Albert Ivanov - Adventures of Khoma and Gopher (full version). Adventures of Khoma and Gopher (full version) How Khoma laughed

Albert Ivanov

New Adventures of Khoma and Gopher


If you have read books such as The Adventures of Khoma, The Whole World Is My Hole, How Khoma Saved the Stars, The Adventures of Khoma and the Gopher, or other books about these true friends, then the book that is now in front of you, and will be a continuation of familiar stories for you.

If you haven't read anything about Khoma and Gopher, it doesn't matter. This book will introduce you to them. Therefore, the Introduction is also necessary - for those who enter into a hitherto unknown fairy-tale world.

So, they live in a meadow, near a stream and a grove, the hamster Homa and his best friend Gopher. Minks have been dug in their neighborhood. Although Gopher is taller than Khoma, but Khoma is half a year older. And who is older, he knows more. Seniors have experience! Homa has a great experience. Huge!..

Well, now read or listen about the adventures of Khoma and Gopher.

And the one who for some reason is too lazy to read and listen, we send to the cinema or to the TV to watch cartoons: “The Adventures of Khoma”, “A Terrible Story”, “One - Peas, Two - Peas”, “Cage” ... Yes, only these pictures were taken not according to new, but according to the old tales about Khoma. Do not blame me. So you still have to read.

How rich Khoma was

When Gopher was not yet in the world, and Khoma was very small, Khoma found a golden ring. In the grove, in the hazel. Probably someone nuts, tore and lost it, muddler.

For us, the ring is grams, and for Homa - kilograms of gold. For us, the ring is a ring, and Khome is almost like a hoop.

How did he know the ring was gold? Maybe he didn't really know. In any case, I did not look at the sample. I haven't tried it on the tooth either. But immediately guessed - valuable. It's very shiny!

But very hard. How to bring home? If you hang it around your neck, you won't lift your head. So you will rest your nose on the ground until the end of time. With such wealth!

You can't carry it on your paws either.

Wear it on your shoulder? Pulls.

Decided to roll.

Seems like an easy thing. Roll it home, into the hole. Golden rays from the golden ring are splashing in all directions!

“That’s what everyone at home will be surprised,” Khoma looked forward to, “when I bring him home!”

Khoma then still had a lot of relatives, until all different predators and evil boys were taken out.

But with such a ring you will not quickly get to your hole.

Now, if Khoma had some kind of long hook, roll the ring for yourself like a wheel and whistle.

And so it rolls, then falls.

Need to lift. And this must be understood. To the one who did not roll such a burden to such a distance.

All good gold. He has one drawback - heavy. If it were easier, he would not have a price.

And here is another attack. Random Crow suddenly rushed from above. Hefty Crow on a little hamster!

It’s good that that Crow was still not attracted to Khoma, but to gold. She grabbed a shiny ring and rushed away headlong.

I wouldn’t have to look for it myself, but she’s glad - for something ready.

I bet she has a lot of stuff in her nest. Other crows, like magpies, are greedy for everything sparkling. So they fall from the sky onto any shiny trinkets!

Neither alive nor dead, Khoma ran home and let's talk.

Only then, it seems, did he find out that it was gold that he had found.

Uncle, he said:

What's the use of wealth? It would be health!

And the aunt wisely remarked:

No health would help him now if there were no wealth with him!

And it's true. If Homa had been without gold, the Crow could have seized him himself. But she preferred wealth.

Now judge what is more expensive: health or wealth? ..

How Khoma learned to swim

Very simple. And he did not study himself, but his uncle taught. When Homa was small.

He brought, uncle, Homa to a cliff above the stream.

He took him by the scruff of the neck. Tough so it doesn't come loose. And says:

I will teach you to swim. I'll throw it off the cliff in the deepest place now. If you swim out, consider that you have learned.

What if I don't swim? - Khoma was inquisitive even then.

So, he didn’t learn, - uncle never lost heart.

And how do I know about it? Homa was worried.

About not learning how to swim.

I’ll shout after you about this, ”the uncle promised.

He could be trusted. Serious was a hamster, a master of his word.

Actually, - continued the uncle, - it would be necessary to capture your little brother. Both of us would learn at once. More convenient.

Clearly, - Khoma winked at him. - If suddenly they began to sink, they would grab each other and save themselves.

Uncle looked at him strangely.

And who are you, nephew, so mean?

Auntie, probably.

I see that it’s not in me, I’m dead, - my uncle sighed. His aunt always called him Rokhley.

I went to my aunt with my mind, but in you - with a figure, - Khoma tried to flatter him. - Physique!

Is there body subtraction? - Asked Gopher when Homa told him about this case.

It happens, - Khoma waved it off, - when it pushes you out of the bottom of the stream after diving. You keep listening!

Here the uncle for some reason angrily says to Khoma:

Well, if you are already in our aunt mind, you will definitely swim out.

And, swinging, he shoved him off the cliff into the water.

Khoma immediately went to the bottom like a stone. Uncle had a wide scope in everything!

Khoma is walking along the bottom, but there is no bottom.

“I really need it,” he thought.

And as soon as I thought, let's move our paws, strive upwards - towards the sun. It was visible as a bright spot somewhere above.

Jumped out of the water like a cork. If the cliff were not high, I would have knocked my uncle off his feet!

Khoma floundered clumsily, and suddenly he swam, amazed. Well, totally free! True, for some reason, like a dog.

Are you swimming? - shouted the uncle.

I swim, I swim, - Khoma laughed. - I learned right away.

That's it, - the uncle smiled into his mustache. - Proven way. Everyone, including myself, was taught that way.

What if I drowned?

Nobody ever drowned. Except my brother. Went down too deep. And there, probably, the Pike swallowed it.

After these words, Khoma started working with his paws so much that he soon found himself on the shore.

I remember Khoma asked his uncle:

Why am I not like a human, not like a frog, but like a dog?

Haven't you heard the saying: swims like a dog!

I heard another one: it swims like a fish,” Khoma said timidly.

Ha ha ha! The fish is underwater. And the dog - on the water!

Uncle stood at full height on the cliff and laughed, pleased that he made Khoma row with might and main with his paws.

So Khoma remembered him for the rest of his life. Tall, mustachioed, handsome. With a bright sun over a disheveled head!

I also learned to swim right off the bat, - Gopher boasted, - although no one threw me off a cliff.

Oh you! Khoma said condescendingly. Remember, we can all swim. From birth.

That's something I'm still amazed at how I immediately learned! - Gopher rolled his eyes.

And yet, - Khoma noted sternly, - there are also those who are incapable. Rarely, but come across. That is why it is always necessary to use uncle's proven method.

And why did your uncle still drown, if he is so knowledgeable? - asked Gopher. - You yourself told me: last year, the boys flooded holes in the meadow with buckets, and he never came up.

He did not drown, - Khoma replied gloomily, - but, you see, he choked badly. I slept after dinner, so I drank too much too early. And then he would have surfaced, he would certainly have swum up! After all, the burrows were filled with just one water, without any pikes there. Not so dangerous - no pikes!

The book of the famous writer includes new tales about the adventures of the already famous hamster Homa, his best friend Gopher, their friends - the old Hedgehog, the Fat Hare, Dr. Woodpecker and their enemies - the nimble Wolf, the treacherous Fox, the pop-eyed Owl, the night owl and the sharp-sighted kite. This book, being a continuation of such collections as “The whole world is my hole”, “The Adventures of Khoma and Gopher”, “How Khoma saved the stars” and others, is nevertheless a completely independent work, consisting of separate, completed fairy stories. The mischievous, inexhaustible fiction, truly funny heroes of Albert Ivanov are familiar to children and adults from a number of cartoons: "The Adventures of Khoma", "A Terrible Story", "One - Peas, Two - Peas", "Cage".

The collection of the famous writer includes 20 tales about the adventures of the famous bouncer - the hamster Homa, his best friend - the timid sage Gopher, their cautious friends and treacherous enemies. These characters are familiar to the guys from several books and a series of cartoons. The book also features new tales that have never been published anywhere before.

This collection of new fairy tales by the wonderful children's writer A. A. Ivanov introduces young readers to new funny adventures of the already famous hamster Khoma, his friend Gopher and their friends. The book continues the series of fairy tales about Khoma and Gopher, which for more than 20 years have delighted numerous readers and enjoyed well-deserved recognition.

The book of the famous writer includes new tales about the adventures of the already famous hamster Khoma, his best friend Gopher, their friends - the agile Wolf, the treacherous Fox, the Owl with the pop-eyed, the night owl and the vigilant kite. This book, being a continuation of such collections as "The Adventures of Khoma and Gopher", "How Khoma Saved the Stars", "The New Adventures of Khoma and Gopher", "The Great Journey of Khoma and Gopher" and others, is nevertheless a completely independent work, consisting from individual, complete fairy tales. The mischievous, inexhaustible fiction, truly funny heroes of Albert Ivanov are familiar to children and adults from a number of cartoons: "The Adventures of Khoma", "A Terrible Story", "One - Peas, Two - Peas", "Cage".

The book of the famous writer includes new fairy tales about the cheerful hamster Homa and his friend Gopher, their friends and enemies. These kind funny naive characters have long been loved by the reader. What kind of adventures do not happen with inseparable friends in the new book! The brave Khoma will go on a dangerous journey more than once: in search of the kidnapped Gopher, to rescue the Hare and in an unequal struggle with the sorcerer Boar, with the cunning Fox, with the toothy Wolf, with the mighty Bear. Homa will find his happy Star that fell from the sky and give it to the clumsy Fat Hare for happiness - a funny little eccentric. These amazing stories are published for the first time.

The book of the famous writer includes new tales about the adventures of the already famous hamster Homa, his best friend Gopher, their friends - the old Hedgehog, the Fat Hare, Dr. Woodpecker and their enemies - the nimble Wolf, the treacherous Fox, the pop-eyed Owl, the night owl and the sharp-sighted kite. This book, being a continuation of such collections as "The whole world is my hole", "The Adventures of Khoma and Gopher", "How Khoma saved the stars", "The New Adventures of Khoma and Gopher" and others, is nevertheless a completely independent work, consisting from individual, complete fairy tales. The mischievous, inexhaustible fiction, truly funny heroes of Albert Ivanov are familiar to children and adults from a number of cartoons: "The Adventures of Khoma", "A Terrible Story", "One - Peas, Two - Peas", "Cage".

There he is. Common hamster. Cheeks - in! Cheap fur coat.

Homa stands on its hind legs and looks into the distance.

A little bit of danger: a fox or pioneers - dive underground!

Here in the hole Homa is not afraid of anyone. Close your eyes and sleep. When we sleep, we are all good.

When Khoma is awake, he darts across the field. Collects grain. Thief, that is. But we know this, but he does not know. He sees that the grains have crumbled - grab it! It seems like it should be. Thinks it's a draw.

Therefore, it is considered a pest. He doesn't think so.

Why? And therefore!

Gopher's best friend often obeys Khoma in everything:

Khoma is half a year older. So smarter. Truth?

“You are well preserved,” Gopher tells him. - Well, he survived!

"What if he hadn't survived?" Homa frowns.

“Then you wouldn't be half a year older,” Gopher smiles.

So here they are, friends!


Khoma slept badly all night. All night long, a huge machine - a combine harvester - walked around the field with a creak. She stared brightly with her headlights, the light even penetrated into the hole.

Homa thought for a moment that he would no longer have to stock up on fireflies for lighting. He thought that the harvester would now walk around the field every night. Noise, however, in vain ...

So he slept and woke up until he woke up completely.

He did not charge.

Gopher did the exercises for him. Himself Khoma - laziness.

Do, - he says, - exercises for me. And he lies under a bush and looks.

Gopher and let's try for two - crouches, bounces ...

Faded at the end. Barely breathing! But Khoma to him:

What is exercise without bathing ?! And the water in the stream is colder than cold.

Gopher swims, and Khoma sits on the bank.

M-o-o-o-o, x-enough? - asks his best friend Gopher from the water.

Look you! Homa is outraged. - Swim, swim until I get tired. Swimming is good for me. Dr. Woodpecker ordered me to take baths!

Gopher swims up to blue in the face and crawls out onto the shore.

Nice, I got charged today! - Homa will get up and stretch sweetly. He had already fallen asleep. And Gopher is shaking from fatigue.

So be it, that's enough, - Khoma will become generous. - Just get up early tomorrow, it will start to get a little light. And run for me barefoot in the dew. But look, don't cheat. I still know. The doctors told me to run. You don't want your best friend to get sick, do you? Try!

Well. Khoma got up, but the combine was no longer there. And there is no wheat. All the grain was harvested at night.

The field seems to have been cut bare. And Gopher is running.

Are you running? Homa yawned.

Maybe not? - Suslik pleaded.

Are you tired? Homa was surprised.

Tired, - puffed Gopher.

What? This is me tired! Homa got angry. - You're running after me! Oh, how tired I am ... I'll lie down and rest. And you run, run!


Khoma is lying, and Gopher is running. Suddenly a tractor appeared on the field.

All at home! Khoma shouted and rushed into the hole. Gopher - to the next one.

The tractor growls. Scary!..

Khoma stuck his head out.

The tractor passes by and shakes angrily. Behind the tractor, the plow plows the ground.

And behind the plow, the crows march in rows, as in a parade, and the worms are pecked.

Hey look! Carr! - the main Crow waved its wing to Khoma. - We trrraktor tamed! Works for the whole flock! Selected cherrrvyachki!

I need them! Homa growled.

Not a single fallen grain will be left now, - Gopher agreed to him, also sticking his head out.

Not food, Khoma remarked importantly. - There, behind the grove, there is another field.

Further. Peas grow there.

Peas? - Gopher licked his lips.

Well. Where do you think I get it from?

I don't think so, - admitted Gopher. - I eat it.

Lazy, - Homa muttered.

I'm not lazy, I'm smart, - pouted Gopher.

I know better! Homa got angry. - Come on, drive to the Far field for pods. Anyway, you ran a little today, the tractor scared you away.

Oh, not enough! - whined Gopher. - Three hours instead of two!

Three hours, three o'clock?! Homa was horrified. - Wet grass? I can catch a cold!

I've only two hours for you, - Gopher hastily said. - And an hour for yourself.

For me - two? And for yourself - an hour? Homa hurriedly felt his hind legs. - That's something my heels are buzzing! .. Since you didn’t run for yourself, run after the pods. What a cunning one! .. He almost drove me to death in two hours, but he gained an hour for himself.

The gopher blinked his eyes guiltily.

I won’t go,” he squeaked timidly and disappeared into the hole.

I'm afraid of the Wolf, - he leaned out again and disappeared again.

And Lisa! he appeared again. Disappeared again. And he didn't show up again.

Well, I'll remind you, - said Khoma.

And he went himself. Because I wanted to eat.

If he didn’t want to eat, Khoma would never leave the hole. What for? If there were stocks, he extended his paw - the grains were dried. He held out another - peas. Lie down and look at the ceiling. Interesting!

Khoma was not afraid of the wolf. He wasn't afraid of him at all. What to fear! Fuck the Wolf with something on the forehead - and you're done! It's a pity that there were no Wolves in their grove.

Lisa, of course, was. But old. He sees badly. Runs with shortness of breath. Dangerous Fox. Predator! That and look! ..

Homa thought and decided to turn back. Grabs more! But he really wanted to eat.

The grove was far away, barely visible on the horizon. Mowed field all around...

But you never know what ... Just in case, Homa decided to crawl. He crawled slowly. It crawls a little, gets up, jumps up, looks around.

And crawling again.

When he crawled to the grove, it was dark.

Here Homa completely lost his temper.

It's dark, it's awful dark! Cones fall from the trees - slap, slap! - as if someone's steps.

To crawl or not to crawl?

Run! Khoma said bravely to himself. - Once - and there! I can't get scared.

He decided to take a good run and stepped back a little.

Then a little more...

“Eh! Khoma thought as he walked away. - As I run up, I’ll immediately slip through the grove! The main thing is a good run!”

So he walked away, walked away, walked away ...

More more more…

And suddenly fell into the ground!

Strange, - Khoma scratched the back of his head, looking around. - It looks like my hole. Or maybe not mine!.. Let's check. If there is nothing to eat, then mine.

He searched all the corners - empty.

My! Homa rejoiced. - I'll sleep for an hour or two, I'll gain strength - and I'm on my way.

Homa really fell into his hole.

And Gopher is probably already going to bed, - Khoma grumbled, falling on the bed. - There are such lazy people!

Homa slept not only for an hour or two, but also grabbed the third and fourth.

He would have slept through the night if the rushing wind had not driven away the clouds.

Homa opened his eyes and narrowed his eyes. The bright moon peered into the hole and shone on Khoma like a searchlight.

Try to sleep!..

But then Khoma remembered the peas and hurried outside.

Reade set Go! - Khoma commanded himself and rushed to the grove.

Faster, faster, faster!..

More more more!..

Khoma could not overcome the grove with a run.

Albert Ivanov



There he is. Common hamster. Cheeks - in! Cheap fur coat.

Homa stands on its hind legs and looks into the distance.

A little bit of danger: a fox or pioneers - dive underground!

Here in the hole Homa is not afraid of anyone. Close your eyes and sleep. When we sleep, we are all good.

When Khoma is awake, he darts across the field. Collects grain. Thief, that is. But we know this, but he does not know. He sees that the grains have crumbled - grab it! It seems like it should be. Thinks it's a draw.

Therefore, it is considered a pest. He doesn't think so.

Why? And therefore!

Gopher's best friend often obeys Khoma in everything:

Khoma is half a year older. So smarter. Truth?

“You are well preserved,” Gopher tells him. - Well, he survived!

"What if he hadn't survived?" Homa frowns.

“Then you wouldn't be half a year older,” Gopher smiles.

So here they are, friends!


Khoma slept badly all night. All night long, a huge machine - a combine harvester - walked around the field with a creak. She stared brightly with her headlights, the light even penetrated into the hole.

Homa thought for a moment that he would no longer have to stock up on fireflies for lighting. He thought that the harvester would now walk around the field every night. Noise, however, in vain ...

So he slept and woke up until he woke up completely.

He did not charge.

Gopher did the exercises for him. Himself Khoma - laziness.

Do, - he says, - exercises for me. And he lies under a bush and looks.

Gopher and let's try for two - crouches, bounces ...

Faded at the end. Barely breathing! But Khoma to him:

What is exercise without bathing ?! And the water in the stream is colder than cold.

Gopher swims, and Khoma sits on the bank.

M-o-o-o-o, x-enough? - asks his best friend Gopher from the water.

Look you! Homa is outraged. - Swim, swim until I get tired. Swimming is good for me. Dr. Woodpecker ordered me to take baths!

Gopher swims up to blue in the face and crawls out onto the shore.

Nice, I got charged today! - Homa will get up and stretch sweetly. He had already fallen asleep. And Gopher is shaking from fatigue.

So be it, that's enough, - Khoma will become generous. - Just get up early tomorrow, it will start to get a little light. And run for me barefoot in the dew. But look, don't cheat. I still know. The doctors told me to run. You don't want your best friend to get sick, do you? Try!

Well. Khoma got up, but the combine was no longer there. And there is no wheat. All the grain was harvested at night.

The field seems to have been cut bare. And Gopher is running.

Are you running? Homa yawned.

Maybe not? - Suslik pleaded.

Are you tired? Homa was surprised.

Tired, - puffed Gopher.

What? This is me tired! Homa got angry. - You're running after me! Oh, how tired I am ... I'll lie down and rest. And you run, run!


Khoma is lying, and Gopher is running. Suddenly a tractor appeared on the field.

All at home! Khoma shouted and rushed into the hole. Gopher - to the next one.

The tractor growls. Scary!..

Khoma stuck his head out.

The tractor passes by and shakes angrily. Behind the tractor, the plow plows the ground.

And behind the plow, the crows march in rows, as in a parade, and the worms are pecked.

Hey look! Carr! - the main Crow waved its wing to Khoma. - We trrraktor tamed! Works for the whole flock! Selected cherrrvyachki!

I need them! Homa growled.

Not a single fallen grain will be left now, - Gopher agreed to him, also sticking his head out.

Not food, Khoma remarked importantly. - There, behind the grove, there is another field.

Further. Peas grow there.

Peas? - Gopher licked his lips.

Well. Where do you think I get it from?

I don't think so, - admitted Gopher. - I eat it.

Lazy, - Homa muttered.

I'm not lazy, I'm smart, - pouted Gopher.

I know better! Homa got angry. - Come on, drive to the Far field for pods. Anyway, you ran a little today, the tractor scared you away.

Oh, not enough! - whined Gopher. - Three hours instead of two!

Three hours, three o'clock?! Homa was horrified. - Wet grass? I can catch a cold!

I've only two hours for you, - Gopher hastily said. - And an hour for yourself.

For me - two? And for yourself - an hour? Homa hurriedly felt his hind legs. - That's something my heels are buzzing! .. Since you didn’t run for yourself, run after the pods. What a cunning one! .. He almost drove me to death in two hours, but he gained an hour for himself.

The gopher blinked his eyes guiltily.

I won’t go,” he squeaked timidly and disappeared into the hole.

I'm afraid of the Wolf, - he leaned out again and disappeared again.

And Lisa! he appeared again. Disappeared again. And he didn't show up again.

Well, I'll remind you, - said Khoma.

And he went himself. Because I wanted to eat.

If he didn’t want to eat, Khoma would never leave the hole. What for? If there were stocks, he extended his paw - the grains were dried. He held out another - peas. Lie down and look at the ceiling. Interesting!

Khoma was not afraid of the wolf. He wasn't afraid of him at all. What to fear! Fuck the Wolf with something on the forehead - and you're done! It's a pity that there were no Wolves in their grove.

Lisa, of course, was. But old. He sees badly. Runs with shortness of breath. Dangerous Fox. Predator! That and look! ..

Homa thought and decided to turn back. Grabs more! But he really wanted to eat.

The grove was far away, barely visible on the horizon. Mowed field all around...

But you never know what ... Just in case, Homa decided to crawl. He crawled slowly. It crawls a little, gets up, jumps up, looks around.

And crawling again.

When he crawled to the grove, it was dark.

Here Homa completely lost his temper.

It's dark, it's awful dark! Cones fall from the trees - slap, slap! - as if someone's steps.

To crawl or not to crawl?

Run! Khoma said bravely to himself. - Once - and there! I can't get scared.

He decided to take a good run and stepped back a little.

Then a little more...

“Eh! Khoma thought as he walked away. - As I run up, I’ll immediately slip through the grove! The main thing is a good run!”

So he walked away, walked away, walked away ...

More more more…

And suddenly fell into the ground!

Strange, - Khoma scratched the back of his head, looking around. - It looks like my hole. Or maybe not mine!.. Let's check. If there is nothing to eat, then mine.

He searched all the corners - empty.

My! Homa rejoiced. - I'll sleep for an hour or two, I'll gain strength - and I'm on my way.

Albert Ivanov



There he is. Common hamster. Cheeks - in! Cheap fur coat.

Homa stands on its hind legs and looks into the distance.

A little bit of danger: a fox or pioneers - dive underground!

Here in the hole Homa is not afraid of anyone. Close your eyes and sleep. When we sleep, we are all good.

When Khoma is awake, he darts across the field. Collects grain. Thief, that is. But we know this, but he does not know. He sees that the grains have crumbled - grab it! It seems like it should be. Thinks it's a draw.

Therefore, it is considered a pest. He doesn't think so.

Why? And therefore!

Gopher's best friend often obeys Khoma in everything:

Khoma is half a year older. So smarter. Truth?

“You are well preserved,” Gopher tells him. - Well, he survived!

"What if he hadn't survived?" Homa frowns.

“Then you wouldn't be half a year older,” Gopher smiles.

So here they are, friends!


Khoma slept badly all night. All night long, a huge machine - a combine harvester - walked around the field with a creak. She stared brightly with her headlights, the light even penetrated into the hole.

Homa thought for a moment that he would no longer have to stock up on fireflies for lighting. He thought that the harvester would now walk around the field every night. Noise, however, in vain ...

So he slept and woke up until he woke up completely.

He did not charge.

Gopher did the exercises for him. Himself Khoma - laziness.

Do, - he says, - exercises for me. And he lies under a bush and looks.

Gopher and let's try for two - crouches, bounces ...

Faded at the end. Barely breathing! But Khoma to him:

What is exercise without bathing ?! And the water in the stream is colder than cold.

Gopher swims, and Khoma sits on the bank.

M-o-o-o-o, x-enough? - asks his best friend Gopher from the water.

Look you! Homa is outraged. - Swim, swim until I get tired. Swimming is good for me. Dr. Woodpecker ordered me to take baths!

Gopher swims up to blue in the face and crawls out onto the shore.

Nice, I got charged today! - Homa will get up and stretch sweetly. He had already fallen asleep. And Gopher is shaking from fatigue.

So be it, that's enough, - Khoma will become generous. - Just get up early tomorrow, it will start to get a little light. And run for me barefoot in the dew. But look, don't cheat. I still know. The doctors told me to run. You don't want your best friend to get sick, do you? Try!

Well. Khoma got up, but the combine was no longer there. And there is no wheat. All the grain was harvested at night.

The field seems to have been cut bare. And Gopher is running.

Are you running? Homa yawned.

Maybe not? - Suslik pleaded.

Are you tired? Homa was surprised.

Tired, - puffed Gopher.

What? This is me tired! Homa got angry. - You're running after me! Oh, how tired I am ... I'll lie down and rest. And you run, run!


Khoma is lying, and Gopher is running. Suddenly a tractor appeared on the field.

All at home! Khoma shouted and rushed into the hole. Gopher - to the next one.

The tractor growls. Scary!..

Khoma stuck his head out.

The tractor passes by and shakes angrily. Behind the tractor, the plow plows the ground.

And behind the plow, the crows march in rows, as in a parade, and the worms are pecked.

Hey look! Carr! - the main Crow waved its wing to Khoma. - We trrraktor tamed! Works for the whole flock! Selected cherrrvyachki!

I need them! Homa growled.

Not a single fallen grain will be left now, - Gopher agreed to him, also sticking his head out.

Not food, Khoma remarked importantly. - There, behind the grove, there is another field.

Further. Peas grow there.

Peas? - Gopher licked his lips.

Well. Where do you think I get it from?

I don't think so, - admitted Gopher. - I eat it.

Lazy, - Homa muttered.

I'm not lazy, I'm smart, - pouted Gopher.

I know better! Homa got angry. - Come on, drive to the Far field for pods. Anyway, you ran a little today, the tractor scared you away.

Oh, not enough! - whined Gopher. - Three hours instead of two!

Three hours, three o'clock?! Homa was horrified. - Wet grass? I can catch a cold!

I've only two hours for you, - Gopher hastily said. - And an hour for yourself.

For me - two? And for yourself - an hour? Homa hurriedly felt his hind legs. - That's something my heels are buzzing! .. Since you didn’t run for yourself, run after the pods. What a cunning one! .. He almost drove me to death in two hours, but he gained an hour for himself.

The gopher blinked his eyes guiltily.

I won’t go,” he squeaked timidly and disappeared into the hole.

I'm afraid of the Wolf, - he leaned out again and disappeared again.

And Lisa! he appeared again. Disappeared again. And he didn't show up again.

Well, I'll remind you, - said Khoma.

And he went himself. Because I wanted to eat.

If he didn’t want to eat, Khoma would never leave the hole. What for? If there were stocks, he extended his paw - the grains were dried. He held out another - peas. Lie down and look at the ceiling. Interesting!

Khoma was not afraid of the wolf. He wasn't afraid of him at all. What to fear! Fuck the Wolf with something on the forehead - and you're done! It's a pity that there were no Wolves in their grove.

Lisa, of course, was. But old. He sees badly. Runs with shortness of breath. Dangerous Fox. Predator! That and look! ..

Homa thought and decided to turn back. Grabs more! But he really wanted to eat.

The grove was far away, barely visible on the horizon. Mowed field all around...

But you never know what ... Just in case, Homa decided to crawl. He crawled slowly. It crawls a little, gets up, jumps up, looks around.

And crawling again.

When he crawled to the grove, it was dark.

Here Homa completely lost his temper.

It's dark, it's awful dark! Cones fall from the trees - slap, slap! - as if someone's steps.

To crawl or not to crawl?

Run! Khoma said bravely to himself. - Once - and there! I can't get scared.

He decided to take a good run and stepped back a little.

Then a little more...

“Eh! Khoma thought as he walked away. - As I run up, I’ll immediately slip through the grove! The main thing is a good run!”

So he walked away, walked away, walked away ...

More more more…

And suddenly fell into the ground!

Strange, - Khoma scratched the back of his head, looking around. - It looks like my hole. Or maybe not mine!.. Let's check. If there is nothing to eat, then mine.

He searched all the corners - empty.

My! Homa rejoiced. - I'll sleep for an hour or two, I'll gain strength - and I'm on my way.

Homa really fell into his hole.

And Gopher is probably already going to bed, - Khoma grumbled, falling on the bed. - There are such lazy people!

Homa slept not only for an hour or two, but also grabbed the third and fourth.

He would have slept through the night if the rushing wind had not driven away the clouds.

Homa opened his eyes and narrowed his eyes. The bright moon peered into the hole and shone on Khoma like a searchlight.

Try to sleep!..

But then Khoma remembered the peas and hurried outside.

Reade set Go! - Khoma commanded himself and rushed to the grove.

Faster, faster, faster!..

More more more!..

Khoma could not overcome the grove with a run.

He trudged to the grove with a step, because he was completely exhausted.

I'm dying, he gasped. He grabbed his heart with his paw and sank heavily to the ground by a log across the stream.

Khoma did not notice how he sat right on the old Lisa. She curled up in a ball and slept under a tree.

Homa jumped up with a screech. On a log - across the stream! And into the bowl! Where did the agility come from?!

Before Khoma had time to come to his senses, the grove ended and he found himself in the Far Field.

That's what a good run means! Khoma said enough.


Homa plucked the five largest pods.

He tore them like this: he jumped up, hugged the pod, hung down and - bang with him to the ground! ..

He folded them on his front paws, like logs, and on his way back. You can't run with a load. Yes, and where to run, barely caught his breath.

He walked on tiptoe through the grove, quietly. Night…

And before taking a step, each time with his paw, he lightly felt the path ahead. I was afraid to step on Lisa. Fits anywhere!

He reached the log across the stream and stopped.

With pods, it is not very easy to cross to the other side. Balance must be kept.

Now, if there were six pods, then another matter. Three under the arm - and walk.

How about five?

But Homa was found here too. First he moved two, and then two more.

Four means.

2 + 2 = 4

Came back for a fifth. How to carry it? There is no balance!