April 1, scenario development for adults. A party that prolongs life: preparing for a holiday of laughter for adults

For children it is very great importance. All schools must hold fun events dedicated to this holiday, and every boy and girl considers it their duty to organize a funny prank to amuse their friends, buddies and favorite teachers.

In particular, on April 1, schools often hold comic skits for children, which improve the children’s mood and charge them with positive energy for a long time.

Skits for April 1 for primary schoolchildren

As a rule, comic performances for schoolchildren junior classes parents prepare together with teachers. They are the ones who think through the scenario in advance, and also prepare the necessary costumes and attributes. The theme of such a skit, by and large, can be anything, but it must be connected with school life.

For example, you can act out a short performance about the relationship between a student and a teacher, or how one of them pranked the other on the occasion of the April 1st holiday. You can also make a funny play out of a routine medical examination, during which one of the guys tries with all his might to avoid vaccination, but in the end he fails.

When thinking through the scenario of such a scene, be careful. It is unacceptable to stage such performances during which one of the children can see their behavior “from the outside” and be seriously offended.

Skits for April 1 for high school students

Funny skits for April 1 can be staged not only for primary schoolchildren, but also for older children. In addition, teenagers are already taking part with great pleasure and interest in organizing the production, as well as creating the script and costumes.

You will only need to roughly think through the theme of the performance and distribute the necessary tasks among the children, and the boys and girls can easily do everything on their own. Such scenes often feature personal relationships between teenagers, final exams, as well as the future graduation from school and entry into adulthood.

In particular, you can open the show for children and their parents using the following skit called: “Where does a good mood come from?”:

Princess Nesmeyana: (crying)

Nanny 1: Nesmeyana Ivanovna, stop crying, I’ll give you some candy?

Princess Nesmeyana: (crying)

Nanny2: Nesmeyana Ivanovna, well, do you want me to do your homework all year long? foreign languages will I do? Just stop it.

Princess Nesmeyana: Leave me alone.

Princess Nesmeyana: Who ever said that fairy tales are fun - boring.

Nanny2: Maybe we can take a carriage ride?

Princess Nesmeyana: we rode. Boring!

Nanny1: Or maybe there’s a ball?

Princess Nesmeyana: Boring!

Nanny 2: Isn’t crying boring?!

Princess Nesmeyana: It’s not fun, and that’s why I’m crying even more. Do something.

(The king enters)

Tsar: (shows that he has a migraine from crying) So, I’m already tired of tears every day. Something needs to be done.

I announce it throughout the kingdom until Nesmeyana learns to have fun, take her out of a fairy tale.

Princess Nesmeyana: No, I want to stay in a fairy tale.

Tsar: Nannies, what do you say, can I leave the princess?

Nanny1: Maybe he can re-educate her?

Tsar: Thank you, we’ve already brought you up.

Nanny 2: Maybe you can put her in the corner?

Princess Nesmeyana: (shakes her head) No!

Tsar: I am against physical punishment, and the rights of the child...

Princess Nesmeyana: Maybe there is some medicine for boredom?

Tsar: you already tried the drug last time, then the rash was eliminated by the whole kingdom.

Princess Nesmeyana: Well, it’s not my fault that I’m bored.

Nanny 1: Father Tsar, they say it’s a holiday at school - April Fool’s Day - can we send her there?

Nanny 2: The princess will have fun and be among other children. Maybe they know the secret of how not to get bored?

Princess Nesmeyana: (shakes her head) Yes!

Tsar: Well, I won’t send the princess there, but you go and have a look and find out all the secrets. Otherwise, I myself will soon begin to roar like a beluga.

Princess Nesmeyana: Come on, quickly, while I look through a fashion magazine and cry. I don’t have such a dress, I don’t have such perfume….

Tsar: The treasury is empty, period. If you cry, it’s as if I’ll send you out of a fairy tale.

Next scene "Tips on how to win a beauty contest" can be staged to raise the good mood of schoolchildren and their parents, as well as teachers. Only one person reads the text, but each piece of advice is followed by a demonstration by another student:

  1. The first thing is the figure - you need to keep a tight rein on yourself, in other words, don’t eat anything.
  2. Show off your individuality with makeup.
  3. Mesmerizing gait.
  4. Cloth. Be as open as possible. (expose your shoulder by moving your sweater)
  5. Shoes should be elegant.
  6. In intellectual competitions, answer all questions briefly and clearly: yes, no, it’s not me.
  7. You must have good vocal abilities. But it is not recommended to perform Ramstain, Rasmus, Okean Elzy, etc.
  8. Don't wear too much or too heavy jewelry. Heavy earrings will pull down your ears and in old age they will be knee-deep.
  9. To win, you shouldn’t risk your health and do a lot plastic surgery to improve your appearance - better go to school, they will scare you there, and it will better than any suspender.
  10. When entering a modeling school, do not run after the director and ask, “Well, take me.” A girl should know her worth.

And one more scene "Our cases" can help you organize a fun school holiday:

Characters: teacher and student Petrov.

Teacher: Petrov, go to the board and write down short story which I will dictate to you.

The student goes to the board and prepares to write.

Teacher (dictates): “Dad and mom scolded Vova for bad behavior. Vova was silent guiltily, and then promised to improve.”

A student writes from dictation on the board.

Teacher: Great! Underline all the nouns in your story.

The student emphasizes the words: “dad”, “mom”, “Vova”, “behaviour”, “Vova”, “promise”.

Teacher: Ready? Determine which cases these nouns are in. Understood?

Student: Yes!

Teacher: Start!

Student: “Dad and Mom.” Who? What? Parents. This means the case is genitive.

Student: Scolded who, what? Vova. "Vova" is a name. This means the case is nominative.

Student: Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. This means that “behavior” has the instrumental case.

Student: Vova was silent guiltily. This means that here “Vova” has the accusative case.

Student: Well, the “promise”, of course, is dative case, since Vova gave it! That's all!

Teacher: Yes, the analysis turned out to be original! Bring me the diary, Petrov. I wonder what mark you would suggest you set for yourself?

Student: Which one? Of course, an A!

Teacher: So, an A? By the way, in what case did you name this word - “five”?

Student: In the prepositional form!

Teacher: In the prepositional form? Why?

Student: Well, I suggested it myself!

In addition, do not forget that the best performances are done impromptu. If the children have well-developed fantasy and imagination, they can easily come up with a funny dialogue and demonstrate it on stage in the form comic scene dedicated to the holiday.

Day of Laughter and Humor on April 1st is an occasion to prank your friends, have fun or find cool scenarios on April 1 and how to spend a humorous evening.

Scenario“There is no law for fools”

At the very beginning of the evening, it is necessary to announce to the guests that throughout the entire party there will be a competition for the best draw, and of course it would not be amiss to warn the guests in advance to prepare their draws in advance. And at the end of the evening, for the best joke, the winner is awarded an incentive prize, preferably if it is funny. After the announcement of the first competition, everyone is invited to the table, which also would not hurt to be decorated in an unusual form appropriate for the holiday. For example, if you place on the table, interspersed with normal food, inedible dishes or objects disguised as food. Nowadays, all kinds of dummies that at first glance look very similar to real dishes are increasingly appearing on sale.

Since April 1 is a holiday of laughter and fun, you can hold another competition throughout the evening - this is a competition for best joke. The winner of this competition also needs to prepare a funny gift.

During the feast, you can hold a competition of funny riddles.

After the feast, it's time to offer guests the real April Fool's entertainment. It will be better if you alternate pranks and games so that there is an effect of surprise.

Degree of sobriety

It's very simple and fun game to provoke guests. The host names various words, and the guests, in chorus, quickly and without hesitation, name the diminutive form of this word. For example:
Mommy mommy
Bulb lamp
goat goat
rose rose
Vodka water
Of course, “vodka” is correct, but for some reason in most cases already tipsy guests answer “vodka.” At this word, the presenter stops the game and announces to all participants the diagnosis: “increased bottleism.”

Traffic police draw

Three or four daredevils are invited to participate in the drawing and it is announced that they need to cover the distance in “state-of-the-art race cars.” Participants are given basins in which, on command, they must reach the finish line as quickly as possible. At the finish line there is a “traffic police inspector” (leader), who stops the fastest racer and asks him to present his documents. Naturally, there are no documents, then the inspector suggests breathing into a tube (balloon), and you have to breathe until the balloon bursts. Then the detainee is asked to go the distance, since the tube turned out to be damaged. Three or four empty bottles are placed in a line on the floor in front of the player, between which the player must pass. While the player is blindfolded, the assistants quickly remove the bottles. And amid cheerful laughter, the “offender” weaves across the floor. Well, the last test is to pronounce the tongue twister loudly and clearly: “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.” After the participant does this, announce to him that he is absolutely drunk, since he has not passed a single sobriety test. At the end of the competition, the participant is given a “liquid for reinforcement” as a consolation prize; this can be a bottle of wine or vodka.

Question: what is MPS?

Everyone is invited to participate. The participants sit in a circle and the leader informs them that each of them has an MPS and the task is to find it. Participants are required to ask leading questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no.” The game ends when someone is the first to guess what MPS is. And this is just “My Right Neighbor”.


One participant is invited for this drawing. The player is given a mirror, a marker and paper. He needs to connect ten dots on a sheet of paper, looking at the paper in its reflection in the mirror. In this case, the presenter writes down everything that the participant said. When the task is completed, the artist’s “speech” is read out to everyone present and it is announced that these are the words (participant’s name) said during his first wedding night.


At the height of the dance break, a gypsy bursts into the hall and invites everyone to tell fortunes by hand. Examples of comic predictions:
Various diseases await you, contagious diseases. And not because the lines are bad, but because the hands are dirty.
Wow, dear, I see everything, I know everything, in the morning you will run for beer, in the evening - for girls.
Oh, honey, a heavy blow awaits you! In the morning, when you step on the scale.
Oh, I see they’ll have their eyes on you, as well as your heart, lungs, and liver. And on top there is something long, thin... Ah, a herring!
You will sleep softly, dear, you will sleep sweetly... until the cake is pulled out from under you.
Ask to shake the cigarette ash into your palm and index finger Make as many circles with your hands as the fortuneteller is old. When the one to whom the fortune is told does this, carefully examine his palm: Wow, wow, what do I see... You will never make a good ashtray!

And in my pants... 2

Everyone can take part; everyone must tell their neighbor on the right the name of any film. The neighbor must remember him. And now everyone in the queue says: “And in my pants...” and calls the name of the film that his neighbor told him.

Catch, fish, catch!

This competition is for artistry, all interested men are invited and line up. Participants need to perform the actions that the presenter tells them. Meanwhile, the presenter begins to read the text:
You come to fish (participants pretend to be walking in place with fishing rods supposedly slung over their shoulders). You look around - wonderful places. You try the water – it’s cold. copyright — http://sc-pr.ru Okay, now you can unwind the fishing rods. You cast your fishing rods. But if you step from the shore onto a pebble, you can cast the fishing rod deeper, and the catch will be better. Everything is fine, but the water is getting higher and higher, it’s better to roll up your trouser legs so they don’t get wet. The water is getting higher, roll it even higher.
After this, you turn to the audience and announce: “And now a competition is being announced among our participants for the most beautiful legs!”


Prepare small pieces of paper in advance on which to write the name of one animal. Everyone is invited to participate in this competition, and papers are distributed to all of them. Participants need to read their paper in such a way that no one can see what is written there. So, the presenter announces that as soon as he names the name of the animal, the person who has this animal written on a piece of paper must quickly sit on the floor. The presenter begins a story about how he went to the zoo and who he saw there. When he comes to the name of the desired animal, he pronounces it loudly. The whole joke of the prank is that as soon as the name of the animal is pronounced, all the participants flop down on the floor in unison, because everyone has the same animal written on it.

And of course, funny prizes with surprises are appropriate on such a holiday. Here are examples of such prizes:
a small souvenir wrapped in a large number of boxes and wrapping paper.
a head of cabbage from which the stalk is cut, and a sheet of paper is inserted into the resulting void on which it is written: “So big, but you believe in fairy tales!”
beads made from candy.
mirror with the inscription: “it’s you.”
construction set - a box of matches and a glue stick.
realtor's manual - children's fairy tale “Teremok”.
for a beginning musician - a whistle.
a real man's set - a bottle of beer and a newspaper.

And remember, your task is to amuse your guests, not to laugh at them. Therefore, under no circumstances trust a touchy person to play the role of “victim” of a prank.

On this page you will find interesting jokes and competitions, as well as funny scenarios:

Razuvailova Natalya Ivanovna

This material will be useful to teacher-organizers.

The scenario is designed for the secondary school level.

It is better to hold a “funny newspaper” competition in advance.

Target: contribute to the unity of the children's team, improving the psychological climate within the children's group.

“You can live without food for a day,
You can do more, but sometimes...
Can't live without a joke
The most humorous jokes...”

A. Tvardovsky


Leading: On a spring day, on a wonderful day,

When drops ring from the roofs.

There is one wonderful holiday.

It starts in April.

Happy first day of April, clear,

Have fun from the heart

Open the door to a joke

Adults and kids.

We'll play today

Let's laugh then too

Along with the good drawing

Spring will come to visit us!

Tomorrow will be an unusual day. April 1 is a special holiday.As you know, this day is famous for cheerful deceptions and practical jokes, light-hearted jokes and laughter. But who knows how the tradition of celebrating April Fool's Day began?

(children's answers)

In Russia, April Fool's Day was introduced by Peter I. It seemed to Peter that in the mornings, and not only in the mornings, many of his contemporaries looked somehow gloomy, unable to speak smoothly among themselves, joke, or not be offended by jokes. April Fool's Day, Peter I decided, was the most suitable cure for this ineptitude. And on this first holiday of humor, everyone began to laugh.

We will start the holiday with the game “Say the Word.” Your task is to answer me in a timely manner either “girls” or “boys”. Let's agree, our girls will answer the word “girls”, and the boys will shout “boys”. Let's see how smart you all are!!

  • Dandelion wreaths in spring
    Of course, they only weave...
  • Bolts, screws, gears
    You will find it in your pocket...
  • Skates on the ice drew arrows,
    We played hockey in the morning...
  • We chatted for an hour without a break
    In colorful dresses...
  • Cowards are afraid of the dark
    All as one...
  • Silk, lace and ringed fingers,
    Going out for a walk...

Well done boys!!!

A joke is appreciated for good reason,

And doubly good.

More, more every year

Laughter, jokes every day.

And now the next competition! We need 2 teams of 4 people.

Competition "Sack Run"

You live in the world, not knowing grief,

Let everyone be jealous looking at you.

Be cheerful, be... happy!

A thousand, a thousand, a thousand times!

Competition "Show, don't tell"

Two participants receive a proverb, in which the word “laughter” must be present. They must depict the proverb with gestures and facial expressions so that the audience understands and voices it. Words cannot be spoken.

I wish you to have fun

You will achieve a lot in life.

Only a cheerful person

Always the luckiest of all!

And our guys have prepared a little surprise.

Dance “I am a VIP”

Now each of you will receive a message, and maybe a chance for a great career!!! Don't be shy, whoever has the roles written on the ticket, come out!!!

The presenter's assistant distributes pieces of paper; wishes and jokes are written on them, but several are breakdowns with characters.

Competition "Funny Fairy Tale"

The presenter invites 7 participants and gives them props: turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse. Each hero receives his own phrase, which he must pronounce upon hearing his fairy-tale hero.

Turnip: “Ugh, it’s hard!” Grandfather: “Here I am!” Grandma: “And I’m cheerful!” Granddaughter: “I’m not like that, he came himself!”, Bug: “Ugh, I’ll bite you.” Cat: “And I’m affectionate!” Mouse: “Come again!” The presenter tells the fairy tale “Turnip”, and the characters shout out phrases with different intonations. Spectators appreciate the humor and artistry of the participants.

In the meantime, our actors are preparing,

I have a game for you
I’ll read the poems to you now.
I'll start, you finish
Answer in unison:"And me too".

This morning I woke up early...
I washed my face with tap water...
Went for a walk...
I went to the zoo...
I saw a lioness there...
I saw a tigress there...
There was a baby elephant sitting in a cage...
He was as funny as a pig...
Who loves apples?...
Who loves pears?...
Who doesn't wash their ears?...

The actors are ready, let's see what they did!

Demonstration of “Humorous Newspapers”.

Competition “Spring has come!”

Two people participate, wearing warm ones over regular clothes.wide pants, a sweatshirt, wrap up a long scarf, a hat with earflaps, mittens and felt boots. A chair is placed at a distance of 4-5 meters from each player. At the leader’s signal, they run to him, take off one item of clothing, go back, touch the leader’s hand, run to the chair again, and so repeats until all outerwear will not be removed. Whoever completes the task faster wins.

"Sweeten your life"

Two teams of 5 people. Relay race, remove the candy with your teeth from a bowl of flour

"Collect autographs"

The competition requires 2 people. Their task while the music is playing is to collect signatures (names) from the audience; whoever gets the most wins.

The competition turned out to be difficult. Our assistants collected signatures for the following document. Please read what We are all committed to doing!

Guys, do you think that only a person can smile?

Watch the video “World of Smiles”

Look for a smile, appreciate a smile,

Give a smile to your friends.

Love a smile, keep a smile -

We cannot live without a smile!

Everyone sings V. Shainsky’s song “Smile”.

The holiday is over, the hour of parting has come,

They joked, played and kept us warm

Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.

Remember this merry April Fool's Day,

And we won't forget about you.

The holiday can also end with a tea party or an incendiary disco

At the very beginning of preparation for grand holiday fun and laughter, I want to ask you: please forget to invite people to the party who are absolutely “not friends” with humor. Even if they are very close people! April Fool's Day is not a formal holiday (like a corporate party), and not a family holiday (like a birthday), because you have every right to spend the evening in the circle of those people with whom you can laugh great and boisterously! After all, only such anti-stress “therapy” will really work! Well, now - I announce the countdown to the start of our preparatory April Fools' campaign: three, two, one... Let's go!


... the postcard with two faces in photo 2 is similar in style and manufacturing technique. Only one of them is cheerful, the other is sad. This card contains a warning: “Some of our jokes may upset you! But we truly love you! Therefore, don’t take everything so close to your heart!


Traditionally, laughter and good mood are associated with a laughing face, a jester in a snuffbox, or a piece of pie. Why not invite friends to your party of healthy fun with postcards with such generally accepted symbols? In addition, making such invitations yourself is not at all difficult!

Option 1. Smiley postcard

Do you really want to smile back at such a pretty girl?

To make a postcard you will need:

1 A4 sheet of white and yellow cardboard, half a sheet of black and pink colored paper;

Piece 20*10 cm vinyl wallpaper in yellow-pink-white tones;

Yellow finishing tape (60 cm);

Red finishing tape (25 cm);

Corrector pencil, glue, scissors, black marker.

Manufacturing sequence:

1. Fold a sheet of white cardboard in half. On front side We glue the postcards onto a prepared piece of structured vinyl wallpaper.

2. Separate the bottom strip of white cardboard from the main vinyl sheet with a yellow ribbon tied in a bow.

3. We cut out a circle with a diameter of 10 cm from yellow cardboard and glue it to the right half of the front part of the postcard.

4. Modeling a smiling face. From black colored paper we cut out a smile, pupils for the eyes, and eyelashes. With pink - rosy cheeks (circles with a diameter of 2.5 cm). With white - the whites of the eyes (circles with a diameter of 2 cm). We assemble the face and decorate the smiley with a red bow.

5. Using a corrector pencil, draw white dots on the yellow and red tapes.

6. Sign the postcard and send it to the recipient!

Option 2. Postcard - pie

Food (especially cakes, pies, and other baked goods) has a whole chapter devoted to April Fools' pranks! Therefore, I advise you to invite your friends to try a sunny, cheerful April Fool's cake, depicting it on an invitation card!

Materials for making a postcard:

Two sheets (standard format) of yellow cardboard, and 1 each of red, black and white;

One sheet each of green and red structured cardboard;

25 cm of red finishing tape;

Corrector pencil, black marker, hole punch, glue and scissors.

Manufacturing method and assembly sequence:

1. Fold the yellow cardstock in half and cut out two halves of the card in the shape of a flower with rounded edges.

2. Use a hole punch to make a hole at the top and tie the two parts of the card together with red ribbon.

3. From green cardboard (decorated with white small peas) we cut out a circle with a diameter of 10 cm and glue it to the center of the front part of the assembled flower.

4. We model the central figure of the postcard - a piece of pie. To do this: cut out a quadrangle from yellow cardboard (round the edges). On the rectangle we draw a happy face with lowered eyelashes (it is best to do this with a black marker). We cut out “cream” from red cardboard - one third of the rectangle in width and length equal to the length of the upper edge of the rectangle. We cut out “cream” from white paper, and a strawberry from red structured cardboard. We collect all the parts and glue them to the center of the green circle.

5. Using a white corrector, we draw dots on the tape and shade the strawberries and cream with a “seam”.

6. Using a black marker, draw a seam along the edges of the green circle and yellow flower- grounds. The postcard is ready to delight your friends with very promising anticipation!

Options for invitations to April Fools' Day

If you don’t have the time (or talent) to make your own invitations, we can offer several fun options that are easy to find on sale. For example, very often I had to see “piglets” with April Fool’s fools.

Invitation forms of a very simple but original format can be found on the Internet. Well, the hit of the April Fools' season for you and your friends can be cheerful crayfish taking a hot foam bath.

However, there is another fresh idea. You can also invite someone to an April Fool's party with a Christmas card, which is quite likely lying somewhere in the back of your closet. Such a joke will also be perceived by friends with good feeling humor to “Hurray!”

And a few words about the text of the invitation:

"Expensive _________! You've probably heard that real humor and sincere laughter have a positive effect

on heart health and the general condition of the body. In this regard, we invite you to join us in


By the first of April, the decor should be both specific and functional. Specific because its elements are absolutely exclusive, and they can only be used on April Fool’s Day. Well, a functional one is one that in itself is already a kind of fun, or can be used as part of one of the pranks.

The entrance to your holiday, which prolongs life, should definitely be decorated with smiling faces like these. Let these cheerful air balloons will set your guests in the mood you need, in a major way.

Orange signs and plastic safety barrels

This April Fool's decor idea will surely interest extreme comedians. To implement it, all you need to do is knock over a bucket of cement at the entrance to your house and put up road barriers warning about repair work in this zone. And also - install a sign: “Bypass”, pointing to a blank wall. 10 minutes of a cheerful “aperitif” before tasting the main portion of laughter, your guests and you yourself are simply guaranteed!

Posters of famous clowns and comedians

April Fool's Day- the best reason to honor the memory and pay tribute to people who for many years made millions of compatriots laugh until they cried. Decorate your home with photos and posters with portraits of those comedians whose jokes always lift your spirits!

Fun sofa cushions

Why not scatter soft chickens throughout the house from a well-known and beloved computer game? Let them sit on cabinets, on sofas, on tables, and even “nest” on the floor. Firstly, such decor perfectly conveys the atmosphere of April Fool's Day, and secondly, multi-colored chickens can be used as an instrument for one of the games in the entertainment program.

Masks for April 1

Masks will help diversify the lyrical atmosphere created by a photo in the style of “nostalgia”. Decorate the walls with totems with cheerful and bright faces, and you are guaranteed many reasons for funny ideas and improvisations!

Giant spiders and rubber snakes

And under the funny ones sofa cushions you can hide such cute surprises for slightly tipsy and relaxed friends. Imagine, a guest sits down on the sofa with a smile, reaches out his hand to adjust the pillow, and from under it crawls out... a very cute snake, looking like a real steppe viper! Ah-ah-ah! April Fool's Prank was a great success!

Paper fish - collection of fools

By the way, about one more preparatory moment for entertainment program. All your achievements on the basis of friendly scams and practical jokes must be recorded. According to a tradition that has existed for many years, a person who perceived a joke as the pure truth had a paper fish glued to his back or sleeve - a symbol of excessive gullibility (or the dexterity of the joker). Why don't you take advantage of old symbols? And at the end of the evening - count how many successful jokes took place on this first of April? And who turned out to be the biggest April Fool? Cut out fish-shaped stickers from colorful sticky notes and hand them out to your guests. Let them hunt and be creative!

Wine stains

“Adorn” your holiday rug with a chic ink, wine or gravy stain. Your guests will have a lot of fun seeing such a marvel in the middle of your luxurious, always perfectly tidy living room. Spot... Isn’t it a very original, exclusively April Fool’s decoration element?


The stupidest outfits on this day will look like a brand, like the latest fashion! Invite guests to come to the party in completely incompatible wardrobe items, or even in dresses turned inside out. Anything that looks very funny and absolutely ridiculous is welcome! For example, a girl dressed in a military style and with a glamorous look will look very original on the first of April. bright flower on the forearm.

And guys can wear plush overalls, recreating the same computer-generated, stupidest chickens in the world who declared war on pigs.

If you have time to think April Fool's Day you don’t have an image at all, you can come to a party in a children’s dress with bright polka dots, covering your hair with a large and curly clown wig. And the face can be embellished with a huge plastic nose, glasses and a mustache.

Do you know what the main beauty of planning an April Fool's party for adults is? The fact is that it is almost impossible to “overdo it” with jewelry, outfits and other paraphernalia! And there is no need to combine all the decorative elements in style! After all, absurdity is the main trump card of the quality of your author's April Fool's Day! Appreciate it! And hurry up to arrange a holiday - mega anti-stress!


Host: Good evening, our beloved irresistible guests! We are very glad that you came to our cafe to celebrate the holiday and just sit in a group surrounded by interesting people and in a good holiday mood. But, unfortunately, we have to disappoint you: the event is postponed, or rather, it all depends on you and me! Did this have to happen today? My co-host was unable to get to our cafe on time due to a strange illness unknown to medicine. She convinced herself that she was a Princess, and besides, a non-laughing one! And now she’s been crying for 5 hours straight! What to do? I can't imagine...

But we have to accept her for who she really is. I propose not to succumb to this terrible temptation - the disease of “boredom” - and take the first drop of the elixir of laughter and vigor, humor and good mood, which our wonderful assistants will treat everyone present in the hall.

So, so as not to infect yourself
The disease of "boring"
Draw something here
You'll have to clean it up.

Just a joke, of course. What would it be like today without good jokes?!

I want to immediately warn you to tune in to the most humorous wave that is about to overwhelm our cafe with fervent laughter! So that our acquaintance does not drag on and you immediately understand why everyone has gathered here, I hasten to inform you that on the Day of Humor and Laughter we opened a night humor cafe.

To operate our fun, cozy and quirky establishment, we are looking for talented, humorous staff to be found among you. The first position on the list is a super humorous administrator. As you know, an administrator must have a good sense of humor, erudition and intuition, and the main thing that is valued in a real administrator is improvisation. Everyone sitting at the table must use their imagination and complete the first task. Imagine that you, sitting at the first table, are walking through the desert. It’s hot, the sun is hot, there’s drought, a mirage showed you a jug of water. Your actions?

Host: We sorted out the mirage and the jug, and not bad at all. We walked further and suddenly, in the middle of the desert, a wall appeared right in front of us. Your actions?

(Each table shows its own humorous sketch on this topic.)

(Each table shows its own humorous sketch on this topic.) Host: And here, finally, is the sea. Beach, beautiful girls, muscular guys, seagulls screaming. Your actions? (Each table shows its own humorous sketch on this topic.)

Host: Now, let's sum up the results of our qualifying round. With your applause, we will determine the best miniature and find out the name of the winner, whom we will appoint as the administrator of the humor cafe.

(The winner is determined by applause. Award ceremony. The winner is awarded the “Humor Cafe Administrator” medal.)

Host: Yes, young people are proactive! Still, I think it’s high time my co-host came. Where is she? It’s not clear... Okay, we’ll wait! And we continue to recruit staff at the humor cafe. Please tell me who is next to the administrator in the cafe career ladder? Yes, of course, waiters! It is known that the waiter is very busy, he never has enough hands for anything. That is why he must have extraordinary abilities. Which ones, you ask? And I will answer you - with dexterity, dexterity and intelligence!

We are starting the second qualifying round. Assignment for participants at the tables: please demonstrate to us the behavior of a waiter in the following situations:
- the waiter brings the dish to the table, they thank him and give him a tip;
- the waiter brings the dish to the table, accidentally drops the dish on the head of a cafe visitor;
- the waiter brings the dish to the table, the cafe visitor trips the waiter.

You need to show a mini-scene with humor and laughter!

(Each table shows its own humorous sketch on this topic.)

Presenter: I was just informed that our princess herself, Nesmeyana, arrived to please us on the Day of Laughter and Humor. Meet dear friends!

(The Princess comes on stage in a miniskirt, a top, and with a dance pole in her hands.)

Oh, I'm a miserable wretch,
My situation is critical!
I sobbed, gentlemen,
There are two buckets along the streams.
They say the king's daughter,
Everything is crying day and night.

Oh, Lord, where does so much water come from in me? Ah-ah-ah! It is Ivan Tsarevich who is to blame for everything! He says: drink Sprite - don’t let yourself dry out! So I’m not drying out! And my kingdom is all wet! Oh, fool, I'm a fool!

Presenter: Hello! And I’m Alexander, nice to meet you!

(The princess looks at the presenter with a contemptuous look and begins to sing a song.)

Nesmeyana's song (to the tune of “Help Me” from the film “The Diamond Arm”)

The cafe lights are burning furtively
Dawn's brightness,
And the whole image creates an interesting atmosphere.
And I was in a hurry to visit you -
To all friends, gentlemen,
To stay at the establishment with you overnight here.

Make me laugh, make me laugh,
Tell me a joke.
Show me, hold me close,
Let me chew a sandwich.

Maybe I'll stop crying,
Give me, perhaps, half a banana.
Can I have a glass of wine?
I need to drink to the bottom here.

I'm on stage - it's a miracle
How fabulously beautiful I am.
And clothes and perfume,
Don't end up in the hold overnight.

True, the chests are empty
Fathers of our Tsar,
Yes, and 33 heroes
They wanted to marry me.

I got tired of everything quickly!
Vanka was wooing
I don't want to go that way.

The overseas Shah came,
Flew away instantly on balloons
Just saw me...
Oh, the Tsar Father offended....

A-A-A! He gave birth to me like this
So I’m crying, it’s all in vain.
Someone would make me laugh
I would put you on a horse!

I wouldn't resist -
Alone for three decades.
Hey, Leader, where is the decree?
I'll punish you now!

Well, better yet, on the Feast of Laughter
I'll make it fun!
And you, guests, join in,
Better get creative.

After all, today is the Day of all the tricky things. A-A-A!
I forgot! I forgot!
I can't, I can't!
Raise your leg on the pole
Oh, I'm crying, make me laugh,
Maybe you can make some noise?

Yes, is it quiet here?! It seems like the evening is just great! I invite guests to help our crybaby-vaxxer! Oh, what am I saying? Let our dear beauty Nesmeyana laugh! And for this we need to make some noise together, in unison. Moreover, there are no musicians on the staff of our humor cafe. It's time to radically change the situation. Noise band, get ready!

(The presenter distributes instruments for the noise orchestra to everyone (a judge's whistle, wooden spoons, a saucepan with a ladle, a tambourine, a drum. Each musician will perform according to Nesmeyana's gesture signal. When all the details have been discussed, the phonogram of Elena Kukarskaya's song “Little by Little!”, noise the orchestra starts working.)

Nesmeyana: How cool! Great, great! Ha ha ha!

Host: Well, Nesmeyana, now I think you will always be in a good mood and always smile!

Nesmeyana: I’m not Nesmeyana now! I am now the wonderful Elena, your co-host. Have you forgotten? And you're right. By the way, about the smile. You shouldn’t assume that a smile is just that - he smiled, they say, it blurred and that’s it. No, friends, the matter is much more interesting. Laughter increases hemoglobin. Yes, you can imagine. If it goes up, it means it’s good for him and for us. It’s nothing to us, he smiled and that’s it, but he was pleased!

Host: So, a free humor zone is being introduced in our humor cafe.

Nesmeyana: Let's joke and laugh, and the most playful guest of the cafe at the end of the evening will be awarded the Order of the Smile “Damn!” and a bonus of 22 kisses from the girls present here.

Host: Let's start our evening! Fun and fun! As few tears as possible, as much laughter as possible! I think that these words will become the motto of our unusual April Fool's program. We begin our immediate responsibilities - the responsibilities of presenters.

Nesmeyana: Yes, we completely forgot about the main thing executive cafe, in order to protect me, to maintain order in our establishment, I want to invite the most courageous, persistent representatives of the stronger sex to the stage. You probably all really love fishing. Imagine yourself in such a situation, beat it. You have cast your fishing rod and are sitting on the shore, waiting for a bite. Suddenly I got hooked on you big fish. You pull the fishing rod, it doesn’t budge. You decide to go into the water, roll up your pants. You go further and further into the river. So the fish got loose and swam away. But you were satisfied, because you just now became participants in the review - a competition for the most beautiful male legs! Girls, based on your reaction and applause, we will determine the winner of the competition, the owner of the most beautiful male legs!

(Selection of applicants.)

Host: I still propose to choose one of the very best for the most masculine position in our cafe.

Nesmeyana: Which one is it? Interesting! Was it a bouncer?

Host: Considering your external data, I want to offer you a great role - the role of a boyfriend, the symbol of our cafe.

Host: But we have two candidates for one place! We will choose the best of the best.


The participants’ task is to carry the girl in their arms, overcoming an obstacle course: peas, a basin of water scattered on the floor, etc.

Nesmeyana: Listen, this is what they wrote in the latest issue of one of the newspapers: “The palms slowly move from the chest to the back, from the spine go down to the waist, from the waist move to the stomach, from the stomach to the hips and further, further...”

Host: Listen, what are you reading?

Nesmeyana: What? Instructions for customs inspection. Well, let’s arrange a search for our guests, just as gentle and pleasant. The girls look for clothespins on the guys' clothes, then change places and do all this with their eyes closed.

Host: Friends! On April Fool's Day, we held a public viewing of such human qualities like resourcefulness, wit, the ability to laugh at oneself. And so that April 1st Day gives a charge of vigor and joy, let's take care of the most serious, the most important thing - laughter.

Nesmeyana: In a word, laugh heartily not only once a year! Happy holiday of laughter and humor!

(The evening continues with a disco.)