rosemary almost disappeared near the villages. But, thanks to conservationists, pink beauties increasingly began to delight the eye with their blooms. And people began to treat nature more carefully.

In Russia, wild rosemary grows on the hills of southern Primorye, in the Khabarovsk Territory, Altai, Transbaikalia, Eastern Siberia, and Sakhalin. It also grows in Manchuria, southeast China, northern Mongolia, and is found in Korea and Japan.

The leaves and branches of wild rosemary (and especially flowers, pollen and seeds) emit a sharp, specific intoxicating odor, which is explained by the essential oil content in the plant. The smell of fresh wild rosemary leaves and branches repels blood-sucking insects.

And, of course, people have created a huge number of fabulous legends and myths about wild rosemary, about this spring miracle. Which we grew up with and passed them on to our children.

I want to tell you the most famous ones. One of them reads:

-What, one day the elves were fleeing from forest fire, reached the foot of the mountain and, tired, asked to spend the night in a new forest. No one in the forest wanted to accept them and only one inconspicuous bush, growing alone, sheltered them. And, in the morning the elves decided to thank their savior. And then, to the envy of the entire forest, flowers bloomed on it. amazing beauty, so delicate, lilac-pink in color! What, the whole forest envied him, and the bush shyly lowered its flowers and quietly smiled back at him!

Well, another legend tells us that the magic bush can talk and knows all the secrets.

"Ledum" even knows where the treasures are buried. And on the full moon he can reveal his secret and take him to the treasure. But he does not show the treasure to everyone, but only to a virgin, who will let down her hair and bring him some milk or honey.

According to another legend about wild rosemary, the name of the plant comes from ancient Greek name Leda. This name was given to the plant for the beauty and intoxicating smell of the flowers. It was with these qualities that Leda conquered Zeus. Having fallen in love with the beauty, he appeared to Leda in the form of a swan. After which Leda laid an egg, from which Helen was born, who later became the cause of the Trojan War.

Ah, the oldest local belief about healing properties wild rosemary People knew and believed that he drove away bodily illnesses and unkind thoughts.

And that the mysterious “Snake Healer” lives in the Ussuri taiga. And if you set fire to a sprig of wild rosemary, the snake will come to its intoxicating smell and absorb it into itself. After this, he will wrap his rings around the sick person and drive out any diseases from him.

Like these ones interesting legends passed down from generation to generation about our famous, wonderful and unique Far Eastern wild rosemary.

And it is truly wonderful, just as life and nature itself are wonderful.

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