10 most influential people in the world. The powers that be: the most influential people in the world

The American magazine Forbes published the ranking of the most influential people in the world in 2018. TOP-3 were the leaders of the largest countries - China, Russia and the United States.

Of the 7.5 billion inhabitants of our planet, Forbes magazine named only one in every 100 million whose activities are most influential. The list includes the names of 74 people who determine the course of the economy and politics of the world. Vladimir Putin did not become the first in the rating.

The most influential people in the world in 2018 according to Forbes

1. Xi Jinping:

- President of the People's Republic of China, who by his own efforts changed the Constitution, expanded his own influence. He regained the most important post, acted as the author of reforms, and implemented the Chinese Dream program, which is valid until the end of 2049.

2. Vladimir Putin:

- the leader of Russia, who was the leader of the rating from 2013 to 2016 inclusive. He has been in the presidency for eighteen years. This year, Vladimir Putin was ranked second due to a scandalous incident - Russian interference in the US presidential election.

3. Donald Trump:

- American President. Although he owns a powerful army, and America's economy is powerful, the leader of the country still did not rise above the third position in the ranking. He also found himself at the center of a scandal involving hackers from Russia.

4. Angela Merkel:

- German chancellor, the only woman chancellor in her native country. She has been in her current position for thirteen years. At the same time, in the elections of the past year, her victory became as ambiguous as that of Donald Trump: 364 deputies out of 688 voted for Angela Merkel.

5. Jeff Bezos:

- Founded Amazon. This year, his fortune is more than $100 billion. Amazon is valued at $768 billion.

6. Pope Francis:

- a reformer who launched the process of changing the conservative foundations of the Catholic Church. In parallel with the presidents of other countries, he is trying to improve the living conditions of refugees, opposes climate change and the persecution of religious minorities.

7. Bill Gates:

- founded Microsoft, but today his share in it is no more than 1% of the shares. Now he is involved in charity work, and even created his own charitable foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with his wife.

8. Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud:

- is the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, led the anti-corruption campaign, thanks to which many rich people were arrested, and underpaid funds were returned to the treasury.

9. Narendra Modi:

- holds the post of prime minister in India, also intends to do everything to keep the climate the same.

10. Larry Page:

- founded the Google search engine exactly twenty years ago.

French leader Emmanuel Macron was in 12th place, Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook - in 13th place. Elon Musk was ranked 25th, Kim Jong-un - 36th, and Bashar Al Assad - 62nd.

The population of our planet is 7.5 billion people. But only a small percentage can boast of having influence on various processes taking place in the world. In this review, we will talk about the ten most influential people of our time.

10 Larry Page

Our review is opened by one of the creators of the Google search engine. It was Larry who came up with the search algorithm, which, with some modifications, is still used by the most popular search engine today. As the service grew into the most powerful company in the world, Page gained a lot of influence. At the moment, the state of this person is equal to 50 billion US dollars. Forbes magazine ranks Page's importance and influence in the world at number 5.

9. Narendra Modi

India is one of the most numerous countries in the world. And its leader, by definition, is one of the most powerful. Thanks to Modi, the Indian economy today has significant achievements. But the politician himself is credited with nationalistic views. He did not provide protection to Muslims during the 2002 pogroms and forbade officials to express themselves in one of India's main languages, English. Narendra Modi is loved and hated, but his influence in the world is undeniable.

8. Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud

The 31-year-old crown prince of Saudi Arabia, who serves as his country's defense minister, is considered the "Arab Trump". He has great popularity in his country and Western outlook on life. He makes frequent public appearances, gives television interviews, and has given women the right to drive. He maintains his Instagram, which is a great achievement for such a conservative country as Saudi Arabia. Prince Mohammed - the future ruler of the country, which is the main supplier of oil to the world, cannot but be one of the most influential people in the world. But its main mission is to create conditions in the country to "get off the oil needle." The economic program of Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud aims to achieve this by 2030.

7. Bill Gates

No ranking of influential people is complete without Microsoft founder Bill Gates. He is also in the top 10 richest people in the world. After selling shares in his former company, Gates plunged headlong into philanthropy. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations (together with his wife) address issues of infant mortality, increasing agricultural productivity, health care and education. Recently, the patron's views have become more conservative. He speaks negatively about some new technologies (for example, cryptocurrencies) and tries to reduce the negative impact of progress on the environment.

6. Pope Francis

The influence of Catholicism in the world is very high. And the head of the Vatican cannot but be on this list. Pope Francis is 81 today. He opposes abortion and euthanasia. Previously, he often speaks out against same-sex marriage, but has recently changed his position on this issue. Unlike its predecessors, it publishes financial records of the activities of the Vatican. Although the pontiff has health problems, Pope Francis radiates a force that inspires and encourages millions of people around the world to do good deeds.

5. Jeff Bezos

One of the richest people of our time. Jeff is the owner of the largest online store in the world, Amazon, owns The Washington Post, and is trying to solve the problem of private space flights. Bezos was raised by his mother's second husband, whom he respects very much and considers his family. And thanks to his grandfather, he traveled in a van most of the United States and Canada. From childhood, Jeff was fond of various designs and this was useful to him in the future. After developing his core business, Bezos' wealth grew to such a point that he was able to turn from a businessman into a philanthropist, which Jeff did. Today it is known that the creator of Amazon has spent more than $ 100 million on charity.

4. Angela Merkel

The Iron Lady of Germany has ruled the country since 2005. For all its ambiguity, the figure of this politician is very bright. It is believed that only Angela can fight back the influence of Russia in the West. Last year was very difficult for the former physical chemist. Britain left the European Union and left Germany to sponsor the negative economies of several countries. The issue of migrants is acute in Germany. But Merkel is trying to solve all the problems that have fallen on her as efficiently as possible.

3. Donald Trump

The 45th President of the United States only at first glance seems extravagant and ridiculous. This strong businessman and rather strong billionaire politician deftly manages his country and squeezes out dividends for the United States in a difficult world situation. Trump pulled his country out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership to create more jobs and resumed shale oil production. The main political achievements of the US president were the withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear program and the meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-in.

2. Xi Jinping

The second place in our ranking is occupied by Xi Jinping. He is the chairman of the People's Republic of China. From the first day of the rule of the most populous country in the world, this politician has been implementing reforms, the main goal of which is to eradicate corruption and improve economic performance in the country. The head of state enjoys great popularity among the people. Xi Jinping loves football, martial arts and Russian fiction. A wise and purposeful politician is leading China to new goals. Under his leadership, China's influence on the world only grows every year.

1. Vladimir Putin

Who do you consider the most worthy example and inspiration for yourself personally? Martin Luther King Jr., Yuri Gagarin, or maybe your grandfather? Our world has been forming for several millennia, and a lot of historical figures took part in this difficult process, who made their invaluable contribution to science, culture and many other spheres of life, both in their countries and all of humanity. It is very difficult and almost impossible to choose those whose influence was the most significant. However, the authors of this list still decided to try and collect in one publication the most inspiring personalities in the history of world civilizations. Some of them are known to everyone, others are not known to everyone, but they all have one thing in common - these people have changed our world for the better. From the Dalai Lama to Charles Darwin, here are 25 of the most outstanding personalities in history!

25. Charles Darwin

The famous British traveler, naturalist, geologist and biologist, Charles Darwin is best known for his theory, which changed the idea of ​​human nature and the development of the world in all its diversity. Darwin's theory of evolution and natural selection suggests that all kinds of living organisms, including humans, descended from common ancestors, and this concept shocked the entire scientific community at one time. Darwin published The Theory of Evolution, with some examples and evidence, in his revolutionary On the Origin of Species in 1859, and our world and the way we know it has changed a lot since then.

24. Tim Berners-Lee

Photo: Paul Clarke

Tim Berners-Lee is a British engineer, inventor and computer scientist, best known as the creator of the World Wide Web. He is sometimes called the "Father of the Internet" and it was Berners-Lee who developed the first hypertext web browser, web server, and web editor. The technologies of this outstanding scientist have spread worldwide and have forever changed the way information is generated and processed.

23. Nicholas Winton

Photo: cs:User:Li-sung

Nicholas Winton was a British philanthropist, and since the late 80s, he became known primarily for taking 669 Jewish children from the territory of Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia right on the eve of World War II. Winton moved all these children to British orphanages, and some of them even managed to be placed in families, which definitely saved them all from certain death in concentration camps or during the bombing. The philanthropist organized as many as 8 trains from Prague and also took the children out of Vienna, but with the help of other modes of transport. The Englishman never sought fame, and for 49 years he kept his heroic deed a secret. In 1988, Winton's wife found a notebook with records from 1939 and the addresses of the families who received the young rescuers. Since then, recognition, orders and awards have fallen upon him. Nicholas Winton died at the age of 106 in 2015.

22. Buddha Shakyamuni (Gautama Buddha)

Photo: Max Pixel

Also known as Siddhartha Gautama (from birth), Tathagata (come) or Bhagavan (blissful), Shakyamuni Buddha (the awakened sage of the Shakya family) was the spiritual leader and founder of Buddhism, one of the world's three leading religions. The Buddha was born in the 6th century BC into a royal family and lived in absolute isolation and luxury. When the prince matured, he left his family and all his possessions to plunge into self-discovery and seek to save humanity from suffering. After several years of meditation and contemplation, Gautama attained enlightenment and became a Buddha. Through his teachings, Shakyamuni Buddha influenced the lives of millions of people around the world.

21. Rosa Parks

Photo: wikimedia commons

Also known as the “First Lady of Civil Rights” and “the Mother of the Freedom Movement,” Rosa Parks was a true pioneer and founder of the black rights movement in Alabama in the 1950s, where there was still a strong racial segregation of citizens in those days. In 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, a courageous African-American woman and passionate civil rights activist, Rosa Parks, refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger, disobeying the driver's orders. Her rebellious act provoked other blacks into what was later nicknamed the legendary "Montgomery Bus Boycott." This boycott lasted 381 days and became one of the key events in the history of the black civil rights movement in the United States.

20. Henry Dunant

Photo: ICRC

A successful Swiss businessman and active public figure, Henri Dunant became the first person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901. During a business trip in 1859, Dunant faced the terrible aftermath of the Battle of Solferino (Solferino, Italy), where the troops of Napoleon, the Kingdom of Sardinia and the Austrian Empire clashed under the leadership of Franz Joseph I, and the battlefield was left to die almost 9 thousand wounded. In 1863, in response to the horrors of war and the brutality of the fight, the entrepreneur founded the well-known International Committee of the Red Cross. Adopted in 1864, the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded was also based on the ideas expressed by Henri Dunant.

19. Simon Bolivar

Photo: wikimedia commons

Also known as the Liberator (El Libertador), Simon Bolivar was an outstanding Venezuelan military and political leader who played a key role in the liberation from Spanish domination of as many as 6 countries of South and Central America - Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Panama. Bolivar was born into a wealthy aristocratic family, but he devoted most of his life to military campaigns and the struggle for the independence of the Spanish colonies in America. The country of Bolivia, by the way, was named after this hero and liberator.

18. Albert Einstein

Photo: wikimedia commons

Albert Einstein is one of the most respected and influential scientists of all time. This outstanding theoretical physicist, Nobel laureate and humanist public figure gave the world over 300 scientific papers on physics and about 150 books and articles on history, philosophy and other humanitarian areas. His whole life was full of interesting research, revolutionary ideas and theories, which later became fundamental for modern science. Einstein was best known for his theory of relativity, and thanks to this work he became one of the greatest personalities in the history of mankind. Even after almost a century, this Theory continues to influence the thinking of the modern scientific community, working on the creation of the Theory of Everything (or the Unified Field Theory).

17. Leonardo da Vinci

Photo: wikimedia commons

It is difficult to describe and list all the directions in which Leonardo da Vinci succeeded, a man who changed the whole world with his mere existence. Throughout his life, this Italian Renaissance genius managed to achieve unprecedented heights in painting, and in architecture, and in music, and in mathematics, and in anatomy, and in engineering, and in many other areas. Da Vinci is recognized as one of the most versatile and talented people who ever lived on our planet, and he is the author of such revolutionary inventions as the parachute, helicopter, tank and scissors.

16. Christopher Columbus

Photo: wikimedia commons

The famous Italian explorer, traveler and colonizer, Christopher Columbus was not the first European to sail to America (after all, the Vikings had been here before him). However, his voyages launched a whole era of the most outstanding discoveries, conquests and colonizations, which lasted for several more centuries after his death. Columbus' travels to the New World greatly influenced the development of the geography of those times, because at the beginning of the 15th century people still believed that the Earth was flat, and that there were no more lands beyond the Atlantic.

15 Martin Luther King Jr.

Photo: wikimedia commons

This is one of the most influential personalities of the 20th century. Martin Luther King Jr. is best known for his peaceful movement against discrimination, racial segregation and for the civil rights of black Americans, for which he even received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist preacher and vibrant speaker who inspired millions around the world to fight for democratic freedoms and their rights. He played a key role in promoting civil rights through peaceful protests based on the Christian faith and philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi.

14. Bill Gates

Photo: DFID – UK Department for International Development

The founder of the legendary multinational company Microsoft, Bill Gates was considered the richest man in the world for almost 20 years. More recently, however, Gates has become known primarily as a generous philanthropist, rather than for his success in business and the information technology market. At one time, Bill Gates stimulated the development of the personal computer market, making computers accessible to the most ordinary users, which is exactly what he was trying to achieve. Now he is passionate about the idea of ​​​​providing Internet access to the whole world. Gates also works on projects dedicated to combating global warming and combating gender discrimination.

William Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest writers and playwrights in the English language, and he has had a profound influence on a whole galaxy of writers, as well as on millions of readers around the world. In addition, Shakespeare introduced about 2,000 new words, most of which are still in use in modern English. With his work, the national poet of England has inspired a great many composers, artists and filmmakers from around the world.

12. Sigmund Freud

Photo: wikimedia commons

The Austrian neurologist and founder of the science of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud is famous precisely for his unique studies of the mysterious world of the human subconscious. With them, he forever changed the way we evaluate ourselves and the people around us. Freud's work influenced the psychology, sociology, medicine, art, and anthropology of the 20th century, and his therapeutic methods and theories in the field of psychoanalysis are still being studied and applied in practice.

11. Oskar Schindler

Photo: wikimedia commons

Oskar Schindler was a German entrepreneur, Nazi Party member, spy, womanizer and drinker. All this does not sound very attractive and certainly does not sound like a characterization of a real hero. However, contrary to all of the above, Schindler was on this list absolutely deservedly, because during the Holocaust and World War II, this man saved about 1,200 Jews, rescuing them from death camps to work in his plants and factories. The heroic story of Oskar Schindler has been described in many books and films, but the most famous adaptation was Steven Spielberg's 1993 film Schindler's List (Steven Spielberg, Schindler's List).

10. Mother Teresa

Photo: wikimedia commons

A Catholic nun and missionary, Mother Teresa devoted almost her entire life to serving the poor, the sick, the disabled, and orphans. She founded the charitable movement and the women's monastic congregation "Sisters of the Missionaries of Love" (Congregatio Sororum Missionarium Caritatis), which exists in almost all countries of the world (in 133 countries as of 2012). In 1979, Mother Teresa won the Nobel Peace Prize, and 19 years after her death (in 2016) she was canonized by Pope Francis himself.

9 Abraham Lincoln

Photo: wikimedia commons

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States and one of the most influential personalities in American history. Coming from a poor farming family, Lincoln fought for the reunification of the country during the Civil War between North and South, strengthened the federal government, modernized the American economy, but he earned a reputation as an outstanding historical figure primarily for his contribution to the development of a democratic society and the fight against slavery and oppression. the black population of the USA. The legacy of Abraham Lincoln still has a defining influence on the American people.

8 Stephen Hawking

Photo: Lwp Kommunikacio / flickr

Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous and respected scientists in the world, and he has made an invaluable contribution to the development of science (especially cosmology and theoretical physics). The work of this British researcher and ardent popularizer of science is also impressive because Hawking made almost all of his discoveries despite a rare and slowly progressing degenerative disease. The first signs of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis appeared in his student years, and now the great scientist is completely paralyzed. However, a severe illness and paralysis did not prevent Hawking from marrying twice, becoming the father of two sons, flying in zero gravity, writing many books, becoming one of the founders of quantum cosmology and the winner of a whole collection of prestigious awards, medals and orders.

7. Unknown rebel

Photo: HiMY SYeD / flickr

This conditional name refers to an unknown man who independently held back a column of tanks for half an hour during the protests on Tiananmen Square (Tiananmen, China) in 1989. In those days, hundreds of protesters, most of whom were ordinary students, were killed in clashes with the military. The identity and fate of the unknown rebel remain unknown, but this photograph has become an international symbol of courage and peaceful resistance.

6. Muhammad

Photo: wikimedia commons

Muhammad was born in 570 AD in the city of Mecca (Mecca, modern Saudi Arabia). He is considered a Muslim prophet and the founder of the Islamic religion. Being not only a preacher, but also a politician, Muhammad united all the Arab peoples of those times into a single Muslim empire that conquered most of the Arabian Peninsula. The author of the Qur'an started out with a few followers, but eventually his teachings and practices formed the basis of the Islamic religion, which has become the second most popular religion in the world today, with about 1.8 billion believers.

5. Dalai Lama XIV (The 14th Dalai Lama)

Photo: wikimedia commons

Dalai Lama XIV or at birth Lhamo Dhondrub (Lhamo Thondup) - Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1989 and a well-known preacher of the Buddhist philosophy of peace, professing respect for all life on Earth, and calling for the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. The former spiritual and political leader of Tibet in exile, the 14th Dalai Lama always tried to find a compromise and sought reconciliation with the Chinese authorities who invaded Tibet with territorial claims. In addition, Lhamo Dhondrub is a zealous supporter of the women's rights movement, interfaith dialogues and advocates for solving global environmental problems.

4. Princess Diana (Princess Diana)

Photo: Auguel

Also known as "Lady Dee" and "The People's Princess", Princess Diana has won millions of hearts around the world with her charitable work, hard work and sincerity. She devoted most of her short life to helping those in need from third world countries. The Queen of Human Hearts, as she was also called, founded the movement to end the production and use of anti-personnel mines, and was actively involved in the activities of several dozen humanitarian campaigns and non-profit organizations, including the Red Cross, Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital (London's Great Ormond Street Hospital) and AIDS research. Lady Dee died at the age of 36 from injuries sustained in a car accident.

3. Nelson Mandela

Photo: Library of the London School of Economics and Political Science

Nelson Mandela was a South African politician, philanthropist, revolutionary, reformer, passionate human rights activist during apartheid (racial segregation policy) and President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He had a profound influence on the history of South Africa and the world. For his beliefs, Mandela spent almost 27 years in prison, but he did not lose faith in the liberation of his people from the oppression of the authorities, and after his release from prison he achieved democratic elections, as a result of which he became the first black president of South Africa. His tireless work for the peaceful overthrow of the apartheid regime and for the establishment of democracy has inspired millions of people around the world. In 1993, Nelson Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize.

2. Jeanne d'Arc (Jeanne d "Arc)

Photo: wikimedia commons

Also known as the Maid of Orleans, Joan of Arc is the greatest heroine in French history and one of the most famous women in world history. Born into a poor farming family in 1412, she believed she had been chosen by God to lead France to victory in the Hundred Years' War with England. The girl died before the end of the war, but her courage, passion and devotion to her goal (especially during the siege of Orleans) caused a long-awaited moral upsurge and inspired the entire French army for the final victory in the protracted and seemingly hopeless confrontation with the British. Unfortunately, in the battle, the Maid of Orleans was captured by the enemies, was condemned by the Inquisition and burned at the stake at the age of 19.

1. Jesus Christ

Photo: wikimedia commons

Jesus Christ is the central figure of the Christian religion, and He has had such a strong influence on our world that He is often called the most influential and inspiring person in the history of mankind. Compassion, love for neighbors, sacrifice, humility, repentance and forgiveness, to which Jesus called in his sermons and personal example, were concepts that were absolutely opposite to the values ​​of ancient civilizations during His life on Earth. Nevertheless, today there are about 2.4 billion followers of His teachings and Christian faith in the world.

Last week, the British Guardian newspaper compiled a list of 30 "influential Muscovites under 30". The list was actively discussed, argued, resented. I myself still cannot understand what Edward Snowden or Isabel Magkoeva is doing there, how Ilya Yashin and others influence the minds of Muscovites. But journalists from the Guardian know better. All these personal ratings are complete nonsense, which is invented by journalists so that there is something to discuss in the smoking room.

I want to present to you the only important rating of those who really influence the minds of Russians. Those who form the agenda of tomorrow. Today, on the Day of Russia, I have prepared for you a rating of the most influential cats in the country!

1. Cat Dorotheus

The name of Dorofei, a favorite of Dmitry Medvedev, became known to everyone after rumors about his disappearance spread across the network in 2012. The journalists did their job, and even the Ministry of Internal Affairs had to refute the news about the disappearance of the cat. As a result, Dmitry Medvedev showed the cat on his Twitter and said that Dorofey had not gone anywhere.

Original photo of Dorotheus with the President and First Lady of the United States:

Prior to this, Dorofey got to the front pages of the media only once, when in 2008 he was seriously injured in a fight with Mikhail Gorbachev's cat. Then he was criticized by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, which recalled that "Zyuganov's cat Vasily, unlike Medvedev's Dorofey, always won in duels with rivals, never evading a collision."

Cat Zyuganov Vasily

Dorofey died last year, but Russia will not forget his merits. It was thanks to him that the whole country learned about the existence of the Neva Masquerade breed.

Now the cat Milka lives in the Medvedev family. The year before last, she gave birth to kittens, for which a huge line instantly lined up.

We cannot know exactly which bills Dorotheus put his paw to, but the story of the clock change is definitely his merit.

2. Cat Matroska

Cat Matroska became a star in December 2014, after she managed to sneak into the window of the Fish Island store at Vladivostok airport and eat delicacies worth 63,000 rubles.

She was saved from reprisals by the store's administration due to the popularity of the robbery video and the intervention of the Admiral hockey club, whose mascot she became. Matroska's act was justified by Gennady Onishchenko himself, the former head of Rospotrebnadzor. He stated that cats "have an instinct to eat protein."

Since then, the popularity of Matroska has only gained momentum, the cat even got herself Instagram.

Yuri Kuklachev offered Matroska a role in his performance, but she chose to shoot with Andrei Malakhov on Channel One.

The success of the hockey club "Admiral" now depends on the cat Matroska!

3. Martha the cat

Yes, Marta the cat immodestly takes third place in the ranking. I wanted to put it on the first, but the rating is objective.

Marta the cat is one of the most recognizable and popular cats in Russia. She has millions of readers. Marta is so famous that she was even found in the center of huge Moscow after she got lost.

Thanks to Martha, her children became famous on the Internet - Omsk And Ufa. The million-plus cities of the same name should be grateful to the kittens for the increased interest in them. Among other things, these kittens have become the most expensive yard kittens in Russia and, probably, in the world. Both were sold for 500,000 rubles.

Marta the cat influences the most popular blog in Russia. No post is published without her approval.

4. Cat Masha

The cat Masha from Obninsk also made headlines in Western newspapers, but for a completely different reason: she instinctively performed a heroic deed and saved a child from death, who was thrown right into the box where she lived. The cat kept him warm for several hours and called for help, meowing loudly. As a result, the child was not injured, and the cat Masha was loved all over the world.

5. Hermitage cats

Photo: http://bloha-v-svitere.livejournal.com/46482.html

Cats have served in the Hermitage since the time when it was still the main imperial palace of Russia, and not a museum. The status of "guards of art galleries" they got thanks to Catherine II. The Empress did not evict them from the palace, even though she herself did not like cats. Now cats still guard the museum cellars from rats and mice.

The cat detachment consists of 50 animals, the Hermitage gives the rest to good hands. Museum director Mikhail Piotrovsky believes that "cats are a legend of Hermitage life and an integral part of it."

Photo: http://www.sobaka.ru/city/city/15856

6. Polite cats

Two cats immediately became the heroes of photographs with "polite" people in the Crimea. One of them spawned a meme, on the basis of which even souvenir products are now produced.

The cat appeared on the chevrons of the militias:

The second cat was in the center of a no less famous frame.

It was used to create a monument to a "polite person" in the Amur Region.

The polite cat played a crucial role in the information war.

7. Cat Zarathustra

The fat ginger cat Zarathustra became popular thanks to his owner Svetlana Petrova, who, as part of the FatCatArt project, came up with the idea of ​​using his image in classic art scenes.

Creation of the cat

Happy end of the world!

Venus in furs

Cat Zarathustra helped the emergence of a new style in art!

8. Pink kitten

Lena Lenina's kitten has a very difficult fate. First, he had to live with Bari Alibasov, to whom Lenin's TP herself presented the animal. But the producer's sphinx behaved aggressively towards the new tenant, and Alibasov gave the kitten to his girlfriend. There, he also did not take root and eventually returned to Lenina's TP.

Last year, the writer decided to take him to a party where everyone was wearing pink, and pre-painted the animal pink. A wave of criticism immediately fell upon her, and Lenina hastened to assure subscribers that the paint was absolutely safe.

A few months later, some media wrote that the kitten died from intoxication. Lenin's TP itself claims that he is alive. She posted photos of a white and pink cat on Instagram and says that she is the same kitten. Like it or not, it is not clear, but for animal rights activists and ordinary animal lovers, Lenin's TP has become enemy No. 1.

Thanks to the kitten, the whole world was once again convinced that some people are fools.

9. Nicky is a cat that sits like a person

Nicky the cat became a star of the Internet because of his peculiarity: he loves to sit in human poses and stand in a "column" like a meerkat. On Instagram, he already has 123 thousand subscribers, and he was not deprived of the attention of the British media.

This is the most popular Russian cat on Instagram.

10. Cat, rear view

Few people suspected that Russian President Vladimir Putin loves not only dogs, but also cats. However, on September 1, 2013, the head of state visited a school in Kurgan, where he fully showed his love for cats and demonstrated excellent drawing techniques to children.

Now "Cat, rear view" is a significant media character in terms of information and, without a doubt, one of the most influential cats in Russia.

Jeff Bezos

Topping the list is the only entrepreneur whose personal fortune Forbes estimates at 12 figures. Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of e-commerce giant Amazon. His fortune today is $132.6 billion, most of which is backed by a 16% stake in Amazon, one of the most valuable companies in the world. Its market capitalization as of May 11 is $779.2 billion.

At the same time, over the past year, the company's shares have skyrocketed in price by 70%, making its founder the richest person on Earth, so he was able to squeeze out Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. In August, the entrepreneur began to actively go offline, buying the Whole Foods supermarket chain for $13.7 billion and opening classic bookstores. After that, the shares of the largest US retail chains - Walmart, Kroger and Target - lost up to 20% in a few days.

Investors feared that retail chains would repeat the fate of Amazon's former competitors. Interestingly, the main source of Bezos's profitability is not Internet commerce, but Amazon Web Services, a cloud-based service that brings in $1 billion a year, launched in 2004.

Larry Page

The head of the parent company of the world's largest search engine Google, Alphabet, Larry Page (a fortune of $ 51 billion, the 12th richest person according to Forbes) ranked second in the ranking of the most influential directors in the world. Together with his Stanford pal Sergey Brin, he founded Google in 1998.

They later co-invented PageRank, Google's most famous link ranking algorithm. The 45-year-old entrepreneur is also an investor in a project of self-piloted flying taxis called Kitty Hawk. It was recently tested in New Zealand. Today, in terms of its market capitalization, Alphabet is second only to Amazon and Apple - its price on the NASDAQ exchange as of May 11 is $ 753.9 billion.

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg has ceased to be the most influential entrepreneur, primarily because of the Cambridge Analytica scandal. In March, it was revealed that Facebook had shared data from several million users with the political consulting firm. Because of this, the capitalization of Facebook shares on the stock exchange fell by $134 billion. But Zuckerberg's widely publicized testimony in the US Congress reassured shareholders.

On Thursday, May 10, the price of the company's shares exceeded $185 per share. This is more than on Friday, March 16 - the last day preceding the disclosure of information about the leakage of user data. However, less than two months later, the shares won back their losses and, following the results of trading on May 10, Facebook's capitalization again reached the pre-crisis $537 billion. The fortune of the Facebook founder himself, who controls about 12% of the company, rose to $73.3 billion.

Warren Buffett

Not so long ago, Warren Buffett stepped down from the board of directors of Kraft Heinz, one of the world's largest food makers. However, the 87-year-old billionaire (whose fortune is $86.1 billion is the third in the world) does not intend to give up the reins of power in his investment company Berkshire Hathaway. In May, The Oracle of Omaha announced that Berkshire had bought 75 million shares of Apple, raising its stake in the tech giant to almost 5%.

The son of a four-time Nebraska congressional stockbroker, Warren Buffett bought his first stock at 11 and filed his first tax return at 13. Buffett has become a cult figure for those who want to learn because of his supposedly perfect investment sense. invest wisely.

Every year, the Glide Foundation organizes an auction for the right to dine with a billionaire. In 2016, an anonymous "billionaire investor fan" paid $3.4 million, setting a record.

Jamie Dimon

The most powerful person on Wall Street, Jamie Dimon, ranks 19th on the overall list of the most powerful people in the world, rounding out the top five in business. The CEO of JP Morgan, the largest bank in the US with more than $2 trillion in assets, recently announced that he would remain at the helm "for about another five years." He has a personal net worth of just over $1.3 billion. He began his financial career at age 26 with American Express and later helped transform Citigroup.

Dimon joined JP Morgan in 2004, soon leading the bank. His decision to rid the bank of $12 billion in subprime mortgages in 2006 prevented a crash in 2008. Dimon was one of the likely candidates for the post of Secretary of the Treasury in the Donald Trump cabinet, but the appointment never materialized.

The most powerful head of a non-US-based company is Jack Ma, CEO and founder of Alibaba, one of the world's largest online retailers. With a fortune of $41.6 billion, he is ranked 18th richest person on the planet according to Forbes. Similar to Amazon, Alibaba has achieved great success in the use of cloud technologies with the creation of Alibaba Cloud. The service allowed the company to earn extra money on top of its core business ventures. Investment in Singapore-based online retailer Lazada has become one of Alibaba's largest investments.

Since 2016, they have amounted to $4 billion, of which the company invested $2 billion at the beginning of 2018. Also in February 2018, it became known that Alibaba, together with state-owned CIH, would buy a 13% stake in Wanda Film, a motion picture production division, from Dalian Wanda Group. The deal is valued at $1.2 billion. Prior to that, in February 2015, Alibaba invested $590 million in smartphone maker Meizu, and in March 2015, $200 million in Snapchat.

Douglas McMillon

As president and CEO of WalMart, the world's largest private employer, Doug McMillon manages 2.3 million people. This number roughly corresponds to the number of soldiers in the Chinese army. The top manager is at the helm of the retail giant, whose owners, the children of the founder of the network, Sam Walton, are members of the richest clan in the United States. Their total fortune by mid-May reached about $119.3 billion.

After buying online retailer Jet.com in 2016, Wal-Mart announced its intention to compete with online giant Amazon. Under McMillon's leadership, WalMart launched Mobile Express Returns last year, increased the number of online pickup locations and is on track to automate a number of standard features in its stores, which have crossed 5,000.

Under the leadership of Tim Cook, who succeeded Apple founder Steve Jobs, the most valuable company in the world is purposefully moving towards a landmark trillion dollar valuation. For this, the company has only about $55 billion left. At the end of 2017, the company also continues to be the most profitable in the United States, its net profit is about $48 billion. However, the head of Apple himself is not included in the list of the richest people in the world.

According to the company's report for 2017, Tim Cook's remuneration was $102 million. The salaries and bonuses of the other five top managers of the company were $24.5 million each. Despite the not-too-successful sales of the latest iPhone X model, which began in November 2017 and costs $999 in the US (from 64,000 rubles in Yandex.Market), Cook claims that this is “the most innovative product on the market.” In April 2018, the Apple music app reached 40 million users.

Elon Musk

South African native Elon Musk is the most celebrated technological revolutionary of our time. The fortune of the owner of Tesla Motors and SpaceX is about $19.9 billion. The past year has traditionally been eventful for him. In February, SpaceX successfully launched the world's most powerful rocket, the Falcon Heavy.

As a marketing step, it was decided to use it to launch Musk's personal car, a red Tesla Roadster, into Earth's orbit. In 2017, commercial deliveries of the new Tesla Model 3 began at a starting price of $35,000. However, this did not help the company stop being unprofitable for the fifth quarter in a row. According to the results of January-March 2018, they reached a record $710 million. After the conference on Tesla's financial results, the company's shares fell by 4.5%. Probably trying to fight the negative market background, Elon Musk promised to open a candy factory designed to compete with Warren Buffett's See's Candies.

Ma Huateng

Closes the list of the richest man in Asia, Ma Huaten ($45.3 billion according to Forbes). The 46-year-old founder and CEO of Chinese internet giant Tencent Holdings is popularly known as Pony Ma. Over the past year, his company's shares have risen by almost 60%. This happened primarily due to online games and an increase in the income of the WeChat application, whose audience approached 1 billion people.

In November 2017, it became known that Tencent bought a 12% stake in Snap, the developer of the popular Snapchat app.