Atomic mass of titanium. Titanium and titanium alloys

Titanium– one of the mysterious, little-studied macroelements in science and human life. Although it is not for nothing that it is called a “cosmic” element, because... it is actively used in advanced branches of science, technology, medicine and many other things - it is an element of the future.

This metal is silver-gray in color (see photo) and is insoluble in water. It has a low chemical density, so it is characterized by lightness. At the same time, it is very durable and easy to process due to its fusibility and ductility. The element is chemically inert due to the presence of a protective film on the surface. Titanium is not flammable, but its dust is explosive.

The discovery of this chemical element belongs to the great lover of minerals, the Englishman William McGregor. But titanium still owes its name to the chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth, who discovered it independently of McGregor.

Speculation about the reasons why this metal was called “titanium” is romantic. According to one version, the name is associated with the ancient Greek gods Titans, whose parents were the god Uranus and the goddess Gaia, but according to the second, it comes from the name of the fairy queen, Titania.

Be that as it may, this macronutrient is the ninth most abundant in nature. It is part of the tissues of flora and fauna. There is a lot of it in sea water (up to 7%), but in soil it contains only 0.57%. China is the richest in titanium reserves, followed by Russia.

Titan action

The effect of a macroelement on the body is determined by its physicochemical properties. Its particles are very small, they can penetrate the cellular structure and affect its functioning. It is believed that due to its inertness, the macroelement does not react chemically with irritants and is therefore not toxic. However, it comes into contact with the cells of tissues, organs, blood, lymph through physical action, which leads to their mechanical damage. Thus, the element can, by its action, lead to damage to single- and double-stranded DNA, damage chromosomes, which can lead to the risk of developing cancer and a malfunction in the genetic code.

It turned out that macronutrient particles are not able to pass through the skin. Therefore, they enter humans only with food, water and air.

Titanium is better absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract (1-3%), but only about 1% is absorbed through the respiratory tract, but its content in the body is concentrated as in the lungs (30%). What is this connected with? After analyzing all the above figures, we can come to several conclusions. Firstly, titanium is generally poorly absorbed by the body. Secondly, titanium is excreted through the gastrointestinal tract through feces (0.52 mg) and urine (0.33 mg), but in the lungs such a mechanism is weak or completely absent, since as a person ages, the concentration of titanium in this organ practically increases 100 times. What is the reason for such a high concentration with such weak absorption? Most likely, this is due to the constant attack on our body of dust, which always contains a titanium component. In addition, in this case it is necessary to take into account our ecology and the presence of industrial facilities near populated areas.

Compared to the lungs, in other organs, such as the spleen, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland, the macronutrient content remains unchanged throughout life. The presence of the element is also observed in the lymph, placenta, brain, female breast milk, bones, nails, hair, eye lens, epithelial tissues.

Being in the bones, titanium participates in their fusion after fractures. Also, a positive effect is observed in the restoration processes occurring in damaged mobile joints of bones during arthritis and arthrosis. This metal is a strong antioxidant. By weakening the effect of free radicals on skin and blood cells, it protects the entire body from premature aging and wear.

Concentrating in the parts of the brain responsible for vision and hearing, it has a positive effect on their functioning. The presence of the metal in the adrenal glands and thyroid gland implies its participation in the production of hormones involved in metabolism. It is also involved in the production of hemoglobin and the production of red blood cells. By reducing the content of cholesterol and urea in the blood, it monitors its normal composition.

The negative effect of titanium on the body is due to the fact that it is a heavy metal. Once in the body, it does not split or decompose, but settles in the organs and tissues of a person, poisoning him and interfering with life processes. It is not susceptible to corrosion and is resistant to alkalis and acids, so gastric juice is not able to affect it.

Titanium compounds have the ability to block short-wave radiation ultraviolet radiation and are not absorbed through the skin, so they can be used to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

It has been proven that smoking increases the intake of metal into the lungs from the air many times over. Isn't this a reason to quit this? bad habit!

Daily norm - what is the need for a chemical element?

The daily norm of a macroelement is due to the fact that the human body contains approximately 20 mg of titanium, of which 2.4 mg is in the lungs. Every day, the body acquires 0.85 mg of the substance with food, 0.002 mg with water, and 0.0007 mg with air. The daily norm for titanium is very arbitrary, since the consequences of its influence on organs have not been fully studied. It is approximately equal to about 300-600 mcg per day. There are no clinical data on the consequences of exceeding this norm - everything is at the stage of experimental studies.

Titanium deficiency

Conditions under which a lack of metal would be observed have not been identified, so scientists have come to the conclusion that they do not exist in nature. But its deficiency is observed in most serious diseases, which can worsen the patient’s condition. This disadvantage can be eliminated with titanium-containing preparations.

The effect of excess titanium on the body

An excess of the macroelement of a one-time intake of titanium into the body has not been identified. If, suppose, a person swallows a titanium pin, then, apparently, there is no need to talk about poisoning. Most likely, due to its inertness, the element will not come into contact, but will be removed naturally.

The greatest danger is caused by a systematic increase in the concentration of macroelements in the respiratory organs. This leads to damage to the respiratory and lymphatic systems. There is also a direct connection between the degree of silicosis and the content of the element in the respiratory organs. The higher its content, the more severe the disease.

Excess heavy metal observed in people working at chemical and metallurgical plants. Titanium chloride is the most dangerous - within 3 working years the manifestation of severe chronic diseases begins.

Such diseases are treated with special medications and vitamins.

What are the sources?

The element enters the human body mainly through food and water. Most of it is found in legumes (peas, beans, lentils, beans) and cereals (rye, barley, buckwheat, oats). Its presence in dairy and meat dishes, and also in eggs. More of this element is concentrated in plants than in animals. Its content is especially high in the algae - bushy cladophora.

All food products containing food coloring E171 contain dioxide of this metal. It is used in the manufacture of sauces and seasonings. The harm of this supplement is questionable, since titanium oxide is practically insoluble in water and gastric juice.

Indications for use

There are indications for the use of the element, despite the fact that this cosmic element has been little studied; it is actively used in all areas of medicine. Due to its strength, corrosion resistance and biological inertness, it is widely used in the field of prosthetics for the manufacture of implants. It is used in dentistry, neurosurgery, and orthopedics. Due to its durability, it is made from surgical instruments.

The dioxide of this substance is used in the treatment of skin diseases such as cheilitis, herpes, acne, and inflammation of the oral mucosa. They remove facial hemangioma.

Metal nickelide is involved in the elimination of locally advanced laryngeal cancer. It is used for endoprosthesis replacement of the larynx and trachea. It is also used to treat infected wounds in combination with antibiotic solutions.

The macroelement glycerosolvate aqua complex promotes the healing of ulcerative wounds.

Many opportunities are open for scientists around the world to study the element of the future, since its physical and chemical properties are high and can bring unlimited benefits to humanity.

Oxidation states Ionization energy
(first electron) Thermodynamic properties of a simple substance Density (at normal conditions) Melting temperature Boiling temperature Heat of Melting

18.8 kJ/mol

Heat of vaporization

422.6 kJ/mol

Molar heat capacity Crystal lattice of a simple substance Lattice structure

close-packed (α-Ti)

Lattice parameters c/a ratio Debye temperature Other characteristics Thermal conductivity

(300 K) 21.9 W/(m K)

3d 2 4s 2


The discovery of TiO 2 was made almost simultaneously and independently of each other by the Englishman W. Gregor and the German chemist M. G. Klaproth. W. Gregor, studying the composition of magnetic ferruginous sand (Creed, Cornwall, England), isolated a new “earth” (oxide) of an unknown metal, which he called menaken. In 1795, the German chemist Klaproth discovered a new element in the mineral rutile and named it titanium. Two years later, Klaproth established that rutile and menaken earth are oxides of the same element, which gave rise to the name “titanium” proposed by Klaproth. Ten years later, titanium was discovered for the third time. The French scientist L. Vauquelin discovered titanium in anatase and proved that rutile and anatase are identical titanium oxides.

The first sample of titanium metal was obtained in 1825 by J. Ya. Berzelius. Due to the high chemical activity of titanium and the difficulty of its purification, a pure sample of Ti was obtained by the Dutch A. van Arkel and I. de Boer in 1925 by thermal decomposition of titanium iodide vapor TiI 4 .

origin of name

The metal got its name in honor of the titans, characters from ancient Greek mythology, the children of Gaia. The name of the element was given by Martin Klaproth in accordance with his views on chemical nomenclature in contrast to the French school of chemistry, where they tried to name an element by its chemical properties. Since the German researcher himself noted the impossibility of determining the properties of a new element only from its oxide, he chose a name for it from mythology, by analogy with uranium he had previously discovered.

However, according to another version, published in the journal “Technology-Youth” in the late 1980s, the newly discovered metal owes its name not to the mighty titans from ancient Greek myths, but to Titania, the fairy queen in Germanic mythology (the wife of Oberon in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” ). This name is associated with the extraordinary “lightness” (low density) of the metal.

Being in nature

Titanium is in 10th place in terms of prevalence in nature. The content in the earth's crust is 0.57% by weight, in sea water 0.001 mg/l. In ultrabasic rocks 300 g/t, in basic rocks - 9 kg/t, in acidic rocks 2.3 kg/t, in clays and shales 4.5 kg/t. In the earth's crust, titanium is almost always tetravalent and is present only in oxygen compounds. Not found in free form. Under conditions of weathering and precipitation, titanium has a geochemical affinity with Al 2 O 3 . It is concentrated in bauxites of the weathering crust and in marine clayey sediments. Titanium is transferred in the form of mechanical fragments of minerals and in the form of colloids. Up to 30% TiO 2 by weight accumulates in some clays. Titanium minerals are resistant to weathering and form large concentrations in placers. More than 100 minerals containing titanium are known. The most important of them are: rutile TiO 2, ilmenite FeTiO 3, titanomagnetite FeTiO 3 + Fe 3 O 4, perovskite CaTiO 3, titanite CaTiSiO 5. There are primary titanium ores - ilmenite-titanomagnetite and placer ores - rutile-ilmenite-zircon.

Place of Birth

Titanium deposits are located in South Africa, Russia, Ukraine, China, Japan, Australia, India, Ceylon, Brazil, South Korea, Kazakhstan.

Reserves and production

As of 2002, 90% of mined titanium was used to produce titanium dioxide TiO 2 . World production of titanium dioxide was 4.5 million tons per year. Confirmed reserves of titanium dioxide (excluding Russia) are about 800 million tons. As of 2006, according to the US Geological Survey, in terms of titanium dioxide and excluding Russia, reserves of ilmenite ores amount to 603-673 million tons, and rutile ores - 49.7- 52.7 million tons. Thus, at the current rate of production, the world's proven reserves of titanium (excluding Russia) will last for more than 150 years.

Russia has the second largest reserves of titanium in the world, after China. The mineral resource base of titanium in Russia consists of 20 deposits (of which 11 are primary and 9 alluvial), fairly evenly distributed throughout the country. The largest of the explored deposits (Yaregskoye) is located 25 km from the city of Ukhta (Komi Republic). The deposit's reserves are estimated at 2 billion tons of ore with an average titanium dioxide content of about 10%.

The world's largest titanium producer - Russian company"VSMPO-AVISMA".


As a rule, the starting material for the production of titanium and its compounds is titanium dioxide with a relatively small amount of impurities. In particular, it can be a rutile concentrate obtained from the enrichment of titanium ores. However, the reserves of rutile in the world are very limited, and the so-called synthetic rutile or titanium slag, obtained from the processing of ilmenite concentrates, is more often used. To obtain titanium slag, ilmenite concentrate is reduced in an electric arc furnace, while iron is separated into the metal phase (cast iron), and non-reduced titanium oxides and impurities form the slag phase. Rich slag is processed using the chloride or sulfuric acid method.

Titanium ore concentrate is subjected to sulfuric acid or pyrometallurgical processing. The product of sulfuric acid treatment is titanium dioxide powder TiO 2. Using the pyrometallurgical method, the ore is sintered with coke and treated with chlorine, producing titanium tetrachloride vapor TiCl 4:

The resulting TiCl 4 vapors are reduced with magnesium at 850 °C:

The resulting titanium “sponge” is melted down and cleaned. Titanium is refined using the iodide method or electrolysis, separating Ti from TiCl 4 . To obtain titanium ingots, arc, electron beam or plasma processing is used.

Physical properties

Titanium is a lightweight silvery-white metal. Exists in two crystal modifications: α-Ti with a hexagonal close-packed lattice (a=2.951 Å; c=4.679 Å; z=2; space group C6mmc), β-Ti with cubic body-centered packing (a=3.269 Å; z=2; space group Im3m), temperature of the α↔β transition is 883 °C, ΔH of the transition is 3.8 kJ/mol. Melting point 1660±20 °C, boiling point 3260 °C, density of α-Ti and β-Ti, respectively, equal to 4.505 (20 °C) and 4.32 (900 °C) g/cm³, atomic density 5.71 10 22 at/cm³. Plastic, weldable in an inert atmosphere. Resistivity 0.42 µOhm m at 20 °C

Has high viscosity, with machining prone to sticking to the cutting tool, and therefore requires the application of special coatings to the tool and various lubricants.

At ordinary temperatures it is covered with a protective passivating film of TiO 2 oxide, making it corrosion resistant in most environments (except alkaline).

Titanium dust tends to explode. Flash point 400 °C. Titanium shavings are fire hazardous.

Chemical properties

Titanium is resistant to dilute solutions of many acids and alkalis (except H 3 PO 4 and concentrated H 2 SO 4).

It reacts easily even with weak acids in the presence of complexing agents, for example, it interacts with hydrofluoric acid due to the formation of a complex anion 2−.

When heated in air to 1200 °C, Ti ignites with the formation of oxide phases of variable composition TiO x. TiO(OH) 2 ·xH 2 O hydroxide is precipitated from solutions of titanium salts, and careful calcination of which produces TiO 2 oxide. Hydroxide TiO(OH) 2 xH 2 O and dioxide TiO 2 are amphoteric.


Titanium Alloy Watch

In pure form and in the form of alloys

Titanium monument to Gagarin on Leninsky Prospekt in Moscow

In the form of connections

  • White titanium dioxide (TiO2) is used in paints (eg titanium white) and in the production of paper and plastics. Food additive E171.
  • Organo-titanium compounds (eg tetrabutoxytitanium) are used as a catalyst and hardener in the chemical and paint and varnish industries.
  • Inorganic titanium compounds are used in the chemical electronics and fiberglass industries as additives or coatings.
  • Titanium carbide, titanium diboride, titanium carbonitride are important components of superhard materials for metal processing.
  • Titanium nitride is used to coat instruments, church domes and in the production of costume jewelry, because... has a color similar to gold.
  • Barium titanate BaTiO 3 , lead titanate PbTiO 3 and a number of other titanates are ferroelectrics.

There are many titanium alloys with various metals. Alloying elements are divided into three groups, depending on their effect on the temperature of the polymorphic transformation: beta stabilizers, alpha stabilizers and neutral strengtheners. The first ones lower the transformation temperature, the second ones increase it, the third ones do not affect it, but lead to solution strengthening of the matrix. Examples of alpha stabilizers: aluminum, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen. Beta stabilizers: molybdenum, vanadium, iron, chromium, nickel. Neutral hardeners: zirconium, tin, silicon. Beta stabilizers, in turn, are divided into beta isomorphic and beta eutectoid-forming. The most common titanium alloy is the Ti-6Al-4V alloy (in the Russian classification - VT6).

Analysis of consumption markets

  • 60% - paint;
  • 20% - plastic;
  • 13% - paper;
  • 7% - mechanical engineering.


$15-25 per kilogram, depending on purity.

The purity and grade of rough titanium (titanium sponge) is usually determined by its hardness, which depends on the impurity content. The most common brands are TG100 and TG110.

The price of ferrotitanium (minimum 70% titanium) as of December 22, 2010 is $6.82 per kilogram. As of January 1, 2010, the price was $5.00 per kilogram.

In Russia, prices for titanium at the beginning of 2012 were 1200-1500 rubles/kg.

Physiological action



  • Titanium and zirconium mining at Tsentralny in the Tambov region promises to be one of the cheapest in the world

Everything you need to know about titanium, plus chromium and tungsten

Many people are interested in the question: what is the hardest metal in the world? This is titanium. This solid and will be the focus of the article. Let's also get acquainted a little with such hard metals as chromium and tungsten.

9 interesting facts about titanium

1. There are several versions of why the metal got its name. One theory is that he was named after the Titans, fearless supernatural creatures. According to another version, the name comes from Titania, the queen of fairies.
2. Titanium was discovered at the end of the 18th century by a German and English chemist.
3. Titanium has not been used in industry for a long time due to its natural fragility.
4. At the beginning of 1925, after a series of experiments, chemists obtained titanium in its pure form.
5. Titanium shavings are highly flammable.
6. It is one of the lightest metals.
7. Titanium can only melt at temperatures above 3200 degrees.
8. Boils at a temperature of 3300 degrees.
9. Titanium has a silver color.

History of the discovery of titanium

The metal, which was later named titanium, was discovered by two scientists - the Englishman William Gregor and the German Martin Gregor Klaproth. The scientists worked in parallel and did not intersect with each other. The difference between discoveries is 6 years.

William Gregor gave his discovery a name: manakin.

More than 30 years later, the first titanium alloy was obtained, which turned out to be extremely brittle and could not be used anywhere. It is believed that only in 1925 titanium was isolated in its pure form, which became one of the most popular metals in industry.

It has been proven that the Russian scientist Kirillov managed to extract pure titanium in 1875. He published a brochure detailing his work. However, the research of a little-known Russian went unnoticed.

General information about titanium

Titanium alloys are a salvation for mechanics and engineers. For example, the body of an airplane is made of titanium. During flight, it reaches speeds several times greater than the speed of sound. The titanium case heats up to temperatures above 300 degrees and does not melt.

The metal closes the top ten of “The most common metals in nature.” Large deposits have been discovered in South Africa, China and a lot of titanium in Japan, India, and Ukraine.

The total world reserve of titans amounts to more than 700 million tons. If production rates remain the same, there will be enough titanium for another 150-160 years.

The largest producer of the hardest metal in the world - Russian enterprise"VSMPO-Avisma", which satisfies a third of the world's needs.

Properties of titanium

1. Corrosion resistance.
2. High mechanical strength.
3. Low density.

The atomic weight of titanium is 47.88 amu, the serial number in the chemical periodic table is 22. Outwardly, it is very similar to steel.

The mechanical density of the metal is 6 times greater than that of aluminum, 2 times higher than that of iron. It can combine with oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen. When paired with carbon, the metal forms incredibly hard carbides.

The thermal conductivity of titanium is 4 times less than that of iron, and 13 times less than that of aluminum.

Titanium mining process

In the land of titan a large number of However, extracting it from the depths costs a lot of money. For production, the iodide method is used, the author of which is considered to be Van Arkel de Boer.

The method is based on the ability of the metal to combine with iodine; after decomposition of this compound, pure titanium, free of foreign impurities, can be obtained.

The most interesting things made of titanium:

  • prostheses in medicine;
  • mobile device boards;
  • rocket systems for space exploration;
  • pipelines, pumps;
  • awnings, cornices, external cladding buildings;
  • most parts (chassis, trim).

Areas of application of titanium

Titanium is actively used in the military sphere, medicine, and jewelry. It was given the unofficial name “metal of the future.” Many say that it helps turn dreams into reality.

The hardest metal in the world was initially used in the military and defense sphere. Today, the main consumer of titanium products is the aircraft industry.

Titanium is a universal construction material. For many years it was used to create aircraft turbines. In aircraft engines, fan elements, compressors, and disks are made from titanium.

Modern design aircraft can contain up to 20 tons of titanium alloy.

The main areas of application of titanium in aircraft construction:

  • products spatial form(edging of doors, hatches, trim, flooring);
  • units and components that are subject to heavy loads (wing brackets, landing gear, hydraulic cylinders);
  • engine parts (housing, compressor blades).

Thanks to titanium, man was able to pass through the sound barrier and break into space. It was used to create manned missile systems. Titan can withstand cosmic radiation, temperature changes, and movement speed.

This metal has a low density, which is important in the shipbuilding industry. Products made of titanium are lightweight, which means the weight is reduced and its maneuverability, speed, and range are increased. If the ship's hull is sheathed with titanium, it will not need to be painted for many years - titanium does not rust in sea water (corrosion resistance).

Most often, this metal is used in shipbuilding for the manufacture of turbine engines, steam boilers, and condenser pipes.

Oil industry and titanium

Ultra-deep drilling is considered a promising area for the use of titanium alloys. To study and extract underground resources, it is necessary to penetrate deep underground - over 15 thousand meters. Aluminum drill pipes, for example, will rupture due to their own gravity, and only titanium alloys can reach truly great depths.

Not so long ago, titanium began to be actively used to create wells on the sea shelves. Specialists use titanium alloys as equipment:

  • oil production installations;
  • high pressure vessels;
  • deep-sea pumps, pipelines.

Titanium in sports, medicine

Titanium is extremely popular in the sports field due to its strength and lightness. Several decades ago, a bicycle was made from titanium alloys, the first sports equipment was made from hard material in the world. A modern bicycle consists of a titanium body, the same brake and seat springs.

Titanium golf clubs have been created in Japan. These devices are lightweight and durable, but extremely expensive.

Most of the items that are in the backpack of climbers and travelers are made from titanium - tableware, cooking sets, racks for strengthening tents. Titanium ice axes are very popular sports equipment.

This metal is in great demand in the medical industry. Most surgical instruments are made from titanium - lightweight and convenient.

Another area of ​​application of metal of the future is the creation of prosthetics. Titanium “combines” perfectly with the human body. Doctors called this process “real kinship.” Titanium structures are safe for muscles and bones, rarely cause an allergic reaction, and are not destroyed by fluid in the body. Titanium prostheses are durable and can withstand enormous physical loads.

Titanium is an amazing metal. It helps a person achieve unprecedented heights in various areas of life. He is loved and revered for his strength, lightness and long years services.

Chromium is one of the hardest metals.

Interesting facts about chromium

1. The name of the metal comes from the Greek word “chroma”, which means paint.
2. In the natural environment, chromium is not found in its pure form, but only in the form of chromium iron ore, double oxide.
3. The largest deposits of the metal are located in South Africa, Russia, Kazakhstan and Zimbabwe.
4. Metal density – 7200 kg/m3.
5. Chrome melts at a temperature of 1907 degrees.
6. Boils at a temperature of 2671 degrees.
7. Absolutely pure chromium without impurities is characterized by ductility and viscosity. When combined with oxygen, nitrogen or hydrogen, the metal becomes brittle and very hard.
8. This silvery-white metal was discovered by the Frenchman Louis Nicolas Vauquelin at the end of the 18th century.

Properties of chromium metal

Chromium has very high hardness and can cut glass. It is not oxidized by air or moisture. If the metal is heated, oxidation will occur only on the surface.

More than 15,000 tons of pure chromium are consumed per year. The English company Bell Metals is considered the leader in the production of pure chromium.

The United States consumes the most chromium. Western countries Europe and Japan. The chrome market is volatile and prices span a wide range.

Areas of use of chromium

Most often used to create alloys and galvanic coatings (chrome plating for transport).

Chromium is added to steel, which improves physical properties metal These alloys are most in demand in ferrous metallurgy.

The most popular grade of steel consists of chromium (18%) and nickel (8%). Such alloys have excellent resistance to oxidation and corrosion, and are durable even at high temperatures.

Heating furnaces are made from steel, which contains a third of chromium.

What else is made from chromium?

1. Firearm barrels.
2. Submarine hull.
3. Bricks, which are used in metallurgy.

Another extremely hard metal is tungsten.

Interesting facts about tungsten

1. The name of the metal translated from German (“Wolf Rahm”) means “wolf foam”.
2. It is the most refractory metal in the world.
3. Tungsten has a light gray tint.
4. The metal was discovered at the end of the 18th century (1781) by the Swede Karl Scheele.
5. Tungsten melts at a temperature of 3422 degrees, boils at 5900.
6. Metal has a density of 19.3 g/cm³.
7. Atomic mass– 183.85, element of group VI in the periodic table of Mendeleev (serial number – 74).

Tungsten Mining Process

Tungsten belongs to a large group of rare metals. It also includes rubidium and molybdenum. This group is characterized by a low prevalence of metals in nature and a small scale of consumption.

The production of tungsten consists of 3 stages:

  • separating metal from ore, accumulating it in solution;
  • isolation of the compound, its purification;
  • separation of pure metal from a finished chemical compound.
  • The starting materials for producing tungsten are scheelite and wolframite.

Applications of tungsten

Tungsten is the basis of most strong alloys. It is used to make aircraft engines, parts of electric vacuum devices, and incandescent filaments.
The high density of the metal makes it possible to use tungsten to create ballistic missiles, bullets, counterweights, and artillery shells.

Tungsten-based compounds are used for processing other metals, including mining industry(well drilling), paint and varnish, textile industry (as a catalyst for organic synthesis).

From complex tungsten compounds they make:

  • wires – used in heating furnaces;
  • tapes, foil, plates, sheets - for rolling and flat forging.

Titanium, chromium and tungsten top the list of "The Hardest Metals in the World." They are used in many areas of human activity - aviation and rocketry, military, construction, and at the same time, this is not the full range of applications of metals.

Titanium and its alloys are widely used in the most different areas. First of all, titanium alloys are widely used in construction various equipment due to its high corrosion resistance, mechanical strength, low density, heat resistance and many other characteristics. Considering the properties and applications of titanium, one cannot help but note its rather high cost. However, it is fully compensated by the characteristics and durability of the material.

Titanium has high strength and melting point, and differs from other metals in durability.

Basic properties of titanium

Titanium is in group IV of the fourth period of the periodic table of chemical elements. In the most stable and most important compounds the element is tetravalent. Externally, titanium resembles steel. It is a transitional element. The melting point reaches almost 1700°, and the boiling point - 3300°. As for such properties as the latent heat of melting and evaporation, for titanium it is almost 2 times higher than for iron.

It has 2 allotropic modifications:

  1. Low temperature, which can exist up to a temperature of 882.5°.
  2. High temperature, stable from a temperature of 882.5° to the melting point.

Properties such as specific heat capacity and density place titanium between the two materials with the most widespread structural use: iron and aluminum. The mechanical strength of titanium is almost 2 times higher than that of pure iron and almost 6 times for aluminum. However, the properties of titanium are such that it is capable of absorbing large quantities of hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, which negatively affects the plastic characteristics of the material.

The material is characterized by very low thermal conductivity. For comparison, for iron it is 4 times higher, and for aluminum it is 12 times higher. As for such a property as the coefficient of thermal expansion, at room temperature it has a relatively low value and increases with increasing temperature.

Titanium has low elastic moduli. When the temperature rises to 350°, they begin to decrease almost linearly. It is this point that is a significant drawback of the material.

Titanium is characterized by a fairly high electrical resistivity value. It can fluctuate within fairly wide limits and depends on the content of impurities.

Titanium is a paramagnetic material. Such substances are characterized by a decrease in magnetic susceptibility during heating. However, titanium is an exception - as the temperature rises, its magnetic susceptibility increases significantly.

Areas of application of titanium

Medical instruments made of titanium alloy are characterized by high corrosion resistance, biological resistance and ductility.

The properties of the material provide a fairly wide range of areas for its application. So, in large volumes Titanium alloys are used in the construction of ships and various equipment. The use of the material as an alloying additive to steels has been established High Quality and as a deoxidizing agent. Alloys with nickel have found application in technology and medicine. Such compounds have unique properties, in particular, they have shape memory.

The use of compact titanium in the production of parts for electric vacuum devices used at high temperatures has been established. The properties of technical titanium make it possible to use it in the production of valves, pipelines, pumps, fittings and other products created for use in aggressive conditions.

The alloys are characterized by insufficient thermal strength, but have high corrosion resistance. This allows the use of various titanium-based alloys in the chemical field. For example, the material is used in the manufacture of pumps for pumping sulfuric and hydrochloric acid. Today, only alloys based on this material can be used in the production of various types of equipment for the chlorine industry.

Use of titanium in the transport industry

Alloys based on this material are used in the manufacture of armored vehicles. And replacing a variety of structural elements used in the transportation industry can reduce fuel consumption, increase payload capacity, increase the fatigue limit of products, and improve many other characteristics.

When producing equipment for the chemical industry from titanium, the most important property is the corrosion resistance of the metal.

The material is well suited for use in the construction of railway transport. One of the main problems that needs to be solved in railways, is associated with a decrease in dead weight. The use of rods and sheets made of titanium can significantly reduce the total mass of the composition, reduce the size of axle boxes and journals, and save on traction.

Weight is also quite significant for trailer vehicles. The use of titanium instead of steel in the production of wheels and axles also significantly increases payload capacity.

The properties of the material make it possible to use it in the automotive industry. The material is characterized by an optimal combination of strength and weight properties for exhaust gas removal systems and coil springs. The use of titanium and its alloys can significantly reduce the volume of exhaust gases, reduce fuel costs and expand the use of scrap and industrial waste by remelting them. The material and alloys containing it have many advantages compared to other solutions used.

The main task of developing new parts and structures is to reduce their mass, on which the movement of the vehicle itself depends to one degree or another. Reducing the weight of moving components and parts makes it possible to potentially reduce fuel costs. Titanium parts have repeatedly proven their reliability. They are widely used in the aerospace industry and racing car designs.

The use of this material allows not only to reduce the weight of parts, but also to solve the issue of reducing the volume of exhaust gases.

Use of titanium and its alloys in construction

An alloy of titanium and zinc is widely used in construction. This alloy is characterized by high mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, and is characterized by high rigidity and ductility. The alloy contains up to 0.2% alloying additives that act as structure modifiers. Thanks to aluminum and copper, the required ductility is ensured. In addition, the use of copper makes it possible to increase the ultimate tensile strength of the material, and the combination of chemical elements helps to reduce the expansion coefficient. The alloy is also used for the production of long strips and sheets with good aesthetic characteristics.

Titanium is often used in space technology due to its lightness, strength and refractoriness.

Among the main qualities of a titanium-zinc alloy that are important specifically for construction are such chemical and physical properties as high corrosion resistance, good appearance and safety for human health and the environment.

The material has good ductility and can be deep drawn without problems, which allows it to be used in roofing work. The alloy has no problems with soldering. That is why various volumetric structures and non-standard architectural elements such as domes and spiers are made of zinc-titanium, rather than copper or galvanized steel. In solving such problems, this alloy is indispensable.

The scope of use of the alloy is very wide. It is used in facade and roofing work, products of various configurations and almost any complexity are made from it, it is widely used in the production of various decorative products such as gutters, flashings, roof ridges, etc.

This alloy has a very long service life. For more than a century it will not require painting or frequent maintenance. repair work. Also among the significant advantages of the material, one should highlight its ability to recover. Minor damage in the form of scratches from branches, birds, etc. After some time they disappear on their own.

The requirements for building materials are becoming more serious and stringent. Research companies in a number of countries have studied the soil around buildings built using an alloy of zinc and titanium. The research results confirmed that the material is completely safe. It has no carcinogenic properties and does not harm human health. Zinc-titanium is a non-flammable building material, which further increases safety.

Taking into account all the listed positive characteristics, such construction material in operation approximately 2 times cheaper than roofing copper.

The alloy has two oxidation states. Over time, it changes color and loses its metallic luster. At first, zinc-titanium becomes light gray, and after some time it acquires a noble dark gray hue. Currently, the material is deliberately chemically aged.

Use of titanium and its alloys in medicine

Titanium is highly compatible with human tissue, therefore it is actively used in the field of endoprosthetics.

Titanium has also found wide application in the medical field. Among the advantages that allowed it to become so popular are its high strength and corrosion resistance. In addition, none of the patients were allergic to titanium.

Commercially pure titanium and Ti6-4Eli alloy are used in medicine. It is used to make surgical instruments, a variety of external and internal prostheses, including heart valves. Wheelchairs, crutches and other devices are made from titanium.

A number of studies and experiments confirm the excellent biological compatibility of the material and its alloys with living human tissue. Soft and bone tissues grow together with these materials without problems. And the low modulus of elasticity and high specific strength make titanium very good material for endoprosthetics. It is noticeably lighter than tin, steel and cobalt-based alloys.

Thus, the properties of titanium make it possible to actively use it in a wide variety of fields - from the manufacture of pipes and roofing to medical prosthetics and the construction of spacecraft.

Titanium. Chemical element, symbol Ti (lat. Titanium, discovered in 1795 year and named after the hero of the Greek epic Titan) . Has a serial number 22, atomic weight 47.90, density 4.5 g/cm3, melting point 1668° C, boiling point 3300°C.

Titanium is part of more than 70 minerals and is one of the most common elements - its content in the earth's crust is approximately 0.6%. By appearance titanium is similar to steel. Pure metal is ductile and can be easily machined by pressure.

Titanium exists in two modifications: up to 882°C as a modificationα with a hexagonal densely packed crystal lattice, and above 882°C the modification is stableβ with a body-centered cubic lattice.

Titanium combines great strength with low density and high corrosion resistance. Due to this, in many cases it has significant advantages over such basic structural materials as steel and aluminum . A number of titanium alloys have twice the strength of steel with significantly lower density and better corrosion resistance. However, due to its low thermal conductivity, its use for structures and parts operating under conditions of large temperature differences and when operating under thermal fatigue is difficult. The disadvantages of titanium as a structural material also include its relatively low modulus of normal elasticity.

Mechanical properties strongly depend on the purity of the metal and previous mechanical and thermal treatment. High purity titanium has good plastic properties.

A characteristic property of titanium is the ability to actively absorb gases - oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen. These gases dissolve in titanium to a certain extent. Even small impurities of oxygen and nitrogen reduce the plastic properties of titanium. A slight admixture of hydrogen (0.01-0.005%) significantly increases the fragility of titanium.

Titanium is stable in air at ordinary temperatures. When heated to 400-550° The metal is covered with an oxide-nitride film, which is firmly held on the metal and protects it from further oxidation. At higher temperatures, the rate of oxidation and dissolution of oxygen in titanium increases.

Titanium reacts with nitrogen at temperatures above 600° C with the formation of a nitride film ( TiN) and solid solutions of nitrogen in titanium. Titanium nitride has high hardness and melts at 2950° C.

Titanium absorbs hydrogen to form solid solutions and hybrids(TiH and TiH 2) . Unlike oxygen and nitrogen, almost all absorbed hydrogen can be removed from titanium by heating it in a vacuum at 1000-1200° C.

Carbon and carbon-containing gases ( CO,CH4) react with titanium at high temperatures (more than 1000° C) with the formation of hard and refractory titanium carbide TiC (melting point 3140°C ). The carbon admixture significantly affects the mechanical properties of titanium.

Fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine interact with titanium at relatively low temperatures (100-200° WITH). In this case, highly volatile titanium halides are formed.

Mechanical properties titanium to a much greater extent than other metals depend on the rate of load application. Therefore, mechanical testing of titanium should be carried out under more strictly regulated and fixed conditions than testing of other structural materials.

The impact strength of titanium increases significantly upon annealing in the range of 200-300° C, no noticeable changes in other properties are observed. The greatest increase in the ductility of titanium is achieved after quenching at temperatures above the polymorphic transformation temperature and subsequent tempering.

Pure titanium is not a heat-resistant material, since its strength decreases sharply with increasing temperature.

Important feature titanium is its ability to form solid solutions with atmospheric gases and hydrogen. When titanium is heated in air, on its surface, in addition to ordinary scale, a layer is formed consisting of a solid solution based onα - Ti (alpha layer), stabilized with oxygen, the thickness of which depends on the temperature and duration of heating. This layer has a higher transformation temperature than the base metal layer, and its formation on the surface of parts or semi-finished products can cause brittle fracture.

Titanium and titanium-based alloys are characterized by high corrosion resistance in air, in natural cold and hot fresh water, in sea water (not a trace of rust appeared on a titanium plate after 10 years in sea water), as well as in alkali solutions, inorganic salts, organic acids and compounds even when boiled. In terms of corrosion resistance, titanium is similar to chromium-nickel stainless steel. It does not corrode in seawater when in contact with stainless steel and copper-nickel alloys. The high corrosion resistance of titanium is explained by the formation of a dense, uniform film on its surface, which protects the metal from further interaction with environment. Yes, in a diluted sulfuric acid (up to 5%) titanium is resistant at room temperature. The corrosion rate increases with increasing acid concentration, reaching a maximum at 40%, then decreases to a minimum at 60%, reaches a second maximum at 80% and then decreases again.

In dilute hydrochloric acid (5-10%) at room temperature, titanium is quite resistant. As the acid concentration and temperature increase, the corrosion rate of titanium increases rapidly. Corrosion of titanium in hydrochloric acid can be greatly reduced by adding small amounts of oxidizing agents.(HNO 3, KMnO 4, K 2 CrO 4, salts of copper, iron). Titanium dissolves well in hydrofluoric acid. In alkali solutions (concentrations up to 20%), titanium is resistant in the cold and when heated.

As a structural material, titanium is most widely used in aviation, rocketry, in the construction of sea vessels, in instrument making and mechanical engineering. Titanium and its alloys retain high strength characteristics at high temperatures and therefore can be successfully used for the manufacture of parts exposed to high-temperature heating. Thus, external parts of aircraft (engine nacelles, ailerons, rudders) and many other components and parts are made from its alloys - from the engine to bolts and nuts. For example, if steel bolts are replaced with titanium ones in one of the engines, the weight of the engine will decrease by almost 100 kg.

Titanium oxide is used to prepare titanium white. With such white, you can paint several times larger surfaces than with the same amount of lead or zinc white. In addition, titanium white is not poisonous. Titanium is widely used in metallurgy, including as an alloying element in stainless and heat-resistant steels. Additions of titanium to aluminum, nickel and copper alloys increase their strength. He is integral part carbide alloys for cutting instruments; surgical instruments made of titanium alloys are also popular. Titanium dioxide is used to coat welding electrodes. Titanium tetrachloride (tetrachloride) is used in warfare to create smoke screens, and in peacetime for fumigating plants during spring frosts.

In electrical engineering and radio engineering, powdered titanium is used as a gas absorber - when heated to 500°C, titanium energetically absorbs gases and thereby provides a high vacuum in a closed volume.

Titanium in some cases is an irreplaceable material in the chemical industry and shipbuilding. It is used to make parts intended for pumping aggressive liquids, heat exchangers operating in corrosive environments, and hanging devices used for anodizing various parts. Titanium is inert in electrolytes and other liquids used in electroplating and is therefore suitable for the manufacture of various parts of electroplating baths. It is widely used in the manufacture of hydrometallurgical equipment for nickel-cobalt plants, as it is highly resistant to corrosion and erosion in contact with nickel and cobalt slurries at high temperatures and pressures.

Titanium is the most resistant in oxidizing environments. In reducing environments, titanium corrodes quite quickly due to the destruction of the protective oxide film.

Technical titanium and its alloys are amenable to all known forming methods. They can be rolled in cold and hot states, stamped, crimped, deep drawn, and flared. Titanium and its alloys are used to produce rods, rods, strips, various rolled profiles, seamless pipes, wire and foil.

Titanium's resistance to deformation is higher than that of structural steels or copper and aluminum alloys. Titanium and its alloys are processed by pressure in much the same way as austenitic stainless steels. Most often, titanium is forged at 800-1000°C. To protect titanium from gas contamination, heating and pressure treatment is carried out as soon as possible. a short time. Due to the fact that at temperatures >500°C hydrogen diffuses into titanium and its alloys at enormous speeds, heating is carried out in an oxidizing atmosphere.

Titanium and its alloys have reduced machinability, similar to austenitic stainless steels. For all types of cutting, the most successful results are achieved at low speeds and large depths of cut, as well as when using cutting tool from high-speed steels or hard alloys. Due to the high chemical activity of titanium at high temperatures, welding is carried out in an atmosphere of inert gases (helium, argon). At the same time, it is necessary to protect not only the molten weld metal, but all highly heated parts of the welded products from interaction with the atmosphere and gases.

Some technological difficulties arise in the production of castings from titanium and its alloys.