What does 666 mean? These numbers are often found. Interpretations of the number "666"

Number 666

Number 666 still arouses intense interest and controversy. There is a credible and plausible explanation for this mystery.

666 - more than just a mystery

“No one could buy or sell except he who had the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Wisdom is needed here: let him who has intelligence calculate the number of the beast, for it is a human number; and his number was six hundred and sixty-six” (Revelation 13:17, 18).

Few things in the Bible are as exciting as the prophecy of the mysterious sign, or name, of the "beast" - the number 666. There are endless speculations about this sign on TV and on the Internet, as well as in movies, books and magazines.

Some believe that 666 is the number of the biblical Antichrist.

Others say it is some form of forced identification: something like a tattoo or an implanted microchip with a digital code that can be used to identify the servants of the beast.

Still others claim that 666 is a sign of the Catholic papacy. If the letters in the official title of the Pope Vicarius Filii Dei (Vicar of the Son of God) are replaced with Roman numerals and a few simple computational operations are performed with them, you get 666.

It is also stated that, by calculation, this number can be obtained from the name of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, written in Latin, and from the Hebrew spelling of the name of Caesar Nero.

The Bible reveals that those who have the mark of the beast will experience the wrath of God when He puts an end to the present system of things (Revelation 14:9-11; 19:20).

Understanding the mystery of the number 666 means much more than just solving a tricky riddle. Fortunately, Jehovah God, the very embodiment of love and the Source of spiritual light, does not leave his servants in the dark regarding this important matter.​—2 Timothy 3:16; 1 John 1:5; 4:8.

Solving the mystery of the beast and its sign

Do you like solving riddles? When solving a riddle, you look for clues that help you find the solution. In His inspired Word, God gives the necessary clues to the mystery of the number 666, that is, the name, or mark, of the beast spoken of in the 13th chapter of Revelation.

In this article we will look at four main lines of reasoning that are important clues through which the meaning of the mark of the beast can be deciphered:

1) how biblical names are sometimes given;

2) what the beast is;

3) why the number 666 is called “the number of men”;

4) what is the meaning of the number 6 and why is it repeated three times, that is, 666 (Revelation 13:18).

Biblical names are not just names

Biblical names often contain deep meaning, especially if they were given by God. Here are examples of this.

Because Abram was to be the father of nations, God changed the patriarch's name to Abraham, which means “Father of the multitude” (Genesis 17:5).

God commanded Joseph and Mary to name Mary's unborn child Jesus, a name that means “Jehovah is salvation” (Matthew 1:21; Luke 1:31).

In accordance with the meaning of this name, through the ministry of Jesus and his sacrificial death, Jehovah God made our salvation possible (John 3:16).

Therefore, the God-given number-name 666 should symbolically represent characteristics beast as God sees them. Naturally, in order to determine these characteristics, we need to understand what the beast is and learn about its actions.

The beast is defined

The biblical book of Daniel sheds bright light on the meaning of the symbolic beasts. The seventh chapter very vividly depicts the “four great beasts”: a lion, a bear, a leopard, and a terrible beast with great iron teeth (Daniel 7:2-7).

Daniel explains that these beasts represent “kings,” or political governments, who take turns ruling over vast empires (Daniel 7:17, 23).

Of the beast of Revelation 13:1, 2, one dictionary says that it “combines the characteristics of the four beasts of Daniel’s vision...

Therefore, this first beast [of Revelation] represents the combined forces of all the political governments of the world that oppose God” (“The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible”).

This conclusion is supported by the words of Revelation 13:7, which says of the beast: “Power was given to him over every nation, and people, and tongue, and nation.”

Why are animals used in the Bible as a symbol of human rule? There are at least two reasons for this.

Firstly, over the centuries, governments, like animals, have shed a lot of blood.

“Wars are an integral part of history,” wrote historians Wil and Ariel Durant, “and neither civilization nor democracy has changed the situation.”

How true is the statement that “man rules over man to his detriment”! (Ecclesiastes 8:9).

Second, “the dragon [Satan] gave to the beast his power, and his throne, and great authority” (Revelation 12:9; 13:2).

Accordingly, human government is the fruit of the Devil and therefore reflects the disposition of the beast or dragon (John 8:44; Ephesians 6:12).

However, the above does not mean that Satan manipulates every single human ruler.

Human governments in a certain sense are “God’s servants”: they establish order in society, without which chaos would reign in the world.

Some leaders defend basic human rights, including the right to profess faith in the true God, which Satan clearly does not like (Romans 13:3, 4; Ezra 7:11-27; Acts 13:7).

Yet, because of Satan's influence, no person or human organization has been able to bring lasting peace and security to the people (John 12:31).

"Human Number"

Another key to understanding the meaning of the number 666 is found in the expression “human number.”

These words cannot apply to an individual, since it is not man, but Satan, who has power over the beast (Luke 4:5, 6; 1 John 5:19; Revelation 13:2, 18).

The expression “human number” indicates, rather, that the beast has a human nature - it is not a spirit or a demon. Therefore, he has certain human characteristics.

What might apply to them? The Bible gives the answer: “All [men] have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

Thus, the fact that the beast has the "number of a man" shows this: governments reflect the fallen state of humanity - a sign of sin and imperfection.

History confirms this. “All civilizations that have ever existed have ultimately fallen,” said former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. “History is a record of efforts that failed, aspirations that were not realized. […] The historian has to live with the feeling of the inevitability of tragedy.”

Kissinger's honest historical assessment confirms an important biblical truth: “His way is not in the will of a man... it is not in the power of him who walks to direct his steps” (Jeremiah 10:23).

Now that we have determined what the beast is and learned how God views it, it is time to understand the last part of the riddle, namely, what is the meaning of the number 6 and why it is repeated three times, that is, 666.

Why is the number 6 repeated three times?

In Scripture some numbers have symbolic meaning. The number 7, for example, is often used to represent completeness, or perfection, from God's perspective.

Thus, God's creative week includes seven “days,” or long periods of time, during which God fully carries out his creative purposes for the earth (Genesis 1:3-2:3).

God's words are like silver “seven times refined,” that is, completely purified (Psalm 11:7; Proverbs 30:5, 6).

The leper Naaman was instructed to wash himself seven times in the Jordan River, after which he was completely restored (2 Kings 5:10, 14).

6 is less than 7 by one unit. Isn't this an appropriate designation for imperfection, or incompleteness, from God's point of view? Of course it's appropriate! (1 Chronicles 20:6, 7).

Moreover, the triple repetition of the number 6 especially emphasizes this imperfection. The correctness of this conclusion is confirmed by the fact that the number 666 is, as we have already considered, a “human number.”

Thus, the works of the beast, the expression “the number of man” and the number 666 itself all lead to the only true conclusion: it is a suitable symbol of pronounced imperfection and failure in the eyes of Jehovah God.

The image of the imperfection of the beast brings to mind what was said about the king of ancient Babylon Belshazzar.

Through the prophet Daniel, Jehovah God told this ruler: “You are weighed in the balance and found very light.”

That same night Belshazzar was killed and the mighty Babylonian Empire fell (Daniel 5:27, 30).

Likewise, God's judgment on the political beast and those who bear his mark foretells the end of him and his minions.

This time, however, God will not just destroy one political system, but everything associated with human government (Daniel 2:44; Revelation 19:19, 20).

How important it is therefore to remain clean from this deadly mark of the beast!

Keys to Understanding the Meaning of the Number 666

1. Biblical name often communicates something about the character or lifestyle of its bearer. This was the case with Abraham, Jesus and many others. Likewise, the number-name of the beast reflects its characteristic features.

2. In the biblical book of Daniel, successive human kingdoms, or empires, are represented by different beasts. The collective image of the beast from Revelation 13:1, 2 symbolizes the world political system, which is given power and controlled by Satan.

3. The expression “human number” shows that the beast has a human nature, and not a demonic one. Therefore, it reflects human shortcomings that are the result of sin and imperfection.

4. From God's point of view, the number 6 indicates imperfection, since it is less than the number 7, which symbolizes completeness and perfection. The triple repetition of the number 6 emphasizes this imperfection.

Sign defined

Revelation follows the account of the number 666 by mentioning 144,000 followers of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, who have the name of Jesus and the name of his Father, Jehovah, written on their foreheads.

This signifies their belonging to Jehovah and his Son, to whom they worthily testify. Likewise, those who have the mark of the beast declare their submission to the beast.

Therefore, speaking figurative language, a mark on the right hand or on the forehead is a symbolic sign by which those who support the likes of beasts are recognized political systems peace and bows before them.

Those marked with this mark give to “Caesar” what rightfully belongs to God (Luke 20:25; Revelation 13:4, 8; 14:1). How?

Those who treat with religious reverence political states, their symbolism and military power, looking to them as a source of hope and salvation. They pay lip service to the true God.

In contrast, the Bible advises: “Do not put your trust in princes, in the son of man, in whom there is no salvation. His spirit departs, and he returns to his land: in that day all his thoughts perish away” (Psalm 145:3, 4).

Those who listen to this wise advice, are not disappointed when governments fail to keep their promises or when charismatic leaders fall out of favor with the masses (Proverbs 1:33).

This does not mean that true Christians are idle while humanity is in a deplorable state. On the contrary, they actively talk about the government that will solve humanity's problems—the Kingdom of God, of which they are representatives (Matthew 24:14).

God's Kingdom is the only hope for humanity

When Jesus lived on earth, main theme his message was the Kingdom of God (Luke 4:43).

In his model prayer, also known as the Lord's Prayer, Jesus taught his followers to pray for this kingdom to come and for God's will to be done here on earth (Matthew 6:9, 10).

The kingdom is a government that will rule over the whole earth, not from some earthly capital, but from heaven. That's why Jesus called it "the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 11:12).

Who can become a better King of the Kingdom than Jesus Christ, who gave his life for his future subjects? (Isaiah 9:6, 7; John 3:16).

Soon this perfect Ruler, a mighty spirit, will throw the beast, his kings and his armies into the “lake of fire burning with brimstone,” which symbolizes complete destruction.

  • Explanatory Bible
  • A.I. Osipov
  • priest Afanasy Gumerov
  • Deacon Andrey
  • priest Peter Andrievsky
  • Number of the beast- the mysterious number “Six hundred sixty-six”, mentioned in John the Theologian ().

    [The Beast] “...will cause all, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on right hand them or on their foreheads, and that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" ().

    In history, the literal interpretation of the number of the beast consisted of selecting the letters that make up the human name, the sum of the numerical designations of which is 666. This is possible in those languages ​​where numbers are designated by letters of the alphabet. For example, the name Nero: N – 50; E –6; R – 500; O – 60; N – 50.

    IN Old Testament The number "666" appears three times:

    1. "The sons of Adonikam are six hundred and sixty-six" ()
    2. “The gold that came to Solomon every year weighed six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold” ()
    3. “The weight in gold that came to Solomon in one year [was] six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold” ().

    When trying to interpret the “number of the beast”, a mistake is often made: the number is decomposed into decimal places and presented in the form of three numbers 6, with which it is identified. However, at the time the Apocalypse was written, there was no decimal system. positioning system Reckoning. In antiquity there were no numbers, and the function of numbers was also performed by the letters of the alphabet, as in the Church Slavonic language. The original Greek notation consists of three words "six hundred", "sixty" and "six" and does not allow for the decomposition described.
    In Hebrew, if these are the classic three sixes, that is, six, six, six, then their spelling is ן ן ן (vav, vav, vav). But if it is six hundred and sixty-six, then the spelling of the number corresponds to ו ס ם (mem sofit (written at the end of words) = 600, samekh = 60 and vav = 6).
    There is also a four-letter spelling option according to the scheme: תרסן tav -resh-samekh-vav (400-200-60-6).

    What does the number 666 mean? What is the number of the beast?

      Not long ago I heard this version that when receiving a new type of foreign passport, where biometric data is taken, we give our consent to voluntarily drawing three sixes on us, the sign of the devil. I barely remember what is written about the mark of the devil. What does it mean? Should I perceive this as something very dangerous? I’m a foreigner. passports.

    Today, many believe that 666 is the number in a foreign or Russian passport or on bank card or CHIPs in phones or TIN...

    At all times, they have tried to attach labels from the book of Revelation to various dates and events. Meanwhile, such prophecies of the Bible are given for ALL humanity, and not for any specific country at some historical stage. That is, the predictions from the book of Revelation will concern ALL people!

    Look at the Bible text - Revelation chapter 13:

    Open 13:15 And it was given to him (the second beast) to put breath into the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would speak and act in such a way that everyone who THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST WILL NOT BE WORSHIPED. 16 And he will cause all, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a MARK ON THEIR RIGHT HANDS OR ON THEIR CHEATS, 17 and that no one will be able to buy or sell except he who has it is the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. He who has intelligence, count the number of the beast, for it is a human number; its number is six hundred and sixty-six.

    Open 14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying in a loud voice: Who WORSHIP TO THE BEAST AND HIS IMAGE AND ACCEPTS MARK ON HIS FRONT OR HIS HAND, 10 he shall drink WINE OF RAGE God, whole wine, prepared in the cup of His wrath, and WILL BE TORTURED IN FIRE and brimstone before the holy angels and before the Lamb

    What is known about the mark of the beast 666?

    ATTENTION! Let's focus on a few important points regarding the number 666:

    • Question: What typeface are we talking about?

    Answer: The style is not described in detail. But it is clear that it does not have any specific type. It is clearly written that it will be OR "the mark, OR the name of the beast, OR the number of his name". And the number 666 itself is "number of the beast", and to be specified "this is a human number". That is, it is not at all necessary that the number 666 will be superimposed; the Bible does not state this, but on the contrary, it provides for variants of the outline. But it is clearly clear where the sign will be applied - on the forehead or hand.

    • Question: Who applies the mark?

    Answer: It is the second beast who appears on the scene in Revelation 13:11, who promotes the worship of the image of the first beast, who applies the mark. Both of these beasts operate with the support of the dragon - Satan, see Rev. 12:9; 13:2,11.

    At the same time, the second beast forces people to worship the first beast and (or) his image, see Rev. above. 14:9 and does great signs (miracles) to deceive those who live on the earth, see Rev. 13:12-14.

    • Question: Will marks be given to man voluntarily?

    Answer: Yes. The text does not say that the mark of the beast will be done to someone by force. It only describes that those who refuse the mark will be prohibited from selling and buying.

    • Question: What is the threat for these marks?

    Answer: For these marks God will in rage and that person will be tormented in the fire of Gehenna! Can God be furious because a person follows the laws of the state and gets himself a foreign passport or TIN? Of course not, on the contrary, the Bible teaches that we must obey the laws of the country in which we live and respect our superiors, see 1 Pet. 2:13,14,18, Rom. 13:1,2, Prov. 22:21,22, Ex. 22:28. Only with this limitation, until the laws of the country begin to contradict the laws of God:

    “Peter and the apostles answered and said, We must obey God rather than men.”(Acts 5:29). “For the foolish things of God are wiser than men, and the weak things of God stronger than humans» (1 Cor. 1:25).

    Therefore, God cannot be angry for breaking such worldly laws! God can only be furious for violating His moral laws!!! And God's commandments are clearly listed in the Bible! Read some of them. And God gave instructions in the Bible not to add anything to them. It was for sins - for violating God's laws that the first world was destroyed by a flood and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah fell... For violating God's commandments, as the Bible says, 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel dissolved in Assyrian captivity, and two tribes of Israel were in captivity for 70 years in Babylon!

    As Jesus said, the same will happen before His Second Coming. Now the law of God is already directly violated in many countries - homosexuality, drugs, abortion are allowed, intimate life outside of marriage (fornication) is considered the norm, divorce is practically encouraged, even presidents openly have mistresses and get divorced, people are taught to love themselves, etc. The Bible says that things will get worse - people will grow colder. true love!

    But a foreign passport, chipping and TIN are just documents or means of individualization and payments, very convenient for the state, including many people of this country.

    Do not fall for the deception of Satan, he deliberately distracts people from the essence, leading them into unimportant thoughts. Think for yourself: what is important to God? Our passport or our character and spiritual state? Why can His anger flare up to the point of rage and destruction in Gehenna, as is written about in the 14th chapter of Revelation?!

    Let me remind you that in chapter 13 it is written: "small and great, rich and poor, free and slave... no one it won't be possible neither buy nor sell, EXCEPT THOSE who have this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name"

    Who can really limit trade (buying and selling) at the level of the poor and the rich? Only secular secular authorities can prohibit buying and selling! However, since the text is about worship, then the religious component should be sought only in those religions that have the ability to influence the authorities in order to indicate who should be prohibited from buying and selling. This means that together they will oppress those believers who do not live as these religions teach and do not obey them. Other options are difficult to find.

    Here it is important to remember where the concepts of signs on the hand and forehead came from!

    Hand and forehead - taken from the book of Deuteronomy of the Bible from the law of God. On his hand and forehead, a person should have symbolically had a sign of his loyalty to the Lord:

    Deut. 6:6 And yes THESE WORDS WILL BE THAT I COMMAND TO YOU TODAY, in your heart. 7 And teach them to your children, and speak of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up; 8 and bind them as a sign on your hand, and let them be a blindfold over your eyes..

    What the “WORDS OF THIS” should a believer have on his forehead and hand? Here we are talking about WORDS The laws of God, which are discussed there, were in the mind of man - this is the forehead, and he fulfilled them - this is the hand. This is a clear symbol of devotion to God!

    In the book of Revelation, on the contrary, the sign is not of God, and the BEAST will be on the hand and forehead. That is, people will fulfill the laws (including religious ones) established by mortal people, neglecting the commandments given by the Eternal God.

    What is the number of the beast 666?

    Revelation explains that 666 is a human number. Why human? Some theologians think so: because man was created on the 6th day. 7th day - Holy blessed by God as written in Genesis 2:3! Hence the completeness, in particular the week - 7, and the perfect completeness 777. And the number 666 is human, since it is not enough for perfection, but with a claim to such. Many believe that the number of God is 3 (Trinity), the number of creation is 4 (four cardinal directions, four seasons). Hence the “Divine” derivatives 3+4=7, 3x4=12. 12 is the number of the tribes of Israel, the number of the apostles, the number of the New City of heavenly Jerusalem, where everything is 12 and 144 (see Revelation 21), and 12x12 = 144 x 1000 = 144,000 is a number symbolizing the fullness of the remnant, read about it)

    And no TIN has anything to do with passports and SNILS and so on... These are all trifles compared to the universal message of the book of Revelation.

    Once again, trace the direct connection between the texts:

    Rev. 13:16 And he will do that to all, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, there will be an outline on their right hand or on their foreheads,

    Rev. 14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, Whoever worships the beast and his image and takes on the style on his forehead or on his hand, 10 he will drink the wine of the wrath of God

    Think for yourself, can there be such a WRATH of God for a foreign passport, INN or SNILS?

    And who would refuse to receive the mark of the beast 666?

    It is worth noting that nearby in the book of Revelation people are described who are the opposite of those who will accept the number of the beast 666 on the forehead and hand. That is, those who refuse to receive the mark of the beast. This number of those sealed is 144,000. They will also have a mark on their foreheads, but a sign from God, in order to save them!

    “And I saw another angel... And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to harm the earth and the sea, saying: Do no harm... until we put seals on foreheads servants of our God"(Rev. 7:2,3) “And I looked, and behold, a Lamb(Jesus) ... and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, whose name of His Father is written on the foreheads... The hour of His judgment has come"(Rev. 14:1-10).

    And immediately below it is explained how these people differ from those who will receive the mark of the beast:

    “They have not defiled themselves with their women, ... they are blameless before the throne of God ... Here is the patience of the saints, keeping God's commandments and faith in Jesus"(Rev. 14:4,5,12).

    “You have not defiled yourself with your wives(in the original – with women) indicates the purity of God's teaching, since fornication and adultery are sins, and the faithful wife in the Bible symbolizes God's true Church, see Rev. 12:1, Rev. 21:2,9. More than once in the Bible, God called fornication the deviation of the people of Israel from His commandments and their infatuation with idolatry. Therefore, in the 12th text it is directly written that this remnant differs precisely keeping the commandments Gentlemen, not those invented by people.

    A similar protection of God's remnant through a seal on the forehead is described in the book of the prophet Ezekiel from chapters 9 to 11. Read about this material about God's remnant

    Who are the beasts in the book of Revelation?

    Of course, theologians argue about who the first and second beasts of Revelation 13 and 14 are. From the text it is obvious that the first beast was created by Satan himself - the dragon, see Rev. 12:9, Rev. 13:1-8. The first beast is worshiped by people from all over the world who are not written in the book of Life. And the second beast only attracts people to the first beast so that they worship him or his image (likeness). The second beast himself is called a false prophet, see Rev. 19:20, Rev. 16:13, which again indicates the religious affiliation of these animals.

    And the victory over these beasts is also clearly described in a religious manner, showing that these beasts, forcing the people of God to receive marks, did the opposite of God and the Lamb (Jesus):

    Open 15:2 And I saw as it were a sea of ​​glass mixed with fire; and they that have overcome the beast, and his image, and his mark, and the number of his name, stand on this sea of ​​glass, holding the harp of God, 3 and sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb

    It is with these two beasts and the dragon that the confrontation between the Lord and His people occurs throughout the book of Revelation, and it is they who are defeated and thrown into Gehenna in the light of the Second Coming of Christ and the final triumph of the victory of good over evil and God over Satan (see Rev. 19:20 , Rev. 20:3,4,10). It does not at all seem that these animals are the secular power of some country in its specific historical period. It seems to me that it is clearly clear that the essence here is much deeper. So the meaning of marks on the forehead is extremely deeper than a simple passport, private identification number or tax identification number in some state, as some religious figures are trying to present it to us.

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    There is an assumption that the number 666 came from the name of Nero. During his era, in the eastern part of the Roman Empire, coins were minted with words in the Hebrew script of the Greek words Nero Kaisar (Emperor Nero) - “נרון קסר”.

    If we consider not the letters themselves, but their digital values, then their sum will be equal to 666. This is supported by the fact that in a fragment of a verse found on the Oxyrhynchus site, it is stated that the number of the devil is 616 (in Greek notation "χιϛ"). Irenaeus, knew about this option.

    If we take the spelling Nero Caesar as a basis, then the sum of the digital values ​​will decrease by 50 and will be equal to 616, that is, Irenaeus took the wrong spelling. By the way, it was used by Ulrich Zwingli in his translation of the Bible (Zurich Bible).

    The number of the beast is a special number mentioned in the Bible, under which the name of the apocalyptic beast is hidden; the numerological embodiment of Satan's protege. The number of the beast is 666. The number 666 is a very often used element of satanic paraphernalia, along with an inverted cross and an inverted pentagram.

    It was often believed that the Antichrist was depicted in the Bible under the guise of an apocalyptic beast. Since the Revelation of St. John says: “He who has understanding, let him count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man,” therefore, in the name or appearance of every person in whom the Antichrist was seen, they tried to find the number 666. This search actively continues to this day.

    Where did the Devil's number 666 come from, what does it mean, what does it give to people? How to understand what is written - “the wise will understand”? Who accepted this number? Questions. Questions require answers. Let's figure it out.

    “He acts before him with all the power of the first beast and causes the whole earth and those who live on it to worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed; and performs great signs, so that fire comes down from heaven to earth before people. And with the miracles that it was given to him to perform before the beast, he deceives those who live on the earth, telling those who live on the earth to make an image of the beast, which has the wound of the sword and is alive. And it was given to him to put spirit into the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would speak and act in such a way that anyone who would not worship the image of the beast would be killed. And he will make it happen that everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, will receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has this mark. , or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. He who has intelligence, count the number of the beast, for it is a human number; its number is six hundred and sixty-six.”

    Many people know about the devil's number 666.

    But that's where the knowledge ends. It is not for nothing that I cited here a fragment of the text preceding the mention of the number 666. And, although this is only a small part of what is described in the book of Revelation, it is also clear from this passage that number 666 is just a stroke in the picture of the Devil's actions in our world at the end of time. The Book of Revelation is written in symbols, so it is not easy to understand. For this reason, one should not take a superficial approach to the text of Revelation. Few Christians have a clear understanding of full content this book.

    The Book of Revelation prophesies events that are about to take place in the religious and political world until the second coming of Christ, that is, before the end of the world. The devil, knowing that he has little time left, does everything possible to lead as many as possible to destruction. larger number of people. He acts on Earth through the beast - a certain state or state-religious power. When talking about Devil's number 666, two beasts are mentioned, after which it is said that some people, having sufficient wisdom, will be able to determine the number of the name - 666. But the number of the name is not the most important thing in this prophecy. First of all we're talking about about the mark, then about the name, and finally about the number of the name. We are accustomed to snatching sensations, instead of thoughtfully reading texts; as a result, led astray by the “interpreters” of the Devil’s number 666, many will receive the mark of the beast simply because they feared something they shouldn’t. This plays into Satan's hands. He always used such methods - to present the truth in a false light.

    Devil Number 666 does not bring anything good to people

    There may be a false sense of confidence in personal safety, but it will be on short time, after which “those who worship the beast and his image, and those who receive the mark of his name, will have no rest either day or night.”

    No one has yet received the mark of the beast, since some prophecies regarding this event have not been fulfilled. But it will be received by those who did not follow the Lord, but succumbed to the temptation of Satan, who takes the form of an angel of light, and his soldiers take the form of servants of truth.

    The number of the beast 666 is considered the sign of the Devil, but in the Apocalypse it literally says the following: “He who has intelligence, count the number of the beast - the number of a man.” The following option arises: this number is the sign of the beast before the combination, and when combined, the number 9 is obtained - the human number. When considering the problem from this angle, we can talk about human development, provided harmonious combination three basic principles:

    • soul,
    • body.

    Since in the absence of harmony there is an involution of consciousness, that is, savagery, then little by little a person approaches an animal state.

    Why exactly 6 and 9 appear? For clarity of symbolism. If you graphically continue the lines of these numbers, then from six you will get a downward spiral, and from nine you will get an upward spiral, but all energies in nature move precisely along a spiral.

    All about the number of the beast 666 from the Bible

    There is another hypothesis that claims that this number was chosen because it repeats the number preceding lucky seven three times and is supposedly the encrypted name of one of the Roman emperors who brought down repression on Christians. Some numerologists believe that the number of the beast 666 was the monastic number of Simon Magus, one of the founders of the Gnostic heresy, which the author of the Apocalypse may have considered dangerous to Christianity. However, it remains questionable whether there were monks at all in the time of Nero, since as an institution created for a specific purpose and having an organization adapted to this purpose, Christian monasticism appeared only in the 4th century AD. e., and until that time neither monasteries nor monks simply existed.

    What does the number of the beast 666 mean?

    I offer you another theory, the theory about Nero, which is based on the assumption that the number of the beast 666 came from the name of this emperor. During his reign, coins were minted in the eastern part of the Roman Empire with the words in the Hebrew script of the Greek words Nero Kaisar (Emperor Nero). If we consider the digital values ​​of the letters, it turns out that their sum is 666. The Antichrist is depicted in the Bible under the guise of a beast, therefore, in the name of every person in whom the Antichrist was seen, they tried to find the number of the beast 666. It should be noted that there were no Arabic numerals in the time of John the Theologian, and the number of the beast is a hint of “two-thirds” of something.

    • And also the number of the beast 666 - the sum of all numbers on the Roulette wheel.
    • the number of the beast 666 is the number of golden talents collected by King Solomon in one year.
    • The number of the beast 666 is the number of Jews who returned from Babylon to Jerusalem.

    The number 666 is imbued with rich figurative symbolism. In the revelation of John the Theologian, this is a beast emerging from the water with seven heads and ten horns. These are three nines turned down, wisdom is hidden in them, and the one who counts the number of the beast will recognize the name of the Antichrist.

    “The beast that you saw was, and is not.” The power of the devil is that he convinced people of his own non-existence. The first Christians read the symbolism to suit the reality in which they lived. City on seven hills - Rome. The sixth king is Galba, who left the empire to Nero. And the beast is Nero, rumors of whose crimes spread far . In the eyes of the first Christians, he was the Antichrist, and Rome was the harlot of Babylon.

    IN modern world everything is controlled using numbers. For Christians, the sign of Christ is important, requiring faith and loyalty to God, at the same time there is a sign of the Devil, in this case, the decisive significance for them is the event of choice, which occurs under the number 666 of the Devil.

    In our time, the sacred essence of the name has been erased, the boundaries between a proper name and a common noun have been destroyed. The status of the name has disappeared, the name does not correspond to anything or anyone, only its numerical essence remains.

    The Great Beast is more powerful than all the demons of hell. Possessing the power of the Devil, this beast will rule the earth for three and a half years. He will unleash a war against the saints and win, leaving behind devastated lands; he worships idols; those who refuse will face punishment. To monitor the spread of his faith, he puts the number 666 on his forehead or hand.

    Not everything can be understood from the point of view modern science. Science is imperfect and sees no further than the concepts it has discovered and studied. But, if we take the speed of light figure obtained by Bruce Casy - 144,000 arc minutes, divide by 60 minutes and 360º, we get 6.66 revolutions of the Earth, i.e. light circles the Earth 6.66 times in one second.

    So, number 666 is an eruption of light and solar radiation to the ground. Energetically, a person, the rhythms of the planets and the Sun are in direct dependence on each other and constitute a single organism. Our native Sun can cause cataclysms and the death of peoples on our planet. As radiation increases, the DNA chains of all life on Earth are broken, mutation occurs, and new algorithms are established. Coronary Ejections large quantity Plasmas on the Sun lead to geomagnetic storms of unprecedented strength and global catastrophes on Earth, which is what our ancestors warned us about in their messages. Here is God, and the devil, and the beast of the Apocalypse. Think.