Travel agency automation: choosing a cloud-based CRM system. Client testimonials My documents tourism login

Choosing a CRM system is not an easy task. The modern market for software products of this class is quite diverse and wide. The success of choosing the right IT solution for automating a travel agency will be determined by a clear understanding of their needs, as well as knowledge of the systems that exist today. the site studied the range of cloud solutions and prepared a brief overview of CRM, thus trying to help answer the question of which CRM to choose for a travel agency.

Choosing a CRM for a travel agency

A long time ago (unfortunately, not for everyone) the times when the main tools of travel agency employees for working with clients were paper and pen. Stationery was gradually replaced by computer spreadsheet editors. Progress did not stand still. Increasing client bases year by year, coupled with increasingly fierce competition in the market, demanded new solutions from travel agencies that would allow them to work easier, faster and more efficiently. They are automation systems. To imagine today a serious travel agency without a CRM system is already quite strange (although you can still find similar ones).

Now in the software market for the tourism business there are many different CRM systems ( abbr. "customer relationship management", from English. "Customer Relationship Management System") for automated management of travel agencies. Such systems are computer programs installed on users' personal computers or leased as cloud web applications that perform all the basic operations that tourism managers deal with and use a single database.

Typically, the main functions that should be provided in CRM systems include the following functions:

  • customer management
  • sales management
  • accounting management
  • document management
  • analytics and reporting management.

Cloud CRM for travel agency

The increasing growth of interest in cloud technologies could not bypass the tourism sector, therefore, today the number of cloud CRMs (read about the advantages of cloud CRM systems in the review published on the site) for managing a travel agency (and not only) may exceed the number of existing desktop CRMs -systems. The ability to use the program from almost any computer device, including mobile devices, from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access, as well as the ability to securely store data remotely on web servers, have made cloud technologies an extremely attractive model for developers of IT solutions in the field of tourism.

This CRM review includes the most popular Russian-language cloud CRM systems on the software market today, designed exclusively for the tourism industry:


Selena is a cloud-based operational CRM for tourism. Created in 2003 as an online booking system for a small travel agency. In 2005, Selena entered the SaaS market as a travel package sales management system for businesses of all sizes, from a small travel agency to a large tour operator.

Selena was originally designed with an emphasis on online interaction with the customer. According to the developers, one of the main goals was to create a mechanism that would allow shifting a significant part of the manager's routine work to the ticket buyer himself - the tourist and travel agent. An online application in Selenium often does not require manual processing by the manager.

Selena's functionality includes a set of tools familiar to systems of this class: creating and accepting applications for tours, an automatically generated set of documents, managing a database of tourists and travel agents, quoting accommodation, seating in the bus, email and sms mailings, a system notifications and reminders, currency accounting, discount and bonus system, employee authority management, various analytical and applied reports, integration with external accounting systems and payment gateways. Supports work on mobile devices.

The minimum annual cost of using the Selenium CRM system is 12,000 rubles. There is a free tariff for one user and with a limit on the number of applications.


Columbis is a travel agency software designed to automate large travel companies. Individual travel agents and small travel agencies can use the Columbis CRM system free of charge. The customer relationship management system Columbis appeared on the Russian software market in 2013.

The program has a fairly simple and convenient interface, allows you to maintain databases of applications and clients, work with potential clients, set reminders for employees on deadlines and payments, automatically fill out documents and update information about travel operators, organize SMS and email distribution. The system implements tools for working with analytics and reporting, as well as a motivation system for employees.

The minimum cost of the annual use of the Columbis CRM system with the ability to work in the application of one tourist office and five tourism managers is 9600 rubles.

CRM Tour

CRM Tour - CRM for travel agencies of any level, from small to large networks. The program was developed by the Ukrainian web studio Studio-Z. The cloud version of the application appeared in 2016, although 2009 can be considered the official year of the creation of the CRM Tour system. Created 8 years ago, the desktop version of the product, known even then as Touristic CRM, according to the developers, was not so widely available to representatives of the travel industry, since not every company could afford to contain the Windows Server operating system, SQL server and web specifically for the application. - IIS server, as well as equipment corresponding to the tasks.

Along with the ability to manage the client base and the database of client requests, the CRM Tour CRM system integrates with the MailChimp mailing list service, the ability to display payments by managers, the ability to independently generate printable forms and set reminders. The program also has a reporting tool.

The cost of using the CRM system CRM Tour with the ability to work in the application of one tourism manager is 1800 UAH. or 4,000 rubles per year (hereinafter - as of the exchange rate as of September 13, 2017). is an automation system for travel agencies and travel agency networks based on the 1C platform. One of the very first CRM systems on the Russian market. The official date of creation of the program is 2003. In 2014, at the exhibition-conference of modern technologies, the product was awarded for winning the Best CRM system (“Best CRM system”) nomination.

The travel agency automation system has wide functionality, such as accounting for travel agency clients, scheduling the work of travel agency employees, importing data from various external systems, implementing SMS and mailing lists, printing documents on agency letterhead, integration with various external systems , registration of contracts and orders for tours, quick selection of tours on the websites of travel operators, financial accounting, the formation of various reports, etc.

The minimum cost of CRM for travel agencies with the ability to work in the application of one user is 5500 rubles. For a fee, the development of additional forms, processing and integrations can be carried out.

ITERIOS Travel Agent (ITA)

ITERIOS Travel Agent (ITA) is a comprehensive online system for travel agencies, released in 2012 by the Ukrainian company ITERIOS, which specializes in developing software for the tourism industry. In addition to the functionality traditional for CRM systems, the ITERIOS Travel Agent system provides additional special tools, such as, for example, searching for tours and managing bookings. For small travel agencies, a free tariff is provided.

ITERIOS Travel Agent, a cloud-based CRM for travel agencies, implements tools for tracking applications, deals and bookings, as well as managing information about tourists with the ability to create more effective offers based on data about the interests and preferences of customers and the ability to automatically create reminders for tourists. The program has tools to improve sales efficiency and attract new customers, such as a sales funnel, SMS and email newsletters, a sales module on the travel agency website, etc.

The minimum cost of using the ITERIOS Travel Agent CRM system is 4200 UAH. or about 9200 rubles a year. For a separate payment, various additional services can be connected, such as increasing the base of tourists, packages of SMS messages and emails for mailing, increasing the frequency of synchronization of the program with tour operator systems, etc.

MAG Travel

MAG.Travel is a complex CRM system for travel agencies and online travel agencies with the functions of searching and booking travel services (tours, air tickets, hotels, insurances), created by Master Agent LLC in 2012 based on the current Master Agent software package from Megatek. The basic version of the solution can be used free of charge.

The MAG.Travel system has a convenient modern user interface that allows you to manage your client base, maintain document flow, record and control sales, assign tasks and control the process of their execution. The program implements the ability to integrate with IP telephony, payment services and the 1C system. Built-in tools are available for working with analytical reporting, SMS and email distribution.

The cost of the paid version of the solution (with a personal account of a tourist, the possibility of training and technical support, as well as the possibility of customizing the product for a specific travel agency and available search modules for the site) is 79,000 rubles per year. In the basic version of the MAG.Travel CRM system, the connection of the above features is provided for a fee.


TourControl - CRM for travel agencies, designed to automate both travel agencies and visa centers and ticket offices. The first version of the TourControl system appeared on the Russian software market in 2011.

The cloud-based CRM system for automating travel agencies TourControl provides its users with a wide range of options. The program implements tools for managing clients, applications, documents, payments, reminders and users with the ability to use CRM TourControl for several offices and configure access depending on the role of company employees. The system provides the functions of IP-telephony, sending SMS-messages and e-mails to tourists, statistics (on applications, clients, employees, telephony, sources, finances, etc.).

The minimum cost of using the TourControl CRM system with the ability to work in the program of one manager and 1 GB of disk space allocated for storing files is 1800 rubles per year. For a fee, the file storage space can be increased. For users from Ukraine and Belarus, separate tariffs are provided.


U-ON.Travel is a cloud-based CRM for travel companies, both small travel agencies and network agencies and large tour operators. The U-ON.Travel system appeared on the Russian market of software products for customer relationship management CRM in 2011. Individual travel agents can use the system free of charge with limited functionality.

The program has a wide range of opportunities for managing the tourism business. Along with the basic tools designed to work with clients, applications, payments and documents, the U-ON.Travel CRM system has tools for working with primary calls and a sales funnel, integration with IP telephony, integration with a travel site to receive requests from tourists, creating mailing lists and SMS mailing lists, working with a tourist’s personal account, online payment, managing loyalty programs, managing the motivation of the staff of a travel company, integrating with online accounting services, managing statistics, etc.

The minimum cost of using all the basic functions of the U-ON.Travel CRM system with the ability to work in the application for up to three employees is 5988 rubles per year. For a fee, additional services can be connected, such as, for example, mass mailing packages of various volumes, the possibility of personalizing your personal account, etc.


MoiDocuments-Tourism is a program for automating the work of travel agencies and travel agencies, developed in Russia in 2009. The CRM system is supplied by developers in two versions: as a cloud application and as a desktop application that requires installation on the user's computer and stores all data on it.

The cloud version of CRM MyDocuments-Tourism provides tools for managing the base of tourists, preparing document forms, controlling incoming and outgoing online payments, scheduling tasks, creating reminders, accepting applications from the travel agency website, integrating with IP telephony, organizing mailing lists and SMS-mailings, communication with clients, work with preliminary applications, work with reports and statistics, accounting for discounts, discount cards, accumulative and bonus systems, etc. The program also supports the possibility of organizing access for tourists to their personal account, the possibility of accounting for seats on buses and accounting for hotel rooms, the function of online booking tours from any Russian tour operator companies.

The minimum cost of using the cloud-based CRM system MyDocuments-Tourism with the ability to work in the application of one tourist office, three tourism managers and with a limit on a client base of 500 tourists is 6,000 rubles per year.


MyTourists is a CRM system for travel agencies that has been on the tourism business software market since 2012. The basic version of the program is aimed at small travel agencies. For large companies with several offices and a wide staff of managers, the developers have provided advanced application features that can be activated separately upon request.

With the help of the MyTourists CRM system, travel agencies can keep track of clients and incoming requests, create various reminders, keep reports and statistics on various parameters, calculate bonuses for employees, work with a sales funnel, organize mailing lists and SMS mailing lists, use IP telephony , work with orders from the site, create micro-accounts for tourists, etc. For large and network travel agencies, there are opportunities for office automation, integration with call centers, automatic addition of orders to the CRM system from any source, etc.

The minimum cost of using CRM MyTourists with the ability to work in the program for no more than three users is 5160 rubles per year. For a fee, the ability to work in the application of an additional user can be connected.

SAMO travel agent

SAMO-travel agent is the first travel agency automation system on the domestic market, developed in 2002 by SAMO-Soft, one of the most authoritative Russian companies in the field of IT technologies for the tourism business. CRM for travel agencies SAMO-travel agent is available in two versions: a cloud version, as well as a desktop version that is installed on workplaces and requires its own server for storing data. It is positioned by the developers as a universal CRM system that can be used by both small and large network travel agencies.

Among the key features of the cloud version of the SAMO travel agent program for travel agencies are: customer relationship management, sales management, document management, workflow management, reporting management, creation of mailing lists and SMS mailing lists, loading and unloading financial transactions from the 1C: Accounting program , integration with IP-telephony, integration with payment systems, searching and booking tours through the Andromeda booking system, downloading applications from the tour operator's website, managing loyalty programs, etc. The SAMO-travel agent software package can also be integrated with another SAMO-Soft product - an application for creating collections with tours for travel agency clients.

The cost of an annual license to use a cloud-based CRM system for tourism SAMO-travel agent with the ability to work in the application of one user is 7,500 rubles.


TourOffice is a free CRM system from the group of companies for automating the activities of travel agencies working with the Booking Center. The solution is suitable for both small travel agencies and large network travel companies. The TourOffice system was released by in 2015.

Unlike most other automated solutions for travel agencies, the TourOffice system provides only the basic functionality that is present, as a rule, in all CRM systems. These include the following possibilities:

  • customer base management
  • accounting for customer requests
  • work with pre-orders
  • accounting for mutual settlements
  • generation of reports (on debts, on the work of managers, on the balance sheet)
  • automatic generation of documents, etc.

The main feature of the cloud CRM TourOffice is integration with one of the largest tour search systems for all travel operators Thanks to this, service users have the opportunity to search, book and process documents for tours in the Booking Center Therefore, the TourOffice system is sometimes called an accounting and booking system.

Using CRM TourOffice is completely free.

What CRM system do you use in your travel agency?

Database of clients, tours, orders and tour operators in one place Full automation of the travel agency Control over the work of managers Easy installation and implementation Full free version for 30 days

Imagine that you or your managers have at least 10 free hours a week. What would you spend this time on? And most importantly, how much additional income could it bring?

But this time can be added without increasing the working day, shortening lunch, installing video windows with the broadcast of daytime weather, or any other manipulations with time and consciousness. Everything is much easier. You just need to reduce the time spent on paperwork and the rest of the routine.

And for this, we offer you to download the program for the travel agency “Client Accounting: Travel Agency” for free, with which you will have this time.

How the program will help you as the head of a travel agency

The program "Client Accounting: Travel Agency" from the company "Prostoy Soft" helps the manager to keep track of all the key business processes of his company.

Performance monitoring and motivation for managers

In the program you can see how each of the managers works and you can display this information in the form of reports and print it out. Thus, you will visually see the performance of each of the managers and will be able to influence their motivation and results.

Accounting for financial transactions

Automatic calculation of the cost of the tourist package and the percentage of payments to managers. Accounting for the status of payment, as well as the amount of debt of customers.

Increasing customer loyalty

Through the program, you can send SMS and E-mail letters and congratulations. For example, you can congratulate your customers on their birthday and give them a discount. Or congratulations on the New Year and offer to relax on long holidays. There are many options and they are limited only by your marketing mindset.

Business automation

No more spreadsheets in Excel or notebooks. All information is available in one program with a powerful filter and search tool.

Implementation without involvement of IT-specialists

You probably know how to install programs on a computer. It's exactly the same principle. But even if you have any questions, our technical support will help you figure it out.

Lifetime license

No monthly, quarterly or annual fees. We paid 1 time 8,000 rubles for the program and use it for an unlimited time. At least pass it on to your grandchildren along with the business.

Customizing the program for your needs

There are no identical travel agencies, so we have created a flexible system that can be customized to meet your specific needs. And both independently and with the help of our specialists.

How the program will help your managers

CRM for a travel agency “Client Accounting: Travel Agency” automates the work of managers and frees them up to 3 hours a day.

Accounting for all components of the tour

In the program, your managers can maintain all the necessary information for clients. How they will get to the place of rest, whether they will be met upon arrival, in which hotel they will stay, the availability of insurance, vaccinations, and so on. You can also create your own tables and enter information about the tour operators you work with, the countries you sell tours to, and much more.

The program completely eliminates the routine

Your managers will no longer have to enter passport data and other information about the client several times in each document. It is enough to enter all the information into the program and create a template for standard documents. The program will do the rest.

Maintaining a database of potential customers

Your managers can enter all new contacts into the program, note where they came from, what question they asked and what they left with. And then remind them of yourself to make the contact a client of the company, thereby increasing both your and your income.

The program does not require special knowledge

The program is quite easy to learn. Your managers won't have to sit and figure it out for hours. The program also has a demo base that will help you figure out what's what on a working example.

Quick access to document scans and other images

You can attach the necessary images to each record of any table. Thus, the time of searching for them on the computer is reduced and access to them is provided to all employees of your travel agency.

Notifications and Reminders

In the turmoil of days, you will not forget about something important anymore. Did a potential client call, ask questions and promise to think about it? Enter his data in a table and create a notification to call him in a week and find out what he has in mind. And so for any of your tasks.

Video presentation of the program

In this 11 minute video you will learn:

  • How to work in CRM "Client Accounting: Travel Agency"
  • How to add a new client to the database.
  • How to fill in all information about the tour.
  • How to calculate the percentage of a manager


Nothing. It will remain safe and sound, so that the trial version can be implemented immediately without fear that in a month all data will be lost.

Of course not. If you maintain a database in Excel, then simply import it into the program. If you maintain a database in another program, then you will first need to export it to Excel format, and then import it into our program.

Yes, you can. And there are 2 ways:

  1. Install the program on a computer with a white IP and keep it on all the time. In this case, work is possible only in the Windows system through the program
  2. Take advantage of our solution “Simple Site”, which allows you to work with any database through a browser on a computer, smartphone or tablet from anywhere in the world.

The installed version of the program takes a little more than 30 megabytes (2-3 songs). Plus, the database file initially takes up 2 megabytes, increasing in size depending on the number of records that you enter into the program. But this file grows very slowly. So, if you make 500 entries a year, then even after 40 years of working with the program, it will not take more than 1.5 gigabytes (the size of 1 movie in standard quality).

Yes, the program works with barcode scanners, magnetic card readers, payment terminals, receipt printers, fiscal registrars, webcams and cash drawers.

Do you have any questions? Set them in any way convenient for you. Contacts you can see below

We are not saying that our travel agency program is perfect. But we strive for this by adding new functionality to it or fixing errors that users report to us. For this reason, we update the program at least 2 times a month. And you will not need to download it every time. The update is automatic and you will only have to agree to install the new version.

The cost of the program is 8,000 rubles. But we do not urge you to buy it right away. Download and install a free demo version, try it out and only after that decide whether it is suitable for your travel agency or not. But do not forget that the program can be modified to suit your needs and tasks.

The program MyDocuments-Tourism, developed by LLC "" is designed to automate travel agencies and travel agencies. With the help of the MyDocuments-Tourism application, designed for an unlimited number of jobs, employees of travel agencies can significantly increase their efficiency and save time by entrusting the performance of basic operations, whether it is working with documents and reports, task management, organizing interaction with clients, to a specialized software.

The main features of the MyDocuments-Tourism CRM system, which make it indispensable in the work of any travel agency, include:

  • Simple and fast work with documents. In the MyDocuments-Tourism program, there is a typical set of documents that a travel agent can use: a contract, an application, a receipt, financial guarantees. At the same time, developers can upload personal travel agency forms sent by the agency to the program. The application also maintains an archive of all previously created documents.
  • Convenient work with the client base. The program stores extended information about tourists, including the history of their travels. The application supports the ability to upload the head of the travel agency client base to the computer.
  • Convenient work with payments. In the MyDocuments-Tourism application, there is a function to remind you about the deadlines for paying for tourist vouchers, as well as the deadlines for submitting the necessary package of documents for obtaining a visa. It supports the ability to upload payment documents into a single document with its subsequent export to external programs like 1C, etc.
  • Availability of an informative calendar. The ability to work in the program with a calendar containing a variety of information (information about the departures and arrivals of tourists, personal reminders, personal tasks, etc.), including the ability to automatically control the implementation of calendar plans.
  • Effective communication with tourists. MoiDocuments-Tourism records all the facts of communication with clients: letters, calls (the application integrates with IP telephony), reminders, meetings. The program groups all the information about one tourist into a single dialog.

  • Creation of pre-orders. In the program, a travel agency manager can easily create an application for a future tour for a client, indicating its status. The application allows you to keep statistics on applications and communication, as well as build a sales funnel.

  • The possibility of creating a personal account for the tourist. With the help of the MyDocuments-Tourism program, the manager can open access for tourists to a personal account, where they can at any convenient time get all the necessary information about the tour uploaded there by the manager: its status, its payment, documents on it, all contacts of the travel agency. At the same time, the employee of the travel agency is given the opportunity to get acquainted with how the personal account of the tourist looks at one time or another.
  • Integration with the travel agency website. All applications created by tourists on the agency's website are automatically loaded into the MyDocuments-Tourism program, notifying the travel agency by e-mail.
  • Distribution of SMS-messages and e-mail. The program supports the ability to send emails and SMS messages. The application maintains detailed statistics on all sent letters. SMS messages can be sent on behalf of the company, as well as according to a predetermined schedule.

  • Detailed statistics on all indicators of the work of the travel agency. A wide range of tools for presenting statistical information: graphs, tables, reports, including standard templates. Ability to create your own options.
  • Function "I am a tour operator". Through the MyDocuments-Tourism program, companies specializing in bus tours and independently engaged in the accommodation and resettlement of tourists and guests can keep track of occupied and free places and be aware of the location of each tourist and guest.
  • Information about tour operators. In the application, you can always get acquainted with the latest information about any Russian tour operator and its financial support.
  • Register of discount cards and discounts. The program allows you to maintain a database of all provided discounts and issued discount cards, as well as accounting for the accumulated amount, accumulated bonuses or points on the card.

  • Online booking module. With the help of this module, the travel agent will be able to significantly reduce the time spent on entering data about the tourist on the website of the travel operator when booking a tour. The module allows you to substitute data directly from the MyDocuments-Tourism program with one click.

Tariffs and prices

The MyDocuments-Tourism program is available in two versions: as a cloud-based web application that does not require installation, and as an application installed on the user's computer.

The developers offer a choice of four different tariffs: "Standard Web", "Economy Web", "Standard Local" and "Business Local". The last two involve installing the application on the travel agency manager's computer. The most popular among all tariffs for the MyDocuments-Tourism program is the “Standard Web” tariff, within which the buyer receives a cloud version of the CRM system with support for all the functionality of the program (see publication).

Depending on the selected tariff, the travel agency has at its disposal software with the appropriate settings and capabilities. After purchasing the program by a travel agency, the developer prepares the application within 1-3 days and then provides it for use to the purchaser.

The cost of using the MyDocuments-Tourism program

Differences between tariffs for the MyDocuments-Tourism program

Economy Web

Web Standard

Standard Local

Business Local

Ability to access the application outside the office

Ability to access the application from various mobile devices

PUSH notifications for reminders, tasks, payments and tours

Email notifications for reminders, tasks, payments, and tours

Ability to accept payments from tourists

Supported number of managers




Supported number of offices




Possible number of tourists in the client base




Possibility of accepting applications for a tour from the website of the travel agency

Tourist's personal account

Letterhead company documents

2 letterheads + sample forms

Ability to add letterhead company documents

400 rub. for a simple document (reminders on countries, etc.), 1000 rubles. for a complex document (applications, contracts, etc.)

The demo version of the MyDocuments-Tourism program can be found on the official website of the company "" at

20071 January 14, 2015

It's not beer that kills people, it's routine that kills people. Even in the most beloved work, there are always tedious painstaking tasks that require close attention: paperwork, payment accounting, search and selection of tours among a whole scattering of offers from various tour operators, cost calculation and the like. Fortunately, in our progressive age, many of these routine tasks can be entrusted to a computer, thereby speeding up and facilitating the work of the entire travel agency. A lot of automation systems that help organize business management have been created for the tourism industry. Which one is the best?

To find out, we conducted a survey among visitors to our portal. More than 400 travel agents took part in it. The survey was conducted in November 2014.

To begin with, let's figure out what business process automation systems are and what they are eaten with. Such systems are computer programs that perform standard operations using a single information space (bases of customers, products, partners, completed sales, etc.).

The main functions that such a system performs are as follows:

  • Storage of data about customers, orders, suppliers, etc.
  • Printing Documents
  • Analytics of sales and agency relationships with clients
  • Accounting for payments and interaction with accounting department

If this is your first time thinking about automating workflows in your agency, then before choosing the most suitable system for you, we advise you to carefully study the article. This material will not only tell about what automation systems are, but also about their evolution in tourism.

There are quite a few such systems in the tourism sector. For our study, we selected the most famous:

First of all, we decided to find out which of the listed systems are familiar to agencies. The question was as follows: "What travel agency automation systems do you know?".

The “star” of a kind of popularity rating among travel agents was “SAMO-travel agent”, in second place was the option “I don’t know any”. According to the survey, about a third of travel companies continue to work the old fashioned way, using their own inventions to optimize the workflow, or, which is the least likely, use a system that we do not yet know about.

Further, we moved from theory to practice ... The question of using CRM systems in direct work confirmed our guess: it turned out that more than half of the agents continue to work in the old fashioned way. Only 42% of agents keep up with the times and optimize their workflow using electronic systems.

Only 42% of agents keep up with the times and optimize their workflow using electronic systems.

Further conversation continued only with those who trust the organization of work with clients to computer technologies (however, we will return to those who do not do this a little later). Now it was necessary to find out which automation systems travel agents use in their work.

From the list given at the very beginning of the article, SAMO-travel agent is most often used, but a quarter of respondents prefer lesser-known CRM systems. The most popular among them are and TourFX, or their own developments created within the travel agency.

The last question was addressed to those who do not use automation systems in their work. The most common reasons why agents forego the benefits of the computer age is the high cost of software or ... habit. 34% of agents did not even think about automating their work, 12% admitted that the good old Excel was more familiar to them. Another 12% prefer "manual labor" due to the imperfection of all existing automation systems.

It turns out that progress did not have time to capture the tourism industry on a global scale. But, perhaps, this is a matter of time, but for now we decided to figure out what automation systems are in the tourism industry - the results of our study are shown in the comparative table below.

12% of travel agents prefer "manual labor" due to the imperfection of existing automation systems.

Some facts 3

U-ON Travel is a young company with only 3 years on the market. Information about key customers is confidential.

MyDocuments-Tourism - 6 years of the company and 4 years of the program. Information about key customers is also confidential.

Megatech Master-Agent - 18 years of the company, 12 years of the program. Key clients: TBG, Chip-Trip, Sanexpress (Sunrise Tour agency network), Briscoe, TUI, Coral Travel, Mouzenidis authorized agencies.

My tourists - a company on the market for about 9 years, the program - 3 years. Key clients - AGP network (Ukraine).

SAMO-travel agent - 23 years of the company and 14 years of the program. The service is used by 300 Pegas Touristik franchised offices, 1001 Tour - a network of 65 offices (franchise), Anexshop - a network of 19 offices, MTK Sputnik - a network of 10 offices, - a network of 18 offices, " Quadra" - a network of 17 offices. - 10 years on the market. Key clients: TUI, MGP. U-ON Travel Megatech Master Agent MyDocuments-Tourism My Tourists SAMO travel agent

1. Working with clients

Preliminary Applications
Tracking the stages of work on pre-orders
History of tourist requests and trips
Gift certificates
Own bonus system TA in the program
Automatic accrual/withdrawal of bonuses
Automatic calculation of discounts depending on the volume of purchases
e-mail newsletters
sms mailings
Automatic birthday reminders
Automatic reminders about the validity of the passport
Other automatic reminders (before the trip, after returning)
Ready-made message templates for mailing lists
Individuals and legal entities

2. Applications

Accounting for applications
Individual tours, including those involving multiple suppliers or destinations
Detailed composition of the tour package
Accounting for surcharges
Algorithm for calculating the cost / cost of the application
Automatic recalculation of the cost in accordance with the exchange rate
Linking an application to an advertising source or referrer
Algorithm for providing discounts to tourists
Embedded ready-to-print documents
Editing and creating printables
Ability to upload any forms/document templates
Receiving applications for the program from feedback forms and landing pages

3. Payments / Accounting

Reflection of tourist payments - TA
Reflection of payments between TA - TO
Reflection of other household operations (stationery, rent, water)
Reflection of payments by bank cards indicating the commission of the bank
Operations with different currencies
Fixing individual rates of suppliers
Accounting for exchange rate differences when creating payments
Payment by certificates
Payment with bonuses
Operations of closing the cash desk, collection
Printing financial cash documents (RKO, KM3, PKO, Cash book)

4. Analytics / reports

Editing and creating any custom reports
Uploading reports and statistics as a document

5. Integration

Integration with
IP telephony
Integration with 1C
Integration with Bank-Client
Search and booking tours from the program
Integration with the booking module on the TA website
Integration with bonus programs
Integration with the payment system Tourpay
Personal account for a tourist on the agency website (verification of applications)
Integration with the hotel booking system
Integration with Email (sending letters directly in the program)
Integration with Email (receiving emails directly in the program)

6. Administration

Access rights
Number of users:
No limits
Depending on the chosen tariff
Number of offices (network version): unlimited
Number of legal entities persons: no restrictions
References (already completed)
Interface customization
Import customer database from Excel
Export reports to Excel, Word, PDF
Attaching files
Automatic loading of financial guarantees of tour operators
Import data from other automation systems
Saving the history of changes in orders, customers, suppliers
Comparing Order Change Versions from Legacy Versions
Revert to any previous version
Ability to change orders in bulk
The ability to independently massively change customers, suppliers
Separation of the visibility of orders and customers by office
Separation of visibility of orders and customers by legal entities

7. Organization of the internal work of the office

company's news
Manager's diary

8. Technical features

Boxed / desktop solution
cloud solution
Web interface
Mobile app

9. Additional service

Demo version
Test access to the working version
Education n/a
Update frequency:
Several times a year
Payment method:
Bank transfer by account
bank card
Through the terminal
"Yandex money"

10. Minimum cost, rub

For a month 1999 1125
For a year 20390 13500 12000 8000
Forever 10000 45000 36000 20000
For a month 500 0 to 1999 500 590
For a year 6000 0 to 20390 6000 3990 9500

n/a - No data

You should learn more about the set of reports from the representatives of the system.

Basic reports:
- Advertising: The effectiveness of advertising sources;
- Sales: Sales funnel, work of managers, report on orders/applications;
- Finance: Income and expenses, profit, balance, mutual settlements for maintenance;
- Others: Reports on couriers, clients, countries.

Mandatory installation, the cost of which is 29,900 rubles.

The information for this section is provided by the editors by the systems themselves. The TourManager system refused to provide information.

There is an online demo. For access to a demo please send an email to: [email protected]

At the end of 2013, a new release of the program was released. It contains serious changes regarding the details of the tour data in the contract with the client:

  • Ability to add an unlimited number of contact details for clients and companies.
  • Possibility to add more than one insurance contract for the tour operator.
  • Possibility to add more than one insurance contract in the description of the tour (medical insurance, travel cancellation, etc.).
  • Ability to add various additional services to the tour description.
  • Possibility to add more than one itinerary in the information about the tour (for the detailed form of the contract with the client).
  • Ability to add data on the transportation of passengers to the information about the tour (for a detailed form of the contract with the client).
  • Possibility of registration of the order for the different companies.
  • Uses utf-8 encoding for ease of use across platforms.

Description of the program The tour

The Tour allows you to centralize the processing of travel purchases, as well as various related information, such as data on customers, tour operators, insurers or hotels.

Centralized storage and processing of these data can dramatically reduce the time for the technical part of the work. Placing an order can take not 20-30 minutes, but 5-10, moreover, any information on this order, if necessary, can be available within seconds.

Another factor influencing the reduction of the time for performing technical operations is the search for the necessary data. Searching through files and folders can take up to minutes, especially when it comes to old data entered several months ago or a year ago. And in this program, it takes only a few seconds to see all the orders made by any regular customer, and for any period of time.

Centralized storage of information is a serious factor affecting the speed of work in situations where more than one person works in a travel agency. When using this program, all information is instantly available to all employees of the travel agency, because it is stored in one place, and not on different computers.

The less time you spend on technical routine, the more time you can devote to the client. The less time you spend on placing one order, the less time you take from the customer. As a result, the client is more satisfied with your work.

Benefits of this program

  • Low cost of ownership. The program can be obtained free of charge. There is no subscription fee for using this program. If you need support for this program, you can contact other specialists, and not just the developer. Cross-platform and scalability also reduce the total cost of ownership.
  • Scalability. The program can be used by at least one person, at least 1000 people. No additional steps are required to increase the number of users. Work in multi-user mode can be implemented both through a local network within the office and via the Internet. For example, you can use the program in several geographically separated offices.
  • Cross-platform. The server part of the program can be run on MS Windows, GNU/Linux, BSD or Apple OS. Thus, users of the program are not tied to any particular platform and can choose the most beneficial for themselves. The client part of the program is just a browser - accordingly, you can even work from a smartphone.
  • Developer Independence. To change the basic functionality of the program, you can contact the services of any programmers working with web technologies. This is an important advantage, since it eliminates the dependence of program users on the program developer.
  • Real-time modification. You can make changes to the program directly while using the program. To change the program, no additional software products such as development environments, compilers, etc. are needed.
  • Simplicity and ease. This program is easy to learn. This program is easy to use. This program is easy to change.

Basic functionality of the program

  • Primary accounting of clients, tour operators, insurers and hotels with a large set of related information.
  • Primary orders. A set of related information for each order corresponds to the standard form "TUR-1" and the contract with the client. If necessary, the set of information can be changed.
  • Search in base by the set criteria.
  • Printing orders for printing forms "TUR-1", printing contracts.
  • Printing the client's address data on a postal envelope.

Security of personal data

The use of this program provides ample opportunities for the protection of personal data of customers in accordance with federal law 152 (FZ 152).

  • Cross-platform program allows you to choose almost any operating system for a secure server. For example, FSTEC-certified Linux distributions are distributed in Russia.
  • Open source programs allow you to add almost any user authentication mechanisms to it. For example, hardware key authentication.
  • The web platform on which the program was created has a standard HTTPS (SSL) protocol - an encrypted connection between the server and the client. Encryption, within the framework of this protocol, is possible using various encryption tools, including those certified by the FSTEC.
  • Instead of HTTPS, you can use the VPN protocol to create a secure, encrypted connection between the server and the client.

That is, using this program, you get a wide choice of options for protecting client personal data.

Unique features

The program has functionality that allows you to organize convenient and efficient work.

  • The use of directories allows you to reduce the manual input of information, the input of such information is done with two mouse clicks.
  • The ability to access the program via the Internet allows you to place orders with a visit to the client, from home, etc.
  • Separate data entry by order allows you to more efficiently distribute work between employees. For example, two employees (or more than two) can simultaneously enter data for one order.
  • The use of templates allows you to avoid entering repeated data when registering people and orders.

System requirements of the program The tour

  • operating system Windows, GNU / Linux, BSD or any other for which there are MySQL and PHP ports;
  • MySQL server version 5.x (distributed freely, GNU GPL);
  • HTTP server supporting SSI and CGI (there are HTTP servers distributed freely, for example Apache - Apache License);
  • PHP version 5.x (distributed freely, PHP License)

Note. The development of the program is carried out under the WAMP server:

  • Apache 2.2.15
  • MySQL 5.0.67
  • PHP 5.3.2 (php-5.3.2-Win32-VC6-x86)

How to get the program program The tour

Option 1

Download the web component from this site, and install the servers and PHP yourself.

  • Download the current version of the program: - utf-8 (the archive contains the installation guide).
  • The previous version of the program is - windows 1251 . This version will no longer be supported!

Attention! Self-installation requires a good knowledge of computer technology. To install the program, contact a specialist.

Note for the rushers! Read the installation guide carefully.

Option 2

Contact the developer (available only in Krasnodar) with a request for a turnkey installation. Contact information is on every page of the site.

Delivery conditions

The program is distributed freely under the terms of the GNU GPL v 2 license (one of the Russian translations). The program can be provided free of charge or for a fee.

Free delivery includes:

  • the program "as is" is a fully working program, except that the printed forms are not adapted to the requirements of a particular tourism organization;
  • accompanying documentation on the use, installation and adaptation of printing forms.

Paid delivery includes:

  • installation of the program (only in Krasnodar);
  • adaptation of the program to your conditions (bringing it to your printing forms or changing the basic functionality);
  • training.