16 lunar day characteristic of the day. sixteenth lunar day

Birthday fell on the 16th lunar day. For those born on this day, the world provides an opportunity to make radical changes, draw conclusions from mistakes made, gain experience and wisdom, discover new opportunities and find resources.

It is difficult for such people every 1st and 2nd lunar day - at this time they are weakened and they do little. Relationships with those born at this time are also extremely difficult.

Those born on this day are the messengers of heaven. Endowed with state wisdom, close to the highest circles. usually have a strong large family. but they should be especially careful to guard their home and property.

It is difficult to both wait and catch up. Poor conception of children, ideas, projects. Difficulties with analyzing the past and thinking through plans for the future.

Difficulties with generosity, it is difficult to determine what you want to see in your destiny and what not.

Those born on the 16th lunar day love White color and purity, tending to blue and silver. Dreamers. Their life is usually fruitful. They don't judge others. At the first stage of their spiritual advancement, they hear nothing; at the second and third stages, an understanding of the language of plants and animals comes to them.

People of a high level of development, born on this day, love cleanliness and white, tend to blue and silver, wear light-colored clothes. They are creators and inventors, they have a long and fruitful life, they rarely judge others. When people of the 16th l.d. are at the first stage of spiritual development, they still do not hear anything, but already at the second and third - they begin to understand the language of plants and animals, they can interact with time, influence karma ("correction of the past"). But if the people of this day of the moon are underdeveloped spiritually and do not strive for self-improvement, it may seem to them that everyone limits them. And their whole life can be spent in the struggle with these limitations, and not with their shortcomings.

We all come from childhood and the influence of parents and their upbringing leaves an imprint on our entire future life. Parents should help such children understand even in childhood that all such "limitations" are imaginary and that it is they who have been given tremendous vitality to manifest their will and achieve their goals. It is good if, at the same time, adults teach the child to show and appreciate the bright sides of their character and the bright beginning in other people, confirming this with their own example.

People of the 16th lunar day they are distinguished by a high spiritual level, they are peaceful, modest and benevolent. As a rule, they do not condemn anyone, are not envious and easily forgive the offenses inflicted on them. They are called upon to reconcile people, they make good lawyers, priests, psychologists, doctors, psychics. They try to live in harmony with themselves and with the world, they have a well-developed imagination. Such people are dreamers, romantics and idealists.

For those of them who take care of themselves, who develop, an understanding of the language of plants and animals becomes available. To such people comes the ability to work with time, correct the past and correct the future. But, if they do not develop spiritually, they have a feeling of limitations and their whole life can pass in the struggle against these illusory limitations (after all, in fact, these people are free!). These people are masters of illusion. Their mental models can exist independently, and therefore, they must track and control emotions so that they do not accidentally, unconsciously materialize, for example, their depression or anger.

People on the 16th lunar day are very fond of light clothes, they tend to wear everything white, blue and silver.

The person was born on a full moon. "Moon Road", aka Hera. I came into this world to receive energy for the implementation and for the implementation of those programs that I laid down for myself in past incarnations.

Full Moon - the time when the Moon is freed from the influence of the Sun as much as possible, becomes the most independent. The same can be said about people born on the full moon. They have absolute independence. inner world, complete freedom and looseness in the possession of your subconscious.

They see prophetic dreams, perceive information of a different order, their state changes from phase to phase of the moon, i.e. they are connected with the Moon directly. They received freedom from the Sun, and the Moon became more important to them.

These people are mystical, superstitious, often amenable to mood. Their psyche is thin, plastic, they pass through themselves various influences - both the most vile and the best. They are conductors, but the conductors of what is an open question and depends on many factors.

In the full moon, the Moon and the Sun are in the phase of the greatest confrontation - the conflict of mind and emotions, consciousness and subconsciousness, soul and spirit. Hence the duality, maximum imbalance and unpredictability of behavior.

Which famous people were born on the 16th lunar day? On this day, such famous people were born as:

  • David Duchovny - actor (birthday August 7, 1960);
  • Fidel Castro (birthday August 13, 1927);
  • Emil KIO - illusionist (birthday July 12, 1938);
  • Pavel Priluchny - actor (Scorpio birthday November 5, 1987);
  • Charles Chaplin - actor (Aries birthday April 16, 1889);
  • Alexander Abdulov - actor (Gemini birthday May 16, 1953)

General forecast

The symbol is a butterfly, a dove, a ladder leading to heaven. Psyche (personification of the human soul in Ancient Greece. Usually depicted as a butterfly or a young girl with butterfly wings), a butterfly, a dove.

This is one of the few clean days. During this day, there is harmony, justice, balance. These days it is necessary to know the measure in everything, to maintain inner comfort. You can not show envy, anger, unceremonious behavior and screams are prohibited. Sexual relations on this day are also contraindicated. It is not advisable to eat mushrooms and animal food. No need to kill birds. If you find dirt on your clothes, it means that you are spiritually unclean.

In general, this day enhances the aura of each person. Such a lunar day can be considered favorable, especially for creative and spiritual people. They can bring many of their plans to life and in fact high level showcase your abilities and talents. Cosmic influences can push weak-willed and uninitiative people to renewal.

Love and relationships. This day is fundamentally different from the previous one. Meetings today are quiet, calm and harmonious. A great time for romantic dates away from prying eyes. Spend time in silence. Do not think about showdown today, do not argue: it will only make things worse for you. The sixteenth lunar day is the day of platonic, heavenly, spiritual love. A day when you are happy with what you love, even if your love is unrequited. If you believe that marriages are made in heaven, then know that this is true primarily in relation to the sixteenth lunar day. And it does not apply to all marriages, but only to spiritual ones, when the spouses are kindred spirits for whom physical passion and attraction are secondary, and domestic issues will never become the subject of disputes and quarrels. A marriage concluded on the 16th lunar day, based on spiritual intimacy, will never fall apart. Perfect option- wedding in the church. Sexual contacts on this day must be excluded (even with a spouse), if their purpose is not to conceive a child. But for conceiving a child, this is the best day (the child will certainly be born perfectly healthy).

Housework. The sixteenth lunar day is great for household chores, both small and global. Favorable for purchases and for the sale of property, including real estate.

Business and money. The sixteenth lunar day is a time of rest. It is better to postpone serious matters, do not conclude contracts. Discuss current affairs. On this day, you should not engage in monetary transactions, especially those related to the signing of papers. There is one feature of the day: it is favorable for everyone who is engaged in trade (especially food products). A wonderful day for those whose business is creativity, especially music and poetry. Best day for brainstorming. The day when creative ideas are born in our heads one by one, just have time to write it down. If there is some stagnation or crisis in your business, devote 16 lunar days to reflection, and you will definitely think of some very good and very simple solution.

Dreams. As a rule, dreams are dreamed that help relieve internal tension, or indicate that you are very tense, if you managed to determine the degree of your tension with the help of sleep, then in life look for ways to relax more. For example, for relaxation, shavasana, relaxing oil massage, or a bath may be suitable. The dreams that you saw can be different and good and chaotic, do not try to interpret them, the main task of this dream is to cleanse you and bring your system to balance, so if you see something terrible, this indicates that your subconscious is being cleansed of negativity. Sleep can even help get rid of the disease. It can help bring balance to life and calm. Sleep can during the day bring recovery to a sick person, and help a healthy person get rid of internal stress. They may contain information for further spiritual development. Communication with your Guardian Angel may take place. If you correctly use the energy of this day and prepare in advance, observing balance in behavior during the 16 lunar days, then during sleep you will really get the maximum healing session.

Health. Especially shown physical exercise or cleaning procedures, or both. But the feeling of loneliness, dissatisfaction with the world can be aggravated. Day of renewal of blood. Blood diseases on this day are a sign of spiritual impurity. If on this day dirt stuck to clothes, it means the same thing, the person inside is spiritually unclean.

  • The beginning of the 16th lunar day in 2019 in Moscow:
  • January 20 at 15:46
  • February 19 at 17:21
  • March 21 at 19:14
  • April 20 at 21:00
  • May 19 at 21:16
  • June 18 at 22:15
  • July 17 at 21:34
  • August 16 at 20:50
  • September 14 at 19:28
  • October 13 at 18:03
  • November 11 at 16:39
  • December 11 at 15:47
16th lunar day in other years


Shortening hair on the 16th lunar day will cause misfortune, fatal mistakes and revelry. bad habits.


Born in the 16th l.d. are distinguished by a high spiritual level, endowed with optimism and love of life. These qualities help to find a way out of any difficulties.
These people are peace-loving, modest and benevolent, do not condemn anyone, are not envious and easily forgive insults. They make good lawyers, psychologists, doctors, priests. They try to live in harmony with themselves and with the world, they have a well-developed imagination. They can correct the past and correct the future. But, if they do not develop spiritually, they have a feeling of limitation, and their whole life goes on in the fight against illusions. Have many friends.
Tip: You benefit from sports and outdoor recreation. Limit your drinking.

Bathing in the baths

Neutral day.


If during the 16 lunar day you remain calm, in balance, do not sort things out with anyone and do not behave defiantly, then at night you may have a healing dream that will help get rid of the disease or overcome malaise, relieve stress.

Guardian stones

Pearl, tourmaline, emerald, obsidian.

conception of a child

Conceived on the 16th lunar day, a person with a kind and gentle disposition will be born. They love nature, plants and animals. They do not remain in society in the last roles. Surrounding seek them for moral support, they are able to console in trouble, help in critical situations. People conceived on this day may have the gift of healing. In life, they are guided by the desire for a moral ideal and moral purity. They have a mental balance. Although the cycle of events is not to the liking of these people, they will travel a lot, and their life will be full of a wide variety of events and changes, it will never be static and monotonous. In order for the fate of a person conceived on this day to develop successfully, on the day of conception, parents must be restrained in language, not utter rash and swear words.

Aromatherapy and home fragrances

Refreshes, balances, improves mood. Helps to perceive life events more objectively. It increases the psychologism of communication, helping to achieve great success in contact with people.


Dental treatment

The beginning of a new and auspicious lunar day.



An unfavorable day for all purchases. Now it’s good only to look closely at the product, ask specialists and experts about it, read brochures, browse Internet forums devoted to this topic, and, if possible, take the product for a trial period in order to independently form an opinion about it. But it’s not worth paying for the goods and actually making a deal or making a purchase now. Due to the energy decline, you will probably not notice something important, and then you will really regret your rash step.


symbol: lotus
stones: lapis lazuli, mother-of-pearl
body part: heart

All practices of the full moon, any love spells, rituals for wealth and good luck. The best day for magical initiations. Very favorable for marriage.

When fortune-telling, ask questions related to promotion, career, politics. it's the same best time for putting in order magical instruments, cleansing them with water, fire and incense smoke.

Description of other lunar days all lunar days → Share

Time for relaxation and rest, sixteenth lunar day- they literally exist in the lunar calendar in order to finally exhale and calm down. This is the middle of the month of the Moon and the very period when, after the active beginning, you can take a breath. Fussing and straining today is simply contraindicated, and conscience will not torment you for laziness and idleness.

The guardian angel of today, Edor, helps each person to accept the right decision and relieve anxiety. So today it is better to be inactive and direct energy to internal processes, mental work, analysis, meditation, contemplation. All these days should be devoted to spiritual work and try to limit yourself from active and persistent actions, especially those associated with any struggle and achievements.

The general characteristics of the 16th day are as follows:

  • Symbols of the day - a butterfly, a ladder, a white dove;
  • Energy is passive;
  • The number of luck is seven;
  • Element - metal;
  • Colors - shades of brown, orange;
  • Stones - pearls and emerald;
  • The day of the week for good luck is Tuesday;
  • Shape - spiral;
  • Direction - northwest;
  • Guardian Angel - Edor.

How to spend this period for the benefit of your destiny and what actions you should refrain from, describes the lunar calendar.

1. Passivity is the main slogan of the day. Do not fuss and do not rush anywhere! If the day turned out to be working, try at least not to overwork during the day. Do not conflict with anyone, do not prove anything, just do what you must, and do not strain.

2. If it's a weekend, great! Don't do big feats like spring cleaning or gardening. Indulge yourself in the pleasure of lying down with a book or watching a family movie all day today, this is a great option for the 16th day of the moon. Protect yourself not only from business, but also from communication, do not waste energy on people.

3. If your “hands itch” and you just can’t sit idle, do something calm and creative. Needlework - great option. Something that will not take away strength and nerves, calm and allow you to concentrate.

4. Ideal for this day to spend time in nature. If possible, go to the forest, to the cottage or to the water. Relax, just look at nature and perceive the world as a whole picture. Nature will give you the strength to be active and successful second part of the lunar month. Until then, rest.

5. You should refrain from physical activity. If you play sports every day, then replace fitness or jogging with yoga and breathing exercises, stretching. Leisurely long walks will also benefit if they are not too tiring for you.

6. Take time to meditate. The best meditation of the day is on white. Close your eyes and imagine drawing a white field on your inner screen. Let the whole space become snow-white, and you will feel purity and peace. Meditate on this white color, relaxing and not thinking about anything, just contemplate. You will feel how it absorbs your illnesses, anxieties and fuss, fills you with purity and new strength.

What to do, what to put off?

The sixteenth lunar day is ideal for relaxation and even laziness, but if you have some business planned, do not rush to postpone everything at once for later. Let's see what the lunar calendar says and what recommendations it gives regarding simple daily activities and more.

1. Planning and debriefing are good things for today. It's time to sum up the past couple of weeks, analyze how the plans and projects are being promoted, whether everything is as it should be. And then think over strategies and plans for the next two weeks.

2. Health. The 16th lunar day is suitable for cleansing and harmonization, so you can carry out cleansing procedures, do not overeat, it is better to fast or spend a fasting day. Yoga, qigong and other oriental practices aimed at achieving harmony of body and spirit are especially effective during this day.

3. It is better not to play a wedding today, because family life will be passive, boring and will not work out. But making marriage proposals, starting a honeymoon and planning a wedding is possible, even necessary.

4. As for conception, these days only favor this process. The child will be harmonious, wise and reasonable, peace and harmony will always reign in his destiny. People around will be drawn to this person, he will be close to nature. His life will be interesting and full.

5. A person whose birthday is the sixteenth according to the Moon is pure in soul. Those born during this period are clean, they keep their conscience clean and monitor their actions, believing in the laws of Karma. They have a wonderful imagination, are creative, know how to find unusual solutions problems. The life of people whose birthday is the 16th day of the lunar calendar is always rich, fruitful and never boring.

6. - not the most good idea Today. This haircut is unfavorable for the growth and health of the hair itself, and it can also adversely affect the heart and blood vessels. But hair coloring, especially in dark color, very favorable today. It is best not to walk around with your hair loose today, but to collect it in a tight bun or ponytail.


Whether to believe the dream books, everyone decides for himself. But if dreams for you are not empty pictures and not a figment of the imagination, then it will be interesting for you to interpret them not only from dream books, but also taking into account the lunar day. What does the dream of the 16th day say?

1. If your dreams today were calm, didn’t show anything special, just carried sets of pictures and visions, that’s great. So, you relaxed and rested, and dreams were just “movies” for your rest.

2. calm dreams do not contain particularly important information. Today, higher powers do not send global signs, do not give important tips and directions. So interpret the dream with the help of dream books, but do not attach too much importance to it.

3. If your dream today was disturbing, filled with some incredible events, or, moreover, nightmarish, it says that you are tense and you just need a rest. Relax! Your nervous system can't stand it, it needs a "reboot".

Spend the sixteenth day calmly, taking into account the recommendations of the calendar. You will feel how much fresh energy today's rest will give you, and you will be productive in the future! Let the lunar calendar help you become happier, and you, in turn, build your own destiny and take it into your own hands! Author: Vasilina Serova

The 16th lunar day is considered a period of balance for everything in this world. This day is called the time of justice, as well as harmony in the world around. Most people experience an overabundance of energy on this day, which is desirable to spend in a creative direction.

Symbol of the day Psyche (the personification of the human soul in Ancient Greece. Usually depicted as a butterfly or a young girl with butterfly wings), butterfly, dove.

How best to spend the 16 lunar day?

The 16th lunar day is a time of rest from the intense and active actions that were taken during the period from the twelfth to the fifteenth lunar day.

Now all fuss, turmoil, fruitless movements and all tension should be avoided.

It is best to rest, even just sleep. Unlike previous lunar days, where passivity was not allowed, now any activity is undesirable. This is when you can truly indulge in laziness with complete impunity.

You can lie on the sofa, watch TV, read a book, although, of course, the best option there will be a walk fresh air in the lap of nature. If possible, go to a lake, river, sea or forest. Try to be surrounded by peace and quiet for this short period. You definitely need to recuperate.

But keep in mind that all of the above applies only to those who really spent the previous lunar day in hard work. For those who spent them on leisurely entertainment, and who did nothing all this time, the sixteenth lunar day prepared a very unpleasant surprise.

If lazy people continue to remain in passivity, they will only increase their inertia, become even more rooted in their laziness, and, consequently, create many problems for themselves, starting with illnesses and ending with troubles in social life.

A person who has wasted the previous lunar days, and, consequently, the lunar energies, will feel very uncomfortable, he will be plagued by unconscious fears, worries and doubts.

The only way out of this situation can only be meditation practices. On the sixteenth lunar day, intellectual abilities increase, therefore, according to the Vedic lunar calendar, it is recommended to solve the most pressing problems, but only make decisions, and implement them on the seventeenth lunar day.

With the right lifestyle, this period will become a time of harmony and balance between the physical and subtle¹ bodies. In no case, on the sixteenth lunar day, one should not show aggression, get angry or commit unseemly acts. It is necessary, figuratively speaking, to "lay low".

This good period to engage in creativity - writing poetry, music and so on. At the same time, it is not necessary to pursue the goal of creating a work of genius, in this case the main thing is not the goal, but the process itself, the creative act.

social impact

Good for all peaceful affairs, for planning and reporting, contacts.

Household influence

IN domestic plan a favorable day, especially for cleaning.

It is believed that screaming, unceremonious behavior should be completely excluded on this day.

It is necessary to remain calm, not to disturb inner comfort and peace in the soul by any extraneous actions, for the symbol of this day is moderation. The 16th lunar day is one of the days of initiation of preachers. Malice and aggressiveness, envy, manifested on this day, lead to a fall.

Medical impact

Physical exercises, cleaning procedures are shown. The feeling of loneliness, dissatisfaction with the world is aggravated. Day of renewal of blood. Her illness is a sign of spiritual impurity. This is also indicated by dirt adhering to clothes.

Impact on those born on this day

Those born on the 16th lunar day love white and purity, tend to blue and silver. People are clean, in a good way. Dreamers. Life is usually fruitful. They don't judge others.

At the first stage of their spiritual advancement, they hear nothing; at the second and third stages, an understanding of the language of plants and animals comes. Such people tend to work with time - correction of the past.

Effect on conception

The child will have a calm character, he will love animals and plants, he will desire spiritual purity. Many people will seek his advice. In his life there will be travel, change, but balance will dominate.

stones: spinel, tourmaline, charoite, emerald, pearls (except black).

How does this day affect business?

In their views on the sixteenth lunar day from a business point of view, astrological schools disagree. Europeans argue that during this period, fuss and noise should be avoided, and according to the Vedic lunar calendar, everything is possible on this day in terms of business, especially those related to partnership.

The day is good for exchanges, contracts, alliances and firms. It is difficult to establish which school is right, but representatives of both of them agree that on the sixteenth day, in any situation, it is necessary to remain calm and balanced, in no case break into a cry and not show aggressive emotions.

Is it worth getting married on this day?

How does the sixteenth day affect the state of health?

The sixteenth lunar day is very good for cleansing procedures, ablutions, herbal baths, aromatherapy sessions² and similar procedures. It must be remembered that this time is not intended for active, but passive rest. It is best to spend the sixteenth lunar day not in a kayak trip, but in a calm contemplation of nature.

Of course, this does not mean that you need to sit back and watch TV all day. No. But it's also not worth the effort. It is necessary to give the body time to rest and accumulate new strength after previous active lunar days.

All types of cleansing practices will be very useful and successful. They will help the body and, thereby giving the opportunity to enter a new moon phase updated and ready for new challenges. Particularly useful on the sixteenth lunar day are blood purifying procedures.

On the 16th lunar day, it is advisable to completely refrain from sexual contact. This is a day of rest in every sense. It is best to give each other a good, relaxing massage using oils.

Casual sex is very undesirable during this period, no matter how you are tempted, no matter how tempted - do not give in. All such meetings end in serious health troubles.

In general, any adventurous undertakings in sexual terms are unacceptable during this period. Remember, on the sixteenth lunar day - no sex, no erotica, only rest.

What do dreams portend on this day?

By and large, the dream images of this lunar day do not carry any important information, but if you have a disturbing dream, this is a signal - you have not relaxed. You definitely need to learn how to relax your muscles and psyche.

Inside you are very tense and constantly restless for the most trifling reasons. Therefore, it is urgent to do some sedative practices. But usually, the dreams of this lunar period contain simply chaotic layers of various impressions, so you should not attach special importance to them and begin to interpret predictions.

This is due to the fact that, in a sense, on the 16th lunar day, not only the physical body of a person, but also his subconscious is cleansed, that is, “psychological” slags are brought to the periphery. So do not worry about the events or images that you dreamed about, take it calmly.

Esotericism of the sixteenth lunar day

Almost all mystical schools carry out cleansing procedures during this lunar period. In general, the whole day is meant for meditation.

Rituals or magical ceremonies are not recommended, and in some traditions even strictly prohibited.

Tibetan esoteric school offers to perform paired spiritual exercises on the sixteenth lunar day related to the harmonization of female and male energies. On this day, choral recitations of mantras or reading of sacred texts are highly welcome.

A ritual is associated with the full moon, allowing you to enter the stream of the waning moon and remove almost any disease. The practice is performed after the full moon and moonrise on the sixteenth lunar day.

  1. On open space you need to see the moon rise.
  2. Stand with your back to the Moon, spread your legs wide, bend down and look at the Moon in this position, saying: “Mother Moon, take with you everything that I have extra (sugar, salt, tumor, fat ...) and let it go with you !"
  3. So you need to say three times, looking at the moon.

The first three days can be strong sensations, as if you were being pulled from the veins. Then this feeling will weaken, nevertheless, the healing process will last all two weeks of the waning moon.

You can turn to the waning moon without this ritual, but the effect will be much weaker. The healing will be complete if you can perform this ritual within three full moons.

Ritual washing, procedure:

  1. Water for ritual washing should be poured into a basin, cleaned and charged at the same time.
  2. To do this, you need to make three circles above the water with your palm. right hand clockwise and three crosses.
  3. Then, with a soapy washcloth, wipe the body from the bottom up, starting from the foot of the left foot.
  4. First, the legs are washed from the bottom up, then the hands from the fingertips to the shoulder, then the torso, too, from the bottom up.
  5. After that, the body is washed with water, and the used water is poured into the toilet.
  6. To wash your hair you need to pour clean water, which should also be cleaned and charged.
  7. The lathered head is massaged towards the crown of the head.
  8. And rinsing the head in the basin, they imagine how, together with soap, all the “dirt” from the body goes into the water. This water is also poured into the toilet.
  9. Then you need to collect the third basin of water, clean it and charge it, and pour it on your head, dousing your whole body with words of thanks for cleansing and making life easier.

Ritual washing is especially effective when the Moon is in the sign of Aquarius. This ritual can be performed both indoors and outdoors.

16 lunar days - a period of renewal and recuperation after energetically saturated previous days. The day is suitable for passive rest reading a book, walking, communicating with loved ones.

Affairs. It is undesirable to start big things - there may not be enough energy to complete them. It is better to perform simple small tasks. At the same time, you should not take an active position and try to do as much as possible on this day. The time for "jerks" will still come.

Job. It is not recommended to show official zeal and assertiveness. Postpone the decision of important or large-scale work issues for a more active time of the lunar cycle. Better perform routine and leisurely tasks. During this period, it is good to look for new business partners, investors. This auspicious time for creative workers. Today they have “all the cards in their hands”, because the time has come for dreams and an emphasis on the intangible. On this day, you can communicate with the authorities. It is better not to change the place of work.

Housework. 16 lunar day is suitable for household chores. You should not start a grandiose repair, rearrangement of furniture or general cleaning- large physical exercise during this period are undesirable. Spend light cleaning, decorate the house, clean it of unnecessary things. Work in the garden personal plot or just transplant house flowers.

Money. Neutral time for money transactions. Small loans, borrowing small amounts, current expenses are allowed. You should not deal with large sums - withdraw a lot of money, invest in projects, make large-scale purchases.

Love, relationships. You can safely organize a date, including the first. Communication with your loved one will be pleasant and easy. In no case should you allow a quarrel - harmony in a couple will have to be restored for a long time. Proximity is not recommended - it is better to wait for a more active time of the lunar cycle.

Communication. The day is suitable for any communication. Surrounding people during this period radiate positive and positive energy. This is a good time to make new connections.

Trips. Auspicious day for travel. You can go on vacation or on a business trip - the Moon is favorable to any journey. If trips were not planned for this time, you can organize a trip out of town to nature with family or friends.

Haircut and hair care. Day 16 lunar calendar- not the best time to visit a hairdresser. Haircuts can worsen your health. You can dye your hair, preferably with natural dark-colored dyes. Experimenting with hair is not recommended. It's better to just put your hair in a ponytail.

Beauty and health. 16 lunar day - a favorable time for self-care, visits beauty parlor. The probability of getting sick during this period is small. Moderate exercise is beneficial. It is undesirable to overeat on this day, drink alcohol. It is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits.