12 years old son, transitional age, psychology of success. Adolescence – at what age does it begin and how long does it last? Hormone changes

As a schoolchild grows up, parents have a lot of questions, some of them about the sexual development of their child. Not only behavior and mood change, mental and physical development increases. Puberty for boys and girls occurs at different times; for each case it is an individual process that begins with intensive growth.

What is puberty

The period from 10 to 16 years is a difficult time when members of the stronger sex experience adolescence. It may last less than the specified interval, and ends as unexpectedly as it began. Physiological changes during adolescence culminate in the body's ability to reproduce, when what was once a child turns into an adult man. In addition, radical changes are taking place in psychology, worldview, and attitude towards the world around us. For parents, adolescence is a global problem that takes years to overcome.

When does puberty begin in boys?

The answer to the question of how long adolescence lasts for boys is ambiguous and has its own individual characteristics. For some schoolchildren it begins at the age of 9, while others do not feel the first symptoms until the age of 11. The restructuring of the teenage body begins at the age of 10, and the post-pubertal period ends closer to 16 years. This transitional state begins with a hormonal surge. The boy is not aware of such changes, but they are obvious to everyone around him. Puberty occurs in several stages, each with different symptoms.

Physiological signs of puberty

A boy at the transitional age of 10 years old is growing rapidly and stretching out. Mom and dad may notice that his height has increased by 10-12 cm, this is not the limit. The voice begins to break, so sometimes it is very difficult to recognize the teenage interlocutor during a telephone conversation. Boys become wider in the shoulders, and the reason for this is active bone growth and increased muscle mass.

The transitional age in boys is complemented by sexual development and increased body hair. During this difficult period, many young men strive to grow a beard in order to look much older than their years and attract the attention of girls. A surge of hormones makes a guy nervous and irritable, and instability of the male central nervous system occurs. In this state, the teenager is characterized by symptoms of hyperactivity or, conversely, obvious signs of depression. This is how the son becomes a man, and adults must accept this.

Acne may appear on the face, and symptoms of acne cannot be ruled out. This is a temporary phenomenon that causes discomfort, internal self-doubt, and instills an inferiority complex. Among the external changes, it is worth adding manifestations of skin pigmentation, increased sweating due to increased work of the sebaceous glands. Hair can change its structure, and appears not only all over the body, but also in especially piquant places.

Psychological changes

During adolescence, boys are characterized by increased sensitivity and serious interest in representatives of the opposite sex. From now on, he experiences not only emotional, but also physical attraction, and strives to achieve the object of desire. This is how the first relationship begins, the beloved girl and the ardor of feelings appear. There is a complete misunderstanding in the family, and the boy may even leave home.

Puberty is a difficult time when teenage boys consider themselves too mature and may end up in dubious company. They are driven by curiosity and the desire to show themselves, their self. However, lack of life experience leads to enormous problems. The teenager and his parents play in pairs: he tries in every way to separate himself from them, and they return him to the family. The generational conflict is obvious; the transitional age for boys may be somewhat delayed.

What is important for parents to know

  1. Boys just need to survive adolescence, especially since this unpleasant phenomenon will pass sooner or later anyway. Mom and dad must not only be wiser, but also show restraint, loyalty, maintain diplomatic relations in the family, and not let their child get out of control. One mistake - and adolescence can cross out adulthood.
  2. During adolescence, a teenager experiences physical and emotional development, and a loss of voice is not the only sign of growing up. Productive sperm and rash actions can lead to early fatherhood. To prevent this from happening, adults should talk with their son, tell him about the principles and aspirations of adults, and become a role model.
  3. When certain difficulties of adolescence are difficult for boys to overcome, it is necessary to take the help of a psychologist, but in no case should you put pressure on the teenager with your authority, life experience, or totalitarian position. If you find a common language in a timely manner, this difficult time will fly by for anxious parents in an instant.

Video: characteristics of adolescence

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There are special age periods in the life of every person. Their course depends on heredity, lifestyle, and individual characteristics of the body.

Parents are worried about how to raise a 12-year-old boy. This is a difficult adolescence. You should be patient and take the advice of experienced teachers and psychologists. Boys 12 years old require a special approach to education.

Age characteristics of 12 year old boys

The boy's parents must understand what is happening to him and he should be helped.

The teenager understands that he is growing up, his attitude towards himself changes. The boy pays attention to his appearance. He shows increased interest in other people's opinions.

A teenager undergoes biological, mental and social restructuring of the body.

Psychological characteristics and problems

The behavior of adolescent children often changes for the worse. Psychology is such that a previously obedient boy at the age of 12 suddenly becomes aggressive and hysterical.

Some guys keep to themselves. The worries may even lead to depression. You should be attentive to such children and prevent tragic consequences, especially suicide.

All changes in the psychology of a teenager occur due to unstable hormonal levels; a 12-year-old boy is learning to build his relationships with other people, to live in a new way.

Teenagers can be exposed to bad habits. Smoking and alcohol, in their opinion, contributes to maturation and independence. Drugs pose a particular danger. The task of teachers and parents is not to let the problems of adolescence take their course, to be very attentive.

Physiological changes

The first physiological signs of adolescence appear in boys aged 9-11 years. At the same time, significant changes occur in the body. It is important for parents to know about the developmental characteristics of their child.

Some boys show their first sexual characteristics at the age of 12. The genital organs become enlarged, pubic fuzz and armpit hair appear.

The child's character changes. He becomes more interested in intimate questions. During adolescence, boys grow quickly. In a year, a teenager can stretch 10-15 cm. Closer to the age of 13, the voice breaks down and an Adam’s apple appears.

Teenagers often worry about acne on their face, chest and back. Therefore, proper skin care is important.

Due to changes in hormonal levels, headaches, nausea and weakness appear. The growth of the child’s skeleton outpaces the growth of other organ systems, so pain in the muscles and heart is possible. Physiological changes prepare the child for adult life and the stress of the body.

How to raise a boy to be a real man

The upbringing of a 12-year-old boy, according to the advice of psychologists, should be carried out largely by the father. A mother's love is more important at an early age. The child learns to be a little protector and gets the opportunity to self-actualize.

His father gives him his first lessons in masculinity. By his example he shows what behavior is considered worthy, teaches his son responsibility and determination.

The teenager wants to be proud of his father and copies his behavior. Therefore, it is important to have a worthy role model.

Sex education

For boys, the physiological aspects of education are important. From birth it is necessary to monitor the development of the child’s genitourinary system. The teenager must observe the rules of hygiene.

It will be better if the boy receives his first information about his sexual life from his parents. At the age of 12, he should know about the function of childbearing, his puberty and its characteristics, safe sex and sexual harassment.

The transitional age in boys at the age of 12 is associated with an emerging interest in the opposite sex. New types of interaction appear, spontaneity disappears. Teenagers are attracted to pictures with erotic content. Boys of this age engage in masturbation, which makes many parents panic. Experts recognize this phenomenon as normal. Involuntary ejaculations or wet dreams at night sometimes make a boy feel like a pervert. It should also explain to him that these are features of this age period. For self-education, you can leave literature in a visible place that will help your child answer some questions.

How to raise a boy to be brave

The parents of a future man should develop courage in him. It's good if there is harmony in the family. When parents disagree, the child is confused and at a loss.

Do not praise or set other children as an example, this can develop insecurity in a teenager. Never call your son a coward, teach him to overcome fear.

Boys who play sports from early childhood look more confident in front of their peers at age 12.

Developing will and character

It is important to know how to cultivate will and character in a 12-year-old boy; the future life of the boys depends on this.

From childhood he must be taught to make independent decisions. It would be wrong to impose your point of view on a teenager, otherwise he will grow up irresponsible.

The child should be given freedom of choice more often. This will make him more confident.

The will is also trained by playing sports.


It is very important for every teenage child to find his place among his peers. Your future position in society will depend on this. The opinion of the children from the yard now matters more than the assessment of adults. These are the first manifestations of personality.

If for some reason there is no contact with peers, then a twelve-year-old boy undergoes a reassessment of values. He may fall under the influence of a group of antisocial behavior and commit an offense.

You should control who the boy spends his free time with and how he communicates.

Relationships with parents

Parents must help get through a difficult period in their son's life, so they need to know how to raise a 12-year-old boy. It is important not to let the situation get out of control, especially when adolescence begins. Mom and dad should communicate more with the child and try to become his friends.

The father can talk to him about changes in the teenager’s body. This should be done unobtrusively. He should take part in raising his child as early as possible. It’s great if you find common hobbies and activities. A father is a role model for his son.

From a very early age, a child sees the relationship of his parents to each other, mother to father. It would be right if the mother speaks respectfully about the father in the presence of her son.

Boys of this age consider themselves independent. This doesn't mean they should be allowed to do whatever they want.

In a family, a teenager should have his own responsibilities. Their importance and necessity should be emphasized.

You cannot discuss your child in front of strangers; it is better to talk with him in private. Your teenager needs to know that you love him and are proud of him. A lot depends on the behavior of the parents.

How to raise a boy without a father

Teenagers who grow up in fatherless homes may have more problems than their peers. But if a mother sets out to raise a real man, then she can do it.

The mother must remember that fatherly love is objective in nature, it must be earned. The child does this with his behavior and achievements.

Mom must initially choose the right tactics in education. You should not be overly strict; it is better to stick to the “golden mean”. It is not recommended to put unnecessary responsibility on a child, since his child’s psyche is not yet ready for this. You can simply remind the teenager that for his mother he is the main assistant in the house.

Treat your son with respect, remember that he is a man. If he is unable to communicate with his father, then try to organize communication with other representatives of the stronger sex.

A mother needs to share her son’s hobbies in football, construction toys, cars, etc. Otherwise, there will be too few points of contact, and the boy will begin to move away.

Peer relationships

At the age of 12, it is important for a teenager to take a certain place in a group of peers. At this age, the leader is usually a boy who studies well and behaves correctly. Later, the leaders become the guys with whom everyone is interested.


A teenager should have his own hobbies, this will help him realize himself. Many people go in for sports. A teenager can collect stamps, photographs, calendars, etc.

Creative activities can be a favorite activity: writing, drawing, etc. Help your teenager develop his existing abilities.

The boy should be protected from dangerous hobbies associated with bad companies.

Computer and Internet

It is important to know how your child spends time on a social network. What groups is he registered in, with whom and how does he communicate. It is important to do all this unobtrusively.

Make sure your son doesn't sit at the computer in the evening. Fatigue can cause a nervous breakdown.

Teenagers become computer dependent due to nervous disorders and inferiority complex. This is a very dangerous situation that requires the help of a psychologist.

Sports in a boy's life

A twelve-year-old child changes physiologically, his muscles grow, his shoulders become wider. It is important that the boy engages in some kind of sport.

It is better to start choosing a sport between the ages of 5 and 7 years. In this case, by the age of 12, the teenager will already have a useful activity. Swimming, hockey, judo, and athletics are suitable for overweight children. If the child is tall, then he can play volleyball or basketball. Speed ​​and agility are important in football and hockey. The main thing is that the training is beneficial. Teenagers who lead an active lifestyle have fewer problems.


Education is of great importance in raising a teenager. It forms a system of life values. Schoolchildren are taught to accept social responsibility and make the right choice in difficult life situations. Children are prepared for adult life.


School is an important component of a teenager’s social development. It is designed to make the development process less painful for the child himself. Here the teenager learns to communicate and live in a team.

Sometimes a child does not want to go to school. The reasons may be different. For example, he does not see the point in studying or has bad relationships with peers. Explain in a confidential conversation what the consequences may be. Parents should increase motivation to study and set goals together with their child.

If a teenager does not have good relationships in a team, contact a teacher or psychologist. Help solve this problem.

Additional education

Continuing education institutions provide a wide range of interest classes. Some teenagers cannot express themselves in general education, in the classroom. You can develop your hobbies and talents in clubs. A teenager can participate in various competitions and competitions.

Such activities will help increase self-esteem, and even authority in the class. Motivation, self-realization and socialization develop.

Choice of profession

A serious issue in the life of a teenager is the choice of a future profession. Doing something you don't like leads to disappointment and dissatisfaction. Nowadays, it is worth thinking about who the child will be as early as possible. It is necessary to help the teenager decide on the direction of future activities.

Now many schools and even kindergartens have a certain focus. An experienced psychologist will help you make the right choice through testing. The child will be able to develop in accordance with his natural abilities.

By doing something that works and brings satisfaction, the teenager will be able to achieve good results and will feel comfortable and confident in the children's team.

How not to raise a boy

You cannot speak disrespectfully to a boy about his father, even if he deserves it. Do not frighten the child with his father's punishment. Due to constant fear, the boy will grow up to be an insecure person.

In families where only the mother or grandmother is in charge of upbringing, and the father is not allowed to participate in the process, the child will not be a real man. He will not be able to make responsible decisions in the future.

So, the transition period for teenage boys of 12 years old requires a special approach to education. Time will pass and they will become young men.

Reading time: 7 minutes

The transitional stage between childhood and adulthood is sometimes difficult for both the child and the parents. It starts at the age of 12-14 and ends at the age of 15-17. Once calm boys and girls can completely change in behavior, become uncontrollable, and do everything out of spite. What motivates them? Adolescent psychology explains in detail what problems arise at this age, and how to make sure that this period passes as calmly as possible for the child.

What is adolescent psychology

The term can be interpreted from two points of view. In the first formulation, we are talking about science that studies the behavioral characteristics of boys and girls aged 12-17 years. The second formulation directly implies the essence of this teaching - the age-related characteristics of behavior and mental processes. This is a phenomenon that can occur in every growing person, but it is not necessary. Parents should be patient, create a number of iron-clad rules for themselves and their child, and not think that their child will remain so uncontrollable for the rest of his life.

Age characteristics of teenagers 13-14 years old

With the start of this period (some earlier, some later), significant physical changes occur in the body: puberty begins. Changes in the body frighten many people, cause inconvenience, and can sometimes cause ridicule from peers (for example, with defects in the figure, the appearance of acne, involuntary erection). This leaves its mark on the immature psyche. Modern teenagers feel adult love and begin to show sexual activity.

Physical maturation affects neural activity. Boys and girls aged 13-14 years have a special psychology: processes of excitation prevail over inhibition. This entails a deterioration in reaction and temporary difficulties in the formation of conditioned reflexes. Teenagers experience very emotional communication and mental imbalance due to worries. The imagination is highly developed: the child experiences the same feelings until he overcomes his internal torment.

Teenage problems

When a child reaches the age of 12-15 years, psychology changes. The main problems that cause inconvenience to others (but not to the teenager himself):

  1. Obsession with gadgets. Electronic devices replace the real world, affect self-development, and leave no time for helping around the house or studying.
  2. Hostility towards parents. Boys and girls begin to be rude, behave disrespectfully, and ignore the rules.
  3. Lie. Behind it is the fear of being judged, scolded or punished, because a teenager often violates established rules.
  4. Coming home late. The child tests limits and deliberately violates time boundaries.
  5. Friendship with bad company. The child thinks those guys are cool, so he longs to be like him.
  6. Drinking alcohol, drugs, smoking. A difficult teenager strives to rise above others and experience new sensations.

Psychological problems of adolescents

The main difficulties are associated with the contradictions in the needs of a boy or a girl. The psychology of adolescence suggests that an internal conflict arises: the desire for isolation and socialization. The child seeks his autonomy and goes through the process of personal self-determination. He zealously defends his space and beliefs, but does not understand the value of someone else's autonomy. At the same time, the teenager develops the need to join some social group other than the family. These are peers whose interests he shares.

Almost all the problems of modern teenagers stem from the conflict described above. A teenager wants self-affirmation. If something does not go as he wished, depression and withdrawal occur, the child becomes secretive or protests against the public in every possible way. Gender issues fuel this condition. Teenage hypersexuality leads to active masturbation, which is accompanied by feelings of guilt, early sexual intercourse and all the consequences associated with them. Virginity can also cause anxiety.

Adolescent psychology of boys

The process of turning a boy into a boy and then into a man is complex. In early adolescence (12-14 years), the problem is not felt as much, but then it becomes more noticeable. How global it will be depends on family relationships: the participation of the mother and father (especially the father!) in raising the child. The boy pays more and more attention to girls, and his first love happens. If it is undivided, the teenager may experience a change in orientation - a desire for a partner of the same sex.

Psychology identifies several anxious and exciting states of a teenager:

  • concern about the opinions of others, one’s appearance;
  • lack of self-confidence;
  • youthful maximalism: arrogance, categorical judgment;
  • polarity of the psyche: a combination of isolation and sociability, cynicism and daydreaming, arrogance and shyness;
  • the desire to obtain maximum information on an issue of interest.

Teenage psychology of girls

Behavioral characteristics are almost the same in both sexes, but adolescence in girls occurs earlier. It is easy to make a teenager laugh or make him cry; praise or criticism is taken very seriously. Girls are developing their self-awareness. Their need for psychological intimacy and mutual understanding is stronger than that of boys. Often teenagers fall in love with handsome men from TV, grown men. Girls develop ideals and authorities, and they strive to imitate them.

Identity crisis

Erik Erikson coined the term “identity crisis,” which is closely related to the crisis of meaning in life. During adolescence, personal self-determination occurs. A young person faces a difficult task, which is a stage of growing up: he needs to understand his role as a member of society and his own unique characteristics and interests. A teenager gains social status, adapts to an adult environment, and acquires a new way of thinking.

The guy or girl is in the process of developing his “I” in terms of realizing his views on life. Identity has two characteristics:

  • positive: what a teenager should become;
  • negative: what one should not become.

Social relationships

When describing this aspect, psychology distinguishes two different models of relationships: with adults and peers. The latter form stable social groups, which are difficult for a newcomer to get into. Such associations are standard and subjectively significant for adolescents; their requirements and norms are accepted and shared by the guy or girl. Communication reaches a new level, and this is not only entertaining joint games, but also common work, conversations on vital topics.

If a teenager becomes an outcast, or his peers boycott him, this leads to the formation of low self-esteem, complexes, feelings of loneliness, inferiority, and even suicidal thoughts (in especially severe cases). Every childhood experience associated with peers is very deep and meaningful. All teenagers have increased sensitivity to group opinion, and if they do not conform to it, then fears arise.

It is already more difficult for an older child to communicate with adults. Great demands are made on him, which is accompanied by resistance. A special role during this period is given to the influence of the family. Prosperous parental relationships and moderate pressure on the teenager become decisive when choosing a behavior model. However, mental instability creates certain difficulties in communicating with adults and leads to periodic protests.

Behavior of a 14-year-old teenager

During this period, the cognitive sphere changes, which leaves an imprint on behavior. Adolescent psychology speaks of the emergence of a phantom sense of adulthood and independence. The young man wants to show in every possible way that he is already an adult, but, in essence, he remains a child. Older teenagers make contacts with family weaker and isolate their “I”. For the first time, serious thoughts about a future profession appear. Phantom adulthood, as it were, empowers young children to engage in prohibited and unwanted actions: smoking, drinking alcohol, having sexual intercourse.

How to talk to a teenager

It is no less difficult for parents during their child’s transitional age. Careless words and thoughtless actions can cause harm to a fragile psyche. A few rules for communicating with a teenager:

  • Don't criticize your appearance. Even if not everything is perfect, together you will correct the flaws.
  • Be attentive to your child. Ask how things are going. If you don't like a behavior, don't outright condemn it. In a roundabout way or using your own example, you can offer the scenario that is acceptable to you.
  • Be sincerely interested in your child’s successes and “global” problems with peers.
  • Share your plans, listen to advice, even if it seems ridiculous. Appreciate your child's choices.
  • Get some sex education. Do not be afraid of inadequate perception of information - children are already ready for new discoveries.
  • Praise your child, be on equal terms, do not be offended by mood swings and talk to him, and if he does not want this, find the right moment to talk.

How to get a teenager interested

Teenagers are the most addicted people. They do a little of everything. It is important for parents to discover the child’s potential and allow him to blossom. It is advisable to do this at an earlier age - 5-6 years. The most interesting activities for teenagers:

  • Physical education: basketball, volleyball, football. Young men enjoy playing these games and splash out their energy.
  • Collective hobbies, collecting. Place stamps, photos of idols, calendars, bright toys.
  • Designing, creating objects with your own hands. Young children love to make models, assemble complex figures from construction sets, and experiment with papier-mâché.
  • Visits to youth organizations. There are special associations where teenagers gather and communicate on interests under the supervision of psychologists, and undergo training. In Moscow, this is the school of practical psychology “Empathy”, the educational assistance center “PsiLiner”.
  • Transformations in appearance. Choose a cool wardrobe for the boy, take the girl to a manicure, master classes on makeup and skin care. Get a trendy haircut.


The boy is eleven? Mysterious changes occur to the girls in his class - their figure, voice, and gait change. Something happens that represents the transition from everything that comes to mind when you hear the word “girl” to everything that an obedient imagination recreates when you hear the word “girl.” The boys don’t know this yet. Wise nature decreed that boys begin to turn into young men one and a half to two years later than.

How do boys change?

The first signs of puberty appear at age 11-12 years old. If their appearance is delayed for years until 14-15, this is not a pathology.

The biochemistry of puberty is not yet fully understood. Scientists consider the initial impulse in this complex process to be consistent release of special hormones first the hypothalamus, then the pituitary gland and finally the testes. The very first portions of androgen and testosterone produced by the testicles lead to the fact that the figure changes - muscle mass grows, the skeleton increases.

The genital organs themselves change noticeably. The testicles and penis grow in size. If in the last five years before the onset of puberty both the testicles and penis increase by only a few millimeters, reaching sizes of 2.8-3 cm (testicles) and 3.8-3.9 cm (penis at rest), then in two years after the start of maturation, the testicles grow to 3.6-3.8 cm, and the penis - up to 6.3-6.4 cm, and in the next two years the testicles grow to 4-4.1 cm, and the length of the penis reaches 6.7 -6.8 cm. These indicators, of course, are statistical averages; a spread of a few percent is insignificant.

They're starting grow hair, first on the pubic area, later under the armpits and finally on the face.

Quite often at this stage of maturation, the body and especially the face of a young man are covered with acne. Their abundance strongly depends on individual characteristics; some do not have them at all. In any case, a healthy lifestyle (cleanliness, proper nutrition, sports) is a mandatory requirement. If acne stubbornly “does not give up”, it is better to contact a specialist. By the end of puberty (by the age of 16-17), they will disappear on their own.

Boys going through puberty are growing rapidly. At the very beginning of the period, they grow by 10-12 centimeters and after two years by about the same amount.

At the age of fourteen, involuntary ejaculations begin to occur (most often in a dream) - pollutions. It must be borne in mind that the very first portion of sperm is quite suitable for fertilization. And if before the first wet dream it seemed too early for parents to talk to their child about where children come from, after this event it may be too late. There is no need to delay - it’s time to talk about male responsibility for the fate of a friend, and about parental responsibility for a child who may be born.

If the boy is already 12 and does not show any signs of the onset of puberty, there is no need to panic: maturation may be delayed for a year or two. The main thing here is to remember psychological side Problems. Boys often have a very hard time experiencing their developmental lag from their peers; they definitely need moral support.

If, nevertheless, by the age of 13-14 it becomes clear that the onset of puberty is delayed, it is better to turn to specialists - urologists, andrologists. In the early stages, these problems are much easier to treat.

Personal hygiene is serious

Careful adherence to personal hygiene rules becomes very important. Required daily shower with mandatory washing of the genital areas. Since the sweat and sebaceous glands are actively working in adolescents during puberty, the penis, especially the glans area, inguinal folds, perineum and anus area should be washed with soap daily.

Otherwise, there is a high probability of inflammation in the places listed above. Balanoposthitis is especially unpleasant - inflammation of the head of the penis and the adjacent surface of the foreskin. Sweat is actively released not only in the groin, but also in the armpits and feet. Boys at this age begin to smell unpleasant. In addition to daily hygiene, a young man needs to learn to use neutral deodorants.

Psychological aspects of maturation

The changes in the physical status of the young man described above are accompanied by serious changes in psychology. Characteristic for this age violent experiences- shyness about defects in appearance (for example, acne), or a remark made by a girl about the smell of sweat can develop into depression.

Teenagers either fall into despair and don’t want to see anyone, or cuddle up to their parents like little ones.

Wake up sexual desires, which the young man does not yet know how to cope with. In the media space, he looks for a figure that he would like to be like, usually a television or film star. Later, from the same media space, he chooses other figures for himself - objects of attraction of the opposite sex. From them, attention gradually switches to girls from the immediate environment - classmates, acquaintances.

Another psychological problem is the teenager’s awareness of his independence and, as a consequence, the struggle for freedom from parental care. Fathers and mothers are often not ready for protests and, fearing severity to bring the child to some extreme, they follow his lead. We must remember that stormy manifestations, as a rule, hide a desperate fear of responsibility before this very freedom.

The most sensible thing for parents is not to panic and calmly and balancedly discuss the situation with their child. The main thing is to let him know that he is considered an equal, adult partner and that they want the same balance from him. The scandal will first turn into a calm conversation, and then the parents will understand that they want good advice and protection from them.

Most parents face a problem. The transitional age in boys at the age of 12 most often enters its most active form.

How do you know if your child has problems for this reason? How to behave with him at this time?

Every child experiences growing up differently. Transition is an individual process. Its occurrence depends on heredity, nationality, and lifestyle. In boys, the first signs appear between the ages of 9 and 11 years. Adolescence ends at age 17.

Significant changes occur in the teenage body. Primary sexual characteristics become noticeable. The genitals increase in size, pubic fuzz appears. Hair begins to grow under the arms, and on other parts of the body it becomes more noticeable.

Some guys' shoulders become wider and their muscles grow.

They become curious about the intimate aspects of life.

At the age of 12 years, such changes are especially noticeable. The boy is growing quickly. In a year it can grow by 10-15 cm. The voice breaks, usually closer to 13. For about two years it can be either low or high. Gradually, the vocal cords thicken and speech sounds become low-pitched. The boy's voice turns into a man's. It is important to remember that loud screaming can tear ligaments. At the age of 12-13, a teenager develops an Adam's apple (Adam's apple).

Acne becomes an annoying manifestation. It happens to many people at this age. Acne can be on the face, chest, and back. You should explain to the teenager how to properly care for his skin and what cosmetics can be used. You should not squeeze acne, otherwise the inflammation will intensify and scars may remain. In serious cases, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

There is a hormonal change in the body. Because of this, headaches, nausea, and weakness may appear. The skeleton grows quickly, and other organ systems sometimes cannot keep up. Heart or muscle pain may occur. To exclude serious disturbances in the functioning of the body, it is better to consult a doctor.

Psychological changes in adolescent behavior

The child's behavior may change, often not for the better. An obedient son suddenly becomes uncontrollable and may throw a tantrum. Sometimes him. But we must remember that this is usually a response to aggression.

Some people, on the contrary, become withdrawn. The reason for this is unstable hormonal levels.

The boy develops his own views on life. He learns to build relationships with parents, peers, and adults in a new way.

Often a teenager thinks that no one understands him. He worries that something is wrong with him, that he is not like others, and that depression may occur. Sometimes such thoughts lead to tragic consequences. It happens that against the backdrop of such torment, a child comes to suicide. Unfortunately, committing suicide among some groups of teenagers has become a fashionable trend nowadays.

Many teenagers become hypersexual. They are attracted to materials of an erotic and even pornographic nature.

Boys of this age often engage in masturbation. Sometimes parents perceive this as a disaster. Don't swear, this is normal. A teenager may have involuntary ejaculation at night - a wet dream. Such manifestations may make him feel like a pervert.

Many guys of this age are not happy with their appearance.

Parents are the main helpers in a difficult period of a boy’s life

What should parents do? Who better than mom and dad to help their child overcome this difficult period in his life. It is important not to waste time and try to control the situation.

Psychologists have noticed that for children who lead a healthy and active lifestyle, adolescence does not cause serious problems.

Mom and dad should become friends for their son. Communicate with him more, know his friends.

You can remember yourself at his age about the physiological characteristics of the body with a teenager. Parents may “accidentally” leave some literature in a visible place that will help answer the child’s questions.

It is important to control where a teenager spends his free time. What social networks is he registered on, with whom and how does he communicate. Of course, one should not ostentatiously interfere in his personal life. You need to let the boy know that you trust him.

The teenager already considers himself more independent. However, he should not be allowed to go to bed late. A daily routine will help you cope with many physiological and psychological difficulties. Teenagers do not like instructions and moralizing. Therefore, everything must be done unobtrusively.

Let the child actively participate in the life of the family. Give him some responsibilities. Emphasize its importance when performing them.

Do not discuss your child in front of strangers, talk to him in private. Otherwise, he will not turn to you for advice.

A 12-year-old teenager needs male education. Nothing can replace communication with your father. His son follows his example. He should feel reliable support. It would be right if father and son do common things: go fishing, hike, repair something, etc.

Everything becomes more complicated if, or he is not involved in education. It can be difficult for a mother or grandmother to establish contact with a teenager. Year after year, difficulties can increase.